>As part of this transition, we are eliminating approximately 50 roles at BioWare. That is deeply painful and humbling to write. We are doing everything we can to ensure the process is handled with empathy, respect, and clear communication.

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  1. 10 months ago

    companies should keep their private bs private
    no-one should even know the name of a single employee
    but today we live in a world where people turn them into idols
    Can't wait for God to kill me.

    • 10 months ago

      your god is whoever kills you

      • 10 months ago

        What if I kill myself?

        • 10 months ago

          Then you're your own god. Congratulations!

          • 10 months ago

            So what do I win?

            • 10 months ago

              the gift of unlife

              • 10 months ago

                Unlife doesn't sound so bad. What are the perks?

              • 10 months ago

                No penis

              • 10 months ago

                I said no perks

              • 10 months ago

                Unlife doesn't sound so bad. What are the perks?

                no sex either

              • 10 months ago

                So i'm not a slave to a c**t? Holy shit dude, I said no perks

              • 10 months ago

                Are you "a slave to a c**t"?

              • 10 months ago

                no, but many people are. why are you avoiding my questions?

              • 10 months ago

                I don't recall you asking me any, seeing as my question was the only post I made to you. There are 155 posters here, you know.

              • 10 months ago

                What are the perks?

              • 10 months ago

                To unlife?

              • 10 months ago

                You get to be a radical skeleton.

    • 10 months ago

      This would get leaked by some israelite journo and would create PR shitstorm. I actually see more and more companies doing something like that to avoid shitstorms.

      • 10 months ago

        this. you cant fire a single person without risking some internet drama, of course the best action is to get ahead of the drama and announce it

    • 10 months ago

      >no-one should even know the name of a single employee
      I think it's important to know if they are being invaded with hostility from foreign forces though.
      If Mitch, Chang and Micah turn into Patel, Sanjay and Puudo then it's plainly obvious that company is in a death spiral infiltrated by India installing their caste system in yet another business, trying to get as much resources from the victims as possible.

    • 10 months ago

      >wow based!!
      >totally this bro!
      Goddamn Ganker is just full of legit 85 iq morons.

    • 10 months ago

      >no-one should even know the name of a single employee

      Based, we all know that corporate brands should be the ones with the power while the creatives behind them should just be faceless interchangeable cogs. Can't have them getting fanbases and followers of their own, they might start asking for a raise or thinking they could be doing better on their own. Frankly, every company should be like Games Workshop and just refuse to credit any of their artists.

    • 10 months ago

      Nintendo used to do this, if you look at the credits for NES games, their names are spelled differently. It was to prevent rival companies from poaching talent.

      • 10 months ago

        Most gaming companies in the 80s did this, not just nintendo. There's a lot of arcade games no one's even sure who worked on, like Splatterhouse or X-Multiply

  2. 10 months ago

    >Dearest employees and consumers, line must unfortunately go up

    • 10 months ago

      i hate capitalism and communism
      unironically and i am also unironically very smart.

      • 10 months ago

        Capitalism was a means towards an eventual utopia, then people thought it was the utopia and just stopped trying

        • 10 months ago

          It never was that, nor are utopias good.
          >people thought
          Only a minority, and only a smaller minority still amounted to anything.

        • 10 months ago

          Both capitalism and communism are based on the good will of people, both completely fail apart when you take into account that humans are despicable and won't play fair.
          Just think about it, how in the hell a black hand controlling the market would ever work when in this current moment the big companies are crushing any competition thanks to bigger pockets and bigger market share.
          Or how communism plays with the idea that people will just agree to manage the market as some type of plebeian anarchy and it will just work itself out, and not just crumble apart by the weight of bumbling idiots not even knowing how to operate a company successfully or whatever.

          • 10 months ago

            >both completely fail apart when you take into account that humans are despicable and won't play fair.
            Presumptuous in either case.
            Humans aren't despicable, and capitalism is focused on ruthless exploitation, while communism is based on revolution and terror.
            Ideological systems fall apart not because people won't play fair, but because their spirits are weak, which in turn can lead to things like unfair play.

            • 10 months ago

              >but because their spirits are weak
              You're wrong, they fail apart because the people propping those system don't have the best interests and well being of the population in mind, but their own wealth and power.
              That's why both liberalism and communism have resulted in mass death and repression when implemented because both have only been tried at dictatorships since they won't hold itself on an election in a democratic country.

              • 10 months ago

                It very much is, spiritual weakness is the primary reason for most human foibles, it simply covers more than what you think.
                The people who prop them up are populace in total, ruling apparatus and bureaucracy are merely part of it, and are but a symptom of a greater issue.
                Impurity and impure reason, sin, incorrect priorities, unwillingness to act, lack of care, overindulgence, ignorance where one needs to know, knowledge where ignorance is needed, etc.
                Once systems are implemented and subpar conditions with terrible implementations and careless stupid populace do their work, psychospiritual entropy and counter-agents take care of all the rest.

              • 10 months ago

                You meant something else here. Liberalism has had a great track record so far.

              • 10 months ago

                No it doesn't. Liberalism is rearing it's ugly head as just another vector for the few to rule the many. Just look at the Supreme Court in America and how STACKED and impenetrable it is. Corporate lobbying has always been THE loophole that needed fixing. Our own government has been shown to have been bought and weaponized against the people for decades. And no surprise really since many of these justices are old enough to be our grandpa.

              • 10 months ago

                Ah yes, "the people". Your government always had the issue with whom it considers its people since its inception, until it became what it became circa 1900 completely.
                It wasn't bought, it simply never was yours to begin with.

              • 10 months ago

                Well there you go. If you want to go that angle then was it really ever Liberalism to begin with? Or was it just controlled business opposition? Either way anyone who unironically implies America is evidence of a good government must be joking (hopefully).

              • 10 months ago

                American liberalism is economic liberalism first and foremost, controlled opposition can be said to fit in in it ostensibly, as it's simply "decent" and a natural consequence. Circa 1900 its government started to push its own influence rather hard to numerous affairs when they can, such as when they tried to take Hughes's money, routine usage of mass media as its own propaganda arm, etc, so really, it was only a matter of time.

              • 10 months ago

                But say what you will there has always been a moral component to America's law. The only reason such immoral filth is considered acceptable is because like Ayn Rand at the height of her popularity and just like other libertarian minded individuals today - it finds out they just didn't have enough mental maturity to conclude that an orphan grinding machine is maybe a tad extreme. But even Ayn Rand walked it back in the end so.

              • 10 months ago

                Plus there are still moral people in the US, so public traction can be of use.
                Which only makes any moral erosion at large that much terrible.
                I'm not enthused about any notions of US collapse, like some predict will happen in ~10-50 years. We barely avoided a mass-catastrophe with USSR in the 90s, and people died there too, any weakness in the US risks terrible consequences in the region.
                She wasn't all that competent, no? Excellence in such matters and propagation requires character these types of people don't necessarily possess, especially when there's an entire armed government with its own opinions on any who don't fall in line with it, nearby.

              • 10 months ago

                Personally I think it's already too late. It seems that anti-intellectualism and celebrity worship are increasingly popular. And people would much rather punch to the side or down then punch up.Maybe it's a form of escapism from responsibility and rationalism. As JUST AN EXAMPLE, Elon Musk clearly has a cult of personality surrounding him. Yet this fact is controversial now? It's pretty obvious to everyone I'd hope that this is a parasocial relationship.
                not really but Atlus Shrugged used to be popular with libertarians to reference by name as an excuse for their beliefs despite having never read the damn thing.

              • 10 months ago

                >it's a form of escapism from responsibility and rationalism
                It is, yes. Worse than that, it's appears to be prevalent on the entire planet if some are to be believed. Times may change, nations may vary, but this particular type of personal abdication is like a plague.
                There's still time, or rather, there is always time as long as there's some stability and structure to maintain, but to stop this much social traction is beyond competences and resources of most. No one seems to take a stand at the moment, or so it seems to my admittedly unaware perspective, no large scale moves.
                It's probably just an attempt to divert attention, or headline making department is really grasping at what acceptable straws they have.

              • 10 months ago

                But how are we ever expected to make any progress when people will fight to the bitter end over fricking nothing? Like again take Elon Musk. How can such a person have a cult of personality when the internet exists? It seems like the animals to human nature are simply too many. When they can be made to dance to "anti-woke", Ukraine-Russia or whatever other hot button rhetoric what chance does any actual progress have? Genuinely how do I convince someone like my brother to grow up basically?

              • 10 months ago

                You make a faulty presumption in thinking there is any "we", especially as far as our self-evidently questionable elites are concerned.
                While solidarity can be found, it's never really a good way to base your personal progress on.
                That's easy, one doesn't prohibit the other, and the internet doubles as an outlet with ease. Not to mention that discourse inherent weakness is discourse itself, so when some people talk they can become swarmed by other people, re- or de-prioritizing issues in public minds.
                >animal to human
                That's to be expected when its artificially intensified. Just look at pop-culture. Once upon a time rap wasn't even a thing in Russia, yet it took traction in kids once USSR collapsed, plus some other reasons.
                Sure, it may not necessarily be a good example, or all that pervasive, but when there are entire culture elements and rituals that deliberately promote consumerism and increasingly cheapest outlooks on life, issues abound.
                The ways to counter are with another culture, mass psy-ops, violence, direct, mind control, etc.
                Also there is issue to ascribing explicitly beneficial progress to the word progress.
                The people responsible are, too, progressing. Well, controlled regress, but still, they are working to their ends. You need an equivalent monster to beat them.

              • 10 months ago

                Yes "we" is excluding the elites. However nebulous that may or may not be at times. Elon is just a paradox. He exists today as a cult of personality that can only exist thanks to the internet. Yet the internet contains all the information to know he deserves nothing but scorn. Just like they all very obviously do.

                >progress is subjective
                Is it always though? Arguing on technicalities aside. I find it hard to imagine something easy like "don't kill people" to be too profound really. People I think who can't agree with that are victims of the human condition. Is it the inability to feel empathy? To shirk responsibility as an intelligent, self-aware being? I don't know.

