Master of Magic

Master of Magic remake is out. How is it? Seems like a faithful adaptation with some QoL stuff.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Came here to ask the same thing. I never played the original but may as well try the remake if it isn't terrible.

  2. 2 years ago

    im pirating it first, but im really no expert at MoM anyway

  3. 2 years ago

    Does it have multiplayer?

    • 2 years ago

      No multiplayer

      Came here to ask the same thing. I never played the original but may as well try the remake if it isn't terrible.

      Remake is good. It's the same tried and rested original MoM with modern UI and QoL.

  4. 2 years ago

    oh nice
    I remember playing the original on DOSbox after downloading it from an abandonware website. Maybe I'll check it out

  5. 2 years ago

    >Master of Magic remake is out.
    But it came out 23 years ago

    • 2 years ago

      AoW is very good but it is simpler than MoM. I've started with AoW, I'm no real grognard here.

      • 2 years ago

        I never said anything about difficulty. Nor does it matter for my point, anyway. But AoW was literally bunch of Dutch people drinking lager and pitching ideas about their make-believe game, "like MoM, but with modern graphics!". Then they just made it, being bunch of programmers.

        • 2 years ago

          I was talking about complexity.

          • 2 years ago

            ... still doesn't matter for the argument.
            Are you dense or something?

            • 1 year ago

              Yes it does? Because he wasn't talking about difficulty, and then you said "I never said anything about difficulty", like a moron.

          • 2 years ago

            What makes MoM more complex than AoW?

            • 2 years ago

              Not him but MoM is a proper 4x game with more complex civilisation development, AoW is more of a turn based fantasy war game, I love age of wonders but they're fairly different games

            • 2 years ago

              MoM had civ like cities and population system, colonization etc, where AoW have static city placements that you can upgrade(by tier, smaller cities are limited in size and size limit max tier) and unlock unit productions, plus build wall

              • 2 years ago

                but aow3 has settlers too, city upgrading is basic (when you figure out the correct order) but i wouldnt say its much different for civ games

              • 2 years ago

                i was talking about 1st aow
                didn't play much of later ones if at all

              • 2 years ago

                i was talking about 1st aow
                didn't play much of later ones if at all

                Sounds to me you didn't play AoW at all, regardless of number

                I can’t believe it is actually consuming 10GB.

                >Tiny dev Unity game that got rushed for Christmas
                >can't believe it is actually consuming 10GB
                Hello newbie

              • 2 years ago

                AoW 1 have builders that let you rebuild razed cities and build roads towers and shipyards but not new cities

    • 1 year ago

      First meme I ever fell for and I am still salty about it to this day. Age of Wonders sucks.
      No. Cope.

      i played the frick out of the original. downloaded the remake, fired it up, was going through the tutorial and it got the part on city unrest, and pic related is the unrest symbol. fricking BLM Black folkhit leaking into this game. promptly stopped playing, uninstalled, baleted the insallation files. thank you troony fitgirl, for saving me from sending money to the devs for this white-hating abomination

      I dunno, blacks cause unrest wherever they go so I think it is thematically appropriate to illustrate unrest and rioting as Black folk doing Black person things.

    • 1 year ago

      Blessed AoWPatrician. This unnecessary remake got nothing on a proper spiritual sequel.

  6. 2 years ago

    It looks like vomit. The art direction is so bad it's unreal.

  7. 2 years ago

    How does it stack up against Worlds of Magic and it's colourful bugs?

  8. 2 years ago

    I got a bug that prevents me from saving, i hope it wont happen again

  9. 2 years ago

    >Minimum system requirements: 12 GB RAM

    • 2 years ago

      Full and mandatory conversion to 64bit was unironically a mistake. "Unlimited" RAM, combined with "unlimited" disc space and no fricking limit of physical record (remember when shit was on 4 CDs or 2-3 DVDs?) and we are at the point where literally everything is sloppily coded, because the hardware is going to carry it anyway, so why bother. Of course the hardware is not going to carry it at all, since it's spaghetti running on copy-paste, but hey, who cares, right? End result: a small indie dev game requiring 8 GB RAM or else it stutters or crashes, while the exact same game made a decade ago would be an elaborate Flash game on New Grounds

