>Memories of a game you played are directly connected to what was happening in your life at the time

>Memories of a game you played are directly connected to what was happening in your life at the time

What game was it Ganker?

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    I don't understand the assignment.
    Could you give an example?

    • 9 months ago

      He probably means something like his parents told him they were getting a divorce when he was playing mario kart so now the two are mentally associated in his mind.

      • 9 months ago

        That happened to me with Fallout New Vegas

        • 9 months ago

          Are you a transsexual?

          • 9 months ago


  2. 9 months ago

    I fricking hate the sound and music of Fall Guys. Not because it was a FotM, but because I was going through a really shitty period (not even just because of everything else in 2020) and I forever associate it with that.

    I genuinely have an immediate negative reaction whenever I hear it.

    • 9 months ago

      >that checkerboard ball

  3. 9 months ago

    Diablo 2 and Starcraft have a more intimate set of memories for me personally. I played Starcraft with my friend from school, and Diablo 2 with my older brother. Those games taught me a lot of stuff about games and online when I was growing up.

  4. 9 months ago

    Dog died while I was playing Final Fantasy XI, was in a crawlers nest party, now whenever I think back to the game I remember finding out and just turning my PC off

    • 9 months ago

      >Naming a party member after a pet or ex-friend

      Ruby/Sapphire is ruined now

      • 9 months ago

        That doesn't bother me. My male Sylveon that happened to be the first one bred with the proper stats and Pixilate is named after one of my cats no longer with us.

        I alsa specifically genned a Pikachu for my mother after she died because Pikachu was her favorite Pokémon for which she had a big collection of various merch of it.

        What does, because of the namesake cat though, is listening to Bravely Default's Baby Bird (Edea's theme).

        I often just have lyrics come to mind when hearing songs and for the longest time that one was fine, but one day - after literally having autistically listened to it for a every waking moment for a month after finishing the game - lyrics came to me and while it wasn't specifically about him the theme of it made me think of him and his time with the family but more specifically him dying due to the way the lyrics went.

        I can no longer listen to it (or replay the game because of it) because all I hear are those lyrics.

  5. 9 months ago

    Post the Kirby Pinball blowjob.

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        >images you can hear

  6. 9 months ago

    Every mmorpg I played was during a bad time in my life.

  7. 9 months ago

    I associate Tonic Trouble with hurricane Katrina because that's all I played while my house was on generator power

  8. 9 months ago

    Playing GTA4 while having a complete existential crisis as well as dealing with some deeply rooted self hatred from childhood trauma. Every day was a waking nightmare of OCD like thoughts just constantly repeating in my head with no escape from it. I really thought I was going crazy and I probably was. I was 17 at the time.

    I remember running people over in GTA4 and then thinking, like really believing that I was a complete psychopath for doing it, even though it was in a game.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah based you're literally me, I was like 14 when this shit came out.

      • 9 months ago

        Honestly it was very cringeKino it was the first gta I was allowed to own. I played san andreas and vice city and III a ton at friends houses growing up and sleepovers tho.

  9. 9 months ago

    I associate WW with insecticide smell because somehow we got fricking scabies at home. Bed sheets had to be changed every day and every room had to be sprayed throughly. It lasted for weeks.

  10. 9 months ago

    I remember playing cs 1.6 zombie mode when my mom made me my favorite sandwiches and at that moment I felt like I was the happiest kid alive. I miss my mom bros, if yours is still alive please call her and tell her you love her

    • 9 months ago

      Okay, I'll yell upstairs and tell her that.

    • 9 months ago

      Why would I lie to my own mother?

    • 9 months ago

      I fight with my mom everyday

    • 9 months ago

      I have no memories of my mother, she was jailed because she mutilated my half siblings during their infancy. I hope yours rests in peace though.

      • 9 months ago


  11. 9 months ago

    Mom played the shit out of Mario Kart Wii while she had lung cancer, used to play with her regularly to cope with her chemo. Multiple dolled up Miis called 'Princess' and other cute shit with full gold licenses. She'd giggle like a maniac at stupid shit that caused her to lose first. I can never play Mario Kart 8 at a party or something without tearing up thinking about it. That association killed the franchise for me.

  12. 9 months ago

    I think of a girl I had a crush on in middle school whenever I hear the jungle song. I don't care if you call him Axel the Red or Axl Rosered or whatever. Funny how he ended up associated with a deviantart guy who does inflation. Ain't that some shit.

    • 9 months ago

      >the jungle song

      Was she black?

    • 9 months ago

      >Funny how he ended up associated with a deviantart guy who does inflation
      frick I haven't seen his art in years. thanks anon, jerking off to that tonight

  13. 9 months ago

    >memories of a game you played as a child are directly connected to what was for dinner one specific day
    Decades later, I still associate cheap freezer pizza with some shitty DBZ fighter on the SNES.

    • 9 months ago


  14. 9 months ago

    San Andreas when my dog was taken away.
    Prey when my brother died.

  15. 9 months ago

    Both times i played Mario 3D World (Wii U and Switch) i was having money and bill problems including not even having internet when 3D World Wii U was new. It was just a combo of being irresponsible and stupid.

  16. 9 months ago

    how mentally ill do you have to be to associate videogames or TV shows with moments in your life? I'd basically get beaten nearly everyday as a child then go straight to watch Ben 10 and I barely remember the specific times I got beaten because it just happened so much I can't think about it. I also have zero associations of bad times with TV shows, or New Super Mario Bros. I just hated that game because it was all I could play and I actually wanted to play Pokémon, but my mom wouldn't get it for me. Plus it was just an annoying and gimmicky game whoms gimmicks would trigger me sometimes.

    I'm literally diagnosed with ADHD (mentally ill) and till don't associate bad (or good) times with videogames or other forms of entertainment. Don't know what's wrong with all of you.

    • 9 months ago

      >holds two fingers apart
      This mentally ill. Have a nice life.

    • 9 months ago

      This can happen with anything. I saw a video of a soldier being scared shitless at the sight of a hat. My dad can’t look at ground beef when it’s being cooked.

    • 9 months ago

      You might be an alien. That's how the human brain works. That's how memories of formed.

