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  1. 11 months ago

    I never liked Ricard's much, Velka's for me
    Also Elite Knight > Knight, but only by a bit

    • 11 months ago

      Two handing dex weapons always looked brain damaged, so Ricard's flurry was much cooler.
      it was shit in dark souls because everything in pve and pvp would just poise tank the flurry and kill you, but it was much stronger in later games where poise tanking wasn't as easy.

  2. 11 months ago

    Love this game, makes me sad that both DSII and DSIII failed to capture the feel of this game.

  3. 11 months ago

    That little church area where Rhea ends up is my favorite spot in the game
    I love just standing there and basking in the soulfulness of it all

    • 11 months ago

      I hate enemies respawn there. I wanted a nice quiet church for me and my love Rhea. I hate that she has a "questline" as well - where you buy all her miracles and she is kidnapped and goes hollow and you have to kill her. I love her so much and she's so pure and wholesome. Why can't I give her the bonfire thingie she was questing for? She'd put it to better use than me. Imagine if she showed up minus her guards, and actually succeeded? Thye clearly sent her and other undead to die on fool's errands they didn't think would work.

      • 11 months ago

        She got tricked by Patches which means she probably isn't as pure as you claim, seeing how easily she was blinded by the promise of earthly riches

      • 11 months ago

        She got tricked by Patches which means she probably isn't as pure as you claim, seeing how easily she was blinded by the promise of earthly riches

        Patches just says whatever they want to hear to trick them into going down there. Rhea and her group are after that bonfire upgrade that Nito has, which the mask guy stole. I would gladly give it to her if the game allowed it to give her a happy end to her questline.

        ...but a point of the setting is clearly that she and the other undead are doomed if you don't hurry your ass up to light the first flame.

  4. 11 months ago

    >attempt to do cool fencing backstep against player with my pointy toothpick
    >they don't react at all
    >circle around me
    >instant backstab for 1800 damage with big grug club

    • 11 months ago

      That's what you get for RPing as a limp wristed homo

    • 11 months ago

      you're supposed to counterstrafe them attempting the poisestab, backstab cancel, roll the backstab damage ticks then parry chain BS the end of their animation
      come on anon it's easy

      • 11 months ago

        pivotstabs > poisestabs
        also shotel op

        • 11 months ago

          reverse roll > all
          also dead angles OP

      • 11 months ago

        >see filename
        >go check his channel to confirm
        >mfw you weren't lying
        god bless him

      • 11 months ago

        it's actually crazy how deep the pvp is in this game

  5. 11 months ago

    Yeah, I need lightning spear and astora straight sword

    • 11 months ago

      > Go farm souls for Artorias Crest
      > Join cat Covenant
      > covenant now friendly, talk to samurai bro of the East
      > This moves him to Blightown
      > Use master key to enter from Valley, this is optimal as he's right at the bottom and not near the Depths entrance
      > Go down and find him, buy Demon Spear
      > Go to Snuggly asap
      > Dung pie & Prism Stone = Demon Titanite x2

  6. 11 months ago


    frick you adhd zoomer

    • 11 months ago


  7. 11 months ago

    Fug. Other than some shininess, 2D treees, and low res textures, it's god damn GOOD looking. Why can't games look this good anymore? Everything has this grey haze and fog to it.

    • 11 months ago

      I often wonder what a proper remake would look like with the decade and a half of tech progression (and realistically by the time a remake happened it'd be two-two and a half decades) to fix some of the 'shortcut' methods you'd see with sixth-seventh gen 3D games attempting to look better graphically. But then I think about how Bluepoint's DeS remake is just fog central and decide otherwise.
      Something that I think is really underappreciated about DaS1 visually is the colour grading and how it affects lighting on characters and enemies. It really gives it a nice touch.


      I wouldn't be opposed to better reactiveness from enemy AI but I hate how the games have sped up thanks to Bloodborne's success. It feels so nice to clank clank around, dodge a super impactful looking meaty swing from a big bastard and smack him on the head without any spinny flippy anime bullshit.

    • 11 months ago

      Fromsoft had the moronic idea that in all their games after ds1 everything has to look Grey because the world is dying or some other bullshit.

