Live A Live

Is the remake worth the 50 dollars, or should I play the original?

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Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    The original costs more unless you don't want the instruction manual

    • 2 years ago

      the original is free smart guy

      • 2 years ago

        Wouldn't be /vr/ if people didn't recommend spending exhorbitant amounts of money on old carts.

      • 2 years ago

        Can't believe it took this long for someone to set up my punchline: So is the remake

  2. 2 years ago

    Why do people keep making these threads? Every single day we have shitposting about how all remakes are bad, compilation re releases are all scams and shit shouldn't be accessible and people should learn to emulate if they want to play these games. The latter isn't difficult but something about compilations just flares up contrarians.

    • 2 years ago

      And no one should take anyone who says all remakes/remasters bad seriously. What makes you think drive by shitposters who don't know what they are talking about should be taken seriously?

      • 2 years ago

        At this point it just feels like we should just discuss the games without giving any context if we're playing a remake or a remaster or a straight compilation port to not give them any leeway to shitpost. /vr/ is absolutely the worst place to ask "is this remake/compilation/re release worth it?".

        • 2 years ago

          /vt/ is exactly the place for that since people here played the original games.
          But, no, let's avoid any conversation because it brings shitposters (they're in every threads by the way).
          Fricking moronic.

          • 2 years ago

            Not avoid conversations, just avoid specifying remakes, compilations and re releases.
            "I'm playing Castlevania Aria of Sorrow" instead of "I bought the Advance collection and I've been playing Aria of Sorrow" since the latter brings a lot of dishonest shitposting like
            >Paying for emulators
            >Souless compilation
            >Giving Konami money for ROMs

    • 2 years ago

      >why do people keep making these threads?
      oldest question on Ganker

  3. 2 years ago

    Remake is good but the translation is garbage. So it depends how much you care about it.

    • 2 years ago

      is there a good translation of the snes version?

      • 2 years ago

        Fan translation is good, Be sure to get the most recent version (2.0).

        • 2 years ago

          You would literally have to go out of your way to get the 1.0 translation since it's literally buried somewhere in some old site.
          It's not on romhacking at all.

          • 2 years ago

            It also sucks. Like it barely resembles competent english.

            • 2 years ago

              And Sundown is named Sunset by default and it lacks the cool font.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm fine with them rewriting the script of Sundown's chapter to sound more like a Spaghetti Western since that's what the chapter is based on. And the insult "Clank" by Darthe for robots is great. My issue is more with the kung fu chapter in particular, the other chapters are more or less fine.

      • 2 years ago

        Also when the Medieval chapter started I was afraid the whole thing would be Ye Olde English talk but no, not really. Only characters trying to be super formal talk like that.

      • 2 years ago

        They make up whole sentence a lot of the time, when the line is just a laugh or sound effect in Japanese. Can't just let a line be a hahaha, have to make it be at least one sentence.

        • 2 years ago

          Pretty sure that only really happens in one chapter and not even that often.

  4. 2 years ago

    the frick is live a live

    • 2 years ago

      Get a life you incel.

  5. 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    If you haven't played Live-A-Live yet you deserve a 50$ fine.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree and there is nothing wrong with paying that fine. I hope people enjoy it. I'll check it out, eventually... years from now.

  7. 2 years ago

    its shit. all remakes are inferior

  8. 2 years ago

    I'm playing the remake in japanese and I've honestly been pretty satisfied.
    My only real gripes with it are:
    >There's no way to speed up the battle animations.
    >One of the MCs that is meant to be a silent protagonist has battle voice lines, which detracts from the moment he breaks the silent MC rule.
    >They removed the moustache of a certain character that's meant to be a Hulk Hogan reference on his portrait, although his sprite still has it.

    Other than that it's great. The japanese voice acting is top notch and so is the new OST. Game's artstyle and graphics got a massive improvements in places where I didn't even expect it to. And a frickton of the original game's mechanics like buff durations, attack charge times, etc. are actually visible in the remake.

    I'd say it is worth the 50 bucks, but then again I'm pirating the japanese version. I'll definitely buy a japanese copy at a later date though.

    • 2 years ago

      They kinda had to do the Max Morgan change, you don't want to get sued and laws about that shit are less lax than they were when the game was first made.

    • 2 years ago

      >And a frickton of the original game's mechanics like buff durations, attack charge times, etc. are actually visible in the remake.
      There's also a bunch of QoL changes made that I'm completely ok with
      >talking to Pogo's neighbor lets you play a game that awards you 1 of every crafting ingredient if you win and it's repeatable so you don't need to grind animals hoping you get ingredients
      >Oboro says what the password has changed to whenever the bell rings
      >if you missed a skill with Masaru, you can refight that fighter as long as you haven't beaten all of them yet
      >Professor Toei's staircase is a lot shorter
      >a detailed map of the Cogito Ergo Sum
      >game now transfers over everything in a character's inventory when they first join the party in the final chapter, instead of them only possessing the items they had equipped when their chapter ended.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh I forgot one
        >the items you grab as Oersted in the castle armory and other rooms are replaced with new items in the Final Chapter instead of just being empty rooms

    • 2 years ago

      Assuming Japanese isn't your first language, I am curious to know how you got to learn Japanese and what your journey was like.

