MMO Thread

What are ya
>Looking forward to playing
>Wish there were a private server of
>Favorite MMO of all time
>Least favorite MMO of all time
>Fondest memories in an MMO

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  1. 2 years ago

    FFXIV 6.2
    Modern Mabinogi, not MabiPro
    Playing MapleStory

    • 2 years ago

      What is Mabi pro? Thoughts on the mobile game?

      • 2 years ago

        Private Server for Mabinogi that goes up to G13 only made by some /vg/ autist

    • 2 years ago

      No MMOs, mostly minecraft lately
      >Looking forward to playing
      FFXIV 6.2 for island sanctuaries and new big fish.
      WoW Dragonflight for dragonriding/customizable dragon mounts, zones that look pretty good and also for fishing.
      >Wish there were a private server of
      I don't really play on any private servers, but I am thinking of looking up a WoW MoP private server sometime
      >Favorite MMO of all time
      >Least favorite MMO of all time
      Some asiatic game called Metin2 which a friend tried to drag me into once
      >Fondest memories in an MMO
      Having my fathers entire guild camp and annihilate a bunch of gankers for a whole day after I got camped in the barrens back in the original TBC. Fishing back in mists of pandaria

      >Looking forward to playing
      xiv 6.2
      >Wish there were a private server of
      maplestory 2
      >Favorite MMO of all time
      pso2 pre NGS
      >Least favorite MMO of all time
      >Fondest memories in an MMO
      making maps for endless online private servers and fricking around as a GM, someone ended up giving me an account for the official servers for something on my private server for some reason

      >pso2 destroyed by cash shop
      pso2 was destroyed by the director being a fricking moron and thinking people want more PSE grinding as content and not learning from base pso2 the scratches have nothing to do with that

      >troony fantasy 14

    • 2 years ago

      Well any mmo played as a kid would invoke nostalgia.
      But man, the music, the artwork, all the stupid shit people used to do.
      The gameplay was so simple but the journey was memorable.

  2. 2 years ago

    FFXI Horizon server
    Tree of Savior beta
    Bless Online
    Leveling Paladin for the first time in FFXI

    • 2 years ago

      God we really need to start an FFXI general. There used to be one but it died for some reason.

      • 2 years ago

        I doubt there's enough of us around here to keep it going nowadays.

        • 2 years ago

          We could try and see what happens. Obviously play on a good private server with a decent amount of content to last.

    • 2 years ago

      do you play on a private server?

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, Wings

    • 2 years ago

      >Tree of Savior beta
      Impossibly based response. When I got in to the first closed beta that game was beyond enchanting to me. For a second, I thought they managed to recreate RO. If only they hadn't made it f2p, they might still have an audience.

    • 2 years ago

      I wish there was a FFXI server that didn't have level sync so it wouldn't just turn into "Go farm dunes/tunnel for 50 levels".

      A big appeal of FFXI is the adventure, and that's gone the moment you start min-maxing.

    • 2 years ago

      What's the difference between FFXI Horizon and the other private servers currently out there?

      • 2 years ago

        The difference is that Horizon isn't out yet

        • 2 years ago

          So why the need to switch?

      • 2 years ago

        Progression server. They'll also be 75 server with job rebalancing and they are working on releasing each expansion, even Adoulin and such but modified for lb 75 cap.
        Of course much of that will be years out cuz they plan to launch each xpac in a complete state. I don't know of a single server that has all of Wings of the Goddess implemented so I don't expect any of this to be in anytime soon. Anyway, they're starting with CoP.

  3. 2 years ago

    Come home, white man...

    • 2 years ago

      is this good? genuinely curious

      • 2 years ago

        In comparison to 1 is shit but still leagues above what interaction you get out of online MMO's
        You actually get to go on adventures with the friends you make online instead of Raids or whatever

        • 2 years ago

          Will install. thanks anon
          question: what's the shooting and gunplay like? feels good?

          • 2 years ago

            The learning curve is harder than the average game and I feel i die way too much but after SS13 it's probably the game that I have the most stories about

            eg. I remember falling of my vehicle and destroying it only for an enemy one to find me so we basically enacted a slasher movie chasing me through the nature and terrain

            funny shit like that

      • 2 years ago

        My fondest memories of PS2 from ~2013-2014 was ops night with the large-scale outfit I was in that I randomly joined. Anything wild could happen, both good and bad. Organized stuff could feel like a raid, or we could just dick around with meme loadouts or ramming a brigade of vehicles into things, or just get pressured and get our shit stomped in. All cool experiences. Sad they all quit and so did I.
        I'd imagine that's definitely still a thing even if the game isn't as big as it was, and probably has even more silly shit to do with all the stuff I've seen added to the game since then (fricking orbital striking things look hilarious I'm sad I never got to experience that)
        Solo play was comfy also

        • 2 years ago

          People talk about the liminal spaces in gayming for stuff like HL2 games and Mario 64 but PS2 definitly has it at full force, traveling solo in a game that incentivizes dicking around with other people is an experience of its own

          My favorite time in one of those lone wolf things was trying to capture a base no one was giving a shit about except for a single person that kept defending it, so it was a 1v1 in this massive ass complex where him and eye were trying to sneak around trying to kill each other, like it was alien vs predator or some shit

          was amazing

      • 2 years ago

        Define "good".

