Metroidvanias have been solved

>two games solve an entire genre
>nothing made before or after can fill their niche
Now I actually understand how lonely it is at the top. Metroidvanias can't offer anything better than Hollow Knight or Rabi-Ribi as they are now. I need recommendations of games that could compare to these two. The genre should be renamed HollowRabi

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      game so hard it's alienating to audiences

      • 4 months ago

        stretching it

        • 4 months ago

          >haha la-mulana is so easy I solved every puzzle and beat every boss with my eyes closed
          nice flex bro but anyone who played the game understands that it's difficult the first time

          • 4 months ago

            Its not hard its just obnoxious

            • 4 months ago

              okay dude

              How's that new Prince of Persia game? From the demo it seemed like a nice Metroidvania but it really depends on the movement upgrades you get in it. Does it have good movement upgrades or are the things from the demo the most you'll get?

              it's actually very good. lots of upgrades that change how you play, the only issue with it was some bugs that affected quest progression but those may be patched by now

              it's just got great movement and combat, not much to complain about

              • 4 months ago

                You having fun yet?

              • 4 months ago

                It's even more boring than knytt. Don't fall for it.

                Who tells the truth?

              • 4 months ago

                i just gave you an explanation of why it is good that directly addressed your question while adding a caveat and the other dude just said "it's boring" and refused to elaborate, the answer should be pretty clear

        • 4 months ago

          It's main story is harder than hollow Knight genuinely. hollow Knight only get hard when you go out of your way to fight a boss like nightmare king grim, path of pain, pantheon challenges, or radiant bosses. Most of the game is pretty middle of the road.

          • 4 months ago

            >hollow Knight only get hard when you go out of your way to fight a boss like nightmare king grim, path of pain, pantheon challenges, or radiant bosses. Most of the game is pretty middle of the road.
            Hollow Knight is very hard relative to Metroid and Castlevania. Agree that it isn't too bad outside of optional content like AbsRad but the average gaymer would [rightly] call Hollow Knight hard

            • 4 months ago

              The average "gamer" can't do a fricking DP input.

        • 4 months ago

          You are so fake

        • 4 months ago

          >stretching it

    • 4 months ago

      flip phone game

      • 4 months ago

        What’s your point?

    • 4 months ago

      Came here to post this.
      La-Mulana is the ultimate and most perfect of Metroidvanias. All others pale in comparison.

      As a side note, I certainly wouldn't say Hollow Knight solved anything other than how to convince midwits that your game is good despite the physics being completely unsuited for both platforming and combat and the level design completely lacking anything that isn't at 90º angles.
      La-Mulana was released in 2006 and it had fricking 45º slopes.

  2. 4 months ago

    The new Prince of Persia game has better platform challenges than Hollow Knight.
    And while I wouldn't necessarily say it has better combat, it does do a better job at incorporating advanced movement or outright platforming challenge stuff during boss fights. Hopefully Silksong will do that too what with Hornet's comparably advanced movement to Hollow Knight's ghost.

    So is the game on par with Hollow Knight or Rabi-Ribi? Don't really know. I probably wouldn't say so. It's more of an imbalanced experience. With its world design etc, etc. But it's still paced really well and excels in both combat and platforming. It's honestly great and deserves a mention.

    • 4 months ago

      It's a shame everyone on Ganker wrote it off completely because of the Prince's hair.

      • 4 months ago

        I think the game looks great actually, I wrote it off because it's made by Ubisoft and they require me to make an ubishit account to play the game.

        • 4 months ago

          Signing up for the account's optional, you can just close the pop up when it comes up. It's also by Ubisoft Montpellier specifically who have a great track record.

        • 4 months ago

          >and they require me to make an ubishit account to play the game
          You only need the Ubishit account if you want the Ubishit™ cheevos and some other trash. It's not actually needed for the game itself.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm actually looking forward to that game, but it's ubisoft so i'm waiting six months for it to be on sale for $10.

      • 4 months ago

        I wrote it off because the only good costume requires you to buy it digitally

      • 4 months ago

        It's not the prince

      • 4 months ago

        first impressions matter

      • 4 months ago

        I wrote it off because I don't buy ubislop unless it's under 10 bucks

    • 4 months ago

      >And while I wouldn't necessarily say it has better combat
      I would.

    • 4 months ago

      >And while I wouldn't necessarily say it has better combat
      I would.

      Any recommendations for choosing difficulty in that game? I played the demo and I thought enemies tanked like half a combo too much (on.. immortal? Or whatever the hardest was). Does it get better later, or should I just play on easier difficulty

      • 4 months ago

        Imo bosses are fine on immortal but normal enemies never stop being tanky. Not really hard to deal with after you get the hang of the combat but sometimes it does get tedious to juggle them over and over again until they die.

      • 4 months ago

        >Any recommendations for choosing difficulty in that game?
        I am absolutely convinced that the game was balanced around Immortal Difficulty.
        The parry window on easier difficulties are absolutely too lenient for how rewarding parries are in this game.
        And while the enemy HP boost might sound tedious. It basically just mean that by the mid-game the "typical" enemy will die from a full ground->Air->Finisher combo. And in the late game they'll die much sooner than that.
        On easier difficulties enemies will die before you can even begin combo:ing them.

        And well. I find that pretty lame. In the early game some regular enemies can feel a bit tanky. But if anything that just motivates you to get good at combo:ing, which will benefit you for the full playthrough that follows.

        That's my take on it at least. Makes the boss fights a lot more fun too.

        • 4 months ago

          Imo bosses are fine on immortal but normal enemies never stop being tanky. Not really hard to deal with after you get the hang of the combat but sometimes it does get tedious to juggle them over and over again until they die.

          Aight, thanks. I'll play on immortal then when I get the game (when its on sale or comes to steam)

  3. 4 months ago

    >garbage and mid solved the exploration action genre

  4. 4 months ago

    There are way too many of these games. Every time there's demo week on steam it's metroidvanias out the ass

  5. 4 months ago

    these games are utter crap
    real Metroidvanias (as in actual Castlevania games that have 2d metroid like exploration) shit on these boring kusoge

    • 4 months ago

      >I talk shit about games I have never played
      Rabi Ribi is literally the peak of the genre for sequence breaking, boss fights and replayability

      • 4 months ago

        Does Rabi Ribi have a huge amount of weapons, items, acessories, summons, spells, abilites to collect like Castlevania does?
        Of course it doesn't, and thus it's exploration is shit.

        • 4 months ago

          you did not play the game

          play the game before posting

          • 4 months ago

            Play the game fricking moron

            Link to mega?

            • 4 months ago

              nah go buy it

              i don't pirate indie games and if you do you're a b***h

              • 4 months ago

                Buy an ad

              • 4 months ago

                >is that... people who recognized an image in the OP posting in a thread about a thing they recognize?
                >and they're not shitting on it?
                buy a rope

              • 4 months ago

                >shill game
                >someone asks for a link
                >"no no you uh have to buy it because uh reasons"
                Buy an ad

              • 4 months ago

                nah i will keep posting about things i like and you will continue to have to see it

                maybe you should buy an ad telling people to buy ads if you care that much

                rabi-ribi 2 is in development btw

              • 4 months ago

                Why does he need to ask for a link? Just Google Rabi-Ribi PLAZA

              • 4 months ago

                To expose the shills, works like a charm every time

              • 4 months ago

                You need to take meds, everyone torrents nowadays. DDL is moronic
                Just download the game from cs rin ru or your tracker of choice. moron

              • 4 months ago

                Thanks, I'm sure someone will use this but I don't play troony games

              • 4 months ago

                I tried pirating this shit once and after the beach section the game just opened steam 30 times and asked me to buy so I immediately stopped acknowledging it even exists and moved on

              • 4 months ago

                holy fricking filtered

              • 4 months ago

                I do not interact with israelite media

              • 4 months ago

                I really appreciate it, I need people like you to get gatekept more often

              • 4 months ago

                >good, you're not invited to the pedo party anyway!!!
                Every troony thread is a catalogue of cope

              • 4 months ago

                You are such a good little consumer im proud of you

              • 4 months ago

                >good, you're not invited to the pedo party anyway!!!
                Every troony thread is a catalogue of cope

                I do not interact with israelite media

                More proof that most pirategays are actually just poor thirdies who just want shit for free. They don't even seed.

