MGS Delta Unreal Engine 4

Why are they using Unreal 4 instead of 5, how is Konami letting their #2 IP be mogged by the morons at Bloober who are using Unreal 5 for the SH2 remake?
Even Callisto Protocol, which was using an Unreal 4 / Unreal 5 hybrid (Unreal 4.27 with special modifications), already is looking outdated by the effects and high quality models that UE 5 is able to use effortlessly.
Is this some moronic masterplan for them in 4 years to do a "remaster" of MGS Delta in UE5 which actually runs well and actually looks next gen?

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  1. 11 months ago

    The features in 5 are pretty minimal, its just nanite and lumen and you can get the same effect in 4 with some actual dev work.

  2. 11 months ago

    Arkham Knight runs on the same engine as Gears of War 1 and its one of the best looking games ever still.

  3. 11 months ago

    Unreal 5 runs like ASSSSSS
    Really though the hardware needs to catch up to the engine. Most of the new features are useless right now without, like, DLSS or FSR upscaling.

    • 11 months ago

      Unreal 5 has its own custom temporal upscaler called TSR and allows devs to add DLSS with a simple toggle and minimal tweaking.
      FSR2 looks like ass in motion, it just becomes an unrecognizable blob worse than motion blur at 30fps so hopefully TSR kills it. On PC we could just use DLSS in every game exclusively but then AMD Black folk would cry about being left out because they bought meme hardware.

      • 11 months ago

        >Unreal 5
        Actually TSR is also in UE4 (not just TTAU). But it's also more demanding than both DLSS and FSR2

        • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            TAAU is just the generic name for temporal upscalers, TSR is the specific implementation in UE5.
            DLSS2, FSR2, XeSS and TSR are all TAAU but the quality varies wildly depending on the implementation.
            TSR is more demanding because it aims for quality but has the downside on running on compute that's why the do 1080p - 4K instead of intermediate resolutions.
            FSR2 just throws out quality in motion out of the window because it also runs on compute but has to stay competitive with DLSS2 performance wise.
            DLSS2 and XeSS don't have this problem because they run on tensors and xmx on intel. Nvidia tried running DLSS2 on compute but it's so slow to achieve comparable quality it completely defeats the purpose.

            • 11 months ago

              >TSR is the specific implementation in UE5.
              It really isn't. UE 4.26 supports gen 5 TAAU (TSR) just fine. Ghostwire is an example of UE4 game which officially supports it. In other games UE4 PC games using 4.26+, you can usually force it with config commands, like I did in Insurgency Sandstorm.

  4. 11 months ago

    Metal gear delta is a cashgrab, same as SH2. Konami have only a terrible history of remasters, let alone remakes. The news about the MGS Vol 1. Collection is already laughable and a sign they are putting bare minimum effort into this shit. Dont be fooled.

  5. 11 months ago

    Their pachinko business getting mogged got them real good so they're indie again prease understand

  6. 11 months ago

    Why aren't they using Fox engine?

    • 11 months ago

      Because fox engine was kojima scamming money out of Konami. The engine was built ass backwards and will probably go down in history later as a gigantic waste of money

  7. 11 months ago

    Unreal Engine versions are less meaningful than you think.
    The entire Splinter Cell series ran on a custom fork of Unreal Engine 2. Duke Nukem Forever ran on UE1 with some UE2 features backported to it. Mortal Kombat 11 is UE3.

    • 11 months ago

      They're actually meaningful in the sense that new versions of Unreal tended to be half-baked and full of problems. Unreal 3 was total dogshit, and most devs stuck with Unreal 2 or 2.5. That's why BioShock 1/2 use 2.5. The performance of 3 was excruciatingly bad.

      The MK devs had to significantly rewrite UE3 to get anything approaching good performance from it, and they've kept their custom engine fork even today.

      • 11 months ago

        Explain Arkham Knight then.

        • 11 months ago

          Arkham Knight is a completely rewritten version of UE3 that is based on the UE3 forks Rocksteady has maintained since Arkham Asylum.

  8. 11 months ago

    >Why are they using Unreal 4 instead of 5
    Where did they say they're using 4 instead of 5? As for why they might do it, a lot of 5's features aren't particularly mature.

  9. 11 months ago

    >source: i have down's syndrome

  10. 11 months ago

    Why the frick aren't they using the fox engine?

    • 11 months ago

      They retired it, I believed it was said it was too difficult to work with, and since the AAA game development branch had been disbanded for the last 5 years at the very least I guess it was extremely outdated.

      • 11 months ago

        >and since the AAA game development branch had been disbanded for the last 5 years at the very least
        This never happened, and I have no clue why people claim it happened. What branch?

        • 11 months ago

 Yes it happened, the restructure that happened in 2015 is what got Kojima fired, what remained of his old team many were moved to mobile game positions/branch, the ones who liked social media posts of Konami employees who quit/moved with Kojima got punished by being temporally reassigned as security guards or other lower positions, and the "AAA" team was severely reduced in size, those were the ones that made Survive and when the game tanked they didn't want to do anything more with the MGS IP.

