>men are better at being women than actual women

>men are better at being women than actual women
How can female women even compete?

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  1. 8 months ago

    i shouldnt have listened to sissy hypno.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        It's not for the faint of heart.
        You're opening and giving yourself up to things that might have long term, life altering effects.

        • 8 months ago

          you stink of semen

    • 8 months ago

      Daily reminder to all anons NOT to watch that sissy hypno shit, it's actually dangerous conditioning of the mind to actually buck break yourself into gayness or worse.

      • 8 months ago

        I don't believe you. I will watch it to test your theory and prove it wrong.

        • 8 months ago

          We lost another one

      • 8 months ago

        Was into sissy hypno for a few months didnt affect me because my own body dismorphia is much stronger than it

  2. 8 months ago

    Is that Ranni?

    • 8 months ago

      Wait what? What the frick lore did I miss?

      That's "Cornelia" from Fire Emblem. It's actually a male moleman that shapeshifted in order to make a coup

      • 8 months ago

        What does moleman mean?

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            >the molemen are actually a race of dwarfs
            Would explain a lot.

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          If a male literally transfers to a female host body, they are definitely not male from that point on unless or until they leave that host body.
          When you talk to that character, you are talking the woman, Cornelia, who is 100% female as bodies go.

          • 8 months ago

            female body = female
            thoughts and other things are semantic yeah

            also I would plap the frick out of it regardless

            • 8 months ago

              Fricking and old man stuck inside a young girl's body is a neato fetish.

  3. 8 months ago

    Wait what? What the frick lore did I miss?

  4. 8 months ago


    lol pass

    • 8 months ago

      It's the perfect height for a woman. Even on high heels she would be slightly shorter than an average man

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Are you a gay? It's her second best part after legs

      • 8 months ago

        The perfect height for a woman is 7ft

        • 8 months ago

          Big ladies are the best ladies, and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. Womanlets keep walking, this is an Amazon neighborhood.

      • 8 months ago

        >Should you rise against me like a fool forgetting their place, I will crush you like the worthless beast you are.
        >And you will thank me for it.

        >>And you will thank me for it.
        Damn that's hot.

  5. 8 months ago

    I don't remember any of this shit happening in the game, what the frick are you memeing

    • 8 months ago

      trannies legit live rent free in

      That's "Cornelia" from Fire Emblem. It's actually a male moleman that shapeshifted in order to make a coup

      's head

    • 8 months ago

      trannies legit live rent free in [...]'s head

      >one day Cornelia had a sudden shift of personality. Whether this is her true personality and she is from Agartha or she was killed and replaced with an agent of Those Who Slither in the Dark is left ambiguous, but since that day she is only loyal to Those Who Slither in the Dark and cares not for anyone else.
      >However, it is strongly implied that the real Cornelia was killed and replaced by Those Who Slither in the Dark, as several people note how her personality and behavior changed quite suddenly (much as is said about Volkhard, Tomas and Monica)
      Play the game, homosexuals.

      • 8 months ago

        Even if she was replaced instead of corrupted, where the frick does it say some dude was the one who replaced her?

        • 8 months ago

          Her Slither name is "Cleobulus" which is a masculine (Greek iirc) name.

          • 8 months ago

            They're all named after the Seven Sages of Greece, and Bias and Pittacus are also female in FE just like Cleobulus. FE often uses male names from history or mythology for their female characters
            The line in the """localization""" of Three Hopes where Thales refers to Cornelia as "he" is literally a mistranslation or made up for nefarious reasons, this line doesn't exist like in the original script and is completely different from the Japanese text.
            And before people argue about internal game data for the unused Cleobulus being male (who by the way has "his" breast size set to 220%, hmm), that is also irrelevant because literally every unused character is set to male in the internal data, which gets overwritten by map spawn data of the actual unit. Anna for example is also "male" in these unused files.

            • 8 months ago

              >anon proves trannies wrong/are liars
              >subsequent post is Black personcuck bait derailing the conversation
              Well now, isn’t that interesting

              • 8 months ago

                >troony lover hyper focused on black dick shitpost because he’s a wiener obsessed homosexual
                Except for the fact that FE has done this multiple times and you’d know that if you actually played the series
                It’s almost like it’s an archetype or something in a series known for doing that

              • 8 months ago

                >posts cuckshit
                >accuses others of being cucks
                Never change axewound

              • 8 months ago

                >Jedah's last surviving daughter, escaped the fate of being sacrificed to Duma, can be recruited by Celica instead of Deen, is a mage
                >literal last boss of Awakening, is some sort of mutated dragon thingy with seven eyes, true size is as big as a continent
                What in the frick do these two even have in common? Neither of them are an archetype. If anything, you haven't played the games you're talking about.

              • 8 months ago

                Sonia* from blazing blade my bad

                Grima is literally a male dragon

              • 8 months ago

                >Sonia* from blazing blade
                so you didn't actually play the game but are telling others to, huh

              • 8 months ago

                Morphs are genderless you gay

              • 8 months ago

                sonia was literally made to be brendan reed's wife to get control over the black fang, moronbro
                you didn't play the game
                limstella is the only one in the group with a barbie doll body

              • 8 months ago

                Are you pretending that Sonia is actually a guy? Because she's a morph, a being made of quintessence. The final map literally has morphs in the forms of previously killed bosses, male and female, showing that Morphs can be made as males or females, and since Sonia has been infiltrating the Black Fang and most likely has been fricking Brendan the entire time, we can basically confirm that she's a woman. The literal only Morph where that is sorta ambiguous would be Limstella, since her portrait and official art are sorta androgynous, but her role is completely different from Sonia's and doesn't belong to the same archetype at all.

