Might be a bit late to the party here, but what exactly is Trench Crusade?

Might be a bit late to the party here, but what exactly is Trench Crusade? I've seen the art around for a while and it looks neat, but is it supposed to be a wargame or a dnd?

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  1. 3 months ago

    >a wargame or a dnd
    Get the frick out of here.

  2. 3 months ago

    It's pretty good bait for the most part. There were some playtest rules kicking around, probably from whatever hellhole social media they're upto.

  3. 3 months ago

    >Trench Crusade is a skirmish-scale tabletop miniatures game that will plunge players deep into a horrifying alternate timeline. During the Crusades a heretical band of Templars dared defy the Almighty and, casting aside their sacred vows, unleashed the forces of Hell upon the Earth. Over 800 years later, in the Year of Our Lord 1914, this brutal, merciless war between the forces of Heaven and Hell rages on. This is not just a fight for survival, but a cataclysmic struggle that will decide the very fate of humanity's soul.
    Could have just checked their website.. or bought an ad, you homosexual.

    • 3 months ago

      As the previous messages said, don't answer to this kind of posts.
      The game is barely in its playtests phases, and you can already hear GWnnies crying out loud like Tendies when Palworld dropped.

      We finally are getting modern Mordheim and for some reason 2 to 3 Black folk here are trying to create community wars on Ganker of all places.

      • 3 months ago

        The reason is it's being heavily peddled by the INQ28/Turdnip/Instaprostitute axis. When a bunch of insufferable c**ts that nobody outside their own bubble has any respect for starts telling everyone to jump on board the latest attempted variation of their "vibe first" approach that is, yet again, still just a playtest most people are going to react with something between mistrust and reflexive disgust, and are never going to find out it's an actual serious attempt at a game this time by the guy who lead Mordheim development.

        The fact it also sets off the christcuck tradlarpers, who can seethe harder than just about anyone except twitter SJWs, doesn't help.

        • 3 months ago

          >the INQ28/Turdnip/Instaprostitute axis
          I'm sorry, the whatnow?

          • 3 months ago

            hes a schizo gw fanboy seething at the free alternative games that popped up

            • 3 months ago

              Lol, the Turdnips worship GW.

              >the INQ28/Turdnip/Instaprostitute axis
              I'm sorry, the whatnow?

              Inquisitor was a cool game GW made in the early oughts, it was 54mm scale so almost nobody played it. It eventually had a bit of a revival in 28mm scale and initially the community around it was pretty much the same as all the other SGs like Mordheim & Necromunda, ie pretty chill, but it had the misfortune to really pick up steam right around the time the hobby was shifting from forums over to social media and the whole thing got taken over by an incestuous little group of instagrammers who had gotten pally with Blanche, so their stuff got featured in WD and they started running "inqvitationals" events for their select little priesthood(they've recently been shamed into trying to run more open stuff because they want to remain the designated authority on what Inquisitor is and isn't and Apologist was making them look bad with his cool fully open participatory fluff campaigns), as well as pushing the concept to be less a revival of the game Inquisitor(which is crunchy AF) and more about the Blanchitsu "vibe"/aesthetic and peddling more & more rules-lite play(to the point I saw one of them arguing on FB once for basically running a freeform RPG where you occasionally roll a D6/4+ to succeed). The FB group ended up with the terminally pro-corporate tinpot crew that run a lot of the FB groups as hardcore "no recasts, no digital 'ripoffs' of GW's Most Holy IP, no 3rd party unless we know the guys making it, arbitrary banning" places - like they'd delete posts for including Space Marines because "that's not INQ28"(despite them being in the original rulebook), then if one of the big chief insta crowd posted a Marine they'd fawn all over it and claim it was "different" and "had the right spirit", which they would refuse to define so people would know what they could post, and then would ban anyone who brought it up.

              Inquisitor is a cool game. INQ28 is a handful of poisonous social media clout hunters and their acolytes.

              • 3 months ago

                But Inquistor isnt supported by GW. also the scale is shit and incompatible. 28mm allows people to enjoy it with readily available minis.

              • 3 months ago

                Playing it in 28mm isn't the issue you ESL dipshit, the co-option of that by the instagram/FB twerps is. "Inquisitor with 28mm minis" is what INQ28 was supposed to be, but what it actually became is the shorthand for that specific group, their philosophy, and their eventual takeover of the community.