      • 11 months ago

        Sekino and Elden Bling aren't grey though, only haBB and DaS2/3 are

  8. 11 months ago

    Yeah some engaging gameplay would be nice.

  9. 11 months ago


    I dunno man, the slowness of the first DS made it both movement and combat feel more impactful. Slashing enemies in DS3 makes it feel like cutting butter.

  10. 11 months ago

    DS3 is the best
    DS1 is too slow and clunky. also has fricked up hitboxes
    seethe, cope etc. you know i'm right

    • 11 months ago

      I like the slower combat in the older games because it allows you to fatroll through the whole game if you want to. I'm sure some madman has done it but fatrolling through DS3 sounds like pure torture

      • 11 months ago

        I did NG+ in Dark Souls 3 in the Smough set, with the hammer. Fatrolled always. I did it in co-op with a buddy who was doing an Ornstein run though.

    • 11 months ago

      >"DS1 is too slow"
      >moronic opinion
      >jojo pic

      every time

  11. 11 months ago



    >i die 50 times to a boss and have to have to learn new reflexes just like in martial arts to survive their bullshit spammy attacks because im an adhd zoom zoom
    cool story adhd zoomzoom

  12. 11 months ago


    speeding up shit is a cheap, stupid way to make a game more difficult. It's like copy pasting monsters in an area or making you fight the same boss but this time he has 5 other clones

  13. 11 months ago


    The mistake was assuming they needed to keep making the games more difficult over time. Other game series don't do this, but Bandai Namco forced it on FromSoftware with their "prepare to die" marketing

  14. 11 months ago


    ai that learns and counters, changing strategies both short term and long term. And you shouldn't have bullshit skills that are sped up and anime-y so that you HAVE to die a few times until you learn some new reflexes. It reminds me of martial arts. IRL you can't fight someone who knows martial arts because you'd be too slow. He relies on reflexes he's practiced for 1000s of hours while you have to THINK and ACT. This stupid game shouldn't rely on reflexes because I want to play a game, I don't want to learn a new skill. You can make games that are more like DS1, where dying is good but optional and you can, by being cautious and smart, avoid dying and win on the first try

  15. 11 months ago

    >not PTDE
    You have no place to speak, whelp

  16. 11 months ago

    Yeah, a good weapon would be nice

  17. 11 months ago


    >How would you make the game more difficult?

    The direction Demon's and Dark souls was going was to have each boss fight be its own unique thing with a unique room. Then players whined and b***hed, and now every boss is just a big flat arena with a fast attacking boss.

    Capra demon is a GOOD boss because he's tough because of his small arena, but a bit of thought counters him hard. Some poise, a shield, and he's nothing.

    And speaking of, you were not meant to just use one "build" the entire game, but to use tools around you as is. The Moonlight butterfly rewards long range players, but harms short range melee only fighters. Because most players are SUPPOSED to have some long range options.

    • 11 months ago

      >Some poise, a shield, and he's nothing.

      Yeah, dude, just like follow a video guide on your first playthrough so you know about poise and find all the right items! So easy!

      • 11 months ago

        >Yeah, dude, just like follow a video guide

        Literally just buy the armor from the first vendor? The undead merchant sells the Chain set and a few shields. The undead warrior shield drops and is pretty solid too. The first merchant gives you all the tools to face off against first half of the game's bosses easily, and Andre gives you the rest.

        Also, this is partly game design malfeasance, but the "beginner" blacksmiht is the magic guy down below but he's VERY easy to miss. You're supposed to have like +1 or +2 equipment by the time you get to andre but most new players think Andre is the first merchant rather than the 2nd Advanced blacksmith (same design as Demon's Souls). A few quirky game design choices made the early game harder than intended.

        I actually want to do a NG+7 fresh playthrough where I do nothing but run low-mid tier equipment. Chain set, undead warrior set, that Roman helmet to top it off. Bastard Sword, hammer pick, and some miracles to top it off.

        • 11 months ago

          I wouldn't say Rickert is really meant to be the beginner blacksmith. Yeah, you can access him earlier, but titanite is that uncommon without humanity from the early hollows that you probably won't get any until you're in the Parish, at which point you might as well just push through and be able to get +5 straight away.
          If anything I would say he's more intended to be the starter sorcerer vendor. Sells you basic arrows and a staff for cheap, and he retains a bit of value later if you want a magic weapon instead of using the myriad of buffs and innate INT-scaling weapons that the later game gives you.

