>MM2 adds "normal" difficulty level ie.

>MM2 adds "normal" difficulty level ie. easy mode but it sounds better that way
>apparently because they got the usual Japanese complaints that MM1 was too hard since they hate difficult games
MM1 wasn't _that_ bad, I've beaten it a few times (yes with the pause glitch, sue me). Pussies.

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  1. 1 month ago

    Only reason MM2 is the most popular one is because people played on """normal""".

    What's worse is that they genuinely think they beat the game, too.

    • 1 month ago

      >Only reason MM2 is the most popular one is because people played on """normal"""
      Damn, it all makes sense when you put it that way. It never occurred to me before.

    • 1 month ago

      I beat it on both and normal is the more balanced, enjoyable difficulty. All hard does is amplify the annoying aspects of the game.

      • 1 month ago

        Hard is fine. It's honestly not that much harder. That might just be due to Metal Blade though. Easy stage, easy boss, extremely good payoff in the form of an OP weapon. I've never tried a bladeless run which could significantly change the difficulty.

    • 1 month ago

      yes, I did in fact beat the game

    • 1 month ago

      >Only reason
      Nope, but it's one of the reasons.
      Mega Man 2 came out right as the NES was peaking, at a time when sequels frequently very well. It was twice the size (ROM-wise) as the original and the level design was much more polished.

      MM1 was a sleeper hit, but not a blockbuster. It wasn't like SMB1 which pretty much everybody played. For a lot of people, by the time they heard the good word of mouth about Mega Man, MM2 was already out. So that's the one they played first.

  2. 1 month ago

    >usual Japanese complaints
    While you are correct that video games according to most of Japan means adventure games/visuals novels and turn-based RPGs, normal is exclusive to the international release, hard = Japanese Rockman 2
    >I've beaten it
    >yes with the pause glitch
    You know the drill

    • 1 month ago

      >You know the drill
      Drill Man's not in 2. Wrong game.

      • 1 month ago

        esl holocaust when

        • 1 month ago

          Where is the grammatical error?

      • 1 month ago

        He was probably talking about Crash Man, his hands look kind of like drills.

    • 1 month ago

      you suck at gaming and didn't beat the game also a lying c**t.
      >beaten the game several times for the satisfaction.
      >only using japanese version because murrican version was piss easy overall (they can't beat the games without the game taking their hands).
      >despite this i won't deny rockman 1 is a hard MF!! and even today despite having the game memorized i will die dozens of times on gutsman stage and iceman stage along elecman stage.
      At least learn the truth that playing megaman isn't the same as playing rockman.
      >megaman modified for murrican audiences.
      >rockman game as is suposed to be harder then murrican version.
      it seems OP was the only pussy.

      at a technical level are different games.
      >rockman is a hard piece of game made for masochists.
      >megaman is a walk at the park.
      is the best depiction given to the games,is similar to super mario world while they look the same at a technical level both games are different.
      >USA version : easy with more powerups and hackery.
      >JP version : hardcore with higher difficulty.
      Take as an example the hacks that say "tweaks and improvements" made for the perfectly playable X5 and X6,there is no meaning on doing the game easy yet someone made it because X4/X5/X6 and X8 are literal translations without changes to gameplay so they are closer to the rockman games in terms of difficulty yet they are the most hated of all because of that due to being too difficult for murrican pussies like you.

      >it was duh JAAAAAPS
      rockman 2 doesnt have easy mode. only mega man 2.

      how are your hormones, gamechamp?

    • 1 month ago

      They introduced the easier difficulty for the international release because Japanese players complained about it being too hard. Same reason they made FF4 easier in the west and then even ported that back to Japan as "FF4 Easy Type." Developers often made updates and improvements to games based on feedback before releasing them in other regions, this is just one type of example of that. People wrongly assume game difficulty was toned down for western releases because the Japanese developers thought westerners were bad at video games, but that's not what's happening. JAPANESE players were bad at video games so the developers were "fixing" the game for the western release because they simply believed it was too hard based on feedback from Japanese players.

  3. 1 month ago

    MM1 difficulty comes from the bad controls/physics anyways not the game design

    • 1 month ago

      >bad controls
      You only move left and right and have a total of two buttons to use.

    • 1 month ago

      You're a dope.

    • 1 month ago

      The platform enemies in Ice Man's stage and Wily stage 1 being utterly randomized is the exemplar of bad game design

  4. 1 month ago

    I have an actual MM1 cartridge but can you believe I've never played any of the other games? Never got around to it.

