>Make your shooter feel worse to play. >Applauded by everyone

>Make your shooter feel worse to play
>Applauded by everyone
What are your thoughts on the squad infantry combat revamps?

It seems very popular but it's not something I understand. Making gun handling feel like shit in a multiplayer game for the sake of "immersion" just doesn't sound appealing to me. I thought Squad was supposed to be fun because it wasn't like Arma and other games where the controls are shit

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  1. 12 months ago

    When i bought this game the game run smooth no shutter no texture bugs everything fine now i can't even get 30fps ingame and i had 100+ hr in this game

    • 12 months ago

      I have a 3090 and the game runs like shit.
      Squad is such a mess, absolute fricking garbage.

      please if there is a god somewhere ogun thunderstrike the homosexuals at owi

  2. 12 months ago

    >walking now takes even longer in the walking simulator
    >weapons that were shitty are even shittier now
    >can barely see what you are even shooting at
    >still no fastrope or even a normal rope
    >they want to remove climbing
    >no attack helicopters
    >copypasta buildings everywhere
    >Vehicles feel like you are driving a balloon and have generally shit handling and very shitty or no interiors
    >no way to communicate but using the microphone
    >Squad guy cant yell for ammo or stuff like that
    >vehicles cant honk for some reason
    >extremely bugged and it takes years for them to remove the bugs
    >building stuff is completely pointless as artillery can just tear it down in 3 seconds
    >no stats or ranks or anything
    >commander still cant do shit and still has zero authority (cant deactivate spawnpoints or give people commands etc.)
    >Logistics is just moving numbers with a slow ass truck
    >nobody ever wants to defend because its boring
    >stupid paid ingame handsign emoji bullshit now you can frick the ground with pushups and moan
    >too many shitty maps
    >no destruction of any kind
    >the gamemodes are still shitty
    >outdated nonsensical kits

    and there is probably more but its a shitty game. also the community sucks.
    frick every moron playing this game and frick the morons making it.

    • 12 months ago

      milsim players just suck ass at shooters is what I've realized

      Squad was fun IMO because it was unusual for a "milsim" shooter in that it was just tight and fun to play. People complaining that individual players could do too much is just a confirmation that games like Arma are retirement homes for people who want the experience of being a macho soldier man after giving up on getting gud at FPS games.

      in games like planetside 2 every milsimmer squad leader had a massive ego while being absolutely fricking dogshit at the game if they weren't surrounded by their entourage, too

      t. comphomosexuals who never played PR
      I'm glad you're getting filtered.

      • 12 months ago

        squad is nothing like PR

        • 12 months ago

          they're trying to fix that unfortunately

          • 12 months ago

            Stop getting your opinions from youtubers

            • 12 months ago

              Squadtubers love the changes because they're milsimmers. I thought PR felt like shit so I didn't play it. I thought Arma felt like shit so I didn't play it. I thought Squad hit a good balance between milsim and being fun to play but people were mad that people could pull shit on the move instead of going prone in a bush

              • 12 months ago

                just follow your SL anon it's not that hard

              • 12 months ago

                I'm just straight up not interested in playing a shooter where teamplay is the only way. My fondest memories of squad are pulling things off when things have gone breasts up and I only have one or two people with me and the point of this update is to make that less possible by making movement slow and shooting incredibly clunky for a single person

                That they're talking about moving climbing on top of it is just the cherry on top.

              • 12 months ago

                >*removing climbing

              • 12 months ago

                >I'm just straight up not interested in playing a shooter where teamplay is the only way
                Just go play Battlebit

                Any paid "emoji" is completely counter to the vision of the devs, and frankly the fact most of them left and it's being headed by a mobile CEO tells me the game isn't going to be good again.
                The entire game started becoming casual garbage after V10 when they got rid of rush meta.

                >The entire game started becoming casual garbage after V10 when they got rid of rush meta.
                Good thing they're finally unfricking it.

              • 12 months ago

                Isn't gutting the potential of a solo player to accomplish much of anything a step further in the direction of being casual

              • 12 months ago

                How did they even gut solo players? did they remove the ability to flank and 1 tap people in the head or something? I haven't played in a year but this sounds like a meme. Even with the slow ass movement speed in V6 before most vehicles even existed you could still flank and spank solo.