          • 11 months ago

            >I wouldn't say Rickert is really meant to be the beginner blacksmith. Yeah, you can access him earlier, but titanite is that uncommon without humanity from the early hollows that you probably

            He upgrades up to +5 and enemies are dropping Titanite left and right. The game is sort of expecting you to have a +2 weapon by the time you meet Andre. If anyone has problems they can just go back and upgrade. BUT it's out of the way, so many players aren't aware that the game has an early-game difficulty bar to make it easier (buffing weapons) and just struggle until they hit Andre.

            >If anything I would say he's more intended to be the starter sorcerer vendor.

            I mean, he's also that. They just merged the two roles into one. Demon's only had two blacksmiths, and Dark Souls has like 5 so they specialized them.

            • 11 months ago

              I wouldn't call Titanite that common. You might get a couple of shards at best between the middle of the Burg (where the hollow soldiers start being the most common enemy) and the Parish. I agree that it wouldn't be a bad idea for people to backtrack, mind, just that I think it isn't really that much the focus of Rickert's existence.
              I guess you could argue that a player that finds him when exploring around Firelink might think to do that, but Andre is early enough that I think people will push on and find him well before they start noticing their weapon is getting a bit weak against the enemies of the Parish.

              • 11 months ago

                >I wouldn't call Titanite that common. You might get a couple of shards at best between the middle of the Burg (where the hollow soldiers start being the most common enemy) and the Parish.

                Yes, and that's all you need to upgrade to +1 or +2 if you're having trouble. The issue is that Rickert is not only out of the way, he's also easy to miss since he's down some stairs that don't read well. They should have put Rickert in Firelink and I think people would have not only spotted him but had a better time early game.

                I would say for a completely new player, the drive to Andre is one of the hardest parts to do on a clean new playthrough. It was only much later I discovered Rickert.

      • 11 months ago

        You should literally go:
        >wow I got bumfricked there. I should get some better armor
        >use some that you bought + hollow warrior set

        Why do you think the first area drops a perfectly fine metal but low tier armor set for you? It's to guide you. Same reason they drop titanite shards.

    • 11 months ago

      >harms short range melee only fighters
      I just dodge the shiny shit and then bonk it with my giant sword when it comes down to refuel

      • 11 months ago

        I know, they obviously can' make it unwinnable. Just that the fight is much longer for melee only which is why gamers WHINED about it. Thus we never got a fight like that again. The whole sequels streamlined everything to be ROLL SOULS.

        • 11 months ago

          yeah, I see where you're coming from

          I would be annoyed too, but I guess miyazaki decided to cater to me and all the braindead giant sword strength bros

          I just like exploring and occasionally bonking

    • 11 months ago

      >Capra demon is a GOOD boss because he's tough because of his small arena
      Or he would be if not for the dogs making this fight pointlessly hard. I can appreciate making the player panic but forcing them to make a mad scramble to take the dogs out while Capra is on their ass isn't very good design. "Some poise and a shield" isn't some miraculous gem of wisdom because that solves every boss in the game, not just Capra. The real lesson for Capra is to make use of your environment, kiting the boss up the stairs so you can leap down and focus on the dogs while he's busy navigating the terrain.
      >And speaking of, you were not meant to just use one "build" the entire game, but to use tools around you as is.
      Not really. You cited Moonlight Butterfly but that's the only boss in the entire game where a ranged option is even remotely encouraged, and even then it's totally unnecessary since you can just dodge/tank its ranged attacks until it lands. The stat requirements for some builds and equipment are high enough that this idea that you're supposed to play the entire game as a jack of all trades doesn't really check out.

      • 11 months ago

        >isn't some miraculous gem of wisdom because that solves every boss in the game,

        I mean not really? The biggest hurtle is being stunlocked because the dogs go to town and poise and a shield are what helps even if you are medium rolling at that point of the game. Being stunlockd isn't an issue with any other bosses since they never have backup helpers like that. Other bosses it's better to go nude and just fast roll.

        >Not really. You cited Moonlight Butterfly but that's the only boss in the entire game where a ranged option is even remotely encouraged,

        I'm saying they were aiming for a balanced adventure RPG, where each boss has their own unique arena and gimmick. It doesn't mean it's perfect per se.