        Is it fun? Yes, absolutely. They just released fricking boats with dual machine guns.

        Is it balanced, fair, competitive, technically competent? Frick no.

    • 2 years ago

      WeeeeeeeewWWWWWWW hot sparking spokes.

    • 2 years ago

      This game is still alive? Haven't played it in like 5 years.

      • 2 years ago

        decently sized

        • 2 years ago

          Steam stats don't really do it justice since its got a standalone launcher too, we had 1800 on last night for just the Emerald server.

          2500 on right now and its chink hours at 8 am american time

        • 2 years ago

          It's actually insane to me that this game still has a playerbase this active. I used to play a lot back in 2012-2013.

          • 2 years ago

            Its almost as if there is still nothing on the market that competes with it.
            Even if all you do is to participate in the zerg rush, its still the type of gaming where vehicles fail to terrain, and jets bombarding is horrifying and annoying.

        • 2 years ago

          Wait PS2 is really active? I loved it in ps4 but would go back in pc

    • 2 years ago

      If only it was monetized like the original Planetside. PS2 had a rocky start with MUCH less content compared to the original, but the bigger issue is the fricking "F2P, cosmetics and grind" thing. I'd easily pay for their Daybreak subscription or whatever the frick if that gave me everything but no, its still something where cosmetics and functional items alike are unlocked by paying real money, sometimes exclusively and other times its designed to be grindy to encourage you to buy. It could be a great wargame, but I wish it was like the original Planetside where you paid your subscription and then you unlocked stuff by playing exclusively

    • 2 years ago

      The best one in the thread, ops with outfits are top KINO.

  4. 2 years ago

    redpill me on mortal online 2
    i heard it recently added a necromancer class or something
    how does that work

    • 2 years ago

      Frick henrick.
      Thats all you need to know

  5. 2 years ago

    UO Outlands (Turtle WoW sometimes)
    >Looking forward to playing
    UO Outlands + Ultima Online: New Legacy
    >Wish there were a private server of
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    Ultima Online / WoW (Vanilla)
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Wall jumping around in vanilla WoW. I never played Ultima until recently, so all my memories are from WoW.

    • 2 years ago

      >>Wish there were a private server of
      there's vidyascape, 2009scape and many other servers

  6. 2 years ago

    I'm looking forward to Soulframe. Warframe is pretty good in small doses and I'm hoping Soulframe improves and expands on the formula

    • 2 years ago

      If its not gonna be filled with traders and bots, sure.

  7. 2 years ago

    I like how even with shitty korean MMOs you can still tell when the devs are phoning it in because they've mostly moved on to the next game. Pic related.

  8. 2 years ago

    non mmos
    crimson desert
    black desert, bless online
    black desert
    actually reaching high level in an mmo without getting bored to death from the gameplay

  9. 2 years ago

    Neverwinter nights 1 rp servers
    >looking forward to
    Baldur's gate 3 rp servers
    >want private servers of
    Of every non-Asian game with mandatory rule enforced rp
    >fav mmo
    The bug ridden vanilla wow private server I was playing as a child back in 2006
    >least fav mmo
    Any Asian mmo
    >fondest memories
    I play as a night elf warrior for the first time right after playing trough warcraft 3, the game doesn't feel like a checklist of quests and I see the world as living and breathing place with a story where I play as a unit. I was 11 at the time.

  10. 2 years ago

    >Looking forward to playing
    Riot mmo
    >Wish there were a private server of
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    Eve online
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Being friends for 10 years with the leader of a guild I randomly joined

  11. 2 years ago

    >Destroyed by cash shop
    >Servers offline
    >Destroyed by cash shop
    >Destroyed by cash shop
    >Black Desert Online
    >Destroyed by cash shop
    >Lost Arc
    >Destroyed by cash shop
    >World of Warcraft
    >Destroyed by Blizard
    >Can't download patch unless you disable every single background app including firewall and anti virus, hide behind 7 proxies, use a premium VPN and cross your fingers
    >Phantasy star online 2
    >Destroyed by cash shop
    I am still holding unto hope that Ashes of creation and the riot mmo will be good. But those are years away.

    • 2 years ago

      Ashes of creation is an obvious scam for streamers to play and the rest to farm resources so streamers get to content faster.
      Riot mmo gives me hope though.