              • 12 months ago

                Basically they made it so that you need to stand still for a bit to stabilize your weapon and recoil is now insanely violent/sights will become uncentered which will obscure your target while shooting. A player with a good flank doesn't have a stable firing platform to shoot more than one or two people and they can't be as effective on the move due to the stability system due to being slower. There's also battlefield suppression.

              • 12 months ago

                No, because intelligent players will still know how to manage their stamina and positioning better than a moron just like PR. And given that tactics are now more important knowing how to work as a team is critical.
                If anything this makes the game harder for casuals to play, because it no longer is possible to frick off and “do your own thing” like you can right now.

                Un-fricking it two years after isn't going to bring most people back, at least for competitive players.

                Comphomosexuals are a lower form of life and I really don’t care what they think

              • 12 months ago

                >Touts himself as an intelligent player
                >Seethes over the concept of competitive play
                Incomprehensible. Have a terrible day

              • 12 months ago

                No I mock it because Squad was always a joke competitively.
                A game being hardcore and a game being competitive are two separate things, something the big fish in the tiny pond Squad comphomosexuals were never able to grasp

              • 12 months ago

                Well if you like pubstomping I at least know you sit somewhere between douchebag and midwit thanks.

                Basically they made it so that you need to stand still for a bit to stabilize your weapon and recoil is now insanely violent/sights will become uncentered which will obscure your target while shooting. A player with a good flank doesn't have a stable firing platform to shoot more than one or two people and they can't be as effective on the move due to the stability system due to being slower. There's also battlefield suppression.

                Oh so they jacked up the recoil modifier, and increased ADS time? That sounds atrocious. The first suppression implementation was bad enough (so bad they turned it off.) Basically if you could land a round within ten feet of a person and give them full on parkinsons.

              • 12 months ago

                >Well if you like pubstomping I at least know you sit somewhere between douchebag and midwit thanks.
                If thats what you got out of my post then you’re a mongoloid.
                That other anon also is lying to you. They didn’t increase ADS time or change vertical recoil. They added sight misalignment.

              • 12 months ago

                Un-fricking it two years after isn't going to bring most people back, at least for competitive players.

              • 12 months ago

                Good. I don't want people like you playing the game. I'd tell you to go play Hell Let Loose but that game is getting even shittier than it already was.

              • 12 months ago

                i think insurgency is the game youre looking for

                and yes milsim players are dogshit. its exactly the same as rts players who whine that starcraft doesnt have "strategy".

        • 12 months ago

          Exactly, which is why the infantry overhaul is making it like PR.

          • 12 months ago

            its still nothing like PR
            see here

            >walking now takes even longer in the walking simulator
            >weapons that were shitty are even shittier now
            >can barely see what you are even shooting at
            >still no fastrope or even a normal rope
            >they want to remove climbing
            >no attack helicopters
            >copypasta buildings everywhere
            >Vehicles feel like you are driving a balloon and have generally shit handling and very shitty or no interiors
            >no way to communicate but using the microphone
            >Squad guy cant yell for ammo or stuff like that
            >vehicles cant honk for some reason
            >extremely bugged and it takes years for them to remove the bugs
            >building stuff is completely pointless as artillery can just tear it down in 3 seconds
            >no stats or ranks or anything
            >commander still cant do shit and still has zero authority (cant deactivate spawnpoints or give people commands etc.)
            >Logistics is just moving numbers with a slow ass truck
            >nobody ever wants to defend because its boring
            >stupid paid ingame handsign emoji bullshit now you can frick the ground with pushups and moan
            >too many shitty maps
            >no destruction of any kind
            >the gamemodes are still shitty
            >outdated nonsensical kits

            and there is probably more but its a shitty game. also the community sucks.
            frick every moron playing this game and frick the morons making it.

            • 12 months ago

              didn’t read

              • 12 months ago

                read it you aidsinfested fricking moron

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                >he wants ranks and stats
                Yeah, that wasn’t worth reading

              • 12 months ago

                yes so people play the objectives

              • 12 months ago

                New overhaul will weed out all the yards that don’t do that

    • 12 months ago

      >no attack helicopters
      And thats a good thing.

