It's imploding.

They have started blocking anyone being critical, attacking Mister supporters, and a large chunk of the FPGA community has turned against them.

Maybe the Replay2 or MisterX project can at least get off the ground and give us Dreamcast/Naomi emulation in FPGA.

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  1. 3 months ago

    >give us Dreamcast/Naomi emulation in FPGA.
    If people actually wanted to do this they would start building an open source core in HDL right now. They wouldn't wait until something affordable that can run it came along before starting since they can do most of the work before that happens.

    • 3 months ago

      You mean like ElectronAsh had been attempting since last July?

    • 3 months ago

      I was really hoping it would be good. I never got into mister, a whole lot of stuff about mister never sat right with me but was really thinking of getting this depending on what it supported. I was hoping it could do model 2. I wish them well but its best to give up while they can if its not possible. What happened, did they misgender someone?

      If they makes the cores I think its fine to sell them. Its like an analog pocket but can play a heap of stuff.

      No shit. That's why it's a win that it didn't come out and draw attention away from MiSTer and other open source projects.

      If someone makes a really nice core and motherboard why shouldn't they be allowed to make a profit from it. You have so many mister cores where they did not meet the original promise of being cycle accurate.

      No shit. That's why it's a win that it didn't come out and draw attention away from MiSTer and other open source projects.

      Mister shitters, face it, the mister is tapped out, something better is needed.

  2. 3 months ago

    So is there any fresh funny sauce on nerds arguing about mars and mister or no

  3. 3 months ago

    Another victory for the open source community.

    • 3 months ago

      Mars isn't open source. Another moronic post by you.

      • 3 months ago

        No shit. That's why it's a win that it didn't come out and draw attention away from MiSTer and other open source projects.

      • 3 months ago

        >reading comprehension

        • 3 months ago

          like that post couldn't have gone both ways lel

  4. 3 months ago

    Well this is how we gonna' do this:
    frick rotting plastic
    frick coomlectors,
    frick Mars as a planet, god and as a motherfricking retro gaming platform. And if you want to be down with mametrannies then frick you too.

  5. 3 months ago

    Was anyone really that desperate for another emulation box? There's like a billion of these.

  6. 3 months ago

    >They have started blocking anyone being critical

    They’ve been blocking everyone from day one for asking simple questions, none of this is new lol.

  7. 3 months ago

    Project never interested me, always sounded too good to be true. The only thing they presented was a fricking mister core running on their hardware. People think it will be better than the Mister because it'll have Mister cores + Dreamcast/Naomi

    But even if it does take off, mister cores updated frequently this thing will be closed source, so you'll be waiting until they decide or if they decide to update the cores for it.

    Also $700.

    • 3 months ago

      >also $700
      Honestly doesn't seem like a bad deal to pay $100 more and get access to the whole Dreamcast library.

      • 3 months ago

        $700 is double the price of a non pre-built MiSTer setup.

        • 3 months ago

          and the Mars is not only pre-built but comes with controllers

          • 3 months ago

            Post a picture of yours. Oh wait, they don't exist.

          • 3 months ago

            >comes with controllers
            Why would I use the shitty included controllers if I can use a (possible self-made) adapter and official ones that came with the real hardware? fPGA makes this really easy because there is no need to translate those old proprietary connections to USB or another signal type so that a new machine can understand them. Why would someone willing to spend $700 skimp out on official controllers?

      • 3 months ago

        That's a hypothetical THOUGH. And they are taking pre-orders for that price right now, when the Dreamcast core is nowhere to be found.

        • 3 months ago

          >I can't figure out how to play games on a system that hasn't come out yet!

          • 3 months ago

            There are no Dreamcast fPGA cores of any kind. It's literally impossible to run it on an fPGA, no matter how powerful. Well, you could probably use an fPGA to emulate another CPU and run a software Dreamcast emulator on that... but that's not really the point, is it?

            • 3 months ago

              As long as it works I honestly don't think anyone would care

              • 3 months ago

                Here's the thing: it doesn't work. Look at

                You mean like ElectronAsh had been attempting since last July?

                , it can't even render the system menu properly yet. And it's not clear when it will become reliable, if ever. So taking Dreamcast hardware emulation as a given with this product is a huge gamble.

            • 3 months ago

              >It's literally impossible to run it on an fPGA

              Even Robert didn't see any issues with attempting to implement a Dreamcast in FPGA (Even though he initially though N64 would be impossible... and then went and did it in about a year), and there have already been preliminary attempts to do so. He seems to feel that beyond the DC would be realistically "impossible" simply because of how incredibly complex the CPUs and especially GPUs got that no man would be able to do it alone, and good luck paying a whole team to do it, but not that it would be physically impossible.

              Robert DID have some complaints to MARS when they tried to claim that their system could handle the NintendoDS however.

