>level up after playing for 10 hours. >you get +6 hp. >you can maybe choose 2 new spell if you're a caster

>level up after playing for 10 hours
>you get +6 hp
>you can maybe choose 2 new spell if you're a caster
Holy shit BG3 has the most boring choiceless progression system I've ever seen. Even Jrpgs are better than this.

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  1. 10 months ago

    That's D&D man

    • 10 months ago

      They really casualised it. Why didn't they base this game on 3e?

      • 10 months ago

        Its too demanding for casuals.
        I finished bg3 and i thought the leveling was fine. in bg 1-2 you didnt get shit when you leveled and martials had only autoattack

        • 10 months ago

          How long did it take to finish it?

        • 10 months ago

          did you really mainline things or have you had no sleep?
          my act 1 was about 25 hours and i felt i sped through it (but did practically everything)

        • 10 months ago

          >I finished bg3
          No u didnt

        • 10 months ago

          >I finished bg3

        • 10 months ago

          >I finished bg3
          lmao. You must have played it every second since release

          • 10 months ago

            My save was 35h, i missed a ton of stuff by just following the most interesting thing. Still had a lot of fun and the finale is amazing atleast was for me.

            >I finished bg3

            yes see above, also I've played bg1/2 and pathfinders so im extremely familiar with these systems, also i started new playthrough immediately.
            Ps: i have a 9-5 job.

      • 10 months ago

        >Why didn't they base this game on 3e?
        wizards of the coast hates 3e.
        they want every new work that uses their ip to use 5e.

      • 10 months ago

        Wizards wants the newest version represented in everything

      • 10 months ago

        Because 3e was never good?

        • 10 months ago

          Dnd was never good, hence why DOS2 is far better than bearers gate threesome

        • 10 months ago

          3 and 3.5 were light years ahead of 5

          • 10 months ago

            Bullshit, no it wasn't.

            • 10 months ago

              Yes, it was, 5e is incredibly dumbed down in comparison.

              • 10 months ago

                >dumbed down
                I'll take "dumbed down" over "bloated with feats nobody ever takes".

              • 10 months ago

                a game like baldurs can handle the bloat though. thats the thing with video games, you can streamline a lot of bookkeeping that 3e had yet still have the vast array of choices 3e provided you.

              • 10 months ago

                It's better than barebones that is 5e, don't start quantity over quality and vice versa, 5e removed quantity and never gave "quality" because you can't upgrade your stats and get feats, this is beyond moronic design.

              • 10 months ago

                "shit that nobody takes" is exactly what adds flavor to fricking RPG games

      • 10 months ago

        Because 3e and 3.5 is just Feat tax the character builder and the prepared per slot sucks ass amongst other issues.

      • 10 months ago

        because it sucks, play 2e pussy

        • 10 months ago

          2e's even worse you contrarian grognard.

          • 10 months ago

            5e is the normie choice, 3e is the contrarian choice, 2e is the educated gentlemans choice

            • 10 months ago

              Would rather be a "normie" Than have to pre-plan out my entire build and take 7 different feats and talents just to make my character do 5 extra points of damage, in the dark, while not moving, from range.

              • 10 months ago

                If you're a casual enjoying 5e then good on you mate, i think its a fine introduction to dnd.
                just making fun of people shitting on 5e while not wanting to actually play the real mans dnd

              • 10 months ago

                I've played 3.5, I've played Pathfinder and I've hated the feat trees and the bloated stat growths both in NWN2 and Owlcat games.
                I refuse to touch 2e/ad&d because of the contradictory THAC0 system.

              • 10 months ago

                >I refuse to touch 2e/ad&d because of the contradictory THAC0 system.
                It's really that difficult for some people to wrap their head around the concept of "lower number = better"?

              • 10 months ago

                Its worse design
                is a group of 2 people stronger than a group of 3 people in 2e?

              • 10 months ago

                It is when every other stat and number wants to be higher = Better.
                Hell, when you roll you want the number to be higher on top of having a higher number on the weapon (Eg+1), so why the frick do you want a lower number on your armor? It makes no fricking sense.

              • 10 months ago

                but why would you obsess about it? I understood that lower number means better back in 1998 before I even had internet. Took me like an hour to figure out, then I never thought of that system again for the 50+ hours I played through BG1.

              • 10 months ago

                I've tried to play Planescape:Torment a few months ago, and It just didn't feel good to play. I think the other issue I have is with RTwP. I just don't like how it plays anymore. In my head D&D is Turn based, Period. No exceptions.

              • 10 months ago

                but D&D is turn based as a necessity of playing with other people in real life. It doesn't make any sense to enforce this arbitrary system when you play a single player game all by yourself and we have the technology to easily compute enemy and player choices in real time in the background. If anything, after playing BG3 for 10 hours, I am realizing just how superior RTWP really is. It all just feels so much faster, more responsive and it gives you far more control. Just the ability kite and pull enemies away from groups makes RTWP so much more tactical and responsive as a combat system than turn based.
                By the way, even if you don't like RTWP, you should try to stick with Planescape, it has a story that is a thousand times better than that of any Larian game and that alone is worth experiencing at least once.

              • 10 months ago

                Being able to swap between RTWP and turn-based with a button is objectively the best way to do it. Most fights in a CRPG are Diablo-tier and you're just going to send your melee moshpit in to blender some wolves or whatever, which is perfectly fine with RTWP. There are some fights that are more complex and intricate and turn-based really helps with those (or the game has way more intricate mechanics in general, like OS2 and the sheer number of precise spells you get, even for Fighters). Sure, RTWP can work for those if you're just pausing fricking constantly to give orders to your dudes each time they're available, but at that point it's just turn-based but more annoying.

                Pathfinder shows that it's just nicer to be able to do both as the situation calls for it. You're going to spend most of the game in RTWP just because it's so much faster and it doesn't really matter, but when you get to a ball-busting fight you can go turn-based.

                You don't seem to understand what I'm trying to say here. RTwP is a bad system for me.
                I'm a strategy game player and I hate to say it, but there is no strategy in RTwP especially when one of the most optimal ways to play is to just prebuff your martials and maybe cast a single fireball or two with annoying pixel perfect precision if you want to avoid Friendly Fire. That shit is just down right annoying.
                Solasta and BG3 do not have "Diablo-tier" fights and I'm thankful that they do not feel like a slog. The only two games IMO that did "RTwP" correctly was Dragon Age: Origins and Final Fantasy 12 And I cleared Pathfinder: Kingmaker. That game's RTwP was just.. No No thank you Never again.

              • 10 months ago

                Oh, I understand what you're saying, and I'm saying that having the option for both is just the correct answer because you can do whichever you prefer (even down to specific fights). I guess your complaint is that you don't like CRPGs that have Diablo-tier fights where you just have your Fighter club somebody to death. I can understand that, though I think that does limit the design a bit.

                I agree that DA:O does a good job with RTWP. And personally I don't mind a game that does either exclusively, because they both have their merits and can be fine. I disagree with the idea that there's no strategy in RTWP. Like I said, there's plenty in games that do it, you just often have to spam the pause button to micro every party member. I just think that there's no real argument to be made against the idea that having either RTWP or turn-based as an option is just better.

              • 10 months ago

                >you just often have to spam the pause button to micro every party member.
                And this is what bothers me. I don't want to micromanage every single unit to the literal pixel or need to figure out the optimal 'timing' of AOE spells as enemies run into them. Its why I prefer grid based versus what we have with Larian, Owlcat, etc. I like my combat structured with well defined rules and lines, even if it gets chaotic. My spacebar doesn't need a work out.
                I'm an X-COM player, what can I say?

              • 10 months ago

                That's why I hated Pillars
                I was spending more time micromanaging my morons than actually doing strategy.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm also a strategy game player who doesn't like RTwP, but that's because game devs think that means you can just pile on the billion situational things you have in a turn-based game and totally ignore the need for breathing room to actually deliberate your decision that you'd normally have if "it's your turn".
                There's a damn good reason no major RTS stacks more than 4-5 active abilities onto a single unit at one time.

                does monk break the game? i always fricking hate trying to balance around monks and barbarians in normal DnD

                >reliant on 3 different stats
                >and fight mana
                >both of which are things the system is stingy with
                lol, lmao

              • 10 months ago

                Well if you play any rtwp games on hardest you are pausing every half a second. Rtwp only works if game has lots of filler combat against weak enemies

              • 10 months ago

                >just pause every time you need to make a decision
                what's even the point of real-time then?
                >rtwp only works if game has lots of filler combat against weak enemies
                who actually likes filler combat?
                hell, filler combat against weak enemies is THE most memed-on aspect in games like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, which are turn-based games

              • 10 months ago

                >cleared Pathfinder: Kingmaker. That game's RTwP was just
                That game doesn't have RTwP it's just simulated turn based combat

              • 10 months ago

                but D&D is turn based as a necessity of playing with other people in real life. It doesn't make any sense to enforce this arbitrary system when you play a single player game all by yourself and we have the technology to easily compute enemy and player choices in real time in the background. If anything, after playing BG3 for 10 hours, I am realizing just how superior RTWP really is. It all just feels so much faster, more responsive and it gives you far more control. Just the ability kite and pull enemies away from groups makes RTWP so much more tactical and responsive as a combat system than turn based.
                By the way, even if you don't like RTWP, you should try to stick with Planescape, it has a story that is a thousand times better than that of any Larian game and that alone is worth experiencing at least once.

                Being able to swap between RTWP and turn-based with a button is objectively the best way to do it. Most fights in a CRPG are Diablo-tier and you're just going to send your melee moshpit in to blender some wolves or whatever, which is perfectly fine with RTWP. There are some fights that are more complex and intricate and turn-based really helps with those (or the game has way more intricate mechanics in general, like OS2 and the sheer number of precise spells you get, even for Fighters). Sure, RTWP can work for those if you're just pausing fricking constantly to give orders to your dudes each time they're available, but at that point it's just turn-based but more annoying.

                Pathfinder shows that it's just nicer to be able to do both as the situation calls for it. You're going to spend most of the game in RTWP just because it's so much faster and it doesn't really matter, but when you get to a ball-busting fight you can go turn-based.

              • 10 months ago

                different stat bonuses

              • 10 months ago

                I just love how THAC0 keeps on filtering out literal brainlets even 30 years later.

              • 10 months ago

                If your conflict resolution system couldn't be understood by players who's been playing the same edition for ten years, there's something wrong with the system.

              • 10 months ago

                >couldn't be understood by players who's been playing the same edition for ten years
                Holy shit, you people are actually moronic.

              • 10 months ago

                The way this edition was explained in-game might be even more confusing. Not even on Larian forums can you get a proper explanation of all the instances processed during an attack.
                From the chance to hit rolls against armor classes, spell rolls vs skill saving throws, saving throws in general, saving throws vs damage rolls etc.

              • 10 months ago

                5e is better 3e

              • 10 months ago

                Grognards are going to grognards mate. Number crunching every turn isn't fun.

            • 10 months ago

              2.5 ed is juuust right.

      • 10 months ago

        I played Kotor 1 and 2
        that wasn't that deep and that was basically 3e just with names changed

        • 10 months ago

          Absolute mongoloid lmfao

      • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        How tf is it simplified?
        In 3e games the warrior just auto attacked.
        In BG3 warriors have the base attack ,weapon skills, reactions, supperiority skills, and actions like jump and you can shove or throw people. And that's just at level 3.

        • 10 months ago

          You could do all these things and more in 3.5e. Weapon skills are not included in 5e, they're just a thing that Larian added for worse. Every trash mook spams them but the player is disincentivized to use them because they reset on a short rest. Through sheer probability (always a 5% chance of them succeeding) the odds are stacked against the player.

          • 10 months ago

            >You could do all these things and more in 3.5e.

            Yeah, badly, unless you invested like five feats into a single combat maneuver spread out over twenty source books.