      • 12 months ago

        >And thats a good thing.
        no its not.
        just give every faction Anti Air weapons.
        make Helis less of a tank.


        • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >no way to communicate but using the microphone
      How is this a bad thing?

      • 12 months ago

        >have to yell to some moron for the 10000000th times to give me ammo instead of actually discussing the next move
        >cant just yell with the ingame dude at him and give a pop up on his screen so he can shit the ammobox out

        New overhaul will weed out all the yards that don’t do that

        nobody will play the objectives, they will still walk to the next point across the tallil airbase desert, just slower.

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            frick you Black person

            • 12 months ago

              concession accepted

        • 12 months ago

          Battlebit is a couple doors down the hall

          • 12 months ago

            unironically the better game but looks like absolute dogshit. and the maps suck there too.
            also has shit balance. another game for moronic manchildren like you. go rope

            • 12 months ago

              >giving a shit about graphics
              the maps dont suck they just suck in a matchmade server where there is no team wide coordination between squad leaders and everyone is just doing their own thing since its just a battlefield game with some milsim mechanics

        • 12 months ago

          A fricking pop up? Where the frick do I get those?

        • 12 months ago

          >have to yell to some moron for the 10000000th times to give me ammo instead of actually discussing the next move
          >cant just yell with the ingame dude at him and give a pop up on his screen so he can shit the ammobox out

          Why are you playing with random people online? Why are you not playing with friends in a squad based tactical shooter?

          • 12 months ago

            >Why are you not playing with friends in a squad based tactical shooter?
            what friends?
            you think I actually associate with any of these losers that play this shit?

      • 12 months ago

        when I was deployed you could talk to anyone pretty much

        this game fricking sucks

        • 12 months ago

          I honestly can't understand why you frickers think Mics are a bad thing and you are only typing. Maybe you are the perfect example of dumb fricks who need a shitty pop up prompt.
          Is that what you are trying to do right now?

          • 12 months ago

            mics are fine but EVERYONE IS A FRICKING moron

            get it now?

            • 12 months ago

              Yeah, I got it that you are a moron, loud and clear.

              • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >>no stats or ranks or anything

    • 12 months ago

      >building stuff is completely pointless as artillery can just tear it down in 3 seconds
      >no destruction of any kind

      • 12 months ago

        Eh, don't be pedantic. It is disappointing you can't just arty a building to collapsing that enemies are hiding in.
        But it airstrikes used to be even stronger against HABs and emplacements. Those were tough times...

        • 12 months ago

          > disappointing you can't just arty a building to collapsing that enemies are hiding in
          cannot wait till battlebit gets mortars or offmap artillery, no reason to play any other game at that point really .

          • 12 months ago

            I like Battlebit, too. But it doesn't scratch the teamwork itch that I love about Squad. Otherwise, it's a fabulous game, really. Imagine if EA allowed Battlefield to be this good in 2023

            • 12 months ago

              i feel it absolutely could if they just implement a few things like fire support and some kind of mode that slows movement and aim speed a notch with some preset loadouts
              the rest of the mechanics are pretty much there aside from logistics but i dont think thats a necessary requirement, honestly they have a strong foundation for it

              • 12 months ago

                Oh that's clever, yeah. Like a hardcore mode playlist? The only risk is separating the playerbase. I'd still probably prefer Squad for the armor play, but I could see the vision.

                >have to yell to some moron for the 10000000th times to give me ammo instead of actually discussing the next move
                >cant just yell with the ingame dude at him and give a pop up on his screen so he can shit the ammobox out

                Why are you playing with random people online? Why are you not playing with friends in a squad based tactical shooter?

                > broo rifleman give me ammo
                > No, I need to save it for the AT or medic
                Now you are getting constantly pinged with a flashy popup. By several monkeys who press whatever button prompt appears on screen. At least voice chat you can mute.

              • 12 months ago

                ...ok, I guess I should rephrase my question to why are you playing with moronic friends in a squad based tactical shooter? Are you stupid or something? Get friends that actually put effort into gaming and have passed at least the 8th grade in school.

              • 12 months ago

                Right, yeah. A few of my friends like tactical shooters but not like me.
                I just play almost entirely on 1 server in a clan I joined. I don't really participate in the clan activities, but seeing fellow members sorta vets them as being competent. And a bunch of these guys absolutely outclass me.
                I also enjoy seeing the same folks on the server, like it's a regulars bar or something.