              • 3 months ago

                you got brain worms, just because a fb group or whatever shows off their stuff doesnt mean its owned by them. You are seething at absolutely nothing like a typical schizo.

              • 3 months ago

                Of course it doesn't mean they own it. But for all practical purposes, they run it because that's what the social media tags lead you to if you're new to it. Their norms have taken it over. Try posting a warband with a normal paintjob sometime, you'll end up deluged with people that believe the only way to paint INQ28 is to drown your minis in brown oil washes. Every time you try and discuss the actual game mechanics, you'll find yourself dealing with single digit IQ drones advocating some vapid low-crunch homebrew system instead because it's "less limiting on the vibe". The original intent is gone now, posting about it online is just shouting into the void.

              • 3 months ago

                Literally no one can stop you playing your own 28 min Inquistor.
                You sound extremely autistic and mad over nothing. Do you even play it? just look at the pretty pictures and shut the frick up you dumb butthole.

              • 3 months ago

                Which is why they keep appending "28" to stuff where it makes no sense like their stupid "what if Napoleonics but with root vegetables?" nonsense or "AoS28". It's about their reduction of the whole thing to the mudcore aesthetic, not the scale per se.

              • 3 months ago

                you are literally seething at what GW used to recommend people do.
                Make up their own miniature agnostic games

              • 3 months ago

                What games? 99% of these homosexuals haven't thrown a dice in years, they just wank each other off on instagram and kick in for kickstarters for "rules" that never go anywhere and end up making up some skeletal no-effort barely-games so they can pretend their agglomerations of random bitz dunked in brown have a purpose beyond like-farming.

              • 3 months ago


                Literally no one can stop you playing your own 28 min Inquistor.
                You sound extremely autistic and mad over nothing. Do you even play it? just look at the pretty pictures and shut the frick up you dumb butthole.

              • 3 months ago

                This smells like projection honestly

              • 3 months ago

                it is, hes probably a redshirt or lgs owner ass mad at free miniatire agnostic games, cause hes fearful of revenue slumping if it gets popular.
                Need to sell them paypig boxes

              • 3 months ago

                Literally no store owner anywhere is worried about that. And he is absolutely right, this stuff is just art projects done by people who need some think pretense of having a wargame involved because their particular strain of autism makes it impossible for them to just do an art project purely for its own sake.

              • 3 months ago

                >people are making custom minis how dare they are
                just inane seething by you a jealous loser.

              • 3 months ago

                If somebody wants to do an art project they should call it what it is and stop trying to dress it up as a wargame. And post about it on an actually appropriate board.

              • 3 months ago

                Thank you for the summary.

              • 3 months ago

                Total influencer death

        • 3 months ago

          Surely you could have come up with something like "INQ2gayT", come on now

        • 3 months ago

          >and are never going to find out it's an actual serious attempt at a game this time by the guy who lead Mordheim development
          Well shit I didn't know what this was coming into the thread and now I have to follow it.

      • 3 months ago

        The reason is it's being heavily peddled by the INQ28/Turdnip/Instaprostitute axis. When a bunch of insufferable c**ts that nobody outside their own bubble has any respect for starts telling everyone to jump on board the latest attempted variation of their "vibe first" approach that is, yet again, still just a playtest most people are going to react with something between mistrust and reflexive disgust, and are never going to find out it's an actual serious attempt at a game this time by the guy who lead Mordheim development.

        The fact it also sets off the christcuck tradlarpers, who can seethe harder than just about anyone except twitter SJWs, doesn't help.

        At least it actually has minis now and isn't total vaporware. I'm still not going to play it, but that's nice.

        • 3 months ago

          It has, and more importantly it has rules, cause you could go without mini and use anything else but without rules it's no better than an artbook.
          >I'm still not going to play it, but that's nice.
          That's your own choice and that's okay kind of weird of getting in those threads though

  4. 3 months ago

    Do you want me to link the playtest rules or is this just a shitpost thread?

  5. 3 months ago

    It looks pretty cool to me but I gotta say I dislike the "Heaven vs Hell" motif they have going on. I mean they could've still done a "good vs evil" thing but without the blatantly Christian framework.

    • 3 months ago

      why is that? are you afraid christians will latch onto it?

