Liquidating Your Collection

Is it really worth holding onto your collection into your 30s and 40s? I spent my whole life collecting this stuff, and in my teens and 20s, these things were really special to me. But now I don't play any of it ever, and it takes up hella space. Every move becomes harder (and I move a lot).

I still play vidya each week (mostly on my PC or Switch these days), but tbh after working 40 to 70 hours a week behind a PC, I feel like the real luxury free time is spent looking at anything other than a screen.

Anyone here ever liquidate their vidya and weeb collection? Did it feel liberating or did it feel like you lost a part of yourself?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I would never give up my small collection. Too many memories, I feel like I fulfilled a goal I had as a child. Plus my kids can play them when they get a bit older.

    • 2 years ago

      >Plus my kids can play them when they get a bit older.

      They won't.

      • 2 years ago

        I have kids and they do. Just like I used to play my dad's colecovision.

  2. 2 years ago

    Im really thinking about it nowadays as most games i play these days is retro pc games on my laptop mostly abandonware or cheap games on GoG sales,not only that but i have some games that i could sell for 100 bucks or more and it could help fund other passions i have and that i put more time into.

  3. 2 years ago

    Keeping my vast collection and I don't work in tech so no screen fatigue. Also, I never have to move again unless there's a tidal wave. I did liquidate my PS2 collection in 2012. I regretted it and ended up buying everything over again. All the 8,16 and 32bits are from when I bought them in the 80's to early 00's. Too much nostalgia to let them go.

  4. 2 years ago

    When I got into my 30s I went through a major growth in taste. I feel like that happens every 7-12 years or so. One thing I learned in my 30s that you could maybe like is learning that its way more fun and important to just have the essentials. Paring down you collection to the best of the best can actually be a really fun process and you may like your collection better as a result. You can start by just purging like 20% of your collection to start if you're nervous. I used to want a library, but I later decided I wanted a collection.

    • 2 years ago

      I sold off 90% of my collection - basically everything that doesn't hold any specific sentimental value - and bought a set of flashcarts, ODE modded consoles, and softmodded some more consoles.
      To me it's the best of all worlds, I had gotten the collecting bug out of my system, but I kept my consoles and can still play any games I'd like. The footprint is small and I don't ever deal with the frustrations of a game not reading right or an internal battery failing or any of that stuff.

      Collections are cool, sometimes I look what people have maintained for years and feel a little pang of regret for selling off my stuff, but once I start thinking about the individual games I sold I no longer feel that way.

      That said, I think selling a collection because you aged out of it is a bit silly, as you get older the space and money you've invested into it (and what would get if you sold it) pales in comparison to the time you invested into it. And for that reason I think it's important to remember that it's a one way street to sell your collection: You can only sell it once. Because even if you regret selling it off and buy everything back, it's not going to replicate the same journey you once took to collect everything in the first place.

      At the end of the day, collecting and retro gaming are two separate hobbies. Collecting something and maintaining that collection is fun. But if you no longer find it fun, as I did, then sell it - it doesn't keep you from still enjoying those games in the future through other means.

      I like these ideas. Thanks.

      Q: should i hoard decaying plastic?
      A: " No. "
      >make money
      >free up space
      >your house will smell and look better
      >you might actually get laid
      >you can emulate everything for free anyway
      >a bunch of weird older men online will tell you that you'll regret it and that there's nothing wrong with an emotional attachment complex
      >you might regret it for awhile and then you'll get over it
      the choice is yours

      Haha, well said.

      What's the point? The time it would take you listing, managing the sales, and shipping everything wouldn't be worth the few grand you'd get for it. Nothing up there looks particularly rare and expensive other than Bomberman the Second Attack, although I can't see the PS1 games.

      I have more than a few games that sell for over a $100. I think for anything like that, I'd sell it on eBay, but the rest of the collection would just go to the retro game store where I'd probably get around 30% of what they'd mark it for retail. But you're right, it's not worth my time to list and sell everything, that's why I'm considering taking everything to the retro game store and just being done with it all.

      Why liquidate, so someone of the israeli persuasion can buy it and use that shit for their fantasy stock market? Frick that, at the very least keep the games that made up your childhood, even if they were shit.

      >Why liquidate
      The things you own will own you. I want to feel free of carrying this weight.

      Do you need money right now? That would be the only reason to do it. The trouble you're going to have to liquidate everything is just worth if you're about to lost everything you have.

      I don't need the money and you're right about the effort it would take. I work like crazy these days, so my free time is valuable.

      • 2 years ago

        In that case I would just Ebay those boxed SNES games which are easy to find but nincels pay stupid amounts of money for

        • 2 years ago

          I just keep my favorites around and sold the dumb stuff that other people wanna pay for. Have ways to play backups on all my stuff

          This, one thing I've started thinking about are the games that matter the most and define what makes my collection personally me. It's been pretty fun sorting through games I picked up but never really played too much and deciding if they belong or if they would be "happier" in someone else's collection. It feels like a karma positive thing to let those ganes go to someone who might have more of a connection to it. This distilling down has helped me really enjoy my collection even more, give it a try.

          I'm currently liking the idea of:
          >filling a plastic bin with just my most special games and keeping them
          >do the same thing for anime
          >get an even smaller bin and do the same for figs
          >expensive games that I didn't put in the bin get sold on eBay
          >every other game goes to the retro game store for pennies

          Damn anon. That is a very solid collection of games, anime and plamo. If I had spare cash I'd definitely offer to buy some of that. All those things aside it's really a matter of personal choice. You could make a sizable profit selling all that stuff and be happy I guess. You could even cut down your collection to a small and curated selection, but only you in your heart know if you will truly be happy with or without your collection. Also, the patches in the bottom left are from the Kommando Store, right?

          The plamo backlog will be a the real b***h to get rid of. Only option there is eBay and that's honestly not worth my time. I might just show up to a model/weeb store and make some kid's day by gifting him like a grand worth of Gunpla. And yeah, a lot of my patches are from KS.