      • 2 years ago

        >Ashes of creation is an obvious scam
        Everything I've seen from it so far has only been positive.
        Although I have not followed that closely.

        • 2 years ago

          A rumor started by the team from that the founder of Ashes of creation has a shady past but they never proved it? I guess they have some vendetta against him

        • 2 years ago

          Made by a no name indie studio. Also using ue5 with no experience. Overpromising. Either it's never coming out like scam citizen or flops like new world.

    • 2 years ago

      >Everquest 2
      >Destroyed by cash shop
      Sad that it isn't even talked about anymore. Frick SOE and daybreak games.

    • 2 years ago

      >Looking forward to playing
      xiv 6.2
      >Wish there were a private server of
      maplestory 2
      >Favorite MMO of all time
      pso2 pre NGS
      >Least favorite MMO of all time
      >Fondest memories in an MMO
      making maps for endless online private servers and fricking around as a GM, someone ended up giving me an account for the official servers for something on my private server for some reason

      >pso2 destroyed by cash shop
      pso2 was destroyed by the director being a fricking moron and thinking people want more PSE grinding as content and not learning from base pso2 the scratches have nothing to do with that

    • 2 years ago

      Ashes of creation is an obvious scam for streamers to play and the rest to farm resources so streamers get to content faster.
      Riot mmo gives me hope though.

      >Ghostcrawler's new creation
      No thanks

  12. 2 years ago

    >Looking forward to playing
    Probably WoW Classic and Dragonflight. The game's kinda trash these days but I still get some enjoyment out of expansion launches. I think it just boils down how smooth the gameplay is. Also AoC and that Everquest clone, Pantheon I think it was called.
    >Wish there were a private server of
    Wildstar. Apparently there is one in the works but I haven't followed the project for a while so dunno what the status is.
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    Lost Ark
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Forming real life friendships through MMOs

  13. 2 years ago

    None. Occasionaly gw2 because its easy to get back to since you dont have to deal with catching up like in any other mmo.
    >Looking forward to playing
    >Wish there were a private server of
    Maybe Lost Ark? Raid content feels wasted since it's great and everything else is so garbage it baffles me how people can play this.
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    Gw2 but even that game has alot of flaws.
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    Any korean mmo.
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Dragon Saga / Dragonica

    • 2 years ago

      >Looking forward to playing
      Ashes of Creation and Riot MMO
      >Wish there were a private server of
      Pre Gamigo Rift
      >Favorite MMO of all time
      WoW Vanilla to WotlK
      >Least favorite MMO of all time
      >Fondest memories in an MMO
      Redridge mountains and south shore ganking with my rogue before the game turned into carebear central.

      How can I get a sadistic dominatrix girlfriend?

      • 2 years ago

        Playing: WoW Classic, WoW Cataclysm pserver
        Looking forward to playing: WotLK Classic
        Want private server: Aion 3.0
        Favorite MMO of all time: EVE Online, but I hate the community, they're all tryhard homosexuals
        Least Favorite MMO: Ragnarok Online, but there are probably objectively worse games, like Silkroad Online
        Fondest memories: Lineage II, I even have memories from real life because of this game, my first kiss was with a Lineage II player.

        Black person

        >Looking forward to playing
        Nothing, dead genre lmao
        >Wish there were a private server of
        Privs suck
        >Favorite MMO of all time
        >Least favorite MMO of all time
        Guild Wars 2
        >Fondest memories in an MMO
        Murdering shitters in open world PvP


  14. 2 years ago

    I've been trying out GW2. Seems pretty fun so far. I got the expansions and have a mesmer I boosted and a Necromancer I'm just leveling normally.
    forward to playing
    I'm curious about the LoL MMO actually. Other than that I'm just debating resubbing for FFXIV 6.2
    >>Wish there were a private server of
    I wish there was a private server for FF14 so I didn't have to pay for it to play casually.
    MMO of all time
    Probably 14 at this point honestly. Nothing else has grabbed me as much.
    favorite MMO of all time
    I tried the free trial of WoW, tried a Shadowlands private server, and tried a wotlk private server and the game just seems like complete shit. I don't understand how it's so popular. I tried so hard to give it a chance but it just failed at every step.
    memories in an MMO
    I have very fond memories as a kid playing runescape in like 2005 and doing castle wars. That shit was great. Every once in a blue moon I think about trying runescape again but I quit playing back in like 2008 and I don't think I could go back since the game is just locked in my childhood mentally. That and the fact that my original account is long gone which sucks.

    Are there any good beginners guides for getting into GW2? Since I decided to use the boost that came with the expansions I've been feeling a bit unsure of how to work out my goals or setup my character build well.

