>load save. >see pic related. >close game

>load save
>see pic related
>close game

please factoriobros help me sort my shit out

and i thought logistic pack was a substantial increase in complexity from automation, turns out chemical packs are way more complex, i guess each subsequent pack will exponentially more complex than the last one

also Factorio thread i guess

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  1. 2 years ago

    just work with it mate
    keep adding to the spaghetti or make a new factory somewhere else in the world and abandon your current factory

  2. 2 years ago

    unironically just keep going, spaghetti is more fun than main bus

  3. 2 years ago

    Giving yourself some room to design things can help the layout feel less cluttered/like you're forced into squeezing buildings wherever they'll fit. That's an aesthetic, of course, and if you're comfortable with it then go wild. What in particular are you having trouble with?

    • 2 years ago

      i cant figure out train figure rail signals (traffic lights)

      i absolutely cant understand the logic circuit system is

      im making too much iron

      im getting into nuculear power a bit too early i think

      and most importantly: how do i make chemical science packs without it looking like pic related

      • 2 years ago

        just keep playing and you'll get better at all of it, or put it down and come back in a month and try a new run.

      • 2 years ago

        >cant figure out train figure rail signals
        You're certainly not the first. Unless you want to do super precise, complex things with it, it's really not very hard once you get a handle on things. Could probably dedicate at least one full post to this.

        >cant understand the logic circuit system
        Now this can get more complex. Do you have any familiarity with boolean logic or computer systems? Because that's basically what factorio's logic systems are. Could probably dedicate several posts to this, and even I don't think I'm a master with it.

        >im making too much iron
        No such thing. You are not consuming enough iron.

        >getting into nuculear power a bit too early
        Might be an issue if you intend to use it as your only power source and you don't have the infrastructure to support it consistently. Otherwise, that's not really a problem. The component pieces are expensive, I guess, so you may want to hold off until making 50 heat pipes doesn't break the bank. Nuclear is very very strong, though.

        >how do i make chemical science packs without it looking like pic related
        If you want nice, orderly factories, you're going to want to design for modularity (and therefore extensibility), and you're going to want an idea of how much of each resource you want to make per second/minute. Figure out your ratios. Blue science takes 24 seconds to complete 1 crafting cycle and produces 2 science packs, or in other words one assembly machine makes 1/12 of a science pack per second, adjusted for crafting speed. From there you can figure out how many of each component you'll need per second, working back towards the raw materials. There are online calculator tools people have made to ease this process, though I've never used them myself.

        • 2 years ago

          Basic rail signals are quite simple. Rail signals divide a rail network into sections. A rail signal is only concerned about its own section, which begins at the rail signal itself, and ends at the next rail signal (or multiple if you have forks in your system). A rail signal asks "Is there any part of a train in my section?" If the answer is yes, the signal turns red and prevents any trains from entering its section. If the answer is no, trains are free to enter, although as soon as a train does enter the signal will turn red again.

          A very easy exercise to understand this would be to create a simple rail loop with two rail signals on opposite sides and drive a train around the loop manually. Note that trains are right-hand drive with respect to signals or stations, so if you put the signals on the outside of the loop your trains driving direction should be counter-clockwise, and if you put them on the inside, clockwise. As you drive the train past a signal, it should turn red, and stay red until you pass the next signal, which will in turn become red.

        • 2 years ago

          just played with rail signals a bunch in sandbox mode and i think have a basic understanding, i guess they arent working in the main run because of my fricked up rail road system i have

          i do understand boolean logic very much yes, just seems its implemented weirdly in the game

          not consuming enough is much more accurate

          currently have a one (1) centrifuge sorting through uranium i get from a far away uranium patch ( one of the reasons im using trains, along with a far away oil patch)

          i guess ill have to make a whole new setup in a clearer area for the chemical packs

          • 2 years ago

            i know that with only one centrifuge itll take hours of playtime just get one u-235, im working on it

          • 2 years ago

            Does your rail system have intersections? You'll need chain rail signals for those to work properly, and that's probably the simplest and most common use of chain rail signals. Chain signal before the intersection, rail signal after, on both of the intersecting track segments. Also, you are using one-way tracks, right? Trains aren't trying to drive both directions on a single piece of track? Because two-way tracks are much harder to get to work properly, unless you only have a single train in that network.