          • 2 years ago

            I put my special stuff on display in my game room, lot of fun ways to do it

            • 2 years ago

              That's cool. If I owned a home with a spare room, that'd be a neat option. I rent though, and I move a lot. My living room and and bedroom have matured past the point of having this stuff on display there, so it's just been sitting in closets for years now.

              selling on ebay too is currently fricked because of Biden's moronic change to how platforms like ebay report your earnings to the IRS

              JFC ofc it is... Maybe I will just list things on Craigslist and see if I get any takers? IDK, like I said, my free time is valuable since I work so much. I could be an utter saint and take everything to Goodwill and let someone freak out when they find this stuff on the shelf there.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah, I got a 4 bedroom house and only myself and my wife so I took over one of the bedrooms.

              • 2 years ago

                DONT take that shit to good will. They take most of the good stuff and sell it online themselves and keep most of the profits. You're better off supporting your local retro game store since enthusiasts will both shop and work there so even if an employee poaches a game, it's going to someone who will ACTUALLY care about it much sooner with less hassle and more respect for the product.

              • 2 years ago

                I'd buy Ghost in the Shell off you if it's in good condition and you don't want stupid money for it. I've been trying to get that for years.

              • 2 years ago

                That game is cool as shit. You ever played it?
                >unique story
                >voice acting
                >cool gameplay where your tachikoma can walk on walls and ceilings

                Folk are right when they reccomend paring down to only the really special stuff.
                Just remember to extensively document all your stuff before selling it off. Write it down, take pictures, whatever. Just so that years later you can check on if you had x or y, or if you just want to reminice or show off things you had owned over time.

                That's a really good idea that I hadn't considered. Thanks, anon. I will definitely do this.

              • 2 years ago

                >You ever played it?
                Of course, I only buy games i've already beaten and enjoyed. It's too expensive to buy random games nowadays. It's from the guys behind Jumping Flash. If you think it's that cool you probably shouldn't sell it though.

              • 2 years ago

                >Dual Orb II
                Does it really have monster trucks and sniper rifles?

          • 2 years ago

            selling on ebay too is currently fricked because of Biden's moronic change to how platforms like ebay report your earnings to the IRS

      • 2 years ago

        I'll do you a favour and take that burden off your shoulders. Heck I'll even split the shipping with you.

      • 2 years ago

        >That collection
        What a fricking Chad

      • 2 years ago

        >Bomberman 2
        good taste. I bought it when it came out. People nowadays would coom at the stuff you used to see on the game store shelves that nobody wanted - Earthbound nib and all that shit.

    • 2 years ago

      This, one thing I've started thinking about are the games that matter the most and define what makes my collection personally me. It's been pretty fun sorting through games I picked up but never really played too much and deciding if they belong or if they would be "happier" in someone else's collection. It feels like a karma positive thing to let those ganes go to someone who might have more of a connection to it. This distilling down has helped me really enjoy my collection even more, give it a try.

    • 2 years ago

      i am doing this right now actually and it does feel good. it's feels like a curation now instead of just hoarding.

  5. 2 years ago

    Q: should i hoard decaying plastic?
    A: " No. "
    >make money
    >free up space
    >your house will smell and look better
    >you might actually get laid
    >you can emulate everything for free anyway
    >a bunch of weird older men online will tell you that you'll regret it and that there's nothing wrong with an emotional attachment complex
    >you might regret it for awhile and then you'll get over it
    the choice is yours

    • 2 years ago

      >make money
      That's what my job is for. I have enough money to be satisfied and not have a big desire for more.
      >free up space
      I have enough space.
      >your house will smell and look better
      Do you not clean your games when you buy them? My house smells nice because I clean it.
      >you might actually get laid
      I'm married. Free pussy any time.
      >you can emulate everything for free anyway
      Not everything 😉

      • 2 years ago

        >cope and lies
        it's your life to frick up dude, good luck

        • 2 years ago

          How am I fricking up my life? We're talking about having a video game on my shelf instead of on an SD card, we're not talking about heroin you moron.

    • 2 years ago

      My video game collection has never prevented me from getting laid, it's not like I'd show some random chick where everything is in my house. If I did that then she wouldn't even care about my vidya after seeing the glass room in the basement with a toilet, cot and leash, unless she's a liberal and saw my shotgun and pistol.

  6. 2 years ago

    I would keep a few as mementos but yeah physical gaming is only worth it to be self-indulgent, or worse to profiteer off games that kids should be owning.

  7. 2 years ago

    I sold off 90% of my collection - basically everything that doesn't hold any specific sentimental value - and bought a set of flashcarts, ODE modded consoles, and softmodded some more consoles.
    To me it's the best of all worlds, I had gotten the collecting bug out of my system, but I kept my consoles and can still play any games I'd like. The footprint is small and I don't ever deal with the frustrations of a game not reading right or an internal battery failing or any of that stuff.

    Collections are cool, sometimes I look what people have maintained for years and feel a little pang of regret for selling off my stuff, but once I start thinking about the individual games I sold I no longer feel that way.

    That said, I think selling a collection because you aged out of it is a bit silly, as you get older the space and money you've invested into it (and what would get if you sold it) pales in comparison to the time you invested into it. And for that reason I think it's important to remember that it's a one way street to sell your collection: You can only sell it once. Because even if you regret selling it off and buy everything back, it's not going to replicate the same journey you once took to collect everything in the first place.

    At the end of the day, collecting and retro gaming are two separate hobbies. Collecting something and maintaining that collection is fun. But if you no longer find it fun, as I did, then sell it - it doesn't keep you from still enjoying those games in the future through other means.

    • 2 years ago

      >Because even if you regret selling it off and buy everything back, it's not going to replicate the same journey you once took to collect everything in the first place.
      I concur. Sold my nes and snes collections when I was young, and regretted ever since. They weren't big, just 10 or 20 games, but buying them back didn't feel the same.

  8. 2 years ago

    What's the point? The time it would take you listing, managing the sales, and shipping everything wouldn't be worth the few grand you'd get for it. Nothing up there looks particularly rare and expensive other than Bomberman the Second Attack, although I can't see the PS1 games.

  9. 2 years ago

    I think about it a lot, but then I look at my collection and estimate it's worth at around 20k maybe, and it doesn't feel worth the effort.
    Like, I could do a lot sale and cut how much I get, but then it's even less tempting.

