Lets Talk FF5

I recently completed (and fell in love with) Final Fantasy 4 and 6 on the SNES and I’m wondering if I’ll get the same joy out of 5. Does this one hold up to those two? Is the translated SNES rom any good or should I play this on GBA or somewhere else?

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  1. 2 years ago

    4 and 6 are widely considered to be the best 16 bit FF games. However this board is full of contrarians whose self-image relies solely on not liking what others like so you'll have a lot of "people" screeching how FFV is a sacred gift and how everything else sucks etc.

    • 2 years ago

      >4 and 6 are widely considered to be the best 16 bit FF games. However this board is full of contrarians whose self-image relies solely on not liking what others like so you'll have a lot of "people" screeching how FFV is a sacred gift and how everything else sucks etc.
      They're "widely" considered the best because that's what people in the west played. In Japan it's IV > V > VI.

      And besides, people can say FFV rules and the rest sux and viceversa, because V is very different from IV and VI in that the emphasis is gameplay and nothing more than gameplay. Story gays hate V, and gameplay/mechanics gays love V. Personally I think it's the most fun FF because I value the latter. The seethe it produces in guys like you is an extra.

      • 2 years ago

        A perfect example of it's fake fanbase

      • 2 years ago

        Notice the black white thinking. Typical seething contrarian mommy issues homosexual.

        • 2 years ago

          Let me know when you learn another word, anon. Funny you talk about seething when (You) wrote a deranged tirade in the first post unprompted. Seek help.

      • 2 years ago

        Good take.
        All three of the SNES Final Fantasy games are great. As the other anon said, with 5 the story is just there as a vehicle for the game play. 5 offers way more customization and frankly challenge than 4, and 6. 5 is also a bit of a slow burn, you unlock new jobs as the story progresses, so be patient with it.

      • 2 years ago

        i you value gameplay then turn-based JRPG's aren't really where it's at

        • 2 years ago

          And if you value story then JRPG's aren't really where it's at

          • 2 years ago

            okay homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      FF5 will make you wish for other games that by and large don't exist or when they do, add just flawed enough reimagining of the job system that it feels wrong. It's not perfect but parts of it and its systems can feel that way, the growth mechanics of the game are simple yet some of the most satisfying around.

      A perfect example of it's fake fanbase

      Notice the black white thinking. Typical seething contrarian mommy issues homosexual.

      This contrarian (and obvious samegay with some kind of game-vendetta) got so deep into contrarianism he thinks all of Japan, the people who actually got all the games on release, are the contrarians instead of himself. It's a massively more popular entry than either in the only region they got equal release, which is why Square made the FFT series and Bravely Default follow in its footsteps.

    • 2 years ago

      5 had the best job system.

  2. 2 years ago

    you might like it for its job system, it's closer to the nes FFs, more lighthearted and not as dramatic as 4 or 6
    adjust your expectations accordingly

    • 2 years ago

      As the other guy said it's closer to the NES FFs in that the story is pretty simple and it relies more on its gameplay to entertain, so it depends on if that can carry an FF game for you. Like FF3 you're expected to switch classes a lot but can use skills gained in one class while playing another which can lead to some really fun customisation, similar to FFT but not as in-depth. The script in the SNES translations I've played is pretty dry, the GBA version is a bit spicier and memier and has extra content but probably takes more liberties. The music's still great but worse on the GBA version, I remember hearing about a patch that might fix it tho.

      Thanks, I played an hour or two of FF1 and thought it was pretty cool. What version of FF5 would you guys recommend going with?

      • 2 years ago

        GBA with the sound and performance fixes. SNES fantranslation is also okay but missing the extras. PSX version is missing the extras *and* has nonstop load time plus nonsense translation. Later ports look like jokes.

        speaking of which has anyone tried to romhack the GBA features into the SNES game?

  3. 2 years ago

    If you liked FF4, you’ll enjoy any other FF, just go for it mate (I think FFV is great regardless, way better than IV, slightly worse than VI

  4. 2 years ago

    As the other guy said it's closer to the NES FFs in that the story is pretty simple and it relies more on its gameplay to entertain, so it depends on if that can carry an FF game for you. Like FF3 you're expected to switch classes a lot but can use skills gained in one class while playing another which can lead to some really fun customisation, similar to FFT but not as in-depth. The script in the SNES translations I've played is pretty dry, the GBA version is a bit spicier and memier and has extra content but probably takes more liberties. The music's still great but worse on the GBA version, I remember hearing about a patch that might fix it tho.

    • 2 years ago

      >The script in the SNES translations I've played is pretty dry, the GBA version is a bit spicier and memier and has extra content but probably takes more liberties
      The Snes translation is more accurate and doesnt turn the characters into Saturday Morning Cartoons. Gba is funny at least but I feel


      I recently completed (and fell in love with) Final Fantasy 4 and 6 on the SNES and I’m wondering if I’ll get the same joy out of 5. Does this one hold up to those two? Is the translated SNES rom any good or should I play this on GBA or somewhere else?

      should play Snes first. Best version of the OST as well and art looks best in Snes.

      • 2 years ago

        >The Snes translation is more accurate
        Are you sure about this?

  5. 2 years ago

    It lives and dies by the job system and if you like it. The story and characters suck. It's also pretty hard if you don't game the job system.

