Men of War 2 Final Open Beta

It's out. Anyone else playing it? Seems pretty good so far but maybe a bit buggy with the controls and interface.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 10 months ago

    Never played the first, is it like CoH?

    • 10 months ago

      >is it like CoH?
      The first no, this one probably

  2. 10 months ago

    i didn't know it was even coming but i'm incredibly unsurprised they continue to use the same engine to make what looks like the same experience with slightly updated graphics and audio

    i just don't see the point. i played men of war 12 years ago, ass 2 nine years ago, and to me everything new they release looks like the same game with a new coat of paint. is it somehow not?

    • 10 months ago

      you and me both, when you compare this to call ostfront that's on the call to arms branch and you can tell that they're leagues apart

  3. 10 months ago

    Man, what the frick? I played two betas ago and the game was fricking great. Now it sucks.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah they ruined the game by uh... finishing menus and fixing audio bugs? Those bastards!

      • 10 months ago

        Shut the frick up.

    • 10 months ago

      >Man, what the frick?
      It's men of war not man of frick

  4. 10 months ago

    Having to launch a server just to play singleplayer is the biggest load of shit, even worse given that it barely works.

  5. 10 months ago

    Is multiplayer still grenade throw micro fest?

    • 10 months ago

      Not in the flagship multiplayer mode, at least. This one plays differently that the previous games. You bring a fixed army list with a limited number of units that you customize before the match, cut into 3 'tiers' that unlock over the course of the battle. There are no resources beyond your limited units themselves.
      Since there are a lot of vehicles available in the 1st tier, including some medium and heavy tanks, you just kind of skip that awful earlygame phase from previous MoW games where you're just autismclicking a single infantry squad around. Grenades are still good at what they do, but there's a lot more going on right out of the gate and you're not going to be able to just run up to a position and nade their infantry without support and setup.

      Depending on how you specialize your army list, gameplay experience varies. Like you can go all in on expensive high-tier tanks and just manually control a single unit all game like it's World of Tanks. Engineering lists can create fortifications like trenches, mines, pillboxes etc. and play like a basebuilder, you can go super wide with infantry and light vehicles to be everywhere at once, or micro the hell out of a couple spec ops units. And if your girlfriend wants to play you can give her an artillery list so she can sit safely at the back of the map and click on things all game.

      People complain about the new army builder system because it's different, but I really like it. At least here in the beta where there's no real meta, you experience very different factettes of the game based on what units you choose.

  6. 10 months ago

    it's a bit less tedious to play now that field guns can fortify themselves and engineer and medic duties are easy offmap one-click affairs. pretty unique and interesting change that not a lot of games did in the past.

  7. 10 months ago

    >play artillery regiment
    >get like 2 dozen tank and field gun kills, literally firing and repositioning as often as the game will allow
    >around midgame we suddenly have no vision anywhere and we're steadily losing ground
    >check the minimap
    >only one of my 4 other allies has units on the field
    >we lose
    >end the game with the highest score across both teams, while 3 of my allies have 10 kills between them and over a hundred losses each
    I see. This is going to be one of THOSE games.

    • 10 months ago

      It's definitely going to be brutal if your team is shit, but then again what multiplayer game isn't?

      I seem to be able to minimize my teams casualties somewhat by playing infantry, which not a lot of people are doing right now. Make your shitter squads dig in and hold territory early because it's a lot harder to do so later on. Try to cover your allies as they push in so they don't get flanked or hit in the rear. A lot of players are going tanks or arty right now because they're simply more satisfying to play, but I've noticed they're actually taking what little infantry they can bring with them out and replacing them with more vehicles. Matches end up totally lopsided when that happens.

  8. 10 months ago

    scouts are stealthed? it seems like a mini-Wargame thing where recon is more emphasized than usual

    • 10 months ago

      I don't know. It used to be that troops could hide in brush but I'm not sure that works anymore, there's no marker for it. Scouts in brush were practically invisible until you stepped on them but now they seem very easy to spot.

      • 10 months ago

        i have absolutely no idea about scouts in previous men of war games

    • 10 months ago

      Certain units (mostly special infantry) are 'stealthed' and have their own detection mechanics. When they are selected, you can see the vision cones of enemy units and move to avoid them. They are still visible normally to enemy vision, but they aren't automatically revealed in enemy territory like normal units, so they can sneak around by avoiding actual unit vision.

      I don't know. It used to be that troops could hide in brush but I'm not sure that works anymore, there's no marker for it. Scouts in brush were practically invisible until you stepped on them but now they seem very easy to spot.

      There's a little foliage indicator over your unit that tells you when they're in cover that hides them, like bushes.

      • 10 months ago

        and i deployed some pathfinders and they seemed to keep shooting some flares at some enemy saboteurs

        this game has quite the potential. its a weird mix of coh3, wargame and old men of war.

  9. 10 months ago

    The first screen where the game asks you to accept the EULA is bugged so you can't even properly accept it to get into the game. The screen where they disclose how your data is being used is fricking bugged. No thanks.

    • 10 months ago

      Try pressing the buttons, moron.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah obviously with some trial and error you can get it to work.

        Really not a big expectation for the literal first screen of the game to not be hilariously bugged. Joke of a game.