    • 2 years ago

      >Are there any good beginners guides for getting into GW2?
      It's a site mainly for raiding but it should give you an idea how your characters should look like. I advice starting with the Virtuoso on your Mesmer since its the easiest one to play. Just get exotic equipment with berserker stats since they are very easy to get. Ascended gear is better than exotic but only by like 10% so you dont have to worry about it that much.

  15. 2 years ago

    forward to playing
    >>Wish there were a private server of
    MMO of all time
    Sims Online
    favorite MMO of all time
    World of Warcraft
    memories in an MMO
    Runescape or bgs in TBC

    • 2 years ago

      I will say though. I'm half-considering jumping on to Warhammer Online.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          what in the frick
          ONLY in an mmo thread do you find shit like this

          • 2 years ago

            reminds me how anons would use the broken revese search and edit images so whenever you would reverse search google would say "PS3 WILL NEVER EVER HAVE GAMES" and shit like that

          • 2 years ago


  16. 2 years ago

    I'm mostly watching movies and playing stuff on the 3DS nowadays, no MMOs.
    >Looking forward to playing
    I was interested in Ashes of Creation at some point, but I don't know if I can play a hardcore, sandbox MMOs anymore. So I'd say Riot's MMO instead.
    >Wish there were a private server of
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    Ragnarok Online is a masterpiece.
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    I've tried a ton of random dogshit MMOs over the years, perfectly aware of the fact I would've dropped them after a day or two. But of the supposedly good MMOs, FF14 is by far my least favourite.
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Ragnarok Online: simply using the game as a chatbox, sitting in Geffen for hours with my friends.
    WoW: walking all the way from Teldrassil to Stormwind.
    Lineage 2: when my clan won its first Baium fight on a pretty big private server.

    • 2 years ago

      Do you guys think GW2 can run on intel UHD 630 graphics with an i7?

      Tera already has a private server

      • 2 years ago

        There's a Tera private server? I'd actually play that lol

        • 2 years ago

          Yes. Menma's Tera.

        • 2 years ago

          Google TERA Starscape

      • 2 years ago

        >Do you guys think GW2 can run on intel UHD 630 graphics with an i7?
        im ruining it just on INTEL HD GRAPHUX 300 or something
        last modern mmo running on calculators yet

  17. 2 years ago

    Play Tower of Fantasy™.

    • 2 years ago

      Is this more of an MMO than Genshit?

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah it launches in 9 days or something

  18. 2 years ago

    >Looking forward to playing
    >Wish there were a private server of
    Don't really care for private servers anymore
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    Ragnarok Online
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Doing my first Skydock raid in HellMOO

  19. 2 years ago

    I would never make fun of MMO players (my own journey has been... "non-linear"...), but I think that it is very important that people that play them, have the mindset that "This is just the a video game." I don't really appreciate MMO roleplayers, lecturing me on how "I'm doing it wrong." The fault for this, usually falls on the ERP trannies, who present their degeneracy as "The One, True Way, and All Others Are Heathens that Will Burn In Hell." It's a great way to get the homosexuals pumped up and engaged, but has... drawbacks, when in the work world. It depends on the mindset that we take with us, to our first MMO, and our eagerness to play. I feel that MMOs usually filter people that are not serious about bettering themselves, and also enforce a certain level of Discipline. My own schooling was at a "hardcore" raiding guild in FFXIV. It was exactly the kind of thing that popped up in droves, after the Blizzard thing, to mine the exodus from their troony shit, and folded, not too long, after. The guild, itself, was no great shakes, but it taught me Discipline, and enforced a gaming ethic that still pays dividends, to this day, months later. Welcome to Hell, kid. The raiding never stops. Welcome to Heaven, kid. The raiding never stops.

  20. 2 years ago

    New MMO that isn't kpop idol shit when?

  21. 2 years ago

    No MMOs, mostly minecraft lately
    >Looking forward to playing
    FFXIV 6.2 for island sanctuaries and new big fish.
    WoW Dragonflight for dragonriding/customizable dragon mounts, zones that look pretty good and also for fishing.
    >Wish there were a private server of
    I don't really play on any private servers, but I am thinking of looking up a WoW MoP private server sometime
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    Some asiatic game called Metin2 which a friend tried to drag me into once
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Having my fathers entire guild camp and annihilate a bunch of gankers for a whole day after I got camped in the barrens back in the original TBC. Fishing back in mists of pandaria

    • 2 years ago

      I see you're a man of culture and enjoy fishing content in MMOs

      • 2 years ago

        Based, thanks for the suggestions. I doubt I will encounter anything that can top FFXIVs fishing system and has such a nice sub-community anytime soon, but I might as well try something else while I wait

      • 2 years ago

        please take pso2 off of this fricking list its fishing barely constitutes as fishing there is no minigame you just press a button and its complete RNG and on top of that it has a fricking mobile game stamina system it also doesn't even have fishing in NGS

        • 2 years ago

          I made that before I remembered the shitty stamina system. I liked how flashy the fishing was though even though you just press one button.