  10. 2 years ago

    Why liquidate, so someone of the israeli persuasion can buy it and use that shit for their fantasy stock market? Frick that, at the very least keep the games that made up your childhood, even if they were shit.

  11. 2 years ago

    Do you need money right now? That would be the only reason to do it. The trouble you're going to have to liquidate everything is just worth if you're about to lost everything you have.

  12. 2 years ago

    >Anyone here ever liquidate their vidya and weeb collection?
    Never have, never will. I enjoy it so I don't see a reason to ever part with it.

  13. 2 years ago

    Damn anon. That is a very solid collection of games, anime and plamo. If I had spare cash I'd definitely offer to buy some of that. All those things aside it's really a matter of personal choice. You could make a sizable profit selling all that stuff and be happy I guess. You could even cut down your collection to a small and curated selection, but only you in your heart know if you will truly be happy with or without your collection. Also, the patches in the bottom left are from the Kommando Store, right?

  14. 2 years ago

    >worth holding onto your collection into your 30s and 40s?

    If you have the space for it and aren't scrapping the bottom rung of the income ladder sure why not?

    > after working 40 to 70 hours a week behind a PC

    Change that shit or you'll hate everything not just having a collection you don't play.

  15. 2 years ago

    I just keep my favorites around and sold the dumb stuff that other people wanna pay for. Have ways to play backups on all my stuff

  16. 2 years ago

    I haven't yet but I'm only 33 so maybe it's not time yet. I also never went through a phase where I was trying to complete a library or buying shit just because I didn't have it yet. I've only ever bought games that interest me, doesn't matter if it's on sale for fifty cents. So when I look at my collection it's like 90% games I'm glad to have still.

  17. 2 years ago

    I recently started selling my shit. I was sad to see it go, but I'm self employed selling games now. So it was the death of one dream and the birth of another for me.

    If you decide to liquidate; I recommend taking your time and selling them on eBay or another site. Selling them as a lot or trading them in won't get you anywhere near their value.
    alternatively, see if you can locate some crazy gay with more money than brains and sell him the whole shebang

    • 2 years ago

      >I'm self employed selling games
      Get a real job, homosexual

  18. 2 years ago

    A few things stick out from your post. The first is that you work a lot. The second is that you are most likely suffering from depression, and that may or may not be related to your job. You should try to fix that problem before you make any decisions because despite how you feel in the moment, you may come to regret this later. You should consider why you bought all of those games in the first place. Clearly you bought them because they bring you joy, otherwise you wouldn't have bought so many. No longer enjoying the things you once loved is one of the signs of depression. Leave the collection be for now and work on the depression/work problem - once that's taken care of you can begin to tackle this with a sound mind. There is absolutely nothing wrong with playing games on an emulator and there's nothing wrong with having a large collection - different strokes for different folks; but I would advise against taking the advice of anyone simply telling you to sell them off because they don't understand why you built up the collection in the first place.

    If you really want to start downsizing, what I would recommend you do in the beginning is to go through your entire collection and pick out the games that you don't particularly care about or play, and sell those first. Personally I only collect games that I want to play (except for a couple of games that are so bad that I keep them around for shits and giggles) and I don't understand why some people pick up shovelware or go for complete sets. When I buy a game and I end up not liking it, I sell it.

    Once those are gone, re-examine what remains and consider if you want to get rid of the rest. If you like what remains but simply want it to take up less space, you could consider selling the boxes and keeping loose copies. You can put them in plastic bins or something and it takes up a lot less space.


    • 2 years ago

      You have a lot of boxed games and that's cool. Personally I have some boxed games which I keep on a display shelf in my bedroom, but the boxes are empty and the carts are mixed in with the rest of my collection. If you do decide to start selling off games, understand that this is an option and consider keeping some of your favorites. And when you do, turn them to the front and show off the cool art 🙂

      I also noticed that you have a lot of Japanese games. Can you understand Japanese? Or are some of these games able to be played without understanding the language? If it's something that just collects dust it might be better to sell it off.

      I can't give you advice on the toys or the anime (personally I stream all my anime and the only toys on my shelf are game related) but follow the same advice as above. It's basically my take on the konmari method.

    • 2 years ago

      I wouldn't say I'm depressed (I've been depressed), I'm just growing out of these things defining me as a person. In my 20s, I loved having my place be a total weeb pad, with framed anime posters, figs on the shelf, vidya on display and so forth. It was comfy and I genuinely loved it, and I loved having new friends over for the first time and showing them all my shit and staying up late ordering pizza and playing vidya together.

      I don't now though, and it doesn't mean I'm depressed; it just means that I'm no longer fulfilled by the same things. I find a lot of anime and vidya shallow and unstimulating now. I don't think it's cause I'm sad, so much as I'm a decade or two past the demographic these things were made for. My peers are having their second kids now, and I'm not meeting quirky weebs anymore who just wanna hang out and watch anime and play video games.

      I'll always treasure the time I spent with these things and the comfiness they brought me. However, it's been diminishing returns for while now. I'd say about 99% of the stuff in the OP pic I haven't played or watched in years and I don't plan to any time soon. I don't know what comes next in life, but it just feels like replaying a PSX JRPG or rewatching a 90s anime ain't it.

      DONT take that shit to good will. They take most of the good stuff and sell it online themselves and keep most of the profits. You're better off supporting your local retro game store since enthusiasts will both shop and work there so even if an employee poaches a game, it's going to someone who will ACTUALLY care about it much sooner with less hassle and more respect for the product.

      You're right. Retro game store would be smarter than Goodwill, who would trash this stuff.

      • 2 years ago

        >it just means that I'm no longer fulfilled by the same things. I find a lot of anime and vidya shallow and unstimulating now.
        Usually that's caused by some form of depression.

        >I'm a decade or two past the demographic these things were made for.
        What do demographics have to do with it? I still enjoy a lot of the stuff that I liked as a kid despite not being in the demographic for it.

