>Lion El'jonson returns.

>Lion El'jonson returns.
>The dark angels never suffer the consequences of their actions that border on the heretical.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    >What is /40kg/ for 500 Alex?

  2. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Why does he have bigger breasts and thighs in the first pic? Also way to prove all femarch gays are just troony fetishists lel

    • 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago

    >>The dark angels never suffer the consequences of their actions that border on the heretical.

    Why would they suffer consequences for doing what was right? They didnt do anything wrong, black templar simps can stay mad.

    • 8 months ago

      >Why would they suffer consequences for doing what was right?
      I don't know, maybe abandon the battlefields without explanation or warning? maybe kill innocents who were unlucky enough to encounter them?

      • 8 months ago

        That's just garden variety Astartes behavior

      • 8 months ago

        Civilian losses are acceptable around Astarte action. Also lol? They are their own command they show up and offer help they are by no means require or obliged to stay in a battlefield unless oaths and such are taken or some other form of bond as been made

  4. 8 months ago

    Didn't the Fallen flock to his banner? In that case, he made them good boys so now the Dark Angels don't have to be homosexuals in secret anymore although I don't know how Asmodeus will handle not being able to get his daily torture sessions in.

    Oh well, Luther is running around somewhere and still needs a few iron rods shoved up his butthole.

    • 8 months ago

      >although I don't know how Asmodeus will handle not being able to get his daily torture sessions in.
      Not gonna stop. Lion isn't a good brighthammer white knight out to forgive everyone, he is simply the first non-moron individual in the 40K universe.
      A lot of Fallen were so because of circumstances and fog of war misinformation. There's still also plenty of DA c**ts who went and decided to make cathedrals out of babie's bones on their own. They'll still get torture chambered, the only difference now is that the Lion 100% reserves the right to judge anyone before it gets to that.

      Because the lion is the heretic. He grew up on a daemon worlds warpgate into the realm of chaos, eating the chaos beasts he fought there. Never told anyone the truth, hid and concealed it. And then abandoned it to chaos in order to self glorify his own conquests elsewhere. Dooming his planet. The fallen didn't betray the empower or the empire. They were betrayed. Through lion's Heresy and lies.

      >Because the lion is the heretic.
      Dumbest, lowest effort reading possible.
      >He grew up on a daemon worlds
      No, Oroboros was sealed and dormant, Caliban was Death World level that exhibited low level signs of corruption.
      >Never told anyone the truth
      So, like his Dad?
      >he instead focused on glorification of self
      What? Have you read any lore on the DA and the Lion? Their sin is pride, not glory. They are famously NOT gloryhounds and people find them amongst other reasons cold because they don't give a frick about the celebrations after the battle were everyone wanna gets the biggest prize, they've already left orbit without saying a word.
      You don't piss off DAs because you say the Ultramarines have won better honours then them, you do it by insulting the DA's name as a whole.
      The act of birth of the First was being sent to genocide dozen of alien civilizations ahead of the main crusade force, most of them very obviously not dangerous, simply to create free real estate. The Lion knew he wouldn't be glorified for it. Even as he realized it wasn't a task that could be ever finished he made peace with it and was fine with being forever alone killing monsters because every monster killed is still a safer universe for Humanity.

      • 8 months ago

        Imagine, if you will, an old southern family of one Dad, 20 sons, ruling over a small community fairly, but with a iron fist.
        War breaks out, the no-nonsense eldest son volunteers to join in first while the others pussyfoot around and use their social status to delay getting drafted.
        Fast forward a few years, eldest son became a hadji-killing machine to the point the army basically sends him alone to wipe entire armies. In between two missions, he receives a letter from his dad telling him half his brothers turned pyschopath criminals and started flooding the town with meth, corrupting everyone in it.
        Eldest son then comes back to town to bury his brothers or at least get them to face their dad's judgement. Criminals know they'll get wreck so they basically set up dozens of traps and delays throughout the town in order to be able to get to Dad first and kill him.
        Horus Heresy is just a rampage movie from Lion's PoV.

        • 8 months ago

          You forgot the part where Lion sells weapons to Perturabo in exchange for his vote in the next election.

          • 8 months ago

            How was he to know that the loser of the family in charge of the demolition side business and who was only known for firing his employees on very short notice and not accomplishing anything else would turn into a fricking mass murderer because daddy never noticed his non-accomplishments?
            And this even works into it.
            Lion spends years murdering hadjis to ensure freedom for America, only to hear its turned into a shitshow because of his brothers. He comes back and seeks allies and the first one that pretends to help him ends up being a c**t. Therefore Lion goes even harder on a rampage, explaining why he sometimes also wrecks allies.

            • 8 months ago

              You forgot the part where Lion sells weapons to Perturabo in exchange for his vote in the next election.

              Imagine, if you will, an old southern family of one Dad, 20 sons, ruling over a small community fairly, but with a iron fist.
              War breaks out, the no-nonsense eldest son volunteers to join in first while the others pussyfoot around and use their social status to delay getting drafted.
              Fast forward a few years, eldest son became a hadji-killing machine to the point the army basically sends him alone to wipe entire armies. In between two missions, he receives a letter from his dad telling him half his brothers turned pyschopath criminals and started flooding the town with meth, corrupting everyone in it.
              Eldest son then comes back to town to bury his brothers or at least get them to face their dad's judgement. Criminals know they'll get wreck so they basically set up dozens of traps and delays throughout the town in order to be able to get to Dad first and kill him.
              Horus Heresy is just a rampage movie from Lion's PoV.

              > Justified, but with 40K elements.

            • 8 months ago

              You also forgot the imperium secundus part, men, that was a disaster.

