Literally the TLJ/ROS of vidya.

Literally the TLJ/ROS of vidya.

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      people compare halo to star wars reception a lot but it barely fricking works as an idea.
      star wars prequels were let down by a mediocre script and were reviled for many years, Halo "prequels" ODST/Reach/Wars were typically well regarded.
      Apparently Halo 4 = TFA despite Halo 4 being very different narratively from Halo 1 and TFA being just A New Hope Again
      Apparently Halo 5 = TLJ despite Halo 5's issue being started a bunch of new plots unrelated to Halo 4 and not following through on any of them when TLJ took TFA and went in an extremely different direction but still used those plots.

      Honestly though Infinite / ROS is a somewhat fair comparison due to both of them trying to hard to nostalgia appeal and suck off fans, but again completely issues are what prompted both to suck.

      t. fricking hate 343 Halo and Disney wars.

      • 2 years ago

        I have a question, if you removed all the characters from TLJ would the story change or would it still happen?

  2. 2 years ago

    What did you mean?

  3. 2 years ago

    An almost perfect fit yeah. 4 was even the same as TFA in that it was a beat for beat retread of the first game.

    • 2 years ago

      Halo 4 is nothing like the first game, you lying homosexual, the only thing they have in common are Chief crash landing on some Forerunner installation and that's it.

  4. 2 years ago

    Yeah, they were both shit.

  5. 2 years ago

    TLJ and ROS were shit entries in a once great franchise
    Halo 5 and Infinite are shit games in a shit franchise

  6. 2 years ago

    Why do people act like H5 is so much worse then 4 when both of their campaigns are medicore and H5 actually returns to CE, H2, and H3 style even starts, and CE and H2 style vertical map design?

    • 2 years ago

      Because both Halo 4 and 5 have dogshit campaigns.

      • 2 years ago

        I litterally already addressed that, but at least 5 has good MP and the best forge in the series wheras 4's MP is much worse then that.

        The gameplay wasn't bad but it launched with very little multiplayer content, just slayer, that new slayer variant gamemode where you have one life but the name escapes me, objectives, and warzone. No forge, no infection, no BTB and it took months for any of that. By the time they added all that it was on life support. What's frickin crazy is that even 5 had more content at launch than infinite

        Yeah, but it's 7 years later. People talk about Halo 2 and 3 as their map pack DLC being part of the expierence, so the content 5 did get should count for it, no?

        4 didn't have character assassination which, even if you disagree with that, 5 was still way worse in that regard, and 5 has the added disgrace of almost always having you play as the ONI glowBlack person.

        I think 4 and 5's story's are equally bad. 4 has some neat ideas but terrible execution, 5 has terrible ideas but some solid execution of them. (IE bringing back cortana as a villain was a awful concept, but she's way more convincingly fricked up mentally then she was in 4 where it was just cringy temper tantrums)

        • 2 years ago

          Not him, 5's worse, nothing happens in 5 and if you remove everyone, Halo 5 still happens off screen, only noticeable thing that happens is that Halsey is once again with the UNSC, that's it. A great game to compare Halo 5 Guardians to is Metroid Other M.

    • 2 years ago

      The gameplay wasn't bad but it launched with very little multiplayer content, just slayer, that new slayer variant gamemode where you have one life but the name escapes me, objectives, and warzone. No forge, no infection, no BTB and it took months for any of that. By the time they added all that it was on life support. What's frickin crazy is that even 5 had more content at launch than infinite

    • 2 years ago

      4 didn't have character assassination which, even if you disagree with that, 5 was still way worse in that regard, and 5 has the added disgrace of almost always having you play as the ONI glowBlack person.

      • 2 years ago

        >4 didn't have character assassination
        Why lie, Halo 5 is far worse but don't act like Halo 4 didn't start this.

        • 2 years ago

          Maybe finish reading the sentence, moron.

          I litterally already addressed that, but at least 5 has good MP and the best forge in the series wheras 4's MP is much worse then that.

          Yeah, but it's 7 years later. People talk about Halo 2 and 3 as their map pack DLC being part of the expierence, so the content 5 did get should count for it, no?

          I think 4 and 5's story's are equally bad. 4 has some neat ideas but terrible execution, 5 has terrible ideas but some solid execution of them. (IE bringing back cortana as a villain was a awful concept, but she's way more convincingly fricked up mentally then she was in 4 where it was just cringy temper tantrums)

          >(IE bringing back cortana as a villain was a awful concept, but she's way more convincingly fricked up mentally then she was in 4 where it was just cringy temper tantrums)
          That's your opinion, man. It's my opinion that 4 had endearing moments between Chief and Cortana relating to her effectively dying despite dumb shit basically everywhere else lore wise. 5 does not have one single enjoyable interaction between 2 or more characters that I can recall. It gets compared to TLJ because it feels like the creators actively loathed fans.

          • 2 years ago

            No shit it's my opinion, but i'd be curious to hear you clarify about yours.

            To me, 5 handles "Cortana suffers from rampancy and gets mentally ill" pretty much how I would have WANTED H4 to do it: Her rampancy actually being shown as her not even realizing how off she is, Chief wanting to save her but still being pragmatic and not delusional about it, and then finaly Cortana trying to trap chief to keep him safe and him knowing he needs to put her down.

            In 4 it felt like both of them were acting way out of character even given the situation: Cortana is headstrong and spunky, if she's going crazy it shouldn't be shown as her just getting deppressed and damsel-y about it, and her just having tantrums was impossible for me to take seriously. Chief also acts like he has no clue what's going on and is in denial even though the motherfricker has been seeing death throughout his whole life and with people he's known way longer then Cortana, and was educated by some of the UNSC's finest officers yet in 4 he apparently doesn't even know how Rampancy works?