    • 2 years ago

      Full and mandatory conversion to 64bit was unironically a mistake. "Unlimited" RAM, combined with "unlimited" disc space and no fricking limit of physical record (remember when shit was on 4 CDs or 2-3 DVDs?) and we are at the point where literally everything is sloppily coded, because the hardware is going to carry it anyway, so why bother. Of course the hardware is not going to carry it at all, since it's spaghetti running on copy-paste, but hey, who cares, right? End result: a small indie dev game requiring 8 GB RAM or else it stutters or crashes, while the exact same game made a decade ago would be an elaborate Flash game on New Grounds

      Bros, wtf is this game doing right now? I'm in fricking character creation and it's just UI.

      >object lifetime? what's that?
      >t. professional game developer

      >2012 AAA game
      >Runs on a literal XP machine
      >2015 AA game
      >Requires 8 GB RAM
      >Indie trashware won't run if you have less than 8 GB RAM
      I honestly don't understand what the frick is even going on anymore at this point. There is being bad at coding, but still capable of making games, and then there is this sort of shit.

      • 2 years ago

        Please understand, the studio only made 2 games on this engine previously, they are still learning
        im quite puzzled tbh since both Thea and Thea 2 work just fine and play smoothy

        • 2 years ago

          could be as simple as someone forgetting a mycollection.clear() at the end of a loop and no one noticing since it takes a while before the uncleared stuff adds up, and it probably gets freed once you're out of the char editor anyway

        • 2 years ago

          could be as simple as someone forgetting a mycollection.clear() at the end of a loop and no one noticing since it takes a while before the uncleared stuff adds up, and it probably gets freed once you're out of the char editor anyway

          Probably just speed of development. I'm not sure if Thea had a publisher. If they didn't maybe they aren't used to being told to hurry up and finish the game.

        • 2 years ago

          could be as simple as someone forgetting a mycollection.clear() at the end of a loop and no one noticing since it takes a while before the uncleared stuff adds up, and it probably gets freed once you're out of the char editor anyway

          Probably just speed of development. I'm not sure if Thea had a publisher. If they didn't maybe they aren't used to being told to hurry up and finish the game.

          >Rationalizing the game being poorly made
          Zoomers were even bigger mistake than mandatory 64bit

          • 2 years ago

            There's a difference between rationalising and justifying. I'm not excusing it being poorly mad I'm just saying this is probably why it's poorly made.

          • 2 years ago

            hello based fellow millenial boomergay who definitely played all those old games when they were new, go look up the state of unpatched MOM

        • 1 year ago

          my speculation - with Thea they had console ports in mind, and they have very strict certification process, resource consumption, startup times, stability. it's a lot of pain in the ass to push out something compatible.

          here they were like we don't need the headache, frick this shit we're going PC master race. from the looks of it the engine doesn't scale up, i'd need a major rewrite, nothing that could be easily fixed.

  10. 2 years ago

    im pretty bad at the game, but there's really no reason to handcraft every unit with movement, attack, death animations, sounds. it makes it pretty, but not entirely in a way that feels right. it just feels overly bloated and slow.

    and no i dont want my magic spirit to make spooky sounds while exploring

    • 2 years ago

      What are you saying? You don't want animations and sounds in a game? What?

      • 2 years ago

        This confuses you? You know hex wargames exist right and almost none have animations and most have very spartan sound.

        • 2 years ago

          MoM is not a hex wargame. Even the original had animations and sound, so why would you make a remake of it a cheap boardgame? If anything, as the creators of a genre, it deserves a huge budget with everything that comes with that.

          • 2 years ago

            the thing is there are a ton of different units in this game, right, like practically every unit is different from one another. and so they made the effort to draw a cute unit portrait to represent each unit, good 3d models, animations, sounds for movement, attack, death. neat idea

            and then when you pit a 6 swordsman unit against a 6 swordsman unit they literally just swing their swords in place HUAH HAYAH. and then comically some of them also die in place so you hear like 4 different UGHs at the same time.

            someone greenlit that. if it's not supposed to be a cheap hex wargame take a look at what civ 4 does when units fight each other and say it's the same.