          • 2 years ago

            I hope if they add actual fishing to NGS it'll be better but that won't be for like 2 years lmao if it even lasts that long.

            >troony fantasy 14

            thank god, women are moronic

      • 2 years ago

        Rank these based on fishing.

      • 2 years ago

        Based, thanks for the suggestions. I doubt I will encounter anything that can top FFXIVs fishing system and has such a nice sub-community anytime soon, but I might as well try something else while I wait

        Rank these based on fishing.

        Fishbros, are you looking forward to CoTW: The Angler? Coming out this month IIRC.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            I bought the base game for $5 USD and used CreamAPI to unlock everything else lol

        • 2 years ago

          >people have been asking for fishing in TheHunter forever
          >make an entirely separate game for it
          that's some brilliant israeliteery

          • 2 years ago

            How is theHunter?

            • 2 years ago

              It's good. It takes a bit to learn the ins and outs of the game specially since it doesn't tell you a lot of stuff at the beginning (like how animals cheat and detect you through foliage and terrain, how following tracks to animals is fricking useless and how all weapons respect bullet trajectory based on distance) but I easily already have over 500 hours on it. I could give you some beginner tips if you're intending to play it to make your experience of the game smoother and you don't waste 10 hours of your day with zero kills like me.

            • 2 years ago

              Frick you here are my tips anyways. Have fun you bastard.

              -default weapon bullet trajectories (for calculating how high or low you should be aiming): rifle: 150m handgun & shotgun: 50m bow: 20m crossbow: 30m
              -more penetration ammo = better 9/10 times aim at cervical spine, heart, lungs, liver it will always kill
              -you can calculate how far an animal is from you (before getting the good binoculars) by tagging an animal and hovering your mouse over their icon on your map (the map has to be zoomed in for this icon to appear)
              -bow and bolts are affected by wind direction with longer shot distances = more effect
              -deploying a structure (such as a tent or hunting structure) spooks everything around you in a ~300m radius
              -riding the ATV constantly spooks everything around you in a ~300m radius
              -animal tracks are mostly worthless unless they lead to/from need zones since they'll always be ~150m ahead of you
              -don't try to hunt animals in thick vegetation it's a waste of time as a rule of thumb if you can't see/spot the animal it's not worth stalking it
              -foliage/vegetation is mostly worthless for hiding your presence and the only thing that really matters on whether animals detect you or not is your stance (standing/crouching/prone)
              -warning call = an animal is about to spook near you, go prone an don't move for ~10 sec and then try to locate it
              -animals which have been spooked once cannot be attracted with a caller
              -animals will usually return to their need zone once after being spooked, they won't come back after being spooked a second time and instead will move on to the next need zone
              -hunting pressure: rifle/shotgun/handgun lets you kill max three animals before need zones are deleted unless you're shooting from a hunting structure / blind then the max is 15, bow/xbox generates less hunting pressure I think same as blind
              -animals 200m or further from you cannot hear gunfire and will not spook
              -animals will not render at distances further than 450m

  22. 2 years ago

    Throne and Liberty
    Final Fantasy XI
    Final Fantasy XIV
    When I first started FFXI

  23. 2 years ago

    mmos now are just a bunch of grown men playing dress up and pretending to have sex with each other

  24. 2 years ago

    I really wish Ganker could play Wizard101 with me
    I can show you guys the ropes and guide you through the game, only thing you'll get filtered by is the paywall that prevents you from progressing through the game unless you pay $10 a month

    • 2 years ago

      They're adding guilds and raids to the game finally so it might be worth coming back.

    • 2 years ago

      I like wizard 101 anon
      Unfortunately I've lost my old account which really stings and I can never decide what school to play
      Marleybone is the best world

  25. 2 years ago

    does a single person posting in this thread actually actively play an mmo at the moment

    • 2 years ago

      Yea several actually

  26. 2 years ago

    >Looking forward to playing
    dokeV or Hytale
    >Wish there were a private server of
    Dragons Dogma online maybe?
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    Minecraft kek
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Destiny 2 raiding with the buds

    • 2 years ago

      There’s a project in the works for a DDO private server/English server or something. Forgot what it’s called but I remember it being consistently worked on early this year

      • 2 years ago

        That sounds pretty cool, I remember being really interested in that air spearfighter class.

  27. 2 years ago

    I quit FFXIV about 3 months ago. What's a good mmo to replace it with?

