Let the DM be the one to adjudicate the price and availability of magic items, they said.

Let the DM be the one to adjudicate the price and availability of magic items, they said.

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Magic swords in dnd are not equipment, they're a core system mechanic needed to give fighters class progression that they forgot to put into the class mechanics themselves

    • 8 months ago

      Right, nothing wrong with that.

      This is your brain on 4e.

      • 8 months ago

        Interestingly, from this post I can tell you’re one of the few people here who has at least read the 4e Dungeon Master’s Guide

        • 8 months ago

          NTA but
          >yes my system of choices sucks a barrel of wieners but at least you know why
          Is not a great win. You 4rries are broken at this point, I guess.

          • 8 months ago

            I don’t like 4th edition. Reading a rulebook is like the bare minimum for forming an opinion about a system, you mouthbreather

          • 8 months ago

            What if instead of arguing about what flavor of shit is the least enjoyable to eat you just stopped eating shit? Do you adore getting fricked in the ass by Yiddzards of the Coast this much?

            • 8 months ago

              Ok moron

      • 8 months ago

        That is your brain on every D&D pre-5E and most D&D clones. 5E is the only edition of D&D where fighter types having magic swords is not accounted into the difficulty curve of monsters.

        • 8 months ago

          pretty sure 1/3rd-1/4th of the monster manual are monsters immune to non magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage

          • 8 months ago

            >450 entries in the monster manual
            >filter by immune to nonmagical
            >19 monsters
            apply yourself mongoloid

            • 8 months ago

              okay now do it for resistant

              • 8 months ago

                >goalposts moved
                ok, sure
                it's 65/450
                that's about 1 in every 7 monsters

              • 8 months ago

                and funnily, if you filter Fiends that gets cut down to 37 since they're overrepresented in the first monster manual for some reason

              • 8 months ago

                According to Mearls back before he got administrated for being a smelly sexpest who preyed on shemales, he said that fiends are overrepresented in the MM1 because there is no moral ambiguity in killing fiends and undead.

              • 8 months ago

                >Preying on shemales
                Wow that's pretty gay. At least prey on real women.

        • 8 months ago

          Why do even try to type such lies when the table on page 274 and the entire monster manual show them to be lies so clearly.

          • 8 months ago

            What the frick are you going on about? Not only is the post talking about editions other than 5E, as noted by another anon in the thread, there's only a small handful of monsters in 5E that can't be harmed by normal weapons.

            this isnt in reference to magic. just a better sword.
            the most interesting thing you can get is masterwork for a +1 to hit... which is boring as hell

            3.shit isn't the only D&D, moron.

        • 8 months ago

          this isnt in reference to magic. just a better sword.
          the most interesting thing you can get is masterwork for a +1 to hit... which is boring as hell

      • 8 months ago

        "brain" seems too strong
        more like "this is your programming on NPC"

      • 8 months ago

        Found the desperate castergay with 10000 whiteroom scenarios designed to explain why it's perfectly fine he can fly unfettered and unlock one of the most universally powerful nukes at 5th level but it's overpowered for a Fighter to not get his damage halved, if not nullified by every 3rd encounter.

      • 8 months ago

        3.5 had literal wealth by level charts.

    • 8 months ago

      >magic items exist as scaling for non-caster classes because they forgot to give non-casters any features
      >casters can use magic items in addition to the features they already get from not being a martial
      fricking D&D

      • 8 months ago

        Nooooo not my heckin’ balancerino!

        • 8 months ago

          imbalance is one thing, but when half your classes are invalidated because the other half is the only one allowed to make meaningful choices at every level in a game where literally the only thing you ever do is make choices, there is a fricking problem.

        • 8 months ago

          trap options are bad, yes.
          using action adventure tropes to advertise your game while punishing people who want to play out those tropes in your game is also bad.

    • 8 months ago

      Dindy is shit

  2. 8 months ago

    Magic items aren't supposed to be bought, they're supposed to be quested for. In classic treasure tables, it was possible to roll the best magic items on the first level of a dungeon. They were rare, but there. People don't like random treasure tables anymore, which is understandable, but there's literally nothing else to go off. The treasure guidelines for 5e are still based on randomly rolled hoards. They should have just explained the intent in bold. By level 5 you're more likely than not to have a few good pieces of magic gear to share between the party. By level 10 you can expect to have enough for everyone to have at least one piece of magic gear. Not even mentioning money and individual treasure. This doesn't stack up with actual play.