            • 2 years ago

              Ok I think I get what you're saying now. You're saying the animations/sounds are poorly implemented. That's a fair argument if true then. It's the same devs that did Thea and looks very similar aesthetically, so I imagine it is pretty rough. Would much prefer if the guys that doe AoW got to do the remaster.

              • 2 years ago

                the spells too. every spell seems to have unique animations. ive played the original and a holy spell on something just meant a white circle and some beams of light slapped on. here, holy weapon made some big sword appear. it's kind of nice that they painstakingly made all of this stuff and somehow it still doesn't feel too good.

    • 2 years ago

      Also no auto explore button
      Literally unplayable

      • 2 years ago

        animations are also really slow
        takes 10 years for my bowmen to fire arrows, and another 10 years for the arrows to reach the enemy unit, and then another 10 years for all of them to grunt UGH UGH OUGH at the same time and they didnt actually even take any damage

        • 2 years ago

          >animations are also really slow
          You can speed them up to 2x or 3x. Upper part of the screen in the middle

  11. 2 years ago

    oh yeah actually spearmen and swordsmen just feel like they have more movement than they should, its a bit offputting.

  12. 2 years ago

    Bros, wtf is this game doing right now? I'm in fricking character creation and it's just UI.

    • 2 years ago

      fricking unity and trash code

    • 2 years ago

      >object lifetime? what's that?
      >t. professional game developer

    • 2 years ago

      cap fps anon

    • 2 years ago

      I can’t believe it is actually consuming 10GB.

    • 1 year ago

      What in the frick.

  13. 2 years ago

    so enough griping, whats your fav strategy

    • 2 years ago

      Jafar + Nomads
      Rush rangers and zoom around the map

      Thinking about using the undead mage next time.

  14. 2 years ago

    So? Consensus? Good? Bad? Pozzed?

    • 2 years ago

      Pointless and misaimed nostalgia jump on non-existing nostalgia.
      Don't get me wrong. There are people that are nostalgic for MoM. It's just that this game did frick-all to get any sort of attention from anyone. You are unironically better off playing original or AoW games (pick the numeral between 1 to 4 for your gen preference)

      • 2 years ago

        Damn. I was worried about that, oh well. Thank you.

  15. 2 years ago

    some new things ive actually noticed which may or may not have been in the original games
    >of course, the hex tile system
    >you can stop global events by spending gold or mana, like that one time a meteor was gonna hit my city but i spent 200 mana to stop it

  16. 2 years ago

    If they had an art director he/she is unreal levels of bad at their job. I know strategy games aren't exactly known for looking great but this is ridiculous. Take the original city screen. With a single look you can see everything you want to know, view what you have built up and manage your empire easily. Compare that to now. All you get is a fricking wall of BEIGE and a couple tiny numbers! Board games from 30 years ago look better than this shit!

    • 2 years ago

      the 'demaster' is fricking shit
      like wtf where they thinking?

      • 1 year ago

        >like wtf where they thinking?
        Quick money from the Remake crowd, nothing more.

  17. 2 years ago

    the game has a huge memory leak it seems. I close the client and relaunch it and it runs much better. Do that every few hours until they patch it.

    Also frick the AI.
    >they swarm through your borders and colonize every untouchjed square if you leave enough room in your empire.
    >while exploring if you simply walk near their border with a single unit that is strike 1 (you get a warning). you cant see their borders until you approach the town, so you are already in the border when it lights.
    >touch their border again and its war

    • 2 years ago

      i dont care about their stupid warnings i was just scouting with my magic spirit

  18. 2 years ago

    Is there any advantage of getting only 1 book in a realm? I'm thinking of trying some 10+1 book combos instead of the 11-book strat.

  19. 2 years ago

    Since the dust had settled what's /vst opinion about this game?
    Does this game hold up a candle to its predecessor?

    • 2 years ago

      it's faithful enough to make me do a few playthroughs, but i didn't buy it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Since the dust had settled what's /vst opinion about this game?
      It's unironically trash. Until the memory leaks are patched out, it won't be even playable, and even then, it's the worst kind of remake/sequel: done by different people, who just plastered original's name over their own shitty clone and called it a day. Plus when a PC assembled last year chokes on what's essentially an indie game, it's a shitshow.
      >Does this game hold up a candle to its predecessor?
      No. And the worst part is that it's not even trying to.
      Like the other anon, I've pirated it, rather than buying. Clocked in a single evening and I don't feel like returning to it.