  28. 2 years ago

    Black Desert
    Black Desert
    Don't care
    Hard to say
    Maybe FFXIV after they ruined my good will over a the course of a decade
    I had good times in Ragnarok Online, FFXI, WoW and FFXIV but I don't care about memories of video games I care about the future

  29. 2 years ago

    Age of Conan and Secret World Legends
    >Looking forward to playing
    Nothing really.
    >Wish there were a private server of
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    The Secret World
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    The Secret World

    • 2 years ago

      What's the current state of Secret World Legends? Been meaning to get into it, but as far as I can tell the game seemed completely abandoned.

      • 2 years ago

        Abandoned, yes.
        I only play because the setting and storyline are absolute great.

  30. 2 years ago

    Someone recommend me an action mmo with controller support

    I’m leaning towards lost ark on pc or black desert on console.

    • 2 years ago

      Someone pls

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Nobody plays tera 🙁

        • 2 years ago

          If you wanted an mmo that people plays you only have a few choices.
          Lost Ark

          • 2 years ago


            Looks like I’m going back to FFXIV.

            I wish it wasn’t so confusing for me.

    • 2 years ago

      >black desert on console
      don't bother, game has significant issues due to console limitations and is slowly dying

  31. 2 years ago

    Wasn't there a Wizardry mmo?

  32. 2 years ago

    Dragon Quest X
    >Looking forward to playing
    >Wish there were a private server of
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    Pre-GE Runescape
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Trapping myself in Aqua Road because I wanted to see the swim sprite in action

  33. 2 years ago

    >Looking forward to playing
    Nothing, dead genre lmao
    >Wish there were a private server of
    Privs suck
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    Guild Wars 2
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Murdering shitters in open world PvP

    • 2 years ago

      >Favorite MMO of all time
      Jesus Christ.

  34. 2 years ago

    I really hope Blue Protocol isn't shit

    • 2 years ago

      There finally being a scrap of news the other day is promising.

  35. 2 years ago

    If there is anything more depressing is that 2Moons died and turned into that abomination it is today.

  36. 2 years ago

    every mmo is ruined for me since wow/gw2 fluidity of movement, netcode of those is just comfy

  37. 2 years ago

    >Looking forward to playing
    FF14 7.0 I guess?
    >Wish there were a private server of
    >Least Favorite
    >Fondest Memory
    Stopping a 60+ person raid on my guild keep in DAoC with just me and 4 other players, defending the relic successfully for over 6 hours straight before the raid finally gave up and fricked off.

  38. 2 years ago

    Only the top 10 most populated MMOs matter. It's not an MMO if you don't see other players existing in the same virtual world.

    • 2 years ago

      2006 WoW fricking ruined mmos
      >if u dont have 7 gorillion players its a failure
      >when mmos before lived healthily with like 15k

      • 2 years ago

        It was obvious from the beta that the MMO genre was ruined with WoW, you were sleeping if you think it took until 2006.

        • 2 years ago

          I mean just WoW in general I forget when exactly it released and I can't be assed to look it up.

          >Fishing North Atlantic
          >Fishing Planet
          >Fishing Sim World Pro Tour
          >Sea of Thieves
          >Final Fantasy XV
          You literally don't need any other fishing game.

          Also, where do you guys tend to fish? I like a local river near me.

          I like fishing in stardew. I've only ever gone catch and release fishing in local lakes and rivers. I'm very bad at fishing.

  39. 2 years ago

    >Albion online
    Living in the black zone is pretty fun. High risk high reward needs to be in more MMOs.

  40. 2 years ago

    I only recently got into MMOs (was a shootertard growing up), tried a dozen or so this year. Currently playing FFXIV and OSRS.

  41. 2 years ago

    shitty poll thread

  42. 2 years ago

    >Fishing North Atlantic
    >Fishing Planet
    >Fishing Sim World Pro Tour
    >Sea of Thieves
    >Final Fantasy XV
    You literally don't need any other fishing game.

    Also, where do you guys tend to fish? I like a local river near me.

    • 2 years ago

      I live in the Florida near the bay so it's all good.
      Salt water, fresh water, deep sea, rivers, lakes, hell little bullshit ponds all over hte place. I have a solid 30 fishing spots within a 10 minute drive of my place. It's glorious.

      • 2 years ago

        I used to live in Scotland which had some of the most beautiful fishing spots. I moved to Belgium recently, and I've not really found my spot outside of the local river. I must admit though. There are always people fishing there, and they're always chatty & nice even though I barely speak any Dutch.
        >Guy offers me a beer.
        >I accept it and have a drink. It tastes awful.
        >He apologizes and say his wife bought 'em.

  43. 2 years ago

    lads tell me some stuff about warhammer online as someone who has never had a chance to play it

    • 2 years ago

      Return of Reckoning
      Go and play it.