    • 8 months ago

      The point of buying (albeit I overall agree at least in part with your post) is that is supposed to be an adventure on its own.
      It should never be "ok we go back in town and buy a +2 Guisarme at the magic-mart".
      It should be gather information, know that city X had a guy that knows a guy that is a veteran that had that item, then you go there, perhaps the thieves guild gets involved, for another item is the local wizard, you have to grease some mechanism, you have to exchange favors and so on.

      Now this could be done with some pre-made reputation. Say the local druids are already happy with you because you saved the forest from the Great Arsonists, so they will not b***h if you ask from some available potion of of healing. but it's not unlimited and it cannnot be all the times.

    • 8 months ago

      >Not even mentioning money and individual treasure
      Once you pass the amount needed for the fighter to buy his suit of full plate, money has literally no value in 5e. If you can't spend it on Magic items then it's just dead weight.

    • 8 months ago

      >posts a section of the book that proves the twitter post right
      the very first sentence proves this is moronic
      >you can hand out as LITTLE treasure as you like
      warlocks can get a magic sword at literally level 1 and you're sitting here telling us a fighter needs to quest for his sword? have a nice day
      >sorry fighter, you can't buy magic items, good luck with half the monsters in 5e being immune or resistant to non magical damage, hope your wizard has magic weapon prepared for you 🙂

    • 8 months ago

      Right, nothing wrong with that.

      This is your brain on 4e.

      >Magic items aren't supposed to be bought, they're supposed to be quested for
      This would be fine if D&D5e magic items weren't the lamest magic items in any RPG.
      >what kind of amazing powers this legendary magical sword that we had to quest for gives me?
      >+1 to hit and +1 to damage
      Even more or less grounded settings like middle-earth had the important magical sword do something besides just be "regular sword but better".

      As always 5e gays eat shit and then act proud about it.

      • 8 months ago

        >Even more or less grounded settings like middle-earth had the important magical sword do something besides just be "regular sword but better".
        The DMG advises to add flavorful effects to magical items to make them more distinctive. "Glows blue in presence of orcs" is a good example for this and is explicitly given as such a minor property (Sentinel).

      • 8 months ago

        I think it's people wanting magic swords to be cool and special like LotR (where a +1 magic sword that glows sometimes is a rare relic and one of the few magic items the party gets), but they also forget that they're playing modern D&D and therefore any mid-level caster blows Gandalf out of the water so long as they had a good night's sleep.

  3. 8 months ago

    I prefer the rune system in PF2.

  4. 8 months ago

    >twitter screencap thread

    • 8 months ago

      A fair point.
      Tell us how this changes the truth of the statement made.

  5. 8 months ago

    But you need to buy diamonds in order to bring someone back from the dead.

    • 8 months ago

      OP (and the moron twitterate screen-shotted) are going for such massive stramwan that it's going to look like another Wicker Man remake.

    • 8 months ago

      99% of actual play groups never use material components for spells even if they're meant to be the balancing factor for the spell. This is not limited to 5E either, I've been playing since the OG Red Box and never seen anyone bother with spell components. Not even the groups that calculate weight down to a coin (which is also something most people don't bother with) or track hunger or thirst or fatigue (which are... you get the idea). There's something uniquely dull in keeping an inventory of bat shit and spider webs.

      Incidentally, I accidentally found a solution for this in one campaign where I ruled that all spells have the same material component, mana crystals, and just consume a spell-specific amount of them. Tracking just one component was doable.

      • 8 months ago

        The main issue I ran into was that it just puts more downtime focus on the caster on where and how exactly they are gathering the materials which is really boring.
        Plus even in a time crunch the rest of the party isn't going to stop them from gathering them. The party wants the wizard to be able to cast spells after all.

      • 8 months ago

        >99% of actual play groups never use material components for spells even if they're meant to be the balancing factor for the spell.
        Very generic statement. For 3.PF as an example:
        Low cost shit like the bad guano should be in component pouches (and that's on the designer not giving guidelines for the duration unless I am mistaken
        High cost stuff is absolutely enforced to be kept track of.