          • 10 months ago

            >You could do all these things and more in 3.5e.
            Not in any game I've played.
            >Weapon skills are not included in 5e, they're just a thing that Larian added for worse.
            Who cares about 5e if they are in the game? And how are they added for worse? Why would it be worse that you have more options, and ones that I have used.
            >player is disincentivized to use them because they reset on a short rest
            How is that disincentivised? As in you would rather use normal attack? Well most of the time, sure, but so what? A skill is not shit just because you are not using it all the time.
            Bottom line this game still offers more variety than any other d&d based game. And that is just the skills, ignoring the other actions like dash, jump, shove, that are actually super usefull.

            • 10 months ago

              >Not in any game I've played.
              It's called tabletop, sweatie. You'll need friends for that.

              • 10 months ago

                We were talking about video games, BG3 speciffically, not tabletoop. Fact is BG3 is not dumbed down, but in fact the most complex, and the best d&d video game ever released.
                But nice try changing the topic since you yourself realized you can't argue against this.

              • 10 months ago

                No, we're talking about their underlying systems, which 5E is deeply flawed. The fact you point to a homebrewed mechanic (weapon skills) exclusively in your argument just means that it can be included in other systems. Vastly more complex and rewarding systems.
                Now frick up c**t.

              • 10 months ago

                >massive feat trees with 70% of the feats being traps or useless or circumstances that only get used once in a blue moon.
                Ha! No.

              • 10 months ago

                The remaining 30% viable feats are still more by count than anything offered in 5E.

              • 10 months ago

                Of those 30%, half of them are useless feat taxes.
                Or is Point Blank shot to get precise shot really that complex?
                Or the Cleave tree
                Or the two weapon fighting tree?
                Thats not complex, its just bloat for the sake of bloat. Its not interesting.

              • 10 months ago

                I'll cut this short and ask the question that always filters out 5E brainlets. Do you agree with INT not governing skill point gain and not being a prerequisite for certain combat feats?

              • 10 months ago

                I feel it's a weird requirement to have on feats. I personally hate the skill point system and do prefer it to be simplified like in 5e.
                I'm not filtered by it, it just doesn't make sense to have variable skill points when you want to have the highest number possible. Its numbers for the sake of numbers and once you get to the point where the die roll doesn't matter anymore the whole game falls apart.

              • 10 months ago

                You can still have the highest number possible, but with higher INT, you can have just plainly more skills. And not being able to take feats like Combat Expertise and Improved Trip as a literal brainlet makes sense - the complexity comes from the opportunity cost that you have to factor in.

              • 10 months ago

                3e skill point system is the worst kind of anal cancer ever created.

                Frick off and die

              • 10 months ago

                Filtered by scary numbers 😉

              • 10 months ago

                More like filtered by shitty game design KEK

              • 10 months ago

                it's alright to admit you're a brainlet, anon

              • 10 months ago

                Well yeah 5e is not made videogames in mind, complex systems work better on videogames as pc can autocalculate most of the shit. Bg3 still managed to be extremely fun and engaging despite being 5E

              • 10 months ago

                The underlying system of the game IS the homebrew version, that is what it uses. Just look at what I replied to fricktard, the comment was about BG3.
                And I wasn't pointing out weapon skills exclussively, also things like supperiority die, and other mobility actions, as already mentioned.
                >Vastly more complex and rewarding systems.
                That no other d&d game implemented.

              • 10 months ago

                depends what you mean by complex anon, yes you can push people and jump and interact with the environment, but I'd attribute that more to technology advancements if anything it's similar to dosbor any tactical game
                but complex DND wise I would say nwn is much more complex or if you would pathfinder

              • 10 months ago

                or knights of the chalice if you count that

          • 10 months ago

            >Not playing bard to have a extra short rest
            My homies are always rested.

            • 10 months ago

              Sleepypilled bard chad

      • 10 months ago

        Because that's how TTRPG companies work. They never allow you to use an earlier edition, always insisting on using the latest one.
        They can't even do what Knights of the Chalice did because BG uses an official Wizards setting, meaning Wizards can demand what system to use as a part of the setting license agreement. Knights of the Chalice, which uses its own setting, was able to indirectly use the 3rd edition by using the OGL material instead of the system itself directly.
        This is why we're NEVER going to get Birthright 2 either, which pisses me off to no end. There is no way Wizards will allow anyone to license any setting other than Forgotten Realms, especially not a setting that's almost 30 years old at this point and hasn't been updated for more than 20 years too.

      • 10 months ago

        Neverwinter Nights perfected it.
        Want to play a new 3e adventure? Download one of the hundreds of custom stories

      • 10 months ago

        3e sucks even harder, dude

      • 10 months ago

        >They really casualised it. Why didn't they base this game on 3e?
        Have you seen discussion of other CRPGs here? It's 90% waifuhomosexualry and cuckposting. Nobody wanted or needed deep and sophisticated system of Pathfinder games, and people who did were nowhere as vocal as perceived target audience. BG3 with 5e shit is the game just for you, you asked for it. You've made your bed, now lay in it.

      • 10 months ago

        If all you want is 3.5 then just play the first version of Pathfinder

      • 10 months ago

        They didn't casualize shit. They merely adapted what Wizard of the c**ts have cooked up.

      • 10 months ago

        we already had a pathfinder rpg. it was a mess.

        • 10 months ago

          It was just so unfun. Especially having to install and set up a buff bot.

      • 10 months ago

        Normies don't understand thac0

        • 10 months ago

          I really struggle to understand what there is to understand about THAC0

        • 10 months ago

          People who came up with thac0 don't understand fundamental workings of a human brain.

  2. 10 months ago

    Stick to Fortnite

  3. 10 months ago

    I'm like 20 hours in act1, level 6 soon, half way through the level cap

    yeah kinda boring, but the game is fun as frick so meh

  4. 10 months ago

    D&D is the worst and most boring piece of shit when it comes to being adapted from tabletops to video games.
    Which is why this game attracted so many moronic normies who, in a Bioware fashion, care more about romances, characters & quippy dialogue than actual good RPG combat/gameplay elements.

    • 10 months ago

      You do not have friends to play any tabletop game. Do not come here to larp, please.

    • 10 months ago

      D&D and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race

    • 10 months ago

      >D&D is the worst and most boring piece of shit
      This so fricking much. DOS2 has the best cRPG system every conceived by man and it baffles me why Larian dropped it for the pure fricking cancer D&D is.

      • 10 months ago

        the game that punishes you for having physical and magic damage in the same party

        • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            Not him but enemies have a shield against physical damage and a shield against magical damage. Shield needs to be down before you can target their HP.

            So if you have all 4 of your party member do physical damage, then enemies will end up dead twice as fast compared to a split damage party.

            In practice what he claims is not 100% true because some enemies have high physical and low magical armor or vice versa.

            • 10 months ago

              Were some enemies also just straight immune to one type?

              • 10 months ago

                No. Shields was an absolute non issue unless you do honest tactician without lone wolves, barrel cheese etc and even then it was manageable if annoying.

            • 10 months ago

              That's shit is OS2 is fricking moronic. the first game was much better in this regard.
              Also tanks are fricking useless because their taunt simply doesn't work because of physical defense what the frick????

          • 10 months ago

            the game becomes a lot slower if you split damage types in your party, if enemies have magic armor and you only have 1-2 magic dealers then it will be slower to kill them, the opposite is true for physical damage. this would be FINE if you were actually punished for running a full physical or full magical damage party which the game doesn't do. the game becomes an actual cakewalk because of this, there is literally no reason not to do this. it's such a half baked system that actively hinders party compositions.

      • 10 months ago

        dos2 combat was garbage that felt more like a environment puzzle than an rpg, also I'm so glad this game got rid of the shield system.

    • 10 months ago

      Have my up(you), kind sir.
      Critical Roll and DnD have been a disaster for the gamer race. Nothing but normalhomosexual garbage infesting every single thing considered "nerdy" now.

  5. 10 months ago

    Just wait 3 weeks until the real rpg of the year arrives, starfield

  6. 10 months ago

    This is what real progression looks like, filtered-kun.

  7. 10 months ago

    >whaaa i want something different
    There OP, i solved it for you.

  8. 10 months ago

    How the frick I'm supposed to defeat Thorm? He's constantly spamming Incubate Death, which spawns new enemies. And meelee characters can barely touch him

    • 10 months ago

      Heat weapon to gimp the melee output then every third brew he's stunned giving advantage and removing physical resist

    • 10 months ago

      >Go back to the goblin camp
      >Enter the room full of gunpowder barrels
      >Put them all in your inventory
      >start tossing them at him and his friends every round

    • 10 months ago

      Stand by the ramp closest to the east entrance. Shot him from the side with a warlock who has speced in pushback on eldritch blast. He never hit me once with this strat altho I did him after the tower so Wyll had a badass demon buddy.

  9. 10 months ago

    >choice less
    >doesn't respec shadowheart into a good class

    Do half you fricking morons even know how class systems work? For fricks sake your hard locking yourself to the pre selected class for the character and saying there's no choice. Make her a Paladin, your entire squad can be changed to ANY fricking unique class.

    • 10 months ago

      Is that better from her spamming spirit guardians as a tanky cleric?

  10. 10 months ago

    It's probably because it's based on d and d which means a lot of the versatility comes from your own roleplay and interaction with the DM. Generally in board games the fewer rules the better. Pathfinder wrath of the righteous is basically the same game but based on 3.5 rules and there is a bit more complexity with your builds but from level to level again nothing changes much.

    Also a lot of the choices don't come from level to level but a grand plan of thinking about your character. This especially if you multiclass but that feature is probably kept slightly hidden to make the game easier to understand.

    • 10 months ago

      It shouldnt matter on either axis of the vector, whether you prefer interactivity or versatility. Both have their place in a game of this caliber but developers only have the opportunity to implement one to its full potential. So why be bothered? Enjoy the game for what it is, mechanically, and technically. Don't like it? Then this argument is fruitless.

  11. 10 months ago

    I keep seeing troll posts like this, it takes like an hour to three hours to gain a level depending on what you are doing, are people just shitty asf at video games on here? Are these posters even 1st world white?

    • 10 months ago

      >an hour to three hours
      Oh ok... so OP was right about it being a shit system in which you could play the game for 6 hours and the only "meaningfull" progression your character makes is get +6 hp.

      • 10 months ago

        More fireball slots and new spells. My fighter is boring to get levels on tho, it's just more hits with higher numbers. Since the max level is quite low I still feel a reward once I ding. Besides, something taking a bit longer to do is also more enjoyable in the end. Not just playing to get sparkles and sunshine, instant gratification.

    • 10 months ago

      if that's the case, that's even worse because that would mean that you'd hit level cap long before you are anywhere close to the end of the game.

    • 10 months ago

      >troll post

  12. 10 months ago

    5e has some of the single most boring progression of any tabletop bro.

  13. 10 months ago

    Yeah 5e fricking sucks. It's a watered down, inoffensive system that excels at nothing

    • 10 months ago

      Then why is nobody saying the same about adnd which bg1/2 are based on. Those games have 0 mechanics outside of op spell spam

      • 10 months ago

        because that's simply not true. BG1 and 2 have lots of interesting character builds and mechanics that aren't tied to spellcasting. Also the by far most overpowered character in BG1 was an archer or fighter with all their proficiency points into longbow. Spells only really start getting truly overpowered by the end of SoA.

  14. 10 months ago

    >Even Jrpgs are better than this.

    At least don't hyperbolize. The vast majority of JRPGs have fixed level progression, which you can't influence in any way, and in 99% of the cases levelling up = numbers go higher.

    • 10 months ago

      That only applies to PS1 and PS2 titles, modern JRPGs rarely use fixed progression now, even RPGmaker Hgames have custom skill trees these days.

  15. 10 months ago

    have you ever played an rpg before?

  16. 10 months ago

    Are crossbows a thing in BG3? How would I go about building a heavy armored crossbowman?

    • 10 months ago

      Battle master Fighter
      Archery style
      Sharpshooter feat
      Dual hand cross bow

      • 10 months ago

        >>Dual hand cross bow
        you can do that?

