>look up how to make cheap terrain with shit i just have at home on youtube

>look up how to make cheap terrain with shit i just have at home on youtube
>check out the video
>mfw he uses like $200 worth of arts&crafts materials and tools

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    but he's doing it for free ;^)

  2. 8 months ago

    >arts and crafts requires arts and crafts supplies

    • 8 months ago

      You see this all the time on hobby youtube, no matter the hobby.
      >Check out how I started a 200K a year business with just FREE palletwood! All you need is a four-car garage sized workshop, 60K worth of tools, and a wife who has a marketing degree...
      >YOU can make this awesome Thing too, and it doesn't even require you to use the industrial CNC router table, slab-planer, and laser cutter I have access to 'cos there are other ways to do it! Tell you about them or explain them in any way? Haha, no.
      >You can easily fix This Problem yourself at home with these simple doodads! All right dudes and dudettes, let's fire up the Tormach...

      And don't be a disingenuous homosexual , the issue isn't that doing this stuff requires tools or supplies, it's that the youtroons keep pretending it doesn't to bait people into watching their shitty videos.

      • 8 months ago

        its unfortunate that there isn't a button below the videos to mail a pipebomb to the youtuber's house

        • 8 months ago

          You could do it yourself for $0

          • 8 months ago

            "Hey! Uncle Ted here teaching you folks how to make pipe bombs and fight back against that pesky industrial society. We're gonna learn how to take these plastic tubes and manure into an explosive gift right after a word from our sponsor: Brilliant. Ever wanted to know chemistry? Wanted to learn about these manmade horrors beyond your comprehension? Well with Brilliant you can. Just use offer code UncleTed1 and get 15% off the first year."

            • 8 months ago

              "Don't forget to blow up that like and subscribe button."

            • 8 months ago

              "Don't forget to blow up that like and subscribe button."

              this had me rolling. made my night, thanks guys.

      • 8 months ago

        how moronic does a person have to be to not understand these are clickbait videos?

      • 8 months ago

        The more hilarious video I saw was related to coffee. There are these machines called Vertuo coffee machines that make coffee by spinning an aluminum coffee pod around at several thousand RPMs to get a shit load of creme (that foamy coffee bit in espresso).
        This absolute fricktard wanted to prove the machine was unnecessary and reprogrammed an expensive ass espresso machine and ran the coffee through an equally expensive high powered blender to make the same kind of coffee. He concluded you could save half your coffee money per cup using his system. That also requires multiple machines worth more than 5 times the vertuo machine to save what amounts to 50 cents an espresso.
        Engineers are EXTREMELY moronic in some ways

      • 8 months ago

        I stopped watching DIY shit on YouTube for the same reason and I assure you it's much worse than that elsewhere
        >Uses $40000 worth of industrial grade machinery
        >(the steel is still shit)
        yeah good job

        I fricking hate the modern internet. It isn't even that everyone's trying to sell something, that's fair, it's just that it's all so fricking corporate and pretty much reserved to ultra-rich people backed by some corp ('cause these gays are all sponsored/professional shills). I'm sure it was the plan all along but I miss the old days when everything was more amateurish.

        • 8 months ago

          >stopped watching DIY shit on YouTube
          I hear you, anon, but listen. Even if you forsake all others, bookmark yourself the channel "Dad, How Do I?". It's not strictly a hobby channel, but it is a DIY channel, and one that everyone who thinks of themselves as a man should be able to reference now and again.

          • 8 months ago

            It's a better situation if you look outside of the USA. This is a primarily USA problem. Say Japanese DIY channels are much more down-to-earth and although I'm sure that there's plenty of subtler shilling going on, it's still within reach of normal people who just wanna make stuff assuming you have a bunch of proper tools. But between pro shills, reaction Black folk and parasitic pajeets YouTube is fricking dead to me. I can't believe people watch reaction vids, I keep losing that little crumb of faith in humanity I didn't know I had whenever I look up some song and there's a mouth-gaping Black person REACTING to the fricking song. I swear to god there are few things that fill me with disgust like reaction parasites do

          • 8 months ago

            >that everyone who thinks of themselves as a man
            everyone who thinks of HIMself as a man
            fricking troonyspeech pls

        • 8 months ago

          It's not even necessarily "corporate" but when a lot of these guys start doing youtube shit they hit the point where they go "I could make this my job!" and do so. Then they get to the point where they go "shit, this is my job now how the frick do I keep this going". And that's when you start getting all the garbage.

