>*Looks at Sonic, Ganondorf and Wario's Smash Movesets*

>*Looks at Sonic, Ganondorf and Wario's Smash Movesets*

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  1. 4 months ago

    >"Give them what they want" from a guy who needed 20 years and a bazillion form requests to understand concepts like "people want the big dinosaur from metroid in smash brothers

    • 4 months ago

      People like his moveset.

      And when you got him, he kinda turned out gimped because Sakurai still couldn't figure out how to make him fully work when shrunk.

      • 4 months ago

        I think Wario's a pretty decent representation of WarioWare, but a more Wario Land-esque moveset would've been cool too. As for Sonic, that's mostly a result of him being added only a year before Brawl's release.

        >People like his moveset.
        Now, sure, but you can't deny people'd have also liked original shit for him 23 years ago.
        Admittedly that's just Melee's dev cycle being fricked.

        • 4 months ago

          >Now, sure, but you can't deny people'd have also liked original shit for him 23 years ago.
          Ganondorf was not fleshed out as a fighter when Melee came out. He had one boss battle in OoT where he just threw balls at you. And some cutscenes where he uses purple magic. That's what they had to work with.

          • 4 months ago

            While I agree Ganondorf, Wario and I guess Sonic could use a moveset update. I feel most smash characters at least come a lot closer to there games than not.

            >Ganondorf was not fleshed out as a fighter when Melee came out. He had one boss battle in OoT where he just threw balls at you. And some cutscenes where he uses purple magic. That's what they had to work with.
            Not him but that didn't stop them from making a made-up moveset for the star fox characters who mostly just tight in their Space ships. Plus they could of done more to declone him like they did Luigi over the years.

            • 4 months ago

              I mean you're comparing Ganondorf, Zelda character #4 who didn't happen to have a skeleton that fit anyone but Falcon, with Fox who's the rep for his franchise and wasn't time crunched because he had an existing moveset. Plus Falco is a clone of the same caliber as Ganondorf.

              • 4 months ago

                True Ganondorf like Falco was a late add to melee, so I don't blame them for making him a clone in that game. My point was more of going into the "Ganondorf was not fleshed out as a fighter when Melee came out" thing which to me just doesn't hold much water in a game series where even characters who don't fight on land much get more original movesets. As for the 4th Zelda character bit, it would be more like the 5th Zelda character given Shiek and Zelda have two different movesets in melee there just being one fighter with a switch-out gimmick

              • 4 months ago

                He's a strong guy who beats people up and considering at the time he was a one-off villain and not the main rep for his franchise he didn't get the same level of contrived moveset that Fox did.

            • 4 months ago

              >Not him but that didn't stop them from making a made-up moveset for the star fox characters who mostly just tight in their Space ships
              Fox Smash 64 specials are all based on the Arwing.
              Blaster is the ship laser, Fire Fox is the boost, reflector is the Barrel Roll

      • 4 months ago

        Ridley was simply shrunk too much.
        He could be about 1.2x bigger with no issue.

        • 4 months ago

          See, this is a much better claim on the model (which I agree, he's a bit on the shorter side). Not some shit about "muh modder who did this shit in his spare time is better despite being garbage!" homosexual probably plays PM.

        • 4 months ago

          The issue is that he'll be too big for stages with low ceiling hallwayss like Luigi's Mansion, Mario Brothers and others.

    • 4 months ago

      that and the subspace emissary cutscenes fiasco

    • 4 months ago

      And to understand that costumes, ten second cameos and still images aren't the same as a full character and never will be.

    • 4 months ago

      and that's a good thing
      fans sometimes like to sniff their asses

      • 4 months ago

        But not you, right? You're definitely different.

        • 4 months ago

          yeah I'm not a hypefiend who listens to garbage like papagenos or some online celebrity

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah, frick making demands for a $60+ game, Sakurai knows what I personally want.

            • 4 months ago

              I'm not a moron who "wants" or "demands" in a game, because I don't buy stuff that doesn't have what I like.

              He knew people wanted Ridley earlier on, Sakurai just never thought shrinking Ridley down would be practical or a good way to represent him

              I think King K. Rool was one of the first times they actually got blindsided by the public's opinion

              You're not supposed to make sense anon. They think modders who already have a bunch of things already done for them are the true developers.

