Magic System Challenge.

Magic System Challenge. Come up with in a single paragraph describing a magic system where there is no resource mechanic (spells per day, magic points, fatigue points, meta currency) utilized save for the conditions of spell casting or secondary effects of the magic itself. Don't worry about rehashing existing systems. But, try to avoid copying the any other poster's idea too closely.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Spells are casted on appealing to a hard to read/understand "soul" of the spell. This can involve complicated dances, paragraph long verbal spells, burying money in specific ways, or just tossing a big thumbs up to the sky. Each spell knows what it likes and magical study is more akin to psychological profiling than mathematical study. The more the spell likes your appeal, the strong your spell will be. Dark magic specifically involves pissing off the spell in question so it lashes out in anger and dodging the fallout.

  2. 5 months ago

    Is this for a youtube video?

    • 5 months ago

      Worse, it's a "Do my work for me!" thread.

      • 5 months ago

        >implying anyone here runs games
        it's a neckbeardia thread

  3. 5 months ago

    The player creates a boon created by the magic and the GM creates a negative effect of the magic as described. For every single additional effect the GM creates another negative effect. Ergo the bigger the magic, the greater the cost.

  4. 5 months ago

    Wizard spells:
    >you have to solve a visual puzzle between your hands as you are casting a spell, this relies on real life INT
    Cleric spells:
    >you have to memorize holy texts and fill in sentences as you are casting a spell, this relies on WIS
    >a mix of both, in addition to this the grimoires are filled with gore and you get creepy ass hallucinations so that normies will be disgusted irl, meaning that you need to have a certain disposition to be able to cast necromancy spells (as it should be)
    Bard spells:
    >you need to fill in songs/poems during combat, based on what is considered good literature thematically and in terms of rhyming, this relies on irl literary skills

    It's a pretty hardcore system that relies on real life traits. Only works in videogames though.

    • 5 months ago

      Bard sounds a little over powered given the other line ups.

      The player creates a boon created by the magic and the GM creates a negative effect of the magic as described. For every single additional effect the GM creates another negative effect. Ergo the bigger the magic, the greater the cost.

      Muh idea.

      Is this for a youtube video?


      Spells are casted on appealing to a hard to read/understand "soul" of the spell. This can involve complicated dances, paragraph long verbal spells, burying money in specific ways, or just tossing a big thumbs up to the sky. Each spell knows what it likes and magical study is more akin to psychological profiling than mathematical study. The more the spell likes your appeal, the strong your spell will be. Dark magic specifically involves pissing off the spell in question so it lashes out in anger and dodging the fallout.

      Kind of a mixture of life drain/risk and narrative contextual method.

      • 5 months ago

        mhm. The goal is that there are rewards for getting to know one spell or type of spell really well and figuring out exactly how much blood to put into an exactly half silver half copper bowl at exactly the right angle gets you mucho rewards. Of course, its mostly to encourage narrative play beyond "I cast X!"

    • 5 months ago

      this is really interesting; one thing to note tho is that in most games, D&D included, the definitions of INT and WIS are kinda stupid.
      INT in D&D is basically knowledge, like "were you able to learn and memorize this"
      WIS is basically a combination of Perceptive Skills, Spiritual Empathy, and Psychic Constitution.
      So I think it would be more accurate as:
      Wizard Spells
      >Memory Puzzles
      Cleric Spells
      >Perception/ "Spot what's wrong" Puzzles
      Necromancer Spells
      >Logic Puzzles
      Bard Spells
      >Poetic/Rhyme Puzzles

  5. 5 months ago

    "magic" is defined as anything which contradicts natural law. Any spells you make can be custom-built for a situation, but there is essentially a difficulty check that is modified by how helpful the spell is and how much it warps reality/ goes against natural law. You can debate with the game master and together come up with the difficulty check. then you roll, and your roll determines if the spell happens, if it sorta happens, or if it goes catastrophically wrong.

    • 5 months ago

      Bro that's literally Powered By The Apocalypse.

      • 5 months ago

        really? that's rad, if you have the handbook on you do you mind showing me how they illustrate it?

        • 5 months ago

          It's more of an engine that systems and settings get bolted on to, but they're all about negotiating effects with the GM, arguing for bonuses while he justifies maluses, and then you roll 2d6 where the most common result is "works, but with a complication." There's an ethos of failing forward in the game design, where failing a roll doesn't stop action from happening but causes action that players wouldn't prefer.