        >My peers are having their second kids now, and I'm not meeting quirky weebs anymore who just wanna hang out and watch anime and play video games.
        Ok there's the problem. Games were just a way for you to have fun with your friends, but now you don't have friends so there's no point in hanging on to the games anymore.

        You're also a hoarder. You don't need 4 copies of Chrono Cross.

        • 2 years ago

          >What do you mean you don't like Sesame Street anymore, anon? You used to love that shit when you were 3 years old.
          >You must be depressed.

          • 2 years ago

            He wasn't playing the games in the pic when he was 3 years old, he was playing them even throughout his 20s. If you liked something in your 20s there's no reason why you wouldn't like it in your 30s or 40s unless it were destructive to your body.

            • 2 years ago

              So in your mind, when a person reaches their 20s, they enter a stage of arrested development, where their tastes and preferences cannot change. They have to continue liking the same things in the same capacity for the rest of their lives? They can't like new things and they can't stop liking old things. Any deviation form their preferences in their 20s = depression? Their pallet isn't allowed to mature. Their taste in music, film, and literature can't change. They have to continue dressing in the same styles and fashions and continue dating people in their 20s. Did I sum that up correctly?

              • 2 years ago

                I don't get the feeling OP is maturing. Just by the tone of his posts, it feels more like he wants to impulsively do something to make him feel like he's more mature. The very fact that he ended the thread with
                >Did it feel liberating or did it feel like you lost a part of yourself?
                makes it clear it's not something he's certain he wants to do.

              • 2 years ago

                I was going to write a reply calling you a moron but

                I don't get the feeling OP is maturing. Just by the tone of his posts, it feels more like he wants to impulsively do something to make him feel like he's more mature. The very fact that he ended the thread with
                >Did it feel liberating or did it feel like you lost a part of yourself?
                makes it clear it's not something he's certain he wants to do.

                said it better.

      • 2 years ago

        >I feel like the real luxury free time is spent looking at anything other than a screen

        >I find a lot of anime and vidya shallow and unstimulating now
        Thanks for putting these thoughts into words. I felt the same for a while. Although I was never a weeb or into anime. gay.

      • 2 years ago

        Goodwill won't trash it you dummy, they're wise to the game, it'll all end up on shop goodwill for auction, nothing like this really slips past sorting onto retail floor anymore.

        Anyway sounds like you're feeling a little like me. I spend most of my free time burned the frick out from work. I have plenty of money, I could probably retire tomorrow and not run out before I die. I have a decent sized collection (fits into a 6x6 closet) but I also have a collection of ten or so Arcade machines. I only moved a few times in my life, most recently in the middle of COVID and it was a fricking nightmare. I don't want to move all this shit again and honestly it really does feel like a ball and chain kinda holding me down. From what I have no idea, I don't really want to move anywhere specific or do something that'd require me to put all of this into long term storage or anything, I'm just kind of tired of knowing I have it all. I'm frequently tempted to just sell everything that wasn't from my childhood, keep two of my cabinets and just play flash carts and Mister from now on. I haven't decided but I feel you. Especially on the time aspect. I fix and flip things as a hobby to fund my hobbies (like collecting) and it's hard enough sometimes to move this stuff, selling an entire collection piece by piece sounds like a nightmare. Just take it to a local game store or ship it to pink gorilla. Time is money. good luck whatever you do.

  19. 2 years ago

    The only reason to ever sell your shit is if you are broke and need the money.

  20. 2 years ago

    Folk are right when they reccomend paring down to only the really special stuff.
    Just remember to extensively document all your stuff before selling it off. Write it down, take pictures, whatever. Just so that years later you can check on if you had x or y, or if you just want to reminice or show off things you had owned over time.

  21. 2 years ago

    When I see a small, refined collection of videogames in someone's house I think it's neat and interesting. When I see multiple Ikea Kallax full of videogames I assume they are a pedophile.

    • 2 years ago

      I understand what you're saying.

      >You ever played it?
      Of course, I only buy games i've already beaten and enjoyed. It's too expensive to buy random games nowadays. It's from the guys behind Jumping Flash. If you think it's that cool you probably shouldn't sell it though.

      You don't have $2,700 to spend on a video game, anon?

      • 2 years ago

        >buying slabbed WATA shit
        WATA is a proven scam at this point. No one is buying that scam shit except an inside trader.

      • 2 years ago

        No, I don't buy WHAT-A scam

      • 2 years ago

        atleast post sold listings you are only grasping at straws at this point

      • 2 years ago

        Holy FRICK. I still have this game and didnt know people were paying almost 3 grand for it.

  22. 2 years ago

    I bought what I wanted back when it was super cheap in the late 90s and early 2000s.

    I've got room. I'll keep it.

  23. 2 years ago

    Felt like I lost a part of myself.

  24. 2 years ago

    I sold off my collection a decade ago when I was desperate for money. I sincerely regret it, even today.

  25. 2 years ago

    I only ever kept shit I cared about, and only enough to fill a closet or two.

  26. 2 years ago

    >Is it really worth holding onto your collection into your 30s and 40s?
    The good stuff yes.
    >Anyone here ever liquidate their vidya and weeb collection?
    I have done it many times over the years. Best to continually purge/sell/trade over time
    >Did it feel liberating or did it feel like you lost a part of yourself?
    Eh it feels good to narrow down to certain systems. I broke my collection down into 2 consoles mostly. I still have some stuff from others though.

  27. 2 years ago

    I sold all games I've obtained after the age of 12 or so, since that never held any "sentimental" value to me I guess. I just can't part with the games I've had since my childhood.
    At the time I was silly enough to sell most of them to a game store due to that being more convenient than individually selling every single game on ebay or something. I was such a moron for a wanting a quick buck since my collection was easily worth about €1000. (ending up gaining about a quarter of that)

    I quite honestly wish I could go back in time and ask my 19-year old self "what the frick are you doing?"

    So yeah, if you insist on selling them do it through e-commerce. Don't miss out on the chance to capitalise on that out of convenience. I don't regret selling my hoard of vidya. I only regret selling it to a game store.

  28. 2 years ago

    The opposite of liberating. The regret is there all the time.