    • 4 months ago

      He knew people wanted Ridley earlier on, Sakurai just never thought shrinking Ridley down would be practical or a good way to represent him

      I think King K. Rool was one of the first times they actually got blindsided by the public's opinion

      • 4 months ago

        I'm not a moron who "wants" or "demands" in a game, because I don't buy stuff that doesn't have what I like.
        You're not supposed to make sense anon. They think modders who already have a bunch of things already done for them are the true developers.

        Thing is, the old Ridley mod Bagan made didn't really shrink him down and took some effort to make him work, but it showed it could be done. Hell, it released around the time of Smash For too.

        • 4 months ago

          and it looks moronic when it actually plays (doesn't help the amateurness of the guy)

          he preaches the whole risk/reward thing like sermon and it can be a thing that works, but the way he says every single element of video games must be risk/reward makes me wonder if hes a moron

          that's literally the element of video games
          even as early as tetris there's risk/reward

          • 4 months ago

            We're not talking about quality, but the concept and execution, which was more than what Sakurai attempted until the fans forced his hand.

            • 4 months ago

              and you miss the point as to why Sakurai and his team only tried when they found a way to make it work
              here's a hint, Ridley has always been an element in Smash since Brawl so there has been a lingering incentive to bring him playable

              >that's literally the element of video games
              its AN element of games often used, but to say it underlies everything is factually incorrect

              Sakurai didn't say it's an end all be all, you just happened to watch the episode that focuses on it anon

              • 4 months ago

                >Ridley has always been an element in Smash since Brawl so there has been a lingering incentive to bring him playable
                And a fan beat Sakurai to the punch while he was fricking around with that one Starfox stage for a whole year. No excuses.

              • 4 months ago

                that fan didn't beat shit since the work he showed was garbage. would you rather a shitty looking large ridley or at least a functional, non-wonky, well animated medium ridley?

              • 4 months ago

                >Would I rather have a decent attempt by a fan in his free time or a half-assed attempt by a supposed professional with his own biases and bullshit
                Keep sucking Daddy Sakurai's dick.

              • 4 months ago

                There's a victory pose with young link where he gives a thumbs up and the thumb is visibly fricked up.
                I'm surprised more people haven't brought attention to it considering it's the main focal point of the damn pose.

              • 4 months ago

                But that's okay because daddy Sakurai is a professional and modders are going against his vision.

              • 4 months ago

                yeah man, that's totally equivalent to a big, janky model being touted as some smoking gun to ridley

              • 4 months ago

                No the heckin' thumb I can't play this game anymore!

              • 4 months ago

                I don't play ultimate cause the game's shit and slippi exists. If the game were actually fun his thumb could be as bad as

                >Would I rather have a decent attempt by a fan in his free time or a half-assed attempt by a supposed professional with his own biases and bullshit
                Keep sucking Daddy Sakurai's dick.

                and I wouldn't care.

              • 4 months ago

                That fan was a 14 year old Russian boy, Sakurai literally outsourced his whole fricking project to the people behind tekken, of course there’s a visible difference you idiot.

              • 4 months ago

                >that fan was a 14 year old Russian boy
                and you crawl to this supposed power gap that you people seem to enjoy to flaunt but then crawl into when it's slammed in your faces
                yes he's a fricking zoomer fan so his mod is shitty, that's the fact. it didn't do jack shit to the argument
                do you even know what that word means

              • 4 months ago

                And if that zoomer had bandai fricking namco to help him it wouldn’t be shit, meanwhile ultimate ridley is still shit because Sakurai didn’t prioritize balancing him

                >do you even know what that means?
                Yes, Sakurai produces the games under his company Sora LTD, but hands the whole thing to bamco and tells them what to do.

                But go on and keep glugging down his semen, just swallow it this time though.