      The worst part is that it's not a hard game to recreate, given how fricking simplistic original MoM was. Yet somehow they've managed to frick it up completely. If this was called "Wands of Wizards" or "Scrolls of Sorcerers", it would be a quint, modern homage game - with issues, but at least nobody was pretending it's supposed to be something great. Instead, it's a self-defeating bullshit where a flawed game makes itself look even worse by putting the mantle of something as legendary as original MoM

    • 2 years ago

      >Does this game hold up a candle to its predecessor?

  20. 2 years ago

    Is that the one where the creators admitted they couldn't recreate a basic b***h spell in the original so they took it out?

  21. 2 years ago

    It might seem trivial but i hate how the caster centric stuff looks in this game. They didn't even bother tryubg to make ut look like the wizards are actuallyvcastijg the spells or communicating with each other in this game, it's just the same damn jpg.
    The way the old game did it had a lot of soul and was unironically one of my favorite parts of the game.

  22. 2 years ago

    Good to seem my hammerhand bros are still as amazing as ever.
    >cheap earlygame unit
    >6 units to a stack (compared to trolls at 4) with high offense and defense and dwarven magic resistance bordering on immunity
    >warlord+adamantium mine+armsmaster hero

    These sweep anything in the game. Flying units I just use a simply web spell and hammers take out the rest. I just bullied a level 28 sorcery nod with 5 thunder giants and the rest were elemental beasts. No summoned monster can match hammerhands built right.

    • 2 years ago

      For those new to the game, the reason dwarves and halflings are so strong is the unit stack size is one of the single most important factors in the game. It's why late game dwarf tech like steam cannon and golems are outclassed.

      >6 figures at 14 attack power each with +2 to hit.
      >Behemoth with huge attack power but single unit

      If you ever go with halflings on a myrror, by midgame your sligners are shredding demon lords thanks to adamantium gear and the high unit stack. They just lack the invulnerability of dwarves

      Mix in a few red books with green and you can slap on eldritch weapon, flame blade, steel skin, elemental armor enchantments on them to make them even crazier, and then mutate them for fire breath.

      • 2 years ago

        Sorry +10% to hit

  23. 2 years ago

    Blue was here, other colours a shit.

    • 2 years ago

      I've never played solo blue, I usually just mix it in. What do you even do wit ha solo blue game?

      • 2 years ago

        Nice spells you got there, nerd.
        Would be a shame if anything happened to them.

        Also - Invisible Sky Drakes!

        • 2 years ago

          How is blues early to midgame with just phantom warriors? The old MOM before the final patch had capable phantom warriors, but illusion damaged was nerfed eventually. Psionic blast was also really weak from what I recall.

          Late game buffs like magic immunity are amazing of course. And yes sky drakes are great, invisible or not. I guess you dont need too many to run wild.

          • 1 year ago

            You also get Sneks.

            But yeah, early summons summons are a bit lacking and there's not much offensive presence.
            Beasts and Air Elementals are a big upgrade but it's mostly about normal units and heroes.
            Enchant Road, Haste, Wind Walking, Word of Recall, Wind Mastery help immensely with mobility.
            If the opponent relies on magic, they are fricked.
            Counter Magic shuts them down efficiently, True dispelling gets rid of their shit.
            Late midgame is when the fun starts.

    • 2 years ago

      i only play white

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks for your Globals.

  24. 1 year ago

    I love call lightning abuse.
    >Summons 1-3 lightning strikes on the enemy at start of every turn
    >use it to clear towns where they have no ranged units using a single flying unit (preferably a hero with a flight item or natural flight)
    You just fly around collecting neutral towns at will. You auto-win every time. Even axe throwers you can fly circles around them as they chase you until they die. Only dark elves are a risk since all dark elves have magic ranged attacks.

  25. 1 year ago

    Reminder that the Community Patch is still being worked on. The latest version seems to be close to release and has all sorts of toggleable gameplay rules and map generation options.

    Patch any old MoM version to the latest released community patch version 1.52.03

    Patch 1.52.03 to 1.60

    There's a also a patch in the second link that only adds conservative bugfixes to the last official version of MoM, but now with toggleable in-game options such as disabling spellbook requirements for treasure items.

