Medieval Western WW1

How do i make this setting work in believable way? Specifically guns vs medieval weapons.

The setting takes place in North America a very hostile continent with infinite stretches of badlands, swamps, tundra, no man's land, battlefields that had seen so many battles that three generations of men lay there in rusted armors; trenches that have been there as if always, long abandoned castles and towers,

I am thinking darker powers are at play here. Perhaps weapons manufacturers have made a contract with the devil, something that ensures all gun wielding souls will be sent to him . But i would like more ideas. I want this world to have about 65% medieval violence and 35% firearm violence. How can i make this happen effectively?

An anon suggested "The spirits of the fallen war-dead scorn those who rely upon underhanded methods on the field of battle.
The upholding of decent knightly conduct, respect and humane treatment of the opponent is what staves off the worst ailments of the battlefield - disease, hysteria, possession and the like.
Proper etiquette such as respectful treatment / repatriation of the dead garners favor with the spirits of the battlefield, conferring boons unattainable by the likes of mortal science or magic."

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  1. 4 months ago

    You don't


    • 4 months ago

      Short answer?

      Long answer?
      You either don't, or you accept that whatever reason you come up with is going to be hacky and overly contrived. Even the most commonly cited example of this "working", Dune's shields, is overly contrived. Dune only gets a pass because Herbert wrapped it deeply into the worldbuilding and the fact its otherwise a staple of science fiction.
      So if you want guns vs swords or whatever, just come up with an excuse and stick with it. Whatever you come up with will feel contrived, but thats the price you have to pay.

      • 4 months ago

        Hey OP, this Black person gets it.
        >Even the most commonly cited example of this "working", Dune's shields, is overly contrived.

        Are you playing D&D? Look for magic items like Arrow-catching Shield and Bracers of Deflection(?). Create specialized, alternative versions (i. e. Bullet-catching Shield and Bracers of Bullet-Deflection). Make the bullet versions cheap as shit but not free. Reflavor hand crossbows as guns meaning they still work with all the class features and feats they worked with before. There you go. Done.

        You now can have nobles trained in the honorable way of the sword wading into battle defended by shield maidens with the above magic items while also having gun lines of twenty peasents slinging bullets at them.

  2. 4 months ago

    >How do i make this setting work in believable way? Specifically guns vs medieval weapons.
    There was trench warfare in West Virgina.

  3. 4 months ago

    Turnip 42 or something?

  4. 4 months ago

    Frick off.

    • 4 months ago

      Sorry your art degree is useless now. Have you tried learning to code?

      • 4 months ago

        The robots can do that too now, haven't you heard? Only a matter of time before they're fricking our wives and taking our land and rights.

  5. 4 months ago

    You have described the castle siege in the Late Middle Ages. As for Westerns, this is generally the norm of humanity until the 17th century, Wild West is so special not because it happened, but because it was the last pocket of savagery on the territory of the United States and was glorified by people who longed for the good old days without the harsh grip of the law on a people personal conflicts. See, moron, realism is not always bad.

    • 4 months ago

      Last pocket of savagery? Dude. You need to read some actual history books. The savagery back then, as it always has been, and continues to be now, mostly took place in cities. Country folk were polite and this view you have of the west as a bunch of gunslinging badboys is just plain wrong. Was there lawlessness? Sure. You'd be far more likely to come across trouble wandering across downtown St Louis or Chicago than you were in Tombstone, brother. Like 5 people got shot at the OK Corral. One of the most famous gunfights of the west. What a bloodbath!!

      • 4 months ago

  6. 4 months ago

    People stopped using armor and melee weapons once guns became reliably able to pierce armor. Simply make your armor better, or your guns less effective against armor. You could also make ammunition prohibitively expensive. Depends on if you want guns and melee to be evenly matched, or guns to be dominant but inaccessible.

    • 4 months ago


      The only way you can make it beliavable is to have guns be worse and unreliable. Maybe you can make their damage very swingy and with high crit fail chances?