    • 1 month ago

      Its mostly more of the same.

    • 1 month ago

      If you really liked Megaman 1 you would have played one of its sequels already. You probably played it and thought it was good but nothing to pursue.

      • 1 month ago

        No just a busy guy.

    • 1 month ago

      try 2 and 3
      great music
      4 onward becomes too megabuster reliant imo. to the point where youre basically always better off just using your charge shot on everything

    • 1 month ago

      9, 10, and 11 are the best ones imo but maybe play them in order to build up to them. or maybe not if you're busy, whatever works.

    • 1 month ago

      Play 2 at normal
      Try 3, when you rage, pass to 4
      Play and finish 4-6
      Play 7 with a guide
      Play 8 with undub if you can
      Play mega & bass snes (bass first, mega second)
      Play 9-11

      • 1 month ago

        >bass first, mega second
        Frick that, play as Megaman first. Bass is harder because he sucks dick in boss fights.

        • 1 month ago

          Bass mobility and aim make 99% of the game easier. And even his weapon sucking against bosses stops being an issue once you use weakness.

        • 1 month ago

          I'm playing the second run right now and your comment it's fair.
          (Bass is easier levels, harder bosses btw)
          Imo bass should be the first run anyway beause you just fly on your second run, since you know the levels. Bosses can be hard just because you won't refill weapons on death, so you can frick yourself up.
          But mega has a fukkin Invincible shield for no reason, wtf is even that?

          • 1 month ago

            Lemme also add that the fight order it's a complete frick up, I nedded to replay some levels 4-5 times before giving up and try some boss of the second tier. Devilish design

  5. 1 month ago

    Capcom went all out here. There weren't too many 256k platformers on NES, usually only RPGs and adventure games got a ROM that big and action games tended to stick with 128k.

  6. 1 month ago

    >I've beaten it a few times (yes with the pause glitch, sue me).
    i dunno what to say, other than you didnt beat the game

  7. 1 month ago

    >MM1 wasn't _that_ bad, I've beaten it a few times
    >yes with the pause glitch
    You have no right to say it wasn't that bad then. That's like popping in a game genie for Ghost N Goblins and then saying "yeah, its not THAT hard"

    • 1 month ago

      >I've beaten it a few times (yes with the pause glitch, sue me).
      i dunno what to say, other than you didnt beat the game

      post video of yourself beating the Rock Monster without the pause glitch

      • 1 month ago

        Well I mean, I can't actually do it myself but I wouldn't say I actually beat the game.

      • 1 month ago

        I never have, and its the sole reason why I haven't beaten MM1. Yellow Devil is the fricking hardest boss in this entire franchise, I've gone through dozens of Megaman games, every boss pales in comparison to the original Yellow Devil.

        • 1 month ago

          post video of yourself beating the Rock Monster without the pause glitch

          Yellow Devil isn't even hard, his pattern is simple to learn and to execute consistently.
          RGN homosexuals like Quick Man, Shadow Man or Elec Man are the actually hard MM bosses.

          • 1 month ago

            Elec Man used to be my Nemesis until I learnt that you can just sit on the left corner of the room, shoot once, and repeat, as long as your timing is good.

          • 1 month ago

            I can learn Yellow Devil's pattern perfectly, but executing it is the problem. Its that one micro jump you have to make that fricks me, you jump too low and you get hit, you jump too high and you don't land on the ground fast enough to jump over the next blob.
            I'm practically guaranteed to get hit once every time because of that part of the pattern my jump is always just a pixel or two too high or too low, plus you need to do what feels like a near frame perfect jump as soon as you land anyways. Its fricked.

            • 1 month ago

              The only part of MM1 that's pain is Iceman's flying platform section, and that's only because they gave the platforms contact damage that you can clip into from the top (they already have GUNS, why do they need it)

              Otherwise, it's got a pleasant difficulty to it. A shame most of the ones after it are toned down comparatively.

              You're not one of those insane people that try to jump in-between the doubled up bottom chunks instead of leaping over both, are you?

              • 1 month ago

                As someone who has recently completed buster only runs of Rockman 1-6 and Megaman 1-6, I can confidently say that you are full of shit.
                the only difference is Megaman 2 having an optional easy mode. Other than that, Rockman is absolutely not harder than Megaman.

                Dude, jump both mid level blocks in one jump.