              • 10 months ago

                >Yes "we" is excluding the elites.
                People aren't that unified, nor should they be. Recommend against it, for many reasons.
                Back to Elon once more, there's nothing really paradoxical about him, because there are no logical contradictions. Simply put, info existing doesn't mean all are aware of it, those who are aware don't necessarily care or grasp it, or possess any power to act on it.
                >Is it always
                My point wasn't that it's subjective, subjectivity objectivity relation is just perspective between a lens about object, and reasoning true to object.
                Rather it was more of a perhaps milquetoast semantic precaution about progress, both in the sense that its flimsy when taken too literally, which is an easily discardable notion, and in the sense that positive, desirable progress is an outlook that can lead one into a dead end, because you set a goal to which life is to progress. That can be exploited, or can backfire.
                Profoundness is in the mind of the beholder, to some a word is just a word, to others it's an ever increasing slew of questions, answers and ideas.
                Killing people isn't necessarily bad either, and the greater one may ponder it the more apparent the complexity becomes, likewise human condition is neither an issue nor is at least mentally un-transcendable within its own paradigm, so such profound statements, whether or not they are interpreted as such won't work here because you run into people's own rationales on the matter, whether they are defined or just this vague instinct in their minds.
                If anything, I'd say that the issue with murder is that people who should die aren't dead, whereas people who shouldn't, are, and I say this as someone with empathy. Empathy really doesn't mean unwillingness to cause harm.

              • 10 months ago

                >That's why both liberalism and communism have resulted in mass death and repression
                They resulted in that because those were the conditions of their battlefield they were born in, while simultaneously most, or all the standard bars have been thrown out, allowing only the most ruthless cutthroats to get power positions, not by merit of mantle of leadership and tasks that the titles stipulated, but by merit of lowest common denominator and take-and-hold chair games.

    • 10 months ago

      >Dearest employees and consumers, we can't continue being morons and wasting money forever
      and then you have idiots who respond to this with

      i hate capitalism and communism
      unironically and i am also unironically very smart.

      >I le hate capitalism, also I am le genius who has zero knowledge of economics yet gives opinions on it

      • 10 months ago

        Capitalism is why israelites are in power now you moron

        • 10 months ago

          Wait till you graduate highschool and find out who was at the forefront of bolshevik ideology.

        • 10 months ago

          0 (zero) knowledge

      • 10 months ago

        >also I am le genius who has zero knowledge of economics yet gives opinions on it
        This is everyone who defends capitalism though

        • 10 months ago

          No, not really.

          • 10 months ago

            Yes really.

            • 10 months ago

              Anyone with a proper grasp of economics can easily see flaws and issues in it.
              Anyone with an actually worthy grasp, high intelligence, moral standards and an inventive spirit can implement it without issues, as well as implement any other system.

              • 10 months ago

                Anyone with an actual grasp on economics, high intelligence, moral standards isn't going to bat for capitalism

              • 10 months ago

                They can bat for anything they desire, but they don't need to bat for anything at all simply because self-capable, self-sufficient people are in no need of ideological crutches.
                They can be fun, however, much like economics themselves, as well as aesthetically pleasing.

              • 10 months ago

                That's a whole lot of gibberish.

              • 10 months ago

                There is no "other system." Any other system you can describe will be extremely easy to poke holes in using basic economics.

              • 10 months ago

                If you can't make things up, least of all those that can't be poked up, and actually poke back, that's your issue.
                But that's what you get when you spend your time complaining about the same issues all the time, instead of systematically fixing issues one by one without giving a frick about complaints of others.

              • 10 months ago

                This is gibberish. I can be generous and offer you the excuse that many different people are commenting, so maybe you're mixed up, but nothing you said makes sense as a response to my post.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm starting to think people here are think like some bizarre square peg round hole machines who can only understand inputs that fit in their brains rationale and any other insinuations or perspectives discordant to theirs are instant nonsense.
                This is extremely tiresome, and I say this as an objectively foolish person in spite of my capabilities.
                Consider this dialogue chain pointless and disregard it, it won't yield anything to me.

              • 10 months ago

                Ah I see, you were being intentionally abstract. In the process you spout off several unfounded generalizations and assumptions, then when told that your response is garbage you try to convince yourself that it's because you're just too smart to write anything coherent.

              • 10 months ago

                God I'm fricking sick of idiot /leftypol/ homosexuals who know nothing about economics opining on it. I had some commie homosexual last night tell me that we should all be earning $100k+ and the government should implement price controls so inflation doesn't happen.

              • 10 months ago

                What does your hypertrophied example of a literal commie moron has to do with economics when the post you responded to is both pro-capitalism and implies something basic like "economics don't exist in vacuum or immutable, unevolving state"?
                What, you think these modern economics, logistics, low-key publicly accepted swindle techniques, etc are going to remain forever until the end of times?
                Or resource pools, or populace amounts, or tech level, or just about anything really.

              • 10 months ago

                Modern economics is founded on Keynesian bullshit. Only Austrian Economics is workable, and trying to build on faulty Fabian Society economic systems is like trying to build a castle on sand.

              • 10 months ago

                Any system can be course-corrected from its doom, even a collapsing sand castle with a bomb in it. You just aren't thinking properly in more technical balls to the wall aspects.
                Case in point, you already presume its not workable, and withdraw any further inquiry as to how to make it workable if for no other than just because.

              • 10 months ago

                He's not wrong though, building on a fundamentally flawed concept, even if you can make it work through patchwork, is a bad idea and should be moved away from. Keynesian economics is garbage and yet it prevailed so it's what everything is based off of, in order to truly fix things are at the core you need a total reset which will, unfortunately, based on human history, only come after massive catastrophe and upheaval, whether manmade or natural.

              • 10 months ago

                He is right, indeed.

              • 10 months ago

                >Any system can be course-corrected from its doom,
                Not true. You cannot course correct a model of the universe that is Gaiacentric instead of Heliocentric. Your model just does not work, and even if you see some mild success up to a point, you'll eventually run up against the rules of nature and find your universal model falls apart at the seams when trying to account for things like planetary orbit.

                The same can be said for Keynesian Economics/MMT. They just don't work, and they're the reason wealth is being drained from the working class into the parasite classes at the bottom and top of society. Inflation will always be a siphon of wealth, and just because you siphon some of it downwards to single mothers, cripples, and 5'3, 300 lb fudge-round enjoyers doesn't mean you aren't stealing wealth from the everyman.

              • 10 months ago

                Your issue about rules of nature runs into an obvious problem of applying human rationale to inhuman problems.
                Or, broadly speaking, you speak in terms of limits that are preemptively doomed in situations that require ingenuity and transcendence/etc of them.
                That said I won't argue about Keynesian, your point is doubtless and needs no elaboration, and so is mine to me.

              • 10 months ago

                Or more correctly, insufficient, limited human rationale to not necessarily human or inhuman, but nevertheless complex problems.

              • 10 months ago

                i have never seen more projection in a post before, never in my life. Its some irony you will never realizue but just know it's quite good.

          • 10 months ago

            You're wrong He's right, that's exactly what you sound like

            • 10 months ago

              So? Make an argument on anecdotes, leave without explanation. Classy.

              • 10 months ago

                Arguments are for reasonable people, not for craven subhumans posturing as armchair economists

              • 10 months ago

                Well duh.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      why should a company hire and continue to pay people that make it go down instead of up? Your job is literally to make it go up and they have failed spectacularly

      • 10 months ago

        Why make it go up at all? Why participate in society? Why do anything?

        Your job is to make me care about civilization and you have failed spectacularly.

        • 10 months ago

          >Your job is to make me care
          No it's not. You aren't paying me to do shit. I don't care about you at all, you dumb Black person, and if you want to work for my company, yes, you will be driving that number up, or you will be getting fired

          Super simple if you're not a braindead fricking moronic mongoloid

        • 10 months ago

          What a pointless reply.

        • 10 months ago

          If you need others to make you care, there's little hope to be put on you to begin with. Not only that's not how it works, the sheer fact that this is your stance towards reality is rather, well, I don't know how to say it.
          It's not mercenary-ish, as those can have taste and standards...
          You're a reverse salesman, who asks others to sell items to you.

          • 10 months ago

            Devil's advocate: the social contract is an extreme infringement on individual liberties, you should probably have a prepared response for why that's worth it inherently without just waving your hands and saying "it do be like that tho"

            • 10 months ago

              So is a man crosswalking before another man in a sense.
              Are you prioritizing unabashed and all disregarding personal freedom rationale over rationales about survival, growth, evolution and so on of other people/your blood/etc and any other adjunct rationales in this case?
              Or perhaps you posit it in a way that makes it directly perpendicular to presumed interests? It's possible to have both, too. Likewise social contracts may vary, possess an inductee stage and an option to exit, etc.
              Say there's no social contract, then what? It's lack is also an infringement on the same issue, with an extra question of why those liberties should matter, either.

  3. 10 months ago

    Damn they’re transitioning and cutting 41% of their staff? Seems kinda transphobic but idk

  4. 10 months ago

    why is bioware speaking in the first person

  5. 10 months ago

    >EA’s BioWare will lay off 50 and cut ties with unionized Keywords playtesting group
    unionzisters...we lost...

    • 10 months ago

      >unionize to protect worker's rights
      >get fired anyway

      • 10 months ago

        >Tell them to unionize to protect worker's rights
        >collect free money from them
        >do nothing
        Free money and doing nothing, the communist dream

        • 10 months ago

          If the whole office isn't going to unionize then you are pretty much putting yourself into a honeypot.

          • 10 months ago

            It doesnt matter if you unionize the whole office if the whole office is useless and infinitely replaceable by eager new people who want a job in the industry
            Unionizing doesnt do anything if it doesnt matter if you go on strike

            • 10 months ago

              yes obviously unionizing with a entry level position or a highly sought after job is not going to go well either but my point still stands that if everyone doesn't agree to unionize the you better believe upper management is going to still birth the union before everyone can hop on. Hence why large companies have proven its good to get diversity hires and creat a environment where your workers don't trust each other.

              • 10 months ago

                Even if you all unionize they will either get to the union head and get them on their side to frick you all over or bring in people specifically to frick it over like diversity hires as you say.
                the union then makes it impossible to do anything even if you personally are a very important member of the team, you cant bargain and you'll be crab bucketed to death if you dont just leave

              • 10 months ago

                This already happens at these companies without unions

              • 10 months ago

                without a union I can personally go "Hey Bob, you fricking need me and you know it, I'm the best fricking employee here and these morons cant do shit without me holding their hands"
                Unions are designed so the shittiest employees can weight down the best employees

              • 10 months ago

                There's a reason why unions are most heavily supported by women and blacks and least supported by white men and asians

              • 10 months ago

                There's a reason why anti unionists like you pull shit out of your ass and resort to idpol nonsense to lie about unions

              • 10 months ago

                >resort to idpol nonsense
                special interest groups dont real because....they just dont okay?
                white men and asians being the least supportive of unions is a hard fact. explain it or frick off moron

              • 10 months ago

                >shit I completely made up without proof is a hard fact prove me wrong

                Ok moron

              • 10 months ago

                >without a union I can personally go "Hey Bob, you fricking need me and you know it, I'm the best fricking employee here and these morons cant do shit without me holding their hands"
                And then they fire you anyway in favor of the incompetent nepo hire anyway.

                Non unionized industries suffer from the exact same issue of shitty employees weighing down competent workers. The actual difference is without a union your employer has far more leverage to deny you higher wages and benefits.