      • 8 months ago

        In both 3.5e and 5e a component pouch allows you to not have to individually track trivial (non-costed) components. In 5e you can alternatively use an arcane focus to ignore trivial components. Costed components (e.g. diamond worth 500+gp) are required every group I've played in has at least said "you have to pay the gp cost" if not outright requiring sourcing the components.

        • 8 months ago

          Way we handle it in our group usually it's
          >Pay the gp cost when you cast and we'll just assume you picked up the component somewhere beforehand.
          Only real exception is if the focus is something incredibly specific or established as being really unlikely to just come across.

      • 8 months ago

        >99% of actual play groups never use material components for spells even if they're meant to be the balancing factor for the spell.

        That's because "material component" in the rules references to completely different things.

        The vast majority of time standard spell focus explicitly can be used for "material" part of spell and you really don't need any bat guano. It's just mainly favour.

        The few spells where actually need are really easy to miss.

      • 8 months ago

        >99% of actual play groups never use material components for spells even if they're meant to be the balancing factor for the spell.
        Very generic statement. For 3.PF as an example:
        Low cost shit like the bad guano should be in component pouches (and that's on the designer not giving guidelines for the duration unless I am mistaken
        High cost stuff is absolutely enforced to be kept track of.

        In both 3.5e and 5e a component pouch allows you to not have to individually track trivial (non-costed) components. In 5e you can alternatively use an arcane focus to ignore trivial components. Costed components (e.g. diamond worth 500+gp) are required every group I've played in has at least said "you have to pay the gp cost" if not outright requiring sourcing the components.

        >99% of actual play groups never use material components for spells even if they're meant to be the balancing factor for the spell.

        That's because "material component" in the rules references to completely different things.

        The vast majority of time standard spell focus explicitly can be used for "material" part of spell and you really don't need any bat guano. It's just mainly favour.

        The few spells where actually need are really easy to miss.

        If there is no cost listed you don't actually need specific components as long as you got a spell focus.

        Even the official spell guide seem to ignore it completely but here's some guy's list from Reddit on it.


        • 8 months ago

          >If there is no cost listed you don't actually need specific components as long as you got a spell focus.
          My problem with this is the following:
          Fireball has bat guano, and spider climb has spiders.
          Today I cast only fireballs. Was my pouch moslty guano? Maybe tomorrow is spider climb time, but what if I keep casting fireball?
          Are these bags always available? What about a desert adventure, are bats and spiders always available there?

          • 8 months ago

            Arcane pouch is the sugar substitute Cola Zero vs the true material chad of regular Cola.
            Works on paper for the plebs, but makes their hopes of ever being a high level gigachad impossible by turning their campaign flaccid and worthless by level 8.

          • 8 months ago

            >Muh realism
            Turns out 99% of players don't like tracking count of how many arbitrary units of literal ball shit they are carrying.
            On top of that, it's not like non-priced materials are a good measure of balance, it just adds another automatic activity to the list:
            >I have two units of batshit left, I want to look for a cave
            >Now I want to look for bats
            >Now roll to see how many units you get
            >Alright, now I want to do the same with webs, sulphur, diamond dust, moss, fragments of glass, amber, etc.

            Arcane pouch is the sugar substitute Cola Zero vs the true material chad of regular Cola.
            Works on paper for the plebs, but makes their hopes of ever being a high level gigachad impossible by turning their campaign flaccid and worthless by level 8.

            >Says chad unironically
            >Says that having to track and collect batshit every 3 sessions makes the campaign better
            Did your parents drop you when you were a baby?

            • 8 months ago

              >>Muh realism
              Is not realism, it's immersion and consistency. You are mixing them up because you are not that bright anon.