              Here's the thing: it doesn't work. Look at [...], it can't even render the system menu properly yet. And it's not clear when it will become reliable, if ever. So taking Dreamcast hardware emulation as a given with this product is a huge gamble.

              >it can't even render the system menu properly yet

              Are you serious? This was the very first attempt at it, Robert's N64 core looked even worse when he first started on it.

              The FPGAs in the MARS and Replay2 would definitely be physically capable of at least Dreamcast. Whether the MARS team actually had any work done with that or were just blowing smoke up everyone's asses however is another story.

              Not surprised this is failing. Devs were probably in way over their heads and got too optimistic while trying to maintain full time jobs. Many such cases.
              As for MiSTer, I honestly hate how ugly the default configuration looks. It's an ugly little box. I hate the soul/soulless meme in most cases and in this instance it actually applies. There is that ITX case implementation but it's geared more towards using a single stick of RAM and the analog outputs. What I'd like to see that guy do is update the motherboard layout to have all of the digital and analog board features with two sticks of RAM and have the second stick of RAM be on a switch. I think someone already did something similar with their own case implementation. If those Commodore USA case keyboards would come back in stock I could stick an ITX MiSTer inside and have something that looks reasonable and is portable. As for SNAC adapters, those just need some better looking cases.

              >It's an ugly little box. I hate the soul/soulless meme in most cases and in this instance it actually applies.

              Literally hundreds of options, picrel. Including putting it in various Commodore cases like the C64 or Amigas. Or into the cases of older consoles like an NES or SNES.

  8. 3 months ago

    >another year of DE-10 bullshit
    I hate SHITTER and I hate the antichrist

  9. 3 months ago

    Atrac17 is a little b***h who thinks that 1980s nostalgia is a viable substitute for personality.

  10. 3 months ago

    These threads are schizophrenic delusions

    • 3 months ago

      More like subconscious cries for help from someone who has based their personality on a hobby.
      Also, concern trolling is a thing, youtube has programmed a generation into thinking that clickbaiting is a acceptable interaction.
      Frederick Pohl was right all along.

  11. 3 months ago

    why are mister sisters so toxic

    • 3 months ago

      They spent $600 on a toy and are outraged at the idea that their expensive toy might just be obsolete. Same reason why console wars are waged.

      • 3 months ago

        How is it obsolete? What mental gymnastics are you doing to that conclusion? Mister is what it is, it plays games to the 5th generation, mostly flawlessesly, better than OG hardware in some cases.

        Is the SNES obsolete as well?

        • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          Nta, but tech wise it's obsolete and yes tech wise the SNES is also obsolete. You see, most words have multiple meanings in their definitions. Obsolete encompasses not being produced/manufactured (SNES) and being out of date. The mister is by definition obsolete as it's out of date comparatively by both time in tech standards and abilities of NEWER products. also the de-10 very well may be discontinued soon.

          • 3 months ago

            >The mister is by definition obsolete as it's out of date comparatively by both time in tech standards and abilities of NEWER products.
            Which newer products? Which fPGA board that you can buy as a consumer in retail quantities is more powerful and less expensive than DE-10 Nano?

        • 3 months ago

          It doesn't play dreamcast. It's the poorgays FPGA

          • 3 months ago

            wake me when there's a new FPGA solution that adds more than one console that has no games

        • 3 months ago

          >It's not obsolete, there's just a newer device that does everything it can do, probably better, and even more beyond that.
          Sounds obsolete
          >is the snes obsolete
          Well, yeah? Even ignoring that a lot of the tech was already old when it came out the mister/super nt and highly accurate emulators made it basically pointless to own for people that still want to play the software. Mars is one step closer to making those things obsolete.

    • 3 months ago

      They spent $600 on a toy and are outraged at the idea that their expensive toy might just be obsolete. Same reason why console wars are waged.

      go back to your Discord

  12. 3 months ago

    Did anybody think it was anything more than a concept idea? They never released any gameplay at all for Dreamcast or Naomi and MiSTer never really needed a 2.0 version anyways.

    • 3 months ago

      >and MiSTer never really needed a 2.0 version anyways

      I disagree on that one, nearly all the MiSTer devs agree they have squeezed just about everything out of it that they could. There are projects like the Replay2 and MiSTerX to try to build basically a more advanced MiSTer that can do more. The FPGA planned in the Replay2 is going to be even more powerful than the one MARS wanted to use but apparently will cost less.

      • 3 months ago

        I feel like the limit for MiSTer being capped off at 5th gen is perfectly fine. With how easy 6 gen consoles are to mod I just don't see a use in going farther especially with how hard it would be to make an FPGA for those consoles, I just don't think its possible right now. Maybe arcade games can use that advanced FPGA chips? I don't know, I don't really play arcade games.

