lol. how does gamefreak get away with it

how does gamefreak get away with it

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  1. 2 months ago

    Looks fine to me aside from the desert

    • 2 months ago

      >looks fine to me aside from everything

    • 2 months ago

      Ikr? If it wasn't for the desert, the low res textures and their inconsistent application, the empty world with frick all in it and the ridiculously low geometry in the distance it's fine.

      How the frick can the PS3 and Xbox 360, consoles with visually impressive games like Gran Turismo 5 and Halo 4, be weaker than the Switch yet have better looking games?

      Something is very wrong.

      Because it's GF, not the Switch. Funny you should mention PS3 and Xbox 360 because one of the most premiere open world RPGs to come to those systems, Skyrim, sure enough runs at a consistent 30 FPS 720p minimum at all times.
      Meanwhile this game struggles to maintain a HD resolution with frequent drops and glitches.
      The problem isn't the Switch (though the Switch is definitely on budget hardware), the problem is Game Freak's refusal to take a step back, properly learn how to develop for console and/or HD architechture and properly optimize their games around the console they're making them for.
      Case in point, ToTK is an objective technical improvement over BotW while Pokemon games just get worse and worse with every entry.
      Their next truly open world game will be truly telling as to whether or not GF should even be allowed to make such a game or should just stick to open zone like Legends or like Monolith Soft do (large open areas broken up by loading screens to ensure everything works as intended and the game isn't overloaded by the assets it has to keep track of).

      • 2 months ago

        NTA, but PS3 can't run skyrim properly because of its architecture. Great job proving you don't know what the frick when crying about the lack of 'tard-pandering gwaffix in your pogeymans games.

  2. 2 months ago

    How the frick can the PS3 and Xbox 360, consoles with visually impressive games like Gran Turismo 5 and Halo 4, be weaker than the Switch yet have better looking games?

    Something is very wrong.

    • 2 months ago

      It's not a Switch problem, it's a Gamefreak problem.

      how does gamefreak get away with it

      Because Poketards don't care about getting a decent-looking, or even functioning game. They'll make up whatever excuse necessary because Pokemon can do no wrong in their eyes.

    • 2 months ago

      This game was rushed so heavily for the holidays that it's evident that Game Freak is basically just milking this franchise's wiener dry because moronic kids will buy pretty much anything at this rate. It's as simple as that.

      • 2 months ago

        >Game Freak is basically just milking this franchise's wiener dry
        That's TPC's doing, GF is just their tool

  3. 2 months ago

    These days, pokemon games exist solely to "canonize" new pokemon to sell toys and plushies.
    The quality of the games are irrelevant. The appearance of the games are irrelevant. Hell, even the sales of the games are borderline irrelevant. All that matters is having a new line of designs to push out merchandise, and people won't buy new monster designs unless they're in a game first.

    • 2 months ago

      > games sells tens of millions copies
      > sets the theme for the anime & other media
      > "not important, they're there to sell toys ok??? Toys and card games"

      You're moronic

      • 2 months ago

        >has no idea what he's talking about
        >pipes up anyway

        • 2 months ago

          This chart is from ages ago and just shows gross revenue, which isn't profits. Nice try though

          • 2 months ago

            it's only from like 4 years ago, things wouldn't change that drastically in that amount of time.

        • 2 months ago

          I'm actually surprised the games bring in more money than TCG whales.

        • 2 months ago

          stage plays?

      • 2 months ago

        This chart is from ages ago and just shows gross revenue, which isn't profits. Nice try though

        sorry kid, but once you start working you don't have that much time for games and prefer to relax fricking your official inflatable lugia pool toy. Merch is and always will be at least 60% of the revenue generated by pokemon co. If you want to seethe about it, its fine, but some day you will grow up to be a young adult and realize this.

      • 2 months ago

        >Games release on a 3 yearly cycle
        >New gen game releases always coincide with the anime starting the following week followed by waves of plushies to tie in with them (though nowadays this would just be facilitated by adding new Mon into the anime's episodes)
        >TCG, posters, figures, manga, magazines and Pokemon Centre goods all enter circulation over the next couple of months to 3 years in time for a new Generation
        >All the while remakes and DLC is released to facilitate more merch, TCG expansions, manga sagas, anime movies and specials, etc
        It's not hard to see how the games facilitate the merch, anon. This is how it's always been since Gen 3.
        >Gen 3 start, Pokemon RS and the Advance Generation anime debut on the same day
        >Followed closely by TCG expansions, figures, dolls, e-Card readers for the TCG, you name it
        >Eventually Jirachi is revealed, spin-offs start coming out of the wood work (Colosseum, Pinball RS, Channel), a movie is released to tie in Jirachi along with associated merch
        >Deoxys, remakes and more spin-offs are revealed with the necessary merch to tie in with it (the classic posable arm Groudon figures, your tiny Plusle and Minun statuettes, the Trading Figure Game for any who remember, Gale of Darkness, Destiny Deoxys, TCG expansions featuring Deoxys, FRLG content, etc)
        >Emerald is eventually released, more Deoxys and Rayquaza shilling, more TCG, PMD, Dash and that sort of thing start coming out of the woodwork, Deoxys has a focal arc in the manga and an anime special
        >Gen IV isn't launching until 2006 so merch releases in '05 and beyond start ramping up the shilling for things like Lucario, Bonsly, Weavile, Mime Jr, Manaphy movie gets released and adds Mantyke, Buizel, Manaphy and Chatot into the mix, appearences in the anime, Munchlax cameoing in Dash and Gale of Darkness, Bonsly getting a brief usable appearence in the latter game, more merch and hype generating promotion for things like Pokemon Ranger and Gen 4 on