    • 2 years ago

      Basically went like this
      >play AOE class
      >join battleground
      >leave party/move to party 4 so you're solo
      >pepper all enemies with AOE abilities, don't need to do much damage or kill them
      >reap in an absolute shitload of XP because the XP you're gaining solo is supposed to be split among a full 10 man group
      >quit the game at max level because none of the end game stuff actually worked at any point in the games history - the required number of players to activate the boss fight would also crash the server.

      Game was a lot of fun PVPing in the leveling phase but fell on its face once you reached max level.

  44. 2 years ago

    Anyone know of a private server for Allods Online?

    • 2 years ago

      >someone else played this shitty f2p mmo
      Maybe I was just a dumb kid but I felt it was genuinely awful.

      • 2 years ago

        I actually haven't played it, that's why I'm looking for a private server just to try it out.
        I know it's still running in F2P mode but I'm looking for a private server running its heyday, not some garbage loaded with freemium and mtx

  45. 2 years ago

    Planetside 1
    Ultima Online
    Anything post-WoW
    First T2 seige in Warhammer Online

  46. 2 years ago

    I don't miss MMOs.
    I miss my childhood when I played MMOs. That was a great time to be alive.

  47. 2 years ago

    I'm still playing the Legacy servers (frick legends) of pic related and having a blast. Way too few games scratch that comfy-dark, urban horror/conspiracy atmosphere itch.
    Soloing of course, since the game's dead. Once in a blue moon I see some other player still playing it, but was unable to form a group so far

    • 2 years ago

      How can you enter legacy servers?
      The Legends account doesn't work, right?

      • 2 years ago

        Nah, sadly you need to have bought the game before it went f2p and have the account from then.
        If you do, there was a way to download the old launcher from Funcom's site and use it to downgrade the game back to Legacy version and play it. It's been years since I've done it and I remember it being kinda hidden, but you can probably find it if you look around online. The servers are, weirdly but fortunately, still up and working perfectly fine, which is great since 80% of changes they made with shift to Legends are fricking awful.
        If you don't have an old account, I'm afraid it's impossible. That being said, a month or two ago some anon in a TSW thread linked a site that still sells keys to the legacy version. I don't have it and I'm not sure if that would even work, but perhaps you could still set up a working Legacy account with one

        • 2 years ago

          I see. Well the downloader for the old version was easy to find.
          I'll ask people of my cabal if they know or if they have a key for the old version.

    • 2 years ago

      god i miss this game the writing was so good
      >Cue curtain. The dark days.
      >The Eye and Pyramid are a a well-oiled machine, serrated cogs lubricated on aptitude, ambition, and ruthlessness. In this epoch of information and equality, the Illuminati is king. The ruled do not complain if they detect no ruler. The Illuminati spill seminal thoughts into the gravid heads of the masses, while the other factions flail to the old dance.
      >Cue the ritual chant: "Frick or be fricked."
      >Conventional warfare is obsolete. Cue the paradigm war. The Illuminati strive to ascend as a pantheon of zeitgeists.
      >Beneath the Brooklyn streets, they experiment with thaumaturgy and technomancy. In their labs, demons shriek as they beat the walls of hard-drive purgatories, circuits soldered in patterns forming Enochian words. Old bleeds into new, the cutting edge fornicates with the antediluvian.

  48. 2 years ago

    God i wish there was an MMORPG that could capture me so i could delve into the escapism.
    Real life suxx0rs.

    • 2 years ago

      >Talking about mmorpgs
      >post trans

      • 2 years ago

        You're the new furries, everyone is going to mock you and tell you to GTFO. It's not an obssesion, you're just a revolting joke shitting up everything you involve yourself in.
        I always post trannies in MMORPG threads, because i know they're here getting butthurt when they get their daily reminder. It's a guaranteed reply, because you're the ones that are obsessed and delude.

  49. 2 years ago

    FFXIV, Maplestory, I was thinking about playing Spiral Knights for a while before remembering what a terrible idea that is.
    >6.2 whenever it releases
    >MapleRoyals before meso farmers was a great time, wish I had that back
    Honestly XIV hits most of my MMO buttons
    >Maplestory 2
    >Toddling around and learning what did what with Maplestory around the time Pirates released

  50. 2 years ago

    Fallen Earth.
    One of the only good mmos out there

  51. 2 years ago

    MMOs suck because the gameplay sucks and because theres no social interaction, worlds are too big and you can barely meet people unless you are already some endgame gay hanging around with other endgame gays in the highest level section