  9. 2 years ago

    Remake threads should be banned. They always attract shit posters

    >Hur durr its soulless not kino/ludo or its zoomer tier
    Whatever. Most people here are brain dead due to constant dopamine overdose anyway

    • 2 years ago

      Why do people keep making these threads? Every single day we have shitposting about how all remakes are bad, compilation re releases are all scams and shit shouldn't be accessible and people should learn to emulate if they want to play these games. The latter isn't difficult but something about compilations just flares up contrarians.

      I don't know, people seem to near-universally agree this is a good remake from what I've seen.

      • 2 years ago

        it's not a remake, it's a remaster

        • 2 years ago

          No, it is a remake, remade from the ground up on a brand new engine. A remaster is the exact same game running on higher resolution and some tweaks like the PS3 version of Shadow of the Colossus

  10. 2 years ago

    I'm in the final chapter and I enjoyed it so far. I've beaten the original at least once a year since the game is so short so I like to think I know what I'm talking about when comparing them.
    That being said, I say emulate it until a PC version comes because I'm told even on actual Switches there's slowdown.

  11. 2 years ago

    I decided to play with the dub first playthrough, sub 2nd since the 2nd playthrough is always tainted with comparing so I don't want my opinion of the dub on an objective level to get ruined by that. I will say this, the dub has its rough points but it is MUCH better than the trailers made it sound. Which is suprising considering I don't recognize a single person in the dub, it's all legit nobodies.

  12. 2 years ago

    It depends
    The graphics in the original are pretty bare bones

    • 2 years ago

      The graphics in the original are battle. Outside of battle the game had FF4-tier graphics which even at the time was pretty damn outdated.

    • 2 years ago

      The graphics in the original are superior to this Unreal Engine Octocrap Trashler-lookng mess with awful UI, shitty stock effects used for moves instead of manually drawing sprites like the original etc.

      The graphics in the original are battle. Outside of battle the game had FF4-tier graphics which even at the time was pretty damn outdated.

      >Outside of battle the game had FF4-tier graphics
      Wrong. It had better graphics than FF5 and more stylish and colorful ones at that

      • 2 years ago

        >It had better graphics than FF5
        Not really. At least this game has the excuse that it came out in 1992.

        • 2 years ago

          By contrast, this has no excuse for 1994. Compare it to CT the very next year developed by the same team at the same time.

        • 2 years ago

          To me it looks noticeably better than FF5 but 95% of that is because of the variety.

          >At least this game has the excuse that it came out in 1992.

          By contrast, this has no excuse for 1994. Compare it to CT the very next year developed by the same team at the same time.

          >By contrast, this has no excuse for 1994.
          >Compare it to CT the very next year developed by the same team at the same time.
          Not how it works.
          LaL was a 16mbit cart just like FFV.

          Chrono Trigger had a 32mbit cart which was a huge difference even compared to FFVI.

          Also Chrono Trigger team didn't work on LaL except for Tokita.

          • 2 years ago

            Anon, they both look like RPG Maker games when not in battle.

            • 2 years ago

              You mean the other way around right?
              For me LaL at least masks its low fidelity with its art direction and variety compared to FFV which looks dull for the whole game.
              Both of them pale to Breath of Fire 1 in terms of sheer graphics.

              >Also Chrono Trigger team didn't work on LaL except for Tokita.
              Not him but Tokita was the only big name shared between the two, but if you go through the credits they have some of the same gruntwork people working on both games.

              Sure but it's disingenuous to say that the CT team worked on it.
              It was clearly a B project.
              I can't even a fricking a Japanese TV Commercial for it anywhere in the Internet ffs.

          • 2 years ago

            >Also Chrono Trigger team didn't work on LaL except for Tokita.
            Not him but Tokita was the only big name shared between the two, but if you go through the credits they have some of the same gruntwork people working on both games.

      • 2 years ago

        >The graphics in the original are superior to this Unreal Engine Octocrap Trashler-lookng mess with awful UI, shitty stock effects used for moves instead of manually drawing sprites like the original etc.
        >shitty stock effects used for moves instead of manually drawing sprites like the original etc.
        Maybe in some attacks, but a lot of them are redrawn in pixel art, and even the more generic ones have a lot of custom work put into them. A lot of the attacks are pretty much the SNES sprites with more frames added in, like Pogo's chomp getting a couple added frames as he opens and closes his mouth. If you mean the new particle effects, most of them are pretty well realized, even when the original could be pretty cheaply done itself. O. Dio's Gatling Barrage for one, in the original it was just the green circle sprites getting shot at the target, but remake has the shells falling off with each shot, and each blast is more visible. Even if the animations look more "generic" for today's standards, they still put in the work for them. Most of the effects seem to be custom made to resemble the SNES ones pretty closely.

        • 2 years ago

          >Maybe in some attacks
          A lot of Akira's techs for example they just put in shitty stock effects.
          Really disappointing considering that what new pixel art animation I've seen from the remake looks good but they half-assed it. They should have gone fully 2D, just make it a 90s Neo Geo-tier game.