                It's no surprise business owners hate unions and spend countless millions lobbying against their existence, coming up with moronic rational like "unions are actually bad for good employees and are designed to protect shitty ones" and other such propaganda.

              • 10 months ago

                >preset npc non-sequiturs
                I don't know what I expected lol

      • 10 months ago

        unions really only work when you provide an essential service that cant be replaced easily. like electrician or hvac unions. not anything to do with videogames lmaooo

      • 10 months ago

        video game devs are very replaceable, especially today. Anyone who's actually good at software engineer doesn't go into fricking video games KEK.

        • 10 months ago

          No wonder modern AAA vidya is such shit nowadays

        • 10 months ago

          >video game devs are very replaceable
          Largely depends on seniority and department. Programming isn't the only game development discipline and I wouldn't say that the average videogame code monkey is any more or less replaceable than one working in enterprise software or web development. If anything a FAANG programmer would likely be an order of magnitude more replaceable because the salary would be incomparable and the position would look better on a resume, so you'd get 10 times the applicants for an open position.

        • 10 months ago

          Not really. They absolutely could be but it's not. The videogame industry is incredibly insular. They WILL NOT hire people outside of junior positions unless you have a videogame work history. The only want people with experience in what is ultimately a niche industry in the grander tech industry.

          • 10 months ago

            >ultimately a niche industry
            ahahaha oh my fricking god

            • 10 months ago

              The number of people that work on even the largest videogames PALE in comparison to the number of people big tech actually hires. Microsoft's gaming industry is but a small FRACTION of the much greater whole. Gaming is ultimately a comparably niche tech industry yes.

          • 10 months ago

            >begging in twitter for a job

      • 10 months ago

        >Paint a target on your pack
        >Get hit
        I always support companies that turn unions into unioffs.

        • 10 months ago

          How’s the boot taste?

  6. 10 months ago

    They might as well just pull the plug on bioware at this point instead of killing it slowly, no one will miss them anyway.

    • 10 months ago

      EA can't find their own butthole in the dark
      They're just miss after miss. I wonder how the C-suite and VPs still have jobs.

  7. 10 months ago

    Why don't companies ever just, like, be honest and say like "yeah, we're doing really badly rn, so have to shrink and fire a bunch of people, sorry"
    Is it about like stock or something? If they make it too clear they're doing badly

    • 10 months ago

      It's for their investors first and foremost, it also works on the moronic masses who actually think these companies give a single frick about the people they hire or fire.

    • 10 months ago

      what about their explanation doesn't seem plausible, i can absolutely believe they're getting stuck in preproduction on mass effect with tons of people having nothing to do

    • 10 months ago

      Yes during the pandemic nintendo put out that report that the ceo was taking a pay cut so nobody else would have to.

      • 10 months ago

        Based Nintendo. Though didn’t Animal Crossing sell like a billion copies?

    • 10 months ago

      >Is it about like stock or something?
      Yes. Bad news = stock goes down. This is why companies never, ever admit to problems or mistakes. It's corporate speak.

      • 10 months ago

        This isn't directed at you.
        >but but but all publicity is good publicity
        I can't stand the morons that say shit like this. They're just running damage control trying to silence criticism.

    • 10 months ago

      >Why don't companies ever just, like, be honest...
      Dont even try running a business.
      > Is it about like stock or something? If they make it too clear they're doing badly
      If you look week your enemies can try to push you into bankruptcy in order to buy you cheap

      • 10 months ago

        >If you look week your enemies can try to push you into bankruptcy in order to buy you cheap
        >If you look week

      • 10 months ago

        it's cheep, rhymes with week

    • 10 months ago

      In corporate culture you cant show weakness. If your board members see you acting weak you are liable to be fired because everyone will see your company as weak and not worth investing in. So you need to master spin. Which is why a lot of CEOs say the suns shining when theyre getting pissed on. So you cant admit fault.

    • 10 months ago

      anybody with serious investments paying attention will keep a close eye on the financials. Which you really cant fake reliably going back in years. They will be selling bioware stock long before the actual fireings start

    • 10 months ago

      >why don’t like companies like do this like seriously
      Holy shit do us all a favor and have a nice day

    • 10 months ago

      they made their bed and now have to lie in it

    • 10 months ago

      Public trading is a mistake is why

  8. 10 months ago

    I hope they have brought in Stanrey Roo to handle the layoffs.
    >"Rine ends here, Wirriam"

    • 10 months ago

      I don't think him and Hamburger Helper have been there in ages.

  9. 10 months ago

    How the frick are they still a thing

    • 10 months ago

      Mass Effect and Dragon Age do exist.

      • 10 months ago

        TOR's been paying their bills all these years. EA took TOR away from them so they'd be forced to sink or swim on their own.

      • 10 months ago

        The last game in the ME saga was Andromeda and it bombed. Inquisition actually succeeded but it had a bad overall reception from the community in the long term and no good will for a sequel as a result, and so both franchises have been dead in the water. The next ME game isn't even being worked on and Deadname is looking like either a clusterfrick and bomb of epic proportions with 3 separate restarts of its development, or a straight up cancellation and shuttering of the studio as a result. Having once successful IPs isn't going to save Bioware at this point since they cannot capitalize on them if they don't actually put good products out under those properties.

      • 10 months ago

        Do they now?

  10. 10 months ago

    Rest in piss every diversity officer and social media manager being fired.

    • 10 months ago

      Not how corporate bloat works unfortunately. They're going to fire a bunch of experienced line-staff and replace them with clueless new-hires while preserving inept management and HR teams.

  11. 10 months ago

    Sad but transitioning usually requires cutting off extraneous flesh

  12. 10 months ago

    >we've decided to fire 50 white and asian male coders to make room for more female writers and artists
    I don't give a shit. I gave up on expecting or hoping for anything from Bioware a loooooooong fricking time ago.

  13. 10 months ago

    Do they cutting down useless managershits, or actually useful people?

    • 10 months ago

      >bioware in the year 2023 AD
      >useful people

    • 10 months ago

      probably removing useful people to keep their diversity hires so things will be even more shit

    • 10 months ago

      99% chance they're getting rid of people and going to replace them with AI

      • 10 months ago

        AI unironically writes better than the dogshit women they've been paying.

    • 10 months ago

      >useless managershits
      managers in general are not useless you fricking infant

      • 10 months ago

        Nepotistic middle manager bloat is the literal reason so many big developers insist games cost 400 bazillion dollars to make now and you have to pay $70 for them you moron

        • 10 months ago

          no managers not doing their jobs and managing these tards is why preproduction takes years, teams work on useless features for months and everything gets overscoped anyway so work has to be scrapped and the final turd has to get pushed out of the door regardless of polish

          Middle management is the cancer that infects the entire business world. I would know because I work middle management and my entire job is to do as little as possible while also justifying my work by contantly sending emails and posting reminders in our slack server. This shit is fricking miserable but I get payed too well and all I have to do is be friendly with upper management and go get some drinks with my boss every now and then.

          tldr; corporate America is a fricking joke and the 8 hour work days is fricking moronic.

          yes you're a bad manager with no oversight or accountability, that doesn't mean the concept of management is bad you utter moron

          • 10 months ago

            lmao keep seething "assistant" manager. Your company will trim the fat sooner or later and all your "oversight or accountibility" will be seen as worthless. Because it is

            • 10 months ago

              have you ever worked on a project in your life

              There is such a thing as too many managers just like there's such a thing as too many grunts, and video game development in particular over a lot of other industries is insanely nepotistic and bloated with useless morons the devs hired because they were college buddies. Game dev execs are also far more likely to have mountains of unwarranted self importance than other fields because they're all betas and losers who get powerdrunk incredibly easily, and so will always protect the management staff circle over code monkeys and graphic designers. It's very well known as a poorly managed and organized industry that's a nightmare to work in because no one at the top has a fricking clue how to properly manage a company or employees, we've seen it a thousand times with Gearbox, Bethesda, Bioware, Telltale, Naughty Dog, Blizzard, Rockstar, the list goes on

              >video game development in particular over a lot of other industries is insanely nepotistic and bloated with useless morons the devs hired because they were college buddies. Game dev execs are also far more likely to have mountains of unwarranted self importance than other fields because they're all betas and losers who get powerdrunk incredibly easily, and so will always protect the management staff circle over code monkeys and graphic designers. It's very well known as a poorly managed and organized industry that's a nightmare to work in because no one at the top has a fricking clue how to properly manage a company or employees, we've seen it a thousand times with Gearbox, Bethesda, Bioware, Telltale, Naughty Dog, Blizzard, Rockstar, the list goes on
              well you're not wrong there

          • 10 months ago

            There is such a thing as too many managers just like there's such a thing as too many grunts, and video game development in particular over a lot of other industries is insanely nepotistic and bloated with useless morons the devs hired because they were college buddies. Game dev execs are also far more likely to have mountains of unwarranted self importance than other fields because they're all betas and losers who get powerdrunk incredibly easily, and so will always protect the management staff circle over code monkeys and graphic designers. It's very well known as a poorly managed and organized industry that's a nightmare to work in because no one at the top has a fricking clue how to properly manage a company or employees, we've seen it a thousand times with Gearbox, Bethesda, Bioware, Telltale, Naughty Dog, Blizzard, Rockstar, the list goes on

            • 10 months ago

              It's how American tech industries works to a fault. And is imo how the vidya industry is moving towards. You are expected, almost REQUIRED to move from a grunt role like a programmer to a manager role. You will usually be fired if you don't. Everyone except the higher ups know it's a waste of money and a brain drain on the company but that's just how it be.

              • 10 months ago

                The higher(er) ups likely know it is.

              • 10 months ago

                Then how do you explain WHY they do it if it's not through ignorance and a work culture that insists on it?

              • 10 months ago

                I said higher(er), ultimately.
                The lower ones are just cases of stupid greed and corner cutters.
                Milk the franchise until its dead, toss the husk away, pick up a new one.

              • 10 months ago

                This is a well known fact, people have been writing about this since at least the 80s, America has a ton of bloat in middle management.

                >America has too many managers. In a 2016 Harvard Business Review analysis, two writers calculated the annual cost of excess corporate bureaucracy as about $3 trillion, with an average of one manager per every 4.7 workers.

      • 10 months ago

        Middle management is the cancer that infects the entire business world. I would know because I work middle management and my entire job is to do as little as possible while also justifying my work by contantly sending emails and posting reminders in our slack server. This shit is fricking miserable but I get payed too well and all I have to do is be friendly with upper management and go get some drinks with my boss every now and then.

        tldr; corporate America is a fricking joke and the 8 hour work days is fricking moronic.