              • 4 months ago

                This didn't happen

              • 4 months ago

                It did though
                It was probably just some demo version no idea

              • 4 months ago

                >everyone torrents nowadays
                Dunno, normal download sites work for me most of the time.
                I cannot be arsed to dig out the last decent utorrent version from my pile of files

              • 4 months ago

                This is your problem, just use qBitorrent or deluge

              • 4 months ago

                Is the the right one?
                I don't want to end up with some bitcoin miner or whatever. I kinda didn't expect a torrent manager to be so openly available.

              • 4 months ago

                Yes this is the one. Have fun being a pirate

              • 4 months ago


            • 4 months ago

              I will give you a link to a generally good source for PC only to spite the other moron

          • 4 months ago

            Play the game fricking moron

            You don't get it.
            Castlevania has fricking Claymores, Katanas, fricking Flails, Spears, A FRICKING GUN, whips Cursed swords which fly around, a fricking Stand ability straight from JJBA, enemy abilities, boss abilities, one even has on the fly character switching with different abilities and all kinds of different shit. While in Rabi Ribi you only have shmup type battles and at that point i'd rather play a real shmup which cuts all the filler out of the game.

            • 4 months ago

              So the quality of the metroidvania depends solely on how many tools the game gives you for its combat?

              • 4 months ago

                Yes thats why hollow knight is also shit

            • 4 months ago

              rabi-ribi is a "real" shmup because it leverages the mechanics of those games in a way that works on a 2d sidescroller plane with gravity

              castlevania weapons have like one fricking move each

              you have no idea how video games work and you are the kind of moron who looks at a text-heavy game and goes "oh i would just read a book instead", you are completely incapable of comprehending what you are talking about

            • 4 months ago

              OK great but is the combat good? Hollow knight has nothing but the nail and the boss fights are fondly remembered because the bosses ask you to perfect your mastery of said tool. In Rabi-Ribi you NEED to use certain weapons during fights to keep the combo meter going and play optimally. Meanwhile in castlevania your abilities are cosmetic at best

        • 4 months ago

          Play the game fricking moron

  6. 4 months ago

    speaking of metroidvanias.
    ultros just came out a couple of days ago and im playing it but ive been stuck for over two hours now trying to figure out how to extend the living network past these areas.
    anyone got any ideas?

  7. 4 months ago

    Rabi Rabi has gotta be one of the most shoehorned Metroidvania garbage here, courtesy of its animuhomosexualry despite the mediocre gameplay.

    • 4 months ago

      Which boss filtered you?

    • 4 months ago

      I'm consistently amazed of how popular the game is given how incredibly fricking mediocre it is. Only explanation I can think of is that it's the first metroidvania many weebs play.

  8. 4 months ago

    phoenotopia awakening is top of its class for rewarding exploration

    • 4 months ago

      I still remember stumbling into the steam release and having a blast with it years after playing the original flash version

  9. 4 months ago

    >HK and rabrib
    >best metroidvanias

  10. 4 months ago

    Rabi Ribi... GOOD
    Hollow Knight... GOOD
    Castlevania... GOOD
    Your game of choice... GOOD unless it's Souldiers in which case go frick yourself

    • 4 months ago

      He loves videogames. Someone ban him!! MODS do something!!!

      • 4 months ago

        Man, FRICK Markoth.

      • 4 months ago

        Not even overcharmed, jeeze

  11. 4 months ago

    The game I'm developing has a set character, with set abilities that are unlocked as you progress, but I also want to add procedural generation between zones, and zones would have certain grade of variance. What do you think?

    • 4 months ago

      Eh, im not sure I like it, does the variety it adds make a difference if you just crafted each screen with a set enemy layout?
      Personally I think procedurally generation only matters if it's a roguelite or the type of game where you expect the player to play the same levels over and over.
      Im playing Fear and Hunger right now and while the enemies are set, the items you receive are complete rng, which could make or break the game and there's nothing I could do about it, which is a point against since at a point I got like 5 equipment pieces that were completely useless to me.

  12. 4 months ago

    >adventure games can't offer more than Zelda OOT and Kingdoms of amalur reckoning

    Ribi is pure garbage weebslop, tedious screechy anime shovelware for morons. It controls like shit and the story is inaccessible if you're not a pedophile

    • 4 months ago

      >It controls like shit
      you did not play the game or you are missing fingers
      >the story is inaccessible
      the story is extremely simple and barely needs any attention paid to it, which is a good thing because it's not very good

    • 4 months ago

      >It controls like shit and the story is inaccessible if you're not a pedophile
      Girl is on a quest to return home
      Girl is on a quest to save her master's sister
      Girl wants that other girl to stop running away from her.
      Damn, how inaccessible.

      • 4 months ago

        You'd have to read more than one line of anime novel dialog from half naked 10 year olds. Inaccessible if you're not a pedophile

        • 4 months ago

          why do you normalgays still come to this site?

          • 4 months ago

            >doesn't want to frick little kids
            Ha what a normie

            • 4 months ago

              normalgay cope post

              if you cannot handle seeing certain artstyles, there are plenty of other sites out there that will cater to you

              maybe you should stick to threads about spec ops or something

              • 4 months ago

                Why are you so fragile? I thought reddit was the echochamber? I think you'll feel safer from the meanie weanie disagreements of people there

          • 4 months ago

            To laugh at the mentally ill (you)

    • 4 months ago

      >Kingdoms of amalur reckoning
      lol get out of here with that garbage.

    • 4 months ago

      >game genre is solved
      >game is better/worst
      Play the game and enjoy it, stop trying to rank/label every little thing, especially since it does nothing to push discussions on these games. Why not say what these games do differently than other metroidvanias, how they could be improved, etc etc.

      >It controls like shit and the story is inaccessible if you're not a pedophile
      I played through Rabi Ribi and I can come up with better criticisms than unspecified controls issue and of course, story. (it's a stripped down shonen, you're just admitting to being too moronic for it)

  13. 4 months ago

    I've played hollow knight before. I don't know why you're equating some obscure shovelware waifubait with it.

  14. 4 months ago

    It's pretty undeniable that if you play a game that likes like this, you want to frick kids

    • 4 months ago

      No one gives a frick what you're offended by

      • 4 months ago

        He's right troony
        Buy an ad

    • 4 months ago

      Strangely enough, none of the characters or designs in Rabi-Ribi made me horny. I don't particularly love the aesthetic but don't hate it either, it's just girls doing cute things.

    • 4 months ago

      It's pretty undebiable if you are too obsessed with who is a pedo you probably have a PC full of kiddie porn.
      Happens every time. Its some sort of weird projection.

    • 4 months ago

      typical pedo projection, many such cases

  15. 4 months ago

    >bullet hell vomit and backtrack hell are the final form of metroidvania

  16. 4 months ago

    >troony ribi
    >reddit knight
    have a nice day

  17. 4 months ago

    I played Rabi-Ribi and I don't get why people think it's good. I got bored of it 3 hours in.

    • 4 months ago

      They think it's good because they made the game

      • 4 months ago

        yes, taiwanese sleeper agents are on this board 24/7 waiting for anyone they can respond to and now that you've found out you will be assassinated

        • 4 months ago

          Weird flex chang

          • 4 months ago

            it's a taiwanese game

            if only you knew the first thing about anything you talked about maybe you could have amounted to something

            • 4 months ago

              Maybe if you looked more like me you wouldn't be single at 35+

  18. 4 months ago

    I love Rabi Ribi
    I love Hollow Knight
    I love Metroid Zero Mission
    I love Bloodstained
    I love La Mulana
    I love Castlevania Aria of Sorrow
    I love Axiom Verge

    What GAMES for me??

    • 4 months ago

      What the frick is going on here
      This man wont make it past 30 will he

    • 4 months ago

      Bro just take out the buttplug

    • 4 months ago

      I've been playing Grime, and it's pretty fun. There's a few sections where I'm honestly not sure if I advanced via the actual intended path, or if I inadvertently did a sequence break.

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        The best 2 metroidvania games to come out in 20 years but will never be as popular as HK because they didn't lean as hard into an edgelord Hot Topic aesthetic.

        • 4 months ago

          ori is literally my favorite game but i dont see any grounds to call it particulary better than something like hk, completely different qualities. what one game sucks at, the other excels at
          I would be down to give it to 2 if it came out as what it could have been, but that game is such an extreme ammount of wasted potential. You have a brilliant player moveset and then you make every boss underuse the ever living shit out of its potential, for example.