          They also fricked the presentation with no themed cursors, no special poses in the select screen or cool sleek backgrounds ala the original

          Anyone who says Remake is a paid shill

          • 2 years ago

            >but they half-assed it
            Ok this I certainly disagree with, there is far too much care put into this remake from Tokita's part for it to have been halfassed. It's just an artistic direction you disagree with.

          • 2 years ago

            >no special poses in the select screen
            Anon that's literally just their static battle sprite, it's not like it's a pose you don't see elsewhere or something.

            • 2 years ago

              I know but it certainly looks better than the Remake equivalent.

              • 2 years ago

                >I know but it certainly looks better than the Remake equivalent.
                NTA but I think I prefer the way remake does it myself. While the background is neat, I think having the character kind of wake up when you hover over them is pretty cool, they get a little "breathing" animation as you get to see some of the chapter in the back, and the way the remake presents completed chapters as kind of "gold trophies" when you're not hovering over them on the menis pretty sick and makes a bit more sense of what was going on with their sprites in that same context in SNES. Both versions get the point across pretty well overall though.

              • 2 years ago

                >I think having the character kind of wake up when you hover over them is pretty cool, they get a little "breathing" animation as you get to see some of the chapter in the back
                They could have kept the poses and the backgrounds while doing that.
                You can also make the case that the original game was of course severely limited in terms of storage so even if they wanted to include more animations they couldn't have due to limitations.

                Overall the original has a more consistent and coherent presentation while the remake is all over the place(especially because of the 3D assets).

              • 2 years ago

                >They could have kept the poses and the backgrounds while doing that.
                To remake's credit, both overworld and battle sprites have the same proportions, maybe that is what they had in mind for the original but couldn't get it through due to sprite limits? Would've been nice if they all looked outward instead of forward in remake though, for sure.
                >Overall the original has a more consistent and coherent presentation while the remake is all over the place(especially because of the 3D assets).
                I guess you can see it that way, I prefer the way the remake handles things. Though, it would have been neat if the background sky had the original backdrop texture in its place instead I'll admit.

              • 2 years ago

                >maybe that is what they had in mind for the original
                Not bloody likely. They knew they had to work with a 16mbit cart. They pushed the graphics in the battle scenes as much as they could.
                But the sprites in the character selections are the same as the battle screen ones. If you used those in the overworld, the overworlds would have to be bigger etc.
                With a 32mbit cart they could have had Chrono Trigger-tier or even Seiken Densetsu 3-tier sprites maybe.

                >I prefer the way the remake handles things
                It's just that while Remake has some pixel animations which are way beyond what could be possible on SNES, it also has a lot of downfalls and bad decisions.

                IMO LaL didn't even need a remake.
                It also sucks that the original will never be released officially outside of Japan.

              • 2 years ago

                >MO LaL didn't even need a remake.
                Not him but LAL to me is the perfect game to remake because it was pretty flawed to begin with, pic related.

              • 2 years ago

                >Not bloody likely. They knew they had to work with a 16mbit cart. They pushed the graphics in the battle scenes as much as they could.
                ...Shit, just realized I worded that pretty moronicly, that's on me. I meant moreso that the thing with the specific poses they use. Both are each version's "idle" stance for the character in the higher detail style, so maybe they could have wanted the characters to face forward and animate when you hover over them in the selection. I'll admit it always anoyed me a bit that they didn't have a straight forward facing sprite in the original menu so that was a personal gripe fixed by remake's take
                >It's just that while Remake has some pixel animations which are way beyond what could be possible on SNES, it also has a lot of downfalls and bad decisions.
                >IMO LaL didn't even need a remake.
                Can't say I agree with either, but hey, you do you, there's always the original if you want to replay it at least.

                >MO LaL didn't even need a remake.
                Not him but LAL to me is the perfect game to remake because it was pretty flawed to begin with, pic related.

                Yeah I can agree with that, a lot of the changes they made with the remake come across to me as things they wanted to expand upon from the original, something like the added detail in Odi Wang Lee's room for example, with the central gong being made even bigger as the waterfall flows in the background, makes the scene feel more dramatic I feel, same goes with the Odeo statue.

              • 2 years ago

                Agreed, to me all the little QoL changes they made says to me "we would've done this the first time if we had the time and money to do so". That alone makes it worth playing because the original game wasn't clunky on purpose, it's because it was just something the B team did in their spare time.

          • 2 years ago

            >A lot of Akira's techs for example they just put in shitty stock effects.
            I mean, a lot of it wasn't too different in SNES, just using the generic palette effects of the time instead. Holy Ghost was redrawn and animated a bit, Mother Image is about the same animation as the original but with the new sprites (since even that one was just the sprite flashing between palettes). Even the more "generic" ones all seem to be basically the originals but in HD. Fair enough if you prefer pixels over the new effects, but most seem to be pretty close to the original. If something looks stock... That seems more like a side effect of the original being kind of stock itself, visually. Most if not all the animations are pretty close to the originals.

            • 2 years ago

              >I mean, a lot of it wasn't too different in SNES, just using the generic palette effects of the time instead.
              What the hell are you on about?
              They didn't have generic stock effects to use back then. They had to place every pixel manually.