    • 10 months ago

      There are no useful people working at bioware in 2023

    • 10 months ago

      They fired a guy who worked on DA Origins and was working on Dread Wolf.


      That game is basically vaporwave at this point.

      • 10 months ago

        i would like to believe that's what you meant to type

        • 10 months ago

          I miss vaporwave

        • 10 months ago

          oh shit, my bad, this heatwave is killing my brain

          In any case, Bioware is dead.

      • 10 months ago

        Sorry Jonny boy... We need you to clear out because some of our black employees need to come back to the office but your whiteness makes them uncomfortable. I'm sure you will understand because you are a giant self hating homosexual.

        • 10 months ago

          forgot image

          • 10 months ago

            no transition -> get transitioned

            • 10 months ago

              lmao how much longer until trooning out is the last ditch effort to keep your job.

              • 10 months ago

                Thank god I live in the one of the PIIGS countries who can't afford to fire valuable employees or get involved in identity politics.

          • 10 months ago

            >Black folk wanted to do even less work than they used to do
            No surprise

            • 10 months ago

              as a black white-collar knowledge worker, frick those 3%, I can do my job just fine while sitting at my desk at home naked shitposting on Ganker

          • 10 months ago
            Manager (he/him) CAPM, CSM, Return to the Office Champion 2022, Mental Health First Aider

            Sorry Jonny boy... We need you to clear out because some of our black employees need to come back to the office but your whiteness makes them uncomfortable. I'm sure you will understand because you are a giant self hating homosexual.


            I know I am seeing a lot of back-and-forth on this topic, but I really need to push back and raise some red flags here. Having an on-site office presence is foundational to our ability to drive efficiencies in a corporate landscape. It is in our DNA. Sure, there is no 'one size fits all' or silver bullet and some are just boilerplate solutions, leveraged to the hilt and really only keeping us at a 30,000-foot-view of things. Being on-site, however, really allow us to get better granularity, find better directional-indicators, or loop back and dive deep into some critical issues on a go-forward basis.

            I think if you all start spending more time in the office again, you'll find yourself trending toward the positive, but you'll have to keep an eye on the puck. Gut through it, reduce thrash, and let's stay in lock-step on this. Yes, we will synergize!

            What's the root cause of the hatred of Corporate office spaces? I'll put my layman's hat on and guess that it comes from movies such as Office Space and Dilbert cartoons. But we all know that these are fictional spaces, and real office spaces allow us to touch base in a much more efficient manner.

            I have to time-box this comment, as I have a hard-stop in a moment when I will have to jump onto a call. So, just one more point that I want to cover-off on: let's socialize the idea of having more office presence and loop back to see whether we're being more impactful. From a management standpoint, I think that we can get the traction to do it.

            So, net/net, ignore the naysayers, sidebar the folks that are stuck in the weeds, and don't waste cycles or bandwidth on folks that don't align strongly with this mission. Try it out, and we'll have another touch point in a little while to see if we've moved the needle. Remember, our north star hasn't changed. We're still championing our core values remotely and we will only do it better in person.

            If you need me, I will be online again in a bit.

            • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              It's disingenuous and forced enough that I believe it to be a real corporate email

            • 10 months ago

              Chaos Space Marine?

            • 10 months ago

              I HATE THE ANTI CHRIST

            • 10 months ago

              I pray to god every day in the hopes that we will have an uprising and slaughter these people in the street like the dogs they are

              But god never answers

            • 10 months ago

              Wonder if the fake carebear attitude and moronic corpo-speak became a thing because of women/homosexuals in workplace environments demanded it become their safespace.

              • 10 months ago

                oh 100%, they've had to adapt to the softness of their employees and the potential lawsuits for showing the slightest bit of normalcy

              • 10 months ago

                Office workers in the the 1850s - 1950s were much more to-the-point and didn't have to watch their words as much. There are stories of them being much more lenient and flexible while also not being carebears. During the 1896 heatwave, office workers would actually send employees to do ice runs to keep everyone cool and allowed them 15 minutes out of every hour to cooldown. There were no government guidelines saying they had to have a specific amount of breaks, they just adapted to the weather, bought everyone ice, and let them chill out for a little bit to keep their bearings.

                Rather than women and gays making corpo-speak become a thing, it was entirely the fault of the Boomers getting their feelings hurt by Silent/Greatest gen older coworkers. Women worked in the office for decades at that point and there was never any issues until the Baby Boomers came of age.

              • 10 months ago

                >Women at workplace do fine until the time they stop dressing modestly


              • 10 months ago

                Women (and men) were fine wearing uniforms until the Boomer Hippies made everything terrible for everyone. People adhered to strict dress codes in the 1950s, got their work done, and no one complained. Boomers thought that was harshing their chill and changed it when they got power.

                Speaking as a historian who specializes in Rome and America, basically everything was much better in the past until the Boomers got power. The 1960s and 1970s were the worst decades in the 1900s other than the 1930s, and it's not even close. The only other decades that come close to being as bad are the 1850s and 1860s for very obvious reasons.

              • 10 months ago

                >everything was much better in the past
                >continues to list decades in which the past indeed was not better

              • 10 months ago

                The Great Depression and US Civil War are obvious outliers, and even then, dealing with race riots, communist terrorists (Weather Underground, Nation of Islam, Angela Davis, etc), multiple political assassinations, skyrocketing crime rates (Boomers literally invented Soft on Crime), Stagflation, resource scarcity due to Boomer-implemented price controls, a 3,000% spike in serial killers, and a drug epidemic make the 60s and 70s arguably as bad as 25% of the country being unemployed and the deadliest event in American history.

                Kent State didn't go far enough.

              • 10 months ago

                >No pozzed

              • 10 months ago

                I did several projects in university about how Mary Beard and Eric Hobsbawm are political hacks masquerading as historians and that they are no more reliable than Edward Gibbons, just more modern. Professors didn't like me very much.

              • 10 months ago

                You should've been more subtle with them.

              • 10 months ago

                >Mary Beard
                Beard is so awful. I can't remember the exact text I read of her, but it was such blatant jumping to conclusion bullshit ilt felt like the world's most loquacious tumblr post
                >Eric Hobsbawm
                I actually miss the old commie. They weren't right, but you could sorta sympathize with them. Not with modern lefties and their "elagabalus existence means trans were heckin cute and valid since Rome folx!"
                >Professors didn't like me very much
                Lmao, I got kicked out of class once for quoting Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee about how the Sioux didn't sprout from the High Plains and were divinely and perpetually granted lordship over land they occupied before the white man came

              • 10 months ago

                Fricking lmao
                Did they at least try to defend or make any occult arguments or dispute or etc about divine ordainance and lordship or am I expecting too much?

              • 10 months ago

                Expecting too much
                Just the usual babble about invasion being bad and conquest that's completely absent when discussing the natives behavior among themselves

              • 10 months ago

                Why'd you bother with them at all, man. Is extramural education a thing in the West?

              • 10 months ago

                >Is extramural education a thing in the West?
                Yes, but not many people take it
                >Why'd you bother with them at all, man
                I was pretty homosexual at the time. Gays should have the rights normal people do, there's no difference at all between genders or races, the whole the kool aid
                "Peaceful, hippie amerindians" was just one of the few things I disagreed with the main narrative, not even because of racism, I just knew it to be wrong, factually, because I always enjoyed studying about them and knew.
                It's amazing how, not even dumb, but wilfully ignorant people have to be.
                Beard is actually a god example. You can tell she's not a moron, she just deliberately ignores the obvious and fights against reality

              • 10 months ago

                Your travails sound better than why I got into history. It was to win arguments in Sid Meier's Civilization threads

                I got out of my lefty phase long before I graduated from Highschool in 2015, so by the time I was in University I was already disabused of the narrative. As for my crimes against the Natives, I debunked the Smallpox Blankets hoax. I'm blanking on the professor's name, but it was basically invented whole-cloth by some professor from Aurora, Colorado in the 1990s. Needless to say, professors and assistants weren't pleased with me going through historical first hand accounts to debunk a fellow anti-West Marxoid's polemic about Americans being evil.

              • 10 months ago

                So much of the current narrative around history is based on provable lies and yet it persists nonetheless because it's adopted wholesale by the entire educational infrastructure of the US, and as a result the false version of history becomes real to most people.

              • 10 months ago

                Am I correct in presumption that most professors don't like having their professional standing get shaken like that, or is it explicitly these types of competence lacking agitprop consumers who're shaken by it?
                I mean, on one hand that's pretty human, but on the other, it's rather immature.

              • 10 months ago

                Professors hate anyone who challenges their narrative, and will destroy your grades if you do so, especially if you're actually effective. Which is why most people just stay quiet or actively and loudly agree, to maximize their grades even if they know it's bullshit.

              • 10 months ago

                That's only if you study a meme degree. I did Biomedical Science and the one guy in the class who fricked with lectures all the time got great grades as he was always objectively correct which one can be in a Science degree. The lecturers opinion holds no value in an objective field like medical biology.

              • 10 months ago

                What about political or economical agendas or anything that can be hypothetically exploited, like asking someone to tweak their papers to make them more partial to some select party line or pharma's public statement about a product?

              • 10 months ago

                >That's only if you study a meme degree
                Well, hard sciences do think social sciences are a meme
                But then again, I know mathematicians that think most of the field of physics is just "bullshit some germans tricked everyone into believing"

              • 10 months ago

                >Well, hard sciences do think social sciences are a meme
                That's not an outlook any serious scientist with an interest in researching sapience would adhere to, but making others disregard the importance of social sciences is a basic smart thing, really.

              • 10 months ago

                Am I correct in presumption that most professors don't like having their professional standing get shaken like that, or is it explicitly these types of competence lacking agitprop consumers who're shaken by it?
                I mean, on one hand that's pretty human, but on the other, it's rather immature.

                How much information do you think has been lost and corrupted because of c**ts like this? If they wanted to spin this much bullshit they should've taken up fanfiction writing instead. Its harrowing to think about.

              • 10 months ago

                In public perception, a plenty.
                Physically and in professional expertise sphere, as long as the archives remain intact and undoctored, and some academic old guard or spirited new blood remains, return is possible, but physical sources may not be easily available.

              • 10 months ago

                Have you ever had a professor who made you read his own writings and essays and ignored/belittled other specialists? If you want to get a good grade, you have to play their game.

              • 10 months ago

                Nah, never got to uni, left college of my own volition too.
                Man, those social quirks are silly at times. This is rather unprofessional.

              • 10 months ago

                College professors think they're God
                Tenured ones don't think, they're certain

              • 10 months ago

                Said so well you could put those words on a marble slab before college entrances.

