It's easy making a perfect game. Linearity (leveling and permanent equipment) should be foregone for sometimes-expensive materials durability and (on PvP servers) full loot.

Economy is a whole subtopic -- a lot of what defines roles and the world. Economics Theory has The Equation of Exchange: MV=PQ (Money amount * Velocity spent = Price of items * Quantity available). A studio can balance money and items.

Should getting equipment be easy? EVE Online makes all items potentially available on the market, uniquely at each station. Graphs, tables -- knowledge of trading volume and fair prices is a whole role and playstyle producing some of the richest characters. Accessibility to items is important to keep the playing field fair, gameplay pacing speedy, and (thus) players happy (loyal; online; and top-concurrent advertisement).*

MMOs usually have upgrades with a few stat points, but when items are removed from the economy, you can have as much power as is strategic; only allow respawns in a few specific locations and make areas controllable, and you have characters defining local safety and potentiating grouping and community. Ultimately, everybody wants to be a god.

Simultaneous characters and a persistent world make this the best genre.

Here's a poll:

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  1. 2 years ago

    >it’s easy making a perfect game
    ESL moment

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, giving me frufi vibes.

    • 2 years ago

      >ESL moment
      Explain how. You can use a gerund before nouns.

      Yeah, giving me frufi vibes.

      That doesn't make sense.

      My idea of a perfect MMO is the exact opposite of everything you just said. What now, chucklefrick?

      Prove it.

      Memo: "Fun" was vastly outperformed by specific categorizations in predicting "still playing after 8 months". Science knows better than 95% of gamers what's really entertaining. Thus, you could make and advertise perfection and have it intensely more popular than any other game.

      I agree that linearity should be foregone for more interesting and complex gameplay mechanics. I think that economy is an important part of any MMO, and that making all items potentially available on the market is a good way to keep the playing field fair. I also think that accessibility to items is important to keep the gameplay pacing speedy and the players happy. Ultimately, I think that everybody does want to be a god in their own way, and that simultaneous characters and a persistent world make this the best genre. However, I also think that there should be some level of difficulty in obtaining items and power, otherwise the game would be too easy and not as fun.

      >"This is my opinion; you should know that."
      A). Confidence should be the natural stance; "I think .. I believe" are mediocre. B). I'm more specific to gateway further conversation; that's why it's keyword dense, to have commonality. C). You're misrepresenting things by simplifying them; "I think that everybody does want to be a god in their own way" isn't "varied playstyles and powers should make you a god".

      • 2 years ago

        My opinion will always be the opposite of your opinion. If you love it, I hate it. If you hate it, I love it. If you change your mind, so will I. My entire existence revolves around disagreeing with you for no other reason than because frick you.

      • 2 years ago

        mass argumemt replies make you look gay

  2. 2 years ago

    My idea of a perfect MMO is the exact opposite of everything you just said. What now, chucklefrick?

  3. 2 years ago

    I agree that linearity should be foregone for more interesting and complex gameplay mechanics. I think that economy is an important part of any MMO, and that making all items potentially available on the market is a good way to keep the playing field fair. I also think that accessibility to items is important to keep the gameplay pacing speedy and the players happy. Ultimately, I think that everybody does want to be a god in their own way, and that simultaneous characters and a persistent world make this the best genre. However, I also think that there should be some level of difficulty in obtaining items and power, otherwise the game would be too easy and not as fun.

  4. 2 years ago

    Stop making these threads Ian

    • 2 years ago

      I bet Ian doesnt even like tauren milkers.

      Why post if you're not contributing?

      • 2 years ago

        Because I question your taste in waifus. Its bad enough you PvP in an MMORPG.

        • 2 years ago

          In what other game would I PvP?

          • 2 years ago

            Ones made for it like that Ark game you love. Its my opinion that RPGs (MMO or not) cannot properly support PvP unless you remove the RPG part or unless you have some galaxy brain people on the balance team. Frankly I don't trust developers to ever have the latter.

            • 2 years ago

              MMO PvP is OK.

              It's really gear dependant in WoW.