        • 10 months ago

          Yep! No issue what so ever. I've got it on Astarion right now with Sharpshooter and he wrecks face.

        • 10 months ago

          There's even a feat tied to doing it Crossbow Expert
          No disadv standing in melee and an piercing shot lasts twice as long

    • 10 months ago

      5e doesnt seem that bad tbh

      yeah theyre simple weapons and just about anyone can use them. you probably want to roll a fighter. you can go battle master and stand back and cast these little buffs and other effects while you stand back and plink away

  17. 10 months ago

    I just met Vlaakith goaded the frick out of her and she insta kill me funniest shit.

    • 10 months ago

      Get Wished son.

  18. 10 months ago

    that's what happens when you have 3 diversity and inclussion departments and only 1 game design department.

    • 10 months ago


  19. 10 months ago

    If you don’t like Dungeons & Dragons, then why are you playing it?

    • 10 months ago

      I want the D&D version created in the 80s. That's the good stuff.

      • 10 months ago

        Just play Pathfinder.

  20. 10 months ago

    What TRPG you guys are using on your table? I GM for DnD 5e, Savage Worlds and Through the Breach.

    • 10 months ago

      if you're a gm and use DnD, you shouldn't be a gm

    • 10 months ago

      5e, purely because I'm trying to get RL friends into it.
      Using something simple and easy to get started in is the best way to get things rolling, imo.

  21. 10 months ago

    It's not that DnD couldn't be translated well into a video game, I think the issue is that it's way too much effort to envision every possible scenario and make it something that can happen in game. It's the same reason most RPGs toned down on the actual RPG mechanics besides broad appeal of course

    • 10 months ago

      I'm fine with how Larian approaches it in that they just make it a top down immersive sim because there are still obvious limits to what you can fdo but you still have a plethora of tools at your disposal to accomplish goals.

      • 10 months ago

        show me the immersive sim that makes you roll a dice to be able to do something

    • 10 months ago

      >It's not that DnD couldn't be translated well into a video game, I think the issue is that it's way too much effort to envision every possible scenario and make it something that can happen in game. It's the same reason most RPGs toned down on the actual RPG mechanics besides broad appeal of course
      To this day Shin Megami Tensei is the only series where you can talk to enemies and recruit them through dialogue mid-combat. This was a thing in D&D from day 1 up until like 3e when the jarpigers started to invade the hobby. God I hate RPG devs.

  22. 10 months ago

    Yep, don't roll a pure fighter. At least go cleric or druid. In BG1 it was literally just some HP unless you get to a certain level threshold and you can allocate a mastery point which doesn't change how physical attackers approach combat. You either swung your weapons or used ranged and there was nothing beyond a default attack.

    • 10 months ago

      Yea, but you at least get to attack more than once right?

    • 10 months ago

      I like passive characters though. Especially in a turn based game, it gets extremely tiresome when every character in your party always relies on manual input and spells to be remotely effective. That was also true in BG1 where you could only cast spells a very limited amount of time before you had to rest again. Playing these types of games with a strong auto attack class makes it much less tedious and much more enjoyable for me.

      • 10 months ago

        I played Icewind Dale 2 with a full party that had no dedicated spellcasters. No mages, sorcerers, clerics, bards and druids. Just six guys punching shit. Was one of the funnest playthroughs I ever had with anything.

  23. 10 months ago

    why dont you guys play with 1st edition rules fricking casuals

    • 10 months ago

      Qrd me on all editions

      • 10 months ago

        >OD&D (everything before advanced, like B/X or BECMI, generally referred to as 0e and almost universally rules-compatible between each other)
        >simple and straightforward; focused on the idea of dungeon-delving and wilderness adventure, with a clear goal of time-constrained resource management. Your party is there to make money to eventually become landed lords. Most shit is very simple (i.e. you pick your class and your name and that's literally it. Stats are randomly rolled and races are classes, so you're a dwarf, not a dwarf cleric). Every class has their place, everything is focused on delving, and there's a lot of really good advice on playing the game. The focus is on your skill as a player to delve a dungeon, not your skill in making a character.
        >AD&D (1e and 2e, which were made under TSR still but differentiated from 0e)
        >class and race are separate, begins to increase customization and draw away from a lot of the original design philosophy while staying true to the general idea. Less focus on dungeon delving, more general fantasy shenanigans. This is when the franchise had a setting explosion and introduced tons of new settings (Planescape, Spelljammer, Dark Sun, Council of Wyrms, etc.). More rules complexity, some of it cool and some of it nonsensical. What most people actually think of when they think of D&D, rather than 0e. This is Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, as well as Torment, and pretty much every other video game.
        >3e and 3.5 (this is when WotC acquired D&D)
        >crank all of the complexity up even more, HUGE focus on character customization and build options. The player skill now arises less in approaching problems and more in making a strong character. Feats rule the day. The designers explicitly said that they drew inspiration from Magic the Gathering deckbuilding. The designers also had a fetish for spellcasters and they're objectively busted in this edition. Continued a lot of the trends, but wildly different from 1e and 2e

      • 10 months ago

        Expansion pack for fans of the wargame Chainmail, in which you can play as individual soldiers rather than controlling the whole army.
        Everything is summarized in this one edition. You don't need to buy Chainmail to play this game. Also created as a ploy to not give royalties to DnD's co-creator Dave Arneson KEK.
        Wizard of the Coast edition. TSR went bankrupt because the people in charge are morons relating to business. Classes get added on that makes the older classes weak in comparison. Powercreep is everywhere and opening a chest requires you to roll a 60 on your d20.
        Even more classes, spells and power creep.
        Miniature skirmish game. You need a battle mat and miniatures to play. Reduces the powercreep significantly and streamlines the rules. Created to sidetrack the 3e's Open Game License, (which permits everyone to make fancontent for the game). This is honestly a solid edition, and its Dungeon Master's Guide is really useful.
        Further streamlines the rules. Magic and healing is way too powerful and nobody can die in game. It's braindead easy to run, but if the party is lvl 8 or above, the game slows down considerably. Players are just too powerful.
        DnD MMO. Requires a computer to play this game, because WotC fully expects everybody to move all their RPG'ing online. Haven't played it myself.

        • 10 months ago

          3.5 but more official and homebrew than you can read in a lifetime
          5e bound accuracy but better so mooks can't brute force god roll a difficult DC

      • 10 months ago

        >OD&D (everything before advanced, like B/X or BECMI, generally referred to as 0e and almost universally rules-compatible between each other)
        >simple and straightforward; focused on the idea of dungeon-delving and wilderness adventure, with a clear goal of time-constrained resource management. Your party is there to make money to eventually become landed lords. Most shit is very simple (i.e. you pick your class and your name and that's literally it. Stats are randomly rolled and races are classes, so you're a dwarf, not a dwarf cleric). Every class has their place, everything is focused on delving, and there's a lot of really good advice on playing the game. The focus is on your skill as a player to delve a dungeon, not your skill in making a character.
        >AD&D (1e and 2e, which were made under TSR still but differentiated from 0e)
        >class and race are separate, begins to increase customization and draw away from a lot of the original design philosophy while staying true to the general idea. Less focus on dungeon delving, more general fantasy shenanigans. This is when the franchise had a setting explosion and introduced tons of new settings (Planescape, Spelljammer, Dark Sun, Council of Wyrms, etc.). More rules complexity, some of it cool and some of it nonsensical. What most people actually think of when they think of D&D, rather than 0e. This is Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, as well as Torment, and pretty much every other video game.
        >3e and 3.5 (this is when WotC acquired D&D)
        >crank all of the complexity up even more, HUGE focus on character customization and build options. The player skill now arises less in approaching problems and more in making a strong character. Feats rule the day. The designers explicitly said that they drew inspiration from Magic the Gathering deckbuilding. The designers also had a fetish for spellcasters and they're objectively busted in this edition. Continued a lot of the trends, but wildly different from 1e and 2e

        forgot to mention that 3.5 is used almost universally over 3e because it's just objectively an improvement on 3e (3e sucks)
        >4e (often called WoW: the Tabletop Game derisively by people that weren't there when 3e was called Diable: the TabletopGame)
        >feels very gamified, but it's really balanced. Everything is basically turned almost into video game-styled abilities with cooldowns and codified use. If you don't like that this edition fricking blows because it draws away from a lot of stuff (but it's less of a departure than 3e was, honestly). Has a lot of potential for cool tactical game stuff, and it would honestly probably work better as a skirmish-focused wargame than a TTRPG because a lot of people just can't divest the game-y elements from the RPG elements. The edition suffered from WotC incompetence with simple math and also trying to lean too hard on digital aspects that they fricked up.
        >5e (most recent, what BG3 is based off of)
        >incredibly similar to 3.5, though not always in a good way. It's like 3.5 except streamlined (i.e. Morrowind to Skyrim) but in the worst possible way (even worse than Morrowind). The streamlining does not simplify the game, as it's probably the hardest edition to learn and understand; the streamlining just removes customization and the "deckbuilding" that 3.5, 4e, and 5e are all built on. Keeps all of the flaws of 3.5 (i.e. caster supremacy) but introduces flaws from 4e, without taking any of the good things from 4e. It's popular and it has some neat ideas, but all of the neat ideas were clearly from designers that left our were ousted from WotC to go work on better projects, because 5e's potential has only gone downhill over time. Cool ideas with some of the classes, started off with a lot of potential, but ended up becoming the most soulless, designed-by-committee, drip-fed, and poorly-designed edition

        For my money, every edition but 5e is worth playing in its own way, because it's just worse 3.5.

        • 10 months ago

          Expansion pack for fans of the wargame Chainmail, in which you can play as individual soldiers rather than controlling the whole army.
          Everything is summarized in this one edition. You don't need to buy Chainmail to play this game. Also created as a ploy to not give royalties to DnD's co-creator Dave Arneson KEK.
          Wizard of the Coast edition. TSR went bankrupt because the people in charge are morons relating to business. Classes get added on that makes the older classes weak in comparison. Powercreep is everywhere and opening a chest requires you to roll a 60 on your d20.
          Even more classes, spells and power creep.
          Miniature skirmish game. You need a battle mat and miniatures to play. Reduces the powercreep significantly and streamlines the rules. Created to sidetrack the 3e's Open Game License, (which permits everyone to make fancontent for the game). This is honestly a solid edition, and its Dungeon Master's Guide is really useful.
          Further streamlines the rules. Magic and healing is way too powerful and nobody can die in game. It's braindead easy to run, but if the party is lvl 8 or above, the game slows down considerably. Players are just too powerful.
          DnD MMO. Requires a computer to play this game, because WotC fully expects everybody to move all their RPG'ing online. Haven't played it myself.

          >OD&D (everything before advanced, like B/X or BECMI, generally referred to as 0e and almost universally rules-compatible between each other)
          >simple and straightforward; focused on the idea of dungeon-delving and wilderness adventure, with a clear goal of time-constrained resource management. Your party is there to make money to eventually become landed lords. Most shit is very simple (i.e. you pick your class and your name and that's literally it. Stats are randomly rolled and races are classes, so you're a dwarf, not a dwarf cleric). Every class has their place, everything is focused on delving, and there's a lot of really good advice on playing the game. The focus is on your skill as a player to delve a dungeon, not your skill in making a character.
          >AD&D (1e and 2e, which were made under TSR still but differentiated from 0e)
          >class and race are separate, begins to increase customization and draw away from a lot of the original design philosophy while staying true to the general idea. Less focus on dungeon delving, more general fantasy shenanigans. This is when the franchise had a setting explosion and introduced tons of new settings (Planescape, Spelljammer, Dark Sun, Council of Wyrms, etc.). More rules complexity, some of it cool and some of it nonsensical. What most people actually think of when they think of D&D, rather than 0e. This is Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, as well as Torment, and pretty much every other video game.
          >3e and 3.5 (this is when WotC acquired D&D)
          >crank all of the complexity up even more, HUGE focus on character customization and build options. The player skill now arises less in approaching problems and more in making a strong character. Feats rule the day. The designers explicitly said that they drew inspiration from Magic the Gathering deckbuilding. The designers also had a fetish for spellcasters and they're objectively busted in this edition. Continued a lot of the trends, but wildly different from 1e and 2e

          Thanks frens

  24. 10 months ago

    Any good char costumization mods for this? For the npcs I mean ?