              • 10 months ago

                And then everyone stood up and clapped and an eagle flew in the window while everyone got down on one knee and prayed to baby Jesus.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >to win arguments in Sid Meier's Civilization threads
                That's a great reason. Shit, I went through some efforts to win arguments over the internet with strangers, it's fun
                >Smallpox Blankets hoax
                Man, there's just so much bullshit which they simply repeated till everyone decides it's a fact. My favorite is the Galileo affair being portrayed as Galilei defending science and reason against the mysticism and savagery of the Church something people like Carl Sagan talked as if it was a fact

                I wouldn't call that homosexual. It's a somewhat reasonable outlook, one that is based on more innocent sentiments. Irrational, and ignorant tolerance, but a more reasonable one than not.
                That said, you're on point about ignorance. Even to a historically uneducated but a basically pondering person with a passing comprehension of violence and human, or indeed sapient life dynamics on this planet, such an argument is simply silly.
                They literally scalped other people for crying out loud, they were a warrior culture, warriors wage wars!
                They don't sit around twinddling their thumbs, just because one can be honorable about this or that violence or resource acquisition doesn't mean its theirs.
                People in these times aren't too appreciative when one reminds them that their lands are merely something their ancestors took, much like many other things.

                >I wouldn't call that homosexual
                Well it was mostly joking, but you're right a better word would be "innocent" or maybe "manipulated" really.
                There's that Hitler quote from Mein Kampf that gets thrown around a lot "Gradually, I began to hate them" and frick me if that isn't reality. It's not until you're face to face with reality, not the bullshit narratives sold to you that you see, true hate, passionate hate can only come from experience

              • 10 months ago

                >It's not until you're face to face with reality, not the bullshit narratives sold to you that you see, true hate, passionate hate can only come from experience
                That's an entrapping logic in its own way. Partly because observation of reality is not necessarily a complete one, ergo one risks taking strong stances based on irrationality and ignorance even when one is correct partially or almost completely.
                And partly because the more legitimate hate can be, warranted or not, the harder it is to escape from it, which makes it all the more dangerous if matters one is dealing with are steeped in corruption or evil towards innocents.
                Because then one is both risking making incorrect judgements that may make things worse, and make one liable to basic manipulations, especially concerning psychological distortions of other people.
                But I digress, your point is easy to grasp.

              • 10 months ago

                That's fair, but my statement wasn't really about a flawless methodology to deal with the world, just an antipode position borne out of experience over what you're constantly told and basically forced to learn

              • 10 months ago

                I know, no biggie. I was just musing, myself.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm blanking on the professor's name, but it was basically invented whole-cloth by some professor from Aurora, Colorado in the 1990s.
                Oh frick me anon you can't do that you're gonna get black listed

                .....seriously it's disgusting how much shit they just made up in the last 30 years, it's why I call myself a storyteller and not a historian now.

              • 10 months ago

                Well, considering how you folks describe them, it's you who are historians with your exploits, and it's them who are storytellers.

              • 10 months ago

                >you're gonna get blacklisted
                Imagine getting canceled because you want to get your facts straight. These frickers shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the history books if they are going to keep pissing on them like this. Nepotism and homosexualry is a plague.

              • 10 months ago

                >Imagine getting canceled because you want to get your facts straight
                This is why there are so many YouTube historians that are being forced to the right because they debunk narratives, get attacked, and find themselves with a rightwing audience. Metatron, Shadiversity, and etc.

                Professors in any field are absolutely adamant they're correct. They cancelled Alfred Wegener, the guy who came up with Plate Tectonics, and that was 100 years ago now. Anything that disproves their life's work is anathema to them, and they will go to their graves fighting against any competing theory.

                Pro tip: No one gives a singular shit about your grades after you graduate. As long as you don't fail your classes, you can piss off your professors by going against them as much as you want.

              • 10 months ago

                I wouldn't call that homosexual. It's a somewhat reasonable outlook, one that is based on more innocent sentiments. Irrational, and ignorant tolerance, but a more reasonable one than not.
                That said, you're on point about ignorance. Even to a historically uneducated but a basically pondering person with a passing comprehension of violence and human, or indeed sapient life dynamics on this planet, such an argument is simply silly.
                They literally scalped other people for crying out loud, they were a warrior culture, warriors wage wars!
                They don't sit around twinddling their thumbs, just because one can be honorable about this or that violence or resource acquisition doesn't mean its theirs.
                People in these times aren't too appreciative when one reminds them that their lands are merely something their ancestors took, much like many other things.

              • 10 months ago

                Anonymous, Hippies (and rock music like Hendrix and Zappa if others are to be believed, at least Zappa had military affiliated parent too, purpose is non-intrusive mind control, self-evident success) are literally US pet project.

              • 10 months ago

                Hippies were enemies of the GlowOps in the US government. Hoover really did not care for them, and though what he did to MLK Jr. is shady, he wasn't wrong about MLK's crypto-commie tendencies. The hippies just glowed red instead of green. Communist International glowies are no better than the CIA.

              • 10 months ago

                *Hippies were enemies of some in the US government, but not all
                Where some see enemies, others see tools, and it takes certain rationales to implement MK projects and other peculiar items on your populace, which should tell you much on its own.
                What color it glowed is irrelevant, as skilled ops, either side will be able to use either to their advantage, and masquerade as either.
                The stakes were, and still are, too high.

              • 10 months ago

                Book reccs?

              • 10 months ago

                Nta, but you need to specify what you're after

              • 10 months ago

                >The 1960s and 1970s were the worst decades in the 1900s other than the 1930s, and it's not even close. The only other decades that come close to being as bad are the 1850s and 1860s for very obvious reasons.
                Something that would justify that statement I guess

              • 10 months ago

                How We Got Here - David Frum
                The Age of Entitlement - Christopher Caldwell

                1960s and 1970s are within living memory. You can ask people who lived through it or watch movies from that era to get an idea of what people thought.

            • 10 months ago

              this is too perfect, either ChatGPT helped you make this or you're an actual middle-manager at some faceless megacorp

            • 10 months ago

              0/10, no parking lots.

            • 10 months ago

              Oh, man. I hate how much they talk without saying anything.

      • 10 months ago

        >pronouns in bio
        And nothing of value was lost.

      • 10 months ago

        Eh him being at the company didn't stop DA2/DAI/Andromeda/ME3/Anthem from being shit, anyone capable of making something worthwhile happen at that studio is already long gone.

    • 10 months ago

      They're cutting down on custodial staff ,they heard that somewhere jannies do it for free so by firing the previous ones now they hope to attract those people

    • 10 months ago

      >implying there's anyone useful at bioware now
      that's a funny joke bro

    • 10 months ago

      >useful people

    • 10 months ago

      take it as you will, my game dev studio thats bigger than bioware even had mass layoffs before, and always they fire people who do the work first, and make sure to leave any useless positions
      the idea isnt to optimize workflow, but to cut spending, this means most experience people who usually get paid more will be first to be fired and if possible replaced by juniors and interns
      the ones doing the firing are the managers, and they wont fire themself, first will go those who work hardest that make others look bad, second anybody who questions where the company is going, only where the company is close to bankruptcy would the management staff finally be cut by the board of directors

      i know few people who worked at bioware who work where i do now, and they say its literally the same management ideology in both companies
      i can name one other company i knes a lot of people at, ready at dawn, meta fired or pushed out 70% of the staff with any experience and replaced them with new people while cutting the workforce by around 30%, this is the goal of mass layoffs, cut spending, remove anybody who will question upper staff and nepo diversity hires

    • 10 months ago

      >useful people
      they left years ago.

  14. 10 months ago

    Dragon Age-sisters....
    It's not looking good.

    • 10 months ago

      it hasn't since DA2, even die hard fans are skeptical about this game

    • 10 months ago

      If you were paying attention you'd know things looked bad from the very moment people learnt of dead names existence

  15. 10 months ago

    Literally who?

  16. 10 months ago

    i hate the faux sympathy manager speak
    just own it. you are firing some losers so you can look better at the investor call

  17. 10 months ago

    Just put it out of it's misery

  18. 10 months ago

    >EA started the process to sink Bioware
    Let's all bet now.
    My guess is, a DA/ME release in 2 years that will be rushed as all frick and it will kill the company

    • 10 months ago

      They probably rein in studios and change names.
      Bioware is toxic.
      Except something bland like EA north

      • 10 months ago

        Or if they don't shove it into another studio that they already own. Respawn Montreal or something

      • 10 months ago

        >Publisher Location
        is passe
        they stopped doing it in the mid 2000s, with a few exceptions, because it makes it difficult to brand each studio, even if that branding is superficial and shallow
        Imagine if Dice was just referred to only as EA Stockholm

  19. 10 months ago

    >As part of this transition
    Sounds like Bioware finally ACKed

  20. 10 months ago

    Bioware has been dead for over a decade now

    • 10 months ago

      More like 2 decades
      You can find design documents of ME saying it was meant to be a more casualized version of KOTOR with mass appeal

      • 10 months ago

        ME was good, so was Dragon Age Origins. But then they went full woke and killed themselves.

        They deserved it.

        • 10 months ago

          >go woke go broke
          BG3 is the most pozzed up woke shit released in years and has already sold 5 million copies on steam alone.
          More pozzed than any Bioware game ever released. It makes Andromeda and Inquisition look like they have traditional catholic conservative values

          • 10 months ago

            I killed every homosexual I didn't like in bg3, come back when the game forces me to play a female Black person and listen to how brave she is.

            • 10 months ago

              forspoken could have been decent if they'd just listen to the fans and lean less into the Blacklatry. the rest is genuine irredeemable trash.

          • 10 months ago

            >BG3 is the most pozzed up woke shit released in year
            >More pozzed than any Bioware game ever released
            Are you mental? BG3 is degenerate. It has females in a harem, bikini armor, twin incest and all sorts of shit
            Inquisition had a troony that lectured you in being a troony that all you could do was agree with her (and that to exist they gad to retcon a big part of their lore). It had a companion quest that was all about how being gay is fine and normal

            • 10 months ago

              Twin incest?

              • 10 months ago

                It's male and female
                Like I said, degenerate. Pozzing comes with it, but it's not woke like Bioware "sexualizing women is bad"

              • 10 months ago

                >wokeshit is not wokeshit because I can cooom!!!!
                Black person, it has more homosexuals, trannies etc. than all Bioware games combined
                and that's just the surface level, cause all the gay shit and reddit shitlib shit permeates the writing harder than DAI and MEA

                the level of cope people come up with for this game is unreal, if Bioware put inlfuencer trannies in their game, everyone would be ripping it to shit

              • 10 months ago

                I guess you can say they truly became the Bio-ware now, haha!