  6. 5 months ago

    Every spell has an emotional component. Powerful spells have simpler spells nested within them that must succeed, and the simpler spells have an emotional component assigned to them. The game is to make the DM feel that emotion by any means necessary, or else to get three non-DM party member players to feel that emotion at the same time and announce it. This leans on magic's real life lore history of being about performance, ritual, relationship, and subjective experiences. So as to not derail the game too often, only one spellcaster allowed per group. The other systems have a different mechanic. Maybe betting on card draws, or how many punches you can take on the back or shoulders from the DM, and other things motivated by basic human instinct.

    • 5 months ago

      Sound a bit like meta currency.

      "magic" is defined as anything which contradicts natural law. Any spells you make can be custom-built for a situation, but there is essentially a difficulty check that is modified by how helpful the spell is and how much it warps reality/ goes against natural law. You can debate with the game master and together come up with the difficulty check. then you roll, and your roll determines if the spell happens, if it sorta happens, or if it goes catastrophically wrong.

      Similar to mage the ascension meets war hammer.

      • 5 months ago

        a friend whom I love dearly but has severe ADHD tried to excitedly explain to me how the magic system worked in Mage the Ascension worked and I just could not follow, can you try to summarize it for me?

        • 5 months ago

          You have to hide magic under ordinary phenomenon to get the highest probability of roll least difficulty. Acts of overt magic are more difficult and give you a type of negative mana/fatigue death spiral mechanic called Paradox. When your Paradox gets too high, then you take damage or some weird side effect or plot/scene issue comes up.

  7. 5 months ago

    each spell is pegged to a stock in your real-world investment portfolio. you are allowed to cast that spell if the stock value has risen that day. you are able to cast more powerful versions of the spell based on how much the stock has risen.

    • 5 months ago

      That is so literally a meta-currency that I'm actually kind of dumbfounded.

    • 5 months ago

      That is so literally a meta-currency that I'm actually kind of dumbfounded.

      Yeah, that's meta currency. Also tied to single casts per day.

  8. 5 months ago


  9. 5 months ago

    Push the button and it goes.

  10. 5 months ago

    make magic technically unlimited but much more difficult to pull off and/or inconsistent, compared to just whacking someone with a sword

    wizard spells: every spell has a channeling time where the wizard must perform rituals with complex actions with his staff/wand and verbalise incantations. experienced wizards can do these quite quickly but even the simplest of combat spells would take at least 1 game turn to ''cast'', with most taking 2-5 turns. you can't store these spells either, they must be cast in real time and can easily be interrupted. when it's interrupted you have to start the whole ritual from scratch. it's meant to encourage more teamwork where martials have to defend the wizards who are channeling.

    druid spells: same as wizard spells but also consumes some organic ingredients like herbs, monster body parts etc. The main difference is the ritual is ''paused'' when it's interrupted, so you don't have to restart from the beginning and can just pick up where you left off.

    cleric spells: you roll random checks on wisdom (or an equivalent stat in another system) to simulate the fickle will of your god. power level of spells scale according to difficulty of random checks, but are generally weaker comapred to wizard spells of the same level, and have significant less chance of success than physical attacks of the same level.

    alchemist/enchanter: you make potions/enchantments that grant buffs/heals etc. to you and your allies. in combat you're basically a fighter/archer, your only magical interaction is outside combat.

  11. 5 months ago

    It's not games but writing, 'cause it's good the way it is in RPGs. There's only divine magic and you sacrifice something in your body to cast spells. That would mean HP or CON points. From spit for cantrips to blood to entire body parts if you want to cast above your league. Most spellcasters are missing fingers or have a mechanical limb or two because I like grimdark shit.

  12. 5 months ago

    prowlers and paragons.

  13. 5 months ago
    OP is a lazy fag

    The players write their desired effect on sheets of paper. These are folded for secrecy and redistribution. Afterwords, three rounds of Poker are played with a deck of cards. The victor picks a suggestion out of the hat w/o reading it. OP then lays on the table, ass up, and reads suggestion while taking part in his favorite activity. If OP’s bunghole makes the player orgasm, then the player is ineligible for using that suggestion in the future. The next highest scoring player then penetrates OP. In the case of a tie between two players, OP squeals in girlish pleasure and uses both ends. In the rare case of more than two players tying, a coin flip decides which loser has to cuddle with OP. If OP orgasms from the stimulation, then the player(s) gets to use the magic effect in the game. But you already know this OP, since you invented the system.

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