          • 8 months ago

            >when a lot of these guys start doing youtube shit they hit the point where they go "I could make this my job!" and do so.
            Maybe in the 2000s, now they're professional advertisers on a payroll from day 1

    • 8 months ago

      Then it wasn't $0 then was it, moron

      • 8 months ago

        you should already have all the tools for your miniatures

    • 8 months ago

      There's a difference between "here's a way to build terrain out of common, everyday things you should already have around the house"--which is how most people probably interpret claims of making things for free--and "okay guys here's how to make some basic terrain for absolutely FREE (not counting the plasticard, greenstuff, and molds you had to order online, the 3d-printed structures, and leftover bitz from a thirty-years-out-of-print Warhammer sprue)."

      Like obviously nothing is going to be free, but goddamnit a quick tutorial vid on sprucing up aquarium plants for alien terrain should not start with busting out a $80 airbrush and going to your dedicated tarp-covered painting room.

      • 8 months ago

        People make what they want to make not what you want to watch. Fricking main character moron.

        • 8 months ago

          What are you even trying to say here?

      • 8 months ago

        >how to EASILY make terrain!
        >anyone can do it!
        >goes to wine cellar of mansion
        >opens up secret door to hobby room
        >puts on gas mask and pulls out $500 airbrush
        >goes to $1000 3D printer and prints out high quality terrain
        >paints it using citadel air paints from airbrush
        >So EASY! Next time we shall see how to create a specific paint scheme that is normally considered hard using my expensive airbrush and 20 different paint pots!

      • 8 months ago

        An airbrush is a pretty silly thing to complain about. Yeah, someone who is literally just starting is not going to have one but it's not an unreasonable expectation for someone who's been in the hobby for a couple years. I'd sooner complain about expensive foam cutters since they're an extremely niche tool your average hobbyist definitely won't have unless they really really want to get into terrain building and XPS foam can be difficult to get depending on your location.

        • 8 months ago

          Have you been on any tg painting thread? Airbrushes are seen as some kind of cheating luxury product that only people who eat babies and put shitty OSL on big warhammer models use.

          • 8 months ago

            >The airbrush hating autist is still plaguing these threads after all those years
            That's sad.

          • 8 months ago

            Ntayrt but personally I stay tf away from airbrush because they give a very distinctive look to whatever you're painting unless you're gonna spend as much time correcting it as you'd have spent painting it without airbrush.
            Basically you can factually get results which are similar or better than brush only with an airbrush, but for 99% of people it's just meme OSL and terrible, terrible unrefined gradients that rape your eyes instantly once you're trained to notice them. The rest are peeps like Frisoni or Giraldes who are so beyond your level of painting that comparison is pretty unreasonable.
            95% of airbrushed armies you'll see IRL look like utter dogshit, and the remaining 5% either have a really good painter behind them or a striking color scheme that saves them

      • 8 months ago

        ok but if somebody has an airbrush which there's many good reasons to buy, why would they go out and buy rattlecans for a demo video? just use rattlecans yourself
        sculpting putty is cheap, I've made some nice details for Mordheim buildings that look like carved timber without too much effort

        exploitative clickbait is unfortunately everywhere but is often easy to use a little source analysis to filter out

    • 8 months ago

      Why are all you morons responding to this post like this particular anon is responsible for whatever made-up problems you guys are babbling about?


  3. 8 months ago

    At least it wasn't a 3D printer shill video.
    The answer is painted cardboard with rocks and sticks from your yard or a park if cityshitter.
    >But that looks like cheap shit!
    That's because it is cheap shit.

  4. 8 months ago

    First thing's first, you should invest in a few tools
    >Good set of X-Acto blades
    >Airbrush gun
    >Shit brushes
    >Good Brushes
    These are all worth it, especially the X-Acto blades.

    Everything I know about terrain building was from my dad's days making model railroads. I can't get any more out of him without a Ouija board, so I'll say what I can remember.
    For terrain, styrofoam cut into a rough topographical layered patern then sanded into smoothness for the land patterns, for rocks you just make them out of scrap foam. Dipping them in Elmer's glue fills in all the pits for smoother pebbles and river stones. I assume you know how to paint small stones and rocks.

    Once you have smooth terrain, go over it with a layer of brown, you can actually sprinkle dirt on it too while it's drying. Once it's dry, you can either lightly airbrush it with a brownish green for texture, or just move on. For grass, my dad used his workshop blended (just an old blender he found in a dumpster) to shred up the caps off of ginger-ale bottles. They're a fairly dark color of green.
    He would then brush down the terrain with Elmer's glue, and sprinkle the green shavings on.

    It's cheap, but it worked. For bricks and the such, he would make the original out of clay by hand, then make a resin mold of it so he could make them out of either clay, or resin, or whatever.

    The rest was balsa wood, and good old-fashioned paint.

    • 8 months ago

      Thank you for that advice anon, if I ever get the opportunity to design terrain I’ll try this.