              • 10 months ago

                is not wokeshit because I can cooom!!!!
                Are you illiterate? Actually read what I wrote instead of reflexively sperging out
                To be woke, it needs to be lecturing and virtue signaling. That's why Bioware put a troony character or a gay character. So that they could lecture on the importance of trannies and gays
                Larian doesn't let you frick a bear or screw twins because they're promoting the woke agenda of incest and zoophilia, they do it because they're degenerate Europeans, and that has its own problems and it's own pozz.
                >the level of cope people come up with for this game is unreal
                Nobody is coping about anything, I'm educating you on the differences and why "go woke go broke" doesn't apply to BG3. You think if it didn't have waifus and the protagonist was obligatorily a troonylllit would've sold well?

              • 10 months ago

                theres a brothel in rivengtons area near the bridge to cross into Wyrm Tower, and it has 2 drow in it that are brother and sister. If you do something for the brothel owner you can sleep with one or both of them. They imply they do it often, but don't actually sleep with each other. Its more just the fetish for the customers.

              • 10 months ago

                I get nyl2 flashbacks now. He too had 2 drow in a brothel. But they were women with big dicks!

            • 10 months ago

              Very interesting, anon. Wokeness doesn't sell but degeneracy does. proles don't want to get lectured at but you can condition them into accepting the same ideas by appealing to their base impulses.

              • 10 months ago

                >proles don't want to get lectured at but you can condition them into accepting the same ideas by appealing to their base impulses.
                Yeah, succinctly put

  21. 10 months ago

    The absolute state of BioWare

  22. 10 months ago

    Go woke go broke
    Can someone post the clip of the guy kissing another guy in the recent Dragon Age cartoon?

    • 10 months ago

      Nah, man. A bunch of woke shit manages to well. Bioware has simply been woefully incompetent for far too long.

  23. 10 months ago

    EA is doing its thing again.
    >Force unrealistic milestones on dev
    >You can't hit it on time?
    >Well, sorry bud, guess we have to decrease your budget and fire people
    Then of course soon merge the rest of Bioware into x other company they have that is doing well. I guess Respawn.

    • 10 months ago

      >unrealistic milestones
      Larian made DOS1 a decade ago, and they got better over time. Bioware made DAO and got worse over time.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not gonna defend them, but existing under EA even if they still got it they'd eventually be digested.
        Surprised Bioware has gotten to be a hardened turd in EAs bowels for so long.

        • 10 months ago

          EA gave bioware quite bit rope.
          After intal shitstorm. They had quite bit freedom.
          Like with their loot shooter game. When they showed it somepoint to EA bosses. Those bosses were baffled why flying wasnt mmechanism. They also let them frick around for years. Eventually they told to bioware. You got to deliver something.
          Let's not pretend biowares downfall was anything else then failure of biowares own leadership. Not EA

      • 10 months ago

        They got worse because of EA and being a public company.

        Larian is owned by Sven and he can throw a casual million away to give a game another few months if he wants. He doesn't have stick holders shitting and passing themselves if line doesn't go up. Bioware had some cancer, yes. But EA allowed it on a privaso they got their hooks in. It started as early as Mass Effect 2, you can feel the rot set in their the second the Human Reaper showed up. That was obviously an exec shoving his fricking dick into it.

        • 10 months ago

          >It started as early as Mass Effect 2, you can feel the rot set in their the second the Human Reaper showed up. That was obviously an exec shoving his fricking dick into it.
          Bold of you to assume Bioware just flat isn't compentent.
          >Copies d20/3.5E
          >Copies d20/3E
          >Baldur's Gate
          >Copies d20/2E
          >Mass Effect
          >Doesn't copy a TTRPG system

          • 10 months ago

            ME1 was alright though, no? ME2 became really wide-spread, while ME3 was probably among the most marked games there were.

    • 10 months ago

      Dreadwolf development started in 2015
      No excuses

    • 10 months ago

      >EA is doing its thing again.
      Confirmed time and time again that EA is fairly hands-off with their studios, there are many articles corroborating this and blaming BioWare management as the sole responsible for the state of the company.

      It's been a dead man walking studio for a decade anyway. All the talented people are long gone.

  24. 10 months ago

    >when the project has to be restarted for the fifth time

    oh NOW you get rid of the community managers and "writing team"

  25. 10 months ago

    Good fricking riddance. BioWare was deader than dead and what's happening to it is the equivalent of necrophilia.

  26. 10 months ago

    Only transition that's happening in bioware is trans transition

  27. 10 months ago

    ME3 ending was a Last Jedi moment that killed the franchise and thats why Amdromeda failed

    Anthem was just a dumb idea from the start nothing could save it

  28. 10 months ago

    the sequel to Mass Effect?

  29. 10 months ago

    >Literally gave up after seeing BD3
    KEK can't make this shit up.

  30. 10 months ago

    The Absolute State of Bioware

  31. 10 months ago

    >bioware laying off 50 people
    At HQ I hope. Any former Edmonton bioware employees ITT that need some work I'll hire ya to plunge toilets and paint walls for like 25$ an hour. Not joking either.

  32. 10 months ago


  33. 10 months ago

    >Company gets bought out by big corpo
    >Wow there is way too many nerds here... We need to fill this place out with ESG approved hires and twittergays
    >Diversity hires can't code for shit and twittergays sit around all day because they don't really like video games and just want a comfy job.
    >Push out all the old staff so they can hire more diversity hires and brag about it on twitter.
    >2 releases later when all goodwill has gone to shit and the company is a bloated mess full medicore coders who do the bare minimum the company finally collapses under its own weight.

    Writing has been on the wall for a long time.

    • 10 months ago

      >2 releases later
      they have been dead for almost a decade maybe even more

    • 10 months ago

      >2 releases later
      It's been 16 years since their last decent game.

  34. 10 months ago

    >As part of this transition
    No wonder the studio is dead amirite fellas

  35. 10 months ago

    Everyone in Bioware should have been fired after Andromeda
    They should have been executed after Anthem
    the fact they're still allowed to piss money away on the sloppiest of slop Dragon Age scraped off the floor is insane

  36. 10 months ago


  37. 10 months ago

    >mass layoffs

  38. 10 months ago

    As a former Bioware fan, who the frick cares about them in 2023?

  39. 10 months ago

    >everyone forgot that half of the competent staff at Bioware left after being bought by EA and that the other half left over the years because everyone smart knew what was coming
    It's been an empty shell since Mass Effect 2, over 10 fricking years ago.

  40. 10 months ago

    >50 diversity hires getting the ACK-xe.
    Yeah, RIP

  41. 10 months ago

    holy shit cant those Black folk just go bankrupt already?
    why do I have to wait 10 fricking years to see BioBlack person and troonyzzard go bankrupt and disappear from the face of the earth?

  42. 10 months ago

    It's the beginning of the end, Bioware's name isn't worth shit anymore and Larian has usurped them.

  43. 10 months ago

    Saw the success of BG3 and decided to return to its roots, purging the diversity hires and ethics department. Focusing on making classic RPGs going forward.
    Fired the last white coders still hanging on to biowares glory days.

    • 10 months ago

      >purging the diversity hires and ethics department
      What? If anything BG3 is going to make all RPG devs push for diversity hires even harder. The smarter decision is to not let them get full reign on development.

      Remember that phase where everyone wanted to make their franchises more like Game of Thrones? We're going to get that phase soon but for BG3.

  44. 10 months ago

    troons have no chance

  45. 10 months ago

    >Cutting 50 people
    >Keeping the guy who lead Andromeda and Anthem to head ME4
    Why can’t EA just give them the Visceral Games treatment please

  46. 10 months ago

    had to happen eventually
    bioware fully trooned out

  47. 10 months ago

    >I want to take a moment on how we got here
    keep your moment, everybody's know well over a decade lmao

  48. 10 months ago

    Microsoft acquisition incoming plus Me4 and Dreadwolf exclusive.

  49. 10 months ago

    I'm honestly amazed Bioware made it this far, I thought they'd get wrapped up after Anthem

  50. 10 months ago

    Where are we going PapEA?

  51. 10 months ago

    Bioware, like Blizard, is just a name now. Bioware died 10 years ago.

    • 10 months ago

      Post more doa girls please

      especially kanna and marie rose

      or mila, she barely has any pics

  52. 10 months ago

    >be me
    >child way back when
    >lonely, frozen little leaf
    >be proud that bioware is a respected developer
    >my favorite game, KOTOR, was made just a few hours away from my house
    >mass effect and dragon age are hits
    >think this will usher in a golden age of leaf game development
    >mfw the state of bioware today
    it hurts bros. it hurts a lot

    • 10 months ago

      get out of canuckistan while you still can leafbro

      • 10 months ago

        >tfw 75 dollary-doo bill for lollygagging in the waiting room
        Oh shit bros, I don't think my insurance will cover this.

      • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      If it makes you feel any better EA did some really fricked corporate espionage shit to take bioware. Bioware's newly hired CEO handed his company over on a silver platter to go and get a better position at EA.

    • 10 months ago

      Its okey anon they used to be good before EA bought them and they troonymaxxed

  53. 10 months ago

    I'd like to think this is a mass firing of the rainbow haired clowns ruining literally everything they touch, but we know it's actually just firing more white men.

  54. 10 months ago


  55. 10 months ago

    >>As part of this transition

  56. 10 months ago

    >only games they made in the last decade were mass effect andromeda and anthem.
    even blizzard actually puts out games. why the FRICK would you still have hope for this company?

  57. 10 months ago




  58. 10 months ago

    Press F to spit on Bioware's rotten corpse

  59. 10 months ago

    Hamburger Helper status?

    • 10 months ago

      Still a man

    • 10 months ago

      frick, I liked unavowed

      • 10 months ago

        This explains a lot of Unavowed, the dialogues and choices felt like Bioware-lite.

    • 10 months ago

      spends all day on twitter running defence for corrupt pedoiphiles

    • 10 months ago

      She hasn't been at Bioware in a long, long time. Virtually all of the staff that worked on their old games was already gone even before this purge. Anyone who could get out to work in a better studio did so long ago, Bioware as it exists today is nothing but a rotting corpse, and now that EA has finally spun off SWTOR they have no reason to exist. It's doubtful Dragon Age:Deadname or the ME sequel will ever even release.

    • 10 months ago

      Hamburger Helper is small time compared to what came after
      Her coming back would actually improve things

  60. 10 months ago

    Good. Sell Mass Effect and Dragon Age to Larian. These clowns haven't made a good game since like 2010.

    • 10 months ago

      Who, Bioware or Larian?

    • 10 months ago

      >Sell Mass Effect and Dragon Age to Larian
      Why? There are far more interesting IPs to work on than these.

    • 10 months ago

      >Sell Mass Effect and Dragon Age to Larian
      It's okay to like BG3, plenty of people do. But every Baldur's Gate fan knows they pissed on the grave of the franchise. They ruined the characters, setting, lore etc. It's a disgrace when you consider the series as a whole.