            5 shouldn't have brought back Cortana at all, but what it does with that I think is executed competently, especially compared to 4.

            Not him, 5's worse, nothing happens in 5 and if you remove everyone, Halo 5 still happens off screen, only noticeable thing that happens is that Halsey is once again with the UNSC, that's it. A great game to compare Halo 5 Guardians to is Metroid Other M.

            5 ending with basically no resolution in the middle of what should be it's narrative is absolutely one of it's issues, but you could make the same argument about Halo 2. Obviously 2 eons better written, but I don't think that the lack of a proper conclusion automatically makes a narrative worse then one with one, and as i've said, I think 4 and 5, at least to me, feel equally medicore.

            Keep in mind i'm judging their campaigns as a whole here too, if you're just looking at the story then yeah maybe i'd put 4's slightly higher but I think they're both meh.

            • 2 years ago

              >5 shouldn't have brought back Cortana at all, but what it does with that I think is executed competently, especially compared to 4.
              I agree. Despite everything, I was interested in Cortana leading AI to turn against humanity, and it made me hyped for Infinite. What a joke. Not even a joke, just a fricking slap in the face.

              • 2 years ago

                343i's biggest problem is absolutely them overcorrecting and dropping everything they start to set up every time they make a new game.

              • 2 years ago

                Halo 5's story drop was a Microsoft mandate.

              • 2 years ago

                That makes sense, honestly. Seems like 343 was hamstringed every step of the way. Most employees that worked on Inifinite were temps so that their salaries were lower. Basically Infinite is, quite obviously, a corporate zombie that never should have seen the light of day, and the devs don't even know how to work on the game because it was made by people who no longer work there., As big of a mess as a game could be, honestly.

              • 2 years ago

                All this tells me is that Microsoft's mandate Halo is better than 343's Halos, that's just sad. A Microsoft mandate should make the campaign worse, not significantly better, lol.

              • 2 years ago

                Are you confused? Infinite was the worst campaign of a game I ever played.

              • 2 years ago

                Keep crying, Reclaimertroon, Halo 4 and 5 will always be the worse.

              • 2 years ago

                Worse than the main series, but not Infinite. Nothing could be worse than that.

              • 2 years ago

                They're worse than Infinite in every way. Their campaigns aren't even Halo.

              • 2 years ago

                Anything you say about 4 and 5 just goes doubly so for Infinite, so you can only dig your own grave.

              • 2 years ago

                No, it doesn't, only troons consider Halo 4 and 5's campaigns better than Infinite and those who say that probably didn't play Halo 1-3 let alone Halo 4, 5, and Infinite to know just how bad Halo 4 and especially 5 are.

            • 2 years ago

              >5 ending with basically no resolution in the middle of what should be it's narrative is absolutely one of it's issues, but you could make the same argument about Halo 2. Obviously 2 eons better written, but I don't think that the lack of a proper conclusion automatically makes a narrative worse then one with one, and as i've said, I think 4 and 5, at least to me, feel equally medicore.
              Halo 2 was important to the point that if any character were to be removed there would be terrible repercussions for the galaxy, Halo 5 is like Metroid Other M in the fact that it would have happened anyway if Chief or Samus didn't do shit and decided to take that day off they deserved.

  7. 2 years ago

    >master piece tier
    Halo 2. Only game that is truly over style over substance and is highly enjoyable as a result.

    >pretty good
    Halo Reach. Great campaign and extremely fun multiplayer. Would put in on master piece if it wasn't for the fact that most mp maps are reused from the campaign and the Noble Team doesn't have the most charismatic characters in comparison to the franchise.

    Halo 5. Mediocre campaign but the best mp to date. Started weak but got filled up with ACTUAL MONTHLY updates that made for months of fun matches. Absolutely the best forge to date, there are no limits to map and game modes creation.

    >good tier
    Halo 3. Good campaign and good mp. Story relies too much on finishing everything in a weak pacing and removes Arbiter's relevance despite the previous game being all about the Sangheili.

    ODST is good, nothing too exciting but nothing wrong.

    Halo 4. Good campaign but probably the weakest mp. Not too much to say here, it isn't as bad as most of Ganker claims.

    >bad tier
    Halo CE. Too outdated, WAS a big thing in the past but is just inferior in 2 in every way. No replayable value other than nostalgia.

    >unknown tier
    Infinite. Good campaign although a little repetitive. Would've called his mp good, but it has been so long since its release and there has been little good content. It's somewhere in the "good" tier but it will fall into the bad one if they don't hurry up with the new content. They NEED to release Forge and Infection in the next 4 months if they expect a decent player population.

    • 2 years ago

      >tranimegay has the worst opinions
      Every time

    • 2 years ago

      I would probably put Wars into the good tier, but it has been more than 10 years since I last played it. Can't judge it.

    • 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    playing infinite rn still love playing it to do the battle pass challenges the gameplay loop is real damn good just such a shame SO much is missing.. thank goodness Coop is finally coming people are gonna shit the fan when they realized they were sleeping on such a good game they were fool for not having coop at launch its part of halo as a whole many people only do campaign with their friends lol stupid 343 learn from this.

    • 2 years ago

      >people are gonna shit the fan when they realized they were sleeping on such a good game

  9. 2 years ago

    Yeah, TLJ is one of the worst movies I ever saw, and likewise, Halo Infinite was probably the worst game I ever played.

  10. 2 years ago

    I fricking hate Star Wars. It is and always will be, the McDonalds/Hot Topic of science fiction and the fans are insufferable, pathetic fricking homosexuals.

    The only scifi property that is worse is Star Trek.

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