              • 4 months ago

                ...anon that's not outsourcing works
                when you outsource you go hands off and just wait for the product, and you more often than only barely credit them
                >And if that zoomer had bandai fricking namco to help him it wouldn’t be shit
                no shit but we don't do with what if's and impossibilities
                >meanwhile ultimate ridley is still shit because Sakurai didn’t prioritize balancing him
                which has nothing to do whether they "couldn't do it" or not and that "he was beaten by a modder"
                >But go on and keep glugging down his semen, just swallow it this time though.
                no but how's that modder gangbang you're going? heard some of them are trannies now too

                Smash has more soul when it does weird stuff like making Mario a Ryu expy or making Luigi's final smash be a physical manifestation of his inferiority complex then when it is slavishly trying to recreate current fotm character accurately.

                anon Luigi has been associated with catching ghosts for two decades now

              • 4 months ago

                And he is hands off, he doesn’t “make” anything in the game, he orders them on what he wants to see, he’s an ideas guy, like you.
                > no but how's that modder gangbang you're going? heard some of them are trannies now too
                Modders give their shit out for free, I don’t need to suck a dick to get something, unlike you, now wipe your face off you got a little something brown on your nose.

              • 4 months ago

                >And he is hands off
                ah okay, you're a shitposter who doesn't even know what he's talking about this whole time. had an inkling but glad you confirmed it
                >Modders give their shit out for free, I don’t need to suck a dick to get something
                wow, enjoying free gangbangs, amazing

              • 4 months ago

                >hands off

                What? Do you think Sakurai really sits down making every model and animation? The dude literally brags about posing figures and showing them to bamco

                >free gangbangs
                I ain’t dating anyone in your family tree

              • 4 months ago

                you literally described someone already being hands on
                do you fricking even know what the term is? holy shit fricking ESL, no wonder you don't know what outsource means too. are you also underage perhaps?

              • 4 months ago

                You’re defending a millionaire for free on the internet and calling people underage? Where’s the self awareness?

              • 4 months ago

                at least you didn't deny that you're underage, makes sense with that kind of mindset

              • 4 months ago

                Unrelated? It’s literally the thread topic you wienersucker.

              • 4 months ago

                anon it's unrelated whether someone is a millionaire or a homeless dirteater when the points given are factually, objectively wrong, dickmuncher.
                again, underage, showing.

              • 4 months ago

                >had an inkling but glad you confirmed it
                It has inkling and many other video game characters

              • 4 months ago

                >hands off

              • 4 months ago

                i watched every episode and read his interviews with iwata (iwata asks) and read all the available online posts/translations of his famitsu blogs or whatever

                he preaches it like its sermon and thinks games cant be fun or good without it. some of his other theories on game are bad but this is thing with the biggest discrepancy between his assertiveness in saying it and being wrong

              • 4 months ago

                he never made an absolutist statement like that. hell one of his main talking points is that easing people is fundamental.

                >Would I rather have a decent attempt by a fan in his free time or a half-assed attempt by a supposed professional with his own biases and bullshit
                Keep sucking Daddy Sakurai's dick.

                >better animated, doesn't have jank, only problem is character balance
                >but muh sucking wiener
                yeah I know you have no more talking point, mod wienersucker

              • 4 months ago

                >Ignoring my image who's a prime example of jank
                Nice try FEgay.

              • 4 months ago

                yeah anon, I'm going to ignore the image of what is essentially a video game animation equivalent of a smear frame, I applaud. clearly it's comparable to a more visible, janky movement of a big render

              • 4 months ago

                I'm talking the entire character himself.
                >Model looks off
                >Doesn't even bother to remove him from Robin's Final Smash
                >Didn't have the proper victory theme at the time
                >Weird frankenstein of a character where he's Roy's echo but shares Ike's recovery
                And don't use him being an echo as an excuse, this is a professional director with a big budget and he couldn't even make an easy clone look presentable.

              • 4 months ago

                >looks off
                model is fine
                >isn't removed from Robin's FS
                why? when has that been a requirement? might as well complain why ZSS turns into Samus for her final smash
                >proper victory theme at the time
                yeah, good thing they fixed that
                because he has aether in his game, but other than that he's still fully Roy. no more different than Ken
                >echo as an excuse
                that's literally why. it's not a fricking excuse, it's a fact

              • 4 months ago

                >Making excuses for Daddy Sakurai
                >Using Samus as an example when the entire point of ZSS was that she loses the armor and then gains it back with the same item that causes her to lose it
                That's all you're getting, FEgay. No more food for you.