      • 10 months ago

        >But every Baldur's Gate fan knows they pissed on the grave of the franchise
        Tbf, not exactly their fault.
        Wizards hated the games with a passion
        The original book trilogy was garbage and the modules they release to tie in with BG3 was somehow even worse

      • 10 months ago

        Larians biggest mistake was not just making their own FR adventure. There was honestly zero reason to tie it into the old BG games. It would've been way more interesting to go to some other areas in the setting rather than BG again, anyways. I have to wonder if it was Larian or WotC that insisted on making the game a "sequel" to the BG games.

        • 10 months ago

          Larian wanted BG3 for the same reason Bethesda wanted Fallout. Brand recognition is brand recognition.

    • 10 months ago

      >Selling an IP

    • 10 months ago

      Maybe to CDProjekt Red to reboot ot

      • 10 months ago

        Microsoft, Larian or CDPR.

    • 10 months ago

      >Sell Mass Effect and Dragon Age to Larian.
      Swen hates nu-rpg. But EA owns Ultima IP and they may make a deal because Swen loves Ultima 7.

  61. 10 months ago

    >we are eliminating approximately 50 roles at BioWare
    Now how many people were in those roles? I just want to see if they're actually going down or if this means they'll be a zombie.

  62. 10 months ago

    I genuinely can't remember the last time I enjoyed a BioWare game. ME3 multiplayer perhaps? It's a directionless husk of a company, DA2 was the beginning of the end.

  63. 10 months ago

    Most likely the remnants of the SWTOR team.

  64. 10 months ago

    MEbros this doesn't look good, we were supposed to play as Shepard one last time

    • 10 months ago

      >product will le continue
      They really scarping the bottom of the barrel by copying capeshit.

  65. 10 months ago

    awesome. how many left?

  66. 10 months ago

    >If you’re wondering how all of this will impact development of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf
    I am not. No one cares about this game.

  67. 10 months ago

    >we need to be agile, focused, and with clear communication
    >rambles on for two paragraphs before getting to the point

  68. 10 months ago

    I wonder how the atmosphere is over there after pivoting Dragon Age into a bastardised GoW clone and then seeing BG3 release to absurd success.

    • 10 months ago

      It would've been regretful but it's not like a single employee there now ever worked in an RPG or cared about them

      • 10 months ago

        I'd be surprised if most have even played an RPG, or a videogame in general other than something like Gone Homo

        • 10 months ago

          >Gone Homo
          I don't know why but I laughed a lot at just this

  69. 10 months ago

    all the people laid off were Union

  70. 10 months ago

    They made this public so they have an excuse for the next shitty game they make. Pretty clever

  71. 10 months ago

    so they are getting rid of the useless diversity hires to get things done. thats a good thing right?
    why is this controversial?

    • 10 months ago

      >they are getting rid of the useless diversity hires
      I fricking wish, the director of the new Dragon Age is a literal troon who swore to make the game as woke as possible

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          I feel bad for DA fans

          • 10 months ago

            There shouldn't be any DA fans after DA2 and Inquistion. Anyone who had hopes for Dreadwolf is just getting what was coming to them.

            • 10 months ago

              I liked DA2 and I will not apologize for it. If they had been given another year or alternatively if the expansion wasn't canceled it would have been a great game.
              It's still so much better than Inquisition it's unreal. I lost all hope for Bioware after playing through this trash fire.

              • 10 months ago

                >it would have been a great game.
                It wouldn't. It might've been a good side story spin off tho, but it was never gonna be a good sequel

              • 10 months ago

                >but it was never gonna be a good sequel
                And that's okay because a real sequel what have needed the Grey Wardens again.

              • 10 months ago


  72. 10 months ago

    Good, frick bioware and all their troony enablers.

  73. 10 months ago

    >"Hey, um, funny story hehe...sooooo about my job....."
    why do they ALL talk like this?

    • 10 months ago

      >Technical Director at BioWare
      good cut

    • 10 months ago

      They think acting meek and pathetic will make people trust them, it's a grooming tactic.

    • 10 months ago

      The entire point of these nu-males is to be passive and submissive even when dealing with something like the loss of their twenty year employment, he must still present himself in a passive, non threatening way at all times.

    • 10 months ago

      >(He / Him)
      Of course.
      >Foundation Technical Director at BioWare working on Dragon Age.
      Remember, Dragon Age Inquisiton was a brutal success. This is why the sequel was so problematic.

  74. 10 months ago

    Bioware can't help but transition can they

  75. 10 months ago

    This will have a mass effect on the gaming industry, I'm sure.

  76. 10 months ago

    You need to make space for the diversity hires. The % required to be an ally-company increase every single month after all.

    • 10 months ago

      Does Canada have diversity hires?

      • 10 months ago

        yes, they'll even ask you on job applications if you're a visible minority.

      • 10 months ago

        nta but turdeu recently announced a 100 million dollar budget bill to enforce state mandated diversity and homosexuality

      • 10 months ago

        even worse than the us. Remember, our current gov is basically California tier but without the massive income from the tech industry to pay for our bullshit. I'm expecting the collapse in 20-30 years max where we'll be sold and partitioned between the US(if it still exist) and china

        Except for BC and Toronto which are already chinese

  77. 10 months ago

    50 people fired and they keep the troony quota assurance division.

  78. 10 months ago

    >Getting rid of 50%
    >A transition
    The jokes write themselves.

  79. 10 months ago


  80. 10 months ago


  81. 10 months ago

    Stay scared mass effect 4 will blow balls hurt gay 3 outta the water

  82. 10 months ago

    all around me are familiar faces...

  83. 10 months ago

    They haven't made anything even remotely approaching a good game since ME3 and that's if you want to be generous, since I'd call that the worst in the trilogy. I'm surprised this studio still exists.

  84. 10 months ago

    >Firing in-house devs to move to agile
    This means they are probably out-sourcing dev-work.

  85. 10 months ago


  86. 10 months ago

    BioQueer strikes again.

    • 10 months ago

      this might be a gay thing to say, but just hear me out. Dicks are so much more aesthetically pleasing than vag is, and it's not close

      • 10 months ago

        >doesn't appreciate bald dicky

        • 10 months ago

          should've clarified, MOST dicks are more aesthetically pleasing than MOST vag.

          bald dicky is of course top tier

  87. 10 months ago


    You have nothing but preset NPC responses. You don't even know what a non-sequitur is.

  88. 10 months ago

    Mass effect 2 still has one of the best intro of any video game
    >instantly kills the main character
    >you are revived as a mecha space jesus

    That was the last time bioware was creative.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


      >It's Medbay, we'll get you a thermal clip from the...

    • 10 months ago

      >you dying and losing your ship is undone within 15 minutes
      makes ME3 look like a masterpiece that one

  89. 10 months ago

    DA 4 is going to be so fricking dead on arrival.

  90. 10 months ago

    Why are there 50(or more?) positions at a video game developer? Shouldn't there be very few positions(level designer, sound designer, modeler, writer, artificial intelligence, marketing team, quality testers, and a few others that I can't think of)?

    • 10 months ago

      Consider the following.

      You need a lot of motherfrickers to make a modern game, or you need a few very talented, extremely motivated motherfrickers and a long time.

      • 10 months ago

        >768 people (735 professional roles, 33 thanks) with 793 credits.


    • 10 months ago

      Got to make up roles for the biological females to do

    • 10 months ago

      Making assets takes a lot of work. There's a guy who worked on BamHam whose sole job, for the entirety of his multiple years of employment, was programming and testing Batman's cape physics. With how high-definition models and textures are nowadays, it can take a singular employee 100+ hours to finish one model, and animating it is significantly more laborious.

      Playtesters and bugtesters also make up a significant amount of employment numbers. The larger a game is, the more people you need to test every square inch of the map to check if the player can clip through the ground and die there. If a game takes 40 hours to complete, that's an entire employee's week of work just to do one playthrough looking for bugs, but more often than not they just ram themselves into walls at varying angles to make sure you can't clip through them.

      • 10 months ago

        >was programming and testing Batman's cape physics
        so he was the guy that put the cape in capeshit

  91. 10 months ago

    they just got caught having spent the past 1.5 years with no progress on Dread Wolf its about 30 million over budget, and another unnamed project is still in its concept phase. Dread Wolf is shaping up to be Anthem an tier release.
    EA was apparently super pissed about it since Dread Wolf isn't looking like its going to make 2024, when EA wanted it released.
    The layoffs are to writers, contract artists, and middle managment that have fostered a identity politic positive culture over gameplay.
    >t. edmonton gay with friends who work and have worked for homosexualware

    • 10 months ago

      That's actually plausible, the development has been restarted three times and Inquistion was almost a decade ago. Since Inquisition was a financial success EA has probably only kept Bioware around to develop the fourth game and yet they have been unable to deliver, they're probably really close to just icing the entire studio if they can't get Deadname out the door.

    • 10 months ago

      That's actually plausible, the development has been restarted three times and Inquistion was almost a decade ago. Since Inquisition was a financial success EA has probably only kept Bioware around to develop the fourth game and yet they have been unable to deliver, they're probably really close to just icing the entire studio if they can't get Deadname out the door.

      I believe it, during the last few showcases theyve actually bothered to have Dreadwolf had a bunch of indie tier concept art and animations with the weird "we are building this game FOR YOU" videos while offering nothing of substance, even the teasers were "THIS IS COMING SOON GET EXCITED". Bioware filled itself with a bunch of shitty devs, then outsourced a major shitton of its work to india and its then new studio. its not surprising that its all crumbling.

    • 10 months ago

      I hope you're right.
      But i don't think any layoff will fix Bioware. They suck at their job just plain and simple.

    • 10 months ago

      >The layoffs are to writers, contract artists, and middle managment that have fostered a identity politic positive culture over gameplay.
      Lmao, should've done that 10 years ago
      I hope it fails and all of them unemployed

    • 10 months ago

      >The layoffs are to writers, contract artists, and middle managment that have fostered a identity politic positive culture over gameplay.
      50 is not enough then

      • 10 months ago

        From what I have been told they tried to bring more of the Andromeda style of writing in and had a strong push with the MC being trans and centric focused to how that impacted the MC story.
        So it's enough to send the message that the product comes before thier "art" and "political ideals". Which was the point of the layoffs as they are all veteran or long term employees.

  92. 10 months ago

    I hope they all end up on the streets and starve
    I hope their children starve
    I want the bloodline of every Bioware and EA employee to be put to an end

  93. 10 months ago

    >what baldur's gate 3 does to your company
    dragonagebros i think its fricking over

  94. 10 months ago

    Worthless board full of worthless posters with worthless opinions. also frick BioWare

  95. 10 months ago

    It's pretty clear what they are saying but I will translate it into human speech anyway.