            Yeah, factorio's logic isn't purely boolean, and again I don't think I fully understand it either. But I have managed to make a fairly simple logic setup for controlling fuel cell insertion for nuclear reactors so as to not waste fuel. Simplest logic exercise is to have an inserter fill a chest only to a certain threshold.

            >get red/green science set-up
            >get overwhelmed
            >reinstall months later
            >get red/green science set-up

            It's like playing the first Pokemon gym over and over. Why can't I get into this game?

            Hard to say. Tried playing multiplayer? Playing with other people might help you get past roadblocks.

      • 2 years ago

        I have 450 hours into the game and I still don't understand or give a shit about circuit systems. I hear they only have a few niche uses anyway, mostly for oil cracking to keep your oil production from bottlenecking. Trains aren't necessary until late late game when the nearest patches are absurdly far away. Use belts until then. You probably won't need nuclear until some time inbetween purple and yellow science, but I don't think it hurts either to get that ball rolling. Try to get 40x u-35 to start Kovarex enrichment.

        For blue science, you need way more green circuit assemblers to make reds. You should have about the same number of engine assemblers as you have blue science assemblers, and aim for at least 12 plastic chemical plants for red circuits, because you'll never have enough of them, and by extension aim for an insane number of green circuits. Devote multiple entire patches of iron and copper solely to mass circuit production. They're the final boss of Factorio and you'll never have enough.

        Purple science is actually less complicated as the jump from green to blue, but it takes a crap load of steel and red circuits. Again, go literal ape shit with circuit production.

      • 2 years ago

        >i absolutely cant understand the logic circuit system is
        For a more casual playthrough these aren't needed at all. At most you'll want one for your nuclear reactor because it will waste resources otherwise. Maybe use that as a practice and figure out how they work. Leave the other parts of your factory without one and go back to them once you're more experienced.

      • 2 years ago

        Chain signals to go in or out, regular signals for everything else

  4. 2 years ago

    I found good success with adopting the mindset that certain directions are for certain purposes. I used south as materials input, with north being used to extend production lines for the individual items, and east and west being used to provide space for different assembly lines. It made things much easier, and is fairly space efficient. It also helped making ingredients flow north, and products back south, where they could be fed back in as ingredients. These principles let me build all the types of science without it getting too unwieldy.

  5. 2 years ago

    Factorio is just frustrating busywork.

  6. 2 years ago

    >>load save
    >>see pic related

  7. 2 years ago

    >get red/green science set-up
    >get overwhelmed
    >reinstall months later
    >get red/green science set-up

    It's like playing the first Pokemon gym over and over. Why can't I get into this game?

  8. 2 years ago

    >help me sort my shit out
    does it work? then don't touch it

  9. 2 years ago

    Playing this game feels more like a chore than anything else. DSP is way more fun

    • 2 years ago

      DSP is far more tedious. Takes longer to do the simplest shit like making a mall. It replaces reward for smarts with reward for grind. Its loaded with tons more filler intermediary products, inflating the length of the game. If you disagree, you're not far enough into the game.

      • 2 years ago

        I disagree and have already completed my Dyson sphere. Making a Dyson sphere is more engaging and fun for me than running around in some brown 2D world plus it tickles my space autism

        • 2 years ago

          im interested in dyson but i see its early access
          is the game actually semi-complete? what and how much is missing?

          • 2 years ago

            I'm the DSP detractor. Ya, it's semi-complete, but I think it lacks refinement and has bad pacing compared to Factorio, where most progress feels meaningful. In DSP you spend a lot of time making the countless fluff products that shouldn't exist and researching really boring things. The soundtrack is woefully short, although good, but becomes very repetitive. Its made by a Chinese company so the tutorials are riddled with confusing grammatical errors and the guy who narrates sounds like a moron.

            The product feels too cheap. The only positive is space and all that shit.

    • 2 years ago

      I prefer factoricule, only because I constructed it

  10. 2 years ago

    There's no harm in taking inspiration from others anon.
    Obviously you're cheating yourself if you just download other peoples blueprints.
    But things you might just not have thought of yet.
    Your design for labs could be improved simply with this method of transferring flasks between labs.

