>literally the only interesting aspect of the lore is the demon lore. >they literally just ripped off 40k Chaos lore

>literally the only interesting aspect of the lore is the demon lore
>they literally just ripped off 40k Chaos lore
How did Bioware get away with it?

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  1. 2 years ago

    The same way GW got away when they ripped off everyone.

    • 2 years ago


      At this point you get away with it by stealing things that have been stolen so many times nobody can pin down exactly where you stole it from.

    • 2 years ago

      To be fair, at least Warhammer rips off old, lesser known sci-fi/fantasy works and puts everything together in such a way, that it loops back to being unique.

      • 2 years ago

        >It's fine when WE do it
        40k gays are insufferable

  2. 2 years ago

    The magic and making wizards brain damaged is ripped from Wheel of Time
    Grey Wardens are ripped from Game of Thrones

    • 2 years ago

      Don't forget that Warden's are also in part ripped off from Sapkowski's Witchers as well. Although maybe its just a coincidence since I doubt any of the DA devs ever read him at that point in time.

      • 2 years ago

        >Don't forget that Warden's are also in part ripped off from Sapkowski's Witchers as well.
        And Witchers are ripped-off Eternal champions that get paid for the shit they do.

    • 2 years ago

      >a song of ice and fire
      >any original ideas
      you normalgays are a Blight
      haha get it

  3. 2 years ago

    Uhhh.... alright bro

  4. 2 years ago

    We all rip each other off. In fact come here OP I'll rip your butthole a new one.

  5. 2 years ago

    Everything is ripped off from something else

  6. 2 years ago

    OP might be a bot, copypasta, or trolling yet I agree.

    For a "world" they spent "yeards developing' DA:O is very lore-lite and what lore it does have is very generic. I remember the adds emphasizing it's a DARK fantasy...because there are blood-splatters on clothes?

    It was very "streamlined" (dumbed down) from earlier games and consolized. Fewer party members than BG. Less conversation options. Classes are bare-bones as Fable's without as good a combat system. Influenced by WoW to its' detriment.

    Like OP said, the most interesting the story got was in the fade, with its' daemonnetes, sloth-bear, etc. and these aspects were Warhammer Fantasy as opposed to the Helm's Deep of the opening.

    Folks hail this game as a masterpiece because each sequels progressively worse, like a disease, but Mass Effect with the mere addition of 3 hybrid classes was more of an rpg.

    • 2 years ago

      >the most interesting the story got was in the fade
      That's why it is the number one downloadable (skip) mod for the game. That's why any discussion brought up about it is immediately shut down by " I can't be bothered to go through the fade again".

      Everyone rips on everyone. Mass effect rips on Star Trek, Andromeda, Babylon5, who in turn rip on religious texts, the bible, other sci-fi asimov, heinlein, hard sci-fi, vernon vinge. Those rip on something else. We all rip on something. Now come her coomer, let me rip you a new butthole too.

      • 2 years ago

        >That's why it is the number one downloadable (skip) mod for the game. That's why any discussion brought up about it is immediately shut down by " I can't be bothered to go through the fade again".
        That's because the gameplay is pure garbage

        • 2 years ago

          wow its almost as if everyone loves it for the coomer shit

    • 2 years ago

      >remember the adds emphasizing it's a DARK fantasy...because there are blood-splatters on clothes?
      I mean....

      • 2 years ago

        ew gross.

        >the most interesting the story got was in the fade
        That's why it is the number one downloadable (skip) mod for the game. That's why any discussion brought up about it is immediately shut down by " I can't be bothered to go through the fade again".

        Everyone rips on everyone. Mass effect rips on Star Trek, Andromeda, Babylon5, who in turn rip on religious texts, the bible, other sci-fi asimov, heinlein, hard sci-fi, vernon vinge. Those rip on something else. We all rip on something. Now come her coomer, let me rip you a new butthole too.

        oh snap anon! Influences exist!? You sure blew my mind!

        Dumbfrick, what we're articulating is no part of DA:O constitutes a new thesis adding an original component to the existing lexicon. It's not only a regurgitation, it's an execution inferior to the originals it derivates from.