  25. 10 months ago

    Why did they even based their game on DnD?
    They had Original Sin, why going all the trouble to reproduce exactly DnD when you can do you own sauce?

    • 10 months ago

      Because Baldur's Gate is part of the Forgotten Realms setting.

      • 10 months ago

        Huh, I just looked it up, and it's the same setting as Eye of the Beholder, Neverwinter and even Pool of Radiance.
        I didn't knew that, it's kinda amazing a simple setting got so much traction

    • 10 months ago

      D&D is incredibly popular right now because of WotC falling ass-backwards into Stranger Things, Critical Role, and a pandemic, and not at all because of the quality of their products. They've tried their absolute hardest to drive away customers and to squander the popularity and potential, but the consumer-base is hellbent on rewarding them for their moronation. Larian is just being smart and getting a cut of the pie, possibly even getting paid by WotC to develop a tie-in.
      The game is selling a shitload of copies for a reason. Baldur's Gate is known as THE CRPG series, and D&D is really hot right now. It doesn't matter if BG3 is that much better than OS2 or not. It would have always sold way more copies. It also helps that there is a genuine level of frustration with a lot of previously beloved WRPG devs (BIoware, Bethesda, Blizzard) because they've been releasing shit and having scandals. Owlcat and Larian have been poised to swoop in for a while and they've made a killing because they picked a good time to release CRPGs that give people what they want (PoE was too early and TOO classic).

      • 10 months ago

        >PoE was too early and TOO classic)
        Nah, PoE was shit.

        • 10 months ago

          I really enjoyed the the Caribbean theme, and sailing around doing pirate stuff in poe2. also the way that stats worked towards your abilities was a refreshing take.

      • 10 months ago

        if cdpr has picked up this instead of cyberpunk we'd be in a very different place right now. Sven would still be wearing full plate though

  26. 10 months ago

    >Finally get a feat with barbarian
    >Pick tavern brawler
    Fun acquired.

    • 10 months ago

      Make 4 barbs and have them start their own wrestling gang.

    • 10 months ago

      Not going to get tired of picking up enemies and hurling them violently at other enemies and then running up to their mate and one hit punching him square in the chops.
      Only thing is that human enemies and large are apparently too big to manhandle like that without using a spell to enlarge myself. Can I increase my strength stat enough to be able to pick up bigger enemies I wonder?
      Still fun using enraged throw to chuck all manner of weapons and items at enemies though, at this point the other characters are basically a clean up crew while my pc charges around tearing shit to pieces.

  27. 10 months ago

    d&d is not about being overpowered anime femboy but about using your brains with the limited power you have

    • 10 months ago

      wouldn't being given complex choices to make require more thought than getting really simple low-impact choices like a small bonus to HP

  28. 10 months ago

    Important: you can use a shovel anywhere on ground, its how you unearth secret stashes. I was running around like a retarad thinking it was bugged.

  29. 10 months ago

    It's the same like in Baldurs Gate 1 or every other low level DnD adventure. Did no one played Baldurs Gate before?

  30. 10 months ago

    If you respec can you restart your stats? I'd like to use Shadowheart but I don't need a Cleric, I want her to be a Barb cause that devil lady keeps screaming FRICK and it's too edgy for me

    • 10 months ago

      yes, you can redo your stats with a respec


      >level up after playing for 10 hours
      >you get +6 hp
      >you can maybe choose 2 new spell if you're a caster
      Holy shit BG3 has the most boring choiceless progression system I've ever seen. Even Jrpgs are better than this.

      try hitting level 3 or 4 bro

    • 10 months ago

      Find the zombie man in the building following the starter coast east it's locked by a hidden button perception roll
      He then goes to your camp to do respec for 100g

  31. 10 months ago

    Turn off karmic dice. The enemy misses a lot more if you turn it off. My rogue can actually dodge effectively with it off. Just my subjective experience I have no evidence to back this up.

    • 10 months ago

      the fact that karmic dice is enabled by default is fricking moronic

  32. 10 months ago

    3e and 5... both were shit. Only AD&D 2nd was good.

  33. 10 months ago

    >Even Jrpgs are better than this.
    Of course JRPGs like Dark Souls are better, you get to roleplay as a scumbag and mess with entire parties.

    • 10 months ago

      >stuck in an animation
      >enemy sword goes right through the body
      Great fricking game, anon.

      • 10 months ago

        you should not be a game designer if you think the person that got the parry should be punished for taking the riposte

        • 10 months ago

          >sword going through enemies with 0 effect is actually okay because... uh... GAME DESIGN
          Let me guess. You also start seething when people talk shit about Morrowind?

          • 10 months ago

            Yes and yes.

          • 10 months ago

            Anyone talking shit on Morrowind is a double digit IQ moron, and that includes Daggershit boomers who b***h about it.

      • 10 months ago

        you should not be a game designer if you think the person that got the parry should be punished for taking the riposte

        Part of the game's phylosophy, if you don't have active control of your character, you don't take damage.
        But I will concede that having 100% immunity is a bit too strong for parries, since they're an active choice you make, unlike getting knocked down to the floor, so maybe you should take 15% regular damage during ripostes so you don't just spam parries in a tight knit 3v1 and nullify the group advantage.

  34. 10 months ago

    my vengeance golden dwarf paladin just killed astarion on an impulse
    I must do whats right, always, no matter what
    the game is fantastic

  35. 10 months ago

    I dont get why they made this a dnd thing instead of a normal rpg like Witcher 3 or something.

    • 10 months ago

      god youre moronic. v is truly dead.

      • 10 months ago


  36. 10 months ago

    >Holy shit BG3 has the most boring choiceless progression system I've ever seen. Even Jrpgs are better than this.
    That 6 HP and 2 new spells will make a bigger difference to your playstyle than 20 hours in Assassin's Creed or Final Fantasy

  37. 10 months ago

    For me it's Cloud of Daggers. It's just so good.

    • 10 months ago

      >combat ends
      >partymembers without fail run through or stand in cloak of daggers

    • 10 months ago

      it's so incredibly strong. the fact that it can't miss in a world of 45%s is beautiful.

  38. 10 months ago

    level 12 cap was a mistake
    the game is long enough to fit in at LEAST level 15
    buff mob strength and pepper in more fights, bigger bosses etc to compensate
    there was so much fricking running around without any combat, just narrow roads through grassland in act 1

    • 10 months ago

      >no secret tarrasque boss fight to fight at max level
      it sucks
      even BG1 had it

  39. 10 months ago

    Deadlands vidya when?
    RuneQuest vidya when?
    WHRPG vidya when?
    Call of Cthulhu vidya when?
    Traveller vidya when?

  40. 10 months ago

    pathfinder > dnd
    Not talking about games, just systems.
    You can all eat dick

  41. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Anon, those are normal necks.

      • 10 months ago

        not they are not pencil neck homosexual

        • 10 months ago

          Every single time, like clockwork.

  42. 10 months ago

    i think 5e is fine because it literally is the most video gamey version of dnd, so it's a lot more fun to play it in bg3 than in real life.

  43. 10 months ago

    I wish they could've made Artificer work
    I love Artificer

  44. 10 months ago

    >playing 10 hours
    >actually is 4 hours of cinematics and 1 hour of the slowest turn rate shenanigans ever seen

    • 10 months ago

      Go play counter stike then.

  45. 10 months ago

    does monk break the game? i always fricking hate trying to balance around monks and barbarians in normal DnD

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >500 attacks monk
        >not good

        sounds like you've never played in a game with a monk who min-maxed

    • 10 months ago

      Monk is mediocre, maybe you can minmax it into crazy fricker but overall not so great

      • 10 months ago

        >500 attacks monk
        >not good

        sounds like you've never played in a game with a monk who min-maxed

        There are some interesting monk equipment that might make it more fun and powerful, but the core class is so.. clunky and Ki points suck.

        • 10 months ago

          Im currently trying str/dex monk with tavern brawler. I need 1 lvl to get the feat. Open hand monk seems to be the best, elementalist just didnt do anything special.

      • 10 months ago

        >does between 60-150 damage a turn
        >lowest save is +8
        >+15 to hit
        >strong trip, push and stun options
        Didn’t even jam tadpoles into my characters eyes. Monks pretty fricking strong

        • 10 months ago

          how the frick

          • 10 months ago

            18 did, +5 from equipment and a bunch more from buffs

            what subclass were you, my elemental monk didnt do shit in act 2 so i respecced, but now i tried monk with other char and he seems to hit way more as open hand

            Fist monk, get loads of additional damage dice on damage and savage attacker is obscene

        • 10 months ago

          what subclass were you, my elemental monk didnt do shit in act 2 so i respecced, but now i tried monk with other char and he seems to hit way more as open hand

    • 10 months ago

      >does monk break the game?
      I think Monk has been the objectively worst class in the entire game in every single edition of D&D. If any of the video games do differently, please let them. The Monkgays need it.

      • 10 months ago

        Monk/cleric dual wield kama is very good in nwn
        or monk/assassin/shadowdancer I think

  46. 10 months ago

    Why the frick are Drow such ungrateful petty b***hes? I kinda wanna play one now

    • 10 months ago

      I'd kick you out of my table if I were your DM.

      • 10 months ago

        t. petty drow b***h

  47. 10 months ago

    Wow that angel b***h really screwed me frick her i was going to spare him and then she show up and attacks him, is it possible to ally with him if she is dead?

  48. 10 months ago

    And get this. YOU dont even get all the really COOL spells and feats (after level 13) that make this early slop bearable.

    • 10 months ago

      level 12 cap was a mistake
      the game is long enough to fit in at LEAST level 15
      buff mob strength and pepper in more fights, bigger bosses etc to compensate
      there was so much fricking running around without any combat, just narrow roads through grassland in act 1

      there us definitely going to be expansions to increase the level cap

      • 10 months ago

        Isnt the ending kind of set in stone? I guess they do an alternate path.

        • 10 months ago

          i just think it's weird to cap the level off at 12 in the edition that scales you to infinity and beyond. to me that would be a good selling point for an expansion while also creating fights around those god level powers.

  49. 10 months ago

    Why is Halsin so fricking jacked? I thought elves couldn't be jacked?

    • 10 months ago

      >buff elf taller and more swole than the default half-orc
      >no option for buff half-orc/dragonborn
      I'm still mad

    • 10 months ago

      They always could. BG1 had a 18/something strength ranger elf guy, but everyone forget about him because he was male and thus not allowed in BG2.

  50. 10 months ago

    >Even Jrpgs are better than this
    Y U insult Materia System tho, based Materia System loves you

  51. 10 months ago

    That isn't BG, that's D&D. BG just happens to be based on the D&D ruleset.

    Also why I don't bother playing that shit.

  52. 10 months ago

    Why in the world did they make a wild magic barb in 5e? does it even compare to sorc?

  53. 10 months ago

    Tried playing PF: Kingmaker turn-only once. Never again. Turns the game into a painful crawl. I'll gladly take RTwP.

    • 10 months ago

      Wrath is better with turn based. Not as many filler trash fights.

  54. 10 months ago

    What's a high AC in 5e? The fact I'm lvl 4 with only 18 ac makes me feel naked. That's worse than a lvl 1 in Pathfinder.

    • 10 months ago

      5e has absurdly low AC matched by absurdly low to-hit. They call it bounded accuracy and it kind of makes the game miserable. I dunno if BG3 does it much differently, overall, but you kind of have to build specifically for AC to get much over 20 in 5e without magical items.

    • 10 months ago

      25 is when you start to get high. AC rarely gets higher than that. I think 37 AC is the absolute maximum. 42 if behind full cover.