    • 2 years ago

      what the frick is this? where is the ratio'd feed lines that have every type of science on the belt?

      • 2 years ago

        This is not mine, but nonetheless, behold and weep.

      • 2 years ago

        Damn sushi enthusiasts

    • 2 years ago

      not him, but I absolutely hate this lab chaining design

      • 2 years ago

        it's a good use of space imo.

        • 2 years ago

          >the science pack is slightly used up already once it reaches the last lab
          my autism cannot take this, and space is unlimited

  11. 2 years ago

    Dunno... I'm trying out rail cells with my current save.

    Honestly, not as good as a bus, and the trains very occasionally have gotten gridlocked...
    AND I found a hilariously shit behavior where if a station flips between disabled and enabled, the train with slowly inch its way into being an obstacle.

    But, it does provide some of the expandability of a bus.

    • 2 years ago

      grid megafactories are soulless

      • 2 years ago

        Everything is soulless.
        Especially the biters. Their weak flesh must be purged for the glory that is machine perfection.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm so sad the biters are useless and easily defeated.

          • 2 years ago

            Agreed. Past lategame, they're more of a nuisance than anything. Like a bunch of weeds you need to clear before expanding rather than any real threat.

            • 2 years ago

              Play deathworld then get back to me

            • 2 years ago

              Great analogy. I wish for a factorio game based around building redundancies. I want multiple power stations, multiple building areas, careful placement of stocked items. I want to channel power to an area of my factory. I want the enemies to have multiple attributes that can be predicted and defended against. And I want to be constantly rebuilding.

      • 2 years ago

        They are, but there's a reason they work well.
        I tried to do octagon cells.
        Have several designs for all the different assembies and mining setups, but frick me it took some time to work out.

        I'm currently working on nuclear plants and how best to get water to them if there is none nearby I can pump in.
        My current designs ended up just using another cell as a water station, webm is an earlier design that worked, but for some reason I couldn't figure out, the water preferred to pump to the top left there were no pumps in the system leaving the bottom array of turbines struggling (yellow lights are steam levels)

        • 2 years ago

          do those heat pipes have a function or is mostly decoration

          • 2 years ago

            Decoration, could just fill them all in if you wanted.
            They are not far enough away for the whole "2 heat pipe thick" stuff to matter, they reach the exchangers still at 960+

            Was a little upset that you couldn't read reactor temps on the circuit network.
            That's what the magenta lights were supposed to be for, but they just display the fullness of nuclear cores in boxes.

    • 2 years ago

      I started to make super small grids with one wagon trains and made it absolutely foolproof
      >every train only stops at 3 points: fuel station - input - output
      >every time I need more trains to stop at an input/output cell, I add more stations - every station is for a unique train, no two trains use the same station
      the only downside is that the grid needs LOTS of space. but it's the most effective thing you can pull off without train signals and other programming. each of them literally just drives from fuel station to input to output and never block each other. and since they are so small, they are extremely fast too.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, I think if I set it up again, I'll be doing one wagon instead of 2-3 depending on recipie...

  12. 2 years ago

    playing the new space exploration update right, really fricking good, fixed a lot of dumb stuff

    • 2 years ago

      Haven't looked at the patch notes, what changed that you thought was dumb?

  13. 2 years ago

    you should change your lab layout to a pyramid design where loaders steal from the lab at the top and give it to the ones in back, that's much more efficient than tracks since they are all input with no output.

  14. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      that, is such a basic and simple solution to the 7 science problem that I have never thought of it
      looking at this picture makes me feel like a moron

  15. 2 years ago


  16. 2 years ago

    Krastorio 2 is fun

    • 2 years ago

      Yes. Yes it is.
      Though, with Space-Xs extra gating...
      I'm like 2k hours deep in this file because I can't stand to build over resource patches and keep putting off setting up outside of Nauvis...

  17. 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago

    Oh, right, PSA cause this hit my file a few days ago:

    If it won't load and says something like "belt routes are inconsistant" you can force it to recalc the belts and load the file by going into the Load menu (not hitting continue) and holding control while clicking on the Load button.

  19. 2 years ago

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