          That aside, have you guys seen the gameplay video for the dev's next game? Holy frick that was genuinely depressing to watch.
          >same visual style except now used in a 10x less inspired manner with areas that dont make fancy sceneries
          >going from ori's pretty ui, hud, font selection, etc to some extremely uninspired bland garbage
          >might be good combat but they made its defense heavily centered around boring roll spam
          >press x every once in a while to heal 2/3 your health at once
          >did you have qualms with the second game's backgrounds being blurrier and a bit more feature-less? well this time we made almost every total-background-zone completely featureless when it comes to details, or we just make it entirely a blank fog with nothing in it instead

          • 4 months ago

            >have you guys seen the gameplay video for the dev's next game?
            Got a link? I’m morbidly curious.
            I wasn’t even aware they had announced another game.

            • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      Guacamelee 2
      An Untitled Story
      Super Metroid
      Metroid Dread
      Metroid Prime

    • 4 months ago

      The stupidest haircut in existence

  19. 4 months ago

    how can they be solved when you get a new map every game? This isn't fps where you only have to learn one skill and it transfers over to other fps games

  20. 4 months ago

    I think I'll just play SOTN Rando again instead.

  21. 4 months ago

    >Release jump button
    >momentum stops as if you hit your head on a ceiling

    naw, frick Hollow Knight
    feels like ass

    • 4 months ago

      >having precise control over you movement is LE BAD
      Eat my entire ass, you're part of the problem ruining platformers.

      • 4 months ago

        You can have precision and momentum and most other Metroidvanias solved that years ago.

  22. 4 months ago

    How's that new Prince of Persia game? From the demo it seemed like a nice Metroidvania but it really depends on the movement upgrades you get in it. Does it have good movement upgrades or are the things from the demo the most you'll get?

    • 4 months ago

      It's even more boring than knytt. Don't fall for it.

    • 4 months ago

      I genuinely think it's the best in the genre outside of actual Metroid games

    • 4 months ago

      Better than hollow Knight but not as good as dread so it's okay.

  23. 4 months ago

    Luna Nights was good

    • 4 months ago

      it had good bosses but it was a poor metroidvania because a lot of its items were literal keys to colored doors

      • 4 months ago

        The time plateforming and combat was really neat. But it's not impressive exploration wise. It's more of a classic action plateformer I guess.

    • 4 months ago

      Combat was the only good thing about it. The exploration part is total ass. Still enjoyed it enough to buy the CE.

  24. 4 months ago

    Why morons keep giving (You)s to obvious trolls?
    Ffs just be better

  25. 4 months ago

    If they were solved why did Rabi-Ribi 2 suck and why is Hollow Knight 2 in dev hell? Their creators cracked the code, no?

    • 4 months ago

      tevi isn't rabi-ribi 2, it's a game that some shit writer payed the dev to help make

    • 4 months ago

      >why did Rabi-Ribi 2 suck
      tevi is not rabi-ribi 2, rabi-ribi 2 will be made after tevi

      if you are wondering why tevi sucked, it's because the project was helmed by one of the RWBY artists who made her own world full of lore and all of it was fricking bad and made the game more linear by design. the guy who made rabi-ribi outright said rabi-ribi 2 is just going to be cute girls doing cute things in his announcement on the game

      hk2 is in dev hell because it is like 3 guys making a game that has everything they want in it + they can take as long as they want because they are not beholden to anyone

      • 4 months ago

        Silksong is being held up by feature creep. They want to make it so big and so stuffed to the gills with stuff that they can’t release it within anything vaguely resembling a reasonable timeframe. And they won’t communicate what actually is going on with the community for reasons(?).
        I mean, they don’t need to. Hollow Knight still showed up on the Switch top sellers list every time I checked as recently as like a 6 months or a year ago (probably still is, I just don’t use my Switch as much any more). Hollow Knight still sells and they made a shit load of money off of it, so TC can kind of just do what they want. It’d be nice to give fans realistic expectations about release though.

        • 4 months ago

          >Silksong is being held up by feature creep. They want to make it so big and so stuffed to the gills with stuf
          So like Hollow Knight then. I don't think I need to play Silksong, these games are held back by the devs not being able to edit them down

    • 4 months ago

      >Durr dur duurrr durr dur, no?
      homosexuals stop talking like this. Passive aggressive b***h talk.

  26. 4 months ago

    You don't know what this word means.

  27. 4 months ago

    >game is a Metroidvania
    >game punishes you for finding items and equipping badges
    Rabi-Ribi would be so much better if didn't have this bullshit.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      not only are you an idiot because your own stat growth outpaces the enemy balancing, there is a mode specifically made to not do this if you do not like it

    • 4 months ago

      Alternative mode exists for a reason anon, use it.

    • 4 months ago

      Yep. Level scaling sucks in every game.

    • 4 months ago

      every time i hear something about rabi ribi, it just starts sounding worse
      >yeah it absolutely has some amazing super engaging combat with plenty moves
      >>...well yeah, the bosses just stand around the arena with no interaction spamming lazy bullets around. ..what do you mean thats bad?? dont you like (mediocre and uninspired) shmups??? i swear standing around firing bullets at an idle boss is a totally different feeling across 5 different attacks

      >yeah it has some of the best interconnection and exploration in the genre for sure
      >>well yeah.. if you get the most out of this interconnection and exploration, the game will apply significant level scaling.. oh its fine bro your growth is faster than the enemy's, focused and consistent areas with well crafted challenges that give more meaning to the different possibilities of gear you can have is overrated anyway
      >>want to gain any sort of power that isnt affected by scaling? well how about these 999 consumables that make the game a joke

      • 4 months ago

        Sounds like you just hear bullshit and believe it because it's what you want to hear

      • 4 months ago

        >well yeah.. if you get the most out of this interconnection and exploration, the game will apply significant level scaling.

        Reminds me a bit of Monster Sanctuary. In that game it scaled shit according to how many areas you've seen, so if you just explored without killing everything in your path you'd swiftly be underleveled.

    • 4 months ago

      >people complain about this
      >dev adds a mode that automatically scales bosses to a fixed level as if you did a whole bunch of extra item collection
      >even though it's harder than before without sequence breaking people no longer complain
      I don't get it

  28. 4 months ago

    Dread is better than either of those games. Not to say they're bad, just that Dread is a masterpiece

    • 4 months ago

      Playing dread made me realize how much i missed Metroid games where you use a gun and not a melee weapon. Like really, the genre is built on Metroid and yet the only game to actually try and play like it is, Axiom verge.

    • 4 months ago

      >ugly visuals
      >agressively mediocre score
      >game arbitrarily barring you from exploring, and 9 time out of 10 rewards aren't good anyway
      >absolutely moronic pace breaking robot segments
      It's mid at best

    • 4 months ago

      Dread is designed in a poor way to avoid confusing those who have no attention span and to make development easier.
      >EMMIs are in designated areas and heavily overuse cutscenes to set themselves up as threats instead of doing stuff in gameplay
      >Game is designed around allowing you to load back in at specific points
      >Omnidirectional aiming is a drag and not actually better than armpumping
      >Excessive railroading, when there isn't an obstacle spawning behind you, you're sliding through a 1-way gate to restrict your total room count to 3-5 rooms
      >Game is designed in a very segmented way, so you just end up using teleporters a lot to get to the next set of 3 rooms where you can immediately progress
      >Game reduces its available resource variety significantly as well with several upgrades just drawing from standard resource pools like missiles

    • 4 months ago

      At this point, Metroid is only carried hard by its brand name alone. Playing Rain World makes me swear off all these shallow cashgrab turds like Meh-troid Dreg, Réddit Ribi, Shitstained, and Gay Guardians.

    • 4 months ago

      Ori 2

      No it's not, it's mediocre

    • 4 months ago

      Dread is better than both of those, but it's level design leaves a lot to be desired.
      Here's hoping they take notes and improve on level design and don't lean on a crutch like the EMI or whatever they were called next game.

  29. 4 months ago

    Hollow Knight, while a good game, tries too hard to be multiple different things and becomes a lesser experience for it. It also has a weak beginning and endgame, although the middle is excellent.
    Even if you disagree with this assessment, it certainly hasn't 'solved' the genre to the point where it can no longer be improved.
    I haven't played your pedo anime game and cannot comment on it.

    • 4 months ago

      >Hollow Knight, while a good game, tries too hard to be multiple different things and becomes a lesser experience for it
      seriously this. what was up with that insanely mediocre super meat boy section near the end? really felt like the devs had too many ideas and no idea what they should cut vs keep, which explains the dev hell Silksong fell into.