              • 12 months ago

                >have to yell to some moron for the 10000000th times to give me ammo instead of actually discussing the next move
                >cant just yell with the ingame dude at him and give a pop up on his screen so he can shit the ammobox out

                Why are you playing with random people online? Why are you not playing with friends in a squad based tactical shooter?

                >have to yell to some moron for the 10000000th times to give me ammo instead of actually discussing the next move
                >cant just yell with the ingame dude at him and give a pop up on his screen so he can shit the ammobox out

                nobody will play the objectives, they will still walk to the next point across the tallil airbase desert, just slower.

                Right, yeah. A few of my friends like tactical shooters but not like me.
                I just play almost entirely on 1 server in a clan I joined. I don't really participate in the clan activities, but seeing fellow members sorta vets them as being competent. And a bunch of these guys absolutely outclass me.
                I also enjoy seeing the same folks on the server, like it's a regulars bar or something.

                Oh, anon, I'm sorry. I misread the thread quotations. Yeah, that guy is being moronic for playing with morons.

      • 12 months ago

        the buildings dont even have doors. no building in the entire game on any map has functioning doors. its either completely open or the door is painted on.
        massive artillery strike destroys the hasco blocks and bunkers but the wood garage which is some static prop never takes any damage.
        looks like shit.

    • 12 months ago

      >>no stats or ranks or anything
      Based, players just playing the game for the sake of it. Incredible
      >can barely see what you are even shooting at
      >no way to communicate but using the microphone
      Yea we like to call this true soul

      • 12 months ago

        >players just playing the game for the sake of it
        but they they dont you fricking moron. they rarely defend the objective or attack the right point.
        there is no incentive to collect points for defending.
        maybe an incentive would force the morons to actually defend instead of running off.

        • 12 months ago

          > incentive to force defense
          Werks on my server =^)
          Maybe you need to find a better community? Squad recently added cool new server tags to make it easier to find what you're looking for. Good luck, anon!

          • 12 months ago

            >Werks on my server =^)
            every server is shit and filled with absolute morons and its the same problem everywhere.
            sure maybe you get a game where it works once in a while but majority of the game is morons not defending or doing something entirely else that has nothing to do with the objective.

  3. 12 months ago

    Works on my PC

    • 12 months ago

      >shit ass boring ugly looking arab copypaste building map with no interiors
      >explosion looks like shit and has zero impact on the gameworld
      >still no suicide trucks that the driver can use for bombings like in PR
      >no dronewarfare in the game you have to play with extremely primitive kits
      >low resolution webm

      pls kys

    • 12 months ago

      There wad a time my game look like this now it run like shit, idk wtf dev doing with all these update i don't want new faction or map i just want to run this game smooth

      • 12 months ago

        Are your graphics on epic? you should put them in high, same as other shadow configs and stuff

        • 12 months ago

          Game run fine but started lagging randomly also texture become very muddy poly sometimes

  4. 12 months ago

    Sounds interesting, but I'm one of these guys who don't turn off head bob and deadzone aiming in arma sooo...

  5. 12 months ago

    milsim players just suck ass at shooters is what I've realized

    Squad was fun IMO because it was unusual for a "milsim" shooter in that it was just tight and fun to play. People complaining that individual players could do too much is just a confirmation that games like Arma are retirement homes for people who want the experience of being a macho soldier man after giving up on getting gud at FPS games.

    in games like planetside 2 every milsimmer squad leader had a massive ego while being absolutely fricking dogshit at the game if they weren't surrounded by their entourage, too

    • 12 months ago

      Funny, it's always been SLs that have a remote understanding of the game, and when everyone gets pissed off with people, they stack to one side and proceed to rape the ever fricking life out of the morons they typically corall around.