  26. 1 year ago

    for now seems like its not much of an improvement over mom with fanpatch, let alone caster of magic

    1) the optimalization is absolute dogshit as noted (why yes i will take your 10gb of ram and 8gb of vram for no reason). that alone makes this barely playable

    2) i liked thea artstyle but for some reason in this game they made it's really dreary compared to the world being really colorful high fantasy.

    3) this is often the case with newer 4x games compared to their older counterparts but the worldmap is a lot less readable as well

    4) i very much doubt things like AI is better than the improved versions of mom

    5) the UI is dogshit compared to fricking 1994 game.

    6) in general it suffers from what lots of these remakes do where they try to reinvent the wheel and fail (this case UI), lack any sort of improvements in areas where it would be trivial to do (available settings when creating new game, why can't i play against 8 or 10? combined with even the small map so large?

    7) the positive is that mechanically it looks really faithful to the original, but at least unless they actually address the above issues i don't really see why to play it over fantached mom let alone caster of magic because the things that it should improve (as mentioned above, graphics, UI, artstyle but that's subjective), it at best doesn't and at worst its downgrade. the only redeeming feature is that most of that is fixable ifthey work on in but this is the current state.

    8) tl;dr doesn't bring anything new which wouldn't bad thing if it didn't drop ball in modernizing other areas which is the whole point. i guess it has widescreen support over 90s game. wooooooooooow.

    overall it just made me want to play caster of magic, which is what im doing now.

  27. 1 year ago

    How fricking hard was it to sit over MoM, take notes and then recreate this game with modernised UI and engine? I mean it's not a rocket science and the original wasn't all that complex game, plus it's been around for so long and with such active community and playerbase, all it takes is going through the community data on the game when in doubt about some shit
    I wasn't expecting 1:1 game, but this shit is essentially "we've got copyrights to the title and so we put it on the filename of our bland and uninspired shitty clone".
    The game shows monumental effort was taken to do absolutely nothing with it. As if everyone in the studio was half-assing an already half-assed pitch idea for "new" game.

  28. 1 year ago

    The memory leak is unbearable. I've got 24 fricking GB of RAM and the game still has issues to simply run for more than 20 turns in a row.

    • 1 year ago

      >I've got 24 fricking GB of RAM
      You have no idea how much this triggers me

      • 1 year ago

        Not my fault that my budget ended when assembling the rig and I faced a choice - either no SDD disc or buying 16 GB RAM and pairing it with old 8 GB from previous PC, telling the buyer that I can give them a small discount on behalf of the old PC lacking any RAM whatsoever.
        So go fricking figure. And that doesn't change the fact this game shouldn't even require 4 GB RAM, not to mention having issues at 24

      • 1 year ago

        is there something wrong with pairing 2 8s and 2 4s

        • 1 year ago

          >is there something wrong with pairing 2 8s
          oy vey

        • 1 year ago

          If it's dual channel, it should be 8+4x8+4

  29. 1 year ago

    actually ive been trying pretty hard to enjoy it but maybe ill just go play caster of magic instead

  30. 1 year ago

    remaster is not an option for me for me cause of the requirements(also soulless UI/art direction), old game i always get filtered cause whenever i check gameplay vids the strategic map is unreadable mess for me, i cant distinguish units i wish it got slight graphical update atleast to the level of openxcom. Why did they have to frick up this remaster ...

  31. 1 year ago

    I only played the original to completion once. I got halfling slingers and enchanted them with life magic.
    Was invincible to everything.
    I'll wait for them to patch this remake for the next 10 years lol

    • 1 year ago

      >halfling slingers and enchanted them with life magic.
      There are many play styles, some are a faceroll and some are legit challenge. Buffing halfling slingers and pairing them with a strong ranged hero or two lets you roll over much of the game.

      The lack of balance in this game is what makes it so charming.

  32. 1 year ago

    Buggy and slow. Hard pass until they fix this shit. But in terms of gameplay, it looks like a mostly faithful remake.

  33. 1 year ago

    Never played the original game but looking at screens i thought to myself that man this game looks exactly like the warlock games.