          In 2020-2021 there was yet another restructure to the company, with the reverse effect, Konami now wants back in into the premium AAA gaming space which is why we are seeing the revival of their IPs: SH2 remake and multiple other games outsourced, MGS ports and MGS 3 remake, and also a Castlevania revival which was supposed to appear in E3 along side MGS Delta, but seems like they moved the announcement to who knows when.

          The point is, Konami wanted out of the gaming business, Covid happened, now they want back in because of the stability that it provides along side their pachinko business.

          • 11 months ago

            >Yes it happened, the restructure that happened in 2015 is what got Kojima fired, what remained of his old team many were moved to mobile game positions/branch, the ones who liked social media posts of Konami employees who quit/moved with Kojima got punished by being temporally reassigned as security guards or other lower positions, and the "AAA" team was severely reduced in size, those were the ones that made Survive and when the game tanked they didn't want to do anything more with the MGS IP.
            This isn't quite right. The Metal Gear Survive team was huge, and began proper work on Survive immediately after MGS V, and began working on the MGS3 remake as far back as 2018. Possibly even 2017. The new Silent Hill projects began development in 2018, too.

            They also had the huge team that works on eFootball.

            • 11 months ago

              The Andy Robinson article mentions the MGS 3 remake being in early development back in 2021, and since all his info has been 100% correct until now I will trust his word, do you have any source on MGS Delta being worked on since 2017-2018?

              • 11 months ago

                I don't remember who, but someone wrote about it being in development as early as 2018

              • 11 months ago

                5-6 year development cycle doesn't seem realistic for a remake, also the fact that they are only releasing them for next current gen (PS5, Xbox Series and PC) makes it seem like it started development after PS5 launched, which would mean after 2020 like the rumour says.
                If you can find where you read the 2017-2018 date I would be interested to read it myself too, however, it doesn't sound believable.

                He’s full of shit

                Read his article, it's short, he has been completely vindicated, everything he said would happen has happened, the only thing missing is Castlevania, but that will also most likely be announced later this year.
                Whoever are his contacts for Konami leaks have proven themselves reliable.
                The only thing that he got wrong was his predictions of when the things would be announced, but with E3 having been on thin ice the last few years or even outright cancelled + them being scared/insecure because of the Kojima fiasco explains why they bailed so many times and waited until they had something to show, and since Robinson also says the game will release in 2024 I expect we might get a gameplay trailer later this year.

              • 11 months ago

                Nah, I meant the anon that said it’s been in development since 2018. You could tell Andy Robinsons source was right, especially once you saw them let the DBD devs use pyramid head and heather for their game.

              • 11 months ago

                >5-6 year development cycle doesn't seem realistic for a remake, also the fact that they are only releasing them for next current gen (PS5, Xbox Series and PC) makes it seem like it started development after PS5 launched, which would mean after 2020 like the rumour says.
                >If you can find where you read the 2017-2018 date I would be interested to read it myself too, however, it doesn't sound believable.


                It's worth noting however that Konami seemed to go through multiple incarnations of the remake. Originally they wanted to cut corners and reuse assets from the Pachinko MGS3 project. But eventually this was abandoned in favor of a full remake with all-new assets. So basically you're looking at Konami kicking around different prototypes for a few years, then settling on the current design.

              • 11 months ago

                He’s full of shit

            • 11 months ago

              The Andy Robinson article mentions the MGS 3 remake being in early development back in 2021, and since all his info has been 100% correct until now I will trust his word, do you have any source on MGS Delta being worked on since 2017-2018?


              • 11 months ago

                Thanks, interesting, but still not sure if I fully buy it, that's a very long development cycle, maybe they were working for a long time in their fork of Unreal, like they did after Peace Walker, they took a couple years planning and working on Fox Engine?
                Also, since it seems they are interested in remaking the games, going by the IGN japan interview, are they willing to do this long 5-6 year development cycle for each game?
                Interesting nonetheless, thanks again.

          • 11 months ago

            >the ones who liked social media posts of Konami employees who quit/moved with Kojima got punished by being temporally reassigned as security guards or other lower positions
            How fricking petty are the Japs, jfc. Imagine spending your prime years slaving away as a code monkey, making one small gesture supporting your fellow abused wageslaves and getting punished by having to do menial work well below your degree.

        • 11 months ago

          Then tell me moron, what were they doing? Like the other anon said, it's public knowledge that they restructured the company.

          • 11 months ago

            >Then tell me moron, what were they doing?
            Working on stuff. To use an example, look at Silent Hill: The Short Message, which is easily the most leaked Silent Hill game, but it mysteriously hasn't been announced or released yet. That was developed in-house at Konami. There's like 2 hours of footage of the 2020 build in private hands. They've just been doing stuff, and... oh, yea, they also have a new Castlevania they're making in-house, and it's presumably a big AAA production, too.