            • 8 months ago

              The highest-ranking Agarthans seem to be men, so if Bias and Pittacus are shoved in lousy corners of the map, then that increases the odds that Cleobulus was intended to be a guy who'd drop the disguise on a map at some point a la Solon in Remire.

              • 8 months ago

                Thales’ inner circle includes Solon and Kronya, the latter being corrupted clown pussy. It’s less about who has more competence, and more about who is better able to operate in the flesh of human beasts. Myson is leagues beyond Thales in terms of competence, but Myson can’t successfully operate as a disguised Arundel. Cleobulus was a worse choice for stirring up the Kingdom than Kronya, the latter of which would better stir up bloodlust in the Blaiddyd bloodline, but Cleobulus was the better fit for replacing Cornelia.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't think Kronya is an "inner circle" member. I think she's more of a useful idiot that is plucky enough to pull off the Monica persona but not important enough to be told she would be the sacrifice intended to seal the Fell Star

              • 8 months ago

                Kronya is such a one-dimensional character it's hard to talk about her in any meaningful way. An easy opportunity to have taken with her was to make her a prodigal but well-meaning Agarthan born after their world's collapse who has completely swallowed their propaganda. Every bit of humanity she sees in her enemies, she reconciles as a trick

              • 8 months ago

                >Kronya is such a one-dimensional character it's hard to talk about her in any meaningful way.
                She was such a wasted character and such a wasted potential.
                I was expecting Joker tier trolling from her and she just get's sidelined.

                Should have been the main villain really.
                Thought that would conflict with what 3 Houses does with the GoT aspect.

              • 8 months ago

                They're really a terrible group overall. After reading Romance of the World's Perdition I could see maybe what they could've been. Yeah they were blood soaked murderers but they were also only one clan among many. More than that, their gods were usurped by Sothis and her children. Regardless of what the were, they never got the chance to grow out of that on their own. All of Fodlan's history was immediately determined by the children of the goddess the moment Sothis landed in Fodlan. There's an argument to be had about their autonomy being taken away. Or how their culture was replaced with the goddess's. Hell that can function as a counterargument to Claude's route. Claude believes that xenophobia is manufactured and that if you just break down the walls separating cultures they'll naturally blend together into some kind of rainbow. But that's not what happened. The Goddess wasn't added to Fodlan's pantheon, she dominated it. No one even remembers the names of the Old Gods because they don't matter anymore. What would Claude have to say about that? And do the Slitherers have any merit anymore? Once the Slitherers tried to nuke Fodlan, do any of their complaints, no matter how legitimate, even matter anymore? And how far is too far.

                But none of that happened. So the in a game all about perspective the Slitherers are just evil dipshits so stupid that they defied natural selection.

              • 8 months ago

                FE 3H was my intro to the series and I got a sense that there was this big deity aspect that wasn't really touched on much in enough detail in 3H to properly understand groups like the Slitherers.
                But I didn't mind because I could see the struggle of mortal humans under the dominance of the Nabatean dragon overlords. They were erratic because they were in a position of stress and dealing with the black hole of their poor decisions and their choice of revolt and asserting their will. You could see why people would hate the Nabateans enough to rebel in the most ridiculously far fetched manner. They're already in a panicked state because of the position of no quarter that the Nabateans and rebels have against each other. Also, when dealing with oppressive Gods - you might think that the only solution is through devils.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, my chief complaint about 3H is that they're a black hole of unbelievably shitty writing.

              • 8 months ago

                Kronya is clearly low tier compared to Solon and Thales, even getting regularly chewed out and made into a literal sacrifice.

            • 8 months ago

              troony gays destroyed by facts and logic yet again.

            • 8 months ago

              >localization "error"
              as usual, you give these people an inch and they'll stretch that to a mile and try to force their headcanon on everyone in an attempt to "claim" a character for their cause.

        • 8 months ago

          Thales refers to Cornelia as Cleobulus and says "him".
          Conrelia is canonically male as of Three Houses: Warriors. Sort of like how Shamir is canonically bisexual and Yuri got his butthole blown out by noblemen wiener.

          • 8 months ago

            t. incompetent troonylator

            • 8 months ago

              I wouldn't know what the actual Japanese says, I just know what the translators localized it as.

      • 8 months ago

        >one day Cornelia had a sudden shift of personality
        That’s just menopause.

      • 8 months ago

        but where does it say a MAN replaced her

        • 8 months ago

          it's only speculation. Three Hopes, the 3H musou game, had Cornelia's true Slitherer name be Cleobulus, but never showed this character's 'true' form, unlike the other Slitherers.

      • 8 months ago

        it's called a woman moment

      • 8 months ago

        She Isn't a troony, but in fact FE devs fapping to no one less than Madeleine Pryor the Jean Grey Clone and Queen Goblin from the X-Men.
        and as of recently the one who is fricking Ben Riley the clone of Peter Parker on Limbo as she is Fricking Alex Summers the Havok

        • 8 months ago

          What the hell is marvel doing with Spider-Man?