              Also in the Remake you have these ugly ass stock effects used for pointless particle effects.
              It reminds me of many awful looking PSX games that would do the same things.
              The result is that the pixel art and the vector-looking stock effects don't mesh with each-other.

              • 2 years ago

                >They didn't have generic stock effects to use back then. They had to place every pixel manually.
                Stuff like SNES Akira flashing purple colors by shifting his palette for Mother Image is what I was moreso referring to in that. There's similar effects done with that palette shift in something like FF6 if my memory serves me right. As for stuff like some attack effects, most of them are made to match the original effects, just not pixelated. Modern day particle effects have their own craft, even if they're not pixel by pixel. For an example, look at the sparks for Heaven Image. Those aren't just any spark effect in remake, they're deliberately made to match the SNES animation. If you don't like the approach, again, fair enough, but the animations themselves definitely aren't just generic ones.

              • 2 years ago

                Those are mostly shortcuts due to limitations but they still look consistent with the rest of the graphics.
                The ugly stock effects in the remake look inconsistent with the pixel art(which also looks inconsistent with the 3D assets in the backgrounds/foreground).
                It's an ugly looking mess to me.

  13. 2 years ago

    lol frick off and kys

    • 2 years ago

      your meds. take them.

  14. 2 years ago

    The original is unironically free so play that

    • 2 years ago

      By that logic, so is the remake if you know what to do. Besides, if you wanted to get the original physically you'd have to sell an organ.

    • 2 years ago

      I got 99 last time in a /vr/ LAL thread back before this remake came out, now I achieved it.

      I mean so is the remake in RyujinX (not Yuzu, it doesn't work on it yet)

      I fricking swear this is the ugliest "artsyle" I've ever seen.
      Literally hurts my eyes.

      I like how it looks personally

      • 2 years ago

        Also this took 5 long, excruciating kills before the damn thing dropped.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >tokita promises oboro's chapter in the remake won't be such a degree of "frick you, how was I supposed to know that"
        >play the remake
        >it's literally the same, I had to follow the guide to the letter to get the ending I wanted here
        Thanks for the map I guess. The only thing that was less cryptic was it being easier to find Majin Ryunosuke if you don't have a guide.

        • 2 years ago

          >The only thing that was less cryptic was it being easier to find Majin Ryunosuke if you don't have a guide.
          I mean hey at least Oboro points out what the password is after each bell, that counts for something, right?

          • 2 years ago

            I mean that's not "less cryptic", that's just the game not forcing you to write shit down

  15. 2 years ago

    >got Hironobu Kageyama to sing Buriki Daioh theme
    Worth every single cent. Collector Edition that is.
    But also play both.

    • 2 years ago

      I was hoping for Aniki but he's too old at this point.
      Also they got Kageyama to sing the theme in both Japanese and English.

  16. 2 years ago

    I fricking swear this is the ugliest "artsyle" I've ever seen.
    Literally hurts my eyes.

  17. 2 years ago

    Remakes are always censored or changed to be more gay, and from what I've read this is no exception.

    • 2 years ago

      >Live A Live: Remake
      >by the sisters who brought you Sense8

      • 2 years ago

        Why do they always look so disgusting?

        • 2 years ago

          Because they're masquerading as something they're not?

          Good filmmakers I mean

          • 2 years ago

            They certainly lost their balls after the first Matrix movie. The rest of the filmography doesn't feel as daring as that one.

  18. 2 years ago

    Just emulate it.
    Be it the original or the remake.
    Switch has the game bogged down to 30FPS while you can just unlock it in an emulator and it runs fine.

  19. 2 years ago

    >should I pay money for an inferior product, when the superior version is available for free?
    Tough question.

    • 2 years ago

      I am a Nintendo fan I that matters.

  20. 2 years ago

    I would say yes if they hadn't fricked up the script. Usually I don't give a shit but these changes really annoyed me. Just emulate it.

  21. 2 years ago

    What's all changed in this version? People keep saying censored script and censored sprites, but are never able to explain everything that's changed when asked.
    The only definite thing I've seen is Max Morgan's Mustache.

    • 2 years ago

      They changed Taeko's Panties for one.

      • 2 years ago

        To "Taeko's Secret Stash" apparently.

      • 2 years ago

        To "Taeko's Secret Stash" apparently.

        Did the naked bel Easter egg and the gorilla flashing her breasts to pogo get removed?

        • 2 years ago

          >Did the naked bel Easter egg and the gorilla flashing her breasts to pogo get removed?
          The pink gorillas still shake their breasts and hips, there's just not as much emphasis on the boobs as in the original, since the overworld sprites aren't as "crunched" in the remake.

          As for the Bel flashing scene. I read it might still be in the japanese version, since pic related is still in the game files. Either that or it has been repurposed for another scene, since there's a couple of new ones in the remake.
          On the international version. Bel drags Pogo into her haystack and he comes out blushing harder than when she kisses him, so it's still heavily implied.

          • 2 years ago

            Is the naked Bel sprite still in the files? That'd probably go a long way to telling us if it's in or not still.

          • 2 years ago

            It's a Switch game. Aren't the Japanese and English ROMs the same like most other Switch games, just defaulting to your system language?
            Also didn't read whole thread but I'm not sure if it's been mentioned yet that they botched the punchline of the prehistoric chapter.

