Majesty Gold

What hero do you hate the most and wh- I'M MEEEELTIIIING!!!

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    >tomb of the dragon king
    >skeletons wandering in the forest while dragons are destroying the kingdom
    >priestess getting one shot
    >read prima's guide and see how dwarves are resistant to magic
    >one little dwarf single-hands a bunch of dragons while I heal his ass
    frick paper priestess and dumb skeletons

    • 7 months ago

      from memory skeletons are borderline dragon immune because of their obscene evasion or what was the stat to dodge ranged attacks
      so you just needed more priestesses to hit critical mass

    • 7 months ago

      Since when is dragon breath magic? It used to count as ranged damage, so skeletons could dodge it repeatedly. Magic can't be dodged at all, only resisted.

      • 7 months ago

        you are correct, the skeleton alternative is adept or solarus

    • 7 months ago

      >300 usd for a new paperback
      fricking israelites

    • 7 months ago

      Dragon breath is ranged, not magic.

  2. 7 months ago

    I like Majesty 2 more than 1.

    • 7 months ago

      What's better about 2?

      • 7 months ago

        Well, I think that Majesty 2 is better in every way. It's a solid upgrade:
        - graphics and interface are miles better;
        - almost each mission in the second game have some cool feature, meanwhile in the first most of them feel the same or light variations.
        I play Majesty 2 from time to time, I heard some people said that 1 is better, tried it and didn't like it at all.

      • 7 months ago

        Hall of Lords is great. Getting to use your old heroes at a cost adds a lot. Even becomes an important part of 1 mission that filters a lot of players who can't take the hint from the dragon telling you your fresh level 1 heroes are too puny. Fighter Lords even get to keep immunity to knockback which they earn in a mission to fight a giant. Though I wish there were unique items/artifacts for them to keep, I always wanted to keep using the Bell, the Book and the Candle and their stat boosts in Majesty 1.

        Markets being limited to 1 means you know the game is balanced around that. In Majesty 1 getting multiple money buildings up trivialized everything pass the first 5 minutes.

        Parties help a lot in getting your heroes to work together. Though I'd rather they try to party up on their own. Majesty 1 almost seemed to try that with how Priestesses of Agrela would follow heroes but it wasn't much.

        Bad point of Majesty 2 is that the heroes aren't as proactive in their adventuring, especially Rangers who won't automatically explore the map for you, though they will still go after Explore Flags more easily than other heroes.

        I also like the Heal spell being available from a tier 1 building so I can get to healing right away but I'm sure some people wouldn't like that and would rather a more hands off approach.

        • 7 months ago

          The bad point of Majesty 2 is that they stripped all the personality out of the AI. Heroes now all act basically the same. Monsters were hit even worse.

          • 7 months ago

            What personality from heroes was removed? Besides the already mention rangers not exploring on their own, of course.

            And the monsters? Ratmen stole from markets and what else?

      • 7 months ago

        Well, I think that Majesty 2 is better in every way. It's a solid upgrade:
        - graphics and interface are miles better;
        - almost each mission in the second game have some cool feature, meanwhile in the first most of them feel the same or light variations.
        I play Majesty 2 from time to time, I heard some people said that 1 is better, tried it and didn't like it at all.


        • 7 months ago

          Why didn't you take just a regular screenshot from Majesty 2, but also cranked up brightness?

        • 7 months ago

          i tried majesty 2 and beat few cmapaign missions but it just don't work for me
          it looks bad, readability is bad, most charm from heroes acting is gone

    • 7 months ago

      Well, I think that Majesty 2 is better in every way. It's a solid upgrade:
      - graphics and interface are miles better;
      - almost each mission in the second game have some cool feature, meanwhile in the first most of them feel the same or light variations.
      I play Majesty 2 from time to time, I heard some people said that 1 is better, tried it and didn't like it at all.