          • 8 months ago

            They are making it NTR kino

      • 8 months ago

        >sudden shift of personality
        she's a woman, that's what they do

      • 8 months ago

        >Play the game, homosexuals.
        I can't marry her, so no.

  6. 8 months ago

    Love evil women
    Ignore troonylator fanfiction
    Simple as

    • 8 months ago

      would plap plap plap her.

      • 8 months ago

        This. She can get pregnant, like any regular woman, right?

        • 8 months ago

          Most likely yes.
          It's amusing, as many men would claim to be disgusted at the idea of dating, let alone breeding, a body/gender swapped guy just because of not wanting to be called gays (despite it not being homosexual at all), but humans are often hypocrites and liars.

          • 8 months ago

            I see it like this bro; Would I frick my closest friend who just suddenly magically transformed into a 10/10 women and is now having sexual advances towards me? No. HELL NO.

            Would I frick a RANDOM guy I do not know who just suddenly magically transformed into a 10/10 women and is now having sexual advances towards me? Yes. HELL YES!

            Y'see, with the friend I just can't unsee the friendship and the bro. But with a stranger I have no bonds. So I wouldn't care.

            • 8 months ago

              That wasn't what was being said at all. The question is if you would date a real life gender swapped person. Post or pre-op. Remove your 10 year old "magic" shit, would you dick down a troony. Funny enough, as a homosexual who likes dick, I'd have to pass because I want a masculine man, not a trans femdick

          • 8 months ago

            >fricking an actual dude
            >not homosexual at all
            lmao homie u gay

        • 8 months ago

          Sure, there's no reason why underground women can't get pregnant

          • 8 months ago

            it's only speculation. Three Hopes, the 3H musou game, had Cornelia's true Slitherer name be Cleobulus, but never showed this character's 'true' form, unlike the other Slitherers.

            Nothing hotter than turning a failed man into a woman made to bear my children

            • 8 months ago

              What are some other games with this trope? Asking for.. a friend.

              • 8 months ago

                nice bulge, troony

              • 8 months ago

                Mai from Blazblue. Found a magic book that turned him into a woman. Was weirded out at first. Eventually just accepted it.

              • 8 months ago

                The only ones I know, unfortunately:
                >Cagliostro from Granblue Fantasy
                >Leonardo Da Vinci from Fate Grand/Order
                >Kamael from Guardian Tales
                I could list some non-AR stuff as well, but I want to see if there is more

        • 8 months ago

          fat pussy

          • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Love evil women
        Ignore troonylator fanfiction
        Simple as

        based evil women enjoyers

    • 8 months ago

      >Love evil women
      So, love women.

  7. 8 months ago

    >troony shit 🙁
    >but it's ok because it's Nihon 😀
    many such cases!

  8. 8 months ago

    holy BOOBA

  9. 8 months ago

    It's the legs that do it for me.

  10. 8 months ago


  11. 8 months ago

    >amerilards trying to retcon a woman to be a troony
    why are they like this?

    • 8 months ago

      can you link the full image pls

      • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      While there’s no excusing their actions it’s unfortunately the truth they are no longer the sole pushers of this madness, only the most overt

  12. 8 months ago

    If she can get pregnant, she's a woman, period

  13. 8 months ago

    Never played a FE game but if the game or the game dev doesn't explicitly state a character is male or ~~*female*~~ then it is just fanfic.

  14. 8 months ago


    Dedue or Claude

  15. 8 months ago




    Dedue or Claude


    >7 am on the west coast
    pack it up boys, amerifats have arrived

  16. 8 months ago



    • 8 months ago


  17. 8 months ago



    • 8 months ago

      you could say it was essential to their childhood

  18. 8 months ago

    The fact she's isn't a playable character is a crime againt humanity. Same for the assassin girl.

  19. 8 months ago

    >still talking about white dicks
    For a God’s Chosen People™ you guys sure have a lot of insecurities, ironic really

  20. 8 months ago


    I have never played any of the games on that list except for Sims 2, Payday 2 and Ass Effect 2

    • 8 months ago

      fricking casual

      • 8 months ago

        I probably should have mentioned I know all of the games on the list and they just aren't personally interesting
        I'm not going to play a bunch of games just to say I have played them
        Also I was wrong, I remembered I played the demo for Mirror's Edge

  21. 8 months ago


    Cleobulus' icon in Three Houses was that of a man, that's where this started.

    • 8 months ago

      Does this 'Cleobulus' ever gets mentioned in Three Houses? It was just a placeholder for a character that never got implemented and whose name eas later repurposed in a spin-off game, which (just like Shamir dead lover) got genderswaped for plot convenience's sake. It's only in the English translation with troony obsessed localizers this causes confusion

      • 8 months ago

        No. We actually had no idea what her Slither identity was in Houses. It was only implications that her character suddenly changed between when she showed up and cured the plague and when Anselma showed up and she started keeping her and Lambert apart. Characters remark that her personality made a sharp change but they didn't know why and Cornelia herself would only make vague statements like

        >Well I did those things in another lifetime

        • 8 months ago

          It's one of the things that I love about Three Houses and kinda resent Three Hopes spoiled; mistery and speculation. Never make the resolution of a mystery more interesting than the mystery itself. Character representation took another big hit, fan renditions of Holtz were leagues above from what we got in Hopes.

