Mega Man X1-4

Which one was your favorite and why Ganker? For me it's 1>4=2>3

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  1. 2 years ago

    1>2>3, only played 4 once and as Zero so probably isn't fair to rank it.

  2. 2 years ago

    They're all pretty close, but 3 is the weakest of the four.

  3. 2 years ago

    4 > 1 > 3 = 2
    4 captures the 2kool4skool atmosphere of mega man X better than the original, and the music and pixel art/animation are god tier. 3 and 2 are just boring asset flips of 1.

    • 2 years ago

      Agree with most of what you said, the one thing that makes me like X1 more is the uncharged weapons, I find them more fun to use. 2 has slightly better controls and a better armor, even if the levels aren't as fun to play since they're so short I can see why it would be someone's favorite, 3 on the other hand has better controls than 1 as well but the armor was ruined by the Arm & Head Parts, some stages are bland and it did fricking nothing with the ideas it brought

      2,4=1,3,5,8,big gap here,7,6

      >6 below 7


      All of us agreeing on 3 being underwhelming demonstrates why you don't let an inexperienced team handle your game (X3 was made by the guys behind the Gameboy games, not the team behind MM7, X1 or X2)

      I don't even hate X3 but I can't justify calling it better than any of the pre-X5 games

      • 2 years ago

        6 is basically about as broken, rushed and unfinished than 7 was. Without getting certain armors or by using a cheat code one of the final levels becomes basically uncompleteable. The nightmare system makes certain levels a nuisance to beat, any hostage that gets infected is gone for the rest of the game and that includes hostages that have important items like the armor parts. The level design is pretty shit as well. I would say the only redeeming qualities X6 had were it’s music, spritework and turning alias support conversations to being completely optional

  4. 2 years ago

    2,4=1,3,5,8,big gap here,7,6

  5. 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago


    All of us agreeing on 3 being underwhelming demonstrates why you don't let an inexperienced team handle your game (X3 was made by the guys behind the Gameboy games, not the team behind MM7, X1 or X2)

  7. 2 years ago

    1 (> 5 > 6 > 8) >>>>> 4 > 2 > 3

  8. 2 years ago

    Megaman 7 is better than anything the X series ever shit out.

    • 2 years ago

      MegaMan 7 is pure trash. Especially the art style.

    • 2 years ago

      The one thing classic games did better than X was letting you swap armors without having to exit the stage, I hope X9 does that

      MegaMan 7 is pure trash. Especially the art style.

      What's wrong with the artstyle?

      For X1, it's because it just hits the nail on the head in nearly every aspect.
      The one and only objective flaw is that you don't start out with the dash, which means that you're always playing Chill Penguin's stage first.

      I think I get it now, it doesn't have most of the things I dislike about the other games
      >Story is actually about X
      >Stages are just long enough to feel satisfying
      >Doesn't waste your time with either random dialogue, unskippable cutscenes, slow auto scrollers, etc
      >Almost no obligatory backtracking
      >Weapons aren't no-sold by 90% of enemies
      Unfortunately bosses are still too exploitable when you use their weakness, and you need the dash to get any upgrades

  9. 2 years ago

    X1 = X5 = X8 > X4 > X3 > X2 = X7 > X6

  10. 2 years ago

    1 > 2 >>>> 3 > 4
    I really don't understand why people like X4, the gameplay mechanics are so much worse than the SNES games, it just feels like shit and the level design for most stages is horrible. X4 easily had the worst Sigma stages in the entire series, and the maverick stages consist of a motorbike stage, a stage where you ride an elevator for 2 minutes, and a train level where you literally go left to right on a flat horizontal stage. It is not a good game, X3 has some bad level design too, but at least it felt like something unlike most of X4

    • 2 years ago

      >I really don't understand why people like X4

      >Piss easy difficulty
      >Good music
      >Funny voice acting

      That's about it. X4 isn't that great in all honesty.

    • 2 years ago

      >the gameplay mechanics are so much worse than the SNES games
      Like what? The gameplay is mostly the same thing but slightly slower, dashing has a lot of startup and end lag for some reason but you can ignore that with jump dash
      >easily had the worst Sigma stages in the entire series
      X5's are worse but yeah they are not good
      >motorbike stage
      I agree it was a waste of time
      >a stage where you ride an elevator for 2 minutes
      Split Mushroom's stage is mostly well designed up until the elevator which is at the end of the stage
      >train level where you literally go left to right on a flat horizontal stage
      It's not that bad, it could have been better but it's a good stage for trying out your weapons, and every other stage is cool

      it's still strange to me that people don't like 3, it did a lot of good with vertical level design and toxic seahorses stage was fantastic both with its music and overal design. I'll admit I never touched the ride armors though and the cargo section on blast hornets stage is just fricking weird

      The vertical stages were mostly good, Gravity Beetle is one of my favorites, always playing X3 with armors may have ruined my view on the game, I used to like it more than X2

      1 > 2 > 3 > 4
      Sad thing is that they could never replicate what made X1 so fricking good ever again.

      There is something that makes X1 feel special compared to the other games but I can't put it into words

      • 2 years ago

        For X1, it's because it just hits the nail on the head in nearly every aspect.
        The one and only objective flaw is that you don't start out with the dash, which means that you're always playing Chill Penguin's stage first.

  11. 2 years ago

    X and X4 are my favorites and it's hard for me to choose between the two. X2 is fantastic. X3 is too tedious and bland for my taste.
    X = X4 > X2 > X3

  12. 2 years ago

    it's still strange to me that people don't like 3, it did a lot of good with vertical level design and toxic seahorses stage was fantastic both with its music and overal design. I'll admit I never touched the ride armors though and the cargo section on blast hornets stage is just fricking weird

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        I swear people who say that the music didn't work on the snes version were simply not listening to it. this is good stuff right here

        • 2 years ago

          The problem is the sound font. The guitars sound like utter shit. Look at rockman and forte or tim follins soundtracks for a better example of guitars on the SNES.

          • 2 years ago

            Tim follins isn't a fair example because he wasn't just better than average. But the sound font was perfectly fine in that gravity beetle song or in toxic seahorses

  13. 2 years ago

    1 > 2 > 3 > 4
    Sad thing is that they could never replicate what made X1 so fricking good ever again.

  14. 2 years ago

    Do you really think there's any difference between any of those games when they pump this many of them out? They've got it down to a literal template, they barely have to even hire anyone to make them anymore.

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