        >Mass Effect with the mere addition of 3 hybrid classes was more of an rpg.
        No it wasn't. Mass Effect can barely be counted as an RPG, with it's shitty dialogue wheel that literally has the same lines being said but in a different tone. Hell, where do you think Fallout 4 got that inspiration from Mass Effect was literally the original Fallout 4, but most people didn't realize it because it was one of the few sci-fi RPGs on the market, and with a bigger budget to boot. It came out at the time when the genre was oversaturated with generic fantasy games. That's pretty much the only reason why people praised it. Had sci-fi RPGs been more commonplace, Mass Effect would have been forgotten. Also, compared to most previous Bioware works at the time, DAO felt like the a true RPG, something they hadn't done since maybe Baldur's Gate 2. And that game wasn't even good.

        >shitty dialogue wheel that literally has the same lines being said but in a different tone. Hell, where do you think Fallout 4 got that inspiration from Mass Effect was literally the original Fallout 4

        all true. Has no bearing on the fact ME is more of an rpg than DA:O.

        BG2 was fun to play. It's overhyped but I can't agree with your chicanery.

        • 2 years ago

          >all true. Has no bearing on the fact ME is more of an rpg than DA:O.
          How so?

        • 2 years ago

          mate stop talking

    • 2 years ago

      >Mass Effect with the mere addition of 3 hybrid classes was more of an rpg.
      No it wasn't. Mass Effect can barely be counted as an RPG, with it's shitty dialogue wheel that literally has the same lines being said but in a different tone. Hell, where do you think Fallout 4 got that inspiration from Mass Effect was literally the original Fallout 4, but most people didn't realize it because it was one of the few sci-fi RPGs on the market, and with a bigger budget to boot. It came out at the time when the genre was oversaturated with generic fantasy games. That's pretty much the only reason why people praised it. Had sci-fi RPGs been more commonplace, Mass Effect would have been forgotten. Also, compared to most previous Bioware works at the time, DAO felt like the a true RPG, something they hadn't done since maybe Baldur's Gate 2. And that game wasn't even good.

    • 2 years ago

      Mass Effect is dogshit
      >what lore it does have is very generic
      Generic compared to what

  7. 2 years ago

    >OMG guise they stole from Warhammer!!!

  8. 2 years ago

    >40k fangay believes that people stole ides from GW
    Imagine being such a secondary in life. They're as normal than the average normalgay.

  9. 2 years ago


  10. 2 years ago

    Same with how mass effect is just a rip off of Star Control 2

  11. 2 years ago

    Dragon Age warhammer fantasy + a song of ice and fire + the secret of NIMH, zoomer

    • 2 years ago

      This . It's WHFB + ASOIAF
      Fade, Daemons connection to mages, Templars vs Mages conflict, powerful mages - all is identical to Warhammer Fantasy, not 40k. Witch Hunters are literally called The Holy Order of Templars of Sigmar and are fulfilling exactly this same role as Templars in Dragon Age. Fade and Daemons work and look exactly as in Warhammer Fantasy. Mages being born as powerful individuals is exactly this same as in Warhammer. Dwarfs even have 1 to 1 copy of a Slayer cult.

      Grey Wardens are literally Night's Watch - Undermanned and with dubious reputation warrior order that recruits from criminals and for hundreds of years has waited for ancient threat to return. Despite their supposed neutrality they will have to indulge into politics
      Main Cousland storyline is literally Jon Snow plot - Young boy whose Noble family was slaughtered in a betrayal was inducted into warrior order where he is supposed to let the past go and not seek revenge. Except he will eventually have the chance to get his revenge
      Entire story theme is explicitly ripped off from ASOIAF with everyone underestimating the threat of ancient evil and indulging in petty politics instead of uniting against actually massive threat

      It's basically ASOIAF story set in Warhammer world and there is nothing really wrong with being inspired and copying other works. But it's obvious they simply took and mashed together two most popular edgelord fantasy worlds for their edgelord dark fantasy game marketed with Marilyn Manson

      OP might be a bot, copypasta, or trolling yet I agree.

      For a "world" they spent "yeards developing' DA:O is very lore-lite and what lore it does have is very generic. I remember the adds emphasizing it's a DARK fantasy...because there are blood-splatters on clothes?

      It was very "streamlined" (dumbed down) from earlier games and consolized. Fewer party members than BG. Less conversation options. Classes are bare-bones as Fable's without as good a combat system. Influenced by WoW to its' detriment.