          • 8 months ago

            Well that's part of why discussion has held out for so long and why there's so much tribalism. I think most of it is that three houses bit off more than it could chew. Because you'll get a waterfall of information here but then you'll get nothing over there. In all of the information you get comes from biased sources. So you'll get someone people who'll say

            >the Slitherers are the villains because they nuked the continent

            And then you'll get others who'll say

            >the goddess is the villain because she flooded the continent

            And then you get the other group who'll say

            >but the goddess only did this because they did that

            And then these other guys will say

            >hey what are you guys simple disputing about?

            A lot of things about hopes just makes me angry but I can understand why it exists why people want a definitive version that will plug up all of the plot holes and missing information. Which will never happen as long as players can't agree on which characters are lying to you for their own benefit.

      • 8 months ago

        ok now refute [...]

        There are six major Agarthan officers, each thematically named after the sages of Greece, and Cleobulus was the odd one out, save for the fact that "Cornelia" was clearly a high-ranking Agarthan a la Solon and Thales. The assigned icon found in the unused files was of a man, and with no data implying a female model's specs at the time, people thought that Cleobulus might be a man.

        Do you have any screenshot of Bias and Pittacus, by the way?

        • 8 months ago

          >Do you have any screenshot of Bias and Pittacus, by the way?
          Why yes, I do.

          • 8 months ago

            I meant as units on the battlefield. The Agarthan troops in the Shambhala mission had custom pale Agarthan skin on the models, even if the portraits lacked it.

          • 8 months ago

            Gremorys are the hottest class in 3H, I even made Byleth into one, so she could wear those magnificent dresses.

        • 8 months ago

          >and with no data implying a female model's specs at the time
          Anon the bust size was 220%. This wasn't new info from hopes, it from 3H

          • 8 months ago

            When people mined the Cleobulus icon and name, they didn't find associated data for a bust size of 220%. Any such data, if found, was located months or years afterward.

      • 8 months ago

        Shez is amazing just for the expansion of this joke to its final conclusion.

        • 8 months ago

          Shez is my favorite "lord".

          • 8 months ago

            Why is Shez so dumb?

            • 8 months ago

              Learned how to read, write, and do math from an apostate Agarthan, but once she died he was homeless and had to fend for himself. Shez is the proper representation of someone who is largely uneducated but possesses a tremendous amount of wisdom, as well as eagerness not properly tempered from responsibilities to others.

              • 8 months ago

                Implied to be a test tube baby in Agartha that one of the Agarthans went rogue, stole, and raised as their child.
                Shez is basically the Agarthan equivalent to Rhea's "resurrect god" project.

                There were comments earlier in the thread that said that they didn't like Hopes because it "pulled back the curtain" on a lot of things (Houses actually never mentions that Thales took over as Arundel at any point, never explains Cornelia's personality change or motivations, etc.). I like Hopes because it further muddied the waters as to who was the primary aggressor in the conflict between the Nabateans and the Agarthans. Many people were upset with Sothis' portrayal in Hopes because she's much more b***hy, but we instead get to see a Sothis that never learned compassion from Byleth's experiences at Garreg Mach. We get a Sothis who is just as fanatical as Rhea in wanting the extermination of the Agarthans. We see that the animosity between both factions isn't one-sided at all, and that Rhea isn't just a woman who's totally lost her mind. We also get enough evidence to show that, just as the Agarthans stole Nabatean technology to construct nuclear missiles, Rhea and her siblings stole Agarthan blood magic in an attempt to resurrect Sothis, which was again only something implied in Houses via the "resurrection" of Nemesis.

              • 8 months ago

                Arval/Epimenides probably did the most to humanize the Agarthans.
                Also Myson and the other Generic faced Agarthans are too competent to have to deal with Thales' shit. I love how it was revealed no one respects him/they want their real leader back.

                Honestly I think a big reason why Warriors was hated by some was because it continued the moral grayness rather than given a direct answer on which side is "correct".

                Edelgard gets a more heroic conquest.
                Claude gets his comically evil route
                Rhea and the Knights get to be more heroic
                Dimitri bloodies his hands but out of political savviness rather than just being the punisher.

              • 8 months ago

                There were people asshurt by Babygard, when it perfectly showed why Edelgard needed to cooperate with the Slithers in Houses. It was not “two weaker forces fighting a stronger force,” it was “completing one major objective to buy time and find a way to overcome the control the Slithers have over Edelgard.”

                There were people analpained that Claude was a backstabbing c**t, when Houses Claude was just as conniving. His support with Cyril is proof of that. Him constantly justifying Almyran invasions and piracy as “it’s just for fun!” is proof of that.

                There were people bootyblasted that Dimitri doesn’t boar out, when the truth is Dimitri in Houses is an actual war criminal on the level of Jeritza. Unlike Jeritza, who turns himself in after his contracts are done and serves a full prison sentence, Dimitri gets rewarded with love and kisses and gets to keep his title. Boarmitri makes my skin crawl, but “women” love fixing broken men, so a Dimitri who has that evil constantly writhing under the surface, but never succumbs to it, gives “women” the ick.

                Hopes was blessed to have such a tremendous foundation established by Houses, but actual, mentally unhinged individuals criticize Hopes’ characterizations because they have actual brain worms skewing their perceptions.