    • 4 months ago

      >Hollow Knight, while a good game, tries too hard to be multiple different things and becomes a lesser experience for it.
      what do you even mean by that? the general approach of most of its content is all pretty similar

      >Hollow Knight, while a good game, tries too hard to be multiple different things and becomes a lesser experience for it
      seriously this. what was up with that insanely mediocre super meat boy section near the end? really felt like the devs had too many ideas and no idea what they should cut vs keep, which explains the dev hell Silksong fell into.

      this is the only anon ive ever seen that dislikes the white palace

      • 4 months ago

        >this is the only anon ive ever seen that dislikes the white palace
        I find that really fricking hard to believe. Bloat is one of the most common complaints HK has, as well as it's mediocre traversal, and the white palace is basically both of those things turned up to 11.

        • 4 months ago

          bloat is also one of the most moronic complaints over the game
          how can you call white palace bloated when it is an unique area with unique platforming challenges? Bloat is something like rancid eggs or maybe (maybe) ((maybe)) silksong's little board quests, in which case the stuff in HK1 account for 1/50 the playtime
          white palace really doesnt count as mediocre traversal either because you are bouncing around and jumping with generally much more flow and freedom and uninterrupted-ness than what is common for the genre. If you want to find out what actual garbage in an equivalent of the white palace then look at blasphemous' little crossover character platforming challenges

          in general i never understood the bloat complaint because it really is so fundamentally moronic
          >dude 60 bosses
          >well uhh... yeah 2/3 are more dynamic with cooler movesets than almost all of the genre but thats still too much because it just is okay
          >dude there are 9932 rancid eggs and grubs and little relic pickups
          >yes that is a problem even though it should account for 1hr of the playtime in a 50 hour game

          >dude its so unnecessarily vast and expansive, there should be a more focused experience
          >>okay which areas do you think could have been cut other than the beehive which is genuinely half assed but also takes 20 minutes
          >(no response)
          ultimately there isnt anything to call bloat, its literally on the same level of quality or higher when it comes to almost all competing games in the genre. its just people specifically in this board seeking the most moronic reasons to justify the shitting on a game they despise on random principle

          • 4 months ago

            >If you want to find out what actual garbage in an equivalent of the white palace then look at blasphemous' little crossover character platforming challenges
            unironically more fun than white palace. HK's movement is just so bland making a section to show it off is like building a museum just to show off a collection of unpainted canvases.
            Also what "freedom and flow" HK's movement has no flow because it has no momentum, and there's no freedom because white palace is just a long linear section of super easy platforming.

            • 4 months ago

              >i prefer spending 1/2 my time waiting for an extremely slow platform to move being unable to press buttons & having extremely stiff non dynamic everything, and the only tiny sliver of challenge or engagement coming from it being an instakill that may happen after 3 minutes of waiting
              >yeah i think hollow knight's traversal is shit, but this game's whose moveset has literally nothing that HK does not is fine however
              mental moronation
              The freedom and flow in comparison is being actually able to constantly press buttons and get everywhere fast, the pogos and dashes are fluid and good.

              and lastly
              >white palace is exclusively linear
              there are actually several large-scale shortcuts or multiple different routes across several different challenge rooms, even fancy but intuitive tricks to get past a lot of stuff in your first playthrough. At this point, mind if i ask if you have even played the game?

              • 4 months ago

                just to be clear, i think Blasphemous is hugely overrated and has bad movement to, it's just that it's STILL better than Hollow Knight's.
                Also sorry if i didn't autistically memorieze the layout of a bland "challenge" rooms (that have no actual challenge) enough to remember them having worthwhile skips. I played HK enough to get the true ending and also to beat all of the Nightmare King Grimm fights.
                And i can confidently say the game is a bloated mess that would probably improve from cutting about a third of all the rooms in the game out of it, as well as the entirety of the white palace.

              • 4 months ago

                thats the thing, you claim a game is better than another in a department even though said department is literally fundamentally the exact same but worse. there is nothing in blasphemous' core movement that hk does not have
                >autistically memorize the layout
                if you failed to notice there is ever any side route available, thats not memorization, thats being a moron
                >no challenge
                lots of posts everywhere about some of its segments and path of pain in particular, yet the one anon that says things that are absolutely unfitting to reality (ex being fully linear) says it has no challenge, curious!
                >all of the nightmare king grimm fights
                you are really not doing a remotely good job of making yourself sound like you played the game

              • 4 months ago

                >there is nothing in blasphemous' core movement that hk does not have
                it's not great but blasphemous at least has a slight feeling of weight to it's movement, which is an improvement over float knight. You're like a kid who flunked a test pointing at a kid who got a D and saying you're the same because neither is really a passing grade.

      • 4 months ago

        >what do you even mean by that?
        It wants to be Metroidvania and Dark Souls and sometimes those elements work against each other. It wants to be contemplative and isolating like Dark Souls, which impacts the speed and fun of travel, which becomes particularly tedious by the end of the game. Its attempts to recapture the meme difficulty of Dark Souls makes some of the combat tedious too; enemies are major damage sponges, and even with the fully upgraded sword and the damage charm some enemies are obnoxiously tanky.
        It took souls from Dark Souls and turned it into Geo but because it's a skill-based Metroidvania it doesn't let you level up or even buy much in the way of equipment, so the Geo ends up feeling pointless. Which makes the combat and sometimes exploration feel unrewarding. There's a reason they make you buy map functionality and benches and stagways; they were desperately looking for more stuff to let the player buy.
        There's also the "Let's turn it into a spike hell game" sections mentioned by

        >Hollow Knight, while a good game, tries too hard to be multiple different things and becomes a lesser experience for it
        seriously this. what was up with that insanely mediocre super meat boy section near the end? really felt like the devs had too many ideas and no idea what they should cut vs keep, which explains the dev hell Silksong fell into.

        and honestly I found the White Palace annoying as well.
        Exploring to find new and intimidating areas is extremely satisfying just as it is in Dark Souls, but once the exploration runs out and the endgame turns into slow backtracking and spongy combat, it loses a lot of fun factor.
        I feel like I could go on but it'd be getting into an increasingly lengthy post, and I forget some of the problems I had with it anyway.

        • 4 months ago

          >r. It wants to be contemplative and isolating like Dark Souls, which impacts the speed and fun of travel, which becomes particularly tedious by the end of the game.
          you say its a problem by the end of the game, even though its by the part where you have the literal crystal dash, and dreamgates & trams & stags up the ass. it fundamentally makes no sense
          >and even with the fully upgraded sword and the damage charm some enemies are obnoxiously tanky.
          name literally 1
          everything dies super fast in this game if you are even remotely skilled and using your moveset right
          In fact, its even more moronic that you refer to the end of the game, because its precisely where youre comedically overpowered and every enemy dies so fast that you can barely feel any one-on-one combat anymore.

          • 4 months ago

            Crystal dash doesn't make traversal appreciably faster in most places. Dreamgates help (not in the base game btw) and stagways/trams are still too far away. If you die in the colosseum and have to get a charm repaired you still have to dick around for way too long just to get another chance.
            >name literally 1
            Most colosseum enemies take forever if you're not at max sword and using the damage charm, the royal guards in the city still take a bunch of hits even at the end of the game. You need max upgrades+charm just to be at a point where the combat feels reasonable for the kind of game it is.

            forgot to mention
            >geo doesnt let you buy much and its pointless!!
            you need up to 5410 geo to buy a frickton of new charms and charm slots from salubra, her shop is a massive powerspike at several points of the game
            you spend up to 9260 to unlock all the stuff from sly, including progression critical keys and the lantern, a metric ton of mask and vessel shards, charms
            you spend 2500 in total for all traversal fast travel unlocks
            you need 7050 geo to fully upgrade the nail
            if you count meme shit like the 3000 geo fountain for a vessel, millibele, trial costs, etc you spend 10000+ in total

            For most of the game I had way more Geo than I ever needed. It's a pointless addition; the stuff that you do buy you might as well just find. It would make map exploration in large, barren areas a bit more compelling too.
            >her shop is a massive powerspike
            Come on, massive power spike? You can increase your spell damage I guess; other than that the only charm of hers I found particularly useful was quick focus. The notches are important but that's only because charms which should be permanent additions take so much damn space to begin with.