  29. 2 years ago


    I was going through a phase where I thought I had outgrown video games because I'm an adult now, and I sold off a bunch of games I had collected in my teens and 20s. Retro gaming was nowhere near as big as what it is now, so I always assumed that I would be able to easily track down copies of the games and pick them up if I ever wanted to play them again because these games all sold millions of copies and are plentiful, right? Prices were already going up at the time but I convinced myself that it was a bubble and would pop eventually and that I should sell everything before that happens. Needless to say, I'm probably never getting back my copy of Little Samson and it hurts the worst because it was one of my favorite games as a kid. Sure I can emulate it but it's just not the same.

    I had some other games which have become rare, but that one hurts the worst for obvious reasons. During the SNES era I started keeping the boxes and believe it or not I had all of the Mega Man games and Pocky & Rocky games CIB. The early Pokemon games, Final Fantasy on the Playstation, Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana on the SNES, hell I even had a virtual boy with Wario Land and Jack Bros because I was convinced it was the future of gaming....

    It would cost a fortune to get back my old collection and I still regret it to this day. I don't care about the money any more, I just want back the things I enjoyed at that stage of my life.

  30. 2 years ago

    I'd liquidate more if hardrives weren't so unreliable. With most being built to last only around 10 years, with possible error rates, I hate thinking I could be storing stuff only for it to vanish. Disks rot, but not that fast.

  31. 2 years ago

    Yes, I achieved 100% liquidation about 10 years ago. It took me about 10 years because I deluded myself by buying new stuff while dumping old stuff.

    I just do Steam, GOG and emulation today. My reasons, I had my first kid born nearly 10 years ago. I knew I would rather just do some emulation on a household LCD. We just played beatemups. None of my kids became game or internet addicts like I was/am. So win win.

  32. 2 years ago

    If you don't need the money, why get rid of them? I'm also in a similar situation where I'm indifferent to the things that made me happy before, so I typically don't buy them or mess around with them much. I actually think games and cartoons are kind of moronic and a waste of time for adults. But maybe in the future you'll want to rummage through the again if a spark happens. If you don't need cash why not just put them away? Come back to them, or give them to your kids or nephews. The last thing I want to do is offload shit to reseller buttholes. What you're doing is the equivalent of a divorcé getting a big ass tattoo to 'signify a new beginning' or some shit. It seems excessive.

  33. 2 years ago

    As a store owner, you should definitely NOT sell the consoles (though we would love to buy them.) Having the original software still can let you dip your toes into games here and there still without tacking on another $100~

    Bulking out your sales to us will obviously get you less than piecing it out, but you’ll get it over with. I dunno how eBay is these days, but buyers would rip us off left and right when we tried many years back.
    I’d recommending selling excess to another collector. Keep the stuff you love and the consoles. And then use emulation to find out what games you LOVE. Go all out on em then physically.

    • 2 years ago

      >As a store owner
      stopped reading

      • 2 years ago

        and i own an eshop thats been running since 2020 & have made thousands of dollars with my PCB designs

        so please dont fox&grapes me homosexual,
        you should not be in DEBT spending money you dont have to play videogames; if you want to buy something you enjoy go ahead- if you no longer enjoy it, post it on ebay, offerup, mercari, craigslist, etc

        its all just stuff who fricking cares
        my enlightenment came when i sold my CiB pokemon gameboy games, used the money to repurchase the carts, replace the batteries, and still have hundreds of dollars left over.

        we live in a world of flashcarts, ODE, emulation, digital downloads, etc

        the pissing contest does nothing but bring ruin to morons who are unable to save money with the purchase they cannot afford one click away

        STOP BUYING THINGS YOU CANNOT AFFORD, especially at rape prices

        • 2 years ago

          >its all just stuff who fricking cares
          And I stopped reading here. That's one of the attitudes that makes this world so fricked.
          Care about things, homosexual. Doing that is part of having the soul.

        • 2 years ago

          didnt read, shut up homosexual

          • 2 years ago

            >its all just stuff who fricking cares
            And I stopped reading here. That's one of the attitudes that makes this world so fricked.
            Care about things, homosexual. Doing that is part of having the soul.


            you cant take it with you
            create memories, not an episode of hoarders

            • 2 years ago

              /vr/ is too autistic to understand the difference between a collection and having an entire house covered from inch to inch with stuff. Autism makes it hard to understand a difference in scale.

  34. 2 years ago

    Sort through it all, make a stack of the stuff you don't think you'll ever care about again, then go through everything again a week or two later and decide what you really want to let go of. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

  35. 2 years ago

    I had a small collection of games 15 years ago, when I went to university a family member put them all up on ebay and made 50 bucks, which is a tiny fraction of what I could've sold them for today. I don't really care one way or the other though, I wouldn't be playing them today, and I'm too lazy to sell things. I can fit every game I've ever played on a microSD the size of my fricking fingernail.

    The only things I still buy are the occasional controller when I burn through them. If I want to play a game, I'll either use a flashcart/ODE, or emulate. The only games I have in my room right now are a copy of Seaman 2, and a copy of Police 9/11, because they came with a controller and camera respectively. When I want to play those games, I boot them off an SD card to HDD adapter.

    • 2 years ago

      >a family member put them all up on ebay and made 50 bucks
      I'm going to go off on a bit of a tangent here and ask if they asked your permission, or just sold your stuff without telling you? Because I hear about that quite a bit and it really blows my mind. Neither of my parents would ever have gotten rid of something that belonged to me without asking what I wanted to do with it first.

      • 2 years ago

        They asked, I said no, they whined until I gave up because I honestly didn't care that much.

        The one regret I actually have is when I came back to help them move out of the house, and I decided to just throw out all my old gaming magazines because they were fricking heavy and taking up a few suitcases in the attic. Wish I kept those, I had a few hundred issues from the PS1 through to 2005 PC gamer. I hoped one day I'd just be able to find them all online, but you can't find the vast majority.

        • 2 years ago

          Well, at least they asked. A few years ago I asked to borrow a book from a friend of mine. He told me that he had stashed it in a box at his parent's place after his apartment flooded, and his mom tossed it out. Box was full of rare books, she essentially threw out probably a couple thousand dollars. Not only did she not ask, she didn't even tell him after the fact until he came looking for them.