  17. 9 months ago

    >Pretty shit period around 2019, awful job and girl trouble
    >For about 3 months I'd get home, eat and just stare at the walls until bed time
    >Would try and get myself to play any fricking vidya
    >Eventually wound up forcing myself to play fricking Crash Bash of all things
    >Trying to fully complete my childhood save as Crash (pain in the ass)
    >Fail miserably every time and just get into a rut
    >Fast forward a few years
    >Got a much better job and the b***h causing me trouble fricked off and tricked a moron into knocking her up mere months after trying to get me to give her attention
    >Feel pretty good overall
    >Bored one day and decide to give Crash Bash another go
    >Demolish most of the challenges causing me trouble back then
    It's funny, I don't care about it anymore, but that was the day I realised "I'm 100% over that shit and I'm stronger for it". Fricking Crash Bash.

    • 9 months ago

      I had a good laugh over that. Thanks, anon.

  18. 9 months ago

    Anytime i eat taco bell i specifically get memories of Strong Bads Cool Game For Attractive People

    Not only was i playing it but i was also watching LP'ers play it and i would have taco bell as i watched them

  19. 9 months ago

    I hate my aunt.

    • 9 months ago

      My aunt is the only person left who is normal that i actually talk to and she randomly gives me cash whenever i need groceries or something

      • 9 months ago

        Good for you. When I was a kid, my aunt locked me in a closet, turned up the heater and threatened to shoot me every day. She isn’t even the most fricked up one in my family if you could believe it.

  20. 9 months ago

    Mario & Luigi Super Star Saga
    My cousin was having her 16 year party and i was forced to go
    Like the absolute betamax i am, i brought my GBA, because what the frick was i supposed to do?
    Anyway, my cousin ended up taking away my console because i wasn't socializing enough. In a flash of autism, i ended up shoving her trying to get my console back, she fell and her dress ended up getting ruined.
    Not really the big deal, and hell, im semi amicable terms with her but i can't play SSS without remembering and it makes want to gouge my eyes out.

    • 9 months ago

      I don't believe you.

      • 9 months ago

        True, she actually kicked my ass. I still haven’t recovered from that.

    • 9 months ago

      >if u take me game PREPARE to get pushed
      U got big mad

  21. 9 months ago

    Someone i played firefight with in MCC died like a year later in a car crash and their mom told me and even showed me the article as proof.

  22. 9 months ago

    >Summer 2002
    >Grandparents and some aunts/cousins visiting family in Ireland
    >Get a call one day
    >Grandad had a stroke
    >I'm only 6, don't really know what's going on but we're going to Ireland
    >Have another cousin my age, and 2 more who are toddler age
    >Cousin has pic related, and I have vivid memories of sitting in a hospital waiting room with him, taking turns (I had experience with the PS1 version but obviously never made it past fricking Band Land at this point) while drinking this weird orange juice drink that was selectable from a coffee machine, ocassionally the toddlers would take interest in what we're doing but too young to understand
    He's just a normal guy and doesn't really play videogames anymore, but I was drinking with him about a year ago and he brought this up, just made me happy that he remembered it too. One day I'll actually buy and play through this version (I did finish the PS1 version though). Also Grandad recovered and we got 10 more good years out of him. Still miss him like a b***h though.

  23. 9 months ago

    I woke up one day when my friends were over and they were playing mario party 5 without me

    I know it shouldnt bother me but it does

    • 9 months ago

      Probably one of them woke up first and starting playing, then the rest woke up on their own and started playing as they got up, and you just happened to be the last to wake up.

      Or maybe they hated you, I dunno.

  24. 9 months ago

    Kirby's Avalanche + Chicken Pox

  25. 9 months ago

    Happening to me right now as im sick trying to enjoy Bomb Rush Cyberfunk but my head hurts

    • 9 months ago

      You'll just associate the game with feeling shitty.

  26. 9 months ago

    Getting expelled from high school and Metal Gear Solid 3.
    I got suspended over something fairly trivial (arguing with another kid) and then afterwards I became a serial truant. I just gave up. Frick it, you know.
    And through it all I played MGS3 about 17 times in a row. I never want to play, or think about, that game again.

  27. 9 months ago

    Playing Enter The Matrix in middle school at my friends house. His mom was never home which lead to us fapping together a ton, and jerking each other off, when we finished we’d go back to playing Matrix.

    It was a gay old time.

    • 9 months ago

      >Tfw no friend with benefits

      Its fricking over

    • 9 months ago

      Based gay-poster. Men are objectively better than women in every way. You can’t impregnate them, they don’t have periods and you can play vidya with them.

      • 9 months ago

        Sorry to disappoint, but not really gay. Having a friend to jerk off with is kino but other than that I have no interest in men, especially not romantically.
        But yeah I’m not totally straight since I do like jerking off other guys. But I haven’t done it since middle school.

        Also this shit is way more common than you think it is. Especially when you’re young.

        • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      I wish I had that. But without going back to the game until we had kissed and held hands a bunch.

    • 9 months ago

      are you girlfriends now?

      • 9 months ago

        We pretended all of it never happened when we entered puberty and I haven’t seen him since 2011.

    • 9 months ago

      Nothing gay about a jerksesh with the boys.

  28. 9 months ago

    Paper mario taught me how to use context clues while reading. That game had a lot of words I didn't really understand as a 7 year old.

  29. 9 months ago

    >10 years ago, 20 years old
    >got fired from my new job and the first in my field 5 months into my 6 month probationary period due to incompetence
    >gf broke up with me for unrelated reasons although it was very coincidental timing
    >sat in my apartment playing pic related for a week crying and listening to linkin park before I could muster the courage to tell my parents about my failure and move back home

    • 9 months ago

      You good now Anon?

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah that shit is way behind me. I've got a great job now although the rest of my life is kind of shit for unrelated reasons. The more things change, the more things stay the same.

    • 9 months ago

      >got fired from my new job and the first in my field 5 months into my 6 month probationary period due to incompetence
      happens more often than you think. You probably came in too expensive for them and they needed any excuse to get rid of you. Hope it didn’t mess with your head.

  30. 9 months ago

    >ywn play shitty java games via bluetooth with your friend after school again

  31. 9 months ago

    Hypnospace Outlaw with my cat, which i had just gotten when i was playing it

  32. 9 months ago

    Pokemon Ruby.

    Taking a shit.


    • 9 months ago

      You were taking a shit for the entirety of that game?