            • 2 years ago

              Oh? How so?

              • 2 years ago

                So you know how there's no dialog in the prehistory chapter until one suggestive word at the very end? In the fan-translation, this word is "love," perfectly summizing the theme of the chapter. In the remake localization, this word is nonsensical "aie," as if someone were in pain. In Japanese, the word is literally "ai," which means "love." In other words, Pogo and Bel are expressing their love. The remake makes it seem like Bel is doing some strange kinky shit to Pogo when they're actually just supposed to be consummating. I heard the reason for this change is because the prehistoric characters weren't redubbed and localization had to work with the vocalization, but I didn't bother to check and even if that's true, they could have easily added parenthesis "translation" to work around it.

              • 2 years ago

                From what I understand, the "love" in the original came from "ai" meaning "love" in Japanese, right? Double meaning and all? I actually kind of wonder how else they could've adapted it to get the idea through in other languages... [spoiler]I've been playing in Spanish and I was actually kind of disappointed they didn't do something like "AHMOOOOOOoooorr..." in the text[/spoiler]

            • 2 years ago

              Oh? How so?

              I mean they kinda kept it in, but if you don't know japanese then you won't get it.

              Do you actually have sources to back this up? I keep seeing that it's always CERO but no one has any proof.

              Because it consistently happens with the Japanese versions of games? It's hard to find definitive proof without reading Japanese but all this shit started getting stricter guidelines around the same time CERO was established, right after a 1997 murder case known as the Kobe child murders which after the case Japanese politician Shizuka Kamei blamed violent media and adults for the event.

              • 2 years ago

                Also it should be noted that CERO doesn't rate PC games in Japan, that's left up to an organization called the Ethics Organization of Computer Software, and they are considerably more lenient in their ratings than CERO.

              • 2 years ago

                Post the kanji or shut the frick up

      • 2 years ago

        To "Taeko's Secret Stash" apparently.

        That's in the Japanese text as well, it says it's her savings.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah. Weird decision, since it seems way worse. Especially with the item description for her stash.

          • 2 years ago

            >using the shit-tier first fan translation that got half of its shit wrong as the comparison.
            This is a troll image

            • 2 years ago

              It's an image meant to be used on Ganker.

          • 2 years ago

            >Weird decision
            No, it's a perfectly understandable decision that I wish wasn't the case. As people have said before, blame CERO.

            • 2 years ago

              No, I don't mean just changing it, I mean making it her private money stash for the kids is weird because it's more fricked up. Especially the line about it keeping her up at night and the thing about not being able to sleep through the tears if that's accurate.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh I know it's more fricked up, but it's also not perverted which is what the ratings board cares about.
                On the other hand, the orphanage burns down in the end and like half the city is destroyed so that money didn't really matter anymore.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah I guess you're right

    • 2 years ago

      Cigars and alcohol in Sundown's chapter were changed to jerky and some kind of herbal medicine.

      • 2 years ago

        This sounds more like some PG/PEGI bullshit rather than anything else.

        • 2 years ago

          It's most likely CERO. CERO is much more strict than ESRB and would likely give a higher rating to the game if it featured alcohol and tobacco. That was probably also in the nip version. But there are other changes. See the latest tweets here:

          • 2 years ago

            Do you actually have sources to back this up? I keep seeing that it's always CERO but no one has any proof.

            • 2 years ago

              Use google. Their strictness is well documented all over the internet. For example Xenoblade was rated B when it first came out and the Definitive Edition was rated C. They keep getting stricter and it's not a stretch to think that they treat vices like with extra stringency considering the org was founded to police morals after those child murders in the 90s.

            • 2 years ago

              To this day the Resident Evil series is still censored in Japan compared to the west because of the decapitations/dismemberments. Other similar violent games like The Evil Within are as well, even though they're Japanese games.

            • 2 years ago

              I mean they gave Retro City Rampage a rating of Z. A pixel indie game with no blood apparently gets the equivalent of an AO. It's the equivalent of a T everywhere else.

    • 2 years ago

      In terms of gameplay, there's some added stuff of note. For one, your and the enemy's action time and HP bars are visible during combat, compared to the original being mostly a guessing game in terms of the action bar, and hiding enemy HP. Think of going from FF4 ATB to FF5 ATB. Outside of that, there's a radar in the corner while in the overworld that gives you an idea where to go (useful for chapters like Sci-Fi, can turn it off if you prefer), Sci-Fi and Ninja specifically get maps you can look at during gameplay if you're feeling lost, I think IQ was turned into distinct Special Defense and Special Attack stats. They did rebalance some other things as well, for example, it doesn't seem like Sleep makes status effects a 100% probability anymore, the Cowboy chapter final boss's signature move has better range compared to the original, one of the encounters during the Sci-Fi chapter minigame was reworked, the 1 cave during Caveman where you had to talk to like 20 of them for free items turned into a minigame... There's a decent chunk of gameplay adjustments for sure. Oh, they also made the Watanabe gag in Wrester much easier to trigger.