              • 8 months ago

                >It breaks my immersion to not have to measure the amount of batshit I'm carrying at any given time
                Well, I'm sorry for your condition, but the vast majority of people would rather to skip over that.
                There are almost as many components as there are spells, and tracking how many you have or use means that at some point you must stop whatever the party is doing to go around and collect. Even if you manage to accumulate 100 units of bat crap in a single cave you'll still need to make another stop at a dirty cellar to collect another 100 units of web, and so on for every spell in your book.
                Compare the following:
                >Finish dungeon
                >Go to next village
                >Finish dungeon
                >"Let's go to the village"
                >"Stop guys! I just have one unit of web left, we need to go search in the forest for more!"
                >A couple of rolls and a random encounter later
                >"Oh, turns out I also need guano, let's look for a cave"
                >A couple of rolls later
                >Go to next village

                In the first example the party can continue with the adventure immediately, while on the second example one character brings the action to a halt in order to look for ingredients, forcing dice rolls and making the other players wait.

              • 8 months ago

                There are so many random irrelevant spell components that I cannot imagine any way whatsoever to make managing them all interesting. You just say "ok, during downtime I buy/harvest X from Y" and then... that's it, it's over, now repeat for each ingredient. Who cares to bother with that?

                Go find some other RPG where the entire game and magic system is designed spells requiring the consumption of various, scarce material resources acquired infrequently during play, if that's what you want. "Shit, I don't have fireball this session because I used my last fire catalyst last time, and summoning a pet would go through my last four twilight leaves... we're entering an old mine to search for this lost farmer, so maybe I can refill on earth crystals for casting magic armor, or maybe pinch some ritual herbs for healing spells from the goblin shamans after we 'evict' them..." could be a cool basis for a magic system but it's not how DnD is built to function.

              • 8 months ago

                You're a complete fricking moron. I am arguing AGAINST tracking components.
                Hell, I even brought up that very same point you're making in the reply you're replying to:
                >There are almost as many components as there are spells, and tracking how many you have or use means that at some point you must stop whatever the party is doing to go around and collect.
                Learn to read

              • 8 months ago

                I was... agreeing with you, yes.

              • 8 months ago

                Man, you said this replying to me
                >Go find some other RPG where the entire game and magic system is designed spells requiring the consumption of various, scarce material resources acquired infrequently during play, if that's what you want.
                I'm sorry for being aggressive, but what you said it's heavily implied to be directed at me, which made no sense

                The pouch contains the components. A pouch is a small container. The reason you can replace material components with a component pouch is because the pouch contains each component and you pull out the appropriate one whenever you cast its spell.

                Yes, I know that. The discussion is about the other guy wanting to manually track and gather each component.

                >Hope that the volume collected is enough for you to keep casting spells until you reach the next appropriate place

                IT'S NOT CONSUMED

                It does work like that, it's true, but for the same reason a pouch/focus negates the need for those: Because having to go around gathering the components it's dumb as frick

              • 8 months ago

                The shit is not consumed by the spell. You only need one bit to cast as many times as you like.
                >Tarquin the sorcerer has, at some point in xir life, collected a bit of bat shit from somewhere without issue
                that's not an immersion breaking assumption. There's no loss to anything by glossing over it.

            • 8 months ago

              Dont worry about your projecting being extra called out after confirming you got dropped and now having ED from drinking coke zero, you're a tourist after all.

              • 8 months ago

                >*absolute nonsense*
                Fool me once

          • 8 months ago

            A spell focus is an spell casting instrument(wand, holy symbol, druidic focus), a component pouch is a seperate thing.

          • 8 months ago

            In 5e unless the Spell specifically says the Material Components are consumed when the spell is cast you don’t need to carry any more than a paltry amount that gets used every time you cast the spell. Fireball doesn’t need pounds and pounds of Bat Guano, just a small vial that lasts as long as you have it. The general assumption is that for most mundane components your average caster just has them in their component pouch.

          • 8 months ago

            >Fireball has bat guano, and spider climb has spiders.
            >Today I cast only fireballs. Was my pouch moslty guano? Maybe tomorrow is spider climb time, but what if I keep casting fireball?

            A spell focus is an spell casting instrument(wand, holy symbol, druidic focus), a component pouch is a seperate thing.

            >A spell focus is an spell casting instrument(wand, holy symbol, druidic focus), a component pouch is a seperate thing.

            Arcane pouch is the sugar substitute Cola Zero vs the true material chad of regular Cola.
            Works on paper for the plebs, but makes their hopes of ever being a high level gigachad impossible by turning their campaign flaccid and worthless by level 8.