      • 9 months ago

        I don't know if it was the entirety of it, but I remember mostly playing it on the toilet. The gameboy micro was a magical device.

  33. 9 months ago

    11 years ago I was playing Shadow of the Colossus when I got a call from my step mom saying my dad killed himself. Ruined my senior year entirely.

    • 9 months ago

      sorry to hear that anon

  34. 9 months ago

    Wind Waker. First time skipping school.
    Trackmania. Skipping school veteran.
    FF13. Not going to school at all anymore.
    Steins;Gate. Hikkikomori.
    Okami. Drunk.
    Frick school. Drunk. Make way.

  35. 9 months ago

    Dark Cloud came out during the best time of my life. One of the most underrated games I've ever played

  36. 9 months ago

    For those of you who are American and old enough to remember, which game do you associate with 9/11 because you were playing it at the time?

    • 9 months ago

      homie I was at school when that happened

    • 9 months ago

      i dont remember the name

    • 9 months ago

      Unironically? Pikmin and Luigis mansion
      I know they both came out a month or two after 9/11 but it still was very much the center focus of america at the time. The whole reason I got the games was because my parents had a flight to Mexico and they were scared shitless to fly on a plane at that time. So I got a lot of early gamecube games as "just in case" gifts from my Dad.
      I love you Dad 🙁

    • 9 months ago

      Advance Wars came out on 9/11

    • 9 months ago

      Metal Slug X for the play station

    • 9 months ago

      That Spider-man game activision made


    • 9 months ago

      none because it happened at like 8am or whatever when most of us were at school

      • 9 months ago

        weirdly I found out as it happened, since one of the kids was listening to a radio through some headphones as he would do sometimes and then he blurted out saying that a plane had hit a building, then the teacher told him to stop making shit up and to shut the frick up and then took his radio.

    • 9 months ago

      Halo 2 for me.

    • 9 months ago

      I was in class at school and didn't grasp the severity of the situation because i was like 7 years old, all I really remember was making jokes about how stupid it is to jump as if thats gonna help, and saying I'm not looking forward to hearing about this on the radio forever cause Americans are gonna act like its the biggest deal even though they blow stuff up all the time (I'm from Canada)

    • 9 months ago

      I was 11 years old eating breakfast when my mom ran in to tell me it was happening, then she made me sit and watch the news broadcast. I don't recall playing any video games that day because the TV was being used for the news until late that night when everyone went to bed.

    • 9 months ago

      Most American kids were in class unless you lived on the West Coast, in which case the TV was used for nothing but watching the news regardless.

    • 9 months ago

      Kirby's Dreamland 2, because I'm European and the only immediate impact 9/11 had on my life was Cartoon Network made a minute of silence and I remember getting bored and grabbing my Gameboy Color.

    • 9 months ago

      I was playing Gorky 17 and saw my parents around the TV saying it was important but I went back to my vidya.

    • 9 months ago

      Sonic Adventure 2. I remember we got sent home early and my whole family was crowded around the TV. I said "that sucks" and then went with my brother and played the sonic vs shadow jungle stage in the multiplayer mode a bunch of times.

    • 9 months ago

      I played Mega Man Legends 2 after school that day

    • 9 months ago

      I dont remember the day much since i was only 7. I think all the adults just watched the news all day while i went into the other room to play majora's mask.

    • 9 months ago

      This just unlocked an extremely fricking autistic memory in my head. When I got home my mom explained to me that someone attacked the United States and a bunch of people were hurt. I ran to my room and said to myself "the time to build is now." and started drawing up plans for a giant flamethrower we could use to destroy terrorists.

      • 9 months ago

        I did something like this too but it was an arm cannon similar to samus’ made out of a pringles can and a pop bottle. The idea was to add backing soda (stored in quarter machine capsules velcroed to the side of the canon) to water in the attached bottle causing the cap to shoot of lmao

    • 9 months ago

      Crash Team Racing

  37. 9 months ago

    Had a tooth removed and as luck with have it my best friend was in the hospital getting the same thing. When he was in getting his done someone handed my his GB and Pokemon Red and in my post anesthetic stupor I saved over his game somehow. His face an hour later still haunts me when he saw what I did.

  38. 9 months ago

    >April 2017, I'm 21 years old
    >On the fence about buying P5, I liked 3 and 4 but wasn't sure if I'd like them now that I'm not in school
    >Company I work for is in the shitter, survived the first wave of cuts but knew in my heart I was next
    >Day of the release I get put on "consultation", which is basically, "you're fricked, but we legally can't get rid of you yet".
    >In a numb rage I decide "frick it, I'll need something to do while unemployed" and buy P5
    I have such a weird relationship with it, I hated being jobless but I was still at home and my friends were back home from college for summer, it was literally like a summer break (although I made a point to spend little to no money), I was employed again in 3 months and the severence money and benefits I got during that time wound up being more that I would've gotten for working there. Even less than a year afterwards I got nostalgic thinking about it, hot summer nights playing till 3AM because I had nothing to do, and listening to Beneath the Mask on repeat lamenting my position. Hell seeing Joker cast out and ostracised at the start really hit home too. Game was way too fricking long though, started to drag a bit around the third/fourth palace.

    • 9 months ago

      I like good long games. I am also nostalgic for cool summer nights

  39. 9 months ago

    Not technically vidya by definition but I always made popcorn when 2 new episodes aired of Kirby Right back at Ya every week on the Wii. Can't think of anything else because most of my negative experiences happened when I wasn't playing video games.

  40. 9 months ago

    Funnily enough, Wind Waker was one of them. My family had just moved across the country in 2002 and for Christmas that year they got me a Gamecube. Melee, Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine, and Animal Crossing were the games I played the most around then and I associate all of them with certain events that happened then. I particularly associate Wind Waker with playing it during a super heavy thunderstorm and getting shocked through the Gamecube controller three times but continuing to play anyway, and being near the end of the game when my dog somehow got out of the yard and having to pause it to chase him around the neighborhood for 3 hours.