              • 8 months ago

                Just to be transparent I have not completely finished hopes. I did Azure Gleam and promised to go back to it and just never did. With that being said I think Azure gleam made an already interesting storyline even more interesting. For starters I think it vindicated Dimitri in a way. A lot of people criticized Dimitri for defending the status quo instead of actually acting on the changes he wanted to make. But Dimitri gives a really fricking good reason for why his changes are slow and incremental. Because the last king that tried to make radical changes was his father and he got fricking murdered. Dimitri has every reason to act in alliance with the wishes of his people outside of his belief that even a king should be held accountable. But there's also the matter that King Lambert was not a dindu. Lambert had a reputation for explosive bouts of anger. A personality that already made him distrusted among the Western Lords but his failed invasion of Sreng made him even more unpopular. In Houses Rufus was just a coomer who got the throne by default but it turns out he actually was a favored politician to the Western Lords. The eastern Lords Fraldarius and Gautier were seen as sycophants that didn't think for themselves. The Western Lords saw Dimitri as illegitimate. Faerghus had a shitton of problems Dimitri had to solve even before Edelgard's war showed up at his door. And it's complicated. Because we shit on Ionius all the time for being an unreasonable ruler who was beaten down by his own subjects but Lambert suffered the same fate. It's not black and white even though the Western Lords 100% deserved what they got.

              • 8 months ago

                Arval/Epimenides probably did the most to humanize the Agarthans.
                Also Myson and the other Generic faced Agarthans are too competent to have to deal with Thales' shit. I love how it was revealed no one respects him/they want their real leader back.

                Honestly I think a big reason why Warriors was hated by some was because it continued the moral grayness rather than given a direct answer on which side is "correct".

                Edelgard gets a more heroic conquest.
                Claude gets his comically evil route
                Rhea and the Knights get to be more heroic
                Dimitri bloodies his hands but out of political savviness rather than just being the punisher.

                There were people asshurt by Babygard, when it perfectly showed why Edelgard needed to cooperate with the Slithers in Houses. It was not “two weaker forces fighting a stronger force,” it was “completing one major objective to buy time and find a way to overcome the control the Slithers have over Edelgard.”

                There were people analpained that Claude was a backstabbing c**t, when Houses Claude was just as conniving. His support with Cyril is proof of that. Him constantly justifying Almyran invasions and piracy as “it’s just for fun!” is proof of that.

                There were people bootyblasted that Dimitri doesn’t boar out, when the truth is Dimitri in Houses is an actual war criminal on the level of Jeritza. Unlike Jeritza, who turns himself in after his contracts are done and serves a full prison sentence, Dimitri gets rewarded with love and kisses and gets to keep his title. Boarmitri makes my skin crawl, but “women” love fixing broken men, so a Dimitri who has that evil constantly writhing under the surface, but never succumbs to it, gives “women” the ick.

                Hopes was blessed to have such a tremendous foundation established by Houses, but actual, mentally unhinged individuals criticize Hopes’ characterizations because they have actual brain worms skewing their perceptions.

                Just to be transparent I have not completely finished hopes. I did Azure Gleam and promised to go back to it and just never did. With that being said I think Azure gleam made an already interesting storyline even more interesting. For starters I think it vindicated Dimitri in a way. A lot of people criticized Dimitri for defending the status quo instead of actually acting on the changes he wanted to make. But Dimitri gives a really fricking good reason for why his changes are slow and incremental. Because the last king that tried to make radical changes was his father and he got fricking murdered. Dimitri has every reason to act in alliance with the wishes of his people outside of his belief that even a king should be held accountable. But there's also the matter that King Lambert was not a dindu. Lambert had a reputation for explosive bouts of anger. A personality that already made him distrusted among the Western Lords but his failed invasion of Sreng made him even more unpopular. In Houses Rufus was just a coomer who got the throne by default but it turns out he actually was a favored politician to the Western Lords. The eastern Lords Fraldarius and Gautier were seen as sycophants that didn't think for themselves. The Western Lords saw Dimitri as illegitimate. Faerghus had a shitton of problems Dimitri had to solve even before Edelgard's war showed up at his door. And it's complicated. Because we shit on Ionius all the time for being an unreasonable ruler who was beaten down by his own subjects but Lambert suffered the same fate. It's not black and white even though the Western Lords 100% deserved what they got.

                great posts, Hopes is far from perfect but I feel like it only makes Houses better by existing, I'm sad that Shez is stuck in Hopes

              • 8 months ago

                i feel the same way

            • 8 months ago

              Implied to be a test tube baby in Agartha that one of the Agarthans went rogue, stole, and raised as their child.
              Shez is basically the Agarthan equivalent to Rhea's "resurrect god" project.

          • 8 months ago

            The endings are each of them winning
            All of them tied
            Or Shez killing everyone. Lol.

    • 8 months ago

      ok now refute

      They're all named after the Seven Sages of Greece, and Bias and Pittacus are also female in FE just like Cleobulus. FE often uses male names from history or mythology for their female characters
      The line in the """localization""" of Three Hopes where Thales refers to Cornelia as "he" is literally a mistranslation or made up for nefarious reasons, this line doesn't exist like in the original script and is completely different from the Japanese text.
      And before people argue about internal game data for the unused Cleobulus being male (who by the way has "his" breast size set to 220%, hmm), that is also irrelevant because literally every unused character is set to male in the internal data, which gets overwritten by map spawn data of the actual unit. Anna for example is also "male" in these unused files.