  5. 8 months ago

    dungeons and dragons 3d papercraft buildings from the archived 3rd edition webpage on wayback machine
    a regular printer or the one at the library
    2 foam core boards for 99 cents from hobby lobby
    glue stick probably also a dollar I forget
    hotglue gun, okay, big spender here, $6

    Wow, now you have a 3d town for ttrpg.

    • 8 months ago

      How viable would saltdough be for making base level terrain?

      If OP is a bit more daring he can blockout his own buildings.

  6. 8 months ago

    Olfa utility knife, dollar store brushes, acrylic paints (green, brown, black, grey, tan, blue, red), foamboard or xps foam, tacky glue, matte mod podge. And thats a good starter set to cover almost all terrain, it's not even the minimum and this is still only setting you back twenty dollars. Stop being disingenuous and just make a terrain thread, those are always fun.

  7. 8 months ago

    Check out Wyloch's Armory and Bard's Craft, OP

  8. 8 months ago

    Try looking at kid's shows devoted to arts and crafts, like Art Attack.

  9. 8 months ago

    To be fair, he probably didn't pay anything for them and instead got them from the company that he shills for in the video.

  10. 8 months ago

    >watch youtube video
    >guy just steals it from the lgs over the period of a couple months
    >then moves
    So fricking close, what a fricking liar.

    • 8 months ago

      I mean... it's just lying there... surely they won't notice if a thing or two went missing every few weeks...

      • 8 months ago

        Stealing is illegal

        • 8 months ago

          But who was taxes???

    • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      I mean... it's just lying there... surely they won't notice if a thing or two went missing every few weeks...

      >stealing terrain
      >stealing boxes of miniatures for your own use
      >stealing boxes of miniatures to resell
      >stealing boxes of miniatures and spending the money on your own army and terrain so no one suspects you
      truly inspired
      >stealing other people's miniatures and selling them as "pro painted"
      wait go back

  11. 8 months ago

    >look up how to make stuff
    >wtf I need tools things don't just magically appear?
    Holy shit I fricking hate zoomies so fricking much.

    • 8 months ago

      have a nice day you disingenuous moron.

      • 8 months ago


  12. 8 months ago

    Skill issue, git gud

  13. 8 months ago

    >$10 worth of hot glue
    >$4 crappy hot glue gun
    >$5 exacto
    >$15 worth of crappy paints
    >$10 tub of grout
    >all the cardboard laying about my house.
    >$8 crappy paint brushes
    >$6 dollarstore wood bits/popsicle sticks.
    >$2 baking soda
    >some broken assorted vehicle models for wrecks
    >$20 of white fabric for table +white grey fabric for forest outlines.

    So I built a Stalingrad table "free". As in I didn't buy any expensive items and I already had most of the consumables and tools on hand. As cheapo as it gets to make a 6'×4' table for 15mm.

    • 8 months ago

      You should have just bought this.

      • 8 months ago

        lol that looks nice but its near triple what I had to spend since I already had a lot of stuff. It also doesn't include the woods, trench sections roads and scenic elements I made.

    • 8 months ago

      Ok wtf is the baking soda for?

      • 8 months ago

        IIRC baking soda + glue is good for lumpy stuff like melted rubble or snowdrifts, though I may be confusing that with another glue-plus-something combo for cheap terrain.

      • 8 months ago

        baking soda makes superglue cure faster and harder.

        >To create an even stronger and faster-curing bond, you can add baking soda to your super glue. When you mix super glue and baking soda, it accelerates the curing process. Chemically, the bicarbonate molecules in baking soda react with cyanoacrylate to create a reactive ion that more easily bonds with other cyanoacrylate molecules. These bonds establish long, polymer chains that are stronger and more resilient than cyanoacrylate-water bonding. The resultant substance is a super glue and baking soda plastic with a cement-like consistency that creates stronger, exceptionally durable bonds.

      • 8 months ago

        i use it for snow. the bulk of that is built up with grout. layer brown paint then white glue then dust on baking soda.

  14. 8 months ago

    The real problem is that you frankly should spend money on nice terrain. If you're capable of making it then great but otherwise it's well worth the cost. The board itself is not only more visually powerful, but it also greatly contributes to the games you play.

    There's nothing sadder than people playing with nearly a thousand dollars of minis each side in between tin can silos and building wall facades. Treat yourself, get a nice board.

    • 8 months ago


  15. 8 months ago

    I watched a video a couple days ago on "how to make a cheap dice tray" that went like this
    >first, scam this flooring company website for a few weeks to get enough free flooring samples to use as your wood
    >then, take out your table saw to cut the flooring down into smaller pieces
    >then, take your mitre saw to angle the edges
    >then, take out your orbital sander to sand them down

    • 8 months ago

      wow if only there were some sort of ancient hand tools everyone knows about that these electric conveniences replace

      • 8 months ago

        But that requires work, I just want things for free. Work is not free.