    • 9 months ago

      Damn you just made me remember my GC Christmas story
      >Context, for Christmas we normally spend the morning at home and go to my Grandparents' basically all day
      >Ask for this specific bundle for Christmas because I'm getting back into Pokémon and really want to play Colosseum
      >Open up a big present
      >Silver Mario Kart GC
      >Still really excited because there's some more games wrapped up
      >Get SA2B, Shark Tale and that Universal Studios game
      >One game left, it has to be Colosseum
      >Open it
      >It's Pokémon Channel
      >I'm still really grateful as I didn't even expect a GameCube, but I think I had a confused look on my face, mum asks me if that was the right one, said I wanted Channel but also Colosseum
      >I get money off some relatives so says we can go buy it in a day or two
      >Whatever, have a blast with SA2B and DD, even get a few laughs out of Pokemon Channel with my sister
      >Later on go to my Grandparents, people ask me what I got, say I got a GameCube
      >Cool uncle disappears for a second, comes back with a DVD shaped present and a smirk
      >I knew what it was, he fricking knew it was what I wanted
      >Fricking Colosseum
      >Don't get back until after 10PM but you bet I played that shit all night
      Fun times

      • 9 months ago

        I want to be that uncle who pays attention

        • 9 months ago

          I'll be honest Anon, I think he just asked my parents what game I wanted (in fairness he lives on the other side of the country so he wouldn't know anyway). He always got me good shit though, pic related one year, which is still in my top 5 at least. Sometimes he'd bring up his PS1 and we'd play Crash 3 and Tomb Raider, shit was cash. All precious memories.

  41. 9 months ago

    I was playing Dance Dance Revolution Extreme on my PS2 when I saw my mother naked for the first time. I believe the song was either Tsugaru or Maximizer.

    • 9 months ago

      Let me guess, you've got an incest fetish

      • 9 months ago


  42. 9 months ago

    Anytime I see gameplay of Skyward Sword, I just think of that warm fuzzy feeling the painkillers I was on was giving me. Pretty much my entire playthrough I was on them from 4 wisdom teeth getting extracted.

  43. 9 months ago

    I vaguely recall playing amazing island on the gamecube while CPS were talking with my mom involving taking my brother and I out of her custody

    I mean, looking back at it, it was the correct play. I don't really know how she got full custody in the first place (well I do, my dad is a giga pushover and to this day he still says "respect your mother" even though she basically dragged him through the mud for 15 years)

    • 9 months ago

      Did you get taken?

      • 9 months ago

        Yea but I vaguely recall going to my uncle (on my mom's side) place for like 2 days before getting moved to my fathers. I don't know if my mom somehow talked her way into getting us placed somewhere on her side of the family or what. It seemed really odd, I know my uncle didn't seem to want us around.

        • 9 months ago

          Odd. Maybe it was to check that your dad was in place to take you in thwg interim.

          • 9 months ago

            Yea I have no idea
            The stupid thing was about 2 years later I went back to my mom while my brother stayed with my dad. Probably the worst decision I made in my life but you know, I guess whatever brainwashing she had me under back when I was young was still in my head. A lot of my time and money was lost during that period.

            • 9 months ago

              Yeah, it's normal to be guilted as a kid. I moved in with my dad because when I was 14 my mother wouldn't wear clothes and I didn't like it but man did I hear about how terrible I was for years.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh to this day my mom now calls me satan and about how I've "changed"
                Its true what they say, people will remember you for the times they had the most control over you

  44. 9 months ago


  45. 9 months ago

    I associate monmusu quest with my university.

  46. 9 months ago

    When I was a young boy I'd started getting over the ideas of cooties, and started noticing the girls around me were really pretty, and the girl I liked lived next door, so I'd always use the pretense of video games to get her to come over and spend time together, playing through all the great stuff on the N64. And of course she had a favorite video game character, Yoshi. She'd light up whenever there was a game with Yoshi in it. Mario Party, Mario Kart, etc.
    The world wide web was in its infancy and we'd read online that Yoshi was on the roof of the castle in Super Mario 64, and that's what spurred me to do my first ever 100% completion for that game, just so she could see Yoshi.
    I won't bore you with the sappy details but my first kiss was to the ending song from Yoshi's Story so that's kinda intrinsically linked in my mind.

    Her family moved away and that was my first heartbreak.

    Anyway, years later as a teenager the girl I was with was obsessed with Resident Evil, particularly Ada Wong, and would backseat me going through RE4. First time any girl ever touched my dick was to the Mercenaries theme.

    So you know, shoutout to Nintendo and Capcom for helping a guy through the growing pains.

  47. 9 months ago

    I played a lot of Smash Brothers Melee and Brawl when my parents were getting divorced. That was the turning point in my life where I had to grow up even though I wouldn't for a while.
    I found out my grandfather died while playing Batman Arkham Origins. Still haven't replayed it since

    • 9 months ago

      >Jacking off in the bathroom one day
      >Dad shouts upstairs "Anon your grandfather has cancer"
      >Had to fricking finish
      It could be worse. Still awful for you though.

  48. 9 months ago

    I was having a wank when my grandfather died. Then I was having a wank when my nan died.

    • 9 months ago

      your penis has the ability to kill

  49. 9 months ago

    I cant play red dead 2.
    I got it new at release in 2018 when I was starting a wagie job and trying to fit in the real world. The first two months were brutal but I had fun with the game. As time went on Instead I got bullied relentlessly and quit that job 2 years later. im Never leaving my neet cage ever again. 26 btw
    >TLDR Red Dead 2 Reminds me of days of trying to fit into wagie/normie life

    • 9 months ago

      How did you get bullied at 24? What was the circumstance? I'm not trying to call you a homosexual, just curious

      • 9 months ago

        I was still at home. Grocery stocking
        Managers were all jaded 30 somethings miserable with their lives. Anything to pick on was the highlight of the day. Me being a fat loser neet was easy pickings really. Id laugh and play it off best I could but it was never ending. most either drank heavily the night before or smoked pot each shift. After I left I found out my boss had to "step down." Boy I'd love to know why. The place was ran like the mob.

        • 9 months ago

          >try and improve because you're told to do it
          >people still drag you down
          Dogshit people.

          • 9 months ago

            I know. That's the kinda shit that breaks the human spirit. It's all they were after. Its like they were happy to see someone other than them miserable. Hope they crash their fricking ricers in the ditch drunk.

      • 9 months ago

        Not him, but I had a guy at my last job around that age get bullied by 2 women (1 older, 1 younger). He was a weirdo and shit at his job, but so were they and they just made it worse. Eventually all 3 got fired. Turned out he was a sex pest too and came on to the 16 year old apprentice, making her leave. No idea how we didn't get pulled for safeguarding there.