      • 8 months ago

        He can't, he'd rather say Three Houses Anna is a troony too.

  22. 8 months ago

    >How can female women even compete?
    Because they start off as little girls.

  23. 8 months ago

    >be a woman = be and give what mans want from a woman

  24. 8 months ago

    How come there hasn't been any fanart of Cornelia x Rhea bdsm?

  25. 8 months ago

    i just wanna motorboat cornelia's pregnant breasts; is that really too much to ask?

  26. 8 months ago

    Through the stupidest, most obtuse ways like identifying similar writting styles and jokes IRL and in-game, I figured out some guy who comissioned a "guy turns into an actual girl" story is an IRL friend. Guy is married and would kill to protect his kids, but apparently gets his socks off by the idea of becoming a girl and servicing the proverbial "nice guy" who got rejected by women.
    Thanks Ganker

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        >become a big tiddy girl with tight ass and pussy by virtue of the potion being temporary so every TF is from scratch
        >charge very reasonable sums
        >date and have sex with neets, ex-cons, war vets and other "undesireables"
        >get bred regularly, passionately or violently because it doesn't matter
        >learn what women generally like
        >go back home to wife who still gets hot even after a few kids
        >usually display some dumb trait so the ppl you sex don't become attached to you

  27. 8 months ago

    trannies are better at being men
    trannies are better at being women
    trannies are just better
    the reason why is because they face actual adversity in life and their tempered by it
    those left have survivor bias and are hard as frick
    the rest killed themselves.

    the average man cant even figure out how to get a job or talk to a girl.
    the average girl cant even figure out how to be nice to a guy to use him for money or companionship.

    Shitters need to gitgud or gtfo of my server

    • 8 months ago

      Where was this taken from? Or is it made up?

      • 8 months ago

        its from here


        • 8 months ago

          Odds it was posted ironically or do actual trannies cope on there?

          • 8 months ago

            Trannies and troony supporters cope everywhere anon

            • 8 months ago

              They’re never going back in the closet, are they?

              • 8 months ago

                They all do eventually, good place to have a nice day with a belt.

          • 8 months ago

            Trannies and troony supporters cope everywhere anon

            They’re never going back in the closet, are they?

            They all do eventually, good place to have a nice day with a belt.


            back to your safespace poy

  28. 8 months ago

    >female women
    No need to make the distinction, as only females can be women.

  29. 8 months ago

    the easiest way to debunk the "cornelia = man" theory is the fact that japan doesn't draw any futa porn with her

  30. 8 months ago


  31. 8 months ago

    Women are gatekept from being "useful", let alone good at something and it's one of the biggest open secrets that exists. Women are pretty much fricked if they don't have good parents (usually a dad, hence the saying daddy issues) because almost no one else wants to deal with the drama of opening their eyes
    >society is oppressive, they are opressed
    >smart ones seen as a threat by men
    >society is not oppressive, they are encouraged to just bawd it up instead of learning shit
    >smart ones are seen as a threat by women

    And some of you here cannot imagine just how much of a c**t a foid can be to another vegana that makes her feel inferior. If changing genders actually "worked" as opposed to this meat grinder industry that exists, women would be autistically focused on making it illegal

    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      they do
      theyre called terfs
      just look up some of the shit they post on reddit
      its all like fricking crazy things about how men want to rape them so much they ruin their genitals and make themselves incapable of making sperm so they can get into a bathroom and rape them with their now tiny baby penis
      they also spend a lot of time complaining about women in video games and now all the women are ugly as all frick landwhales to meet their demands of not making men ASCEND INTO RAPE MODE

      They also hate trannies because trannies actually love men and understand male suffering because they experience it on steroids and the mere act of loving a man makes women feel inferior to them and like you said makes them fly into full munt rage

      • 8 months ago

        the shit I learn about on this website, wow
        well, now I know, thanks
        idk what to say so have a relaxing doggo

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago
            • 8 months ago

              it's not fair bros

  32. 8 months ago

    I haven't played FE and game doesn't really appeal to me but I like a few of these pics so thanks

  33. 8 months ago

    >man in a literal woman's body
    >still can't compete with Yuri for best girl (male)

    • 8 months ago

      Cornelia isn't a troony and Yuri isn't a troony
      The only troony here is (You)

      • 8 months ago

        I don't care what Yuri is, Yuri is best whatever Yuri is.
        He had the right mix of effeminate and masculine charm without him coming off as a dumb dandy, sissy or macho freddy mercury hardo gay.

        I felt comfortable with him unlike most male or female characters in the game that had their machiavellian interests and urges to exploit me. If he did trick me, it just made me sympathise with his position.

    • 8 months ago

      Cornelia isn't a troony and Yuri isn't a troony
      The only troony here is (You)

      He’s bishonen certainly but even with lipstick his mannerisms and voice are still clearly masculine

      • 8 months ago

        Yet he never really came across like typical yaoi and his seductive tricksterisms are more feminine than the way men would try to get other men on their terms.
        He's a very odd androgynous character and it's not just dumb troony shit.