          • 2 years ago

            MMORPGs always have objectively shit pvp where there is either a class imbalance, a gear imbalance or both. Not to mention it also depends on how skills translate in PvP compared to the PvE (i.e. blizzshit games' PvP being entirely centered around disabling your opponents). Additionally by adding monetary/material value to PvPing you would need a decent enough anti-cheat to deter people from making scripts+bots to swallow your PvP scene whole since RWIT will always be a menace for anybody actually playing the game. Any game with a decent PvP scene that goes static or can't keep up gets swallowed by this, even my beloved Guild Wars, whom I can't even point to as a positive example these days.

  5. 2 years ago
  6. 2 years ago

    I bet Ian doesnt even like tauren milkers.

  7. 2 years ago

    >ESL bot Nutriments Black person General/ aka Autistic Ian Thread, newest pasta.
    >Will fly instantly into an uncontrolled fit upon seeing this pasta and accuse the poster of being a liar.
    >Every argument brought against Nutriments Black person will be dismissed with >[Fallacy].
    >Posts almost every reply in nonsensical quotations.
    >"Warm memos" and other ESL sayings.
    >Instead of using "is", he uses "of", when discussing subjects. Example? "Quality is of objectivity."
    >Punctuation marks used improperly.
    >"""Objective""" claims about videogame and art objectivity that are never backed up.
    >*Starts raving about vitamins*
    >Legit thinks botting communities are a good thing.
    >Legit thinks multiplayer is better than singleplayer.
    >When pressed for evidence, shows charts about neurotransmitters from israeli propaganda and Ganker threads where everyone laughed him off the board.
    >Claims eventually boil down to his preference and literal israeli player retention propaganda.
    >*gets dabbed on by jannie*
    >Nutriments Black person has been doing this for 12 years:
    >Nutriments Black person has a "petite" dick and does Kegels for it; he can't please women otherwise.

  8. 2 years ago

    Great ideas. Now learn c++ and blender homosexual

  9. 2 years ago

    At least you isolated full loot to PvP servers from last time I got baited into one of these threads.

  10. 2 years ago

    >Here's a poll:

    At least fricking update your poll link in the pasta , ffs

    • 2 years ago

      Why? It doesn't need a new poll for new threads.

      MMORPGs always have objectively shit pvp where there is either a class imbalance, a gear imbalance or both. Not to mention it also depends on how skills translate in PvP compared to the PvE (i.e. blizzshit games' PvP being entirely centered around disabling your opponents). Additionally by adding monetary/material value to PvPing you would need a decent enough anti-cheat to deter people from making scripts+bots to swallow your PvP scene whole since RWIT will always be a menace for anybody actually playing the game. Any game with a decent PvP scene that goes static or can't keep up gets swallowed by this, even my beloved Guild Wars, whom I can't even point to as a positive example these days.

      >MMORPGs always have objectively shit pvp
      It's not open world 1v1 (balanced), but instanced PvP is basically what's available.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't see how that changes anything about my argument, both instances and open world both get eaten up by the plague of RWIT-motivations.

        • 2 years ago

          You mean scripting?

          I was talking about the gameplay being fun.

  11. 2 years ago

    Is this a series of threads? Seen it a couple of times
    Are all parts of this searchable?

    • 2 years ago

      In what are you interested?

      • 2 years ago

        The discussion here seems interesting

    • 2 years ago

      These threads are made a by schizophrenic ESL lunatic. He's been making them for years. He speaks 50% in canned phrases or "keywords" as he likes to call them. There is no reasoning with him, you'll just get suckered in.

      • 2 years ago

        >These threads are made a by schizophrenic ESL lunatic.
        Let people enjoy the content. You're projecting.

        >He's been making them for years.
        I haven't been discussing MMOs or any single topic much. I got rolling in Battlefront I and II (the new ones). I'm sure if Volition, Respawn, Dice, Rockstar, and EA adheared to what I post, games would be better.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, I haven't seen you pick up the MMORPG topic until recently because I would have easily recognized your inability to perform basic discourse.