    • 9 months ago


  50. 9 months ago

    >Girl at work who I had a thing with bought me BOTW for my birthday, because she'd gush about it and thought I'd really like it
    >Fast forward a few months, turns out I'm a moron who got too emotionally invested and she's bored of me now, so "draws a line under it"
    For a while anything to do with BOTW would just make me sick. Eventually got over it and with hindsight I realised she was a psycho anyway. Still haven't played through it but I'm not really a Zeldagay or into open world stuff anyway. I'll get to it eventually.

  51. 9 months ago

    I had the worst strep throat in my life when I first played DBZ Budokai 3, so any time I play a dragonball game my throat attempts to make itself dry in direct response to that specific stimuli.

  52. 9 months ago

    Trying to play animal crossing while my family was fighting in court over child support and custody

    My dad is a piece of shit so he really didnt deserve to have me visit him

    • 9 months ago

      I paid for you so you come see me you little shit

  53. 9 months ago

    I had a really terrible episode of depression ny freshman year of college, and I spent about a solid month playing Skyrim during its height. Now, whenever I hear or see skyrim references I remember days and nights wandering the holds looking up at Secunda while inside I was having a right shit time. The game definitely was a positive immersive outlet while I was suffering. Thanks Todd.

  54. 9 months ago

    >tfw was diagnosed with cancer when mario odyssey was announced
    >tfw my father was diagnosed with cancer when bowsers fury announced
    nothing happened when wonder was announced so the cycle stopped

    • 9 months ago

      Next 3D game anon

    • 9 months ago

      Please check on your mom for everyone's sake anon

  55. 9 months ago

    TF2, 2014
    >still getting bullied at the last year of high school, eventually confronted them and it stopped
    >school life was about to be over and I never got a gf or had a friend circle
    >tried getting my mind of it by playing TF2 everyday after midnight until 5am

    Skyrim, 2015
    >started community college
    >zero friends
    >no gf (still a virgin)
    >found peace on exploring Todd's handcrafted world, modded cute clothing to my wife Ysolda, had a home in Solitude

    (modded)Fallout 4, 2018/2019
    >getting yelled at by boomers as a intern
    >later, learned coding, got a job at the same company as a dev
    >making some money, life is improving
    >still friendless and a virgin
    >exploring the wasteland listening to spooky tales was how I avoided the feels

    Monster Hunter Rise, 2023
    >have a okay job, hate doing anyway
    >early in the year had a actual social life, still no gf
    >july I had a fallout of this social circle
    >apparently I'm a bad person for voting for the right wing guy who is literally hitler, as always
    >playing MHR to cope with the social isolation

    I'm 26 now, after writing this I realized I was always miserable and I will never make it. Thinking about ending it tbh.

    thx for reading my blog

    • 9 months ago

      Take it as a lesson not to talk politics in this day and age.
      Go from here and don't end it.

      • 9 months ago

        it's funny because they were the ones who brought it up

        i knew they were left leaning but they were nice to me so i didn't care, oh well

        • 9 months ago

          People who try to force you to think exactly like them are fascists. Don't be friends with fascists

        • 9 months ago

          And the correct move was to not engage. Your only political opinion should be something innocuous such as "man, frick Nestle".

    • 9 months ago

      >I'm 26 now, after writing this I realized I was always miserable and I will never make it. Thinking about ending it tbh
      People who say that are never going to do it, they just want attention.
      Either way, if you've literally never been happy, maybe try it once before you pretend to have a nice day in the head?

      • 9 months ago

        >they just want attention
        yeah man ive been lonely all my life, I want some fricking attention

        but it's true, the thought of ending it has been recurrent in my mind for a few years now, I never mention in real life however

        • 9 months ago

          I wish I never mentioned it to anybody. Now my family ALWAYS treats me differently.

  56. 9 months ago

    I bought a tamagotchi in middle school just because a girl i liked had one and i wanted to have something in common with her

    Pretty sure i even had to dance with her during one of those mandated school plays but it might have been a different girl

    • 9 months ago

      I asked a girl to the dance in like grade 3 and she rejected me instantly laughing.
      Man I learned hearbreak way too early lol

  57. 9 months ago

    Skyrim. Last year of high school memories tainted by coming home to bickering and arguing parents while playing Todd’s last great game.

  58. 9 months ago

    Being like 8 or 9-ish, going to my friends to play in his pool for a couple of hours. Drying off, then going inside to play pic related for a couple of more hours. Hearing this tune somehow still transports me back to that time https://youtu.be/UlkvbEKJ3yM?si=j3-1Qv86gxQBF-6q

  59. 9 months ago

    Play this during my wort time of my life, gf left me, both grandma's in a hospital bed, thesis, horrible mental state in general

    This game mekes me feel a little better at the time, but when i try to replay it i feel nothing but existential dread

  60. 9 months ago

    I was playing Demon's Souls for the first time blind, and I was stuck for hours in the Valley of Defilement due to being woefully underleveled. At the time, I was wrestling with a severe unrequited love I had with a friend that lasted for years now and it was at this time I decided to confess my feelings to her in order to try to get it off my mind, to no avail. At least she was understanding and still remained my friend until I eventually blocked her. I still miss her to this day, as a friend. I was also incredibly depressed during the time, probably the most I've been in my life. It was getting to the point where I was actively becoming suicidal and was gonna do it by the end of the year. Oddly fitting for an area that's filled with nothing but filth and death.

    • 9 months ago

      Over a fricking girl?

      • 9 months ago

        I wasn't suicidal over her specifically. I was incredibly isolated as an individual and had no prospects in life, so the concept has always been idling in the back of my mind for years now. However, I'll say that not being with her definitely made things worse. I'm a very obsessive person and she was my entire world at the time, even if she didn't feel the same way. I probably have BPD because I treated her exactly as someone with the disorder would do with a "favorite person."

        I eventually got over her though. A few months later, I ended up dating a girl online and two years later, I'm living with her and am probably the happiest I've been in my whole life. There's always hope, bros. Keep your heads up.

