>Let's put Mega Man games on Gameboy and make them all suck!

>Let's put Mega Man games on Gameboy and make them all suck!

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 7 months ago

    They're actually good
    Wait this is /vr/, all we do is post beloved games and say they're shit without further comment

    • 7 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      They aren’t good but they aren’t bad.

      • 6 months ago

        Motherfricker, do you enjoy the game or not?

  2. 7 months ago

    4 and 5 are very enjoyable, much better games than the later NES ones
    1 has a good first half, but then the game just ends
    2 and 3 don't have much going for them

    • 7 months ago

      Punk is so cool looking. It's a shame those guys never appeared after their debut games, aside from the copy refights in the 5th game, bonus stages in MM10 and a database entry in &F.

  3. 7 months ago

    >and them all s-ACK!

  4. 7 months ago

    4.5 and willy war are good

  5. 7 months ago

    V is good, the others are maybe not perfect but not terrible either, especially since this was the only real way to play MM on the go back then

  6. 7 months ago

    2 is the only bad one.

  7. 7 months ago

    I actually love IV and V and those are some of my favorite games in the whole Mega Man series.
    III was good, if a bit hard at times, especially Dive Man and Dust Man’s levels.
    Wily’s Revenge was alright, and was a solid start to the series.
    II is the only one I’d flat out call mediocre. The controls, at least for the slide felt a bit off and the sprites (except Mega Man’s) were sloppy. While the music composition was fine itself, it’s way too high pitched. Plus, they really didn’t take advantage of making Quint interesting.
    The other Mega Man Killers had really cool designs though.

  8. 7 months ago

    >*brings you kino*
    Eat shit homosexual


    • 6 months ago

      >Wily bother to steal Gamma when he could have just made a giant israeli mecha

  9. 7 months ago

    >Mega Man Killers
    >no Roll killer

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        nu-Capcom wouldn't dare making Ishikawa's oc canon unless it's rebranding her into some woke looking character.

      • 7 months ago

        nu-Capcom wouldn't dare making Ishikawa's oc canon unless it's rebranding her into some woke looking character.

        >that one time Hideki tried to whip up a sprite sheet of her for Inti to throw into MM11 if Capcom said yes
        >got immediate shot down as soon as they remembered the Roll rapefic he drew
        nearly decades ago

        • 7 months ago

          I played them years ago and remember almost nothing except that they had a nice amount of challenge and were pretty fun to play. I wouldn’t be able to remember how they actually compare to each other.

          I also remember these were the games where I ‘woke up’ about using powers creatively in levels. Like in those thin hallways with ceilings to low for you to jump high and drill robots coming at you randomly from above and below, those areas felt like bs to me until I tried using the normally useless rotating shield power, it shreds all the enemies in the hallway and kept me safe and generated enough item drops from enemies to refill my ammo and health. I remember that ‘ah-ha!’ moment very clearly.

          Can I get the details on this? Never heard about any of this before and it sounds wild.

          • 6 months ago

            Hideki Ishikawa unfortunately deleted his blog detailing Roll reprogramming Waltz into her sex slave but the artwork remain archived in booru-like sites like R34 and Sankaku Complex.

            >that one time Hideki tried to whip up a sprite sheet of her for Inti to throw into MM11 if Capcom said yes
            >got immediate shot down as soon as they remembered the Roll rapefic he drew
            nearly decades ago

            It must've been Capcom's call rather than Inti, given how many artists in Inti, like Natsume (Bloodstained and Blaster Master Zero) only stay in Inti because its the only company that allows them to draw porn during company hours.

            • 6 months ago

              >Hideki Ishikawa unfortunately deleted his blog detailing Roll reprogramming Waltz into her sex slave
              What the frick?

              • 6 months ago

                >Hideki Ishikawa unfortunately deleted his blog detailing Roll reprogramming Waltz into her sex slave but the artwork remain archived in booru-like sites like R34 and Sankaku Complex.

                Most Mega Man artists are e-girlcon who draw and sell their stuff on comiket, Ishikawa and Nakayama being the most notorious ones.
                Capcom designers too, why do you think we get panty shots in Marvel vs. Capcom? This is not new, the nerdy entertainment industry in Japan has always been full of e-girlcon ever since Sally the Witch awoke something in people in the 60's. Sally the Witch being directly the inspiration behind MM8 Roll's design.

              • 6 months ago

                just because it's not new doesn't mean it's normal or acceptable to non scum

              • 6 months ago

                You can just call them pedophiles

              • 6 months ago

                As long we can call anyone digesting porn rapists, that's fine.