        >The stat requirements for some builds and equipment are high enough that this idea that you're supposed to play the entire game as a jack of all trades doesn't really check out.

        No, not "jack of all trades" just having some options for long range. That could be just throwing knives or bombs or something. The game design is throwing all these tools at you, but players are aiming for these hyper-optimized builds built around PvP where such optimization is NOT needed at all for main gameplay.

        >Four Lords

        That one I keep seeing players go "oh just don Havel, and whail away. it's a badly designed boss fight.". But as


        shows, you could do that for any boss. You know what you're supposed to do? Have magic defense. Few bosses do magic attacks so most don't even bother specializing in it. But having a magic shield (either unique or +5 magic wooden shield) nullifies their most powerful attacks meaning you can fight them normally like any boss. You're supposed to equip and unequip some items as needed.

        But I do admit that the upgrade system penalizes you for this and rewards hyper-specialization. I'm not saying it's a perfect implimentation. But better than the hyper-focused Roll souls of sequels.

      • 11 months ago

        >Or he would be if not for the dogs making this fight pointlessly hard.
        I don't think it's pointless at all

        a normal player comes down that path deathly afraid of the fricking dogs (who they will hate in all soulsbornes)

        then they are thrown into a tiny arena with a giant demon and two dogs

        their worst nightmare, plus a giant demon

        then they have to be good at dodging and prioritizing enemies and paying attention to their positions very quickly, even if they poise through many of the attacks

  18. 11 months ago


    >needs firebombs to beat, can't just facetank while slowwalking with pose
    BoC confirmed hardest boss in the game

  19. 11 months ago


    I said SOME. The Chain-set or Hollow set is unironically really good for Capra.

    Also very high level without any special rings you can fast roll with the Chain-set, opening up the ability to have two rings instead of the havel and ring of stat boosting love most have on. Havel and leo is another big favorite.

    Oh and medium and fat rolling isn't even a deathblow to single player too like many would assume. Just... use your shield.

  20. 11 months ago


    Not a DLC, more like general changes, but:
    >tie poise to multipliers from weapon classes so you can't just avoid all stuns and use a buffed falchion to slice through everything
    >estus recovery is now slower and you get less overall (20 max is absurd, it should've been like 10-15)
    >backstabs now aren't instant. This arguably would've been way better here than in later games. Here a lot of movesets are slow and easily telegraphed, both on players and enemies, so it's easy to sidestep and punish. Meanwhile in later games you pretty much never backstab somebody because they can just insta-iframe
    >design more intelligent ganks, like the one in the parish - more minibosses that buff the throwaway mobs or hit you from afar, signs that a trap is afoot to anybody with critical thinking
    >more areas and boss arenas with stage hazards or limiting factors to prevent players from just having a straight-up fight (eg. what the anon above mentioned with Capra)
    >rebalancing some spells to not just be damage city (looking at you Dark Bead)
    >FP system wouldn't be a bad idea to stop people from just stacking casts and sticking away from enemies, that plus stamina usage. maybe attuning multiple copies could be used for slight benefits eg. faster cast speed/bit more damage on the spell like you're 'mastering' it, but no more stacking 90 soul arrows before killing a single boss. also makes the covenant spells a bit more useful late game
    >Twinkling weapons now require something a bit rarer to get to the upper echelons of damage. the Demon Titanite/Dragon Scale weapons aren't too bad progression wise but you can really easily +5 a BKH and cheese the game just by going to the hollow after killing the Black Knight
    >make later enemy design more varied, I think half the problem with post-Anor Londo is that you've seen most of the enemy types before and know how to handle them easily
    In short a lot of the mechanical changes from 2-3 would be good for the game, just not speeding it up

  21. 11 months ago


    >noooooo you can't just enjoy the multiplayer side of the game
    Cope. The multiplayer experience has been integral to the series, ever since Demon's Souls, INCLUDING PvP. Elden Ring was a misstep and cooponlygays shall be hanged.

    • 11 months ago

      So true
      >If we’re talking about a boss that I’m ‘most proud of‘ (to use those specific words), it would probably be the Old Monk from Demon’s Souls. The reason being is there was a lot of pushback against that design and what we were trying to do with it. But it was something I really, really wanted to do.