      • 9 months ago

        Ive seen some dudes in their 40s still getting over ex wives that dug their claws into their sanity. Women can be fricking more cruel than men, One slap you in the slammer' Jack

  61. 9 months ago

    I associate smells with games for better or worse. Anytime i smell BBQ i think of summer grilling when we went to go visit my cousin playing stuff like GBA

    Worst case scenario its weed and PS2 games like yugioh duelist roses which is not only a bullshit game but i hate what weed has done to people and i cant believe its legal now

    • 9 months ago

      >Anytime i smell BBQ
      do mean like charcoal/wood smoke or the meat/glaze specifically ?

      • 9 months ago

        Probably the charcoal smell and i enjoy it a lot

  62. 9 months ago

    Me realizing I'm trans
    t. every Life is Strange fan

    • 9 months ago

      I realized I hated women with dyed hair

  63. 9 months ago

    I remember playing Star Fox 64 as a kid and then going outside on my swing set and pretending I was actually in Star Fox flying an arwing. I miss the simple days, so I really enjoy playing late 90's games and feeling like I'm being transported back in time.

  64. 9 months ago

    Nothing can replicate playing games at a relatives house with a sibling in one of those basements thats basically an entire living room, kitchen and bathroom all in one. Its a feeling you cant describe beyond nostalgic.

  65. 9 months ago

    Excitebike64 and Hybrid Theory.
    Used to play that with Linkin Park as a background music. Good times, I was around 11-12 yo.

    Wish I could go back to my bed on that house and run a other race with "Cure for the itch" playing in the background.

  66. 9 months ago

    I thought it was really cool that you could just play an online game with anybody across the world on a handheld like the DS and i knew some canadian guy and played animal crossing wild world with him. Mario Kart DS as well it was something special and it sounds so basic but its magical.

  67. 9 months ago

    >Never do anything in life, don't have friends, never go outside
    >Can't relate to this thread at all

  68. 9 months ago

    World of Warcraft.
    We're never going back. 🙁

  69. 9 months ago

    >decide to skip some bullshit class in high school
    >sit in library playing stardew valley on switch
    >playing the strength minigame at the fair when principle comes up and b***hes at me to get back to class
    >after that class get told i cant miss anymore or else i will fail the class (homosexual ass mom was literally too lazy to make a 10 minute drive some days)
    >get home to even more b***hing from my mom over it
    i was pretty scared when she caught me but looking back the whole situation just makes me kinda mad now

  70. 9 months ago

    Spyro 2 reminds me of my grandma.
    There's no real reason, one time she just watched me play it for 2 hours straight while chain-smoking. It was Christmas and the rest of the family were watching Groundhog Day in the other room but my grandma hated comedy movies.
    I dunno, it's such a boring memory but I find myself thinking about it a lot.

  71. 9 months ago

    I remember playing super mario sunshine as a kid and my mom offered my vanilla pudding. I vomited. I found out that day that for some reason I am incompatible with vanilla pudding. I remember that every time I see the game

  72. 9 months ago

    When I played Shadow of the Colossus for the first time at age 19:

    >get home with new game
    >mom says to look up what books I need for next semester at community college so she can order them
    >find the booklist, bookmark it on her computer
    >go play Shadow of the Colossus for 20 minutes
    >mom enters room - "Did you write down what books you need?"
    >Yeah I bookmarked it on the computer
    >she yells at me about how brain-damaged I must be, can't follow directions, every reason why I'm going to fail and college is a waste of her money and mistakes I made years ago
    >afternoon sun sets and my bedroom gets darker with nothing but the TV glow lighting the room and her profile
    >after 50 minutes sitting silently through this I break down into tears
    >she finally stops and starts profusely apologizing
    >I go downstairs and try not to let my younger siblings know I was crying
    >write down book list
    >mom reverts back to being super-cheerful like nothing happened

    So that game is ruined for me, even the intro music brings back bad memories

  73. 9 months ago

    I lied that i had an appointment just so i could leave school early to play pokemon colosseum

  74. 9 months ago

    We <3 Katamari

    >get home after wisdom teeth removed
    >gums bleeding and in agonizing pain
    >try taking one of the pain pill that the dentist prescribed (hydrocodone)
    >After 15 minutes- physical pain is gone
    >After 30 minutes- mental pain is gone
    >After 45 minutes- spiritual pain is gone
    >Oh my God am I being sucked off by an angel?
    >Pop in Katamari
    >sit on the living room floor for 4 hours on a summer day while disregarding everything shitty about the world, myself, and the future
    >it's like I was 12 again, experiencing endless summer, when it was always a good day when dad let us turn on the AC
    >dentist gave me a 2 months supply of the opioid

    This was in 2010 when they were still handing them out like candy. But it sucked donkey balls when my tolerance built up, and then I ran out.

    The OST reminds of that bliss and I still tear up, I miss it so much bros

  75. 9 months ago

    I was playing Jak 3 when I made my mom cry for the first and last time. She was just starting to date my now step dad and I guess I was extremely jealous. Heard her talking in the phone with him and I yelled at her. Hated the thought of my parents being separated. I’m cool with my step dad now, though. Even though he wasn’t really a father figure to me, at least he stuck around and treated my mom like a human being.

  76. 9 months ago

    Kotor 2
    Father dying

  77. 9 months ago

    I'll always associate this game with the beginning of Covid and also when I moved out for the first time.

  78. 9 months ago

    Middle school was particularly rough for me growing up and even though most of it is a blur, I still feel shame and a lot of pity for my past self then. I didn't have many real friends at school and because of that I would just stay home and play video games by myself for years.

    My laptop couldn't run much back then, but it could run Source games. I played TF2 every day and I would also play GMod Tower just as often. There is something incredibly comforting about Source, and I don't know if it's just because it was my escape from the bad times I was going through that made me think so. Even now I just load of GMod maps to explore and soak in the atmosphere. Tower let me socialize with people on a level I wasn't able to get in school. There was always something going on there and I would always host parties or other gatherings, it was the most fun I had and probably have had playing video games in my life so far. Tower shut down when I was in high school, a new one, and doing much better. The successor game, Tower Unite, came out the same week and I bought it immediately and play it regularly making condos for myself as aesthetic experiments mostly. It's not the same as GMod Tower, never will be in my mind, but it's keeping the dream alive in some way even with all the bullshit and lack of tight knit community like Gmod Tower.