            • 6 months ago

              >Hideki Ishikawa unfortunately deleted his blog detailing Roll reprogramming Waltz into her sex slave but the artwork remain archived in booru-like sites like R34 and Sankaku Complex.

              • 6 months ago

                >Hideki Ishikawa unfortunately deleted his blog detailing Roll reprogramming Waltz into her sex slave
                What the frick?

                It's real lol.

        • 6 months ago

          Hideki Ishikawa unfortunately deleted his blog detailing Roll reprogramming Waltz into her sex slave but the artwork remain archived in booru-like sites like R34 and Sankaku Complex.

          It must've been Capcom's call rather than Inti, given how many artists in Inti, like Natsume (Bloodstained and Blaster Master Zero) only stay in Inti because its the only company that allows them to draw porn during company hours.

          In a way, Waltz did make it to the official games. He just tweaked her a bit and called her "Sera". She even has that nude introduction scene in Legends 2.

    • 7 months ago
      • 6 months ago
  10. 7 months ago

    Those games were great on the GB, idk what you're talking about

  11. 7 months ago

    Mega Man 1 was fun fun, even if it was fricking hard. Enker was a cool fight.
    Mega Man 2 was kinda bland. I was hyped to see the slide, but the stages were really no good. Quint was pathetic. Last Wily fight was cool.

    I haven't played the rest yet but I'll buy them.

    • 6 months ago

      Enker was a homosexual, but it's not his fault. Whatever Wily was thinking making him have to take damage to charge his weapon is beyond me.

  12. 7 months ago

    Played through Mega Man I on my Steam Deck last year and thought it held up well by NES Mega Man standards. It was nice to play through some of the MM1 stages with actually decent controls and level design. The fortress stages did get a bit long and tedious so I used a couple save states like the borderline zoomer I am to save some time, but overall it’s pretty good for an early GB game, standing up well to Gargoyle’s Quest and SML. You can tell that Minakuchi really loved the classic series.

    Started II and immediately dropped it due to the awful music and jank control. It was outsourced to some no-name team and it clearly shows. Might just skip ahead to IV where people say the series really gets good.

  13. 7 months ago

    So they're the average Megaman game?

  14. 7 months ago

    megaman V is unique but it's still worse than all of the nes games, with the exception of maybe 1 or 5

    the hardware holds it back

    • 7 months ago

      Mega Man V definitely has merits and it's like to see a full remake of it.
      The main issue is the spirites being the same scale as on NES but the Game Boy being lower resolution, it limits the stage design and boss patterns greatly.

      • 6 months ago

        The main issue with V is that the level design is cheap. IV had better levels. The game likes to surprise the player with spikes they cannot see during a screen transition. And a big issue with all of these GB Mega Man games is slowdown.

  15. 7 months ago

    The music is cash though.

  16. 7 months ago

    Only IV and V are good, I and III could be decent but its frustratingly difficult and II is hot garbage

  17. 7 months ago

    MM1 was the first GB game I owned. I loved it

  18. 7 months ago

    Don't the GB Mega Man games have a weird story? Like time travel? Or am I thinking of another Mega Man game?

    • 7 months ago

      The second one does, it's the one where Wily makes Mega Man fight a modified version of his future self on a pogo stick and the final stage has Dali-esque imagery.

  19. 6 months ago

    Been meaning to play these. They all have either color sprite packs for gbe+ or dx hacks.

  20. 6 months ago

    >nooo stop having fun with those!

  21. 6 months ago

    I liked them, but 1 and 3 were too hard and 4 and 5 were too easy. 2 is a bad joke.

  22. 6 months ago

    the only sucker is the first one, but that's the usual for megaman 1 and its multiple versions.
    3 is the best one btw

  23. 6 months ago

    I loved them especially 1 and 5.
    Anyone who unironically enjoys 2 and even defends, some even go as far as defending the music, have objective shit taste and should refrain from posting their opinions about video games because it's frankly embarassing.

    And no, it's not a matter of opinion. Which one you like better between 1, 3, 4 and 5, that's opinion. Liking 2 is just plain wrong.
    I wonder if it's the same breed of fans who unironically defend X5 and X6.

    • 6 months ago

      There are games far worse than GB 2 or X5/X6, and even if you despise those games to the core, dismissing people over opinions on games is silly.

  24. 6 months ago

    Only Mega Man World 2 sucked, which is why they never hired again the developers they outsourced to, Thinking Rabbit, ever again. The rest were Minakuchi Engineering, who clearly nailed it in 3, while 4 and 5 are top-tier classic Mega Man games.

    • 6 months ago

      What made it suck outside of the music being set and octave too high and the lackluster Wily fight? Everyone says this game was dogshit and so bad that Inafune personally apologized about it, but I've never actually heard what makes it that bad.