      >I wanted to get that boss concept into the game, both from a visual design perspective and gameplay perspective, including the multiplayer element. From both the implementation and fun factor, we got a lot of pushback, and no one believed in it at the time. But in the end, we came through, and I think it turned into an intriguing boss that the fans appreciated.

      >With Demon’s Souls, there were a lot of mechanics throughout the development that were difficult to design. For instance, the asynchronous online features were complicated, but I think the Old Monk encompasses those tribulations and how we pushed through and made something we were proud of.”

  22. 11 months ago

    I really hate the stat and weapon upgrade system in these games, they make experimentation annoying

    • 11 months ago

      from has been catering to people like you more and more with each game and still you are not happy. with the way things are going they might just remove stats and upgrading altogether at some point so i would just wait it out

      • 11 months ago

        Or they could just make a better stat system. ER for example did not need the soul/XP system and drop on death stuff, character progression should stem from exploration (the fact that you can pick items up that are guarded and get out scott free is another issue). Upgrading pure damage also seems unnecessary since damage scales with stats anyway, so if you find a cool sword late into the game its annoying to see if its any good. DaS1 is a much shorter and open game so its not as big a deal there but I'm still not a big fan of how they do it.

  23. 11 months ago


    The problem I have is weapon upgrades are stuck to that weapon, meaning you can't switch them up easily. If anything, swapping stats/weapons upgrade systems might be the superior method (weapons level up by killing and absorbing XP from killed mobs and auto level up if they accumulate enough, but your attributes go up from exploring)
    Also in the initial version of ER upgrading to +15 made your weapon deal less damage which was obnoxious

  24. 11 months ago


    depending on the math I think it'd work both early and late game, since you would get a lot of XP and thus the first few levels very quickly by killing late game enemies, it would still pose a challenge due to lower damage but you'd quickly get it 70% of the way there, the rest can be filled up with consumables and will eventually get to max just by playing normally.

    • 11 months ago

      It's a very niche issue ultimately. The majority of players complete the game with 2-3 weapons max. And nothing's really stopping you from using even more weapons unless you're a minmaxing loser

      • 11 months ago

        Its more of a bother because one of the main rewards in From games are new weapons. Armor (and crafting materials in ER) are usually useless, and rings/talismans are rarely useful for your build so having weapons also be something you chuck into your inventory and are discouraged from experimenting with is lame

  25. 11 months ago

    das1 gays are so fricking stupid

  26. 11 months ago

    >emit force,
    >wrath of the gods,
    >karmic justice,
    miracle build is ready, see ya at sen's fortress nerds

    • 11 months ago

      >no Heavenly Thunder
      It's really the only offensive miracle in 1 that I miss. Would've preferred that from the Darkmoon Tomb over gay ass lemonade blade.

  27. 11 months ago

    what was the shortcut for hiding UI in DS1 again?

  28. 11 months ago


    first playthrough I used cheat engine and free roamed the entire game

  29. 11 months ago

    I have ds1 on PS3 and stupidly got the remaster on PS4 because I haven't gotten myself a PC at the time
    Should I triple dip on Steam (for ultrawide) or Switch (for portable)

    • 11 months ago

      Steam if you don't use your switch a lot
      also means you can mod out the shitty demastered effects

  30. 11 months ago


    Dark Souls 1 is my favourite Souls and I used to think it was super easy. But replaying the game with a few minor restrictions on yourself (e.g. not kindling bonfires, not min maxing upgrades/leveling, going to harder areas first, trying out novelty builds) makes it more challenging and brings back some of that same feeling I had when I first played the game. It also makes me realise that, even though the bosses and enemies are often less mechanically demanding than later games, the levels and encounters are more punishing in Dark Souls 1 (and in Demon's Souls) a lot of the time.

  31. 11 months ago


    If the game is too easy for you, put restrictions on yourself.

  32. 11 months ago

    For me it's Havel build.
    >Master Key
    >pump STR, END, and VIT
    >kill Havel ASAP
    >get Great Club and FaP ASAP
    >use Stone Armor until you get Havel's
    >jump attack and facetank everything

  33. 11 months ago

    we have another vagrant sighting

    • 11 months ago


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