
44 posts · 2 months ago

Why so much useless shit?

93 posts · 2 months ago

>c'mon mr.

126 posts · 2 months ago

so which one is?

33 posts · 2 months ago

Wasted potential: the video game

54 posts · 2 months ago


103 posts · 2 months ago

I-I'm losing my mind! Not the POOLS!!

489 posts · 2 months ago

Tears Of The Kingdom

542 posts · 2 months ago

Xbox wants Fallout 5 sooner

297 posts · 2 months ago


108 posts · 2 months ago

Sandland - having a blast

34 posts · 2 months ago

Isn't Sasha a girl's name?

251 posts · 2 months ago


44 posts · 2 months ago

Stellar Blade has yellow paint

126 posts · 2 months ago

Its Fallout 1 but 4 times better.

55 posts · 2 months ago

Skyrim racism

42 posts · 2 months ago

Know the difference.

38 posts · 2 months ago

Censored Blade

53 posts · 2 months ago