      • 4 months ago

        In warhammer you have skaven with gatling guns fight vs medieval warriors. It is a believable setting. Probably you morons don't understand difference between realism and believability

        • 4 months ago

          >It is a believable setting. Probably you morons don't understand difference between realism and believability

          • 4 months ago

            No really, you pretentious fricking morons should learn difference between believability vs realism

            • 4 months ago


              In universe there is well defined explanations for everything and you get good sense of immersion, but you are a moronic gay who immediately thinks of simulation and "realism? there's magic, bro thats not realistic", basically you in the same vein as that fat frick who wrote Game of Thrones, redditor scum

              • 4 months ago

                Warhammer is soulless slop. Tolkein's world is actually good. Have you tried taking a shower more than once this month?

              • 4 months ago

                >Warhammer is soulless slop. Tolkein's world is actually good
                Completely irrelevant pertaining believability

              • 4 months ago

                slopness makes every discussion of merit completely irrelevant

              • 4 months ago

                So you haven't taken a shower at all this month then. Got it.

              • 4 months ago

                The Black person you're replying to doesn't even deny it. Kek.

            • 4 months ago

              >No really, you pretentious fricking morons should learn difference between believability vs realism

              • 4 months ago

                Open dictionary

        • 4 months ago

          I haven't laughed out loud at a Ganker post in a long time. I truly hope this is bait.

          • 4 months ago


            No really, you pretentious fricking morons should learn difference between believability vs realism


    • 4 months ago

      Murican education strike again.

      • 4 months ago

        Reliably able to pierce armor includes reliably able to hit or fire at all. Armor is still useful up until guns are more than situational.

  7. 4 months ago

    Reduce visibility to only a few feet and guns are hardly better than swords. Mustard gas and pollution covers the battlefields. Perhaps the huge amount of grit in the air makes guns unreliable. Perhaps the armor protects soldiers against the environment.

  8. 4 months ago

    OP this is just the Thirty Years War

    • 4 months ago

      You have described the castle siege in the Late Middle Ages. As for Westerns, this is generally the norm of humanity until the 17th century, Wild West is so special not because it happened, but because it was the last pocket of savagery on the territory of the United States and was glorified by people who longed for the good old days without the harsh grip of the law on a people personal conflicts. See, moron, realism is not always bad.

      No its not,medieval firearms are primitive and unfun,unless you go Imperial China mode.The most important feature of westerns is fanning revolvers

      • 4 months ago

        Frick off, bugman.

  9. 4 months ago


  10. 4 months ago

    basically just describing the American Civil War

  11. 4 months ago

    Guns require sufficiently advanced industry to mass produce. Since your setting already has a multi-generational war in mind, you can simply say that new firearms are hard to come by because weapons production sites are often targetted and destroyed, so troops have to rely on second hand weapons retrieved from dead bodies, or cobbled together from whatever parts are avalible. A new rifle would be more valueble that a soilders yearly wage and highly sought after.

  12. 4 months ago


    Sorry, I can't understand what you're saying with all those bugs in your mouth.

  13. 4 months ago

    maybe like infact put a middleage caste structure, I mean like treat it as the time of "change" like the introduction of new technology to an old war but never changed the ways of fighting like infact WW1 at the start of the war the french treated it as a napoleonic war so a lot of line infantry advancing against trenches with the support of heavy cavalery, the introduction of melee shock troops (there were soldier with maces, swords, handguns and shields advancing and running against trenches in 1914, then 1915 changed all). What I mean with this statement is like the middleages.
    >Handguns are given only to certein type of people since the guns are really pricy and only a few people know how to make them
    >The guns are created only by guilds who keep the secret on how to make the black powder and the gun itself (like the trabouchet for the middleages, only construction guilds built it and only them knew how to make them and operate them creating a "noble" caste outside of nobility
    >Peasents don't have a future, only war or farming, this can be the "turning point" of the settings like in the 1800 they discovered that rich merchants are more important than poor nobles, so even a peasant revolution can start
    >maybe as you say generations fought but not centuries, like 3 generations are alrady (kinda not precisly) 60 years.
    >Armed Mercenary companies are worth tons of gold but they actually know how to use the new equipment but are not used in war but as milita, policemans and lawman, like "The Black company" books, where there is always war between nobles, but cities and humas are attacked by monsters and nobles prefer to call monster mercenary companies and send them instead of like sending 100 soldiers to a minotaur that can crush them easily, so prefer to take a professional to take care.

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