        • 3 months ago

          I disagree completely. PS2 is easily modded but OPL is also a piece of shit with lots of games that don't quite work right unless you frick around with the configuration. I've personally experienced audio problems in Initial D Special Stage and Klonoa 2 and random crashes in Deus Ex.
          PCSX2 is also a piece of shit and Dolphin is overrated, unlike earlier generations' emulators which are very good these days.

          • 3 months ago

            you are full of shit. I've played both of those games with no issues on OPL

            • 3 months ago

              spotted the ethernetgay

              • 3 months ago

                spotted the VMC moron

              • 3 months ago

                I accept your concession

              • 3 months ago

                I accept the voices in your head

          • 3 months ago

            moron here, why play ps2 deus ex?

            • 3 months ago

              Just curiosity. It doesn't have much going for it over the PC version. But it's also not butchered or anything.

      • 3 months ago

        well, I mean... is just dreamcast and presumably some arcade boards enough to make people buy a more expensive version of mister? if the difference in price is more than it would take to buy the base mister and a real dreamcast, then why even bother? it'd have to target the entire 6th gen to be worth it in my opinion, but that'd make it incredibly difficult to make and incredibly expensive. the truth is that good fpgas are just too expensive to ask people to spend money on them for a leisure hobby. mister is only viable because it's partially subsidized for use in education.

  13. 3 months ago

    it's just crazy that you can finally 3d print asics for next to nothing we're finally free of fpgas

  14. 3 months ago

    Not surprised this is failing. Devs were probably in way over their heads and got too optimistic while trying to maintain full time jobs. Many such cases.
    As for MiSTer, I honestly hate how ugly the default configuration looks. It's an ugly little box. I hate the soul/soulless meme in most cases and in this instance it actually applies. There is that ITX case implementation but it's geared more towards using a single stick of RAM and the analog outputs. What I'd like to see that guy do is update the motherboard layout to have all of the digital and analog board features with two sticks of RAM and have the second stick of RAM be on a switch. I think someone already did something similar with their own case implementation. If those Commodore USA case keyboards would come back in stock I could stick an ITX MiSTer inside and have something that looks reasonable and is portable. As for SNAC adapters, those just need some better looking cases.

    • 3 months ago

      >As for MiSTer, I honestly hate how ugly the default configuration looks. It's an ugly little box.
      The default configuration is a bare circuit board with no add-ons. It sounds like you want a breadbox PC - several people have already designed cases for that, you can 3D print one and get exactly what you want.

  15. 3 months ago

    Unless mars can produce more units than Intel, I don't see this taking off.

    • 3 months ago

      They have no incentive to produce that much. The market for hardware emulation is extremely small. Doing what Analogue Pocket does and never producing enough is unironically much better for a company than overproducing.

  16. 3 months ago

    Why do these projects always have a high chance of being run by emotional, whiny buttholes? MiSTer and Krikzz are uniquely loved because the people running the operation are incredibly awesome (Krikzz especially considering what he's been dealing with, and if anyone could justify being testy it'd be him). Meanwhile every other one there has to be an 75% or better chance something goes wrong and they start throwing b***h fits at the community.

    • 3 months ago

      Sorgelig and Krikzz are both Slavs. Slavic people know from centuries of authoritarian governments to keep your thoughts to themselves and not attract unnecessary attention.

  17. 3 months ago

    FGPA Everdrive>Steam Deck>>Aya Neo pro>>Aya Neo Air>Recalbox>Ayn Odin 2>>Ayn Loki Max>>Asus ROG Ally>Retroid Pocket 4 Pro Pocket 4>Win600>Retroid Pocket 3/3+>>Ayn Loki Max>Anbernic RG552>Odroid>>Ayn Loki>Homebrewed and CFW-injected PS Vita Pi A13>>KT-R1 X28>Caanoo>Bactocera>Aya Neo regular>RP2S Mini Flip RG505>MARS>Miyoo Mini +>Trimui Smart Pro>Powkiddy A12>>Ayn Odin>Powkiddy X18S RK2023 353p>Anbernic Arc S>Powkiddy RGB30>Anbernic ARC D>Anbernic 405m>Anbernic 351p Pocket 2/2+>Powkiddy RGB 30MAX 35XX+ and CFW injected 3DS Mini>>Game Park 32>>CFW-injected PSP>Minisforum>Anbernic RG35XX>>Revo k101 330>Powkiddy RGB 20S RGB 10 Max>Dingoo 320>Pocket Boy R36S>Anbernic RG 405v>Trimui Pro>Powkiddy v90>Anbernic 353v Pocket Pocket 1>Pocket Boy R33S>Playdate>Data Frog SF2000 q80>Gamebox SP


    q20 rs-97+


    v90 Boy R35S>RG300X>Pirate multicart


    380>MiSTER Flip>PolyMega>Powkiddy a66 rs-97

    • 3 months ago

      >2S that low
      Black person

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