      >Liking Majesty 2
      >Where the hero and monster AIs were dumbed down to hell
      >Where the monster variety is piss poor and feels more generic
      >Where the newer heroes don't have any personality (hell, all the heroes don't have personalities)
      >Where the graphics, aesthetics and atmosphere are a visible downgrade despite being 3D
      >Where the maps feel smaller than in the 1st game
      >Where there are no truly memorable boss monsters
      >Where you can't build temples except on specific "holy grounds"
      >Where you can't build as many guilds as you want
      >Where you can't build as many marketplaces as you want
      >Where you can't build as many trading posts as you want
      >Where at the beginning of the game, before it was patched up, some missions were so damn broken they had to patch those up
      >The whole bullshit with the Monster Kingdom that seems like a crushingly majority of the "new" heroes are reskins
      Yeah no. Game 2 has no personality. It's painfully generic.

      • 7 months ago

        Your points seem like nostalgia glasses because:
        >Where the hero and monster AIs were dumbed down to hell
        I played Majesty 1 once about a year ago and I don't remember it having great AI as well.
        >Where the monster variety is piss poor and feels more generic
        Monsters feels more vary than in the first Majesty, I remember almost every monster from Maj2, but not as much from Maj1.
        >Where the newer heroes don't have any personality (hell, all the heroes don't have personalities)
        What even is this?
        >Where the graphics, aesthetics and atmosphere are a visible downgrade despite being 3D
        I don't like graphics from the first Maj, meanwhile I find graphics from Maj2 pretty. Also Maj1 doesn't just look good on modern systems.
        >Where the maps feel smaller than in the 1st game
        I don't know, but Maj2 terrain doesn't feel as flat.
        >Where there are no truly memorable boss monsters
        Mmm... Are you sure you played Maj2?
        >Where you can't build ... as you want
        Yeah, that's different, not worse.
        >Where at the beginning of the game, before it was patched up
        I played the patched version.
        >The whole bullshit with the Monster Kingdom that seems like a crushingly majority of the "new" heroes are reskins
        I agree Monster Kingdom is meh.

  3. 7 months ago

    Does the workshop stuff make it worth buying on Steam? I saw some new quests made by the community.

  4. 7 months ago

    holy shit, the royal advisor actor voiced other characters as well

    • 7 months ago

      You telling me it's not Sean Connery?

    • 7 months ago

      You telling me it's not Sean Connery?

      You're telling me it's not William Wallace?

    • 7 months ago

      Three cheers for Fervus!

      The wizards are really obviously him, but that's a good range otherwise

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >tfw I had OG boxed edition while being 9yo frick
      >tfw I still have printed manual and CD-ROM with the game on it
      feels good

  5. 7 months ago

    I haven't played 2 but I thought It looked like shit.
    Not sure I'm very good at majesty because I have a lot of trouble with the more advanced quests in the north. Is building as many marketplaces as possible the best way to make money or is it best to strategically position a few since it's dependant on your heroes stopping in?
    It's been a minute but I think I remember tournaments being good money makers. I might have to reinstall and give it a spin. I remember being frustrated with not being able to beat the hardest levels

    • 7 months ago

      I think the North expansion sucks. The new buildings are weird, I don't like the quests either. It is not fun for me.

      • 7 months ago

        The expansion added some of the best managing spells in the game though, like change of heart.

  6. 7 months ago

    I loved both games, there are no other games like this anyway.

  7. 7 months ago

    How the frick was i supposed to control how the sewer grates spawned again?
    And houses, for that matter..

    • 7 months ago

      just disable repair and taxes on houses, they're not worth it

    • 7 months ago

      Prima's guide pages 39 and 129.
      > One Housing is built for every four heroes present in your kingdom and is not removed if they perish or leave
      >Automatically built for every 9 buildings in your kingdom, the Sewer continually spawns 1-3 Giant Rats or Ratmen in less than two day intervals

    • 7 months ago

      Why contain it?

    • 7 months ago

      Don't control them, Ratmen exist to level up your lower levelled heroes. Let them come out so your shitties can stab them or ones you gave bounties to so they can get some gold and shit for potions and upgrades.

  8. 7 months ago

    Wild adventure builds character.

  9. 7 months ago

    Barb and Wizard have frustrated me the most in this game. Both are very powerful but barb is fricking moronic and wizard is slow, expensive, and squishy.

    • 7 months ago

      I want to say Fervus is my favorite temple. Cultists level quickly and are pretty tanky once they hit level 7. However, getting your economy up and spamming the Krolm button is very, very satisfying.

