>Like 40k. >I've never bought a single miniature in my life

>Like 40k
>I've never bought a single miniature in my life
>I've never played a single tabletop game in my life
>I get all of my info from fan wikis, Black Library novels, and youtube lore videos
>I unironically enjoy the Horus Heresy books and have bought and read every one
>I don't consider 40k a game setting with "fluff" for your miniatures but an active fictional universe full of lore, characters, events, and stories that should evolve and be developed upon
>I have no interest in game or meta, the only thing that matters to me is the lore
>I play some 40k video games like DOW and Darktide and spam "FOR THE EMPEROR" or "HERESY" in the chat.
>I think the Imperium are the unironic goodguys
>I will never stop doing any of these things

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    Good for you, bud!

  2. 4 months ago

    Dysfunctional autist tier:
    >playing a shitty tabletop game and wasting money in miniatures and time into painting them
    Ok tier:
    >doing it for the lore
    High tier:
    >doing it for the general aesthetic and feel
    >wanting it to be real and imagining oneself living in it

    • 4 months ago

      So the average 40k zoomer-fan

      >autist tier: playing the wargame
      >uncultured tier: enjoying the lore
      >soul tier: enjoying the aesthetic and feel
      >moron tier: wanting it to be real

    • 4 months ago

      I feel sorry for you that something went so wrong tier:
      >constantly buying, kind of painting, always chasing the meta, and b***hing about literally everything 24/7.
      It's a hobby I guess tier:
      >You have a modest army of your guys and actually put work into them. You hate GW and know their MO but you stick around and keep on the level.
      Nerd-clout chasing normie and you should be ashamed tier:
      >Barely functioning knowledge of the lore world or it's factions outside your own. Don't even paint. "Yeah.. I play 40k. It's kinda getting hot right now."
      Spiritual tier:
      >Drawn to the aesthetics and blend of sci-fi and fantasy. Impressed and interested in the sheer volume of lore and keep entertained with the literature and game media but can't justify the opportunity cost of the full tabletop experience.
      >Wanting to transfigure into the emperor yourself one day and set earth straight and create 20 legions, each representing in all themes a warrior ethno/culture of human history, taking the prime example of each woman as an immortal bride to birth that nations primarch and then allow each legion to conquer the stars.

      • 4 months ago

        >spiritual tier
        That's called a "secondary tourist homosexualry", you secondary tourist homosexual
        That's called "delusional culture warrior homosexualry", you delusional culture warrior homosexual.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm "Buy everything used on ebay for half the price" tier.

  3. 4 months ago

    Cool, enjoy! It is a fun setting.

  4. 4 months ago


  5. 4 months ago

    >>I've never played a single tabletop game in my life
    Surely you've played basic things like monopoly or candy land or chess or basic card games

    • 4 months ago

      I luh me sum Clue

      • 4 months ago

        Is there a 'hood' edition that involves pimps, hoes, crackhead, etc?
        > I think it was Uppgrayyd in the dice alley with the crackpipe'

        • 4 months ago

          Ghetto edition not Ben 10 edition

    • 4 months ago

      Oh if we're talking board games yeah I played the shit out of mouse trap and pokemon monopoly as a kid

    • 4 months ago

      I've played Pandemic with friends. Haven't won once.

  6. 4 months ago

    Same, the only faction I find remotely appealing on the tabletop is Eldar because of their models and (original) lore, but He Who Writes has raped them so many times that I don't read any of their new books or fluff and just headcanon my own shit as for what they're up to and what their goals are. I'll probably start an Eldar army eventually, would start sooner if an army wasn't the price of a used car.

  7. 4 months ago

    Do you watch Baldermort he’s the best lore guy out there.

    • 4 months ago

      For me it's Majorkill, Diabetusnowork, and the ricecel Harlequin avatargay who can't settle on a fricking channel name

      • 4 months ago

        Majorkill is an absolute homosexual

        • 4 months ago

          >hated by /tg/ AND plebbit
          Hence why I like him

          • 4 months ago

            I highly recommend Baldermort, he’s really good. He writes a lot of his own custom lore

  8. 4 months ago

    >t. have studied lexicanum et al voraciously, been involved in creating a few worlds & units here, enjoyed bill king's space wolf omnibus, bought hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of space wolf plastic, has never played

    • 4 months ago

      Why would you be such a furry homosexual as to simp for Space Wolves? Shameful.

      >I've never bought a single miniature in my life
      >I've never played a single tabletop game in my life
      Why are you on this bored if you don't play traditional games?
      >I get all of my info from fan wikis, Black Library novels, and youtube lore videos
      Cringe. When learning about something you should always read primary sources like the rulebooks. Most "lore" videos are clickbait nonsense designed to impress upon you the internets idea of what something is rather than what it actually is.
      >I unironically enjoy the Horus Heresy books and have bought and read every one
      >I don't consider 40k a game setting with "fluff" for your miniatures but an active fictional universe full of lore, characters, events, and stories that should evolve and be developed upon
      Maybe if you've never read much sci-fi I can see how you might fall down the rabbit hole of thinking warhammer is a deep setting but if you branch out and read some other sci-fi and other game settings you'll see that it's really just one of many and most of the "lore" is straight up just things the writers ripped off from other media. It's really not as deep as it may appear at first glance.