  10. 10 months ago

    >play combined arms
    >guy im playing against pushes with some stuff, doesnt work
    >he disconnects shortly after
    >so i play against AI
    >game crashes some time after
    uninstalled. it could be okay but whatever

  11. 10 months ago

    The fricking airport map is awful. How are you supposed to play infantry when 90% of the map prevents you from building any fortifications whatsoever?

  12. 10 months ago

    >play engineer regiment
    >steadily build massive snaking trench network across the entire frontline over the course of the match, with basic infantry and bazookas sprinkled throughout
    >infantry attacking the line get spotted by the infantry and then mowed down by supporting ally machinegun fire and artillery
    >attacking tanks either expose themselves firing at the trench and get sniped by allied tanks before accomplishing anything, or blitz the trenches and get popped by bazookas
    >artillery just wastes time firing into empty spots in the trench line, or occasionally scores a lucky hit on a single recruit, who's immediately retrieved by medics and replaced
    >all while small infantry groups with mortar support are pressuring the edges of the map, forcing constant responses that immediately get popped by hidden bazookas or allied artillery
    >by the halfway point the enemy is essentially out of vehicles to deploy and I literally walk to their edge of the map uncontested.
    I think I found my main regiment. I like that properly fortified infantry makes it super easy for even clueless allies to assist and score kills, and even if they're totally useless I can just build a little fortress somewhere and hold off multiple players all game.

    • 10 months ago

      What are those regiments, is it just MP bullshit or is it another DLC cash grab attempt like Steel Division2 ?

      • 10 months ago

        MP bullshit.
        The main multiplayer mode in the beta has you create your army list ahead of time and then draw units from that list to deploy in battle, with a limited number of each and a timed unlock system rather than spending resources.
        Regiments are the base army lists you pick from and customize. Each has their own pool and built in modifiers, like an infantry-focused regiment being able to bring more infantry or a tank-focused regiment being able to field higher tier tanks earlier. I think it's neat so far, killing units matter and you can eventually bleed your opponent dry of their valuable shit, but unlike the old games you're not immediately cripplingly behind if you drop an infantry model early.

        In the beta, you start with 3 base regiments for each faction and unlock more specialized ones just by playing games, ie one match with German tanks unlocks a second German tank regiment that's specialized in light tanks, one match with soviet artillery unlocks a second soviet regiment that's specialized in anti-tank guns etc. It's not clear if unlocks will work the same in the full game but at least the devs keep saying this is only a progression system and the game won't have microtransactions. The base regiments for each faction are generalist ones and access virtually every unit between them, so nothing's really locked out from you.

    • 10 months ago

      this stuff falls apart when your team doesnt pull their weight. i had an engineer regiment game once where i had no antitank and no one else did either so my flank couldnt advance because all i could do was call sad smg infantry and some piddly arty and my aa just got artyd itself.

      • 10 months ago

        As engineering you should either have AT infantry in your 1st tier 5th slot and call some in right at the start of the game so you don't just get rolled over by a heavy tank in the opening minutes of the game, or take the mini AT gun in the 1st slot and bazookas in the 2nd tier 5th slot. You can just hide them around hills or other LoS blockers and dunk tanks when they come to press your lines, but you absolutely need to have some AT options or else a tank regiment can just roll vehicles right into your trenches from minute 1. There are a lot of anti-infantry specialized tanks in the early tiers with enough armour to shrug off the npc defenses and having your flank buckle immediately to that one t1 soviet heavy tank with 7 machineguns is crippling. Tanks basically dictate the pace of the game so no matter what you always need to have a way to kill them yourself

        I think US Engineer is easily the best overall infantry regiment of the ones available in the beta, though. You get basically the best infantry tools exactly where you need them in every tier. You have artillery, anti-air, air support, an AT gun and heavy infantry in tier 1, you have stealth saboteurs (including the US paradropped versions) and advanced heavy infantry in t2, and you have elite infantry and a medium tank in t3 (the only infantry regiment with a tank). All you're missing are light vehicles and motorized squads but those are honestly not very valuable unless you're premade with someone you can coordinate with since any heavy gun 1-taps them the moment they reveal themselves.

        • 10 months ago

          yea it can be a real mistake to really specialize, but antitank emplacements are just so vulnerable to arty

          • 10 months ago

            The light AT gun takes so many shots to decamouflage it's silly. It's a nice option because it's just strong enough to pen the turrets of most mediums and will cripple light vehicles in a single shot so it can shut down a lot of anti-infantry pushes earlygame and won't reveal itself to do so. The only downside is that they struggle to shut down some of the heavy tanks on their own since they'll basically only be able to penetrate the tracks. Conversely, bazookas can dunk on heavy tanks that get too close, but they'll miss fast-moving light tanks and vehicles and can easily get mowed down by a halftak's machine gun before getting off their shot.

            Just be sure to always toggle valuable units to hold fire or return fire so they don't reveal themselves shooting into a hill and die to artillery. Manually control AT guns to make sure they're sniping the parts they can penetrate and they'll almost always get their target before they reveal themselves. If they do reveal themselves, hook them to their towing vehicle and reposition quickly and you can usually escape the counterbattery fire before it lands. The tricky thing with using AT guns is just positioning them so they aren't cucked by terrain since they're direct-fire and low to the ground.