    • 10 months ago

      25-30 is the high end
      Barb can hit that easily and can push that higher

      • 10 months ago

        >Barb can hit that easily
        Huh what? How? I assumed Fighter or Paladin would be the best tank.

        • 10 months ago

          naked barb can get full AC from dex modifier and con modifier. though if you invest in dex as barb you'll cripple str.

      • 10 months ago

        some pretty extreme minmaxing is required for barb to get that high
        you'd have to do something like unarmored defense tortle with a shield or warforged in general

    • 10 months ago

      Here's something to look at.
      Basically, the game 'runs' on an average 65% chance to hit, especially when Ancient dragons have an AC of 19.
      Getting above that is unusual.

      You can still have the highest number possible, but with higher INT, you can have just plainly more skills. And not being able to take feats like Combat Expertise and Improved Trip as a literal brainlet makes sense - the complexity comes from the opportunity cost that you have to factor in.

      Maybe I'm just more thankful for the simplicity of 5e, you don't have to worry about "What am I going to spend my 8+Int Mod + Human/Feat points into THIS level? Do I just go with what I have already or should I branch off?"
      In my opinion, its not interesting. Its number bloat for the sake of numbers to make a three on a die roll turn out to be a 49 on a skill check. Its silly.

      • 10 months ago

        >In my opinion, its not interesting. Its number bloat for the sake of numbers to make a three on a die roll turn out to be a 49 on a skill check.
        I happen to think that everyone getting the same skills and growing them at the same rate isn't interesting. Why put points into INT as a rogue when you can just keep at 8 and not be penalized anywhere except the rarest saves in the game?
        Hell, Arcane Trickster is a good example as it's on both systems. In earlier editions, you needed to have the INT requirement to learn the spells to begin with as well as the skill points (especially spellcraft) representing your character learning about the trade.

        • 10 months ago

          Honestly I can see the merit of it but I disagree with the execution. Maybe it's because I'm older now but it's just too bloated for me. The stats are fine. Int is always important anyways even if there isn't skill points.

          • 10 months ago

            int is the single biggest dump stat in this game. everyone is a fricking moron except for like 1 or 2 classes. classes that need int as a secondary stat just wear the circlet of intellect and dump it anyway

          • 10 months ago

            int is the single biggest dump stat in this game. everyone is a fricking moron except for like 1 or 2 classes. classes that need int as a secondary stat just wear the circlet of intellect and dump it anyway

            Currently DMing a 5E game. With no exaggeration, all my players dumped INT except for the wizard. And the wizard is fricking wearing heavy armor and a shield without spellcasting penalties. Had to double check the rules on that. 5E is moronic.

            • 10 months ago

              >If you wear armor that you lack proficiency with, you have disadvantage on any ability check, saving throw, or attack roll that involves Strength or Dexterity, and you can't cast spells.

              Are you a moronic GM?

              • 10 months ago

                Getting proficiencies isn't particularly hard.

              • 10 months ago

                The only way to get heavy armor proficiency as a wizard is to either multiclass or take a feat, they cannot get it by themselfs

              • 10 months ago

                Which are both things they can do easily, yes.
                Fighter dips are pretty famously effective and feats exists and are easy to access.

              • 10 months ago

                1 level of fighter to remove the biggest weakness of the wizard and also lets you cast two fireballs as an opener. Arcane Spell Failure was a good balancer, wider class imbalance notwithstanding.

              • 10 months ago

                multiclass homosexuals deserve the rope

              • 10 months ago

                If they multiclass into a fighter they dont get h.armor, they need to start as a fighter and fighters get action surge at second level so dipping just one level wont work

              • 10 months ago

                >here's a problem I made up but also the solution
                I was wrong about action surge but not about the armor. Still a paltry investment to completely eradicate the wizard's weakness.

              • 10 months ago

                If they started as fighter to get heavy armor their skill list is gimped
                If they multi into fighter they only get medium + shield

              • 10 months ago

                Yep, the dude basically checks out when it's outside combat time. Fatass just munches away on snacks. I'm either gonna kill his character and force him to roll for stats or just kick him out of the group.

            • 10 months ago

              You didnt read anything

    • 10 months ago

      25 is high. If you hit 30+ you essentially can't be hit by any monster in the monster manual. My favorite is a pally/college of sword bard in full plate and a shield. Which can get you conditional 34 ac, +5 to all saving rolls on top of what you get normally, 16-19d8 dmg in one turn, and take shield mastery feat for evasion. At level 12ish.

  55. 10 months ago

    You do kill all short *races* on sight right?

    • 10 months ago

      I weaponize them

    • 10 months ago

      Dwarfs are generally based but dnd & pathfinder ones are flavourless (like all other races)

  56. 10 months ago

    Welcome to 5e, it's a fricking snorefest.

  57. 10 months ago

    5e would be better if feats were separate to attribute leveling. Also if skills could be properly specialized in with a skill point system instead of whatever the hell is going on in 5e.

    • 10 months ago

      You literally explained pathfinder 2

    • 10 months ago

      D&D skill systems are invariably bound to suck because the system defers to your stats so hard.
      maybe if it were more like shadowrun where you have to be an actual supergenius for your raw intelligence to match the gun nut's familiarity with gun repair, it wouldn't be as moronic.

  58. 10 months ago

    I replaced frog lizard lady with fire draenei lady

    • 10 months ago

      Gith are superior to ti*flings. Imagine consorting with hellspawn.

  59. 10 months ago

    RTwP like in NWN and older BG games were far superior and more fun. I actually had to have a video playing on my other screen because it takes the enemies minutes to do their turn every time.

    • 10 months ago

      >Auto attack games with moments of boring micro manage are more fun and complex than a tactics game.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah I too prefer doing nothing and watch the enemy take 5min to complete their turn. It's so immersive to see my fast monk just stand there doing nothing

        • 10 months ago

          Disagree. Rtwp is fine but I will always enjoy the tactical depth of turn based. I had way more fun in my turn based playthrough of WotR than the rtwp one

          • 10 months ago

            RTwP is just as tactical, if not more than turn based. If it's too much for your brain to handle you have to option to pause all the time so it will be just like a turn based game anyways.

            • 10 months ago

              The "depth" of rtwp is just prebuffing to the moon before a combat

        • 10 months ago

          It does not take them 5 minutes, and when you or the enemy act, it is actually meaningfull, not just looking at a bunch of dudes swinging at each other and missing. Or how is waining for your guys to actually cast a spell, or just waiting between swings for no real reason any better?
          Sure, they're doing something, they're waiting for their next turn, but they're waiting in real time, so much better.

          • 10 months ago

            It really sounds like you never play a RTwP before. You do the exact same thing as a turn based game, only that you don't have to sit and wait for 5min to watch the enemy move around and attack you

            • 10 months ago

              No, you just wait for 5 minutes for them to actually land a hit.
              And you still wait between character swings, and they seem to miss much more, or idk but it's much more boring since you know most of the character actiosn are not that important, nor is the effect of each individual action that clear.
              I have played the Icewind Dale games, NWN, Pillars games, A bit of Pathfinder, and none of them came close to being as engaging as BG3 or OS2. In fact, I would even say the combat was maybe the worst aspect fo those games.

              • 10 months ago

                >No, you just wait for 5 minutes for them to actually land a hit.
                So it's the exact same shit as this game if you just auto attack on enemies? You click them, miss and then have to wait 5min for the enemies to do the same.
                Only difference is that in BG3 spells are way too busted which is not a positive thing.

              • 10 months ago

                Ok, you clearly have not played BG3 to even compared the snooze fest that is RTWP with this. Or maybe you just cant run it so your turns take forever.

              • 10 months ago

                I finished BG3 and most of the time played I litearlly just watched the enemy do their turn while I did nothing.
                I've played NWN, BG1-2 and more and had WAAAAY more fun and engaging combat than sitting around literally doing nothing.

              • 10 months ago

                >engaging combat=clicking faster

                the only way to have fun in pathfinder is to powergame

                No it isn't homosexual, play the fricking game instead of looking people on Youtube telling you how to do it

              • 10 months ago

                Frick off moron choosing to take one skill point into climbing instead of hiding doesnt change shit, its only illusion of coise that youre too stupid to see

              • 10 months ago

                >PC at front of party at all times because I like to pick up the important stuff on him and do interactions
                >enemies beeline to him star of battle
                >no formations so the morons with melee are in the middle or back
                >take moronic damage from enemies doing a frick ton of actions and cant do anything except reload just before the encounter and put melee first.
                what fun and natural gameplay wow

              • 10 months ago

                This is also how I felt playing BG3, I had a ranger as my PC and obviously use them to interact with most stuff. So whenever a combat happened the ranger was in the front why all the melee character was behind him in an awful positioning.
                >b-but don't play your PC, use one of your companions!
                Was never an issue with RTWP

              • 10 months ago

                Pretty sure most other turn based RPGs give you formations that your team enter before battle or move on the map as to prevent this moronic shit. BG3 is so fricking barebones it hurts.

              • 10 months ago

                And it doesn't help that every single time in combat the positioning was ass, so the enemies could just use all the AoE shit in the world to frick up the entire party without you being able to react.

              • 10 months ago

                This is also how I felt playing BG3, I had a ranger as my PC and obviously use them to interact with most stuff. So whenever a combat happened the ranger was in the front why all the melee character was behind him in an awful positioning.
                >b-but don't play your PC, use one of your companions!
                Was never an issue with RTWP

                >what is stealth
                >what is pre positioning everyone other than party face
                >what is surprise round
                Fricking think for once, You can do incredible amount of preparation to secure yourself tactical advantage even without barrels go boom.

              • 10 months ago

                >dude just walk around in stealth 24/7 and manually walk with all your 4 characters because an encounter might happen!
                Was never an issue in RTwP.

                >I litearlly just watched the enemy do their turn while I did nothing.
                You make it sound as if the enemy acting is meaningless. Indeed, in RTwP it is, since enemies are predictable and you don't realyl have to plan your turn, since most encounters are literally the same. Pause, assign targets, cast spell, wait for stuff to happen, as in wait for your guys to cast spells, and for your fighters to do their next attack.
                There is more down time in RTwP, since most of the stuff happening does not really matter, as opoposed to turn based where even if your enemy moves, you still care, since their actions are meaningfull and will affect how you plan your turn when it comes.

                >When an enemy moves to hit you in turn based it's so meaningful and awesome! Seeing them doing this for 5min is actually not downtime
                >but in RTwP where you have to control multiple units at the same time and cast spells, use items, attack and issue commands...that's actually downtime!

              • 10 months ago

                >When an enemy moves to hit you in turn based it's so meaningful and awesome! Seeing them doing this for 5min is actually not downtime
                You forget that is how enemies behave in those shitty RTwP, in BG3 enemies are much more dynamic. Not to mention they seem to have higher chance to hit, and combat is overall higher stakes, a turn actually means something.
                >but in RTwP where you have to control multiple units at the same time and cast spells, use items, attack and issue commands...that's actually downtime!
                It is, since they still wait before they do stuff, and often times, the "real time battles" are just a bunch of guys staring at each other, no one doing anything since they are waiting for their turn. Oh, and not to mention spells take time to cast, as opposed to turn based where if you want to cast a spell you cast a spell and watch the effect, you don't have to wait in real time.

              • 10 months ago


                Turn based combat
                >just move before the enemy and kill everyone before they can even react or move
                >makes zero sense that the enemy would not even fight back before they are dead
                RTwP combat
                >Engaging and meaningful combat that can't be cheesed
                >enemies actually fight back and is a lot more strategic

                Take me playing a ranger for example, in a RTwP game I have the options to create space between me and the enemy and use my melee party members to not let any enemies through. I can actually fulfill the class fantasy of being a ranger
                But if I play a turn based game every combat will either be more getting the first turn and just killi everyone before they get the time to react, or the enemy will just run to the face of my ranger while my character just looks at them and stands completely still, it's unimmersive and kills and kind of class fantasy or good design.

                The only stake is that you need to kill them before they can react and there's no actual tactical gameplay because it's just about who kills who before they other one gets to react.
                While RTwP combat is actually meaningful and you can strategize and make use of your weakness's and strengths.