      Like OP said, the most interesting the story got was in the fade, with its' daemonnetes, sloth-bear, etc. and these aspects were Warhammer Fantasy as opposed to the Helm's Deep of the opening.

      Folks hail this game as a masterpiece because each sequels progressively worse, like a disease, but Mass Effect with the mere addition of 3 hybrid classes was more of an rpg.

      DA:O was a massive upgrade over ME1, which had barely any combat skills and no noncombat skills save for persuasion, no attributes at all, no race selection, only 2 non-controllable companions, vastly inferior equipment system, voiced protagonist and which is guilty of popularizing dialogue wheel. DA:O could be better but there is no way in which fricking Mass Effect is better rpg than it

      • 2 years ago

        Was the ASOIAF series even finished by the time DA:O came out?

        • 2 years ago

          ASOIAF still isn't finished, but it was already popular back then. Cousland Warden is 1 to 1 copy of Jon Snow. Exactly this same backstory, this same story arc, those same events even up to losing a mentor and becoming leader of said Warrior order, even though he barely joined it, is inexperienced and has to rebuilt and strengthen it. There are too many similarities to explicitly those two worlds for it all to be a coincidence. And I don't believe Bioware writers were aware of, let alone read more obscure fantasy that inspired ASOIAF and Warhammer.

      • 2 years ago

        Bioware did cite ASOIAF as their greatest inspiration for Dragon Age, so yeah, the similarities are quite noticeable.

        Was the ASOIAF series even finished by the time DA:O came out?

        No, and it still isn't to this day because Martin is a lazy frick. By the time DAO came out, there were 4 books in the series, with the latest at the time being a Feast for Crows, published in 2005.

        ASOIAF still isn't finished, but it was already popular back then. Cousland Warden is 1 to 1 copy of Jon Snow. Exactly this same backstory, this same story arc, those same events even up to losing a mentor and becoming leader of said Warrior order, even though he barely joined it, is inexperienced and has to rebuilt and strengthen it. There are too many similarities to explicitly those two worlds for it all to be a coincidence. And I don't believe Bioware writers were aware of, let alone read more obscure fantasy that inspired ASOIAF and Warhammer.

        The entire plot about the Howls betraying the Couslands is literally DAO's version of the Red Wedding, with the entire family getting slaughtered and the Howls taking the position of the Couslands. All thanks to Loghain backing them up the same way Tywin backed up the Boltons in their betrayal of the Starks.
        Couslands = Starks
        Howls = Boltons

      • 2 years ago

        You could say the same about how da:o was a massive downgrade from nwn.

        • 2 years ago

          At least in DA:O you can control multiple characters. And combat is better since it's more investing. But otherwise it has less rpg mechanics and content than many other crpgs and infinity engine games in particular. It's still massively superior to Jade Empire and Mass Effect as far as rpg mechanics are concerned. Jade Empire in doesn't even have equipment save for those stones lmao.

        • 2 years ago

          NWN was already a massive downgrade compared to BG. DAO was probably the only actual RPG they've made since BG2.

        • 2 years ago

          NWN was already a massive downgrade compared to BG. DAO was probably the only actual RPG they've made since BG2.

          t. multiplayerlets

      • 2 years ago

        ME's setting and story > DA:O.
        I'm not even a big fan of ME1. This's like the special olympics.

        Mass Effect is dogshit
        >what lore it does have is very generic
        Generic compared to what

        >me hate ME
        you are a noskill who sucks at shooters.

        compared to most rpgs
        >Alpha Protocol
        >Deus Ex
        >Doom Eternal
        even other DnD style fantasies
        >Icewind Dale
        >Baldur's Gate
        >Dark Alliance

        >literally the only interesting aspect of the lore is the demon lore
        the dwarf lore was pretty good

        >dwarf lore was good
        Hambuger Helper go away.

        • 2 years ago

          You are a legitimate moron

          • 2 years ago

            which homosexual I was responding to are (You?


        • 2 years ago

          >ME's setting and story > DA:O.
          >I'm not even a big fan of ME1. This's like the special olympics.
          How is this even relevant? Mass Effect is objectively less of an rpg than DA:O, because it has objectively worse rpg mechanics. This is not even up to debate. Mass Effect may be even better as a game overall, but it's inferior as rpg.