  12. 2 years ago

    frick leveling, it is the biggest thing plaguing mmos. how the frick am i supposed to tell people to play an mmo when the first few weeks are spent doing literally nothing, newbies have a massive time sink before they get to the real content (top end pve and ranked pvp)
    in terms of gear, gear should be as permanent as possible. having gear-related consumables and durability is completely un-fun, i shouldn't have to spend a resource just to keep what i have. i would much rather log on whenever i want to, have BiS gear, and go do the content
    patches that reset gear should be as infrequent as possible, maybe only expansions. this also helps with making new not make the old ones irrelevant without any need of tuning or sync since gear progression is limited. what is good for gear progression is customization, thinks like different trinkets in wow, setbonuses, weapon effects, permanent enchantments etc etc

    • 2 years ago

      >in terms of gear, gear should be as permanent as possible. having gear-related consumables and durability is completely un-fun, i shouldn't have to spend a resource just to keep what i have. i would much rather log on whenever i want to, have BiS gear, and go do the content
      You have games already doing that, but there's little to do (how much do you even play them, if at all?).

      • 2 years ago

        if content is released regularly there is plenty to do. you don't need a hamster wheel gear grind (WoW) or cancerous consumable grind to keep your current gear (what you seem to be suggesting)
        the problem is releasing content in that timely manner: e.g. let's say a new raid comes out, and the hardest difficulty is pretty hard. maybe 1% of players clear it in 3 months, which is when you want the new raid to come out. meanwhile, 5% of players are progging the final boss, and another 25% of players are about halfway done the raid, the rest either haven't started it or are on the first couple bosses (not serious)
        do you release the raid now? that 1% of players who have farmed the raid would like you to, the 5% want to finish the final boss, the 25% just want a lot more time probably, if you release the new raid now they will be stuck between having to finish the old one and disregard the new content (no one wants to do this) and just quitting the old one halfway and doing the new shit, which they will also probably not finish in time
        it's a tricky thing but ideally there wouldn't be any gear to grind at all and everything would be content-based, idk.

        • 2 years ago

          >maybe 1% of players clear it in 3 months
          That seems like a health and damage check; not fun.

  13. 2 years ago

    >ian is at it again
    do not engage this moron, youre wasting your time.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Screenshotting your own posts about somebody else.
      >That writing style.

  14. 2 years ago

    if it's so easy making the perfect game why don't you just shut the frick up and stop doing these threads every day and JUST MAKE THE FRICKING GAME

    • 2 years ago

      Why do you care?

  15. 2 years ago

    >Perfect game

    • 2 years ago

      "Simultaneous characters and a persistent world make this the best genre."

      if content is released regularly there is plenty to do. you don't need a hamster wheel gear grind (WoW) or cancerous consumable grind to keep your current gear (what you seem to be suggesting)
      the problem is releasing content in that timely manner: e.g. let's say a new raid comes out, and the hardest difficulty is pretty hard. maybe 1% of players clear it in 3 months, which is when you want the new raid to come out. meanwhile, 5% of players are progging the final boss, and another 25% of players are about halfway done the raid, the rest either haven't started it or are on the first couple bosses (not serious)
      do you release the raid now? that 1% of players who have farmed the raid would like you to, the 5% want to finish the final boss, the 25% just want a lot more time probably, if you release the new raid now they will be stuck between having to finish the old one and disregard the new content (no one wants to do this) and just quitting the old one halfway and doing the new shit, which they will also probably not finish in time
      it's a tricky thing but ideally there wouldn't be any gear to grind at all and everything would be content-based, idk.

      >if content is released regularly there is plenty to do.
      Why would you have a studio make new content every time you get bored of doing something. Wouldn't that be after doing it once or twice?

      • 2 years ago

        >It would be the best genre because I said it would be the best genre
        Wow genius

        • 2 years ago

          Reading comprehension.

  16. 2 years ago

    Reminder that this globohomo-loving schizo wants to turn even fricking DMC into an MMO

    • 2 years ago

      That comment was about server-based open world PvP, not necessarily an MMO.

    • 2 years ago

      That comment was about server-based open world PvP, not necessarily an MMO.

      Also, you should stop using schizo as if it's a culturally relevant term.

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