            >having to track and collect batshit every 3 sessions makes the campaign better

            Gameplay wise as long you have a spell focus at hand you don't actually need any of specific material component items listed at all unless say marterial component has an actual GP cost in the spell description, and even then it won't consume said item unless noted.

            Mechanically component pouches are just generic "untyped" spell focuses that any caster can use instead of their usual class specific one (wizard's arcane wand, bard's musical instrument, clerical holly symbol ect) they get barely any art or description beyond being standard adventuring gear.

            The only time you would actually need anything like bat guano or spiders to cast a spell even going by the official rules would be a game where players have none of their usual adventure gear.

            • 8 months ago

              Wrong anon, ED cuck that cant component claimed that you have to collect batshit. Actually having components and a real casting focus is indeed a far superior campaign. Same with tracking encumbrance and making people use torches and 10 ft poles or other sensors for traps.

      • 8 months ago

        >There's something uniquely dull in keeping an inventory of bat shit and spider webs.
        Since third editions you have, by the rules, not been expected to keep track of NON-COSTLY magic components.
        But that's a completely different conversation from a spell like Raise Dead which is balanced around being limited by it's high cost.

      • 8 months ago

        because it's a shit stupid mechanic
        spells are already limited
        by spell slots, your spell ammo, having materials on top of it is just fricking stupid. Instead of creating cool spells and then trying to put artifical breaks on it they should just give martials equally good features it's literally not hard

      • 8 months ago

        WHRP did it better. Spell components were just boosting casting rolls and/or were required for ritual magic.

        Works like a charm.

    • 8 months ago

      Silly anon. Hundres of gp worth of diamonds and diamond dust is always available at the village magic shop, right there next to the 100gp pearls for Identify and the gold and siver dust. But a +1 sword? That's a mythical object you can't expect to find just anywhere. You need to go on a quest to the Tomb of Sivik, the Hero of Hondan, and win the blade after prying it from his cold, undead hands if you want such a PRECIOUS artifact as a +1 weapon.
      I don't know why people are so insistent on this when it comes to even the most basic magic items. I get that you don't want to throw magic items at the players and have them clamoring for boots of flying and shit, but +1 equipment isn't THAT special. Make the players pay a pretty penny for it, but save the excessive hoops to jump through for +2 or greater stuff.

      • 8 months ago

        That would make silvered weaponry useless

        • 8 months ago

          Unless you have a system in which there are monsters with DR "magic, good AND silver".

        • 8 months ago

          Just make the +1 weapons a magnitude more expensive than a silvered weapon. Besides, silver weapons are already useless. Only a handful of monsters have the silver weapon exception for their resistance.

        • 8 months ago

          Silvered Weapons cost 100 + base price, I run them as 50 with no extra cost if they have the weapon to coat it. I also treat them as +0 magic weapons.

          +1 weapons as of XGE cost 1d6 * 100 GP, average of 300 GP. Absolutely cheaper to get a silver weapon on average.

          I also stole from a previous GM the idea of Spell Tomes. Their cost is double that of a Scroll of the same level (as if not consumable). Any class can learn a Cantrip Tome (DC 10 Arcana check, can be made once per Long Rest and it is learned on success, the tome burning away). Leveled spells require Spellcasting, and you can only learn Spells that your CLass can learn. Wizards are the exception, and cannot use either as they can learn spells in different ways already.

          So really, I give Martials multiple ways to deal with magical foes. In fact all pure martials (Barbarian, Fighter, Monk,ROgue) have Talents which are as invocations but for martials, and Fighters and Barbs with the Unarmed style can get magical unarmed strikes at 5th.

  6. 8 months ago

    >Let the DM be the one to adjudicate the price and availability of magic items, they said.

    DM adjudicates everything. You don't like that, kindly frick off and die.

  7. 8 months ago

    >sure, it's 500 gp for a +1 sword, 5,000 gp for a +2 sword and 50,000 GP for a +3 sword.

    • 8 months ago

      based, this makes the 5etard rip out his rectum in anguish and despair

  8. 8 months ago

    >meanwhile monk can only use his +1 quarterstaff on half his attacks

    • 8 months ago

      Is this some 5e shitrule?