        • 4 months ago

          forgot to mention
          >geo doesnt let you buy much and its pointless!!
          you need up to 5410 geo to buy a frickton of new charms and charm slots from salubra, her shop is a massive powerspike at several points of the game
          you spend up to 9260 to unlock all the stuff from sly, including progression critical keys and the lantern, a metric ton of mask and vessel shards, charms
          you spend 2500 in total for all traversal fast travel unlocks
          you need 7050 geo to fully upgrade the nail
          if you count meme shit like the 3000 geo fountain for a vessel, millibele, trial costs, etc you spend 10000+ in total

      • 4 months ago

        The White Palace is the only part of Hollow Knight that I didn’t like. Indeed, I hated it so much that it made me drop the game on my first playthrough. The game never makes you develop platforming skills for getting through it and it’s full of leap-of-faith platforming where you can’t actually see the place that you need to get to before you jump.
        >But it’s optional
        Unless you want the good ending and story mode true final boss (i.e. not counting pantheonhomosexualry), then it isn’t optional actually. You just have to do it.
        It’s literally just TC saying “Oooh, we should have a really challenging platforming for people who want that!” without realizing that they as devs had not built up much experience making platforming challenges over the course of making HK to actually design a *good*, hard, platforming segment.

      • 4 months ago

        Add me to the list of people that felt the white palace was bad in every conceivable way. Not fun, not interesting, didn't fit the rest of the game at all, and visually boring on top of all of that. It felt like someone grafted a mediocre super meatboy flash clone onto an otherwise excellent metroidvania.

  30. 4 months ago

    What are some Metroidvanias I can play if I prefer Metroid to Castlevania? I tried Bloodstained but I simply can't get into it without falling asleep

    • 4 months ago

      the Axiom Verge games are probably your best option.
      the first one is a very solid Metroidlike game, and while the sequel has a lot of issues i think it's still pretty fun, albeit hard fricking carried by the drone sections.

      • 4 months ago

        Thanks anon, will give it a try, had it in my Steam library for years now. Didn't even know they made a second one

        • 4 months ago

          the second one is a lot more hated than the first, and the hate isn't unwarranted either, the "human" sections of the second game are really weak, but the "morph ball" sections of the game are a ton of fun and make up a significant portion of the gameplay. it's definitely a "pirate it, or buy it on sale" game whereas the first one is fully worth buying and playing.

  31. 4 months ago

    Sonic Adventure 2 and Ys Origin are my favorite Metroidvanias. Though in my mind I combine the three Ys games when speaking of just Origin.

  32. 4 months ago

    I'm not having fun with hollow knight, there isn't enough punishment for dying

    • 4 months ago

      the problem isn't a lack of punishment, the problem is that running back to where you died isn't fun because the traversal is shit.

    • 4 months ago

      You can punch yourself in the balls every time you die

  33. 4 months ago

    Metroidvanias have been solved with SOTN and Aria of Sorrow,
    I dunno why this became a meme genre later on when it was perfected right off the bat. Guess it's just parasites trying to feed off of the void left by Konami imploding itself.

  34. 4 months ago

    the first couple of hours of HK feel like dogshit because parts of what should be your basic kit are charms and unlocks for some reason, and too many things that you should just unlock are charms meaning the gameplay always feels lacking. also, not having ng+ is a mortal sin.
    aside from that, Blasphemous is better than both of those games.

    • 4 months ago

      >basic kit are charms
      >You want a map?
      >waste a slot on it bro
      Fricking why?

    • 4 months ago

      >and too many things that you should just unlock are charms meaning the gameplay always feels lacking
      Having to find a bench to swap them out is annoying and time consuming too.
      Especially when for some godforsaken reason the charm that makes your dash do damage (which should be part of your kit, like you said) also makes it longer, which not only breaks a lot of the carefully designed platform sections but ALSO will only be triggered once the ability has recharged so you end up with inconsistent dash lengths and no direct control over it.
      The dash in general is very disappointing, I hate how you can't cancel it. It's makes traversal and combat feel worse than it should.

    • 4 months ago

      >too many things that you should just unlock are charms meaning the gameplay always feels lacking
      Fricking this. Save charms for actually interesting stuff, not for no knockback or faster swinging, make those part of the nail upgrades or something.

      • 4 months ago

        the knockback is a charm because it feels trash in a ton of situations. dumb charm
        >quick slash
        that one is 100% adequate as a charm because its ridiculously overpowered, needs a high cost
        the base nail speed with combat arts+spells has strong enough flow if youre playing well

  35. 4 months ago

    Hollow knight has too much backtracking and boring combat to me, it caters to a cringe souls shit audience and has bad combat.

    Rabi Ribi is a godtier game sent to redeem metroidvanias. TEVI improved upon the gameplay elements but was pozzed shit otherwise. I really can't wait for the Rabi Ribi sequel with all the lessons learned from TEVI.

    • 4 months ago

      now if only Rabi-Ribi wasn't disgusting weeb trash it might have actually been playable. that art style is just unacceptable.

      • 4 months ago

        Don't care didn't ask

        • 4 months ago

          and i don't care that you don't care and didn't ask if you asked

    • 4 months ago

      >Genre is built upon revisiting areas you’ve been to before to unlock new paths and pick up items that were previously inaccessible
      What did he mean by this?

      • 4 months ago

        Did you take your meds today, anon?

      • 4 months ago

        backtracking isn't the problem if movement and map traversal is fun. hollow knight fails in that regard. exploration is great, but it has so many shitty moments that you dont want to to over and over again because they are just annoying and slow you down without adding anything fun or challening. like all the shitty spike parts, unneccessarily long paths like in greenpath, not enough trainstations, etc. at least it gets better in mid to endgame with double jump, quick dash, and so on. but still fricking annoying

      • 4 months ago

        The backtracking has to be good
        It's not good in Hollow Knight
        The exploration in Hollow Knight, i.e. the first time you're going through an area, is amazing, but the backtracking is garbage

        • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          The thing about Hollow Knight though is that if you just go for the normal ending, you barely need to backtrack at all. The way the game is structured, you can go pretty much any path once you have the wall jump and will eventually make progress towards the dream nail in ANY direction you go without having to search the "proper" path. Once you have it, the places you have to go are literally marked on your map
          Complaining about backtracking for the true ending is reasonable enough but at least there is more dream essence than required for reaching White Palace.
          If you're going for full completion, you're pretty much signing up for backtracking so that's on you

          • 4 months ago

            i feel like a lot of the complaints over HK backtracking is just being quite stupid
            if you want, you can spend most of your time going straight to pure uncharted territory
            the world is so interconnected once you hit the part where it opens up, that the backtracking feels very fast and brief because you can so quickly get anywhere. the only problem is if the player sucks at exploring and figuring out/remembering routes

          • 4 months ago

            i feel like a lot of the complaints over HK backtracking is just being quite stupid
            if you want, you can spend most of your time going straight to pure uncharted territory
            the world is so interconnected once you hit the part where it opens up, that the backtracking feels very fast and brief because you can so quickly get anywhere. the only problem is if the player sucks at exploring and figuring out/remembering routes

            Most players aren't going to know the exact most efficient route through the game on their first attempt, or make the most strictly efficient visits to vendors. And that assumes they're not going to have broken charms that need fixing on a semi-regular basis.
            While the backtracking they encounter might not technically be forced backtracking, it's still something that's inevitably going to pop up and the experience is miserable when it does.
            The problem isn't that backtracking exists, it's that the backtracking is bad.

            • 4 months ago

              >And that assumes they're not going to have broken charms that need fixing on a semi-regular basis
              if you willingly choose to use fragile charms and keep going back and forth for them over and over, thats pretty much entirely your own problem

    • 4 months ago

      >poor ass enemy variety
      >1 weapon
      >pedo ass art stye

      • 4 months ago

        get fricked redditBlack person

        • 4 months ago

          >pedo ass art stye
          now that is the one criticism in this entire thread that's just fricking moronic

          Not to mention that world cohesion/visual design is also bland. Probably the most uninspired looking world i have ever seen in this genre

      • 4 months ago

        >pedo ass art stye
        now that is the one criticism in this entire thread that's just fricking moronic

        • 4 months ago

          NTA but what else would you call this?

