>LOVE metroidvania games. >HATE metroid, HATE castlevania

>LOVE metroidvania games
>HATE metroid, HATE castlevania
What is this called? What are some good metroidvania games that I may not have heard of?

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  1. 4 months ago

    How have you not tried Aria/Dawn of Sorrow

  2. 4 months ago

    You probably have heard of it, but if you liked Hollow Knight try Rabi Ribi and Rain World

  3. 4 months ago

    >What is this called?
    Having shit taste.

    • 4 months ago

      thippy bippy

  4. 4 months ago

    I don‘t think this is that weird. The combat in metroid games except for dread sucks and castlevania games are just rpgs with shit combat too

    • 4 months ago

      >Playing Metroidvania for the combat.
      Well now THERE'S your problem.

      • 4 months ago

        I don‘t really play them for it but if an indie dev copies the world design and progression systems from metroid/castlevania while also adding fun combat on top of it why would i bother with the originals still?

        • 4 months ago

          Metroid has better world design than a lot of indies. Mostly, because no indie replicates Metroid's destructible terrain. And while the combat isn't the highlight, it's still satisfying to move and shoot.

          Castlevania, again, just has a satisfying feel to the mechanics. And on top of that, there's typically a lot of drops to collect and crafting was eventually introduced. Making your drops all the more satisfying. Again, something that the indies aren't replicating. Probably because it takes a lot of time and tedium to make a thousand little droppable items for a game. And make half of those drops give the player new abilities.

          • 4 months ago

            >Metroid's destructible terrain.
            Are you referring to hidden walls, platforms you can destroy when you get an upgrade? Plenty of games do that
            >crafting was eventually introduced.
            Crafting is just annoying and so is grinding soul drops or whatever. I do think more metroidvanias should lean into that rpg element like castlevania but if we‘re being honest most of the equipment is just stat changes. Even the weapons, there‘s only a few different movesets and they only change in stats and size. I played bloodstained and while i had a decent time with it, it just solidified that i much prefer these indie metroidvanias over classic metroid and castlevania

            • 4 months ago

              >Are you referring to hidden walls, platforms you can destroy when you get an upgrade? Plenty of games do that
              They don't do it in the way Metroid does it. Most indie games give you huge telegraphs. "USE ITEM HERE". So you know immediately whether you're gated or not. While Metroid will hide passages in seemingly normal walls. Or otherwise very subtle telegraphs. A bit of the wall will be shaped a little weird, and it just catches your eye. So you start bombing near it. And then a little block breaks, and it gets your hopes up that something good is secreted. So you start bombing more in anticipation of finding your way through the terrain.

              Indies boil down the Metroid design to arbitrary locks to gate the player. But it's more than that. Hell, majority of Metroidvanias don't even allow you to shoot. Or give you a morphaball style power to help you squeeze into tight places.

              You could argue that Metroid is simiplistic in the way that they handle terrain destruction, but then I would only ask "why hasn't anyone innovated on this feature in 30 years?" If indies do Metroid better, then why aren't they actually doing Metroid mechanics better? Why do they only copy the lame ability gates, and not the cool shit terrain destruction, and shine sparking, and wall jumping that actually takes effort. And various beams that give you different abilities?

              >Crafting is just annoying and so is grinding soul drops or whatever.
              It's kind of gacha-esque, so I understand the annoyance. But regardless, it's a satisfying skinner's box. You press the kill button on an enemy enough times, and perhaps a tasty little treat will pop out. I quite enjoy it. I love how overpowered you become at the end of the games too.

    • 4 months ago

      As much as I hate to admit it, this is probably correct. Hollow Knight and Rabi-Ribi set the bar so high for me regarding movement, combat and boss encounters that it's difficult to play other "metroidvanias" with those elements lacking. Atmosphere and music carry you so far. You NEED responsive gameplay and good action

      • 4 months ago

        but Hollow Knight's combat & movement isn't that much more fleshed out than your average metroidvania.

        • 4 months ago

          Not him and i agree on the movement but the combat is much more fun than something like castlevania even if it‘s very basic

  5. 4 months ago

    Early castlevania and after-sotn castlevanias are different. If you like metroidvanias then try SotN and the DS ones out.

    Otherwise I enjoyed Astalon quite a bit. Smelter and Vernal edge were ok but I didn't finish em

  6. 4 months ago

    >What are some good metroidvania games that I may not have heard of?