      • 8 months ago

        it's because of unarmed strike bonuses.

    • 8 months ago

      They get Ki-Empowered Strikes at 6th level anyway.

      • 8 months ago

        That doesn't allow them to keep up with people getting +1 or higher (up to +3 and sometimes even more bullshit in official campaigns) though

        • 8 months ago

          The fact that you're usually attacking twice as many times as them and can stun the bejeezus out of some enemies is probably supposed to help bridge the gap. That said, I won't argue that 5e Monks live in an awkward balance position. Lots of attacks, but also glassy and reliant on short rests. Being less reliant on gear is a double edged sword, depending on how much is getting thrown at the party.

          • 8 months ago

            They deal piss poor damage and only gets more obvious the moment you go beyond 5th level. At 20th level your damage is 42, is a joke. Paladins, Barbarians and Fighters are already on three digits specially because they have access to weapons that pair with feats (and advantage is piss easy to get for those classes)

            Sure the excuse might have been "monk deals more damage from 1st to 3rd level!" but only shows how moronic devs are for not knowing how the game progresses beyond dirty shank town tier play. You also shouldn't stun and flurrying at the same time if you don't want to be depleted for the next encounters. And stun still targets the best save of 90% of monsters so lets not pretend is the universal panacea, it's good sure but so is tasha's laugh (which targets wis)

  9. 8 months ago

    Most games have pretty straight forward rules for buying magic items. The only one that doesn't is 5e but since 5e has been around for nearly 10 years now it's the only one anyone thinks of. People are so fricking ignorant and focused on only the current newest thing.

    Many people have made decent item price lists for 5e because the DMG prices are nonsense. That doesn't mean you can walk into a store and buy a vorpal sword.

    • 8 months ago

      I find it really funny that armor is now more valuable/"gamechanging" as this pdf says in 5e because the coinflip accuracy in it is that bad

    • 8 months ago

      Ah yes, my good sir, here are my 100000 gold coins, I'd like one...bush.

  10. 8 months ago

    >be like
    Opinion immediately discarded.

  11. 8 months ago

    Imagine leaving your character's options in the hands of a 5e tourist DM, and expecting to have fun.
    That's like leaving your child in the hands of a 5e tourist DM and hoping it won't be molested.

  12. 8 months ago

    Lmao nobody gets resurrected and random tables decide what loot is where.
    Determines shop inventory too.

    Your character is insignificant and you will die. A lot.

    • 8 months ago

      >My only experience with fantasy RPGs is the OSR thread.
      I am so sorry for your parents loss.

      • 8 months ago

        That's on you for making assumptions.
        I used to play VTM, COC, PF1ae, 3.5, 5E.
        Spheres of power and Savage world.

        Now I play a homebrewed Talislanta 4E.

        • 8 months ago

          Anyone can say they play games, but your posting record doesn't agree so you need to work harder to not look like a nogames.

          • 8 months ago

            Are the nogames in the room with us now anon? Surveys on here have shown less than 2% of people on here are actually nogames.

            • 8 months ago

              To be perfectly honest you're looking kind of low on game time. Are you okay Anon?
              I played yesterday, how about you?

              >Can't read the IP counter.
              >Gets rolled by a driveby troll
              >Cries about it.
              Keep seething gayaloons.

          • 8 months ago

            To be perfectly honest you're looking kind of low on game time. Are you okay Anon?
            I played yesterday, how about you?

            • 8 months ago

              Nah he's right, you're a nogames homosexual.

              Are the nogames in the room with us now anon? Surveys on here have shown less than 2% of people on here are actually nogames.

              Surveys that were lied on.

  13. 8 months ago

    This is an excellent argument for doing away with player resurrection more than anything.

    • 8 months ago

      I am always amazed by how certain people manage to draw the dumbest conclusions and the shittiest, unrelated takes from things.

