MGS 2 in MGS Collection, will it be the version sabotaged by Agness Kaku or will it be corrected?

MGS 2 in MGS Collection, will it be the version sabotaged by Agness Kaku or will it be corrected?
Does the PAL version have the same translation?

Japanes and PAL version had Gackt's dog-tog, not the US version.

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  1. 9 months ago

    What do you think genius, of course it the same translation. Unfortunately the MGS fanbase accepts ENG versions of every game as originals and would riot if they were brought back in line with actual originals

    • 9 months ago

      As it should be

    • 9 months ago

      >brought back in line with actual originals
      You mean made worse? Kojima is a hack

      • 9 months ago

        This isn't Ganker you don't need to pretend to be moronic to get a reply

    • 9 months ago

      Really ? When I see how /vr/ reacts to Working Design's translations, it surprises me that everyone accepts Agnes Kaku's work.

    • 9 months ago

      I care more about whether it's good than whether it's original. If Kojima wanted me to eat shit, I'm going to pay attention to the English localisation instead.

  2. 9 months ago

    It's a barebones port that's locked to 1080p 60FPS even on PC.

    • 9 months ago

      You sneed more?

  3. 9 months ago

    Go see it for yourself but I it is my understanding that MGS2 English translation was not sabotaged, and it was in fact a good translation.

    • 9 months ago

      >Go see it for yourself but I it is my understanding that MGS2 English translation was not sabotaged, and it was in fact a good translation.
      The MGS2 translation was almost sabotaged is the thing. Kaku barely knows Japanese herself, and a lot of her translated dialogue often reads like something an early 2010s MTL would spit out ("We managed to avoid drowning!"), and there are many poor translations or poor research on the part of Kaku throughout the game.
      The most notable one is failing to recognize the several direct 1:1 lines from Metal Gear Solid, which MGS2 is full of. There's an equal amount of 1:1 lines from Metal Gear 1 and 2, but the lack of an English version existing at the time makes this forgivable (even if her TL of those lines is atrocious).
      But, throughout the game there's small lines that are just blatantly wrong. A notorious one is Ocelot saying there's no such thing as magic, only technology, when in actuality he had said technology can imitate even miracles and magic. This is significant because it has caused several misreadings of what MGS2 is going for.

      The TL is less atrocious than MGS1's, which is filled with Blaustein's personal ego stroking, but I'd say it's on par with MGS4 in terms of quality. MGS4 is also notorious for a very robotic, almost MTL like translation, with several aspects of the original dialogue just lost (namely how poetic it sounds, or some lines being translated in a confusing way ("If you won't be a prisoner to fate, then go fulfill your destiny" is an understandable mistake in translation, as the original Japanese line starts and ends with 'unmei' (that poetic aspect I mentioned), but it is still an atrocious mistake that leads to misreadings of the game's content).

  4. 9 months ago

    Is there something actually horribly wrong with the translation or is this just a schizzo autism thread complaining about some random thing that doesn't matter. Looks like the latter to me.

    • 9 months ago

      No it's better than the cinge that is present in the japanes script. If MGS wasn't filtered by a good translator it would have never been popular to begin with.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, with MGS3 the translation was closer to the original and it shows

      • 9 months ago

        I don't mind the translation but the ENG VAs are horrible and make the story worse. Hayter has zero of Akio Otsuka's charisma and his "romance" with Meryl barely even registers as romance, in Japanese the flirting is clear and cute. Raiden in ENG is played as an unironic newbie moron whereas in Japanese he's a cool guy like Gackt who as the story clearly spells out is only pretending to be a newbie. I don't know how ENG adaptation missed that he's not actually supposed to come of as a newbie moron, but somehow it did. Him being a cyborg ninja in ENG feels like a subversion, in Japanese it's what the character felt like from the start. And Japanese Ocelot feels a lot more coherent between old and young versions, again in ENG that feels like a subversion rather than a natural progression of the character

        • 9 months ago

          And I don't like ENG Otacon either, in ENG he's just played as a scared nerd, in Japanese he sounds a lot more idealistic, almost like a shonen protagonist type of character. It never made sense to me why Otacon is in Philanthropy with Snake, he's just some scared nerd in ENG, why is he so involved all of a sudden. But in Jap he is the kind of character who would be involved, he's passionate in a way ENG Otacon isn't

    • 9 months ago

      >exposed Kojima as a hack and made fun of how poorly the game was originally written
      It's like a triple threat for schizo weebs. Meanwhile in reality MGS1 and 2 are considered some of the best written games ever

      • 9 months ago

        Kojima as a hack and made fun of how poorly the game was originally written
        That's why she got blacklisted from the industry and has had her ability to even understand Japanese questioned by several industry professionals.

  5. 9 months ago

    I miss my days of hanging out with goth kids, playing video games like MGS2 or REmake all day, listening to Malice Mizer and just overall being edgy in a non-ironic way.
    Ah, having been a teen in the early 00s was unique.

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