  36. 2 years ago

    I'd say keep them but I like box art, tangibility, and the evocative smell of glossy prints and plasticisers.

  37. 2 years ago

    Will never sell my collection

    I imported xenogears with all the money I had at the time. 1998, had to travel to a different town and almost no one I knew even knew why it was a great game.

    It was a beautiful game and i ain't about selling it now

    • 2 years ago

      OP here, thanks for all the input, everyone. I'll be downsizing significantly. I'm at peace with this. I'll keep a small collection of my favs.

      My niggy. Xenogears is my GOAT. Even if I sold everything else, I'd still keep everything Xenogears that I have.

      I sold everything off 5 years ago and regret nothing. Kept the few treasures I couldn't part with. I was just honest with myself and realized having an object isn't the same as re-experiencing the past. It felt good to expunge all the dead weight.

      Very succinct, anon.

      This is a board for retro video games not for dealing with your mid life crisis. Frick off with this kind of shit threads

      Anon please, this is a very tumultuous time for me. I don't know who I am or what to do with my life. If I make bank, I'm going to use the money on the downpayment of a Porsche or maybe change my gender. What would you? (^:

      • 2 years ago

        >change my gender
        You're mentally ill. That explains everything.

      • 2 years ago

        >change my gender
        Too late, you didn’t start hormone blockers during puberty so you wont pass. Just buy the porsche.

      • 2 years ago

        ah yes, Jrpg in japanese my favorite
        Why are you hoarding games you literally cannot even play

        • 2 years ago

          >he doesn't know about the Square Millennium Collections' omake

  38. 2 years ago

    It's simple: do you need the money?
    No: don't sell
    Yes: sell

    If you're planning to do something useful with the proceeds, go ahead and sell. But just selling it for the sake of getting rid of it, is a bad idea. Selling won't magically make you feel better or liberated or any of that shit

    So start by asking yourself what you're going to do with the money.

  39. 2 years ago

    You'll be kicking yourself when these games do 10x because central banks keep printing money like morons.
    Do you need the money and/or need to move and have no storage? If not, keep them.

  40. 2 years ago

    If you do end up selling your shit, sell it to someone that actually wants to play it.

    • 2 years ago

      Who the frick cares, if he was to sell it he should just 1.5x the price on everything and let it sell slowly, you guys are a bunch of homosexuals.

      • 2 years ago


  41. 2 years ago

    I only sell when a superior version or ability to play presents itself. not going to keep my resident evil games when I personally enjoy the re-makes better.
    >or my kirby super star if I recently bought the wii collection that has all that.

  42. 2 years ago

    The face a woman makes when she sees your coomlection is almost the same she makes when she sees Bob's small dicc. Coomlections of nerd shit kill the libido of women.

    • 2 years ago

      >caring about women


    • 2 years ago

      >caring about women


      I already own things way worse than a game collection in regards to women

  43. 2 years ago

    It sounds like you want to sell up and if you've moved on in life and don't have much free time it makes sense to. If you have any rare games that are worth a lot I would keep them and sell the other 90%

  44. 2 years ago

    as someone who recently sold 90% of their collection on ebay (right before the pandemic increased their price unfortunately), im honestly glad i did.
    Collecting for a few systems you have a big connection towards, instead of trying to collect for everything is really refreshing, and gave me similar feelings as when i first started collecting. i only really collect for my childhood systems now, and its a lot more fun, and i only buy games i feel like ill actually play, and not just random shovelware.

    i also have a decent amount of anime merchandise and blurays/manga, and thats where most of my moneys been going recently.
    i think the best way of going about that is only adding your absolute favorites to your collection, ones that you feel youll actually want to come back to.
    as for the merchandise, i set an arbitrary rule of only 1 piece of merch per character, so i dont go autistic and have 4 figures of the same character or something. i have 2 standard sized billy bookcases, and thats about as much room as im willing to dedicate to my game/anime collection.

    i also believe youre thinking about the whole 'collection' thing a bit too hard.
    if youre not having fun collecting/playing games, and the space it takes up is negatively affecting you, then just stop. if you dont enjoy it, then why force yourself to? youre under no obligation to keep any of it, and if you feel the money and space would be better spent, then do so

  45. 2 years ago

    Eh. I never got the point of collecting stuff like this. Emulation is good enough for me. Its not the individual disks/carts that mean anything to my childhood, it was the games themselves. If I can play them on my laptop, it's good enough.

  46. 2 years ago

    I am in the same boat. I worked hard for my pile and got some rare gems. But I will probably give someone else a chance. Will hold on to my most sentimental pieces of course.

  47. 2 years ago

    Do what I did; keep the consoles and sell the games (Keep a couple sentimental ones). Use the money for an Everdrive / ODE and put the remainder into an IRA

  48. 2 years ago

    I sold all my stuff because I realized its all aging plastic and there were people dumb enough to give me lots of money for it.
    I literally just use a tiny box pc to emulate everything now and find myself enjoying games even more than I used to because of the convenience of it.
    >A pc
    >A hacked handheld (3DS or Vita)
    that's all you really need nowadays for retro gayming.

  49. 2 years ago

    Gunsmith Cats! <3

  50. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >GH Crash Bandicoot and FF7
      >despite the fact they produced the FF games NISB well into the 00s
      what a cuck lol that's probably his proudest accomplishment

    • 2 years ago

      Every fricking time

    • 2 years ago

      >soulless immaculate game collection NOT FOR PLAYING
      >soulless immaculate kitchen NOT FOR COOKING
      dude probably only do uber eats

    • 2 years ago

      >grading Ultimate Battle 22

    • 2 years ago

      What a c**t I still play mine every couple years frick resellers and collectors

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >all those shit and common games in the front
      I wonder what kind of trash is in the back, loicensed sports games and games based off gameshows?

    • 2 years ago

      >being proud of walking into a store and overpaying for something

      many such cases

    • 2 years ago

      >All those shovelware licensed games.
      I bet this moron thinks this shit is going to be worth a million in a few years. What a fricking homosexual. I’ve seen wata games be on eBay for months and months sometimes never selling. Brings me great joy.