      Not that guy but I've always found that /tg/ was the best place for discussing 40k. To your second point, it's really sad that a lot of the core books and codices have kind of been pruning back the lore. They're still beautiful books, but they're less than half lore now.

      I feel sorry for you that something went so wrong tier:
      >constantly buying, kind of painting, always chasing the meta, and b***hing about literally everything 24/7.
      It's a hobby I guess tier:
      >You have a modest army of your guys and actually put work into them. You hate GW and know their MO but you stick around and keep on the level.
      Nerd-clout chasing normie and you should be ashamed tier:
      >Barely functioning knowledge of the lore world or it's factions outside your own. Don't even paint. "Yeah.. I play 40k. It's kinda getting hot right now."
      Spiritual tier:
      >Drawn to the aesthetics and blend of sci-fi and fantasy. Impressed and interested in the sheer volume of lore and keep entertained with the literature and game media but can't justify the opportunity cost of the full tabletop experience.
      >Wanting to transfigure into the emperor yourself one day and set earth straight and create 20 legions, each representing in all themes a warrior ethno/culture of human history, taking the prime example of each woman as an immortal bride to birth that nations primarch and then allow each legion to conquer the stars.

      I slipped from your "Spiritual" tier to "It's a hobby I guess" tier because I now have a lot of disposable income. GW is really, really disappointing, but the setting is, has been, and probably always will be fricking awesome.

  9. 4 months ago

    best thread on this site first time OP isn't a homosexual

  10. 4 months ago

    There are microscopic organisms with better lives than you.

  11. 4 months ago

    >I'm 40k secondary.
    You've come to the right place, you'll fit right in.

  12. 4 months ago


  13. 4 months ago

    >I've never bought a single miniature in my life
    >I've never played a single tabletop game in my life
    Why are you on this bored if you don't play traditional games?
    >I get all of my info from fan wikis, Black Library novels, and youtube lore videos
    Cringe. When learning about something you should always read primary sources like the rulebooks. Most "lore" videos are clickbait nonsense designed to impress upon you the internets idea of what something is rather than what it actually is.
    >I unironically enjoy the Horus Heresy books and have bought and read every one
    >I don't consider 40k a game setting with "fluff" for your miniatures but an active fictional universe full of lore, characters, events, and stories that should evolve and be developed upon
    Maybe if you've never read much sci-fi I can see how you might fall down the rabbit hole of thinking warhammer is a deep setting but if you branch out and read some other sci-fi and other game settings you'll see that it's really just one of many and most of the "lore" is straight up just things the writers ripped off from other media. It's really not as deep as it may appear at first glance.

  14. 4 months ago

    >Like 40k
    >I've never bought a single miniature in my life
    >I've never played a single tabletop game in my life
    Then you don't like 40K, you raging, AIDS ridden homosexual subhuman. Luckily, since you are such a worthless nogaem poofter I'll never have to encounter your wildly misplaced smugness IRL, so enjoy being a worthless waste of flesh I guess.

  15. 4 months ago

    You are enjoying the hobby in the very best way possible and let NOBODY tell you otherwise.

  16. 4 months ago

    You are enjoying the hobby in the very worst way possible and let NOBODY tell you otherwise.

    • 4 months ago

      You are enjoying the hobby in the very most average way possible and let NOBODY tell you otherwise.

  17. 4 months ago

    I don't believe you. Not because it's particularly difficult to believe, but because I don't understand why you'd be sharing this on the board about tabletop games instead of on the board about books or video games, so it kind of just reeks of bait.

  18. 4 months ago

    Unfathomably based. Secondaries rise up! The age of the tabletop sperg and his plastic crack is over!

  19. 4 months ago

    You should hang on to anything that brings you joy in this fricking dick garbage life because these things are precious. It really isn't a brag though what you do is unimportant to me. When this thread 404's I will never think of you again. Have fun but also what the frick ever man.

  20. 4 months ago

    OP, have you ever considered sucking wieners for money?

  21. 4 months ago

    OP enjoys life

  22. 4 months ago

    Based secondary. Save your money. If you want to paint miniatures stick with single minis that come in blister packs.

  23. 4 months ago

    >>I've never bought a single miniature in my life
    >>I've never played a single tabletop game in my life
    Welcome to /tg/.

  24. 4 months ago

    >>I think the Imperium are the unironic goodguys
    You're right! Wait till you learn who the good guys were in real life!

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