              • 10 months ago

                >The only stake is that you need to kill them before they can react
                Well no fricking shit, that describes every combat ever. You can say that about the ai as well, they just need to kill the player before the player can react. But it's not even given that you will act first, everyone rolls innitiative.
                And it's just as true in RTwP. But you don't expect to just kill the enemy in one shot there, so why would you here?
                >While RTwP combat is actually meaningful and you can strategize and make use of your weakness's and strengths.
                As if yu don't do that in Turn based?
                Serious question, how do you strategize your weaknesses and strength in RTwP, so that you don't do the same stuff every enncounter more or less? In RTwP mobility is much less important for example, as is the environment (compared to Larian games at least), so the only thing you realistically strategize is what abilities to use and who to attack, which is what you do in turn base anyway, except you don't even consider turn order, meaning there is less complexity since when you use the abilities is less important, sicne everyone acts at once.

              • 10 months ago

                No you can't, rtwp massively lacks fine tuning options and every crpg with it boils down to chokepoint simulator, also ai is even dumber in rtwp than in turn based on average because it needs to process most shit on the fly, so pathing etc is all kinds of fricked. Not a single rtwp crpg utilized rtwp potential at fricking all, yes even fricking poe1-2, black geyser and serpent in the staglands. Tyranny got the closest out of big names, with dustwind and brigade e5/7.62 being the absolute pinnacle of rtwp design.

              • 10 months ago

                >RTwP combat is actually meaningful and you can strategize
                lmaoing my ass off
                RtwP combat is mindless autoattack galore in 99% of encounters.

              • 10 months ago

                But that's turn based.

                In RtwP if I see a hoard of enemy I can think of stuff like blocking it off with a Wizards fire way, setting up a fire bomb there and utilize the positioning of my group. In turn based the hoard of enemy will just dash 100m while my party just watch them walk to their face.
                If I position my ranger at the back I can have it shoot the enemies down while being at a safe distance and keeping it, in this game the enemy bruisers will just leap 100m to the back of you line and there's nothing you can do about it.
                Mages used to have their weakness that they die easily, but in a turn based game because their spells are so powerful they can just cast it and kill everything before they can react, while in a RtwP you can prevent them from casting and punish them.

                Positioning doesn't matter at all in a turn based game like this, the ONLY thing you have to think of is not clump the party together to get hit by AoE's, that's it. The tactic and strategy is all reactive of what your enemy did while the thought of doing something that the enemy CAN do doesn't even exist.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not even gonna read past the 1st sentense, you're either completely delusional or trolling.

              • 10 months ago

                final fantasy tactics has more strategy involved than any rtwp game ever made.

              • 10 months ago

                >actually defending not having formations in a game that had millions sunk into it by hasbro when its been a staple in every other rpg
                nah its just fricking lazy and sets up moronic situations forcing you to reroll. thats another issue how much this stupid fricking game forces you to arbitrarily reroll like insta death crit 1s and spawning your wizard a mile infront of the party with enemies that get 2-3 times the actions you do and insta wipes

              • 10 months ago

                >I litearlly just watched the enemy do their turn while I did nothing.
                You make it sound as if the enemy acting is meaningless. Indeed, in RTwP it is, since enemies are predictable and you don't realyl have to plan your turn, since most encounters are literally the same. Pause, assign targets, cast spell, wait for stuff to happen, as in wait for your guys to cast spells, and for your fighters to do their next attack.
                There is more down time in RTwP, since most of the stuff happening does not really matter, as opoposed to turn based where even if your enemy moves, you still care, since their actions are meaningfull and will affect how you plan your turn when it comes.

  60. 10 months ago

    >94% chance to hit with advantage and several bonuses
    >*miss all three*
    this game is such bullshit

    • 10 months ago

      Uncheck karmic rolls. If you haven't, the game really is bullshit, you can't trust any of the dice probabilities.

  61. 10 months ago

    I just throw water at people and then spam lighting, so far it's been p good

  62. 10 months ago

    dnd shit doesn't belong in video games

    • 10 months ago

      Tjr oweexlming najority lb pkdayrrs disafree.

      • 10 months ago

        are you ok anon

  63. 10 months ago

    I don't like the whole rest thing in dnd, it makes casters feel weak. "You can cast fireball 3 times today and then you need to go take a nap"

    • 10 months ago

      Casters are only weak in early game although 5e casters feel super cucked with the new "Concentration" mechanic. I wonder if they ever become as overpowered as previous editions and PF

  64. 10 months ago

    >He didn't kill the demon general on the ship at the beginning of the game

    • 10 months ago

      >walk in
      >use "AYO NIGGUH DROP YO MUFUGGIN WEAPON, b***h" spell
      toll collector is more complicated since you need to cheese stealth checks

  65. 10 months ago

    what is the point of bows when crossbows exist?

    • 10 months ago

      Different effects and some classes don't get heavy crossbows.

  66. 10 months ago

    What I really don't like about this system is that you have to choose to either get a feat OR an ability increase. And how ability increase is boring but also the most effective in 95% of cases.

  67. 10 months ago

    should have used GURPS

  68. 10 months ago

    I wish you could control characters while other characters are talking to npcs so you can turn npcs away while you're stealing

    • 10 months ago

      You could probably do that in multiplayer

    • 10 months ago

      But you literally can do that? And what's better npcs literally won't react to a successful pickpocket until you stop talking to them.

    • 10 months ago

      You can do it on this game like you did in DOS, start a conversation and check for the switch character icon on the bottom left.

  69. 10 months ago

    If you start as Shadowheart can you strip her nude for the whole game?

    • 10 months ago

      i mean you dont have to start as her you get her literally right after the tutorial area but to answer your question yes.

  70. 10 months ago


  71. 10 months ago

    Can character quests progress if I don't bring them to specific situations?
    I'm not bringing that homosexual vampire with me, but don't want to skip parts of content.

  72. 10 months ago

    i am so fricking sick of failing perception checks bros, shadowheart is at 19wis and still failing them and i don't want to play a fricking druid

  73. 10 months ago

    Do druids get the bonus effects from gear in animal forms

  74. 10 months ago

    im at lvl 4 and all of my attacks only have 50-60% hit chance,

    while attacks that have high ground/stealth advantages only go for 60-70% hit chance

    am i missing something, my hit chance could hit for 90 to 100% only just a few levels ago

    • 10 months ago

      the enemies got more ac

      • 10 months ago

        how do i increase my hit chance then?

        is it all governed by dex just like the old games?

        • 10 months ago

          strength for bonk
          dex for pewpew
          casting stat for nerds

        • 10 months ago

          strength for bonk
          dex for shoot and stabby
          spell casting ability for the laser light show.

          Also +x weapons

  75. 10 months ago

    I just came off pathfinder wotr and the spellcasting feels like ass.

    >level up
    >you can do 1 new spell
    >and thats it

    yeah I mean that is objectively worse than pathfinder in every way, the spells are dogshit too.

  76. 10 months ago

    don't forget that all classes share the same boring feats

  77. 10 months ago

    This is why the pathfinder games are still superior since you actually get a fricking choice when levelling like and actual tabletop game instead of 5e lite, im glad it filters the morons with its amount of choice and synergies

    • 10 months ago

      Pathfinder is just bloated and you'll be grabbing mostly the same bullshit on each archetype of character or you're completely gimping yourself. There's nothing interesting about that.

      • 10 months ago

        If you are a moronic powergamer maybe, the point of RPGs isn't making the most powerful character or checking out guides on how to be meta.

        • 10 months ago

          the only way to have fun in pathfinder is to powergame

        • 10 months ago

          It's not metagaming to want to actually hit your opponents in a combat setting but being unable to because you didn't grab the right feats.

          • 10 months ago

            Then learn how the game mechanics work before picking useless feats, you should have enough common sense to avoid stuff that doesn't make sense for your character.

            • 10 months ago

              So there's no choice in what you have to pick making your argument that the "choices" make pathfinder better complete bull honkey. At that point they're not actually choices if you're required to take them.

              • 10 months ago

                No one is requiring you to take shit, you don't pick warrior feats on a mage and viceversa, its common sense, i know that some people need the game to play for itself but everything is clearly explained in those titles.

              • 10 months ago

                Warriors have to pick certain feats and mages have to pick certain feats to be successful in combat. That's not choice is it? It's just unnecessary bloat, like I already said.

              • 10 months ago

                Since Pathfinder has lots of choices there are like a hundred feats to pick, some feats are viable for all types of characters too.

        • 10 months ago

          If you play on the real difficulty (Core) it is literally impossible without powergaming. Playful Darkness or the Shadow Dragon will tear you a new butthole with your homosexual "RP" build

          • 10 months ago

            Then don't

            >b-b-but my gamer ego

            The default difficulty isn't Core by the way

      • 10 months ago

        Its not bloated, it makes you feel in control of your build and if it doesnt work you fricked up. Better than 0 fricking choice in BG3. Running a wizard in my game and holy frick there is 0 fricking choice I get to pic two more fricking spells i'll probably never use every level because I only get a few prepared pieces of shit and no option to multiclass or have fun playing into an archetype as there like 0 differenced between the ones in that game.

        • 10 months ago

          >and no option to multiclass

        • 10 months ago

          Not in Owlcat PF.
          moron devs ignored stat stacking math even on Core enemies are stat bloated. If you play on b***h mode by all means pick any feat you want kek.

          • 10 months ago

            I play on core and above and never had an issue, sounds like a skill issue anon. BG3 is even worse considering its hardest mode is like playing on normal in PF and the devs hold your hand and force your choices every level

  78. 10 months ago

    when can i stop spamming bless in every fight? it feels too good to stop using...

  79. 10 months ago

    Gale is cute

  80. 10 months ago

    >No Luck stat
    Is this even a real rpg?

    • 10 months ago

      every stat is the luck stat 🙂

    • 10 months ago

      Luck stat in RPGs is worthless or even harmful especially if it is put in together with gambling/minigames and other ways to make money, in fact gambling and such are terrible things to put in a videogame regardless since they ruin any attempt at balancing an economy.

    • 10 months ago

      There is a feat and also halflings have racial feat

  81. 10 months ago

    What determines spell accuracy? Shadowheart has way higher WIS than DEX but her crossbow is more accurate than her firebolt cantrip. What gives?

    • 10 months ago

      Firebolt is for nerds and consequently governed by INT.

      • 10 months ago

        WTF? I thought everything in her list used WIS? How do you even find that out?

        • 10 months ago

          bro it literally says attack roll: int if you hover over it

          • 10 months ago

            I'm playing with game pad, frick me I just saw it loooool. It's over.

            • 10 months ago

              a whole 100g to respec how will anon ever recover

              it’s just a cantrip anyway who cares

    • 10 months ago

      The spellcasting ability from the source you got the spell. Did you dip into wizard like a moron?

    • 10 months ago

      Firebolt is from her racial wizard spell cantrip thus uses int, use Sacred Flame it uses wis and targets dex instead of AC

  82. 10 months ago

    Shadowheart is gay and has a stupid haircut!

  83. 10 months ago

    Play Pathfinder if you want options

  84. 10 months ago

    Why don't these games ever have fun races, when you first get glut following you I thought he might end up a potential companion. It's always just human but big or different color.

    • 10 months ago

      Because it's Forgotten Realms.
      It's contractually obligated to be completely fricking boring.

      • 10 months ago

        Schizo rambe starts here:

        Imo there is no problem with basic races - it's just that they are mundane in their uniqueness to the point in which everyone looks like a bunch of cosplayers. I think it's a problem of presentation - there is no such problems in witcher or gothic, while in dnd and pathfinder each village of 3 houses has racial diversity of LA if it also had some aliens and all creatures from WoD living in it.