        • 2 months ago

          In surmation, the games DO facilitate merch and the like, likewise, the merch and such facilitate the games.
          Pokemon has genuinely become a self-sustaining hype generating machine.
          It's actually quite impressive how everything ties back into itself, but it's also kinda souring and frustrating. Makes you realise they really don't need to change anything about this franchise from the economic standpoint from which they'd view things. As long as revenue is being made and people ain't kicking up TOO big a stink they'll keep pumping slop out.
          PL Z-A would have definitely come out this year if SV didn't have the initial reaction it got.

  4. 2 months ago


    nice try cavemankek have fun with your shitty dinos the future always wins

    • 2 months ago

      Past paradox mons and sada beat violet

  5. 2 months ago

    >how does gamefreak get away with it

    moronic manchildren and moronic parents keep buying the slop. They have no financial incentive to make a good product.

    • 2 months ago

      finally someone says it how it is.

  6. 2 months ago

    genuinely the last thing pokégays care about in the games. i'm not even saying this to diminish them for liking it, or you for suggesting it's bad. it's just how it is. they don't care

  7. 2 months ago

    How does god get away with it

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        Now imagine these without any form of AA, Both are emulator screenshots.

        • 2 months ago

          I actually bought the game on my switch
          Had to emulate it because it was giving me a headache because of the lack of aa I was getting nauseous spinning the camera around undocked
          Frick these garbage companies not allowing me to refund, my own fault though for buying gamefreak slop in 2024

  8. 2 months ago

    Making the best games in the entire franchise but sadly fricking up the technical aspect ?

    They get away with it because most fans don't care that much about graphics and framerate.
    The story, characters/pokémon themselves are way more important but the most important aspect of all, in any video game, is the gameplay which, in SV, is far better than in any of the previous games.

    • 2 months ago

      dude it's the same gameplay we have always had
      but with hats
      the qol is better yeah

    • 2 months ago

      >Making the best games in the entire franchise
      they're the worst games in the series. frick the ugly character designs and ugly pokemon lol

    • 2 months ago

      > Making the best games in the entire franchise

  9. 2 months ago

    If they got away with BDSP they can unironically get away with anything. Modern Pokemon fans don’t care how objectively malfunctioning and poorly implemented the games are as long as they can catch pokemon and that hecking gender affirming quality of life for instant gratification.
    We’ve reached a state where the average player would be more bothered by having to carry an HM move than by the entire game being laggy, junky, having no content and clearly being held together with duct tape.

  10. 2 months ago

    >sv look like smelly turds made by diversity hires
    >sword and shield are too easy
    i cant win
    switch is a disaster!!

  11. 2 months ago

    never bought a single merch item
    im not that much of a moron
    >only adults buy merch
    doesnt mean they're not morons lol

  12. 2 months ago

    >it's an emugay showing off tutorial pictures of games he will never finish to larp as a gamer
    evey day with this shit now

    • 2 months ago

      >tutorial pictures
      im on the 5th gym and done two titans and two star bases
      you can die now.

  13. 2 months ago

    >i am le adult so ill eat all the shit i want

    • 2 months ago

      >i am le adult so ill eat all the shit i want

  14. 2 months ago


    Facts. People love to shit on the graphics and post the same 3 glitch webms because it doesn't really have any other flaws.
    >inb4 trannies
    Headcanon doesn't count

  15. 2 months ago

    This fanbase is so buck broken by Game Freak they'll accept any slop they shit out

  16. 2 months ago


    >this was easily a top 3/4 pokemon game
    not even close the glitches and crashes are the least of its problems

    • 2 months ago

      What are the bigger problems then

      • 2 months ago

        shit performance, shit graphics, shit quality for everything outside of area zero

        • 2 months ago

          >shit performance, shit graphics,
          That's fair, although crashes ties into shit performance
          >shit quality for everything outside of area zero
          Like what?

    • 2 months ago

      I would hardly say they were the least of its problems, but the flaws are the general problems that plague open world games.

      That being shits fricking barren half the time.

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