              • 8 months ago

                > After hearing reports his quiet Georgia hometown is going to shit, Lion goes AWOL and returns home.
                > As he drives by main street, his cell rings. It's Horace, his brother who also enlisted and managed to outrank him.
                > "Hey bro, turns out I'm evil and I'm about to go kill dad with half of our bros. Also, I used my CIA contacts to flood the town with middle-eastern opiates and now everyone hates you.
                > "Good luck with that, bro, I've also put bombs in every house in town. You can either save dad, or what he spent his and your life building, your choice."
                > *autistic Lion noises*
                > Lion, torn by the moral dilemma, decides to start saving as many citizens he can, aware he may very well be condemning his dad in the process.
                > At some point, between heroically saving two townsfolk family, he sees his ancestral home blow up in the distance. This convinces him Dad died.
                > He immediately hear his brother Robert declared emergency measures and named himself Mayor, and after Pert's betrayal, decides he has to be a baddie too and kicks down City Hall's doors.
                > Roberts hurriedly explains he's only doing this to save as many folks and organize the survivors. Lion begrudgingly agrees to help.
                > Except in an earlier episode he beat and caught their brother Conrad, who everyone always knew he was a psychopath, and got his tied up in trunk. Conrad escapes in City Hall and starts murdering clerks for kicks. Lion has had enough and starts throwing M34s in every hallway to flush Conrad out, burning down 2/3 of City Hall in the process.

              • 8 months ago

                >Lion has had enough and starts throwing M34s in every hallway to flush Conrad out, burning down 2/3 of City Hall in the process.
                Don't care what Robert whined about, it was justified to capture Conrad. And it worked.

              • 8 months ago

                moar, GIVE ME MOAR

              • 8 months ago

                > Lion's unit also goes AWOL to go and help him, because he has singlehandedly each saved their asses dozens of times.
                > They wreck Conrad's gang of psycho killers over and over again. After beating them, they finally decides its time to go to the ancestral home and kick Horace's teeth in.
                > While driving there, cinematography shifts to neon lights and weird uncomfortable music score, as if Refn suddenly took over direction. Everyone starts babbling incoherently. Even the Lion struggles to keep his head.
                > Turns out Horace put super-meth in the town's watertap and now the whole crew is affected.
                > The unit's schizo conspiracy mkultra spook says he knows super-meth can be defeated by taking cognitive enhancement drugs.
                > "Well, I don't like it, but if its the only way..."
                > "But Lion, your Dad forbid everyone to use cognitive enhancement drugs after your brother Magnus had his little addiction, remember?" Says one of his soldiers.
                > Lion, already borderline mad under the effect of the drug, sees red, punches the dude, who drops dead on the spot.
                > Lion turns around to look directly to the camera, smiles, "And remember, kids, this is why you don't do drugs."
                > Next episode the dude who died shows up again alive, although he's never given any lines for the rest of the series.

  5. 8 months ago

    >demand a setting with open ended plotlines meant to facilitate a wargame and making your own stories have canonical endings
    >those plotlines end but the models are still sold so they setting can't actually change
    >wtf these plotlines that weren't meant to end had bad endings when we forced them to end

  6. 8 months ago

    The whole secret society bullshit only works if they were trying to cover for their primarch actually being a traitor. He's not. So why the subterfuge? What's the point of any of it? Like omg some of the legion turned in the heresy like with every other loyalist chapter. Some among the traitor legions stayed loyal too. Everyone knows that and no one cares.

    • 8 months ago

      I think it is because they had a greater number of traitors unlike the other legions, a third of the legion specifically and also Luter, the grand master of the legion.

    • 8 months ago

      because most of the Fallen were tricked and the Dark Angels were offering complete repentence for it (which prior to the Lion's awakening was deemed traitorious by modern Imperial Law even if they still killed them)

      • 8 months ago

        They were never tricked. The lion betrayed them and caliban all. He hid the truth from them which doomed caliban.
        Instead of fussing up, taking his punishment from daddy and saving his people, the IMPORTANT part of his planet... he instead focused on glorification of self, indulging his pettiness and secrecy, which is how he completed his fall to chaos.

        The lion has always been a traitor primarch.

      • 8 months ago

        The dark angels simply went back to how they were before finding Lion, they were always a group of idiots up their own asses.

    • 8 months ago

      >some of the legion turned in the heresy like with every other loyalist chapter.
      that used to not be true, it's not the Dark Angel's fault that that was retroactively written into the lore due to the Horus Heresy line

    • 8 months ago

      I think it's their moronic pride thing, about how they're always "We are the FIRST LEGION, we are still the BEST LEGION".
      This is mostly because retcons have effectively chipped away at everything else, until their motivation no longer makes any fricking sense.

  7. 8 months ago

    You can't blame them, being an idiot is a defect of their gene-seed.

  8. 8 months ago

    Because the lion is the heretic. He grew up on a daemon worlds warpgate into the realm of chaos, eating the chaos beasts he fought there. Never told anyone the truth, hid and concealed it. And then abandoned it to chaos in order to self glorify his own conquests elsewhere. Dooming his planet. The fallen didn't betray the empower or the empire. They were betrayed. Through lion's Heresy and lies.

  9. 8 months ago

    >anon doesn't understand the setting
    Par for the course.

  10. 8 months ago

    Maybe they should just not bring back ANY primarchs...

  11. 8 months ago

    I'm honestly quite annoyed that Lion El'Jonson hasn't really got to interact with the 'main' group of Dark Angels yet. All the ones he met are the mostly-okay and reasonable Fallen, who crack wise and are otherwise quite easygoing like a Joss Whedon movie.
    Also I wonder if they'll ever resolve that Cypher plot thing, now that the Lion is around. (The Cypher novel is REALLY good, incidentally.)

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