  14. 8 months ago

    >Don't have this problem in the first place by having the price and availability of magic items handled already
    >Wonder why this nogames schizobabble thread was made

    • 8 months ago

      still wondering

  15. 8 months ago

    I will honestly never understand this part of 5e.
    5e is, for the most part, balanced like a video game, not quite to the extent of 4e, but still far more than previous editions.
    But then we get to magic items and suddenly it's all "Nonono, the DM must control this aspect entirely and only dole out magic items as he sees fit!" Not only does this conflict with how the game is designed in a general way, it directly conflicts with the balance because any character that isn't a full caster NEEDS magic items, particularly magic weapons, to be reasonably effective at mid-high levels.

    Meanwhile, in a game like 3.5 that is balanced FAR more loosely, there is a completely uncontroversial expectation that the players can shop for magic items. You read a module like Red Hand of Doom and in the first podunk village the party arrives at with a population barely above 1000 there is smithy where you can buy +1 weapons, shields and armor and a town wizard who will sell you scrolls of fireball and rings of protection.

    • 8 months ago

      Because 3.5 is balances level scaling like shit and everyone knows it, the DM is expected give the players +1 items as needed to keep the game even playable.

      5e with it's "bonded accuracy" "magic attuned" gives people the false impression it's already balance with class leveling as it is and any additional minor magic items could easily break the game. It's not.

      • 8 months ago

        >5e advertises itself as not needing magic items at all
        >every official campaign ever throws magic items at you like it's Christmas

      • 8 months ago

        >5e with it's "bonded accuracy" "magic attuned" gives people the false impression it's already balance with class leveling as it is and any additional minor magic items could easily break the game. It's not.
        I mean, what baffles me is that making the rules this way gives the impression that the designers themselves believe that the game is balanced to allow for the party to go through a whole campaign without ever getting magical weapons when it so obviously is not.

        And they clearly DON'T believe that, because, as

        >5e advertises itself as not needing magic items at all
        >every official campaign ever throws magic items at you like it's Christmas

        points out, official adventures are always written to provide plenty of magic items regardless.

        So why limit Magic items like that in the first place?

        • 8 months ago

          Why not do away with immunity to nonmagical anyway? You’re telling me a cr 3 snow golem will be unfazed by a literal mountain falling on top of it because the damage isn’t magical?

          • 8 months ago

            It's not like immunity to non-magical damage is the only problem. The Caster-Martial divide is still very much a thing and without magic weapons the martials are left utterly in the dirt, even if you never fight an enemy that so much as has resistance to non-magical damage.

            • 8 months ago

              The solution is that people have made home brews that solve all of these problems but they don’t get much attention. Right now I’m making a classless system where you can just buy features with experience. Martials are going to get great options.

              • 8 months ago

                ah, the divinity system

              • 8 months ago

                Because of the classless nature it solves the divide between rangers/druids and paladins/fighters

            • 8 months ago

              Absolute copium or cucktard playing 4e 15 minute adventuring day. With DMG minimum magic items per tier (spelled out explicitly in Xanathars, even if slightly nerfed on average, for the mentally impaired) martials keep parity with casters very well in 5e.

      • 8 months ago

        >any additional minor magic items could easily break the game
        you're a moron, most magic items in 5e are terrible, magic weapons are required to deal damage to monsters in tier 2 and above
        magic weapon is a level 2 spell
        pact of the blade is a level 3 warlock feature
        anyone who parrots
        >the game doesn't need magic items they break the game
        should slit their throats

      • 8 months ago

        3e is decently balanced number side, it bricks when you stack templates. Its why they used effectively same numbers with level>PB adjustment sans CR 0-1/2 that got full retool to be less lethal per table when you crack open the DMG of 5e.
        Same table that with some very basic math is explicit that magic items with +1 and +2 are bare minimum over full campaign and has full support for +1 to +5 even if +4>+5 jump would be from table roll or obtained from enemy higher CR than they should fight at highest levels.