    • 12 months ago

      >in games like planetside 2 every milsimmer squad leader had a massive ego while being absolutely fricking dogshit at the game if they weren't surrounded by their entourage, too
      If you're talking about buzz he was never milsim just moronsim

      I didn't find many of the milsimmers egotistic either, but I DID notice the milsim types almost universally sucked ass at the game. I played a lot with tactical gamer on emerald NC and while the crew is great to play with, the milsim types amounted to larpers with no clue what they were talking about, no idea how their epic "tactics" actually worked (or DIDNT), and ZERO ability to point and click on heads. It was typical to see these guys with 0.5 to 0.8 KDR. Listening to them feels like a cargo cult; that was fine by me because I wanted the milsim cargo cult aesthetic when I played with them - it's fun in its own way to relax with casual "I don't give a shit about winning" guys.

      BUT, make no mistake the milsim type fills in their inability to play the game with their made up houserules and fantasies of military tactics. "No, we don't redeploy we always take the bus or galaxy" It's like crippling yourself on purpose. Real military tactics would adapt to the 'meta' of the game. In any case, I hope TG never changes on that stuff; it set them apart and its fun when you want to larp around all the guys there make up for their inability to aim by being genuinely fun to play with and as a decent player I valued that head and shoulders over hypercompetent buttholes. But I am under no fantasies or delusions about how ineffective it all is, most of them weren't either.

      • 12 months ago

        I will say a few very nice things about milsimmers:
        They actually listen to and follow orders, even moronic orders. If I had a TG squad and I wanted to take them across a road, and I notice they're bunching up, I tell them "spacing" and the immediately space themselves out.
        We start moving up on TR or VS, and I tell them hold fire; they actually hold fire.
        I tell so-and-so to take this vehicle and do this for us, he does it even if he isn't super interested in being the bus driver or whatever it might've been.
        And I followed along and did the same respectively because that was the whole point of TG and the milsim stuff.

        However you noticeable DONT get that sort of thing with the "pro-gamer" crowd because those types absolutely ARE the egotistical frickwits who think they're Gods' gift to gaming.

    • 12 months ago

      Ok zoomer

  6. 12 months ago

    What would you guys think of these two changes:

    1) The map and player positions are not live but rather a snapshot from the past 2/3 minutes, just to give you a brief indicative where a squad is located

    2) Make the squad leader be the one (and only one) who can decide your class, so you like join a squad and he has to choose the kit for you.

    I think the first one would increase the TK a lot, but would obligate the squads in a team to coordinate better between each other to prevent crossfire and stuff like that. Second one would make the SL more aware of the squad members

    • 12 months ago

      >1) The map and player positions are not live but rather a snapshot from the past 2/3 minutes, just to give you a brief indicative where a squad is located
      That'd only really work in organized games. Pubs are not capable of that kind of coordination.
      >2) Make the squad leader be the one (and only one) who can decide your class, so you like join a squad and he has to choose the kit for you.
      Not for standard kits, but I liked that specialized stuff (MGs, heavy AT, snipers, etc...) had to be authorized in PR.

    • 12 months ago

      they need to rework the ingame maps too, what kinda military maps are all these factions using that dont show height?
      fricking stupid ass game for morons.
      or if your gun has an optic, you cant carry a binocular for some reason.
      Squad is fricking bullshit.

  7. 12 months ago

    Why do developers kneel to the wants of the community? The way it plays currently is just fine, I don't understand why you'd want to throw it all away to make it feel worse.
    There are still a ton of issues with the game outside how it plays that needs to be tackled first, like the performance issues.

    • 12 months ago

      >performance issues.
      I have a 3060 and it werks fine

    • 12 months ago

      Because I bought a game that presented itself as a PR successor and its taken 8 years for it to finally play like PR

      Based devs
      PR chads won. CAS is next.

      Nah CAS has already been rolled into commander call-ins. Best you can hope for is attack helis

  8. 12 months ago

    Based devs
    PR chads won. CAS is next.

  9. 12 months ago

    >It seems very popular but it's not something I understand. Making gun handling feel like shit in a multiplayer game for the sake of "immersion" just doesn't sound appealing to me. I thought Squad was supposed to be fun because it wasn't like Arma and other games where the controls are shit
    It isn't meant to be realistic. If anything the overhaul makes gunplay less realistic. However, the abstractions made with the gunplay in turn makes firefights more realistic overall.

  10. 12 months ago

    It's good they're trying to bring back old Squad which was much higher skill ceiling, but still no rush meta and also they added microtransactions so they can suck my balls. Most of the core devs left as well so dead game.