      Barbs are cheap, have comparable INT to a Warrior, you get 6 per guild in the expansion, they can one-shot golems if they crit, and have a chance of just going unconscious instead of dying. On top of all that, you also get The Button. I find them remarkably easy to use

      • 7 months ago

        Elves + Warriors + Barbs can beat pretty much every mission by spamming the Krolm button.

      • 7 months ago

        I dunno, summoning Krolm just feels like pressing an "I win" button. Too effective. Plus I don't really like heroes dying a lot with no resurrections before the mausoleum.

        Have a similar problem with gnomes where I don't like their hovels but they just make the whole game so much smoother with how they rapidly build things. But, y'know, they're gnomes and elves and dwarves won't move in with gnomes there.

        It's like playing Goths in AoE2, don't think, just spam. And I say that as someone whose best civ is Goths.

        • 7 months ago

          The real fun is casting Blessing, Stone Skin and Vigilance on a simple hero, like a rogue, and seeing him becoming a war machine.

  10. 7 months ago


  11. 7 months ago

    I'm amazed no one made a spiritual sequel yet.
    There's a lot of games that feel like they'd flirted with similar ideas (rimworld comes to mind) but nothing quite matches the original.

    It's sad.
    Another weird case is stronghold where even stronghgold sequels were just straight inferior to crusader.
    We're living the beginning of 40k's knowledge rot where people of 2020s don't know how to make good games from 2002.

    • 7 months ago

      >We're living the beginning of 40k's knowledge rot where people of 2020s don't know how to make good games from 2002.
      here's how it goes
      >bunch of israelites are in possession of extreme amounts of money necessary to make ambitious, worthwhile video games
      >said israelites have no concept of a "good" video game, so half the budget is diversity training and market research
      >women and racial minorities are put in managerial positions across the entire production process
      >they also have no concept of a "good" video game, they treat their work as a social message in the form of a cinematic experience
      >the white programmers who just want to make dawn of war 1 tier games again get outed the moment they dare complain about producing run of the mill goyslop for the 30th time

      • 7 months ago

        Now, now, anon. You can't blame all your problems on israelites and minorities.

        • 7 months ago

          huh? why not?

          • 7 months ago

            Probably lets the real problems go unaddressed.

            I mean, you likely don't enjoy 90% of the games made by white guys.

            Frankly I find the strategy genre doesn't really have anywhere much to go beside remixing old stuff and slapping on new coats of paint. Like, what do you even want in a sequel to Majesty? Specifically. What advertised features would make you buy a spiritual successor?

            • 7 months ago

              if you don't know, you didn't play majesty, get the frick out of this thread, queer

          • 7 months ago

            >We're living the beginning of 40k's knowledge rot where people of 2020s don't know how to make good games from 2002.
            here's how it goes
            >bunch of israelites are in possession of extreme amounts of money necessary to make ambitious, worthwhile video games
            >said israelites have no concept of a "good" video game, so half the budget is diversity training and market research
            >women and racial minorities are put in managerial positions across the entire production process
            >they also have no concept of a "good" video game, they treat their work as a social message in the form of a cinematic experience
            >the white programmers who just want to make dawn of war 1 tier games again get outed the moment they dare complain about producing run of the mill goyslop for the 30th time

            Are you lost chugger?

    • 7 months ago

      There's Driftland: The Magic Revival, which is very clearly Majesty-inspired, but I couldn't get into it, despite it having some fun ideas. I liked the more complex resource management, but the game is so slow-paced, and it's quite lacking in charm.

  12. 7 months ago

    I only play Majesty without the spells, mostly because I didn't realize they existed for awhile as a kid. Now just because it's the way I find it fun and challenging without the player spells. I find the heroes use of spells they learn more interesting without casting spells myself, it's really the heroes doing all the battle.

    That's what I like about Majesty, how you can almost suspend disbelief that you're responsible for winning the game, but it's the characters in the world who are fighting and dieing too change the course of battle. Makes the gameworld feel alive in a way beyond games like elder scrolls "living worlds". In a way im not sure has been replicated properly sense.

    • 7 months ago

      Although colony sims like rimworld have in many ways picked up the mantle, they just haven't captured the same simple spirit that makes the experience so succint.

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