      • 2 years ago

        In addition to what he said, there's also the stuff I mentioned here

        >And a frickton of the original game's mechanics like buff durations, attack charge times, etc. are actually visible in the remake.
        There's also a bunch of QoL changes made that I'm completely ok with
        >talking to Pogo's neighbor lets you play a game that awards you 1 of every crafting ingredient if you win and it's repeatable so you don't need to grind animals hoping you get ingredients
        >Oboro says what the password has changed to whenever the bell rings
        >if you missed a skill with Masaru, you can refight that fighter as long as you haven't beaten all of them yet
        >Professor Toei's staircase is a lot shorter
        >a detailed map of the Cogito Ergo Sum
        >game now transfers over everything in a character's inventory when they first join the party in the final chapter, instead of them only possessing the items they had equipped when their chapter ended.

  22. 2 years ago

    it seems to be a lot prettier, but I played Live A Live once and I don't really have any desire to do it a second time. there's some real high points but also a lot of dull bullshit.

  23. 2 years ago

    I wonder if it keeps that one cave full of the fat gay guys that attacks you

  24. 2 years ago

    Looks good and it really seems that it was a Passion project, just look how fun they had recording GO GO BURIKI DAIOH with Hironobu Kageyama and all the conferences they had with Shimomura and Sugita.

  25. 2 years ago

    Anyone who says Remake is a paid shill

  26. 2 years ago

    I don't even dare to listen the remake soundtrack because(besides based Hironobo Kageyama doing the Buriki Daioh song) they probably raped Megalomania.
    Yoko always ruins her soundtracks with shit remasters.

    • 2 years ago

      >Yoko always ruins her soundtracks with shit remasters.
      Can you name when this happens? The KH games all improved in their music in the remasters of their games. Personally I really like the redone Akira's battle theme when I was kinda meh about it in the original

      • 2 years ago

        >The KH games all improved in their music in the remasters of their games.
        Shit taste. They were all made generic because of limited orchestras.

        Sinister Sundown on HD Remix doesn't even sound like the KH2 rendition.
        Lazy Afternoons has no soul in HD.
        Tension Rising lacks oomph.
        Scherzo di Notte sounds more like the KH1 version instead of the KH2 version.

        I really hate this trend of live music in video games.
        When I want to play a video game I want to be sucked in a game's world(and this is what a JRPG especially should do) but when I hear the music sound so "Live" it feels like I'm at a concert instead. It kills the immersion immediately.

        Also this isn't Yoko's fault but the HD remixes fricked up the sound in general. Many sound-effects and voice clips don't play at all when they should. Even in cutscenes the audio levels are so fricked that for example you cannot hear the seagulls in the background on the cutscene where Kairi meets Selphie.

        >That Akira remake theme
        Holy frick she massacred the thing completely.
        Not a hint of 90s Hot-blooded Nekketsu Shonen remains. Garbage.
        I don't want to hear what she did to Megalomania or Difficult Fight.

        • 2 years ago

          >When I want to play a video game I want to be sucked in a game's world(and this is what a JRPG especially should do) but when I hear the music sound so "Live" it feels like I'm at a concert instead. It kills the immersion immediately.
          I'm guessing you prefer the synth soundtracks in Dragon Quest?

          >>That Akira remake theme
          >Holy frick she massacred the thing completely.
          >Not a hint of 90s Hot-blooded Nekketsu Shonen remains. Garbage.
          >I don't want to hear what she did to Megalomania or Difficult Fight.
          Maybe the Cowboy chapter remakes will be more your taste, since those are pretty faithful

          • 2 years ago

            >Maybe the Cowboy chapter remakes will be more your taste, since those are pretty faithful
            The Wilds fares better but once again, it sounds too clean, it doesn't sound loud enough and lacks oomph

            Under The Fake doesn't sound good at all.
            They got the whistling part completely wrong(sounds as bright as The Wilds Remake which it shouldn't). It's supposed to be more of a melancholic whistle. Also I don't care much for the instrument changes.
            Listen to the original, how melancholic it sounds. When you hear it you literally can imagine a night setting compared to the remake where it feels like day setting instead

            Yoko's taste has softened a lot as she has aged
            But this sounds pretty underwhelming even compared to the KH remasters
            Sounds like they spent all of their budget on Hironobu Kageyama

            • 2 years ago

              >Listen to the original, how melancholic it sounds. When you hear it you literally can imagine a night setting compared to the remake where it feels like day setting instead
              I have, did right before posting that in fact, and honestly... I can't really say I see eye to eye with you on it being this massive difference. You do you I guess. A lot of the remake has sounded mostly like what I personally pictured playing the original so that's probably why I'm fine with it, specially when it comes to Cowboy and Wrestler's tracks.

              • 2 years ago

                >I can't really say I see eye to eye with you on it being this massive difference.
                You have to be deaf. The whistling is completely different in tone. This is extremely obvious.

          • 2 years ago

            >I'm guessing you prefer the synth soundtracks in Dragon Quest?
            Honestly I haven't played any Dragon Quest so I'm not sure how I would feel. Though the stuff I heard does sound better than KH's Orchestral Tracks in the HD Remixes I guess.

            People hate on the synth tracks it seems but from what I heard from the few DQ11 tracks I heard they sounded fine to me.