    • 2 years ago

      You can just tell this guy had no interest in video games until recently, and it's not the fact that he is grading mostly shovel ware, it's just something about his look.
      If he's put the best titles in the front row, i can only imagine the garbage sitting at the back.

  51. 2 years ago

    I got rid of all my physical games as soon as emulation obsoleted them. SMS/NES/Genesis/SNES in the late 90s; PS1 in the mid 00s. If emulation did not satisfy me, like if I ever had a Saturn or N64, I would probably get some Everdrives, but I think emulation is perfectly fine for the systems that I did have.
    As far as your kids playing old games... don't get your hopes up too much. My kids mostly play Minetest, Roblox, and some Switch games. We do play some Bomberman or Turtles in Time together every once in a while though.

  52. 2 years ago

    I'll soon be a wizard in a year, but I sold my collection since I constantly move from one place to another for school/job reasons and I needed money.
    >Did it feel liberating or did it feel like you lost a part of yourself?
    I do regret it sometimes and I wish I kept some of my favorite games, but it was a pain in the ass to move my stuff from place to place and then set the whole thing up again. Emulating stuff is just much easier now.

  53. 2 years ago

    I made the decision to keep my consoles and stop collecting games, since personally, I'd much rather get flashcarts/ODEs.

  54. 2 years ago

    >another anon making another thread blogging about fretting over their bloated collection
    I'm glad I don't ever have this issue. I think it's because, unlike 95% of /vr/, I actually have discerning taste and only buy and keep games I genuinely enjoy. I only own around 100 games, and they're all games I enjoy playing. I don't buy garbage for the sake of buying garbage.

    • 2 years ago

      I feel like OP doesn't have any intention of selling his collection and just made the thread for attention. Which worked because he's got a lot more replies than a coomlection thread would get.

      • 2 years ago

        >another anon making another thread blogging about fretting over their bloated collection
        I'm glad I don't ever have this issue. I think it's because, unlike 95% of /vr/, I actually have discerning taste and only buy and keep games I genuinely enjoy. I only own around 100 games, and they're all games I enjoy playing. I don't buy garbage for the sake of buying garbage.

        He literally bought these games because he has good taste (in my opinion) and enjoyed playing them at least once. I was lucky and bought every game I wanted to play for SNES/64 back in 2003-2008 on eBay at rock bottom prices. I was browsing CiB NES games for 5-15$ and didn't realize how great it was. If I only had a couple games right now I would not try and add to my collection because prices are insane. Flashcart is the way to go and I'm still happy to see people with nice collections that aren't full of shovelware just for the sake of collecting.

  55. 2 years ago

    Impressive collection, anon. If you're strapped for cash or space let it go. Or if you find yourself needing to let go of the past or your material attachments to move on with your life. Otherwise keep it.

  56. 2 years ago

    I got rid of mine in my early 20s and really regret it

    I got sucked into the minimalism fad and sold everything, I really should have just pared down a bit and focused on a few consoles instead of selling everything.

    If you move a lot it might be worth just selecting the stuff that you really like and dumping the stuff with no nostalgic value, it might mean selling some really expensive games and keeping some fairly common stuff but IME only the stuff that I played growing up was what I had any attachment to and didn't resent taking with me when I moved.

  57. 2 years ago

    I don't have a huge collection but I do plan on ridding myself of some CRTs I have lying around simply because I lack the space to store them properly and realistically I won't use them regularly anyway.
    As for the games, I already packed the few I have in boxes and in the basement, years of looking at all the pictures of people displaying their games better than pictures of their family really made me cringe and I hate having them on display

    • 2 years ago

      >better than pictures of their family
      my family is toxic as frick
      literally insane/unhealthy

      • 2 years ago

        I find people who use the word "toxic" to describe something are usually the insane ones...

    • 2 years ago

      i dont have a single photo of me or my family on display in my entire home

  58. 2 years ago

    at the current rate of inflation in the united states; might as well hedge your bets against cash

    savings? im investing in neo carts

  59. 2 years ago

    I gave them to friends as gifts.

  60. 2 years ago

    I've always maintained a small collection of games I really really like to play and emulated most everything else. I'll also admit to buying a few games at laughably low prices knowing that I'd be selling them a handful of times so you and I may be very different. That all said, unless your entire personality is being a coomlector you're not going to miss your hordes of games. It sounds like you're past the point where you consider your collection as a source (perhaps the sole source) of pride in your life and that's good. It sounds like you're on board with saving a tote or two of all your favorites/the ones with most feels which is absolutely important. Even if you're in a great financial position, it may be enjoyable to you to see your collection sell for thousands and thousands more than you paid for it. When all is said and done, most of that is free money and you can use it to fund a new hobby or invest it or whatever....

  61. 2 years ago

    just put them in the rubbish bin, you'll feel better save space and can get rid of them immediately

  62. 2 years ago

    I sold everything off 5 years ago and regret nothing. Kept the few treasures I couldn't part with. I was just honest with myself and realized having an object isn't the same as re-experiencing the past. It felt good to expunge all the dead weight.

  63. 2 years ago

    I put all my anime and movies and audio CDs into CD binders and dumped all the israeliteel cases and plastic boxes. Life got a lot better.

    I don't keep games that I don't love, so while I have a lot of games I don't have SO much. I also don't keep any on display, so it doesn't overwhelm me with manchild vibes.

    I agree with posters saying not to get rid of things. I also agree with the people saying not to horde. Don't be the guy who keeps every game he ever played. Keep the games you LOVE and move from there.

    I also know in my heart that I don't give a frick about anything I have from after ~PSX. I'll never let the GB/SNES stuff go. I could see dumping my PS3 and up games someday, especially if rereleases are more compact.

    Consider things like that. Don't let an industry or people online tell you what's important and what's not, because it sounds like that's what you're fighting. Listen to your own internal voice and what you should do will pay off better.

  64. 2 years ago

    This is a board for retro video games not for dealing with your mid life crisis. Frick off with this kind of shit threads

  65. 2 years ago

    It's not a collection if it can be bought again for money.