                Are you sure that's possible? The webm I don't believe is from MM1 (probably Megaman Maker or just an animation) because in MM1 Yellow Devil's entire hitbox is there as soon as he starts moving so you're sandwiched between two full outlines of him and have to pretty much just rely on jumps. I remember even when I looked up a video on the fight for help a few years ago when I was giving my last attempts at this boss, in the video, the dude was doing those micro jumps I talked about.

              • 1 month ago

                >Are you sure that's possible?
                Tested this right now, it surprisingly works.
                >MM1 Yellow Devil's entire hitbox is there as soon as he starts moving so you're sandwiched between two full outlines of him
                Wtf, no, that's false. I always stood as far as possible and slowly crept forward during jumps. Maybe it's a regional difference?
                To add to

                >You're not one of those insane people that try to jump in-between the doubled up bottom chunks instead of leaping over both, are you?
                NTA, but I do that. The secret is changing direction of the jump midair.

                you have to jump backwards into Devil above the rebuilt ground block or you won't be able to comfortly squeeze in, if you decide to do "micro" jumps instead of jumping over as other anons suggested.

              • 1 month ago

                >You're not one of those insane people that try to jump in-between the doubled up bottom chunks instead of leaping over both, are you?
                NTA, but I do that. The secret is changing direction of the jump midair.

        • 1 month ago

          post video of yourself beating the Rock Monster without the pause glitch

          you suck at gaming and didn't beat the game also a lying c**t.
          >beaten the game several times for the satisfaction.
          >only using japanese version because murrican version was piss easy overall (they can't beat the games without the game taking their hands).
          >despite this i won't deny rockman 1 is a hard MF!! and even today despite having the game memorized i will die dozens of times on gutsman stage and iceman stage along elecman stage.
          At least learn the truth that playing megaman isn't the same as playing rockman.
          >megaman modified for murrican audiences.
          >rockman game as is suposed to be harder then murrican version.
          it seems OP was the only pussy.

          I'm truly baffled by you anons. Mega Man 1 is the only one I've ever beaten, and it was without the pause glitch and done with the Gamecube analog stick with the Anniversary Collection. I was 9 or 10, I forget, and the hardest part was Gutsman's opening. It took days to get past and I was screaming at the game for how bad timing the jump was. Yellow Devil only took a couple deaths to learn. And the weird thing is, I can't beat a SINGLE Mega Man game besides it. Even 2 eludes me. I get to the one stage with the instant death beams and I give up, never even made it to Wily. 7 is still my favorite even if I've only killed 6 of the 8 robot masters, just because the graphics and music are the coolest and most nostalgic. Playing zero feels like finding a shard of glass in your Hot Pocket, and the X games are too fast paced and weird. Never did more than kill Storm Eagle (Boomer Kuwanger's music is cool though).

          How does everyone have such a hard time with 1, unless you mean you don't have enough to finish it in one sitting and there's no password system? If a moron like me could beat it, anyone can.

          • 1 month ago

            If you can beat MM1 but not the others, you're the enigma.
            MM1 even has a song about being the NES Megaman that feels impossible. Its made by the same guy that did the Airman song

          • 1 month ago

            Nah you actually got good enough to beat MM1 legit. The thing is you can't bruteforce your way through MM1 as easily as in the rest of the series, even if you use weaknesses bosses can still kill you in 3 hits (with a full health bar) and your health isn't replenished during the boss rush. Also, no e-tanks, and items aren't as useful as in the rest of the series.
            The average player's MM playthrough looks something like
            >look up weakness chart
            So, they cheat before even starting the game.
            >stock up on E-tanks
            >brute force your way through using both things

            This is why MM1 is impossible to them, hence the "dated / bad controls" comments (they got filtered).

            • 1 month ago

              >even if you use weaknesses bosses can still kill you in 3 hits (with a full health bar)
              Most bosses in MM1 can beat beaten by rushing at them and spamming their weakness. The only sort of tricky ones are Gutsman and Fireman

          • 1 month ago

            Unbelievable. If you could beat Yellow Devil you could get through Quickman's lasers no problem.

            • 1 month ago

              Quickman's lasers are such bullshit and then Quickman himself is easily one of the worst robot masters in the franchise. Dude has no pattern. His weakness is awful and you might have used it for his stage.

          • 1 month ago

            >How does everyone have such a hard time with 1
            Gotta look at it from the perspective of someone playing it for the first time. Ice Man and Elec Man kill you in three hits, meaning if you pick them as your first boss you're kind of SOL. Guts Man's stage has a pretty tough platforming section at the beginning that might convince you to go try someone else.

            Then Yellow Devil shows up and gives a longer fight than the first six bosses, requiring more pattern memorization too.