        • 8 months ago

          To be fair I never suggested he was a troony, even if I despised the character I wouldn’t slander him in such a fashion. I just don’t agree that his all that effeminate, no more or less

          • 8 months ago

            It's weird what he is, but I wouldn't call it masculine either.
            Why am I thinking Iago from Othello? He's got that sinister seedy attitude that tricks people, but's not evil and never comes across as antagonistic like Iago. But his seduction skill is maybe familiar and it has a tinge of "perfume" if ya get me, like it's flirtatious but that flirting could be aimed at the character regardless of the characters sex (just a pragmatic setting design thing really given your choice of MC sex) that just came across weird and exotic to me.

            They tried that thing in 13 Sentinels, but instead of flirting androg they just went full trap mode. But apart from that they're very similar with mannerisms. Encouraging, but also teasing.

    • 8 months ago

      Feminine body + Masculine voice is top tier trap.

  34. 8 months ago

    More Cornelia?

    • 8 months ago

      there's not much art of her so you'll find most of it on boorus

      • 8 months ago

        3H already had the designated mommy in Rhea. Cornelia simply doesn't have the screentime to compete with her.

        • 8 months ago

          imagine the smell

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            Why would big anime tiddies and asses make you feel inadequate?

            RHEA! RHEA! RHEA!

            sex and cuddle

        • 8 months ago

          That's the problem, they should have had them competing in screentime and other ways too

          • 8 months ago

            I wish 3H had FE8 style post-game recruitment and let you take those characters to NG+
            Playable Seiros, Judith and Cornelia would have been amazing

            • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        She deserves more fanart.

  35. 8 months ago

    stop liking evil hags

  36. 8 months ago

    I do not like these tittymonsters they make me feel inadequate in my masculinity

    • 8 months ago

      Why would big anime tiddies and asses make you feel inadequate?

      • 8 months ago

        Because they loook intimidating

        • 8 months ago

          homie, you gay. You're supposed to dominate women.

      • 8 months ago

        an amount of feminine power requires at least an equal amount of masculine power to responsibly take

        • 8 months ago

          I just like the trickster aspect of it.

          Is engage good? I thought 3H was just ok.

          I haven't played much. But then again that probably tells you enough about it given I was expecting much after 3H.
          I get it. FE3H is not a FE game really. It's more a persona game with an FE element and some GoT undertones.

          I'm just sad that they probably won't continue that FE3H style with FE though. It's a peculiar game for a big company and a long running franchise with a particularly fanatic audience. But for me it was a step towards something that could be quite amazing. I didn't think Persona with more GoT alliances and some of FE's battle style would work as well as it did.

          I hope they split the franchise into a separate path of games like SMT did with SMT and Persona series. It would be better if it weren't tethered to the past canon strictly.
          But I don't think 3H nailed it enough nor got enough attention to get that sort of thing.

          But I have played other FE games since and they haven't scratched the itch at all. The idea of holding the fate of the world in your hands merely by how you mingle and socialise with certain people is interesting to me.
          It interested me with Persona, it interested me with New Vegas and it does the same here, though not as nearly complex as NV (I don't know how NV was possible 2bh) or Persona.

          When your actions have consequences and you go in blind it's great.
          Exception - Chrono Cross, I don't like how that aspect is done in that game for some reason.

          • 8 months ago

            Why do people like NV so much? I played 3 and it wasn't a big deal.

            • 8 months ago

              The factions in that game are well defined and realistically flawed. The NCR in universe is probably closest to the American government that everyone knows so most people will align with them. But they are also overly bureaucratic and they mindlessly expand without the capability to take care of the area they expand into. So those who fall underneath their Banner end up paying taxes to a nation they've never seen to soldiers that don't take care of them. And the soldiers on the lowest level are given impossible missions by people on the upper levels who don't have a realistic sense of what's Happening. Been there if the house faction which is run by a billionaire who only cares about the rich people within his Circle and nothing about the poor that surrounds them. He owns all of the casinos and money making centers in the desert and he also has an army of robots that are more powerful than any army. But it's frick you got mine a good stance to take? Especially when he starts fricking over people who are just less fortunate? Is he just delusional? Or does he seriously think that going to space is a real possibility in a post-apocalypse? Then there's the legion who are basically/pol/. Frick women. Slavery is based. Everyone's cultural identity is destroyed in the name of the state. But all of this is only held together by one charismatic leader and when he dies there's no one with the same Charisma that can take his place. So does it gang of extremely violent people have a long-term future? Or does there overall brutal methods match the world you live in? Or you can say frick it and let everyone do what they want? New Vegas continues to be discussed because the factions in the game represent beliefs that people actually hold for better or worse.

              • 8 months ago

                Can you join /misc/? I'm kind of sold anyway

              • 8 months ago

                Yes actually. Even if you make a female character. They'll be weirded out by it but the game won't stop you. Enslave the entire Mojave. Crush the local government. Crucify the guy who shoots you in the head. Have a ball.

              • 8 months ago

                Fallout 2 has better factions imho2bh

    • 8 months ago

      Anon these are fictional women which means they may like you for other values besides how rich, muscly or loudmouthed you are

  37. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >AI slop trying to write text
      top lel

      • 8 months ago

        >he can't read AI runes

        STUPID ANON.

  38. 8 months ago

    Ah yes, the thread where dicklets shoot all of their nasty cum out, after being mercilessly teased by Anons posting nothing but fat heaving breasts.
    t. dicklet

    • 8 months ago

      FE threads are just about the only threads with equal amount of female and femboy obsessions. Normally it just slants to one side or the other.

      No one talks about this character though, who is canonically hardo gay from memory.