    Wasn't as close when i actually compared them.

    • 1 year ago

      warlock games are "mom inspired", similar to age of wonders and such. although i've played it so long ago and not much that i can't tell you how much did they really inspired.

  34. 1 year ago

    I think it's impossible for a modern day remake to capture the appeal of MoM. It was this huge, sprawling, MASSIVE game, dumped on us when both the internet and DnD were niche underground scenes. Because of that, we had to discover it for ourselves, and figure out what worked and what didn't. It wasn't balanced at all, but that was a big part of the fun- you find out which strats sucked and which were godly.

    Nowadays? People will just share the imbalanced strats within minutes after it comes out. Players expect it to be "balanced" so nothing should be too powerful. Everyone will follow the "meta" which means everyone doing the same lame shit.

    • 1 year ago

      >DnD were niche
      >Then rest of the post follows
      Let me guess - you are close to 25, have no fricking clue how the early 90s looked other than the fact you nominally were born then and yet love to harp how "old good, new bad" as a replacement for having a personality or something to say?
      The remake is horrible. Not due to being "soulless", but because it was half-assed by people who don't care, and as a result comes with unplayable performance, crashing non-stop due to memory leak and potentially being written in such a way, there is no simple nor fast fix.
      But hey, it so nicely fits into "old good, new bad".

      MoM was ALL about meta, you clueless zoomer homosexual, because the game was so fricking unbalance, you either were playing any of the numerous metas, or you get fricked and then crying in the corner about "unfair" game.

      • 1 year ago

        >MoM was ALL about meta, you clueless zoomer homosexual, because the game was so fricking unbalance
        It’s weird how you went off on a deranged rant about me (or the version of me you imagine) but then ended up agreeing with me.

        • 1 year ago

          That typically happens when you trigger some npc autists pet peeve.

    • 1 year ago

      Master of magic was an unlicensed magic the gathering game not a D&D game. MTG exploded in 1993 and was all the rage. Microprose didnt have the rights to a MTG game yet (they produced it 3 years later) so they made MoM to cash in on the huge fad.
      Early m:tg did not have many summons, so the limited summon monster pool in MoM matches closely. For balance purposes they shuffled around some summons, so some red summons became green (earth elemental and stone giant). The races were bound to towns so green and other colors lost their humanoid summons.

    • 1 year ago

      >MoM was ALL about meta, you clueless zoomer homosexual, because the game was so fricking unbalance
      It’s weird how you went off on a deranged rant about me (or the version of me you imagine) but then ended up agreeing with me.


  35. 1 year ago

    dead game

    • 1 year ago

      its infuriating, i really want a proper remaster because i get filtered by OG MoM graphics and after all that time we get a incompetent indie bugged mess which looks worse than games from 2005 and requires pc from 2022.

      • 1 year ago

        >looks worse than games from 2005 and requires pc from 2022.
        i don't get it
        how the frick its even happening?

        • 1 year ago

          It may not even be a memory hole. Currently the problem seems to be the games unoptimized use of high res textures and its effort to have all the data at their fingertips at all times (click a town to see the enemies and click the battle and it instantly transitions to battle with those units. No load time but that comes at a cost).
          This is made worse by the nature on MoM. Other 4x game usually dont have every single available unit in the game appear in every playthrough but they do in this game.
          >due to neutral towns damn near every race appears in every game and will have built every unit type they can build by mid to late game. 14 races all with a unique spearman, swordsman, shaman, priest, wizard, cavalry, and unique racial units
          >unlike other 4x the units dont evovle or get replaced and they build 19 stacks of 9
          Units, one of which will be spearmen they started the game with
          >every game has every summon monster at least somewhere in nodes or in a wizards army, and enemy wizards summon stacks of them as well
          >end result is that 100% of all possible game assets are used at all times in every game by turn 200 or so.
          >Enemy AI is shit so they just keep mass producing 9 stacks for inside every town and then stacks of 9 more units surrounding those towns. They need to optimize the textures better so it doesnt bloat with so much ram and vram.

          Old MoM did this too. It was a notorious memory hog of its era and one of the first games requiring 8MB of ram (it would play with 4MB but crash when certain spells or summons were cast). The turn time and combat slowdown was also atrocious in the early 486 era. It took a pentium 90 to play it at full speed which is ridiculous.