    • 12 months ago

      the emojis are not microtransactions though, they're just dumb dlc to support the development

      • 12 months ago

        Any paid "emoji" is completely counter to the vision of the devs, and frankly the fact most of them left and it's being headed by a mobile CEO tells me the game isn't going to be good again.
        The entire game started becoming casual garbage after V10 when they got rid of rush meta.

    • 12 months ago

      >Most of the core devs left as well so dead game.
      That's a good thing. The original Squad devs casualized the game away from PR. The new lead dev is one of the old PR guys and he's making the game the PR successor it was meant to be.

  11. 12 months ago

    Don't know. Game is too busted to play.

    Is the ground individual sand particles? Bro's looked at Escape From Tarkov's weird ass performance shit and said "yee homie let's copy dat sheit, sheeeeeit".

  12. 12 months ago

    honestly battlebit seems like the successor to whatever squad was before this change, if they continue working on features it will definitely replace it imo

    already has all the good parts of squad mechanics but fluid gunplay, movement and fast roping
    if they add long range fire support options and some kind of 'realism' mode i could see a mass exodus happening, even despite the simplistic graphics and lack of milsim

  13. 12 months ago

    Squad is fricking garbage and I don't even have to be playing it for it to piss me off.

    >Trying to play Insurgency
    >"wtf why is my game chugging like dogshit"
    >Squad is installing a 200mb update which for some fricking reason means it has to reinstall the entire 70gb game fricking my ssd without lube while I'm trying to play a different game off it at the same time
    >Uninstall Squad
    >It's now permanently bugged on my downloads screen as an unfinished update

    Go play a real game you hole shoveling homosexuals.

    • 12 months ago

      Works on my machine
      >playing shitsurgency

  14. 12 months ago

    Squad was always meant to be the successor to PR, where team play is key. Unfortunately the devs never made it so, and as a result Squad devolved into battlefield with extra steps. The overhaul fixes that. Now you chimpanzees can't just run at a point and spawn die until you win. And compgays can't just click heads anymore. Marksman and MGs have an actual purpose and having a mix between close and long range optics in a squad makes a huge difference. The games no longer for moronic Black folk and is now fit for the white man. You homosexuals can go to battlebit, I won't miss you, I've squad led so many of you monkeys that I don't care if you leave. And you israelite compgays and just learn to get gud if you don't like it. I swear to God if you Black folk get this overhaul watered down I'll go to the shitty fricking trailer park you live in and disconnect your power. I am so sick and tired of you frickers shitting up my game that if you leave I'll rejoicing. Frick you

    • 12 months ago

      kys downie who even asked you?

    • 12 months ago

      Couldn't agree more, people shitting on Squad here probably whine about getting one tapped and not knowing their left from right how the bullet hit them.

  15. 12 months ago

    Love Squad
    Love HLL
    Love Battlebit
    Love Arma
    Simple as really

    • 12 months ago

      HLL is going downhill fast unfortunately

    • 12 months ago

      HLL is awful. Do not understand the popularity.

  16. 12 months ago

    I fricking hate the gunplay. I hate that "realistic" games play so shitty, even in Arma gunplay feels better. Squad is an ugly mess and it always plays the same, walking waiting etc. and when the action starts there is no real teamwork anyways.

    • 12 months ago

      Just be an SL anon, and kick every fricker out of your squad that doesn't listen. I've had 3 people left in my squad before and always enjoyed my time.

      • 12 months ago

        I never shit on SL but I can't do it myself because I fricking hate all the chatter, if i am home sick of people I don't want to hear all those morons in command channel.

  17. 12 months ago

    Good changes
    > suppression matters
    > PIP scopes, nerf to make non ACOG viable
    > Gun sway when moving, changing stance
    > Multiple magnification marksmen scopes

    Bad changes
    > Too much gun sway
    > Reduced player speed
    > AT is harder

    The bad things just need to be a little less aggressively tuned.

    The suppression with gun sway can be tricky. I flanked several groups of enemies which should have been instant wipes, but they can turn around and instantly suppress me, rendering my flank useless.

    These changes are good overall. Please do not contribute your opinion if you have less than 1000 hours of Squad, by the way.