            Only thing else I know about DQ or its music is that it was Sugiyama's personal orchestra or something so he had to pay them to record and Square were israelites who got fans to double dip multiple times by only paying him for the Orchestral Tracks for subsequent ports/remasters and all the while western troons from Resetera seethed about him being greedy and being a nationalist or whatever because their precious company Square-Enix can't do wrong according to them.

          • 2 years ago

            I just want to say one more thing.
            I fricking hate the new artwork, but I especially hate what they did to my old man Master Miyagi. Holy frick, why did they make him like some gay twink from Hunter x Hunter?

            • 2 years ago

              >Holy frick, why did they make him like some gay twink from Hunter x Hunter?
              The frick do you even mean by that?

              • 2 years ago

                His head looks like a square for one.

        • 2 years ago

          >They were all made generic because of limited orchestras.
          Yeah and the music for a lot of Disney worlds suffered for it on the PS2, something I noticed you didn't mention at all and instead went for stuff from KH-original parts of the games
          >Sinister Sundown on HD Remix doesn't even sound like the KH2 rendition.
          This is literally the only one that has a noticable difference for me.
          >Scherzo di Notte sounds more like the KH1 version instead of the KH2 version.
          What? No it doesn't, assuming you're talking about the rendition used in 2's remaster and not 1's. It actually doesn't sound like either of them really, it's doin its own thing.

          >Holy frick she massacred the thing completely.
          >Not a hint of 90s Hot-blooded Nekketsu Shonen remains.
          Now not only do I think you're the one with shit taste, I think you're just objectively wrong. Yes, Akira has some of the traits shared with what we'd call "shonen" elements in the west and nekketsu in the east, but guess what? So does every goddamn work aimed towards young boys in Japan. For the most part Akira's chapter is a throwback to Brave Raideen and a little bit of the first Kamen Rider series.

          • 2 years ago

            >Yeah and the music for a lot of Disney worlds suffered for it on the PS2,
            The only one which suffered was Pirates.
            I much prefer how any of the Disney Worlds sounded in KH1, they messed up big time with the KH1 remaster.

            KH2 remaster was an improvement in that regard overall but if I'm honest the music in the Disney Worlds was always hit or mis. Like I wouldn't want to hear Agrabah again for the rest of my life.
            At least she delivered on Sleeping Beauty, though too bad that one of my favorite Disney movies had to appear on a shitty Osaka game.

            Also you have to keep in mind that the music in the PS2 games was compressed. The versions included in Melody of Memory are the uncompressed versions and they sound noticeably clearer. Too bad that SE didn't give us an option for those in the Remixes.

            >This is literally the only one that has a noticable difference for me.
            The KH2 version fits with the theming of the game. Its unreal sound fits with the story of how Roxas' TT is a digital fake world.

            >What? No it doesn't, assuming you're talking about the rendition used in 2's remaster and not 1's.
            It sounds closer to 1's, not like 1s.
            It just doesn't sound as dark and subdued as 2s.

            >Now not only do I think you're the one with shit taste, I think you're just objectively wrong. Yes, Akira has some of the traits shared with what we'd call "shonen" elements in the west and nekketsu in the east, but guess what? So does every goddamn work aimed towards young boys in Japan. For the most part Akira's chapter is a throwback to Brave Raideen and a little bit of the first Kamen Rider series.
            Please stop with this pretentious garbage.
            The whole thing was based on 80s/early 90s Kazuhiko Shimamoto manga which is Nekketsu as frick. While it of course pays homage to 70s Mecha it is still a lot closer to 90s stuff like G Gundam(which came out in April of 1994 5 months before LaL came out).
            The remake sounds like some soft jazz garbage while the original sounds fitting.

            • 2 years ago

              >Please stop with this pretentious garbage.
              You're the one using japanese terms to sound more effective.
              More importantly what's pretentious about it, Akira's character is literally just Akira from Raideen, a psychic orphan who possesses an mech from an ancient civilization that no one could get moving before because it requires a pilot with psychic powers and is battling to defeat an enemy that wields a giant golden statue as their god. Matsu is a combination of Tobei Tachibana and Hiroshi Midorikawa from the original KR.
              >The whole thing was based on 80s/early 90s Kazuhiko Shimamoto manga which is Nekketsu as frick.
              I have read Blazing Transfer Student, Akira's chapter it is not.
              >it is still a lot closer to 90s stuff like G Gundam
              First off of course it looks like G, Shimamoto did the character designs for the show. More importantly if you knew anything about G Gundam you'd know that Imagawa wrote the entire thing as a 70s throwback. I should know, I'm the one who ripped the G-Files interviews for /m/ years ago.

        • 2 years ago

          NTA but I really disagree with the sentiment that more limitations produces better stuff because sometimes no, you just produce a shittier product as a result. It's not retro but the perfect example for me is SRWZ2 on the PSP, considered by some to be the last good PSP games. It has some really fricking terrible music. Here's the most prominent example I can think of

          By contrast, here's SRW OE (which I will fully admit gameplay-wise is a much worse game than Z2, like infinitely worse) which was a game made 1 year later, also on the psp, but with access to some better sound tech

          Just for the sake of completeness, this is the song both renditions are trying to replicate

          • 2 years ago

            >considered by some to be the last good PSP games
            The last good SRW games, I meant

      • 2 years ago

        >Can you name when this happens?
        Mario & Luigi, both SS and BIS
        The remastered tracks just generally lack the punch the originals had.
        It kind of feels like an issue with mixing rather than the actual compositions, though.