      • 6 months ago

        It's easy and it didn't really remix stages. That's it.

      • 6 months ago

        The gameplay is very off, the thing is we have worse of examples of fricking putrid gameplay like the DOS Mega Man games or Challenger from the Future which makes World 2 seem not too bad.

        The sprites also warp badly, like the sliding sprite which visually kind of throws you off.

      • 6 months ago

        The gameplay is very off, the thing is we have worse of examples of fricking putrid gameplay like the DOS Mega Man games or Challenger from the Future which makes World 2 seem not too bad.

        The sprites also warp badly, like the sliding sprite which visually kind of throws you off.

        Also worth mentioning, Inafune personally apologized because unlike shit like X5 through X7 (returned in X8) or the DOS games, or Challenger from the Future, he was World 2's producer still directly or semi-directly involved with the game and thus at the time percieved it as his fault.

  25. 6 months ago

    >How to out yourself as a tasteless homosexual: The Post

  26. 6 months ago


    >No, 5 is bad, simply it was developed by a third-party developer (Minakuchi Engineering).
    They all were, except II which turned out to be even worse than them.

  27. 6 months ago


    >No, 5 is bad, simply it was developed by a third-party developer (Minakuchi Engineering).
    They all were, except II which turned out to be even worse than them.

    This is some fricking contrarianism, World 4 and 5 for decades were acknowledged as some of the finest classic Mega Man games. Going as far back as the web 1.0 days.

    just because it's not new doesn't mean it's normal or acceptable to non scum

    I wonder how normalgays like you find this website and why they stay here.

    You can just call them pedophiles

    Nah, unless they have something 3DPD. Ironically the guy who get caught with 3DPD was the guy didn't even draw e-girlcon to begin with, the Ruroni Kenshin author.

    The main issue with V is that the level design is cheap. IV had better levels. The game likes to surprise the player with spikes they cannot see during a screen transition. And a big issue with all of these GB Mega Man games is slowdown.

    I don't agree with 5's level design being cheap, especially with the tools at your disposition, but I do agree lag is the bane of the World series, they were pushing that grayscale brick really hard.

    • 6 months ago

      >I wonder how normalgays like you find this website and why they stay here.
      hating pedophiles is not a "normalgay" issue, californian.

      • 6 months ago

        Not even American, this is just an anime website with a long history of all that encompasses, including e-girl. Crying foul over drawings for social credit is gay.

        • 6 months ago

          >anime website
          doesn't matter, you can like something such as anime or japanese games while simultaneously being disgusted by certain accepted behaviors promoted by the creators/culture

          i'm not about to accept certain things as normal just because i like mega man games, i played these games to be a robot who shoots robots and its fun, not because i simp for the sickos behind the scenes. the thing about e-girlcon is that is isn't arguable like having a crush on sailor moon or other teen characters who aren't even designed differently than adult characters anyway, we all know what it is and who likes it

          What's the logic thinking behind this?

          there are groups who have extreme views on subjects regarding "tolerance" and some places are more known for them

          • 6 months ago

            holy shit, you're crying a lot for drawings of stylized cartoons that dont even resemble real people. either accept it or admit you're a tourist or seek another medium or hobby that lines up with your moronic logic.

            Didn't Minakuchi Engineering work on some of the console entries as well? I think they had a part in MM7 and MMX3. 7 is pretty much World 6 anyway, right down to the 4+4 boss layout, item shop, rival character, and hidden collectables.

            X3, and you can tell. part of X3's poor balance is that its designed around X having all 8 heart tanks, and therefore everything hits like a truck, because classic never had health upgrades in his games

            • 6 months ago

              The ass is fat.

              • 6 months ago

                And she wears no panties. It's hilarious this went as far as removing the panties Roll.EXE normally has when Mayl wore the Cross Fusion dress, XEBEC were madmen.

          • 6 months ago

            >there are groups who have extreme views on subjects regarding "tolerance" and some places are more known for them
            Okay homosexual, is Patreon, for example, this Californian extremist tolerance group you're referring to? Because that's a Californian company yet doesn't allow any of the stuff you think this shithole state would push for, on top of having rules on offsite behavior and certain sexual subjects that are drawn.

            Sounds like you're either a schizophrenic or listening to a bumbling idiot pretending he knows anything.

      • 6 months ago

        What's the logic thinking behind this?

  28. 6 months ago

    He didn't play V

  29. 6 months ago

    Didn't Minakuchi Engineering work on some of the console entries as well? I think they had a part in MM7 and MMX3. 7 is pretty much World 6 anyway, right down to the 4+4 boss layout, item shop, rival character, and hidden collectables.

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