    • 12 months ago

      Have you played the second test. They reduced the sway by a modest amount. Seems a lot more reasonable now

      • 12 months ago

        I have! I still think it's a little overtuned, but I now must git gud and stop being bothered by it.

        One thing that would be huge: walk run toggle. I don't want to run and frick my aim when I'm about to clear a room. Maybe a setting to allow my character to move more slowly, decreasing sway.

    • 12 months ago

      Honestly I think AT getting nerfed is a good thing, because it makes combined arms viable. In the live built a HAT can just pop an APC that has infantry cover no problem, but in the test built that's a lot harder. It rewards combined arms, while a lone armor piece that gets too close to infantry will still get destroyed if the infantry is semi competent

      • 12 months ago

        Hmm, you might be onto something. I just think the issue is that armor is remarkably safe from AT as it is. A Stryker simply doesn't survive a good tandem hit. So now, you - the already "underpowered" HAT - will struggle to kill it even more?
        But, I could die a happy, autistic man if pub squads could organize combined arms, mechanized infantry play. Maybe the slower move speed will FINALLY encourage people to take rides in the battle taxi...

        • 12 months ago

          AT really is only good for self defense, the real counter to armor is other armor. The HATs and LATs are good for slapping the peepee of an armor piece that hangs around too long, potentially killing it, but armor is always the best tool to kill armor. That and TOWs, that's the one thing infantry gets

          • 12 months ago

            I'd like infantry to have a little more lethality against vehicles to encourage armor to use their range. But agree to disagree. It hasn't stopped from playing at this point.

            sounds shit tbh
            also this guy is right [...]

            t. 2000+ hours in this shitty game

            You know 80% of what he described isn't being changed in the infantry overhaul, right? So you will be spending another 2k hours with the same complaints? Were you pretending to be moronic?

            • 12 months ago

              I'm saying the game is shit and they arent improving anything.
              nothing will ever be fixed, they might introduce new bugs at best and that little "overhaul" is doing jackshit.

              remember when the guy gets up in the wienerpit, blocks your view and holds his ass in your face while larping the reload of an SPG and it took them over a month to fix it?
              squad sucks

              • 12 months ago

                Oh okay, you're right. Fast ropes and car honking are more important than proper suppression and tactics. My bad. Sorry for implying you were anything but a professional moron!

              • 12 months ago

                >proper suppression and tactics
                LMFAo fricking moronic boomer that shits gay asf just learn to click on heads moron

              • 12 months ago

                bruhh no cap I'm rushing niva radio tower this round ong fr fr

              • 12 months ago

                >Fast ropes and car honking are more important
                yes would certainly add more to the gameplay instead of just making the guy walk slower and take longer to aim.

        • 12 months ago

          >Maybe the slower move speed will FINALLY encourage people to take rides in the battle taxi...
          lol never, they will slowly walk across the desert, get steamrolled by the enemy team and then you have guys all over the place slow running to the objective.
          game over, wasted lifetime.

      • 12 months ago

        >because it makes combined arms viable
        I'd argue that, more than anything else, is the biggest difference between Squad and Project Reality. Squad has always been an infantry dominated game. Armored vehicles couldn't get near them because that was just inviting a tandem round to be shoved up their ass. PR is a combined arms game, where infantry are just a component (an important component, but still).
        The overhaul doesn't just change the nature of infantry in relation to itself, but infantry's relation to the entire sandbox.

        • 12 months ago

          Honestly I think AT getting nerfed is a good thing, because it makes combined arms viable. In the live built a HAT can just pop an APC that has infantry cover no problem, but in the test built that's a lot harder. It rewards combined arms, while a lone armor piece that gets too close to infantry will still get destroyed if the infantry is semi competent

          >be armor
          >drive up to hab
          >just camp it
          >if they spawn they are too close to get through my armor

          also no need to build repair stations anymore, logistics are absolute dogshit in this shitty game made by low IQ morons

          • 12 months ago

            That's what friendly armor and rallies are for dummy

            • 12 months ago

              your friendly armor is morons driving in circles on the other side of the map.

              • 12 months ago

                >your friendly armor is morons driving in circles on the other side of the map.
                Ummm sweatie, it's called "deep operations" you wouldn't get it

                >Fast ropes and car honking are more important
                yes would certainly add more to the gameplay instead of just making the guy walk slower and take longer to aim.