  13. 10 months ago

    Does it have a 1v1 mode?

    • 10 months ago

      yes, combined arms is the 1v1

  14. 10 months ago

    >get matched against 3rd worlders
    >they play like shit but I've got like 700 ping to their shithole country server
    >literal seconds of input delay on everything, units literally stand staring at enemies and don't shoot
    >get rolled over by tanks that drive right up to bazookas and AT guns without being hit, and infantry that walk through machineguns that won't shoot
    Legitimately miserable experience. Why does matchmaking not have some kind of ping filter so I don't have to play Ivan Ivanovsky and his 7th world shitnet?

  15. 10 months ago

    It has only two campaigns as UdSSR and Allies, can I play as the good guys as well or is it another allies wank game?

  16. 10 months ago

    >first us infantry regiment
    unironically the best one, very flexible
    >engineer regiment
    you just build stuff, mines can be great, but you dont have staying power at all
    paratroopers are nice but if they get aa you dont do anything, you cant even have bazookas

  17. 10 months ago

    Sounds like a heavy focus on MP, which isn't Man of War for me.

    • 10 months ago

      Playing wargames against a computer is depressing.

    • 10 months ago

      It's a beta for the multiplayer, anon. Of course people are talking about the multiplayer.

      • 10 months ago

        I just want a good Rommel campaign and bigger maps than Assault Squad 2, is that to much?

        • 10 months ago

          Don't worry, wannabe nazi. There's a german mini campaign and a dynamic campaign too. You can lose the war to your heart's content.

  18. 10 months ago

    Is it just me or is artillery OP? Maybe it’s a skill issue but I seem to body the enemy team when I pick an arty regiment but struggle with infantry. Tanks are kinda 50/50 for me.

    • 10 months ago

      Arty is really easy to play and it can feel really rewarding because it's easy to punish bad choices. I played a bunch of matches with it both this beta and the previous one and sometimes you'll face people that are smart enough to not constantly reveal their tanks and emplacements and you'll just never have anything to shoot. Or someone on the enemy team will play US Airborne and be literally up your entire ass all game with saboteurs and paradrops.

      I think infantry is the hardest to play, because when you frick up with infantry it just fricking dies instantly and you can't really run from a bad fight. Plus you'll be micromanaging like a dozen different entities at a time as opposed to tank regiments playing Warthunder or artillery just clicking on something every now and then. But since it's really the only unit type that can cap and block territory it's sort of mandatory.

  19. 10 months ago

    I used to play the game a lot in ASS1, but kinda dropped out with ass2. However, this regiment stuff sounds pretty fun with a group that communicates and plans.
    I also remember some dynamic campaign mod. Would be cool to have something like that by default.

  20. 10 months ago

    Calling this unkillable fat frick at the start of the game is really fun

    • 10 months ago

      I see this frick and the T-35 in my fricking nightmares. Went up against a premade earlier where two people, a russian tank regiment and a german motorized, pushed me right out of the starting gate with heavy tanks backed by infantry and completely rolled over my lines.

      • 10 months ago

        Hahahahahahahaha How The Frick Is Heavy Tank Bullying Real Hahahaha homie Just Jog Away From The Tank Like homie Walk Fast Haha

  21. 10 months ago
  22. 10 months ago

    The amount of times my artillery misses stationary targets is absolutely infuriating. Just had a match where none of my guns could hit shit, meanwhile they’d get one-shotted across the map every time despite constantly repositioning with the tow trucks.

    >Finally get Tier 3 big artillery gun
    >Takes forever to set up and fire
    >Misses due to rng
    >Enemy tank that hasn’t moved once all game snipes it from across the map the moment the gun is revealed

  23. 10 months ago

    >another episode of "The homosexuals in my team didn't bring any AA and get raped by planes"
    Oh I love reruns

    • 10 months ago

      It's pretty annoying how aircraft cost so much to bring and deploy but one Black person in the back of a truck with a .50BMG can shut down 80% of the maps airspace

      • 10 months ago

        They cost nothing to deploy, homie

        • 10 months ago

          They cost a slot, have finite use and get put on a timer after use. If they're dropping infantry they cost command points, too.

    • 10 months ago

      Just had a game as Airborne where I lost every infantry engagement and genuinely ran out of units to play in the last 10 minutes, but still ended up with a positive k/d because I spammed airstrikes and they had no AA.

      It's pretty annoying how aircraft cost so much to bring and deploy but one Black person in the back of a truck with a .50BMG can shut down 80% of the maps airspace

      What annoys me is that there's no indication when your planes are getting hit by AA or shot down. I'm not watching the plane trace its way across the sky to see the moment it dies or gets away. You just go to send an airstrike at some point and see suddenly you have none left.

      • 10 months ago

        It happens basically instantaneously. AA only needs to land 1-2 shots to kill every plane in the game and they're probably the only unit that you don't want to actively micromanage their aiming because they're so accurate.

        • 10 months ago

          i actually did nothing but spread AA and AT around while my allies did most of the pushing. i didnt do much but the enemy pretty much lost all their planes to me. that said, are all AA created equal in terms of shooting down planes?

          • 10 months ago

            >are all AA created equal in terms of shooting down planes?
            For AA purposes, yes, it seems so.
            The largest planes are the ones that drop troops, but for some reason they're flying barely above tree level so they get shredded by every AA that I've tried so far.