          • 4 months ago

            Godtier and get fricked redditBlack person

            • 4 months ago

              >character is somewhere between 6-11 years old in appearance and dressed in skimpy sexualized clothing
              it's a pedo art style
              the game might be good, I don't know, but it's a pedo art style

              • 4 months ago

                Godtier and get fricked redditBlack person

                get fricked redditBlack person

              • 4 months ago

                oddly based that you're willing to defend your nonsense position like this

          • 4 months ago

            I unironically never felt sexual things towards the characters in Rabi Ribi compared to other coombait/dicky games. I don't see it, it's so in-your-face and unthreatening at the same time. Unironically, safe horny would apply here

          • 4 months ago

            fairies are typically naked so she's more dressed than say the fairies in Breath of Fire 3 who get hit on by a dolphin

          • 4 months ago

            >child bearing hips
            >clearly defined breasts
            What's "pedo" about that? I'm a pedo and that's not the kind of character I'd fap to.

          • 4 months ago

            my mistake, i mixed up replies and thought he was talking about HK. that there is undeniably pedo garbage.

      • 4 months ago

        >1 weapon
        there's like 8 different types of magic attack at your disposal, way more than just 1.

      • 4 months ago

        >He hasnt beaten the game with 0 weapons
        >Neither have I, got softlocked

  36. 4 months ago

    Is Rabi Ribi censored on steam? I know steam is weird with anime sometimes.

    • 4 months ago

      No. The Steam Workshop page for the game even has mods that removes characters' panties.

  37. 4 months ago

    Man, why do these two games cause massive butthurt? I blame the Castlevania-gays. I was raised on Metroid and love both Hollow Knight and Rabi Ribi.

    • 4 months ago

      >why does rabi ribi cause massive butthurt
      the people who like it here just like to be provocative towards other titles + anime bunny girl aesthetic is huge ammunition
      oh thats basically everything Ganker
      >>the typical Ganker cycle where all threads love a game, until it gets popular and now its plagued by the game being shat on by people who didnt play the game and didnt know about it until it reached mainstream, yet whine about normalgays
      fans of other, less praised titles
      >>some people figure out its prime baiting material and start making threads shitting on other games praising hk
      >>(thing) clone ammunition

      • 4 months ago

        >the people who like it here just like to be provocative towards other titles
        That's not true at all. The Rabi Ribi community is mostly self contained. I've only ever seen them shitpost when someone goes into their threads and shits on Rabi Ribi. Any damage suffered is just self inflicted by shitposters getting reverse-shitposted.

    • 4 months ago

      The trans community fears bunny girls

  38. 4 months ago

    >Now I actually understand how lonely it is at the top.
    Oh, you were the lead developer on hollow knight?

  39. 4 months ago

    There is a reason they call the genre hollow-like now. Metroid and Castlevania have not done anything relevant in over a decade. Unforunately it seems like HK isn't going to release there next game in over a decade so the genre will stay stagnant until then

    • 4 months ago

      >There is a reason they call the genre hollow-like now
      this doesn't happen

    • 4 months ago

      the steam tag hasnt changed

    • 4 months ago

      rogue has been VERY silent lately, i hear they call them isaac-likes/lites now

      • 4 months ago

        On that topic, I refuse to use the term Rogue-lite so I just call everything from Dead Cells to Isaac to Gungeon Roguelikes.

        • 4 months ago

          baiting autists is a noble pursuit

      • 4 months ago

        no one but morons use the term rogue-lite so I am glad you proved his point

    • 4 months ago

      >There is a reason they call the genre hollow-like now.
      I have never heard this and it sounds like you're shilling.

  40. 4 months ago

    What's the verdict on this one? I just beat the executioner boss last night and I'm enjoying the combat and music. It gets pretty tough but the save system is very forgiving, good for a shitter like me.

    • 4 months ago

      Tranime slop. Next.

    • 4 months ago

      it's a solid "good, but not great" game.

    • 4 months ago

      Pretty bad level design
      Fighting gimmick never does anything cool
      Meh I felt like I have played this same game 3 times before already

    • 4 months ago

      I liked it. Dodge roll with generous i frames is bad but overall good.

    • 4 months ago

      mediocre hollowlike game. not a bad if you get it on sale and just looking for something to play through

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      One of my favorites with a reasonable difficulty curve, fun exploration, and fast movement. Though it had a weak final boss and while I got the 100%, I think it only took me about 12 hours.
      If you want something much harder, play Afterimage, which I stopped playing because I found the bosses to just get obnoxious after a while.

  41. 4 months ago

    Neither of those look like Robot Wants Fishy, you stale queef.

  42. 4 months ago

    I love Metroidvanias. I wish there were another An Untitled Story, but the dev trooned out after making Celeste.

    • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        I've never used Reddit in my life

  43. 4 months ago

    Are they ever going to make a new castlevania, the last proper one came out 16 years ago

    • 4 months ago

      Maybe Konami will outsource one to Bloober Team after they’re done with Silent Hill 2: Reddit Edition.
      Because Konami sure as shit won’t develop an actual video game.
      Or you could play Bloodstained.

  44. 4 months ago

    How is Tevi? I lost interest once I learned she wasn't a real rabbit girl.

    • 4 months ago

      You have a fun moveset but it has much worse bosses than Rabi Ribi, but the worst part is that the game is completely linear as you're railroaded onto a specific route in order to forcefeed you a legitimately bad story with unlikable characters. Huge regression from Rabi Ribi's extremely comprehensive devotion to nonlinearity, which really soured TEVI for me.

    • 4 months ago

      Just skip the story, gameplay is ok if you can stomach linearity

    • 4 months ago

      It's great, not far from Rabi Ribi IMO. The bullet hell aspect of bosses is lightly suppressed for a bit more "physical" aspect, doing combos and chasing the boss etc.
      The linearity is severly memed up, it's no way near a Metroid Fusion.

      • 4 months ago

        >The linearity is severely memed up, it's no way near a Metroid Fusion.
        While it is no Fusion, and there is a LEVEL of flexibility, going places where you didn't think you could, remember this is coming off the heels of Rabi-Ribi. Even that game has some railroading at points, but if you aren't in that point, and you stumble across hidden techs? The whole world is yours, mate. Comparatively, TEVI is like being cuffed the whole time. My sadness in finding none of the hidden techs worked cannot be understated.

        • 4 months ago

          That's coming from a very particular experience of, not even TEVI itself, but the game that came before it.
          I never played Rabi-Ribi by sequence breaking, and I have never seen a single message blocking my way in TEVI, and I 100% the game.

          • 4 months ago

            Fair enough. Discussing it on the first couple months of release was mostly all with people who were familiar with RR coming into it, so that's the perspective I'm used to working with. From a more generic viewpoint, I suppose it's nothing different from the usual affair, for better or for worse.

  45. 4 months ago

    hollow shite fricking sucks, Black person. slow traversal on a giant map, ham fisted dark souls mechanics from a time when every game was ripping them off, and boring poke jump poke combat which is made the emphasis of like 80% of the game. frick off, buggay.
    >inb4 “b-but what about-“
    you’ll never get silksuck either. tongue my anus.

    • 4 months ago

      ADHD zoomer. Hollow Knight gives you plenty of fast travel points. It's more generous than older classics like Super Metroid.

      • 4 months ago

        NTA but while Super Metroid doesn't have fast travel, it has better traversal. Moving through the map feels much better. The long distances in Hollow Knight just feel like a slog, especially when you have to backtrack to vendors a lot instead of always pressing forward like in Super Metroid.

        • 4 months ago

          I just don't fight every enemy I see and it makes traversal a lot faster.

          • 4 months ago

            >I just don't fight every enemy I see and it makes traversal a lot faster.
            It makes it a little bit faster but it doesn't fix the fundamental flaws with the travel

            • 4 months ago

              The travel isn't as slow as you're making it out to be. The map also isn't /that/ large. The only time I felt travel to be egregious was in Deep Nest, but there's very little in Deep Nest aside from the area where there is a fast travel point to and Nosk.

              • 4 months ago

                It's slow and uninteresting enough that it feels like a chore. But honestly Deep Nest wasn't actually as bad as Greenpath and the Fungal Wastes, it's actually pretty quick to get where you want to go in there once you open a couple of shortcuts. The city isn't terrible but you have to go back there so much it does become annoying

    • 4 months ago

      >slow traversal on a giant map
      You get the dash within the first couple of hours. Within the first hour depending on how you play.
      And that's before you even get the super dash ability or all the other fancy movement options.

      And there are fast travel points all over the game.
      The movement in Hollow Knight isn't even slow compared to other games of the genre.

      • 4 months ago

        >super dash ability
        There's not even a point to using this in most rooms, it'll just get interrupted and you'll have to reposition and start charging it again. Very little of the game's travel is strictly horizontal.
        The regular dash helps a little but the movement is in fact much slower and much less fun than classic examples of the genre. I don't know about every game, but the Castlevanias and the Metroids after 3, defintiely.