            2 does have Quick Man and Heat Man's stages, but everyone else is pretty reasonable for someone who only has the buster to beat without game overing. You do have some bullshit with the Boobeam trap in the Wily Fortress, but the walls stay destroyed between lives.

        • 1 month ago

          >Yellow Devil is the fricking hardest boss in this entire franchise
          The whole multi-stage King fight with MM is a lot worse.

          • 1 month ago

            No is isn't, its not even close. Hell, those fights are harder with Bass anyways since he's ass in boss fights.
            Megaman is like easy mode for MM&B

            • 1 month ago

              >its not even close
              Yellow Devil takes like six or seven shots from Elec Man's weapon to go down, and his stage is easy to get through.
              The multi-stage King fight goes on much longer, and IIRC sends you back to the start if you game over.

              • 1 month ago

                Yellow Devil kills you in 3 or 4 hits, and you have to dodge a lot before getting a shot in.
                King's fights aren't really an issue, the only ones you have to succeed in back to back are his final two fights, and Megaman has ways to mitigate damage and heal himself. Bass is cucked and since I never managed to beat King's final form with Bass I guess I have to say in that specific instance King is on par with Yellow Devil.

              • 1 month ago

                >Yellow Devil kills you in 3 or 4 hits, and you have to dodge a lot before getting a shot in.
                But it's easy since it's just a repeated simple pattern.

              • 1 month ago

                Its not an easy pattern to actually dodge though. Motherfricker has had me filtered for 12 years and counting and I refuse to pause glitch him.

            • 1 month ago

              Bass is harder if you don't have the right weapon, otherwise it's the exact same thing only you have double jump and dash. Bass is the easy mode.

              • 1 month ago

                >double jump and dash
                Worthless in boss fights since they don't help much against most bosses, whereas Megaman can slide under a lot of attacks. Plus Megaman gets access to a shield to reduce damage taken by half and a way to restore life, while Bass gets neither.
                The only thing Bass has an easier time with is the levels themselves, but the bosses are basically all harder than the actual levels, making Bass a harder mode overall. With how levels let him cheese like crazy and bosses rock his shit, I feel like Bass was an afterthought and the game was really designed around Megaman, plus about 105 of the 120 CDs can be collected with Megaman.

              • 1 month ago

                The israelites murdered JFK, bobmed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

      • 1 month ago

        Yellow Devil isn't hard; people just do the glitch because the fight takes like an hour if you don't

  8. 1 month ago

    you suck at gaming and didn't beat the game also a lying c**t.
    >beaten the game several times for the satisfaction.
    >only using japanese version because murrican version was piss easy overall (they can't beat the games without the game taking their hands).
    >despite this i won't deny rockman 1 is a hard MF!! and even today despite having the game memorized i will die dozens of times on gutsman stage and iceman stage along elecman stage.
    At least learn the truth that playing megaman isn't the same as playing rockman.
    >megaman modified for murrican audiences.
    >rockman game as is suposed to be harder then murrican version.
    it seems OP was the only pussy.

    • 1 month ago

      Rockman and Mega Man are the same, wtf are you talking about

      • 1 month ago

        at a technical level are different games.
        >rockman is a hard piece of game made for masochists.
        >megaman is a walk at the park.
        is the best depiction given to the games,is similar to super mario world while they look the same at a technical level both games are different.
        >USA version : easy with more powerups and hackery.
        >JP version : hardcore with higher difficulty.
        Take as an example the hacks that say "tweaks and improvements" made for the perfectly playable X5 and X6,there is no meaning on doing the game easy yet someone made it because X4/X5/X6 and X8 are literal translations without changes to gameplay so they are closer to the rockman games in terms of difficulty yet they are the most hated of all because of that due to being too difficult for murrican pussies like you.

        • 1 month ago

          As someone who has recently completed buster only runs of Rockman 1-6 and Megaman 1-6, I can confidently say that you are full of shit.
          the only difference is Megaman 2 having an optional easy mode. Other than that, Rockman is absolutely not harder than Megaman.

          I can learn Yellow Devil's pattern perfectly, but executing it is the problem. Its that one micro jump you have to make that fricks me, you jump too low and you get hit, you jump too high and you don't land on the ground fast enough to jump over the next blob.
          I'm practically guaranteed to get hit once every time because of that part of the pattern my jump is always just a pixel or two too high or too low, plus you need to do what feels like a near frame perfect jump as soon as you land anyways. Its fricked.

          Dude, jump both mid level blocks in one jump.