          • 2 years ago

            What's your point then? Say I concede what you're posting to be the truth. Your intent is to convince me...to value the rpgness of a game over the quality of the game?

            I should rather play any rpg, even the worst, so long as it has lots of rpg mechanics, than a game with fewer rpg mechanics, which is better.

            • 2 years ago

              The claim was that

              OP might be a bot, copypasta, or trolling yet I agree.

              For a "world" they spent "yeards developing' DA:O is very lore-lite and what lore it does have is very generic. I remember the adds emphasizing it's a DARK fantasy...because there are blood-splatters on clothes?

              It was very "streamlined" (dumbed down) from earlier games and consolized. Fewer party members than BG. Less conversation options. Classes are bare-bones as Fable's without as good a combat system. Influenced by WoW to its' detriment.

              Like OP said, the most interesting the story got was in the fade, with its' daemonnetes, sloth-bear, etc. and these aspects were Warhammer Fantasy as opposed to the Helm's Deep of the opening.

              Folks hail this game as a masterpiece because each sequels progressively worse, like a disease, but Mass Effect with the mere addition of 3 hybrid classes was more of an rpg.

              >Folks hail this game as a masterpiece because each sequels progressively worse, like a disease, but Mass Effect with the mere addition of 3 hybrid classes was more of an rpg.
              This is simply incorrect and can be proven so by listing objectively measurable features of both games. I don't give a frick about convincing you to play bad rpg over good action game or whatever. I only cared about pointing out that Mass Effect isn't a better rpg than DA:O and to claim otherwise is false.

              • 2 years ago

                >I am wrong and salty

                >Doom Eternal

                leveling system, character customizatoin.

              • 2 years ago

                >leveling system
                That's literally in every AAA game these days. So I guess Assassin's Creed Odyssey, God of War, Far Cry 5, etc. are all RPGs?
                >character customizatoin.
                Different costumes aren't character customization. Doomguy is still Doomguy. And if character customization makes an RPG, then Far Cry 5 is truly the definitive FPS RPG game out there. From creating your own character and naming them, to different clothing, to weapon customization, to leveling up etc.

              • 2 years ago

                you can customize the loadout of your guns, your abilities, health regen, etc. That's more customization then just equipping spell attacks from a list.

              • 2 years ago

                >you can customize the loadout of your guns, your abilities
                And you can do that in Far Cry 5. Does that make it an RPG?

        • 2 years ago

          >Doom Eternal

        • 2 years ago

          >Hambuger Helper go away.
          You can shit on her for being a fat moron that doesn't play vidya all you want, the lore she wrote for the dwarves was indeed good.

        • 2 years ago

          ME is not a shooter you are fricking moronic
          Whatever lore me has or had is irrelevant because of the ending. If you fall for people who paint some grandeur, deep, vast, overarching plot only to reduce it to
          >LOL GHOST CHILD
          cliche shit because they were cba to sit at the beginning and plan out how story would play out unlike Martin and instead focused on smoke and mirrors, you are the target audience for the modern star wars. Actual NPC moron acting on instinct and incapable of making good choices.

          • 2 years ago

            this bot needs a chillpill.exe

            >Hambuger Helper go away.
            You can shit on her for being a fat moron that doesn't play vidya all you want, the lore she wrote for the dwarves was indeed good.

            >the lore she wrote for the dwarves was indeed good.

            It was trash.
            >ambush you can see coming from lightyears away
            >no option to kill ambusher
            >no option to not trust him
            >what a surprise!
            >he ambushed us!

            >brother's trechery you can see coming from lightyears away
            >no option to kill him

            >return to dwarf kingdom
            >they're in a secession war
            >can't enter as your own candidate

            She had a linear shit story she told. She was only employed by Bioware because she's a israeliteess.

  12. 2 years ago

    >literally the only interesting aspect of the lore is the demon lore
    the dwarf lore was pretty good

  13. 2 years ago

    Precedence; they rip off shit constantly. The ending of Mass Effect 3 is lifted right out of the end of Foundation.

  14. 2 years ago

    They got away with it because lore wasn't a major aspect of the game in the first place. It was carried by character interactions and storylines which is what most people played Bioware games for at that point. They got bonus points for making something more complex than their last couple games.

  15. 2 years ago


    Its almost like you have never experienced culture outside of pop culture and think that recycling same shit is somehow acceptable.

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