          • 10 months ago

            No. The very first german AA vehicle for example is dogshit. Wasn't shooting down anything with that one. The T1 but more expensive one, the one mounted on a halftrack chassis, is better and can actually kill planes but only after they've already dropped their payload. On the flipside, the 88 FLAK slaps homosexuals out of the sky in one shot as soon as they get in range.

            • 10 months ago

              i have only played US so far and i like the maxson, maxson halftrack and m1. any bigger and its just too painful to lose to arty.

          • 10 months ago

            Main difference is range. A flak 88 will snipe things as soon as they fly onto the map, while most of the smaller guns will only shoot in a small circle above them and can't kill a plane before it drops its payload. But killing planes is secondary, most AA guns are amazing at killing infantry and vehicles aa well and that's a big reason to use them.

            • 10 months ago

              >killing planes is secondary
              no way. if i manage to kill all their planes they are so neutered its not even fair

  24. 10 months ago

    >queue as artillery
    >get a team of 4 artillery and 1 tank
    >get run over
    >get 5 infantry
    >bullied by tanks
    >queue as tanks
    >5 tanks into a perfectly balanced mixed engineer/heavy tank/tank destroyer team
    Why is matchmaking like this?

    • 10 months ago

      Not a lot of homies in queue, I imagine. I hope.

    • 10 months ago

      Are you saying that you select a role and then matchmake in this game? That seems backwards and quite stupid..

      • 10 months ago

        >Are you saying that you select an army and then matchmake in this game? That seems backwards and quite stupid..

        • 10 months ago

          Many games let you set up your army before the match actually starts.

      • 10 months ago

        it feels great to do barely anything and shut down tanks and planes.

      • 10 months ago

        You customize your army list before queuing, and matchmaking tries to arrange matches where both sides are balanced in terms of specializations, but sometimes (like when someone quits during matchmaking) it messes up. The main thing is that if one side doesn't have enough infantry, it becomes very hard to push and hold ground. Most folks trim infantry out of their lists to fit more toys which can cause teamwide shortages

  25. 10 months ago

    Speaking of planes, which faction/callin is the one that launches a barrage of rockets in a line as the plane strafes by? I've had that shit delete entire trench networks in a single volley or wipe whole combined arms pushes, killing multiple spread out squads and one-shotting a medium tank. Seems nuts.

  26. 10 months ago

    this game is so shit compared to gates of hell; they're so desperately trying to make a rts that is the next fortnite. how do you people enjoy this adhd garbage?

    • 10 months ago

      >Take the good parts of Shit division
      >Focus on multiple people pvp and pve rather than 1v1
      >ADHD Fortnite
      Truly throwing pearls before swine

      • 10 months ago

        It's weird. Game's definitely not perfect but everything I see people saying about it isn't talking about real and very apparent issues and instead just incoherent buzzword soup. Is it an eastern european thing?

        • 10 months ago

          We live in a post-factual world.

  27. 10 months ago

    >give us a rts battle simulator with modular health, detailed inventory system, and manual control of units
    >doesn’t give us active pause
    What’s their fricking problem?

    • 10 months ago

      There is a pause as well as slow mo controls in singleplayer. Check the options menu for the hotkeys.

  28. 10 months ago

    Does the game still use health bars for the vehicles

    • 10 months ago

      The entire franchise does.

      • 10 months ago

        Were they just better at hiding it before or something

        • 10 months ago

          It was a hidden mechanic, yes.

    • 10 months ago

      Faces of War had hidden health bars (armor was still the most important thing, it just meant if e.g. you hit an armored car with an anti-tank rifle you would always consistently need two hits to fully kill it) but from what I could tell Men of War and onwards did not.

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        They still did. They were stratified to component level. A hit that penetrated the armor would do X amount of damage to the component it hit, bigger guns did more damage and eventually a component was damaged or outright destroyed. In AS 2 they made it so if some components were outright destroyed the whole vehicle was dead unlike MoW 1 where you could still use a tank with a completely gone turret for example.
        Technically the 'Hull' is the overall HP of a vehicle in MoW, as that's the thing that gets damaged and destroyed by sufficiently powerful near HE hits.

  29. 10 months ago

    >playtest ending soon
    gonna be sad. there isnt much like it.

  30. 10 months ago

    >infantry player
    >paradrop some guysdeep behind lines
    >they land, purely coincidentally, exactly behind and around an enemy sturmtiger that was driving to the frontline
    >track destroyed, engine damage, shit busted to frick and camped so the crew can't get out to repair

    Poor guy must have raged hard.

    • 10 months ago

      My experience is usually the opposite
      >land somewhere deep
      >LZ is hot and instantly get mowed down by an MG truck that was waiting exactly where they would land
      >get shot down by an unseen AA gun that was deployed literally seconds before I called in the drop
      >land safely, but a heavy tank immediately nosedives the whole squad and the AT members either bug out and won't fire, or get one-tapped by a coaxial MG that wasn't even aimed at them
      >land, but 2 waves of elite heavy infantry spawn on top of them as they land and they're mowed down in the open instantly
      >land, immediate spam of rocket airstrikes or artillery wipes the whole squad
      I don't think I've ever actually been able to make use of paratroopers for their signature ability. I tend to just drop them behind my lines and use them as generic elites. The only reason I ever run positive with the airborne division is by spamming the rocket airstrike

      • 10 months ago

        paradrops can be fricked over by so many things that i never bothered with airborne. you just dont do much else

        • 10 months ago

          I usually just make probing attacks with regular infantry until the last 10 or so minutes. By then my team has usually dealt with a majority of the AA on the map so I can consistently drop paras until the end of the match which I try to follow up with a mass infantry assault of whatever manpower I have left.
          Worst case scenario you just drop them on your own side of the map and let them do work as elite infantry.