        • 1 month ago

          I have beaten 50 MM games and the only one that differs in the west is NES MM2.
          Also stop thinking that "Japanese = hardcore". The average Japanese player didn't like and wasn't good at action games and it's miracle MM was as popular as it was over there and the main reason is probably because you can use cheese strats with the weapons to bypass all challenge. The most popular rockman meme over there is literally "you can't beat Airman".

          • 1 month ago

            >Also stop thinking that "Japanese = hardcore". The average Japanese player didn't like and wasn't good at action games
            This is one of the biggest revisionisms in video game history
            The reason we got the "easier" versions wasn’t because glorious Nippon thought filthy gaijin couldn’t handle pure SOVL, it’s because Japanese gamers fricking hated them at the time, so two, three years later when we got them, the developers had retuned them
            Japanese gamers in particular hated The Lost Levels so much that the reviewers accused Miyamoto of pulling an elaborate prank on them, it’s why they had to find another game to quickly substitute in for in the Western markets

            • 1 month ago

              Why did they remove the unlockable hard mode from Metroid Fusion in the west?

              • 1 month ago

                it was added for the japanese release because it came out a year later. same with wario world's final boss, there's a second phase for him and his music is awesome.


  9. 1 month ago

    Didn't remember if the Mexican Runner used the pause glitch on the Yellow Devil. Checked his playthrough and yeah he did use it.

    • 1 month ago

      it's ok to use it for a speedrun

  10. 1 month ago

    Question that dosen't deserve a personal thread;
    When you played a new mm for the first time you went blind or checked a boss weakness order?
    Also, for the games you replay the most, you change the order to spice things up, or not?
    And, in the end a limited selection of bosses like 8 or mega & bass you think it's better than the classic "choose between 8, GL"?

    • 1 month ago

      Nope, but if it gets too difficult I check the weakness of the boss I'm fighting
      Yes, I change the order and do self imposed stuff like Mega Buster only
      I used to hate the stage limitations of some games but now I don't mind

    • 1 month ago

      I went blind and sometimes I got lucky, but in others (3) I had to run every level to beat a boss.
      Never tried a buster only run
      Imo it's just better design, so you don't have to wait wily stages to have more complex levels that requires subs. New games use it for pure convention.

    • 1 month ago

      Blind, it’s fun to occasionally have the right weapon to blow past a boss or section but the game isn’t built that you need It. And I like having all 8 bosses available at once . The freedom in how you can approach it is what makes the series stand out.

    • 1 month ago

      >When you play a new mm for the first time do you go blind or check a boss weakness order?
      When I was a kid I pored over magazines while I waited for the games to actually come in stock, so a lot of times for the oldest titles I wound up absorbing the weakness order in advance but it didn't usually dictate the way I played. Since the SNES period though, I go blind.
      >Also, for the games you replay the most, do you change the order to spice things up, or not?
      I absolutely mix things up, even to the point of using 'wrong' weapons just to see what's feasible.
      >And, in the end do you think a limited selection of bosses (like 8 or mega & bass) is better than the classic "choose between 8, GL"?
      I don't like limiting the selection up front, to be honest. It sort of made sense for MM8 because the second set of stages had parts designed for the first four weapons, but they could have put those parts into the Wily stages instead and designed the latter-four RMs areas differently.

  11. 1 month ago

    The Elec Beam is really easy to abuse with the pause glitch and you can use it in other places as well. It's also useful for Clone Mega Man.

  12. 1 month ago

    The Robot Bubbles are my most hated MM1 boss. They scare the hell out of me and I'm glad when it's over.

    • 1 month ago

      Piss easy boss. take out the first 3 with your buster, then kill the last 4 with guts/blocks.

  13. 1 month ago

    >yes with the pause glitch

    • 1 month ago

      >fatso loser with nothing in his miserable life after his college friend booted him out of business, closer to pull the shotgun in his head and the only thing he clings is muh RetroAchievments.
      back in 2000 he would be mocked and raped with a iron pipe for being such a homosexual and not moving on.

      • 1 month ago

        Do you think he posts here, or is he too afraid to read harsh criticism like this?

        • 1 month ago

          He obviously posts here, guess who is behind the "didnt finished the game" autimos and half assed defense posts every time a thread pops up here and at Ganker?
          Also he gets anal when someone mentions Doom and hard ass PC games in general

          • 1 month ago

            >half assed defense posts every time a thread pops up here and at /v
            haha, I'll check them better next time. Also the ones on Ganker.