        • 4 months ago

          HK should've had a megeman style dashjump, would've made traversal feel a lot better if you could carry your dash speed into your jumps.

          • 4 months ago

            >would've made traversal feel a lot better if you could carry your dash speed into your jumps
            Just another reason the dash is disappointing

        • 4 months ago

          >There's not even a point to using this in most rooms
          And in other rooms you can skip several screens all at once. That's hardly insignificant.

          • 4 months ago

            It's nice in the few places you can use it, but it's really not significant enough to raise the quality of Hollow Knight's traversal overall.

  46. 4 months ago

    Which YouTuber made a video essay that made people start hating Hollow Knight?

    • 4 months ago

      >he doesn't know
      The game had a good reception on Ganker up until 2018 where it caught on with normies. It literally was Undertale episode 2

    • 4 months ago

      it is legitimately just tendies who hate it. mercury steam couldn't make anything close to as good a game as HK they try to attack HK for it. It basically took over Metroid's spot and it drives them insane

      • 4 months ago

        But Metroid fans love Hollow Knight

        Man, why do these two games cause massive butthurt? I blame the Castlevania-gays. I was raised on Metroid and love both Hollow Knight and Rabi Ribi.

      • 4 months ago

        But the game sold extremely well on Switch.

      • 4 months ago

        >it is legitimately just tendies who hate it
        On this forum definitely. Seen like 20 Hollow Knight threads. Super metroid fans are the most rabbid haters, even though their 30 year old no combat clunky health pick up slop hasn't aged that well.

        Since nobody gives a shit about Super Metroid these days they tried to pivot to Metroid Dread being the best metroidvania of all time even though for most people it was just ok, you can even see one of them in this thread.
        If anyone ever wonders wtf is happening and why is something getting rabbid hate, you always need to check if its tendies, if its game that competes with their precious titles.

      • 4 months ago

        >he wasnt there for hollowgays going into every dread thread trying to derail it with LE 40 HOURS OF CONTENT VS 10

        • 4 months ago

          The vast majority of those threads were made by the very same lunatic who spammed those bouncing mushrooms = shit game design threads.

      • 4 months ago

        I genuinely hate you "people" for ruining discussion of the entire genre with your overrated 6/10 game that you have to hail as the second coming of Christ wherever you go. I tried it, it was mediocre, get over yourselves.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't need a Youtuber to tell me what to think, I played the game myself and formed an opinion.
      It's a solid 7/10, with some 9/10 parts and some 5/10 parts

      • 4 months ago

        >It's a solid 7/10, with some 9/10 parts and some 5/10 parts
        Fence sitting is not having an opinion. Whole academia agrees with that as well, so you went full moron and proved his point.

        • 4 months ago

          How the frick is it fence sitting to think a game is good but not great, with good and bad points? Should I lie and say it's irredeemably terrible? Should I lie and say it's an amazing 10/10 game, a flawless gem?.
          It's very strange that you think this way.

          • 4 months ago

            Yes its fence sitting to be a little homosexual that tries to please everyone.
            If write an essay for university and act like you do now, you would literally shit yourself out of getting 50% of the mark.

            Why i mention academia is because even in a place like that you would be a homosexual fence sitter, then you come on one of the most toxic boards of all time, add nothing to discussion just to fence sit?
            Who are you trying to convince that you actually have an opinion? You are the exact e-celeb watcher he called out, that is why you responded to him and laughably proved him right.
            Come back with a real opinion next time.

            • 4 months ago

              So I guess mediocre games just don't exist? They're all amazing or terrible.
              You had a decent time with a game, had some high highs and some low lows? No you fricking didn't, fence sitter, you NEED to worship it or despise it!
              Academia, by the way, is a fricking joke and not even slightly relevant to this discussion despite your paltry, barely coherent attempt to suggest otherwise.

              • 4 months ago

                >So I guess mediocre games just don't exist?
                Now you said mediocre, see you are changing right before our eyes
                >not even slightly relevant to this discussion
                I added relevance to compare that you interestingly even a bigger homosexual than they are because they of all places would think you are a homosexual.
                It wasn't that complex of a point.

                Yes you got called out on watching youtube essays and proved that you watch too many of them. I didn't say worship or hate the games, but you fence sitted like a youtuber that wants to validate all sides of the discussion before trying to form an opinion and most of the time failing to do so.

              • 4 months ago

                >Now you said mediocre, see you are changing right before our eyes
                Nothing I have said has changed.
                >homosexuals would think badly of you, this is a bad thing somehow
                By the way:
                >tries to please everyone.
                It's telling that you think of personal opinions as something designed to please or displease others. Imagine thinking about the reactions of others when forming YOUR opinion. Imagine caring what academia thinks. Imagine, if you will, being this stupid.

              • 4 months ago

                Imagine being a homosexual fence sitter that actually brainrots himself with youtube essays.
                I can't imagine, never been that weak.
                I brought academia out to call you a homosexual. If even biggest homosexuals think you are a gay, you are one.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm sorry you don't understand how opinions can be formed without reference to essays or the judgement of others. Yours must be a tragic existence indeed.
                Tell me, what would YOU say about a middle of the road game that neither excelled nor miserably failed?

            • 4 months ago

              Reading your post made me lose IQ points. You are unironically a moron, not even npcs are as limited intellectually as you are. Stop posting and if possible, stop breathing. You are a waste of space

              • 4 months ago

                You will never be a woman redditor

              • 4 months ago

                I think his insults towards you were better, you can do a little better if you apply yourself.

              • 4 months ago

                >Comes out
                >Leaves 0 arguments
                >Spergs out and insults
                He is as insecure as a troony, do you bother with every troony around? These days there are too many trannies we are going to be arguing all day here.
                I just opted in to make him more suicidal, i don't care which kid shit flings better.

              • 4 months ago

                Can't be bothered to argue with a trannoid who believes he has to formulate an opinion based on what others could think instead of just saying what he thinks. You are a literal cuck, I was 100% serious when I wrote that you were worth less than a NPC. Even normalgays have more self-respect

              • 4 months ago

                You will never be a woman, redditor.*

            • 4 months ago

              How moronic do you have to be to write something like this

    • 4 months ago

      You dont need a youtuber, everything that becomes popular will get hated eventually.

      • 4 months ago

        it's an inverse popularity effect. basically if an 8/10 game gets treated as a 10/10 people who play it after hearing it's a 10/10 will feel like it's a 6/10 because their raised expectations are betrayed by the reality.
        HK is a really good game, but it's not a genre defining masterpiece and all the masturbation over how good it is makes people roll their eyes and start to get more critical of it than they otherwise would be.

        • 4 months ago

          I would say that is wrong. When it came out it was literal 10/10 game.
          Then followed years upon years of talking about this game 24/7 and everyone just got tired of it.
          We are at the state where the game is thousand times more talked about than ever played.
          Hollow Knight is quite genre defining, because i have to say that if you played Hollow Knight, you can just not even bother with the rest of the genre that much. Indie metroidvania number 366 is not going to do it for you anymore.

          We have nothing to talk about Hollow Knight anymore past few years. Haters and lovers not being able to retire the game just made it become more hated.

          Same thing would have happened with Dark Souls for example if that was the only game in that genre that ever existed and didn't had gadzillion sequels and spinoffs.

  47. 4 months ago

    Super Metroid both invented and killed Metroid-likes, you can just play Super Metroid and ignore every other game in the genre because none are going to come even close

  48. 4 months ago

    hollow knight fricking sucked, tried way to hard to be dark souls but 2d but it was just boring as shit

  49. 4 months ago

    I find it sad that a lot of people especially outside of this website looked past Rabi Ribi because of the artstyle. I ain't no weeb and I absolutely adored that game, I played it after finishing hollow knight fully expecting the game to be soulless weeb jank but it was really crafted with love and respected the player. Erina is cute and likeable, the setting is very peaceful. The story/lore didn't make a lot of sense but it was somewhat endearing. My 14 y.o niece played it on casual and she loved the costumes. Her favorite characters were the plant and succubus. She dropped hollow knight at the beginning because it was too hard

  50. 4 months ago

    TEVI was fricking trash and I made the community around that game super mad for talking about it, which I'm happy about, frick using the Rabi-Ribi IP to sell that garbage

    • 4 months ago

      5 autisms on Gankerner are not "community"

      • 4 months ago

        I didn't say anything about Ganker? I said the community around that game, and I don't care how positive the reviews are for this game, it's mediocre at the VERY best

        • 4 months ago

          it absolutely mogs rbrb except for the story
          And it's not like the story of rbrb is any good

          • 4 months ago

            >it absolutely mogs rbrb
            l m a o

          • 4 months ago

            The boss fights were pretty disappointing outside of a few like Memeloch or the two last bosses. That being said he still clearly has it in him, the three library boss fights he added in the last patch are really cool.
            Hopefully Rabi Ribi 2 will strike a good balance between the two games. As it stands i did prefer RR simply because the boss patterns were more interesting. I'm really not sure why almost every boss in Tevi needed a simple thrust attack.