    They brought back GMod Tower after some drama for a 10th anniversary thing. No one plays it, but I went on it alone for a while just going down memory lane. I had the pug violin poster up, and I know why I had it up because of the little wallpaper that I had (and still have saved) back then, the "Look at his face" one. I just kind of cried seeing it. Thanks for reading my blog.

  79. 9 months ago

    I had an ex GF break up with me while I was playing through Persona 4. My next GF broke up with me while I was playing through Persona 5. Then while I was playing through P5R my best friend died. I fell really far into each one of those games to cope with what was happening at the time.

  80. 9 months ago

    For me it's Spyro 3
    I remember playing the skateboarding minigame when my mom yelled for me to come into her room, so I paused it and walked over into her room, and as I was walking there I saw some other woman walking up the front path to our house. Mom locked the door and the other lady was trying to open it shouting "WHY IS IT LOCKED???", I don't remember much other than that
    I can only assume the guy my mom was dating was cheating on her with another woman, fun times

  81. 9 months ago

    I love this song, but it will always bring that pain back to me.

  82. 9 months ago

    My mom was testing out a recipe for eggrolls at the time that a buddy of mine lent me Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, so I spent a week in my basement with t-shirts thumbtacked to the window eating shitloads of botched eggrolls dipped in ranch dressing while playing through both games start to finish. Now whenever I'm exposed to anything from those games I get visceral flashbacks to the way I felt being in that dimly lit room with the dust and little hairs floating around in the sunbeams that peaked out from behind the shirts, and the taste of ranch dressing and eggrolls comes back to me as if I was eating them right now.
    The song "simple and clean" is like a time machine that makes me feel like I'm 14 again, sitting on my grandma's couch in the basement at my mom's house waiting for her to shout at me to come upstairs and try the next batch to see what I think, and telling her its delicious no matter what it tastes like cause she's trying so hard.

    I can't play these games anymore cause they make me cry, my step dad from the time lost the house by only pretending to pay the mortgage until the bank repo'd it, my great grandfather built that house and I was meant to inherit it. My family hasn't really been together much since, and my mom stopped visiting me cause she said it makes her cry when she sees how sad I am.
    I regret not spending more time with my friends and family, not spending more time in that kitchen helping my mom make those eggrolls, telling her how much I loved spending time with her there. I was so angsty and depressed, I squandered the best times of my life, and I can never go back home to make up for it. My mom told me at the time that I was like a stranger living in her basement and she missed her son, I miss being her son too, I feel so alone now, but I'm too sad to be around my family cause they hate being around someone so depressed. I just wish I could have fixed everything, and figured it all out when I was young, and my mom was happy

    • 9 months ago

      Hold on tight, anon. Keep working on yourself and you can eventually go back home and though it’ll never be the same, you can still spend what time you have left creating new love and happy memories with them. I’m in the process of doing that myself. You’re your own worst enemy right now so like a hero in any great story, stand up to the villain.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm... Sorry, anon.
      Can you piece up yourself togheter?

  83. 9 months ago

    >and my mom stopped visiting me cause she said it makes her cry when she sees how sad I am.
    what the actual frick is wrong with your mother, anon

    • 9 months ago

      I have not lived a very happy life, she's not wrong

  84. 9 months ago

    One Christmas I got Ocarina of Time along with a large amount of Jelly Belly Beans. During Christmas break I played that game obsessively, if I was awake I was playing OoT, and while I did so I gorged myself on jellybeans. To this day my brain connects the two, if I eat any of those beans I want to play OoT, and if I play OoT I;m thinking about thos Beans

    • 9 months ago

      I remember a neighbor getting Ocarina of Time for Christmas and when I visited his house I was completely blown away by it. Early the next year he let me play it since I didn't have an N64 and I beat it over at his place. I've seen other anons talk about OOT Christmas stories in the past, something about that timing was really magical.

  85. 9 months ago

    Rythm Heave Built to Scale

  86. 9 months ago

    Eating eggo waffles while playing morrowind. Pretty sure that was the last time I had eggos

  87. 9 months ago

    cave story

  88. 9 months ago

    My mom molested me at knifepoint while I was playing Kirby's Dream Land for the Game Boy in the hot blistering summer of 1992.

  89. 9 months ago

    Dragon Quest Xi, the last days my grandma was alive, late 2018. Miss my grandma. At the time, I thought it wasn't much other than complications arisen from a thrombosis found on her leg. But, is most possibily was her ailing from a cancer somewhere in her body, that might've gone to her liver.

    Later, on early 2019, she had jaundice, and various sinals of liver failure. She was then gone to the ICU, and died, days later.

    Around late 2018 I was playing DQ, and arived in that city based around Spain, the one with the cassino. And was playing cards there.
    I don't recall where I left when grandma died. But I remember it took me months to touch that game again, for various reasons, but when I think about it, it was because I didn't want to feel losing her. For months I just felt as if... She was in another city, and I was a bad grandson, and wasn't keeping in touch. But I could talk to her, anytime.
    I couldn't... Mourn her. A job oportunity had risen at the time, I was doing my masters, and my aunt just... Fell apart from the loss of her mother. My mom and I held it up, mom would crack a bit, from time to time.
    But me? The guy that had said 15 years prior that if my grandma ever died, I would break down. And I believed so for a long time. And I didn't break down. I only shed very few tears. Even being anguished that both her and I left each other... On somewhat bad terms.

    I miss her most when I think about that she wasn't here to see that I turned out ok, in the end. That I've finaly left home, on a stable job. That I've finished my masters. That she'll never be around when I'll become a father. That's the moment when I tear up a bit. Wish she would be around here. I wish I could see her smile. A genuine smile, not one of mockery, contemp, or small joy. A big, big smile. Of pride. Of jubilation. Of feeling fulfiled.

    Sorry. Although I don't look like I'm missing her, the longing is still here. And this word can't express that correctly, but saudades can.

  90. 9 months ago

    Had an original Xbox at the age of ten, used to spend most of the summer with my father and play the oldie port of Half-Life 2.
    He was a worse "parent" than my mom, but he loved me more. Fully-relapsed, freshly-divorced heroin junkie—he'd build tunnels around the house for mice to run through (once found a dead baby in my Safeway™ lemon hand pie, but that's another story). Instead of going to a pet store, we'd grab up the tunnel mice and feed them to my pet snake.
    My father tried to barbecue a few times. The smell of propane was always so strong, and he tended to burn whatever he was making. We'd eat together in the backyard on this giant slab of concrete, then I'd run back inside to keep playing Half-Life.
    Every time I see the Valve logo, I smell his cooking and remember petting newborn mice on Christmas (which you're not supposed to do, I learned). For that brief moment, seeing the Valve logo, I love my father the most.