    • 1 month ago

      9 38

  14. 1 month ago

    I consider Mega Man 1 to be piss easy. You just have to remember what to do in each screen, and even if you fail too hard you only get sent back to the beginning of the levels (which aren't that long). Haven't played the others though

  15. 1 month ago

    The only enemy I needed to use the select trick for was the clone fight.

    • 1 month ago

      He changes subweapons FAR slower than you do. Start with bombs to nerf him, then switch to fire for good damage against him. Switch back to bombs and run like hell once he starts using fire a well. You should be able to take hin out pretty fast.

  16. 1 month ago

    MM2 still has too much inertia, even if they toned down from 1.

  17. 1 month ago

    >it was duh JAAAAAPS
    rockman 2 doesnt have easy mode. only mega man 2.

  18. 1 month ago

    >Japanese are the ones who get the easiest versions of games
    >They're also the ones making the hardest games in the world
    I don't get it...

    • 1 month ago

      I read a lot of it had to do with game rentals in the USA. They wanted games to be harder in the USA because it would make people rent the same game multiple times but Japan didn't have that kind of game rental culture.

      I don't think it really happens as much anymore and it seems to be more consistent now. TVTropes says difficulty by region mostly died off after 6th gen. I think it caused more problems by that point. I remember Devil May Cry 3 feeling like a slog to play and it was partially because of how much they increased the difficulty for the US market, despite game rentals not being as much of a thing by that point.

      • 1 month ago

        >I remember Devil May Cry 3 feeling like a slog to play and it was partially because of how much they increased the difficulty for the US market, despite game rentals not being as much of a thing by that point.
        I remember reading somewhere that DMC3 getting a difficulty boost for the NA version had to do with California's return policy where you could return anything within 30 days of purchase, although it's still kinda dumb.

  19. 1 month ago

    After playing Wily Wars the one change I had to agree with was adjusting boss weaknesses. It's so stupid how you can get softlocked because you ran out of ammo for a certain weapon and the game never warns you about it. It made me appreciate how Megaman X has an enemy you can endlessly grind in the last level.

  20. 1 month ago

    How to beat Mega Man 2:

    10 beat Metal Man
    20 spam Metal Blades
    30 goto 20

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah, Metal Blades spamming sure does help with tricky platforming and robots immune to them...

      • 1 month ago

        You're describing like 2% of the game.
        Heatman and Quickman have the only stages with difficult platforming, but are negated by use of Item-2 and Flash respectively. Or, you could just git gud....

        Metal blades also wreck 99% of enemies- the only ones immune that I can think of are the roosters at the end of Woodman's stage, or those spring bastards that speed up when you're in line with them (but they're immune to most weapons anyway).

        As for bosses, Quockman is the only one immune to blades that I recall, and none of the bosses in Wiley's castle are hard anyway.

        Oh, and Metal blades make short work of Wiley Machine's 2nd phase.

        Fact is that Metal Blade is the single most OP weapon in the entire Megaman franchise. 8 directional rapid fire and insanely low ammo consumtion. It trivializes most of the game.

        • 1 month ago

          >As for bosses, Quickman is the only one immune to blades that I recall
          Airman, too. Also Boobeam and the alien, but you probably already knew that.

          • 1 month ago

            Airman being immune to blades is almost moot, as buster wrecks his shit anyway. He's actually HARDER to fight if you use his weakness (much like using Skull shield on Diveman is moronic and just puts you at higher risk than reward)

        • 1 month ago

          How the frick Quickman platforming is difficult other than trying to go for optional shit you most likely don't really need? Otherwise, I fully agree.
          Also disappearing blocks at Heat Man stage is also the only point of the game where platforming is fun or has any sort of challenge at all. It's surprisingly fair too, so I'd recommend everyone to try getting gud at it instead of instantly "Nope!"-ing with Item-2.

  21. 1 month ago

    I've beaten MM1 a good few times but I admit that I still don't know how you're actually supposed to avoid Fire Man's attacks

  22. 1 month ago
  23. 1 month ago

    >apparently because they got the usual Japanese complaints that MM1 was too hard since they hate difficult games
    Most people don't like difficult games. It has nothing to do with culture. Seriously, look at the overwhelming majority of titles that are discussed here. RPGs, easy platformers, movie games, the like. The Japanese simply lack the bizarre and childish faux-masculine bravado that Westerners have which keeps us from openly complaining about such things. Quit chest puffing over inane shit like a 13 year old boy. Or, at the very least, talk about games that are actually challenging, like STGs or something.

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