      • 3 months ago

        Seethe harder
        I'm an unironic tradcath (with Calvinist characteristics) and I mostly like it.

        this seems to be what [...]
        is afraid of

        Holy frick you guys are deluded. I think the Heaven vs Hell motif is boring, nothing more nothing less. But of course you need to interpret this as some weird assault on your faith (like I give a shit who you worship). Neck yourselves.

        • 3 months ago

          huh? im not christian. Im asking you why you are bothered by it.
          This reply makes me think you are just a stupid bigot

        • 3 months ago

          dishonest post because you specifically said your issue is "christians"

          • 3 months ago

            No, you're just a low IQ moron and can't read.
            >"It looks pretty cool to me but I gotta say I dislike the "Heaven vs Hell" motif they have going on. I mean they could've still done a "good vs evil" thing but without the blatantly Christian framework."
            Literally nowhere did I say "my issue is Christians". I said they can do a good vs evil thing without having to rely on real life Christian names and concepts. It's more interesting to me personally if they slap their own names onto things instead of just taking things straight out of the Bible.

            • 3 months ago

              >without the blatant Christian framework
              See it sounds like your issue is Christians. I was genuinely curious as to why.
              But it looks like you are just an angry hate-filled moron

              • 3 months ago

                >See it sounds like your issue is Christians. I was genuinely curious as to why.
                It's not, forgive the misunderstanding I guess?
                >But it looks like you are just an angry hate-filled moron
                Yes, I'm sure I'm coming across as so so angry and hate filled. My last 2 posts are just oozing with hatred and anger.

              • 3 months ago

                Its more the fact you cant explain why the Christian bit is an issue without frothing at the mouth and calling me a Christian and telling me to kms

              • 3 months ago

                Because it's boring? I literally said "would be more interesting if...". If you can't infer that from my post I don't know what to tell you. Please seek reading lessons.

                That makes even less sense, it's not heaven vs hell it's "ww1 versions of the crusades vs hell". Heaven vs hell in a Christian framework would just be autovictory for heaven.

                The crusaders, ie the forces of God and Christianity vs the forces of darkness and Hell. It's pretty clear what it is. No need to be pedantic.

              • 3 months ago

                you said heaven and hell is boring but in your original post you said they could do the same thing minus the "Christian framework" So its specifically the Christian part that bothers you.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes, they can do the same thing minus the real life Christian framework. Like Warhammer as one example. Imperium (God etc) vs Chaos (Hell). I think it's boring to just directly rip off real life concepts and that it's more interesting if game designers give their own spin on things and design their own mythos with their own religions, gods, etc, even if it's heavily inspired by real life. If the game was the forces of Allah vs the infidel Djinns I would feel the same. But of course you're just some sensitive Christian homosexual who's so eager to perceive this as an attack on your religion.

              • 3 months ago

                don't look up Helldorado

              • 3 months ago

                I'm not christian you fricking moron.

              • 3 months ago

                Then why are you so eager to accuse me of hating Christianity or some shit? You're certainly acting like one with your imagined sense of injustice, simply because I think real life heaven vs hell is a not-very-interesting setting. You can exit the conversation now, there's no more information to be gleaned from me.

                He's the non-Christian I ([...]) am the Christian. What settings aren't a ripoff in your opinion? Dune, lotr, etc. were all heavily rooted in real life religion, culture, and mythology. And every fantasy moral system I'm familiar with is a direct (and usually very poorly done) rehashing of Christianity, 18th century humanism, or sometimes nihilism if you're lucky.

                Like I said in my last post, I don't care if it's heavily inspired by real life. Pretty much all the good fantasy/sci-fi is inspired by real life. I just think if you're DIRECTLY using real life Biblical themes for a fantasy/sci-fi game it's not that engaging. The concept of crusades-but-WW1 is cool, but I think it would be cooler if the game designers had designed their own world and religion, even if it was loosely based on real life. I like to keep my history and fantasy separate; that's all. No "issue with Christians".

              • 3 months ago

                Fair enough I guess. I've always liked alternate history so I do not understand that whatsoever. I'm more annoyed by someone trying to hide his obviously copied ideas with names that have too many apostrophes in them.

              • 3 months ago

                i asked why is the Christian part the problem but you are more interested in attacking imaginary christians.