    • 9 months ago

      >Fully-relapsed, freshly-divorced heroin junkie—he'd build tunnels around the house for mice to run through (once found a dead baby in my Safeway™ lemon hand pie, but that's another story). Instead of going to a pet store, we'd grab up the tunnel mice and feed them to my pet snake.
      that is one of the most cartoonish things ive fricking read kek

  91. 9 months ago

    I have some pretty vivid memories of a great summer holiday '08 with my family, while during downtime I was playing The World Ends With You. While it's still squarely among my all-time-favourite games, I don't think there's any harm in recognising that the time I played it at made it seem all the better.
    Though really, you could just look at my history with video games and make a few footnote additions to arrive at a pretty comprehensive story of my life. 2008 was a pretty great year in games all together, and for me that has personal importance since I would eventually meet the vast majority of my current closest friends through playing Smash Bros Brawl.

    • 9 months ago

      And also because everyone else seems to be sharing sad stories, some of those friends I mentioned eventually got me to play Final Fantasy XIV with them, around 2016. Well, I've kept up with the game since then, and the latest expansion, Endwalker, released around December '21... right around the time my grandfather passed away from cancer, half a year after diagnosis. Had it released a year before, I might have just passed over some of the more emotional moments of the expansion's story without being affected much, but that christmas I was definitely in the right headspace for everything to hit that much harder.

  92. 9 months ago

    Metroid Prime 2. A family member of mine died and had a funeral a few days before it came out. It had been my most hyped game ever up until that point. When I got it, I played it just to keep my mind off things. I beat it without even bothering to 100% it, and then I never touched it again. To this day I still can't bring myself to play it again.

  93. 9 months ago

    >be me
    >wake up one day
    >go upstairs
    >older brother (raging junkie alcoholic) is passed out on the floor in the living room
    >eh whatever nothing new, not the first time I've seen it
    >make coffee and go back downstairs to play Fatal Frame 5
    >finish the last couple chapters
    >go back upstairs to check on him
    >he's still in the exact same position as earlier
    >oh shit
    turns out he ODed on fentanyl at some point in the night and had been dead for some time. At least a spooky ghost game was thematically appropriate

    • 9 months ago

      My vidya OD experience involved Baten Kaitos Origins, but there wasn't any death. Maybe less thematically appropriate, but your post makes me feel a very strange kind of solidarity. Sorry about your bro.

  94. 9 months ago

    >back in 2005, used to play The Sims 2 every week with my sister afterschool
    >play some PS2 games as well, make Hot Pockets and watch cartoons together
    >18 years later
    >my sister along with the rest of my family hates me and disassociates with me because I grew up to be a complete failure
    >dropped out of college, became direction and aimless at life is
    >currently living by myself in a run-down apartment dealing with depression/loneliness on a daily basis
    Shit happens I guess

    • 9 months ago

      How do you support yourself? Also, your sister is a c**t. Unless you're a butthole, she shouldn't hate you.

  95. 9 months ago

    >All this sad shit
    Frick that. I remember playing Skyrim in my parents' basement over the summer while listening to every single Beatles album including a complication of their live performances and tv appearances because my dad was a huge fan.

    Good times. Too bad Skyrim turned out to be kind of meh, the Dawnguard DLC made it kind of worth it. Also beheading people was always a hoot.

  96. 9 months ago

    Before my little brother got too deep into the popular side of high school, we played video games together growing up. Favorite moments are beating Halo on legendary co-op (back when one person died, you both started over) and sitting on the edge of a bed with her behind me leaning over my shoulder while wearing big ass ski goggles because we wanted to sit like our characters from MK Double Dash. I was the driver and he shot all the items.

  97. 9 months ago

    I relate frogger to the when my family used to make toast with melted cheese and ham after i was playing
    Also i associate bomberman when i got the news of the birth of my youngest brother

    I dont know if i have any negative experiences, maybe i repressed them, maybe i know how to control it better

  98. 9 months ago

    Summer of 2012 I was going through an extremely rough time and had like no money. The few moments of respite I had, I would download free games on my toaster PC and play those. I played a lot of RPG maker ones and eventually stumbled on this little gem. There was one saturday I remember just sitting inside and playing this all day, and I felt completely at peace for a little while. It's just a tiny fond bit of nostalgia I remember from time to time.

    • 9 months ago

      Iji is a really special and weird game. It holds a place in my heart too, though not quite for the same reasons.
      Great choice of music. I still listen to Kinda Green. One of my favorite songs.

  99. 9 months ago

    >try to play the game of the Ang Lee Hulk movie for nostalgia
    >opening cutscene causes me to flash back to playing the game while waiting for my brother to get out of surgery after a horrific accident cracked his face open

  100. 9 months ago

    Dad brought home burgers from the same place 2 days in a row while I was playing Halo 3 custom games a long time ago. Gave me deja vu for a couple days.
    Not really a connection, just a weird thing that never happened before or after that.

  101. 9 months ago

    I beat dk64 one minute before the millenium happened

  102. 9 months ago

    I was playing Bug Fables around June 2020 when my mother came by to tell me she was diagnosed with cancer.

  103. 9 months ago

    >dad takes me on last minute trip to Dollywood Tennessee at like 10pm
    >offers half an edible for car ride and i take it
    >in car playing patapon
    >been struggling with Cioking (the harder version of the crab boss) for probably 3 fricking weeks now so i am pissed at this fricking thing
    >apparently you pretty much needed PON PON CHAKKA CHAKKA from the previous boss but even then its still a fricking b***h
    >finally beat the fricker just barely
    >get the greatest feeling of euphoria wash over me as high hits
    >this happens pretty much at the perfect time to where i can enjoy laughing at all the stupid Pidgeon Forge bullshit with my dad as we look for our hotel
    >eat krystal at midnight, burgers are fricking nasty but i dont even care

  104. 9 months ago

    Grinding netherdrake eggs for the rep grind in WoW while listening to bootleg live music because my parents were always fighting about money in our small apartment when I was a teenager.

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