  51. 4 months ago

    Never Grave fixed this genre.
    >good gameplay
    >no gay moronic backtracking for hours across the same map
    >base building to incentivize replays

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago


        >boring soulless unchanging map
        >exciting variations testing the player’s ability to navigate familiar cells in an unfamiliar layout
        White people choose the latter every time btw

        • 4 months ago

          procgen is inherently soulless

    • 4 months ago


  52. 4 months ago

    then why has metroid dread by far better gameplay than both of these games?
    hollow knights movement is alright but sucks hard in comparison to dread.
    but hollowknight has probably the best map and exploration I've ever seen in a metroidvania.
    but yeah it's far from solved you cringy fangirl homosexual

    • 4 months ago

      OH NO NO NO NO

      • 4 months ago

        fair. really like the game but the price is absolutely inexcusable for a fun, but very short game. 15$ would've been fine. frick nintendo

        • 4 months ago

          Game length =/= game price

        • 4 months ago

          I accepted that nintendo games are inherently more expensive, but i think more of their catalogue should at least be priced 40 bucks analogous to 3DS games in their scope.

      • 4 months ago

        crazy that both those games sold roughly the same number of copies.

      • 4 months ago

        >holy shit! two cakes!

      • 4 months ago

        The length of a game does not make it inherently better.
        The cost compared to the length does not make it inherently better.
        If I pirate both of them, having the cost set to 0 and being a non-factor, I would still judge the game by what it is.
        A game can be too short, and a game can be too long.

      • 4 months ago

        I’d rather have two or three hours of buttery-smooth high speed platforming over like 15 hours of crawling from one park bench to the next.

    • 4 months ago

      >better gameplay
      movement was the only thing dread has. the only good boss fights dread has is the final boss and experiment z, which still has the dumb cutscene attack, and Z is skipped in the faster routes. you do repeat boring miniboss, and the emmi rooms sucks and make up a lot of the game.

    • 4 months ago

      Dread disappointed me. I had much more fun with Ender Lilies, Aeterna Noctis, Grime or even Pronty and they costed like half the price. It was actually pretty disheartening to see such a run of the mill metroidvania get nominated when much better and cheaper alternative were available in the same year.
      The only thing Dread did really well was the movement, which is stellar.

      • 4 months ago

        >Aeterna Noctis
        Mixing a metroidvania with a precision platformer is a bad idea.
        It's a shame, because I think that it's not a terrible game, even if it runs like shit despite looking like it is, but backtracking is 100x worse when you've got to also do these high intensity challenges the entire time.
        When they gave it away on EGS a while back I replayed it with all of the DLC and had a blast, especially when I did NG+ and saw that every boss has new moves that justify running through it a second time.
        I'd rather play both again than finish Dread or play HK again, which I did try to do recently.

  53. 4 months ago

    don't wanna sound contrarian but those 2 are literally the only metroidvanias I dropped after a few hours

  54. 4 months ago

    The truth is that Hollow Knight is not Metroid-like at all. It masquerades as such having some movement upgrades. But it has much more in common with a Zelda or Souls game than Metroid.

    • 4 months ago

      Zelda games have always been metroidlike, or more acurately, Metroid was a 2D Zeldalike

  55. 4 months ago

    Since your taste is this shit I'll recommend you go to your nearest toilet and insert your face for more.

  56. 4 months ago

    OP here, I forgot to add picrel.

    • 4 months ago

      Talking about Momodora.
      What does Ganker think about Moonlit Farewell?

      I personally enjoyed it a lot. It had a bit of everything, easter eggs for loregays (like me), nice music, good fights, a really nice plot to close the series as a whole.
      Still, I thought the final battle was a bit underwhelming in terms of difficulty. But the hype/setting was incredible.
      I understand why people would prefer RUTM though.

      • 4 months ago

        bit of a letdown

        rdein took out rewards for no-hitting bosses, so there is no reason to no-hit bosses, resulting in the game being pathetically easy since you can facetank with impunity

        it was solid but as a sendoff of the momodora series it is not what i wanted

        • 4 months ago

          >rdein took out rewards for no-hitting bosses, so there is no reason to no-hit bosses, resulting in the game being pathetically easy since you can facetank with impunity
          thats not the actual issue here
          If the only thing that holds up the engagement of your bosses is a nohit reward, then your bosses have a much bigger problem of being bland fricks

        • 4 months ago

          >bit of a letdown
          >rdein took out rewards for no-hitting bosses
          I agree. This is one of the things that I really liked of Reverie better. Overall the game is easier since you can make a build to recover magic and spam bell.
          Still would say I like MF a bit more. Both are really solid

      • 4 months ago

        bit of a letdown

        rdein took out rewards for no-hitting bosses, so there is no reason to no-hit bosses, resulting in the game being pathetically easy since you can facetank with impunity

        it was solid but as a sendoff of the momodora series it is not what i wanted

        I personally liked RutM's art syle better, though MF is very clean. RutM has such soulful pixel art. I also am not a fan of the camera being zoomed out in MF.

        • 4 months ago

          that's because it is a different artist, the artstyle peaked with momodora 4 and the music peaked with momodora 3 and elektrobear going off on it

          • 4 months ago

            Oh ok, I didn't know that. Shame.

  57. 4 months ago

    Hollow Knight was boring and its poetic justice that silk song is going to be the zoomers version of metroid dread

  58. 4 months ago

    You'd be right if you included La-Mulana

  59. 4 months ago

    Let's not forget that Rabi Ribi solved the e-girl genre as well

  60. 4 months ago

    Metroid Dread was a piece of shit game.

  61. 4 months ago

    The genre is shit to begin with

  62. 4 months ago

    Wonderboy III The Dragons Trap did it best

  63. 4 months ago

    I am forgotten

  64. 4 months ago

    Hollow Knight is good, but there are tons of games better than RibiRabi such as Ender Lillies, ASTLibra and Ghost Song

    • 4 months ago

      Why do people like Ghost Song? I usually enjoy almost every metroidvania I play at least to some degree, but I thought Ghost Song was just bad. The melee/ranged hybrid-combat didn't work well, the voice-acting/story was college student level, the exploration (and bringing back the parts) was not interesting.

      • 4 months ago

        Having played it, I can't help but agree.
        I basically checked out once I got the heal on hit and the power fist or whatever that let you spin in the air. Every fight was just me face tanking since I gained back everything that I lost.

    • 4 months ago

      Astlibra is GOATed beyond anything else, but it's not a Metroidvania.

      • 4 months ago

        im playing astlibra now and yes, its absolutely awesome
        i afked a bunch, but 80 hours in and im still not totally finished with it, trying to go for 100%

  65. 4 months ago

    I haven't played a new Metroidvania that really wowed me since the 00's.
    Hollow Knight is insanely overrated. Haven't played Rabi-Ribi.

  66. 4 months ago

    I need some metroidvanias with anime girls.
    Any recommends?

    • 4 months ago

      But is it actually good?

    • 4 months ago

      The various Touhou ones such as Luna Nights

    • 4 months ago

      I just remembered that I've got this game since it was free to keep on GOG one weekend. But I haven't played it yet because I was deep into other games I was playing at the time.

    • 4 months ago

      But is it actually good?

      The game is stiff as hell to the point where I felt it was unintentionally unfair. I beat a slime girl by using a combo of charms that made the water poison, but also poison healed me, which was really fun to me since it rewarded exploration by making a boss very significantly easier.
      I think that it interested me enough that I will try to get back to it, but it feels pretty bad to fight things.
      And yes, I got it for free from GOG.

      • 4 months ago

        The only legitimate complaint I have on the game is that EVERY attack has an added effect like bleed, ice or poison attached to it. On top of doing lots of damage.
        Save that shit for special enemies, add some variety.

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