          • 10 months ago

            Regular paras are just plain worse than other elite infantry. Most elites get either 2 MGs or come with their own bazookas. Paras only get the 1 MG and no special secondary weapons or special grenades, and they get the shitty carbine rifles that are just a direct downgrade over normal rifles. Even the german paratroopers lack their signature FG42s (they gave them to another squad instead). They pay a lot of oppourtunity cost to be air-deployed compared to the Heavy and Motorized elites.

            Only Raiders are worthwhile, because they're basically National Guard but from the sky.

            • 10 months ago

              >Even the german paratroopers lack their signature FG42s
              Literally untrue. German paras do get the FG42 and it wrecks shit. They're also the only paras I've played so far.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm guilty of calling in a heavy infantry squad right below where some paras were going to land. They are so obvious and easy to counter, it's hard to play them well.

      • 10 months ago

        Paras are the only reason I take the M16 over the M1 AA gun. Rolling into a paradrop with a meatchopper just feels right.

  31. 10 months ago

    I honestly really like the game and will probably buy it if they don't frick up the launch.
    The MM PVP mode is really well done at least to me someone who put 1000 hours into AS2 and another into AS1, mostly doing 3v3 and 4v4 Assault Zones. The unit system is a lot less restrictive than Warno or Shitdivision. You have access to all units available for your unit type plus general units available to all types. You get 4 cards pet phase, with 3 phases total. I took the US Infantry regiment and swapped things around. Replace the starter plane and AA with a field howitzer and a mortar, and the 2nd phase I replaced the .30 half track with a .50 one, put an AA and with the last phase I replaced the national guard with a scout car, rocket p51 with another a20 and the marines with the heavy infantry squad. Took a passive regiment and made it really aggressive. Those AI squads like the heavy infantry one are really fricking good for advancing.
    The vehicles feel fine enough. My biggest gripe is that I feel that penetrations that kill crew should also shock, not just stun them for half a second. Also AT squad are way too good. Starter zookas should not dab on Panthers from the front.
    I love the new emplacement system. Being able to hull down tanks, make arty pits, dugouts, ammo depos, med tents is all really good and intuitive. They took what mods did for AS2 and unjanked it and made it really fun. Just wish there was a way to rearm things like bushes if not sandbags and shovels.

    • 10 months ago

      What I really like is that your gameplay experience varies a lot based on your army list
      >Engineering infantry.
      Literally a basebuilder/citybuilder with all the fortifications and the endlessly expanding trench networks you can build.
      >special infantry
      Essentially a top down RPG
      >aggressive infantry/vehicle combined arms
      5 million APM asiaticclicker RTS but holy frick does it feel good when you outpace your opposition and the line just buckles for you
      Literally Warthunder
      Like playing a mage or ranger in an MMO, you just sit around and click on things to make them die.

      I just worry that once the game comes out and all the regiments are available, there will quickly emerge a 'best' one for each sort of playstyle/role and people will treat you like a leper for playing anything else. Like why would you ever play paratroopers and suffer all this shit

      My experience is usually the opposite
      >land somewhere deep
      >LZ is hot and instantly get mowed down by an MG truck that was waiting exactly where they would land
      >get shot down by an unseen AA gun that was deployed literally seconds before I called in the drop
      >land safely, but a heavy tank immediately nosedives the whole squad and the AT members either bug out and won't fire, or get one-tapped by a coaxial MG that wasn't even aimed at them
      >land, but 2 waves of elite heavy infantry spawn on top of them as they land and they're mowed down in the open instantly
      >land, immediate spam of rocket airstrikes or artillery wipes the whole squad
      I don't think I've ever actually been able to make use of paratroopers for their signature ability. I tend to just drop them behind my lines and use them as generic elites. The only reason I ever run positive with the airborne division is by spamming the rocket airstrike

      when you can just pick an infantry regiment that gets tanks or a bunch of good elite units and the tools to support them?

      • 10 months ago

        Paras just need a rework I feel. If they could drop tanks and emplacements behind lines that would increase their power rating. Maybe as an add on bonus they can bring 3 units at once but have a longer delay. Also the para zone of control should push out the spawn zone of the enemy to make it harder to just roll through them by spawning an armored car or something.