  7. 4 months ago

    For me it's the opposite, I love Metroid and Castlevania but hate soi indie shit

  8. 4 months ago

    >Alwa's Awakening is alright, if you like the idea of playing a metroidvania from the NES era it delivers on that idea pretty well, though you might it boring or just downright bad if it doesn't click. There's also a sequel I haven't tried yet.
    >Astalon: Tears of the Earth is a similar "NES era game" concept but it feels more modernized, think Shovel Knight, it's pretty long by metroidvania standards as well, and has some roguelite elements
    >Both Blasphemous games are givens if you like this genre, both games are very good but different enough in design philosophy that you might find the first game to be better than the second or vise versa.
    >Bloodstained is a lot of fun and Ganker will cry about soul leaving videogames right before saying it's mediocre, it's a good time and it feels like a game that would've released during the PS2 era.
    >Ender Lillies is overrated in my opinion, but when it clicks for someone it seems to really click, dreary gothic game with a glowy e-girl protag to offset it
    >Momodora Reverie Under The Moonlight is a metroidvania in that there's secrets, backtracking, a connected map, but it only has 1 major powerup and compared to the rest of these games is much more linear, but it's aesthetic is derived from old rpg maker horror games, it's a cozy 5 hour romp.
    >Monster Sanctuary is Pokemon meets Metroidvania. I liked it until it started demanding smarter teambuilding and equipment optimization, and I'm just not that kind of gamer so I got filtered.
    >Rusted Moss is one of the most original metroidvanias in years. It's features guns and a grappling hook with a big focus on momentum based grappling platforming, it's fricking great but the devs are trannies.
    >Timespinner is also very fun, with a SNES RPG artstyle, it's sidequests are pretty barebones but the main game is fun albeit derivative, and every character in the game is a brown queer but you can mostly ignore this if you ignore the sidequests.
    How'd I do?

    • 4 months ago

      I‘d add the last faith to this. Great game but a bit rough around the edges

      • 4 months ago

        no offense to the devs because it looks like a great game but my first thought (and undoubtedly many peoples) was "oh okay this is Blasphemous but instead of Spanish Catholicism it's British Gothic." That being said you can't just make a Blasphemous clone with zero effort, I'll definitely play it.

        • 4 months ago

          It‘s nothing like blasphemous beyond the visuals. Much more 2d bloodborne mixed with castlevania. If you wanna see a real blasphemous clone check out “edens guardian“

          • 4 months ago

            >edens guardian
            kek you weren't kidding, looks fun though, albeit derivative as frick. Indie games truly are a double edged sword because where in the past people inspired by a game might try to get hired by the developer and contribute their talent to the franchise, now any butthole can just say "oh I'll do it better!" and now we've got 20 average hollow knight clones running around.

    • 4 months ago

      Rating the ones I've played.
      For the ones not on the list that I've played
      Astalon - 9
      blasphemous 2 - 7
      Momodora 4 - 8
      momodora 5 - 7

  9. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Castlevania games have like 10 enemies if you don‘t count their recolors and you beat them by mashing attack then backstepping or jumping over their telegraphed attacks. The combat sucks, get over it

  10. 4 months ago

    Which Metroid vania is right for an epic gamer like me who only cares about combat and making combo videos and lets me freestyle on mobs like in DMC the best action combat series ever made? Which one has a bloody palace??

    • 4 months ago

      Prince of persia the lost crown easily. Most MVs are very basic when it comes to combat

      • 4 months ago

        Which Metroid vania is right for an epic gamer like me who only cares about combat and making combo videos and lets me freestyle on mobs like in DMC the best action combat series ever made? Which one has a bloody palace??

        >What is this called?
        Shit taste. The entire genre peaked with super metroid and I'm not even kidding, as much as I still like some of the newer stuff.

        Then you don't love metroidvanias you like souls slop

        Sengoku Basara is a Musuo Metroidvania with epic combos. This game btfos all your stab and dash trash.

    • 4 months ago

      Seconding this

      Prince of persia the lost crown easily. Most MVs are very basic when it comes to combat

      , shit even has its own Vergil.

  11. 4 months ago

    Then you don't love metroidvanias you like souls slop

  12. 4 months ago

    >What is this called?
    Shit taste. The entire genre peaked with super metroid and I'm not even kidding, as much as I still like some of the newer stuff.

    • 4 months ago

      This. I still liked Hollow Knight but it utterly fails at a lot of things Super Metroid or even more modern metroidvanias like Axiom Verge do well: most of it's areas blend together and are rly only distinguished with colors, the music is unmemorable, the powerups are far between and most of them are pretty bland, that doesn't make it bad, but it's not the same category of game, yet most metroidvanias today after it seems to use Hollow Knight as the template.

      • 4 months ago

        You could easily say Super Metroid's areas blend together in every way but colors as well. There's the green zone, the blue zone, the water zone, etc.