  27. 2 years ago

    Although I will say, that infamous encounter where the dude with the Hannya mask is surrounded by 4 guys and you have to kill them before he does, it's so much easier to do now than it was on SNES.

    • 2 years ago

      >Suffered the timing of that on SNES
      >Doing 0 Kills for remake

      • 2 years ago

        You can just run around them now

  28. 2 years ago

    They did not added new enemies or bosses except
    the final boss Odio has a new phase called Sin of Odio which overpowers the party, forcing Oersted to realize his mistakes and defeat it, his fate remains the same but he manages to rebel against Odio recalling that he was once human and that he took a dark path
    Overall, it's pretty sad that the 2000's Touhou parody of LiveaLive has more stuff to do, new music and new sprites than the recent remaster

    • 2 years ago

      I'm replaying it right now and some of the content is rather dire - Medieval did NOT need to be made pointlessly longer.

      • 2 years ago

        >Medieval did NOT need to be made pointlessly longer.
        It doesn't feel any longer.

    • 2 years ago

      >Overall, it's pretty sad that the 2000's Touhou parody of LiveaLive has more stuff to do
      Well it did, but also most of the new content in Touhou A Live blows.
      They completely neutered the Wild West chapter, the Near Future chapter is longer and more tedious for no reason (and they don't even let you pilot the Patchouli robot).
      And the worst of all is the Medieval chapter. It is like 4 to 5 times longer than the original with a terrible plot that's an amalgamation fo Touhou, Live A Live, Final Fantasy Tactics and SMT. It's also super incomplete and had like 2 routes scrapped in the files (that all led to the same ending anyway).
      It also was a buggy mess and having a character with more than 999 could make the game freeze at random during fights if they took damage.

      Though on the bright side, I liked the Kedama chapter better than the Caveman's and fighting a demon dragon on top of a bunch of youkai crows is pretty rad.

  29. 2 years ago

    Re-troons should not belong here.

  30. 2 years ago

    No remake in the history of video games has ever replaced an original.

    • 2 years ago

      Fire Emblem 1 remake on SNES that came packaged with FE3.

      • 2 years ago

        I've heard some mixed opinions about that remake/sequel.

        • 2 years ago

          Literally only has 2 flaws
          >Can't ride horses indoors, which is stupid.
          >took out the first healer guy for no reason.
          Other than those 2 things it's objectively superior to the original version.

          • 2 years ago

            >Can't ride horses indoors, which is stupid.
            it makes sense though, you can't ride horses indoors

    • 2 years ago

      Gee that's great moron, but he never asked if it replace the replaces the original, he asked if the remake is good and worth playing on its own merits compared to the original. And outside of a couple spergs, the general consensus seems to be "yes".

      • 2 years ago

        >if it replace the replaces
        well now I'm the moron, at least grammatically

      • 2 years ago

        If you just consider the remake a different version and enjoy it on its own that's fine by me. My point was that if you somehow want to experience a phenomenon of a certain video game then just play the original version that everyone liked because no remake no matter how good it is will provide you the exact same experience as that version.

  31. 2 years ago

    Near/byuu reference.
    The original said Down/Bottom.

    The LGBT community on twitter is thankful to Nintendo of America for the homage to emulation developers.

    • 2 years ago

      ...The hell? He had nothing to do with Live A Live. At least get the game right.

    • 2 years ago

      It amazes me that the translation makes no sense at all.

  32. 2 years ago

    Play remakes when members of the original staff came back to work on it. Games are disposable commodities, if someone is willing to come back to remake old work it shows that they care at some level. You should match that dedication by playing their new version of the game.

    • 2 years ago

      >Play remakes when members of the original staff came back to work on it.
      But they did do that here.

      Why does square have no eye for font aesthetics?

      That wasn't in the original game either, you're nostalgic for something the fan translation added.

      • 2 years ago

        >That wasn't in the original game either, you're nostalgic for something the fan translation added
        I never played the original, remake, or fan translation. This font issue persists across all of square remasters.

  33. 2 years ago

    Why does square have no eye for font aesthetics?

  34. 2 years ago

    shaft chapter
    blade chapter
    boss Black person chapter
    apollo creed chapter
    roots chapter
    boyz in the hood chapter

    • 2 years ago

      isekai oersted middle ages chapter

  35. 2 years ago

    Only homosexuals play remakes.

    • 2 years ago

      homosexual website

  36. 2 years ago

    yes only if you buy the japanese version. English version is total garbage.

  37. 2 years ago

    Both this game and Eretzvaju are tributes, a big celebration of history and different combined genres and their individual history,
    Live A Live is Western Far West, Old Kong Fu, Martial Arts, Primitive Life, Sci-Fi, Mecha and Medieval Fantasy, Eretzvaju includes Shoujo Magical Girls, Tokusatsu, Occult, Vampire, etc.
    That's a lot of history that should be celebrated, however modern folks don't care about it as they want to purge it for their progressive future

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