  32. 10 months ago

    >try us 1st tank
    >all light tanks
    >enemy has like heavies that i cant dent
    i do abuse the retreat function a lot but god damn the other factions have some pretty beefy tanks

    • 10 months ago

      The US tank regiments are hyper focused on sherman variants, because, well, history. The soviet ones have a lot of big heavy tanks and tank destroyers but since the US historically didn't really equivalents in WW2, their tank regiments instead have weaker upfront tanks but more versatility to pair them with.
      You have more infantry and air support than other tank battalions, including the motorized ones that work really well for pushing along with a tank. You have the 105 and Calliope Shermans, which are mobile artillery that tank regiments don't normally get.
      Also watch out for the Easy 8, a t5 Sherman with the upgraded gun. It can penetrate most heavy tanks if you can target a weakpoint. The Jumbo has heavy tank-tier armour and has a t6 variant with the E8s gun as well. These tend to be really strong since they have the battlefield impact of a Tiger with a lower cp cost. The LVT is also really useful as earlygame infantry support for pushing aggressively.

      Tanks are where the game gets complicated because each faction has entirely unique rosters mechanically, as opposed to infantry or artillery where they're all just minor stat variations.

      • 10 months ago

        i just filled my loadout with lots of light tanks. it was honestly difficult to fight heavies, but i played very loosely and told my light tanks to go back to reserves at the first sign of trouble.

  33. 10 months ago

    >last few games before beta ends
    >only now discover medics and engineers can be called whenever regardless of echelon

  34. 10 months ago

    So what did you think, anons? I'm still looking forward to it but maybe not as an instant buy. I don't like moronic teammates and big bot games are a little laggy on my PC.
    I'll probably get it if they do a launch discount or if the campaigns look good.

    • 10 months ago

      i had a lot ofnfun with the multiplayer. but i wont buy it. its a bit too rough and too niche. it's just wargame x coh3.

  35. 10 months ago

    is it possible to unlock all the regiments??

    • 10 months ago

      In the beta, only a handful are available. There's a mission list in the multiplayer screen that shows how to unlock the ones that are available right now. You've got the base 3 +4 different unlockable ones per faction.

      • 10 months ago

        oh then ive unlocked all i can for USA

  36. 10 months ago

    >no Japs
    It’s shit

    • 10 months ago

      I'm more bummed by the lack of brits but I hope they'll add more factions with expansions later.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm more bummed by the lack of brits but I hope they'll add more factions with expansions later.

      Both are in the loading screen. If they come as DLC that will be fricking hilarious.

  37. 10 months ago

    I haven’t played any WW2 RTS like this and I enjoyed the single player missions. What are some good similar games? The first men of war?

    • 10 months ago

      Men Of War and it's expansions (Red Tide, Condemned Heroes) had best campaigns in old school MoW. Soldiers: Heroes of WW2 are ok but very old. Faces of War is between that and Men of War and has fine singleplayer but suffers from really high infantry HP. You can find most of those campaigns ported to Assault Squad 2 as mods, but by itself Assault Squads have really shit singleplayer.
      Gates of Hell: Ostfront is probably the best overall nowadays but the focus is more on realism and some of the missions are stupidly hard.

      • 10 months ago


  38. 10 months ago

    Artillery feels crazy strong when you know how to use it.

    • 10 months ago

      A few mortars and an SPG can cause a lot of casualties very quickly. They're pretty hard to get rid of too, at least when they're properly screened by infantry.

    • 10 months ago

      can i just say frick the Sturmtiger

  39. 10 months ago

    >want to play more
    >don't want to play more because they are going to take the game away soon and it'll suck
    >All the previous games feel terrible to play now

    • 10 months ago

      i'll go back to ostfront conquest enhanced v2 valour which is extremely difficult

    • 10 months ago

      The thing that really gets me is the card system. It feels really good having a pool and a command limit and just calling in what you need as the game goes. I'm so tired of poorly thought out resource systems where a single mistake puts you irrevocably behind and just snowballs against you. Every fricking strategy game throws in a pointless resource system just because strategy games have resource systems and I'm just so done with it.

      • 10 months ago

        i love how i can just sit back with aa and at and let the enemy hemorrhage their planes and tanks and it actually matters that they lost them

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah it feels good know that, for example, you only need to kill one Pershing or King Tiger, so it's actually worth fighting it. Building your strategy around attrition or targeting specific units and then exploiting when the other team starts running out is a cool dimension to strategy.

          • 10 months ago

            At the same time it means you're likely to be seeing a KT or Pershing every game if someone is bringing the relevant deck.

          • 10 months ago

            I do like building around quantity over quality. it hurts less when you lose something because you have extras. if they run out, it also compounds mental damage

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah same. I really liked the german mechanized regiment for that reason. You can just constantly pressure all along the line with cheap infantry squads and light tanks and still have enough points left over to have a medium lying in wait.

              so. if you have a tank and you lost a crew member or so. if you retreat it back to reserve, does it regain crew? i never checked.

              Pretty sure it does, yeah. Withdrawing, waiting out the timer and redeploying basically makes the unit fresh again

              • 10 months ago

                the one thing i'm really weak to is artillery. i bring two of tank, aa, infantry, but somehow no one bothers to counterbattery their artillery when they shell me

              • 10 months ago

                Having played artillery a bit, it's very hard to hit moving tanks with them. I generally only score kills against stationary tanks or heavies that can barely move. Just keep your vehicles mobile and you'll waste a lot of that arty player's time and focus for nothing.

                Infantry is trickier but all you can really do is keep them spread out so a single shell doesn't get multiple kills. An arty player has at most 3 guns (usually just 2) and each one gets revealed on their second shot, so unless they're clueless they'll fire once and wait to recamouflage/reposition before firing again. They need value off those shots so as long as you don't give them a whole clump of infantry or a stationary tank they will probably look elsewhere or just wait for a better shot.