      • 1 year ago

        >i get filtered by OG MoM graphics
        You don't deserve that level of soul

  36. 1 year ago

    It sucks.

  37. 1 year ago

    i played the frick out of the original. downloaded the remake, fired it up, was going through the tutorial and it got the part on city unrest, and pic related is the unrest symbol. fricking BLM Black folkhit leaking into this game. promptly stopped playing, uninstalled, baleted the insallation files. thank you troony fitgirl, for saving me from sending money to the devs for this white-hating abomination

    • 1 year ago

      The closed fist is far older than Blacks Leaching Money, you could just have called it the communist salute, or Jesse Owensing.

      • 1 year ago

        and the swastika is *far* older than nazi germany but if you are throwing that symbol around, we all know what you mean

    • 1 year ago

      OTOH, no Black depiction of any of the races including the heroes. High Men, Barbarians are all huwhite (the only nonwhite human race is the Nomads with an Arabic look which is perfectly reasonable). High Elves and Halflings are also all white as snow. In fact, you could the High Elf settler artwork in natsoc propaganda to promote forming white families FFS. As a white nationalist, I find the art & presentation pretty great overall and your autistic fixation on the raised fist symbol is stupid. Before that symbol got co-opted by commies, it was the symbol of White European workers striking against their exploitative and greedy (and often israeli) employers.

      • 1 year ago

        non-confrontational homosexuals spent years giving these people an inch here, and inch there, and now look where we're at. "its just a BLM symbol bro, let it slide". no. you give these scum and inch and they will (and have) taken miles

        • 1 year ago

          Based dubs but unfortunately you seem quite ignorant of the history of these matters and hence lacking any firm grasp of the current situation which is why you're permanently confused & lashing out like some rabid and dumb shitbull-Black persondog. Being a puritanical moron who discards 90% of the game's based as frick artwork (was probably unintentional but still...) and AUTISTICALLY fixating on a symbol you didn't even know the historical origins of other than its contextual meaning based on "the current thing" means that you are probably NGMI. Your claim to "ideological purity" is pathetic because A) you're probably too moronic to even grasp a coherent ideology and B) the hill you chose to die on in commitment to "zero tolerance" in your grug mind doesn't even make sense because the fricking raised fist symbol has a history that precedes BLM and even the commies. ...but you didn't know that. You also probably didn't know that one branch of labor resistance movements of the 19th Century Europe gave birth to White racial nationalism movements most famously the NSDAP and many others while another branch got co-opted by kayaks and evolved into the bolshies and their descendants. LABOR MOVEMENT SYMBOL BAD! CUZ IT LOOK LIEK BLM!

          Whitey doesn't have the luxury of being psyopped and moronic at this stage of the game:

          • 1 year ago

            this is why youre losing

            • 1 year ago

              Losing what?

              • 1 year ago

                just like they flood your countries with millions of shitskins, they also degrade every franchise you ever liked because they know you wont do shit about it. you cant even stop consuming for 5 minutes in order to stop your underage girls from getting ass raped by migrants, much less put up resistance to your entertainment franchises getting corrupted. you wont do shit about it -- in fact you will justify it as NBD every step of the way

              • 1 year ago

                >We rule the rural nowhere and the desolated plains
                Always fun to watch Rep reaction when you tell them that votes should be tied with population, rather than a system that's the only reason they still exist at all

      • 1 year ago

        That pic has big dick NSDAP propaganda poster vibes and it's beautiful. It just needs some goblins leering on them with the elves shielding their children against them. Hochelfen! Kämpfe für deine Kinder!

    • 1 year ago

      how deep is the rabbit hole

    • 1 year ago

      how deep is the rabbit hole

  38. 1 year ago

    Why does this game suck? I heard the predecessor was cult classic. What's wrong with the remaster?

  39. 1 year ago

    i honestly hope it's just a troll, and not a Slitherine shill trying to spin the narrative "the game failed because of the internet racists"

    how about not selling a 20 usd game for 40 bucks next time.

    • 1 year ago

      But anon, please understand - if you put higher pricetag, you surely are going to earn more monies! It never, ever, not even once failed Slitherine as a marketing gimmick!

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