    >it will allow our developers to iterate quickly
    we are moving at a glacial pace currently
    >unlock more creativity
    we are creatively bankrupt
    >form a clear vision of what we're building
    we have no fricking clue what we are doing

    • 10 months ago

      >unlock more creativity
      >we are creatively bankrupt
      I recall there was a book with an "interesting" title "Why Creative People Should Be Stopped". Never read it, but it was a well-seller supposedly?

  96. 10 months ago

    >50 emplyess
    how many emplyess does bioware even have at this point. i feel like they have been incredible bloated for years now
    also is there even just one version of bioware, i thought ea made several studios that all share the same name for marketing yet have nothing to do with the actually successful bioware games like dragon age 1 or mass effect 1 and 2

  97. 10 months ago

    >Bioware in 2023
    >highest standards of quality

    • 10 months ago

      >highest standards of quality
      trash should have quality too I think

  98. 10 months ago

    So we can expect the next bioware game to actually be good?

  99. 10 months ago

    Nothing to add but why is this a public letter? These companies really should go bust because everything what they do is insufferable and I'm not talking about laying off people here.
    Usually these kind of statements happen inside the house and the situation is well known to people already anyway.
    I wish an extinction event on global scale.

    • 10 months ago

      It's to reassure the public which reassures the investors.

  100. 10 months ago

    They fired Mary Kirby too.


    It's over, if ever there was some small chance of Dread Wolf being somewhat decent, it's all gone now.

    • 10 months ago

      >pronouns in bio
      >says she brews coffee from "the tears of fans"
      Once again nothing of value was lost.

      • 10 months ago

        She worked on Origins, the only DA game with some trace of quality in it, and wrote Loghain, Sten, and Varric. She also wrote the Landsmeet , the Deep Roads, and Trespasser with Weekes iirc. Compared to what the rest of the Bioware team made years later, her work was pretty decent.

        • 10 months ago

          That's like being the winner of the special olympics
          Either way DAO was over a decade ago

  101. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      So, that just happened

    • 10 months ago

      they... they fired veterans from old bioware?

      • 10 months ago

        It looks like lmao. Majority of people seem to worked at bioware for very long time

    • 10 months ago

      Because they must add passivity and meekness to everything they say or do because they are beaten down weaklings who live in a world where they have to constantly watch everything they say lest their equally fragile peers be offended, how is this hard to understand?

    • 10 months ago

      Propaganda bros... i thought we were immune. Even... an old veteran propagandist like Tim The Griffith is out...

      • 10 months ago

        3 for 3 on nothing of value being lost.

    • 10 months ago

      So, uh... I guess th-they got fired because of their writing skills...or lack thereof... And That's A Good Thing

    • 10 months ago

      >Erm... I'm kind of a writer and I need a job now I guess?

    • 10 months ago

      What being a milquetoast poor SOB does to ya, imagine having practiced something for decades and being such a pussy about your ability to do the thing.

    • 10 months ago

      *gets fired*


    • 10 months ago

      I can smell the reddit, onions neckbeard and black rimmed glasses from all the way over here... I guess.

  102. 10 months ago

    Bets on which one of Ass Defect 4 or Dragqueen Age 4 will be the final nail in their coffin.

  103. 10 months ago

    >liberals/leftists take over studio
    >studio goes to shit and dies
    Many such cases.

    • 10 months ago

      They're urban Canadians. They were always left/liberal.

  104. 10 months ago

    How can college educated democrat voting liberals be so heartless and cruel

  105. 10 months ago

    Good, hope they cull the people responsible for their last couple flops and get their shit together, they should know if they frick up again they won't survive.

  106. 10 months ago

    >mfw Dreadwolf is cancelled

    • 10 months ago

      Still in dismay on how the company is even going after Anthem.

  107. 10 months ago

    >boomer this
    >zoomer that
    I'm not an American, so I at times have a giggle because I associate the words with L4D and Mazda ad.
    I think it was Mazda at least, zoom zoom.

  108. 10 months ago

    > BG3 was so gay that it started a chain reaction in the homosexual industry and everything is now on fire

  109. 10 months ago

    One of my colleague (we are in an AI team in a pretty comfy corporation) just left 2 months ago to join BioWare in Quebec city I think. It's so over for him press F

  110. 10 months ago

    >Bioware transitions
    >then dies

    • 10 months ago
  111. 10 months ago


    Tribalism isn't inherently bad, it's all in how you do it.
    I find tribalism turned to evil as annoying as its lack, more than a few issues could've been stopped were people to actually band up and pick up some clubs.

  112. 10 months ago

    This is probably to do with SWTOR switching developers.

    • 10 months ago

      SWTOR has nothing to do with this. EA wanted a change of devs because Bioware didn't think they could continue development due to burn out from working on a project for so long and costs are becoming an issue.

  113. 10 months ago

    waiting for the "Bioware rape dungeons" and other rumors about Bioware being fricking awful to surface

    • 10 months ago

      They're Canadians, not Californians. Nothing is going to come up. EA is just readying the guillotine for a studio whose only reason for existing was a game they can't manage to finish production on. These firings likely also came with an ultimatum to finish the game by whatever deadline EA is giving or have the studio shut down entirely and the project cancelled.

      • 10 months ago

        Gaider's said that back in the 90s Bioware had a frat boy atmosphere where guys would go around not wearing pants and people would openly watch porn but I'm sure that changed when the women showed up.

      • 10 months ago

        >They're Canadians, not Californians.
        What if you cross them over, for science?

    • 10 months ago

      I bet it's just a cyberpunk case, where the devs are managed to the stupidest people ever
      Like a producer who plays a random game at the weekend and arrives monday asking for some random mechanic the game had.

  114. 10 months ago

    >Make a good game
    >EA wants more sales
    >Better make this next one more casual and chase modern trends
    >Oh no it flopped
    >Better make this next one even more casual and chase modern trends
    >Oh no it flopped
    >Better make this next one even more casual and chase modern trends
    >Oh no it flopped
    >Better make this next one even more casual and chase modern trends

  115. 10 months ago

    Anyone who didn't see this coming after SWTOR was given away to a different company for life support is blind. SWTOR is ironically the only profitable thing Bioware has going on right now, so EA will keep the servers running for as long as it remains net positive as they shutter Bioware and disperse its employees to work on Angry Birds or Battlefield or some shit.

    • 10 months ago

      I never thought I'd see this show here in my life.

  116. 10 months ago

    Bioware's last good game was Dragon Age Origins in 2009. Every game after that has been middling at best and god awful at worst.

    • 10 months ago

      How does a game developer go almost 15 years without a successful game and still stay in business?

      • 10 months ago

        It was the only Studio EA had that wasn't making Call of Duty rival or sports

      • 10 months ago

        Inquisition, despite being a garbage game, sold quite well, and the entire reason EA has kept Bioware around this long is because of the fourth DA game in development. Except they've restarted development three times and EA has begun to realize no real work on the game is being done and it's in an abysmal state, thus they are cutting fat and telling them to get the game out or be shut down entirely. And if the game comes out and does poorly, or they can't manage to get it out the door, EA will 100% bring an end to them at long last.

  117. 10 months ago


    I... I don't get. Why fire people who made such excellent game?

  118. 10 months ago

    End of line.

    • 10 months ago

      Jade Empire 2 soon?

      • 10 months ago

        END OF RINE

  119. 10 months ago

    Bioware man. You'd think after Anthem, they'd crack down on indecisive management but what do they do? Instead of taking a stand and sticking by whoever is most qualified for the role, they meekly stay quiet when the resident troony raises his hand in fear of being ostracized.

    • 10 months ago

      >You'd think after Anthem, they'd crack down on indecisive management

    • 10 months ago

      >Instead of taking a stand and sticking by whoever is most qualified for the role
      They can't do that exactly because of... that. If they follow that mentality, who would be the first fired? Exactly. Doing something like that is a social suicide and journos and the media would destroy them and EA is not going to allow that bad press in one of their companies. Even if they don't release anything, they are still an ally company and that's the only it matters for them (even if they get fired after a couple of years of zero results and null work).

    • 10 months ago

      >The one token white dude

      • 10 months ago

        And making the onions face, at that.

  120. 10 months ago

    are anthem's server costs really that much valuable than 50 employees

    • 10 months ago

      Than 50 Bioware employees, there's a difference

  121. 10 months ago

    >tfw work in dreadful stressful industry that rarely fires anyone due to the massive effort it takes to train people in specific testing so its not worth the money to fire people

  122. 10 months ago

    And nothing of value was lost

  123. 10 months ago

    Mass Effect 4 is 100% going to be a PS6 gen game if it ever comes out.

  124. 10 months ago

    Some people got real problems

  125. 10 months ago

    >That is deeply painful and humbling to write.
    The fricking nerve of these people.

  126. 10 months ago

    Why do israelites always put """agile and more focused"" whenever they do a mass firing?

    • 10 months ago

      Tight pants — tight groupings.

  127. 10 months ago

    >laying off your employees because you know you can't compete with bg3

  128. 10 months ago

    Bioware used to be the industry standard in RPGs, but the last game they made that was 'good' was DA3 and that's not a great endorsement. All the original dudes left across the years leaving only affirmative hires and parasites to leech of the company. They'll likely manage to push DreadWolf out, but not more than that. I would be extremely surprised if they get to the new Mass Effect at all. EA won't let them continue for long with so many failures in recent times.

  129. 10 months ago

    If they purged all the women, minorities, trannies and political activists from roles which actually do something, then maybe the company can finally begin to heal.

  130. 10 months ago

    >>As part of this transition
    jesus christ now even companies themselves are becoming trans...

  131. 10 months ago

    >make role playing games
    >eliminate 50 roles

  132. 10 months ago

    It's annoying how the word trans- became associated with trannies.

    • 10 months ago

      Just by existing troons have ruined so many things they should be classified as parasites

    • 10 months ago

      You're fricking telling me.

  133. 10 months ago


    Ganker should just become /her/ already.

    • 10 months ago

      >h not capitalized
      It's ma'am!

  134. 10 months ago


    >what Ganker actually is
    I've never been, what's wrong with it?

    • 10 months ago

      Uhhhh... Ok, so I'm pretty sure the only people who use it now are actual 14 years who don't know any history outside of a Wikipedia page and the rest are people brigading hoping to shill ideologies or religious cults

    • 10 months ago

      Haplogroup autism and illiterates

    • 10 months ago

      It's a board of
      >14 year olds reading Wikipedia
      >Unironic neonazis arguing with communists about haplogroups and religion
      >Unironic Marxists arguing with neonazis about haplogroups and religion

      • 10 months ago

        You're making it sound better than it actually is.

  135. 10 months ago

    need his to happen at activation and blizzard also

  136. 10 months ago

    >As part of this transition, we are eliminating approximately 41% of the roles at BioWare.

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