    • 11 months ago

      Why aren't they using Fox engine?

      Probably because it was archaic already in 2015.

      • 11 months ago

        archaic like how most engines are 20 years old? nah

        • 11 months ago

          Yes, Fox Engine is archaic. Even Kojima switched to Decima and praised it saying how much better it is than Fox Engine.

      • 11 months ago

        mgs5 looked great. All the game needs is better assets and it would look new

      • 11 months ago

        It looked top notch and they carried on using it for PES for another 7 years. Streamers clip something through a wall and start saying it's shit

  11. 11 months ago

    Shit game gets shit engine.

  12. 11 months ago

    Do you have a source for it being on Unreal engine at all?

  13. 11 months ago

    Callisto Protocol wasn't a good game by any stretch of the imagination but it looked pretty damn good, easily one of the best looking games ever made.

  14. 11 months ago

    4 is way more mature and performs better on toasters. 5 is an absolute clusterfrick at this point, and less HW runs it well.

  15. 11 months ago

    Post a link you useless homosexual op

    • 11 months ago

      There is no source, Konami ditched Fox Engine for PES a few years back, switched to Unreal 4, it makes sense that all of the company switched to Unreal and they are probably working on their own fork of it for next projects, and the screenshots look like Unreal tbh.

      Lastly, Virtuous, who are helping Konami for the remake, also use Unreal,

      • 11 months ago

        UE4 is ancient compared to Fox engine. Konami's hate for Kojimbo is mind bending.

        • 11 months ago

          What planet do you live on? Fox Engine is ancient and inferior to UE4 in almost every way other than the weird way UE4 handles asset streaming.
          The reason why MGS5 looked and ran so damn well is because Kojima and his team are tech wizards. Compare Death Stranding and Horizon, both used the same engine but DS ran and looked way better on both PS4 and PC despite Horizon devs being the ones who made the engine.
          When will the engine meme end? Every big engine is good in the hands of a good developer, even Unity.

          • 11 months ago

            MGSV looks just as good as the latest UE4 abomination while also running on toasters. FE is GOD.

            • 11 months ago

              No it doesn't. I played MGS V a few months ago and you can't even remove jaggies without supersampling the frick out of the image i.e. running the game at 4K on 1440p display because it doesn't support TAA.
              You are just blinded by nostalgia. Run MGS V and something like Callisto Protocol side by side and the difference is staggering.

              • 11 months ago

                It's a game that released in 2015. That's 8 years anon... 8 years? MGS5 is 8 years old. What have I done with my time

              • 11 months ago

                Other 2015 games already had TAA at that point.

              • 11 months ago

                TAA is garbage who would want to use that trash in their vidya? Are you moronic? All MGSD needs is being brought up to 2023. I don't even think Nvidia RTX was a thing when FE or MGSV was created.

              • 11 months ago

                >All the FE needs is being brought up to 2023*

              • 11 months ago

                >TAA is garbage who would want to use that trash in their vidya?
                Anyone using display above 1080p resolution.

              • 11 months ago

                >people still use 1080p displays in 2023 and insist that it looks good

          • 11 months ago

            >even Unity
            The best example of this is FE Engage vs FE 3H. I don't want to get into the debate which game was better, because it's irrelevant here, but Engage not only looked better with more detailed models, it could also sustain higher resolution and ran better overall.
            3H used a custom "optimized for Switch" engine Intelligent Systems made while Engage used plain old Unity. Nobody advertises using Unity becase it has bad rep but a lot of games do and run perfectly fine on it, better than most custom engines in fact.

          • 11 months ago

            Reminder that everyone was convinced that MGS2 engine was pure magic. Until The Twin Snakes development team got hands on it and they realized it's not the engine, it's hard work.

  16. 11 months ago

    Who cares, it will be shit. Like 99% of remakes/masters.
    >B-but this time it will be good!!!
    No, frick off you bootlicking homosexual, if you buy remakes you are a moron. Threads like these are also full of shills.
    Black person

  17. 11 months ago

    So is the trailer in-engine ?, if it's really using UE4, and Konami is still competent at making games I could see them maximizing everything about it like the Callisto Protocol team did, an anon in another thread pointed out that Snake's hair is clipping through the bandana, and some of the shading around the leaves whent he camera pans upwards being indicators that it could be in-engine.

    • 11 months ago

      Pre-render bullshit. No way Konami can make this in their current state.

      >TAA is garbage who would want to use that trash in their vidya?
      Anyone using display above 1080p resolution.

      Nobody likes TAA.

      • 11 months ago

        >Nobody likes TAA.
        Depends on implementation, but in general it's a good thing. Early 8th gen games in particular suffer from AA issues avoidable with TAA.
        I waited for TW3 next gen update specifically for TAA to replay the game on new PC, but the next gen update ran like shit on the CPU side, which is a shame.

    • 11 months ago

      It has the Unreal look to it

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