              • 4 months ago

                >on something that has been known as a matter of fact
                ZSS has been separate as Samus since 4, and even 4 kept her without armor in her FS. But my point is that "Chrom not being removed from Robin" is a fricking arbitrary garbage, might as well complain PP's victory featuring Mario.

          • 4 months ago

            >that's literally the element of video games
            its AN element of games often used, but to say it underlies everything is factually incorrect

    • 4 months ago

      Frick you you'll get 8 more generic JRPG swordsman and like it stupid godless roundeye gaijin

    • 4 months ago


      >fill game full of identical FE swordsmen and fighting game literal whos

    • 4 months ago

      """"""""""""""people """""""""""""

  2. 4 months ago

    All Sonic needs is a new side special and he's set.

  3. 4 months ago

    Sonic's moveset (two spindashes aside) is mostly fine.
    The problem is, he's contractually obligated to be the fastes character in the game and that by itself enables some really fricking obnoxious strategies.

  4. 4 months ago

    professional namco glazing is insane

  5. 4 months ago

    You guys do realize that he's talking about licensed games right?
    Can we instead use this as an opportunity to bash those who butcher any and all IPs they get their hands on?

  6. 4 months ago

    >no mention of PAC-MAN

  7. 4 months ago

    >Rosoilina's entire moveset

  8. 4 months ago

    he preaches the whole risk/reward thing like sermon and it can be a thing that works, but the way he says every single element of video games must be risk/reward makes me wonder if hes a moron

  9. 4 months ago

    Huh.. that's odd... I thought Sakurai "made" this one...

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, the biggest evidence of him being a hypocrite. He made Kid Icarus Uprising and gave Dark Pit his own entire set of weapons for the chapter all about him, but he just gets Pit's weapons instead. He could absolutely work as a semi-clone, maybe full character if his normals, tilts and etc are based around the Dark Pit Staff.

  10. 4 months ago

    Can't wait until the next Smash where I get Frontiers Sonic.

  11. 4 months ago

    you gays believed shit like chair colors and grinch, you deserve to be mocked and laughed at

  12. 4 months ago

    ganondorf and sonic are both victims of circumstance (added extremely late in development, to the point where brawl was delayed just to put in sonic) as well as sakurai's respectable if autistic dedication to not changing characters *too much* in later installments even if they frankly need reworks
    wario's fine in a vacuum, the problem is he's just fanservice for one half of the character and not the other

    • 4 months ago

      from what I heard the onus on changing Sonic was on Sega

    • 4 months ago

      >wario's fine in a vacuum, the problem is he's just fanservice for one half of the character and not the other
      He isn't. He has the Shoulder Charge and Ground Pound from Warioland, Waft is a Land reference, and the only outright Ware Ref in his moveset is the bike(you could argue Down Tilt).
      He has more Wario World(basically a land 3D adaption) stuff than anything else.
      Wario is fine. You can up his references to both Ware and Land and that's be fine, but I seriously worry that will just makes him less fun to play.

  13. 4 months ago

    >Snoys seething about Nintendo

    Verification not required.

  14. 4 months ago

    well that explains it, mod wienersuckers lurk here

  15. 4 months ago

    bros the thumb looks a bit off in a specific animation I can't take it

  16. 4 months ago

    he's right you know
    case in point: pic related

  17. 4 months ago

    I don't think ultimate ninja storm is a very good example. Back on the PS2 the ultimate ninja games were both faithful AND fun. Now they're just... faithful.

  18. 4 months ago

    smash is not a fighting game btw

  19. 4 months ago

    Smash has more soul when it does weird stuff like making Mario a Ryu expy or making Luigi's final smash be a physical manifestation of his inferiority complex then when it is slavishly trying to recreate current fotm character accurately.

  20. 4 months ago

    >Give them what they <3 Like!

    >gives us tripping in Brawl
    >removes running jumps in Brawl and onwards
    >complains about people playing the game competitively

  21. 4 months ago

    >guy who playtests the game during lunch break and even goes deep into his team is someone who isn't hands on
    the frick

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