              • 10 months ago

                but i have to hold the ground ive gained with tanks if im a tank regiment. i guess i have to yoyo my tanks in and out. airstrikes are easy enough to dodge, just move horizontally.

              • 10 months ago

                It depends on the vehicle but try hiding your tanks. If you order them to camo up and disable fire at will, some vehicles/guns can fire once or twice before breaking stealth and popping up in the minimap for everyone to see.
                You ever notice a lightbulb icon next to your unit's badge? If it's green that means you can fire with impunity. If it's red it means you'll reveal yourself if you fire.

              • 10 months ago

                the alt H thing is a pretty novel thing to use to be honest, there is just nothing quite like it in recent memory. i really love the new stuff.

              • 10 months ago

                alt h? But yeah the new mechanics really improve the game I think. I'm disappointed that performance is still pretty shitty in big bot games but I think this is easily the best Men of War.

              • 10 months ago

                thats the hotkey for camouflaging the tanks with foliage. so neat. ive caught some advancing tanks off guard with it.

              • 10 months ago

                >thats the hotkey for camouflaging the tanks with foliage
                blitzkrieg already had it 20 years ago

  40. 10 months ago

    so. if you have a tank and you lost a crew member or so. if you retreat it back to reserve, does it regain crew? i never checked.

  41. 10 months ago

    Beta over RIP. Was fun.

  42. 10 months ago

    should have saved a screenshot of my rating before the beta ended. i really liked mucking about in 4v4 and 5v5. i think i got up to 180 just sitting afk with a net of literal spaags and some bazooka infantry waiting for them to throw their planes and tanks away

    • 10 months ago

      I made to the top 30s. Infantry were definitely the most fun to play with, especially when you can spread out over a large area of uneven terrain and just have a bazooka hiding behind every hill and corner. Had several games where I just solo-pushed one side so hard I was all the way to the other team's spawn and multiple players were running out of tanks just trying to stop me.

      • 10 months ago

        I think you would have gotten a free ferdinand for that? There was a league screen with rewards

        • 10 months ago

          No idea. I never bothered checking and I don't play nazis.

      • 10 months ago

        I realized that a bit late, but yes, people make the mistake of pushing and holding ground with like 5 infantry bunched up together, and I'm like holding a huge swath of area with like 5 guys just in 5 spread out trenches all by themselves

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah that's literally the secret. Have a small number of troops spread out over a huge area in tiny trenches or buildings, because any attack must stop and kill each individual model before they can advance, and in the process they give away their position and waste time that gives you time to move stronger and more specialized units to respond.

          Regular infantry suck at killing things. They aren't even good at killing other infantry. For the most part you want to use specialized tools to destroy your enemy's units, like MGs, autocannons and AoE against infantry, bazookas against tanks etc. Your basic infantry are just there to provide vision and stall the enemy, and for that all they need to do is hide in a trench, dugout or building. Infantry regiments can obviously turn entire sections of a map into a tarpit of entrenched troops full of hidden zook ambushes but even tank regiments can just spread a chevron of rifle recruits across a section of front, dig them in and then use their hidden tanks to pick off anything that gets caught in the net.

          • 10 months ago

            it's really funny how much ground a few guys can cover. yep we own this chunk of land, i happen to be standing on it, so i own everything within a 20m radius lol

            • 10 months ago

              That's basically how it works. If you can see it, you can shoot it. If you can shoot it, it's dead. When you're holding a well-fortified position that gives you good cover, good firing positions and good line of sight you basically own everything around you and it'd take a lot of force for the other side to say otherwise.

              I think the main issue with the game currently is that it's easy to suppress infantry in trenches (which in turn makes trenches terrible for actually fighting defensive battles), but it's really hard to actually kill the mooks in the trenches once they're suppressed. Infantry can walk up right on them and shoot down into the trench and still not actually kill anything. You need to nade each individual trench or have a flamethrower, but flamethrower units weren't very accessible in the beta.

              • 10 months ago

                aren't you supposed to jump into the trench and maybe melee them or shoot them point blank while theyre suppressed

                that said i almost never really bother with that because i never spearhead pushes with just infantry. i just take undefended ground and fortify that.

              • 10 months ago

                aren't you supposed to jump into the trench and maybe melee them or shoot them point blank while theyre suppressed

                that said i almost never really bother with that because i never spearhead pushes with just infantry. i just take undefended ground and fortify that.

                Just mortar them or use HE rounds on vehicles

              • 10 months ago

                i have found some value in cheap armored cars with MGs for this but the most important units in the game are probably the SPAAGs

              • 10 months ago

                Don't forget you can also cause the trench to just collapse which will kill anyone inside it.

              • 10 months ago

                Mortars and HE won't kill entrenched units unless they land inside the trench. The smaller the trench is (ie literally just a 1 person foxhole) the longer it takes to actually land one.
                Buildings can be just stupid. Usually a tank or mortar will literally have to level the whole structure by shooting it constantly for several minutes before the infantry inside becomes vulnerable.

                There really is no good and quick way to deal with infantry like that except with a flamethrower.