    • 8 months ago

      it's because the problem with tabletop games at their core is that they rely on a dungeon master
      the average person who is a dungeon master is a degenerate freak who wants to bully the players. In 3.5 and 4e the player had lots of power, DMs didn't like this because it ruined their ability to railroad players so they screamed and cried until 5e became this autistic incoherent mess and EVEN NOW you have DMs talking about the most benign shit like detect magic or the fricking keen mind feat "breaking the game" these subhumans have effectively poisoned the well on all reasonable discussion on 5e balance because they just think the player should be some shitheap guard npc that can't evolve past level 3

      • 8 months ago

        lol tell us you're a munchkin without telling us you're a munchkin

        • 8 months ago

          found the seething dm

    • 8 months ago

      >in the first podunk village the party arrives at with a population barely above 1000 there is smithy where you can buy +1 weapons, shields and armor and a town wizard who will sell you scrolls of fireball and rings of protection.
      That's moronic, although it's a fault on the module part to handwave away the gearing up part of the game. Sure, you have places that sell magical items but those don't exit in the fricking void. Why there's a smith selling an average item value that would supersede the whole local economy? Who give him those items (because sure as hell you can't mass produce magic items alone and you need to be a caster or similar to do so)? For example you can have a red wizard enclave eagerly selling magical items but that's shady as frick and the pc are basically making a deal with the devil by making business with them.

  16. 8 months ago

    the books are just guidelines. Anyone being strict by them is a bad GM.

  17. 8 months ago

    Doesn't outright resurrection have a material cost that can't be avoided via a catalyst?

    • 8 months ago

      diamonds have a specific cost, and while the GM can say "no, there aren't any available" it's not unrealistic to assume you could find some place to buy a diamond.
      Meanwhile, the very idea of buying a sword that is literally just a slightly better sword gives some people aneurysms.

      • 8 months ago

        That's one reason I liked inherent bonuses in 4e, since it gave you the standard "expected" magic item boosts by default, so any magic items you actually got were more extras you wanted for their bonus effects rather than mandatory to keep up.

        That said, I have't played D&D in years, mostly our DM's homebrew system lately which keep magic items very rare but very useful.

  18. 8 months ago

    5e is a high-magic system with a playerbase that contains a lot of people who are using it with a low-magic campaign in mind, and don't realize the incongruity. And it's mostly the game's fault, for not being better at spelling out it's expectations and assumptions. 5e is also bad about just assuming DMs know how to play every situation that the high-magic focus entails, and providing little to no guidance as a result. So you get tables where anything in the class progression goes, as a matter of course, but where magic items are borderline nonexistent because they don't fit the DMs intuitive idea of the setting.

    The problems of unstated assumptions extend beyond magic, like how the entire game is structured around dungeon turns without literally ever once mentioning or explaining dungeon turns.

  19. 8 months ago

    Bat Shit is like a specialized wand that you can use only to cast fireball. If you lose your wand, the only thing you need for most material components, it's good to know that you could find some replacement material components in nature. like fireball's component in any cave. (no roll needed. if bats exist on the continent, every cave will have at least some guano, it stays around forever). A component pouch is for the quirky wizard who uses a different material component for every damn spell he casts, or for the casting feature of a non-caster class (e.g. the 5e Magic Initiatite feat) which doesn't have a class feature that lets them use a wand.

    • 8 months ago

      >A component pouch is for the quirky wizard who uses a different material component for every damn spell he casts, or for the casting feature of a non-caster class (e.g. the 5e Magic Initiatite feat) which doesn't have a class feature that lets them use a wand
      Have you actually read the rules? At all?? Another anon posted an Image earlier in the discussion.
      Components are a requirement to casting spells, but you can omit unpriced material components if you have either a pouch or a focus.

      >like fireball's component in any cave. (no roll needed. if bats exist on the continent, every cave will have at least some guano, it stays around forever)
      You still need to:
      -Make a detour and waste in-game time
      -Find an appropriate place, which can require rolls.
      -Hope that the volume collected is enough for you to keep casting spells until you reach the next appropriate place

      Repeat all of that for every material component every party member uses and it adds up to an stupid amount of time wasted. Want to trivialise any of the 3 things you need do? Then why bother with the components at that point?

      • 8 months ago

        The pouch contains the components. A pouch is a small container. The reason you can replace material components with a component pouch is because the pouch contains each component and you pull out the appropriate one whenever you cast its spell.

      • 8 months ago

        >Hope that the volume collected is enough for you to keep casting spells until you reach the next appropriate place


  20. 8 months ago

    Only bad GMs don't give a steady drip feed of magic items with the option to go out of your way to progress towards a particular thing your party desires.

    Coincidentally, this is a habit many 5e GMs partake in. Ipso facto...

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