    • 2 years ago

      >The story and characters suck.

      Galufs final scene is better than all the story of FF6. FF6 is just emo garbage where everyone has been or is raped in one way or another, and they all carry these emotional scars with them. Haven't played FF4.

      • 2 years ago

        That scene is honestly the only good sequence in the entirety of FF5 itself as well, and probably one of the best send-offs in the entire franchise. Everything else fricking blows, and that's ok because the rest makes up for it.

        At least you didn't use the tired old cope of "FF5's story is lighthearted, its not supposed to be serious!!!' though, because FF5 tries really fricking hard and is played completely straight for the most part, way more than most people remember, with only the goofy GBA localization forcing in levity that wasn't there before.

  6. 2 years ago

    The hipster FF for people that hate the rest of the series. Game itself is fine but god it's fanbase is obnoxious with how they ignore it's flaws while shitting on every other game and their fans.

    • 2 years ago

      You're talking about VI gays? because they're the ones who hate every other game in the series because it doesn't live up to their precious gem.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't think I've ever seen 4 fans shit on the other games. Weird projecting.
        So do you like any FF other than 5 then?

        • 2 years ago

          >can't even read roman numerals

          Yeah I like 1, 6, 7, 9 and 10. Don't think I have ever seen a VI (6) gay give plaudits to other games of the series, not V nor any of the ones who came later. Maybe they like IV but it's a mystery really, since they're so fixated with 6 they rather play the 385th re-translation patch with randomized gameplay.

      • 2 years ago

        >can't even read roman numerals

        Yeah I like 1, 6, 7, 9 and 10. Don't think I have ever seen a VI (6) gay give plaudits to other games of the series, not V nor any of the ones who came later. Maybe they like IV but it's a mystery really, since they're so fixated with 6 they rather play the 385th re-translation patch with randomized gameplay.

        This post literally begins with “I love 4 and 6”

  7. 2 years ago

    So, are these threads fake? Is this kind of posting just how you get people to respond these days? The construct of "I like the other games, will I like this one?" or "I hate these games, tell me one I'll like." They're just bait, right?

  8. 2 years ago

    FF5 is the FF8 of the SNES era. Annoying fanbase that never shuts up and acts like the victim.

  9. 2 years ago

    I used to be 6=4>5 but over the years my tastes changed and now I'm 5>4>6

    • 2 years ago

      >i'm easily influenced by idiots with bad taste
      Sorry for your loss

      • 2 years ago

        >people don't mature with age
        stick to your bing bing wahoos

    • 2 years ago

      >i'm easily influenced by idiots with bad taste
      Sorry for your loss

      I used to like them all about the same and still do, but have become a lot more familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of each game. (though I'm least familiar with V).

      Aesthetically, I'd say VI is the best by far. While there's a whole lot of soul in IV and it looks (and sounds) incredible for an early SNES game (the FFIV "Nuke" animation remains my favorite among the three by far), VI is on another level overall. There are tons of top-notch field map designs, from the Narshe Mines to the snowy mountain cliffs, to Figaro Castle with its big fan-turrets, to the rainy and dismal Zozo and the steel and metal Magitek factory. The enemy designs are great. The spell animations are great. The battlefield backgrounds are great. The colors are great. The portraits are adapted from Amano designs without looking awkwardly jammed in and out of place like on GBA. The UI got a huge upgrade in fact in some ways it's even better than the UI in FF7 when it comes to equipment/stat screens and inspecting item traits.

      Where VI runs into problems is mechanically. Although there are a lot of mechanics, they aren't balanced very well. For example enemies have defense mitigation, but you get a bunch of free abilities that pierce defenses, making "fight" essentially pointless for the early part of the game, until you reach higher levels at which point the exponential damage scaling coupled with some overpowered items makes "Fight" so ridiculously powerful it can kill the Final Boss in one turn under the right circumstances. And speaking of formulas, the stats and Esper bonus system are totally fricked up due to the damage formulas. Stamina is worthless, HP/MP growths barely make a difference, Speed and Strength are merely mildly useful while Magic Power is extremely powerful. So either you ignore the growth system entirely or have to autistically ensure every character is wearing the right esper when they level-up.

  10. 2 years ago

    doesnt really have much of a story, so if you're not manic about FF gameplay I'd move on to 7. Just a warning that 7 Remake is actually a different game, a timeloop sequel to be precise

  11. 2 years ago

    It was a huge disapointment for me. For years it was the FF we never got to play, so when I finally got to, it was just ok.

  12. 2 years ago

    considering 4 is my favorite and thinking 6 is the best in the series i feel 5 holds its ground between these 2 juggernauts pretty well. theres sometihng about the world in 5 that feels very distinct and compelling.

  13. 2 years ago

    You will. People who are sayin the story is weak are morons, V is straightforward but in no way is the story "weak." It's fine.
    The Job system is the real catch, it will draw you in and has thousands of possibilties.
    The humor is also fine for a chuckle or two.

    • 2 years ago

      >People who are sayin the story is weak are morons, V is straightforward but in no way is the story "weak." It's fine.

      The story is there to drive the game, and to give a shitload of backstory and character building. It's not there to turn the game into a visual novel.

  14. 2 years ago

    The only tips I have for V is just to keep playing it. If you put it down and forget about it for even like a week you'll be totally lost when you pick it up again.

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