  43. 10 months ago

    so how about those special infantry, huh
    the best. they do their thing so your actual fighting infantry dont have to. saves valuable time.
    >combat engineers
    well-placed mines can be amazing
    i valued them highly for a bit but maybe thats a mistake. the revived infantry take too long to come back.
    if i have nothing else to put in that i like, i might put a full card of them in to steal empty enemy emplacements
    >tank crew
    i dont know why i would ever
    remote mines seem like they are too nuanced to ever use properly
    >artillery spotters
    for the latter 4 i feel like a card slot is too important to allocate for them when they dont do very much and are very situational. are you really gonna take 1 sniper over 5 rifleman (recruit) in this game?

    • 10 months ago

      Medics are godly. As an infantry player I was able to recycle at least 15 soldiers per game. Really big deal by the time units are dwindling and pushing the frontline becomes easier. The medical truck/infirmary on the other hand seems pretty useless with their limited range and the fact you still need medics anyway.

      I wish I had messed around with mines more. They seemed pretty limited but getting even one vehicle kill with them was hilarious.

      Saboteurs are weird. They are insanely good but really micro-intensive and most of them coming with submachineguns makes no sense. The ability to sneak deep behind the enemy line and chuck dynamite/mark an artillery target on something expensive is amazing, I got several high tier tanks and artillery taken out that way. I did have the problem that throwing artillery smoke seemingly allowed you to stay in stealth but throwing a regular grenade/dynamite would not. I'm not sure what's up with that but it would often get the saboteur killed. The throwing knife is also not that reliable which sucks.

      • 10 months ago

        the infirmary needing to be crewed is probably the single worst use of 2 crew i can think of in my life.

        • 10 months ago

          The infirmary being a one-time building that falls down with a stiff wind is even worse.

          • 10 months ago

            that too. artillery is a thing, anyone can just casually spend a mortar round on it and it's gone, and if someone was really determined beyond that they can just airstrike it and wow i cant do anything

    • 10 months ago

      Engineers are fantastic. Medics are okay, but they work better with medic trucks and at that point you're using two slots just to recover infantry which seems like you're planning to lose engagements and lose engagements often.

      Gunners, tank crew, eh. Same as above. Planning your deck around losing dudes and dedicating a spot to replacing them is a losers way of thinking.

      Saboteurs are highly situational. I don't like them, but they can do some fun things if your opponent isn't paying attention.

      Spotters, scouts and jaegers are good. Having vision is key in this game. You shouldn't be pushing with them and their usefulness suffers on maps that have lots of stuff that blocks line of sight.

    • 10 months ago

      Sappers are the only units that can clear mines and that's their main function. Mines were just under-represented because they were awful to use.
      Godlike. Free vision is game-breaking. Artillery and tank regiments should always take spotters if they can just to be able to see shot on the far side of the map. They carry signal grenades so they can solo kill enemy artillery, but spotting also makes it easy for you or your artillery ally to do it as well. They only take 2 fricking CP which makes them absolutely nuts. God tier unit.
      Kind of sucked when I used them. They take very long to fire and can miss, and suffer from the same animation bug as zooks that sometimes just wastes their time and keeps them from shooting. Their range is nuts, like half the map away but they're too unreliable right now. You basically need to manually control them but their impact isn't high enough to make that worthwhile like it is for a tank. If they were more reliable and less buggy, they would be very worthwhile just for the ability to snipe the AI defenses blocking undefended parts of the map and letting you push for free.
      Very useful but micro-intensive. The squad comes with a stealthed sniper which is a direct upgrade over the regular one, and they're all actually decent in combat. It's worth noting you can send most of the squad back into reserve and only keep a unit or 2 to inflitrate. You don't need the whole squad behind enemy lines, only 1 or 2 will be enough to kill every artillery piece. My main issue with them is that they have no way to kill enemy vehicles, which are the main high-value targets. If they had AT grenades they'd be god-tier.

      It's worth noting that every faction has a unique Saboteur-equivalent. The US Devils are airdropped and have AT grenades and fantastic combat stats. Soviet Spetznaz come with a silenced stealth sniper (so it can fire repeatedly without revealing itself) and the german ones have AT.

      • 10 months ago

        >spotters carry signal grenades so they can solo kill
        even if you dont have artillery? thats nuts i didnt really know that (and obviously didnt pay attention to the tutorial)

        also i bought the Devils but i never used them, in the games i brought them to, they werent necessary

  44. 10 months ago

    man i'm bummed out. it's wargame coh3 and i had so much fun playing it, but it'll never actually do well when it comes out and i guess that'll be the end of that

    • 10 months ago

      Just play bots. They are decent this time around and don't give up fifteen minutes into a match like in previous games.

      I want to play more of this stupid game but now I have to wait a month.

      • 10 months ago

        it's also pretty funny because i have never touched any men of war multiplayer before this one and i had the most fun ive ever had in a men of war game

        • 10 months ago

          The first time you really could play multiplayer too. AS2 shut the servers ages ago so people only play through lobbies and they are all sweaty, tryhards. GoH is full of tryhards too except there are even more nazi wannabes.

          • 10 months ago

            GoH also has nobody playing MP. 9/10 matches are PVE and that 1/10 match is using some mod you don't have and it's a 2v2 premade.

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