      • 8 months ago

        He's one of the three male characters you can S-support as a guy if you don't buy the DLC, the other two being Linhardt and fricking Alois. He's only on Black Eagles and wasn't recruitable at launch, so that probably hurt his popularity a bit. That, and the fact that it feels like 90% of the people who go BE do so because they want to bone Edelgard.

        • 8 months ago

          That and he's not really fujo shit. He talks like Charles zi Britannia but is actually far more submissive than you'd think.
          Another very strange character.
          I thought he'd be a twisted evil tyrant. Something fringing on an actual demon.

  39. 8 months ago

    >draw a woman
    >call it a man
    >born a man
    >pretend to be a woman
    disgusting on a level that is incommunicable in text.

    • 8 months ago

      more like
      >draw a woman
      >call it a woman
      >troonylators call it a man because ?????

    • 8 months ago

      I agree, but Yuri is still better because he doesn't pretend that he's not man, while throwing effeminate charms and appearance at you.
      For some reason that's even more perverted and lewd.

  40. 8 months ago

    Fates has better husbandos.

  41. 8 months ago

    Is engage good? I thought 3H was just ok.

    • 8 months ago

      Story was dumb.
      Characters were okay, I guess?
      The actual gameplay I enjoyed way more than 3H. For all the overpowered bullshit the Engage mechanic gives you, the game is remarkably well-balanced around them. Maddening is also pretty great, more of an actual challenge than an unfun slog, though I wasn't a fan of the forced fixed growths on my first Maddening playthrough.

    • 8 months ago

      i agree with

      Story was dumb.
      Characters were okay, I guess?
      The actual gameplay I enjoyed way more than 3H. For all the overpowered bullshit the Engage mechanic gives you, the game is remarkably well-balanced around them. Maddening is also pretty great, more of an actual challenge than an unfun slog, though I wasn't a fan of the forced fixed growths on my first Maddening playthrough.

      gameplay is fun, but i didn't like the characters (or their designs) and the story was very generic
      purely from a gameplay perspective it's way more fun than 3H but the characters are less memorable and you won't find any discussion about the story like with 3H's constant shitflinging, which is both a good thing and a bad thing i guess

    • 8 months ago

      Engage was one of the worst games I’ve ever played.

  42. 8 months ago

    Everybody shut up about trannies and look at my cute daughters.

    • 8 months ago

      Who was their mother? This is very important, however no matter the answer, I am contractually obliged to call your choice shit, shiiiiit.

      • 8 months ago

        Blue haired Morgan in the image suggests Lucina but my actual pick would be Cherche for big booty MILF action
        Falllen Morgan is from a spooky parallel universe and has different hair so who cares
        They're cute either way.

        • 8 months ago

          Nah, she's a fine choice.

          • 8 months ago

            My waifu can't be shit if I don't have one
            But I have had a consistent daughterfu for close to ten years now!

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Do NOT plap my pure princess.

    • 8 months ago

      I wish was had TWO son and daughter for Awakening.

  43. 8 months ago

    AI slop. And yes he's using AI as a base

    • 8 months ago

      You can't simply call it a slop if the result is so impressive.

      • 8 months ago

        Impressive? It's just traced over AI slop and fixed some things.

        • 8 months ago

          I fapped to these legs several times already

          • 8 months ago

            I have no idea how you managed that
            her calves are entirely different sizes and shapes

            • 8 months ago


  44. 8 months ago

    going to need 500 examples please please please

  45. 8 months ago


  46. 8 months ago

    Is this the 3H thread?

    • 8 months ago


  47. 8 months ago

    Is this a heckin Fire Emblem thread?

    • 8 months ago

      >fire ebblem wawiers for the µiotdsrr swich
      what did the slop mean by this

      • 8 months ago

        Even slop can do a more aesthetic cover than 3H

    • 8 months ago


  48. 8 months ago

    >thing happens in fantasy/scifi
    >troons try to relate it to reality

    >nooo you don't understand, they are literally me!
    woah, troons have no grasp on the difference between fantasy and reality! shocked!

  49. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      You have to eat ALL the cookies

      • 8 months ago

        good thing I have a lot of milk to wash it down

    • 8 months ago

      There won't be a shortage of milk

  50. 8 months ago


    >ISIS on the left
    Are you genuinely moronic? Here's your (You) if bait

  51. 8 months ago


  52. 8 months ago


  53. 8 months ago

    Main I wished Three Hopes as some dlc.

    • 8 months ago

      get fricked lol

      • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      I will use this image if they ever make DLC for it.

  54. 8 months ago

    It's quite amazing how a game like this has discussions about the story gameplay, deep lore and secret as well as the breasts. I don't really know any other game like this except vtm, Fallout and maybe swtor back when swg was a thing.
    Any similar games, please?

    • 8 months ago

      Final Fantasy?

      • 8 months ago

        Final Fantasy games tend to be a singular narrative that has a definitive answer as to who was right and wrong by the end.

  55. 8 months ago

    The best blowjob I received in my life was from a troony.

  56. 8 months ago

    post big futa wiener already

  57. 8 months ago

    the way I figure it, this attire leaves you with 2 optios:
    >get a pair of nice white panties, fresh from their package and flaunt em instead of: hide em / act ashamed
    >wear a thong, and instead a white panties-patch, those will be your buttocks (tag: gluteal_fold) on display
    so which one will you be taking?

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