        >you thought it was just a bumfrick nowhere village where population consists of mostly humans (aka default race) and maybe a dwarf blacksmith?
        >too bad! This village has 1 member of each race and how it continues to exist past 1 generation is beyond me!
        >look at all of these different races: bubunku, dudunku, wiener-sucko and elf
        Feels like a fricking freakshow imo

        Fricking Uwe Boll's Dungeon Siege is more immersive than whatever basic settings of pathfinder or dnd now are.

        • 10 months ago

          Nobody but morons plays the basic setting for that reason.

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah, but good settings don't get turned into bindu games, right?

            At least in old games all that mishmash was turned down a notch (because writers scared about immersion)

  85. 10 months ago

    Using consumables is cheating

  86. 10 months ago

    >Watching a guy that has played tons of D&D play BG3
    >He clearly enjoys the RP aspect and tries to take it pretty seriously, considering what his character would do over optimal decisions
    >Interacts with his party members in camp
    >"Why the frick does everyone in my party want to frick me? I just want to interact with them without getting hit on all the time."
    While I laughed, they really should've put more effort into the non-sexual aspects of your party members. Everyone is way too horny if you're trying to take the game seriously and not just trying to frick everyone.

    • 10 months ago

      you have to actively pick the frick me options for this to even happen.

      • 10 months ago

        >Pick the frick options

        For an autistic guy like me "join me in my tent" really doesn't sound like "I want to frick you"
        Especially of you just met the character a few days ago

        • 10 months ago

          Then you have some pretty deep autism.
          That's about as blatantly asking to frick someone as you can get.

      • 10 months ago

        The complaint was that all the companions always try to frick the protagonist, not that he consented and they actually succeeded. If you ask Gale to show you a magic trick he will later literally ask you why you are leading him on or cheating when you eventually sleep with another character. The character you romance will even ask what's the deal with you and Gale even if you never flirted with him and were just being friendly. Asterion will get into a dialogue that has no exit without an approval loss if you decide to frick someone other than him. Lae'zel will try to frick you even if neither you nor her show interest in each other prior to the interaction, and even regardless of whether or not you have any approval or are even friendly. These companions literally want to frick you without having ever built any rapport with you whatsoever, that's the issue. It's jarring.

    • 10 months ago

      >minthara sells herself as a kinky b***h
      >you get a boring ass vanilla sex scene with her
      Kinda disappointed.

      • 10 months ago

        sells herself as a kinky b***h
        >>you get a boring ass vanilla sex scene with her
        Holy based. Can't wait for my evil playthrough.

      • 10 months ago

        sells herself as a kinky b***h
        >>you get a boring ass vanilla sex scene with her
        Holy based. Can't wait for my evil playthrough.

        >recruit minthara because I thought she would be an awesome dom with lots of great scenes
        >she literally has ZERO content outside that one scene
        Why did they market the game with romance stuff so much, if they didn't even add more romance stuff since the beta?

        • 10 months ago

          Because only heteros care about backstories and the potentially cool wealth of sidequests therein, and this game isn't made for them.

        • 10 months ago

          No I believe she has, some morons said that she was a true romance, But supposedly you need to get her approval stupidly high, or so they say

          • 10 months ago

            If that was true there would be some footage or something about it by now.

            • 10 months ago

              Yea I keep searching, but yea some say she his bugged, well we'll have to see, is it too much asked to get some pregnant drow women ?

  87. 10 months ago

    what is the lore reason for sorc and warlock using cha instead of int anyway

    • 10 months ago

      Sorc I don't know but generally you have to be charismatic to make a deal with higher powers and actually get a decent end of the deal.

    • 10 months ago

      Charisma measures a character's force of personality/will. And Sorc and Warlock are not about an actual study of magic, they just do it.

      • 10 months ago

        Sorcerers should be dex casters.

    • 10 months ago

      Charisma in the context of DnD is more about the force of your presence, it's not just a score of how likeable you are. Since sorcery comes from some innate inner power, it makes sense for it be CHA for that reason.

  88. 10 months ago

    I'm gonna get the game when it goes on sale, but my goal is to play a Dual Wield Barb. Can I make it work or does the game just REALLY want me to play Great Weapon? Not sure whether to pick Berserker or Wildheart either.

    • 10 months ago

      Sadly, DW kinda sucks if you aren't a rogue in this game.

  89. 10 months ago

    D&D isn't about doing cool builds anymore, it's about staying in your mandated pigionhole and violently defending it from everyone else

  90. 10 months ago

    I respeced Gale into a 8 int 8 wis 8 cha barbarian

  91. 10 months ago

    >Get cold feet and try to get out of the zaithisk early
    >Perma -2 int
    Well guess my cleric is dumb now

    • 10 months ago

      >Pass all saves
      >All brain actions are now bonus actions

  92. 10 months ago

    >d20 system is complete and utter shit
    >values don't represent anything by themselves, you can't get a grasp of precisely how good you are at x without comparing it to another value
    >almost no picks have a result that encourages role playing
    >actually roleplaying is not even rewarded, only fighting
    welcome to d&d, the most moronic pen and paper system ever conceived

  93. 10 months ago

    I declined lazael after I freed her.
    Can she still join my party later?

  94. 10 months ago

    *laughs in Pathfinder*

  95. 10 months ago

    I just spam Eldritch Blast. I'm sure there are other strategies but I haven't needed one so far

  96. 10 months ago

    the dialog system is beyond moronic especially in coop
    they had 2 games prior and like a year of early access and you're telling me no one told em that it was fricking stupid that your other characters couldnt take control of the conversation especailly for skill dialogue options
    i'm sure its not easy but i'm also sure i don't give a frick
    the game would be so much better with this in

  97. 10 months ago

    >killed Minthara
    >notice she has comfy clothes, alchemy bag, camp supply bag in inventory
    >realise she's a potential companion

    • 10 months ago

      >potential companion

    • 10 months ago

      She sounds like she deepthroated a toilet brush
      Not much was lost

  98. 10 months ago

    Is good or evil more interesting for a first run?

    • 10 months ago

      Good is always better. Evil for a second run.

    • 10 months ago

      good. playing an actually evil character makes you miss a ton of content and context because youre telling everyone to frick off or just outright killing them.

      you can always be good but still an butthole though.

  99. 10 months ago

    >"Looks like you've been cau-

  100. 10 months ago

    concentration is an anti-fun mechanic, straight up

    • 10 months ago

      i don’t mind the fact it you need to roll saving throws upon getting hit, but the fact that you can only have 1 spell active at a time feels like putrid dogshit

  101. 10 months ago

    Back to Diablo 4 with you.

  102. 10 months ago

    *crits u*

  103. 10 months ago

    how do i initiate a suprise attack on the enemy? is it only from stealth?

  104. 10 months ago

    I am playing a Ranger and was a bit disappointed that you couldn't pick a favored enemy or terrain, instead you get
    >bonus to investigation
    >resistance to cold, hot or poison damage
    and all that bullshit instead.
    They have a camping system, couldn't they have had rangers improving camping in places you have favored terrain?
    Why the absolute frick couldn't I have picked "Humans" or "Elves" like regular rangers do in 5e? Now I get a bullshit like "enemies get disadvatage if you cast this very specific spell, lol you wanted favored enemy bonuses? Lmao." It's one thing that subclasses are not fully implemented from books like Xanathars Guide to Everything, but the base rules are fricking different here for no appearent reason. Fricking hell.

  105. 10 months ago

    Turn based combat
    >just move before the enemy and kill everyone before they can even react or move
    >makes zero sense that the enemy would not even fight back before they are dead
    RTwP combat
    >Engaging and meaningful combat that can't be cheesed
    >enemies actually fight back and is a lot more strategic

    Take me playing a ranger for example, in a RTwP game I have the options to create space between me and the enemy and use my melee party members to not let any enemies through. I can actually fulfill the class fantasy of being a ranger
    But if I play a turn based game every combat will either be more getting the first turn and just killi everyone before they get the time to react, or the enemy will just run to the face of my ranger while my character just looks at them and stands completely still, it's unimmersive and kills and kind of class fantasy or good design.

    • 10 months ago

      People like different things anon. If you don't like turn-based games then what are you doing here? Just play pathfinder.

    • 10 months ago

      >Engaging and meaningful combat that can't be cheesed
      >enemies actually fight back and is a lot more strategic
      Top bait. RTwP combat has no strategy because programming AI to use DnD system in real type is impossible task. RTwP is where you cheese the enemies. Especially in Pathfinder.

      • 10 months ago

        And if this was BG3 it would just be a single wizard casting a spell killing everything before they could react.

        • 10 months ago

          What spell specifically? The closest I can get is Metamagic Polymorph to get 2 or so enemies dead.

        • 10 months ago

          See. We need special Ganker gamer difficulty like in Pathfinder. But instead of bloated stats the enemy wizard will be the one casting a spell killing your party because he won initiative. I would like to see Ganker reaction.

          • 10 months ago

            >But instead of bloated stats the enemy wizard will be the one casting a spell killing your party because he won initiative. I would like to see Ganker reaction.
            But this kind of happens in this game

  106. 10 months ago

    My party is four druids and you can't stop me

    • 10 months ago

      the Driad lvl4 spell is fricking busted

    • 10 months ago

      You should run a 4x spore druid party. Kill enemies with the collective weight of your druid stench powers.

    • 10 months ago

      It's 5e
      You can run a party of 5 shit throwers and you can't loose unless you jump into a lava pool

      Sure, some encounters would be more complicated, but it isn't like old editions where classes mattered

  107. 10 months ago

    There's a reason fa/tg/uys hate on D&D, and especially 5e.
    Even as someone who plays 5e, I think it's distinctly the worst part of BG3.

    • 10 months ago

      They hate everysingle edition of dnd what the frick are you talking about

      • 10 months ago

        try reading the post again

  108. 10 months ago

    Should I respec Shadowheart? So far she seems almost as useless as the frog with her constant misses. Luckily, together they somewhat work, as in the frog baits enemies and gets knocked down, while SH gets her back up.

    • 10 months ago

      Sacred flame and bless until spirit guardians then sprint vaguely near enemies because larian homebrew lets you damage everything instantly instead of start of turn

    • 10 months ago

      I use her as a healer/walking AoE pointer

    • 10 months ago

      I put decent armor, shields and a 1hander on her. Use her to bless the party, possibly mirror image herself, and she works as a good tank that doesn't lose concentration on the Bless and rarely gets hit. Her bonus actions go to the occasional heal, and she works pretty well. This is on balanced though.

    • 10 months ago

      I made her into a tempest cleric.

  109. 10 months ago

    I changed Lazel into a cleric and then stuck her in the camp naked

  110. 10 months ago

    Jesus christ. This fight in the goblin camp is so shit. It's like 30 enemies at once.

    • 10 months ago

      anon can you think outside of the box for once

      • 10 months ago

        I killed their leaders so as soon as I leave the temple, the entire fort aggros on me at once.

        • 10 months ago

          You fast travel out of the temple, then attack from the front entrance

          • 10 months ago

            >fast travel
            I don't use cheats

            • 10 months ago

              There us more than 1 way out of the temple

              • 10 months ago

                What's the second exit? The place the tortured NPC runs to has no exit.

            • 10 months ago

              You can descend deeper into the temple, find the Underdark, and then rise back up to land through there

            • 10 months ago

              do you really enjoy the walk back simulator? the return after a quest is always handwaved. it is tradition.

    • 10 months ago

      Why are you running into the middle of the camp to fight?
      Literally just take a shot from the entrance bridge and you only fight half of them, in a choke point where you obliterate them with AoE

    • 10 months ago

      The one outside? Most of them have like 6 or 9 hp. One good aoe spell and the fight is managed.

      • 10 months ago

        Oh I didn't think of that. I have a Fireball Scroll. This should work I hope.

        • 10 months ago

          The one outside? Most of them have like 6 or 9 hp. One good aoe spell and the fight is managed.

          Holy frick. That instant killed like 10 guys immediately. I'm sorry for ever doubting you Gale.