              • 3 months ago

                He's the non-Christian I (

                No, not at all. In Christianity the forces of God, or just God Himself, are literally defined to be omnipotent and omnipresent. The crusades were a European military campaign that at most thought they were blessed by God. I get how that can sound equivalent but it isn't, it's not Bible stories transfered 1:1 into speculative fiction. Hell I guarantee that the guy behind it has some universalist idea like "actually hell and heaven are just two opposing manifestations of psychic energy" or whatever given that Muslims are also around and to prevent it from actually endorsing Christianity/anything. The intricacies of basing it on the crusades, medieval catholic aesthetics and practices, and WW1 are the interesting parts.

                ) am the Christian. What settings aren't a ripoff in your opinion? Dune, lotr, etc. were all heavily rooted in real life religion, culture, and mythology. And every fantasy moral system I'm familiar with is a direct (and usually very poorly done) rehashing of Christianity, 18th century humanism, or sometimes nihilism if you're lucky.

              • 3 months ago

                No, not at all. In Christianity the forces of God, or just God Himself, are literally defined to be omnipotent and omnipresent. The crusades were a European military campaign that at most thought they were blessed by God. I get how that can sound equivalent but it isn't, it's not Bible stories transfered 1:1 into speculative fiction. Hell I guarantee that the guy behind it has some universalist idea like "actually hell and heaven are just two opposing manifestations of psychic energy" or whatever given that Muslims are also around and to prevent it from actually endorsing Christianity/anything. The intricacies of basing it on the crusades, medieval catholic aesthetics and practices, and WW1 are the interesting parts.

        • 3 months ago

          That makes even less sense, it's not heaven vs hell it's "ww1 versions of the crusades vs hell". Heaven vs hell in a Christian framework would just be autovictory for heaven.

    • 3 months ago

      The blatantly Christian framework is the only even slightly interesting thing it has going for it.

    • 3 months ago

      Seethe harder

      The reason is it's being heavily peddled by the INQ28/Turdnip/Instaprostitute axis. When a bunch of insufferable c**ts that nobody outside their own bubble has any respect for starts telling everyone to jump on board the latest attempted variation of their "vibe first" approach that is, yet again, still just a playtest most people are going to react with something between mistrust and reflexive disgust, and are never going to find out it's an actual serious attempt at a game this time by the guy who lead Mordheim development.

      The fact it also sets off the christcuck tradlarpers, who can seethe harder than just about anyone except twitter SJWs, doesn't help.

      I'm an unironic tradcath (with Calvinist characteristics) and I mostly like it.

      • 3 months ago

        this seems to be what

        It looks pretty cool to me but I gotta say I dislike the "Heaven vs Hell" motif they have going on. I mean they could've still done a "good vs evil" thing but without the blatantly Christian framework.

        is afraid of

        • 3 months ago

          Is it? I'm likely not going to get it just because the satanic side is a bit too far for me anyway. I don't see how it would be any worse than the trannies who play slaanesh in 40k from a "annoying others with opinions" stance and at best you'd have people who care a lot about the game. I figured he was just mad that people he didn't like would have a vector into wargaming.

          • 3 months ago

            I don't even know why one would have that thought, this thing will never be mainstream enough to attract the people he doesn't like. Granted they might just also assume anyone who plays the Christian side and is having fun is part of that group he doesn't like.

            • 3 months ago

              It definitely will. I found out about it years ago when it was just art because it got posted to some christian-white-nationalist chats I was in. But the same demographic tends to occasionally reuse 40k art as well so whatever he's worried about has likely already happened.
              > Granted they might just also assume anyone who plays the Christian side and is having fun is part of that group he doesn't like.
              That gave me a funny mental image of this getting played at a game store and the hell player throwing a fit and calling over the store manager because someone got too excited while role-playing his guys.

      • 3 months ago

        >I'm an unironic tradcath (with Calvinist characteristics)
        lol ok prot

      • 3 months ago

        The fact that you call it "tradcath" tells me everything I need to know about you.

        • 3 months ago

          That's why I said it

          >I'm an unironic tradcath (with Calvinist characteristics)
          lol ok prot

          You ARE confessing your porn habits before mass every Sunday, right anon?

  6. 3 months ago

    not to hate on them but its kinda obvious this game was shilled to try and viral it before they actually released it.
    I saw the art being continually spammed on here well before they revealed it.