  66. 2 years ago

    Can you leave it at your parents' house? If you had a house, I imagine putting it in the attic or something for decades would be good for coomlecting

  67. 2 years ago

    If you find no joy in it anymore, there's no reason to hold onto it.
    I find no real joy in my collection, but I have trouble letting go of things, I tell myself one day some of these games will be even more valuable than they are now, and while it might be true for some, it's likely not for most. The physical market is a bubble waiting to be burst in many ways.

    That said, I hate the burden of having so much stuff. I just want to have a lighter collection of just the games that actually mean something to me and not all the cray that doesn't anymore. I'd say only hold onto what really has meaning to you, and just get rid of everything else on ebay. That way, you can use the money to either get other games you will enjoy and cherish, or just use it for something more productive that you actually care about.

  68. 2 years ago

    I sold everything and honestly only miss the essentials. They are gonna be easy to get back and I honestly don’t miss them that much. If you keep about 30 games you’ll be happy you sold.

  69. 2 years ago

    I think the easiest solution OP is to let me just come pick it up, I won't even charge you for it.

  70. 2 years ago

    It depends how you feel about games as a hobby. If you feel that they Don't interest or motivate you then you should liquadate it. For me game collection for me is a same kind of a hobby as my friends who collect vinyls and have tons of audio equipment for them. If you are fine with playing with digital versions of games then there is no real point of owning the physical stuff. For me I just enjoy older technology in general and get satisfaction seeing old things running like they did in back in the old days.

  71. 2 years ago

    Honestly yes, attachment to plastic is bad for you, you should focus on enjoying the games themselves instead. Best way to enjoy old games to day is flashcarts, emus or a mister

    • 2 years ago

      No soul

  72. 2 years ago

    the way that retro games are SKYROCKETING in price, and have been without stop for at least a decade now, if you sell right now, sure, you'd make a pretty penny. but should you regret something and want to buy it back, by the time you start feeling that burn, its gonna be like 3x what you sold it for to buy it back again.

    right now my resident evil collection can buy me a nice used car straight off the lot. ten years from now a downpayment on a frickin house if it keeps doubling in price every year, especially for my Dreamcast RE games.

  73. 2 years ago

    i've made around $7k just selling my old games. here's some tips to get anyone started.

    -not sure what games you can part with or feel weird about it? start with selling games you can emulate 100% perfectly.
    -look up sold+completed listings on ebay to get an idea what your collection is worth.
    -local game stores pray you just want to dump your old collection and assume you have no clue how much shit goes for.
    -games that are worth $10 or less you might as well throw into a lot listing, so the buyer feels like they're getting more than they really are.
    -some game prices are really really stupid now.(gc and ds especially). for these games try auction instead of buy it now, but set your minimum price where you won't get screwed.

  74. 2 years ago

    So ur the reason why game are so damn high frick you!

  75. 2 years ago

    >it takes up hella space
    what the frick are you people doing that requires every fricking inch of shelving space in your home, so much as to make a single stand of childhood video games a complete fricking impossibility? I don't understand

    • 2 years ago

      i think its less of a space thing and more of a minimalist thing. i can kind of understand, as its pretty comfy to have a small collection, with there being less stuff to manage, and it lessens your backlog considerably. unless it is a space thing, then idk

    • 2 years ago

      When you're moving a lot, every single thing you have to pack starts to piss you off.

      • 2 years ago

        This is pretty much what happened to me and why I sold most of my collection. It just got tiresome and wasn't worth it anymore.

  76. 2 years ago

    I stupidly traded in so much of my childhood shit over the years to GameStop and such. Whatever. The stuff I've held onto is small enough in quantity that it's not a hassle to move it. At this point I've been emulating longer than I played physical anyway.

  77. 2 years ago

    my philosophy has always been only hold onto cartridges because discs are more fragile and might as well emulate the few games i cant play the PC version of

  78. 2 years ago

    ive only regretted selling things, never regretted keeping something around. If you've got room, why not keep it?

  79. 2 years ago

    Considering you can reliably play 98% of everything on a PC, it stops bieng about the game and more about how it *feels* and if that's worth hanging onto something then ehh...

    ur gay.

  80. 2 years ago

    I would never give up my “starter” collection (mostly what I kept from childhood), but most of the crap I bought on my 20s. It was fun to collect, I ran plenty of house parties with college friends into my late 20s with all that, they’ve run their course. But now I mostly use flashcarts for convenience. And I only have nostagia for my actual childhoold stuff (which I got from my parents or other family members), not all the cool stuff I got cheap from eBay and hunting on thrift stores… I would give away in a heartbeat

    Yes, give away. I don’t have the time, need or interest to manage small sells, even though I would most likely make a good profit. It’s just too time consuming, and I don’t really need the extra money.

    I’m thinking I’ll just give it to someone younger who would appreciate it and take good care of it, someday.

  81. 2 years ago

    I have a bunch of mint gamevoy carts and N64 games loose. Someone convince me selling these for a sega saturn or a flashcart is stupid, please.

    • 2 years ago

      if youre not opposed to flashcarts, i dont see why you wouldnt just sell them.
      i wont sell my collection because i enjoy the authenticity of it, but if that doesnt matter to you, then its practically free money youre sitting on

  82. 2 years ago

    If your pic related was my collection I would sell 80% of it. More than Half of what you have is shit OP

    >comes to /vr/
    >posts pic of collection with mostly games from 2010’s systems

    have a nice day, and liquidate all the shit you own

  83. 2 years ago

    I wonder if you're my older brother he hoarded almost every childhood game we had, at first I was pissed, but I respect that the games were preserved now. Anyways keep it you have memories with those items you can't replace. Ngl, pretty cringe with all the jarpigs.

  84. 2 years ago

    no, i spent too much time building my collection.
    pc big box collecting was always hard enough as-is in my area but, as of a decade ago, has become virtually impossible short of having a six-figure salary and a borderline sadomasochistic personality.

    a lot of my pc big box collection has been from a lot of tag sales and flea markets a long time ago where the ppl selling them had no idea what they were selling. at fair value, i would've had to have plunked down 4x-10x more easily. no way i could amass that collection again now without serious $$$$.

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