        • 4 months ago

          That's not true at all. The areas in super metroid have very distinct atmospheres. Part of it is caused by the game's top tier OST but there are differences in themes and visuals as well that go beyond "walls colored different".

          • 4 months ago

            3 rooms of one area in Super Metroid (Brinstar)
            4 rooms of 4 areas in Hollow Knight (Forgotten Crossroads, Deepnest, City of Tears, Kingdoms Edge)
            Yes Hollow Knight does have some variety, it has a grassy area and a crystal area as well, but most areas have the same blue gray mood.

            The difference between the plant area and the lava area in Super Metroid is the palette and the ground hazards. It's certainly not the enemies which Super Metroid has rather poor variety of. Hollow Knight areas are also very atmospherically different due to music as well though. Even discounting that, Hollow Knight areas also differ very heavily in level design. City of Tears is extremely different feeling from Greenpath, which is very different from Fog Canyon and Kingdom's Edge.

            Both games are good, but cherrypicking is not the way. Super Metroid has plenty of areas that are samey looking caves that I am sure I could find examples of if I went looking. Both games are products of their time, and while Super Metroid does have many different colored areas with unique tilesets, likewise Hollow Knight has higher graphical fidelity and relies more on background elements, architecture, lighting, and ambient sound effects to make its areas stand out.

        • 4 months ago

          3 rooms of one area in Super Metroid (Brinstar)
          4 rooms of 4 areas in Hollow Knight (Forgotten Crossroads, Deepnest, City of Tears, Kingdoms Edge)
          Yes Hollow Knight does have some variety, it has a grassy area and a crystal area as well, but most areas have the same blue gray mood.

  13. 4 months ago

    Castlevania was better when it was just a level based platformer series.

  14. 4 months ago

    Good thing metroid and castlevania games technically "metroidvanias"
    It's the same as saying you hate sedans and pickup trucks, but love SUV's.

  15. 4 months ago

    don't call them metroidvanias you fricking moron
    there's just metroid goyslop and vania kino

  16. 4 months ago

    Hollow Knight sucks dick, and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
    >powerups suck. You basically use your default attack the entire game. The most exciting power up is the double jump. Sad!
    >visual narcolepsy. Oh boy I sure love looking at the same monochrome areas over and over.
    >uninteresting bosses (doesn't help all the powerups suck)
    >exploration is usually shit. Just because you make an area/room huge doesn't mean it's fun to explore
    >powerups barely affect or encourage exploration. You can zip through parts of Castlevania or Metroid quick if you have the powerups and knowledge. troony bug moves slowly forever
    >the powerups are shit

    • 4 months ago

      You have to be the biggest moron on the planet if you think Hollow Knight bosses are worse than Super Metroid's. 80% of Super Metroid's bosses just stand still and spam random shit at you. Nothing in Hollow Knight comes close to being as fricking awful as Kraid is.

      • 4 months ago

        >Nothing in Hollow Knight comes close to being as fricking awful as Kraid is.
        what about radiant markoth

        • 4 months ago

          that's a completely optional postgame boss intended to be extremely difficult. Almost all of Super Metroid's dog shit bosses are mandatory on a normal playthrough.

          If we're including postgame bullshit bosses then, Galamoth in SOTN is worse than Radiant Markoth as well and is nigh unbeatable without extreme cheese.

      • 4 months ago

        I agree, but it's still telling that Hollow Knight has bosses that are BARELY more interesting than a game 30 years old. Wanna compare Hollow Knight's exploration and how good it is compared to The Cheetahmen next for a slam dunk? Give me a break Black person.

        • 4 months ago

          That isn't really Hollow Knight's fault though. Super Metroid is a great game and still holds up. It was way ahead of its time, as was Symphony of the Night.

          How would you WANT a modern game to improve on games that already basically perfected the formula? Whether you think aspects of Hollow Knight are worse than those games or better, those games already defined so much of the genre that it's hard to see how a game in a similar style could even improve. What do you really expect to be added even 30 years later? It's a sidescroller, one of the most limiting forms of game design. Having even decent bosses in a sidescroller is something that only a handful of games have pulled off in nearly 40 years. What could they add? You already get a dash and iframes, as well as a robust system that lets you equip items that give you special traits or change your playstyle entirely such as a summon build or magic boosters.

          Is the fact that it's still a sidescroller the problem? Then go play fricking Dark Souls 1 or Banjo Tooie if you want a metroidvania without the limitations of that genre.

  17. 4 months ago

    i'll give Hollow Knight this, no other metroidvania has made me hate a boss so much.

  18. 4 months ago

    hollowknight has too much pogoing for me

  19. 4 months ago

    have a nice day

  20. 4 months ago

    >HATE metroid
    kys homosexual

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