                The infantry overhaul also adds the new supersession, which is a far more interesting gameplay change than fast ropes would be.
                Just admit you are filtered and go play Insurgency or Hell Let Loose.

              • 12 months ago

                >also adds the new supersession
                wow great now the shitty screen is constantly blurry and more friendly fire as morons are suppressed and think you are the enemy.

                the game is objectively trash. maybe you are mentally handicapped or something so it doesnt bother you.
                >go play Insurgency or Hell Let Loose.
                I play PR instead. its the better game and its probably older than you kid.

              • 12 months ago

                See attached

                >Werks on my server =^)
                every server is shit and filled with absolute morons and its the same problem everywhere.
                sure maybe you get a game where it works once in a while but majority of the game is morons not defending or doing something entirely else that has nothing to do with the objective.

                You know what I do on off days when we don't have defending squads? I make a squad and defend. And when my squad members start to run off the defense and ignore comms, I kick them. Then a new guy joins, and he is delighted to see a squad finally defending.
                Hmm, maybe I've led you before, anon?

        • 12 months ago

          I just want this overhaul to go through without getting watered down. I want to be able to use the TLAV and MT-LB to support my squad without it getting immediately HAT'd

          • 12 months ago

            >shoot a HAT
            >its useless
            >cant hit shit with the gun cuz muh supression
            >need a bilion HATs to destroy some shitty car

            • 12 months ago

              Where's your shitty car then moron

    • 12 months ago

      Honestly I think AT getting nerfed is a good thing, because it makes combined arms viable. In the live built a HAT can just pop an APC that has infantry cover no problem, but in the test built that's a lot harder. It rewards combined arms, while a lone armor piece that gets too close to infantry will still get destroyed if the infantry is semi competent

      I would also like to add, with the addition of weapon deviation it makes having at least one other person with you a necessity, which is good. Lone wolfing has limited results, while working with your squad is rewarded. It's all for the better

    • 12 months ago

      sounds shit tbh
      also this guy is right

      >walking now takes even longer in the walking simulator
      >weapons that were shitty are even shittier now
      >can barely see what you are even shooting at
      >still no fastrope or even a normal rope
      >they want to remove climbing
      >no attack helicopters
      >copypasta buildings everywhere
      >Vehicles feel like you are driving a balloon and have generally shit handling and very shitty or no interiors
      >no way to communicate but using the microphone
      >Squad guy cant yell for ammo or stuff like that
      >vehicles cant honk for some reason
      >extremely bugged and it takes years for them to remove the bugs
      >building stuff is completely pointless as artillery can just tear it down in 3 seconds
      >no stats or ranks or anything
      >commander still cant do shit and still has zero authority (cant deactivate spawnpoints or give people commands etc.)
      >Logistics is just moving numbers with a slow ass truck
      >nobody ever wants to defend because its boring
      >stupid paid ingame handsign emoji bullshit now you can frick the ground with pushups and moan
      >too many shitty maps
      >no destruction of any kind
      >the gamemodes are still shitty
      >outdated nonsensical kits

      and there is probably more but its a shitty game. also the community sucks.
      frick every moron playing this game and frick the morons making it.

      t. 2000+ hours in this shitty game

      • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      sounds shit tbh
      also this guy is right [...]

      t. 2000+ hours in this shitty game

      >tfw only 700 hours

      • 12 months ago

        I wish I was you and didnt waste so much time with this crappy game.

  18. 12 months ago

    yeah theres a fine line between realism and fun that most games either go too far in one direction
    insurgency is the best mix imo

    • 12 months ago

      I hope you mean stand-alone and not Shitstorm

    • 12 months ago

      Insurgeny was only good as a mod and then standalone but the new one sucks ass, I was a big fan of the series but I never play that piece of shit game again.

    • 12 months ago

      Insurgency sandstorm feels like a mod even though its a standalone game.

  19. 12 months ago

    >What are your thoughts on the squad infantry combat revamps?
    Don't care 99% of the maps in Squad are still shit.

    • 12 months ago

      this, most annoying is afghan map garbage. all the old maps are complete trash with copypasta building.
      only a moron could enjoy that and its so ugly to look at frick

  20. 12 months ago

    The milsim player's average IQ is 62

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