        • 8 months ago

          How to make a cheap dice tray
          >Flip a shoebox lid over
          >Job's a good 'un

          You even get a free building with it.
          Like and subscribe and support me on patreon if like my content.

          • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >he doesn't own these basic tools already
      look at this emasculated b***h and laugh

  16. 8 months ago

    Look at old white dwarf articles, you can put stuff like this together out of cereal boxes (or other cardstock) so long as you have scissors/a craft knife, pva glue/super glue, and paints that if you make minis you'll already own
    This one tells you to use balsa wood but ignore it. you can use strips of card stock for the frame work but just bear in mind that applied in certain directions pva will make card bend (good for giving a house like this an old sunken look on the roof but bad for causing decorative beam detachment), so keep the super glue handy
    If you insist on sticking to balsa wood just use coffee stirring sticks trimmed with scissors or knives

    • 8 months ago

      Oh, i forgot, it says to use foam board but just use card stock, it works fine you just need to use little masking tape or supports made out of other cardstock to keep the right angles
      Here's something I made from a different white dwarf template using the same principals

      • 8 months ago

        The wood planks (scattered on the ground, the wall surface is more cardstock) are old popsicle sticks i cut to size using plastic cutters for getting models off sprues, the wheel is made of cardstock
        Here's the template

        • 8 months ago

          that barn looks pretty mundane tbh.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah it's great.

  17. 8 months ago

    >oh you want to get into hobby games?

  18. 8 months ago

    >Look up how to make cheap terrain
    >Find a blogspot article from 2005
    >"Okay, so you'll need all the materials in this picture, I've labelled them all for your convenience"
    >"Now, take these tools:"
    >"And then do this"
    >"And you'll get something a little like this, here's one of mine:"
    >*An immaculate photo of a piece of terrain*
    I've had this happen to me more than once. It's like fricking blogspot is teasing me with the complete terrain.

  19. 8 months ago

    >my dad tells me we can build a wargaming table for free
    >it is in fact made of materials he's taken from completed jobs at his work
    this table brought to you by Verizon telecommunications

  20. 8 months ago

    Dollar tree readi board my beloved

  21. 8 months ago

    I made some doors, barrels, crates and other little things out of foam. It's easy to do and cheap, but not the prettiest

    • 8 months ago

      S O U L

  22. 8 months ago

    The frick are you watching?

    Look, it’s not hard to make good terrain on the cheap-end, you just have to be imaginative!

    You can literally use dirt from your yard to flock the base, just leave it in an open container to dry out first, It’s free and will offer diverse texture to the base. Sticks can also make sturdy tree trunks also for free. And use real rocks for rock formations, again, free, they’re just… lying around all over the place.

    Tempered hardboard can be bought at Home Depot for, like, $6.00 for a 2’x4’ sheet (I’m sure you have friends or relatives with a circular saw you can borrow to carve it up) and that shit’s solid and won’t warp.

    Since it’s terrain and not as detailed as a mini, you can get away with spray primer from Home Depot, it’s going to also be around $6.00 for a can and it comes in tons of different colors.

    Also acrylic paints from the craft store are cheap as hell. Honestly you are looking at roughly $2.00 per bottle.

    Biggest investment I can think of that is an absolute must is a hot glue gun, and they are probably going to set you back $20-$30 but it makes a strong bond fast and works well enough on just about any surface (so long as it doesn’t melt it).

    After that get imaginative, dollar stores are a trove of random stuff that you can just tear apart for props. Same with recycle bins, cardboard is your friend.

    This doesn’t have to be hard and it doesn’t need to be extremely expensive if you don’t want it to.

    image was made from a ramen cup ($0.80) with pea gravel ($4.00 for a 10-lbs bag) hot-glued to its surface, popsicle stick floorboards, and some dirt flocking. Whole thing was primed with cheap primer and painted in acrylic. I think the grass flocking was the biggest expense at, I think $10.00 for a jug of it from a hobby store

  23. 8 months ago

    Did the whole diy terrain thing. Made some decent stuff, but overall it just feels like I'm wasting time that should be spent on minis.

  24. 8 months ago

    You may get some ideas from watching channels devoted to dollhouses, scale modeling, and dioramas. They aren't quite the same as wargames terrain, but there's some crossover in skillsets.

  25. 8 months ago

    Black person get a delta-shape 3D printer

  26. 8 months ago

    To amass a small fortune, begin with a large fortune.

    • 8 months ago

      true words.

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