  7. 3 months ago

    >okay so I’m rolling damage for my unit of Knights of Murder Assfrick
    >annnd… maxed damage. The “Most Devoted Servant of God and the Saints” trait doubles that
    >sorry, my Dark Alchemists of Double-Hell have the Flayed Fetus Skin Bookbindings upgrade, they soak that

    • 3 months ago

      Sounds like dnd, or at least dnd the way I run it

      • 3 months ago

        radical, man

    • 3 months ago

      There's no damage nor soaking in this game.
      Go back to your wagecuck cage GW tourist

      As I had said in

      As the previous messages said, don't answer to this kind of posts.
      The game is barely in its playtests phases, and you can already hear GWnnies crying out loud like Tendies when Palworld dropped.

      We finally are getting modern Mordheim and for some reason 2 to 3 Black folk here are trying to create community wars on Ganker of all places.

      this whole thread was a hell bait thread without any use. When you see that the only guy wanting to talk about the game

      Do you want me to link the playtest rules or is this just a shitpost thread?

      got left unanswered is really telling.
      For everyone, here are the rules :


      • 3 months ago

        Got a stupid question as someone who never played wargames but is interested in the aesthetic: what's a cheap way to test the rules without minis? Would roll20 work?

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah ?
          Any tts would work.
          If you're up to some more work you could set up a Vassal or a Tabletop Simulator map.
          Pretty sure you could any Mordheim made map and use the pawns for this game.

          If you want to test IRL you can use paper tokens.

      • 3 months ago

        >why does no one want to play this game or talk about gameplay?
        >n64s playtest doc and has 4+ spaces and shit that have to be modified

      • 3 months ago

        >no damage nor soaking
        You need to read the 2nd edition playtest rules, my friend. It's part of the metaplot: the Houris of the Magisterium drink the pain of the Soldiers of Heaven, and the Bottomless Pit of Suffering of Quadruple-Hell swallows all injuries of those bearing the Mark of All-Encompassing Wickedness.

    • 3 months ago

      This is honestly how fantasy wargames should sound.

  8. 3 months ago

    Every thread about this "game" is an utter shitshow. Doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

    • 3 months ago

      Tell that to all the Black folk and GW suckers to get back to their threads.
      There's proper discussions elsewhere already anyway, so those threads doesn't even matter...

    • 3 months ago

      That's because every thread about this game is a poor false flag attempt by some seething moron no-life who, for some reason, hates it with all of his autism. Literally trying to turn Ganker into his personal army. The setting legit looks like shit, though. A comfortable, safe upper middle class edgelord interpretation of "Christianity" and WWI (and just painfully generic grimdark shit the moment that concept runs out) carried solely on the back of a decent artist who could, and should, be drawing literally anything else.

      • 3 months ago

        Well said.

      • 3 months ago

        What if this artist enjoys drawing exactly this?

        • 3 months ago

          Considering the concept started with him he does, people don't seem to understand this is Mike Franchina's setting not Tuomas Pirinen's. But Mike made the concept and Tuomas wanted to make it into a wargame.

        • 3 months ago

          Obviously I'm of the opinion that his designs aren't very strong, so I think he could benefit from drawing some different stuff even if he ultimately decides to apply the lessons learned to his current setting. I mean, grimdark WWI has been done before, and better. It's practically been Keith Thompson's entire career.

      • 3 months ago

        In what world is a wargame based on a "WWI+Crusades" schtick with dudes in mail using bolt actions rifles not going to be wacky edgy grimdark shit? Play historicals if you want a measured treatment of history or Christianity.

  9. 3 months ago

    >but what exactly is Trench Crusade?
    Cool art, that sadly took itself way too seriously and started to abuse Zanzibar storytelling to try and make itself look like an actual story.

    • 3 months ago

      If somebody wants to do an art project they should call it what it is and stop trying to dress it up as a wargame. And post about it on an actually appropriate board.

      It's a wargame with actual rules right now.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes, and there is a good reason the people who try to shill that setting only ever post about the art and not the game itself.

        • 3 months ago

          Because they are master baiter that have never touched the game, and only want to shittalk anything that isn't their own little sunk cost fallacy, where they've wasted more than thousand of dollars on?


          Might be a bit late to the party here, but what exactly is Trench Crusade? I've seen the art around for a while and it looks neat, but is it supposed to be a wargame or a dnd?

          https://www.trenchcrusade.com/playtest-rules here get spoonfed.

  10. 3 months ago

    >a dnd?
    Excellent bait. I am beside myself with rage.

  11. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Your handwriting is too neat. I think you may be a gay!

    • 3 months ago


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