          • 10 months ago

            not shadow but still WIZARD MONEY GANG
            WE LOVE CASTING AOEs

          • 10 months ago

            Based. Gale is awesome. (As long as he keeps his pleasure magic to himself)

            • 10 months ago

              >talk with a dude about cats
              >suddenly all dialogue choices are different kinds of "Oh shit, I'm sorry"

          • 10 months ago

            >Zoomies figuring out how to deal with goblins for the first time
            This makes me more nostalgic for Icewind Dale than Baldur's Gate.

  111. 10 months ago

    >I need instant gratification!
    character progression is not the focus of the game. it's discovery, adventure, making choices with impact. if you think that's boring and want more +stats instead, maybe Diablo IV floats your boat.

    • 10 months ago

      Stop acting like a DoS3 5e mod is just some shit so highbrow plebs can't appreciate it. Its actually giving me a headache after a week of this stupid shit. Everyone on this board is chatGPT or has dementia I fricking swear.

  112. 10 months ago

    Anybody actually take Minthara as a companion? I heard she doesn't have a lot of dialogue, is that true?

  113. 10 months ago

    D&D has always been a terrible system

  114. 10 months ago

    >Base gameplay on DnD, a tabletop game
    >A game that's simplified so you don't need a computer to handle it
    >A game that relies on creative storytelling from the DM and players
    >Put it on a computer with a generic pre-written story and minimal player input
    >Still sell millions of copies despite executing a bad idea poorly

    • 10 months ago

      >anon discovers the history of crpgs.

    • 10 months ago

      That's why RtwP worked so well and was more fun, it was evolved gameplay that fit perfectly for a computer while still holding the core ruleset intact.

      • 10 months ago

        >That's why RtwP worked so well and was more fun,
        It never worked well and never was more fun.
        Every respected RPG enjoyer hated RtwP with passion. And it never was evolution of gameplay. It's like saying map markers and lootboxes with gacha mechaincs are evolution of gameplay. Casuals just want to skip combat.

        • 10 months ago

          in bg3 that fight would had taken 20 minutes

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah, and it would've actually been involved and fun.

        • 10 months ago

          But it's the casuals and normalgays that LOOOVES BG3 while they didn't give a frick about games with RtwP?
          I mean it's fine that you want to watch the enemy move for 5min and that positioning doesn't matter at all. But most of us want to have a combat that isn't killing every enemy before they can react.

          • 10 months ago

            >But it's the casuals and normalgays that LOOOVES BG3 while they didn't give a frick about games with RtwP?
            Because this game was made by Larian.

          • 10 months ago

            So true sis, there sure is a whole lot of enemy reacting to you and clever positioning in that webm. Truly RTwP kino of highest order.

            • 10 months ago

              If that was BG3 you would just use your OP wizard spells and kill him in under one turn before he could even do something.

              • 10 months ago

                Are you trying to lie to me, or to yourself?

              • 10 months ago

                >makes a random WEBM with no context to try and show why RtwP is worse than turn based
                yeah dude, I'm the one coping

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not the anon who posted webm, but I know where it's from and what encounter that is, because I actually play videogames. So much for your rtwp defense force, clown.

              • 10 months ago

                i genuinely do not think magic in this larian homebrew is as powerful as it is in 5e, you guys need to stop thinking that there has been literally no changes to the balance.

              • 10 months ago

                The thing that makes magic OP in BG3 is that you can't be interrupted when casting it. You can just stay on the back with your wizard, cast a spell that kills everything or CC the entire enemy forces and then just walk back to safety. This is because it's turn based and how magic doesn't work well in it.
                But if it was a RtwP game the enemy would react if you cast your magic and everyone would try and interrupt you. And the enemy wouldn't be in a perfect position that would allow you to wipe them all out because they would actually move and react while you went in and while you're casting your magic.

                Turn based is more about cheesing the game than enjoying it.

              • 10 months ago

                is it a 5e thing for casting/ranged attack to not trigger attack of opportunity? it's so moronic.

              • 10 months ago

                >If that was BG3 you would just use your OP wizard spells
                So the issue with BG3 is lack of difficulty? Man we sure need Kingmaker on release treatment here. Can only imagine the SEETHING

              • 10 months ago

                It's pretty hard on Tactician tbh but maybe that's because I'm unfamiliar with 5e. Release Kingmaker was annoying but Web and Color Spray trivialized a lot of the beginning.
                The spider swarms were the most annoying thing.

              • 10 months ago

                >It's pretty hard on Tactician tbh but maybe that's because I'm unfamiliar with 5e.
                Well you see a lot anons complaining about "long boring easy fights" even on tactician. But who knows maybe they're shitposters. I mean look at all b***hing about MISS or save scumming. I'm not sure if tactician is hard for Patfinder player. Especially Patfinder schizo minmaxer who beat the hardest bullshit difficulty by abusing rtwp

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah but in exchange CRPGs have you manage an entire party instead of just one dude.

      • 10 months ago

        But I like just having one dude instead of managing lots of characters I don't give a frick about.

        • 10 months ago

          Then it's probably not the genre for you. Play the shitloads of other games that have just one dude, or play one of the CRPGs that lets you solo the game.

    • 10 months ago

      Good DMs are a scarce resource. Computer Software is infinitely and freely able to be replicated
      So creating a computer RPG that approximates what a half-competent DM DnD session would be like for $60 is clearly worth it because most people don't know any good DMs nor do they want to become one themselves.

  115. 10 months ago

    >enter a new area
    >4 failed perception checks

  116. 10 months ago

    I weep for the state of gaymers when they can't figure out they need to use an AoE spell to get rid of a pack of low hp goblins

    • 10 months ago

      >Goblin archer instantly kills your level 3 sorcerer with a critical hit
      What now b***h? Gonna reload the game pussy?

  117. 10 months ago

    Anyone done "the dark urge" yet?
    Seemed interesting but too edgy so left it for a other time
    What makes it different from just being le evil in a normal origin

    • 10 months ago

      [dark urge] convo choices.

    • 10 months ago

      You get additionnal evil options, most of which consist of randomly killing people at the smaller slight.

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Why did he do this? Squirrels are based

        • 10 months ago

          Swen haet squirrel

          • 10 months ago

            It was coming right for him

          • 10 months ago

            The squirrel was armed

          • 10 months ago

            Why did he do this? Squirrels are based

            where is this squirrel anyway?

            • 10 months ago

              Pretty sure it's the little homosexual near the top lift in the druid grove. Little shit bites your ankle if you talk to it with speak with animals.

  118. 10 months ago

    all this talk of taco's is making me hungry

    • 10 months ago

      Here we are with the new dorito shell taco from taco bell
      Doin it
      Doin it well

  119. 10 months ago

    >Even Jrpgs are better than this
    The absolute state

  120. 10 months ago

    Do you ever get a bag of holding or am I gonna suffer this inventory hell for all eternity

  121. 10 months ago

    You DID get the hidden act 1 infinite silence weapon and the act 1 Very Rare 18 Ac fullplate with crit immunity and damage mitigation

    • 10 months ago

      >infinite silence weapon
      see the thing with that is, if it casts spells and if I hit it, it's probably dead

      • 10 months ago

        It was fun to chain silence the hag

    • 10 months ago

      You did not beat the game.

    • 10 months ago

      >full plate
      You didn't beat the game

      • 10 months ago

        It's an adamantine splint mail actually.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm still using the adamantine long sword because it ignores slashing resistance. all the homosexual bosses with resistances up the ass just get slashed to death

      • 10 months ago

        >because it ignores slashing resistance
        +1 weapons do that naturally, shit larian homebrew nerfed them

    • 10 months ago

      No, but I did restart act 1 four times 10 hours in because I wanted to try new classes.
      help me

      • 10 months ago

        You can change class at will in your camp after you unlock withers, moron.

        • 10 months ago

          I know, moron. I wanted to see dialogue options and feel how they play from the very start.

  122. 10 months ago

    >Play jrpg
    >Grind 30 encounters of just spamming [attack]
    >Level up
    >Minor stat increase, nothing else
    Yeah dude it's so much better in j""""RPG""""'s

  123. 10 months ago

    Now that I finished this game it just wants to make me play NWN again

  124. 10 months ago

    yep. this is why i had to restart. sorcerer was mind numbingly boring. all the spells are just shit and unsatisfying aswell
    at least with the melee classes you get some sweet progression through weapons and cool looking gear

    • 10 months ago

      if you wanted to be a caster you shouldve went wizard, sorc is the designated i don't want to read or think about having a lot of spells to use whenever.

      • 10 months ago

        i wanted sorcerer because its way cooler just knowing magic, instead of being a nerd studying it. also charisma

        • 10 months ago

          you can put a good amount of charisma in wizard without sacrificing much, i mean thats what i did and it's been going bretty good

  125. 10 months ago

    What are the best Cleric, Barbarian and Druid subclasses?

    • 10 months ago

      I picked Berserker and it's pretty jacked. You get an extra attack every turn while raging.

    • 10 months ago

      Tempest and light.
      All of them are good.

    • 10 months ago

      War, wildheart, moon.

      • 10 months ago

        Uninformed and wrong.

  126. 10 months ago

    Go play some 2E AD&D
    >rp for 3 hours
    >gain half a level
    >combat encounter

  127. 10 months ago

    you didn't kill the frog right?

  128. 10 months ago

    D&D has always been the most boring fricking tabletop RPG ever.

  129. 10 months ago

    Why is thunderwave so satisfying? I swept half a dozen goblins off a ledge with Gale then crushed half of them with Shadowhearts flame cantrip knocking over a statue.

    This game and other Larian games are really good at making the environment fun to use. I pretty much yeeted the hag into a chasm.

    • 10 months ago

      >I pretty much yeeted the hag into a chasm.
      anon, I...

      • 10 months ago

        No it's a false memory. I am getting confused with thunderwaving the spider boss into the underdark.

  130. 10 months ago

    Play the Pathfinder games if you want more. 5E is simplified as frick.
    Or, if you aren't married to fantasy settings, go play the old harebrained Shadowrun games. They had far more interesting character development.

    • 10 months ago

      Shadowrun was kinda boring. Never ended up finishing a single one. Pathfinder way better imo.

      • 10 months ago

        Thats fair. You need to really dig the setting and I've always loved Shadowrun.
        And then 6e ruined everything for everyone.

    • 10 months ago

      >Play the Pathfinder games if you want more. 5E is simplified as frick.
      Sadly in Pathfinder 99% of spells are useless and you just
      >*buffs for 10 minutes*
      I hate this

      • 10 months ago

        There is a mod thankfully to help this. I cant remember what its called, but it lets you set up a chain of buffs that you can activate when you enter a new map with a single click.
        Google it, it makes the lategame bearable

        • 10 months ago

          you didnt beat the game

          • 10 months ago

            Black person if you didnt mod the hell out of the Pathfinder games you're a moron. The character customization options alone are worth it.

  131. 10 months ago

    >try a bunch of different classes because nothing is really working for me
    >dont want to try fighter because it sounds like the most boring pick ever
    >look up the level progression for it
    >its most busted op sounding shit ive ever seen
    what the frick man

    also is multiclassing just for filling in your class's weaknesses? or is it viable for leaning into a playstyle, like warlock/wizard or rogue/ranger? not even sure i want to be multiclassing anyway because it doesnt feel like its worth it to miss out on lategame stuff.

  132. 10 months ago

    Is unarmed Barb viable in this?

    • 10 months ago

      Not without multiclassing into monk.

      • 10 months ago

        It can be viable if you abuse improvised weapon/throwing attack, i think. But if he wants to be punching with his fists dipping into monk would be nice.

      • 10 months ago

        BONK sounds like a fun build.

  133. 10 months ago

    I've seen a lot of people b***hing about the phase spider queen but jeez I just burnt the web out from under her to initiate the combat and she took around 50 damage and the fight hasn't even started lmao

  134. 10 months ago

    Underdark or Mountain Pass/creche?

    • 10 months ago

      You can do both, creche is smaller and faster to clear

    • 10 months ago

      underdark then return to creche and genocide the gith

  135. 10 months ago

    is there a place i can buy scrolls in act 1?

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