    • 2 years ago

      >theres no social interaction,
      Skill issue

      o/ {Hello!}

    • 2 years ago

      >endgame gay hanging around with other endgame gays in the highest level section
      That's the best place to be. Goal oriented people have good attitudes unless you pick horrible PvE spergs.
      WoW arena with long time eFriends that can handle a loss and celebrate a win is what kept me playing. I wasn't even a turbo nerd, i just played with people who genuinely enjoyed the game, and were cool to hang out with.
      Most PvE is centered around soulless grinding for bugmen and escapismmaxxers, it's really hard to find a group of people with goo attitudes that also enjoy that type of gameplay.
      If PvE requires cooperation, and more skill instead of time it could be good. There are plenty of genres they could steal mechanics from, they just keep putting out clunky boring combat and extremely repetitive content.
      MMORPG's need shared effort, and less time investment so you're not playing a second job.
      thanks for reading my blog

      pic unrelated

      • 2 years ago

        I mean you are clearly transphobic so your opinion is discarded

        • 2 years ago

          Not him, but you often ignore your problems hoping that they go away?

          • 2 years ago

            Ignoring narcissists is the opinion of virtually every mental professional on the planet, yeah

            Show psychiatry Ph.D

            • 2 years ago

              >Show psychiatry Ph.D
              Show your reaction when you see yourself in a mirror and get reminded.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah the Ganker shitposter with an axe to grind, the brightest minds of any generation. So epic and smart in fact that "troony" didn't take off as a meme insult on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and meme websites the way that "cuck" and Baneposting did

              • 2 years ago

                Oh boy a troony apologist shitting up the thread, apparently "ignoring" to you means continued engagement

                Fallen Earth.
                One of the only good mmos out there

                Wish there was a remaster of this which slightly tweaked combat mechanics

              • 2 years ago

                >troony failed as a meme and it's professional advice that you should ignore them if they're everything you say they are
                >"troony apologist," twitter screencap like anybody gives a shit

              • 2 years ago

                >failed as a meme
                It's practically banned just like groomer and that effectively caught on hard lmao

              • 2 years ago

                It's practically banned because it's way too specifically targeted, it's like thinking "Black person" is the hot new meme insult that's gonna take off. That and everybody that tries to spam it on other sites is exactly the kind of shit eating idiot that would think of "Black person" as a hot new meme insult

              • 2 years ago

                All trannies are pedos, because children are the only people they could possible dupe into thinking they're women.


                Based SWG chad. Truly the greatest of the golden age.

                There are literally no trannies here but keep going we are just making fun of your sperging

                I've been a mod on 2 other image boards, literally every single post history of trannies include them saying shit like that.
                >"Who are you talking to? There are no trannies here!"
                >"I'm not even a troony, i'm just a normal guy like you that appreciate women(male) haha"
                >"You're obsessed"(after replying to every bait on multiplee boars for hours on end)
                It's always the same with you crazy homosexuals, and you always band together to mass report people like some kind of homosexual gestapo.

              • 2 years ago

                >I've been a mod on 2 other image boards, literally every single post history of trannies

              • 2 years ago

                >/misc/ moron fighting trannies in his head because wow banned him for saying Black person

                Unironically take your meds and touch grass lmao.

              • 2 years ago

                And getting banned for saying Black person in WoW is a generally hard feat with how many other /misc/acks are in the game, it's impressive he managed it

        • 2 years ago

          I'm not transphobic, i'm just homophobic and have a low tolerance for wrangling the mentally ill.
          Go back to ERP'ing with other men in your FC house, it's the closest you'll come to passing.

          • 2 years ago

            btw "I'm not transphobic" hits harder when you don't post it with twitter screencap /misc/ bait

          • 2 years ago

            idk you seem far more mentally ill than twitter trans.

            Go leave you deranged schizo

            • 2 years ago

              >mentally ill
              You'd be the expert.


              Sorry, i exclusively post on the advertiser friendly image board.

              • 2 years ago

                There are literally no trannies here but keep going we are just making fun of your sperging

  52. 2 years ago

    vanilla TERA
    FF14 1.0
    Ganker PvE TERA guild skype shittalking while leveling

  53. 2 years ago



  54. 2 years ago

    Ganker hivemind is such a bubble

    christ, stop spending so much time on here you morons

    the real world is nothing like the internet

    • 2 years ago

      You're right it isn't in fact I find more troony haters in the real world versus online and online is where you find the troony apologists that shit up the threads related to niche hobbies or video games

      • 2 years ago

        >I find more troony haters in the real world versus online

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            Anything that's not a wojak or the /qa/ chud?

          • 2 years ago

            This explains perfectly why trannies are so terminally aggressive and online they cannot even stand to look in the mirror

            • 2 years ago

              had to make it a console war for you to understand it innit

            • 2 years ago

              That's why they're addicted to validation, they need people to constantly reinforce their delusions or it all falls apart.
              When someone isn't playing along, like a mirror f.ex then you get hit with the hard facts: You're a betamale homosexual in a dress, balding and speedrunning life with the rope glitch.

              >No socializing elements
              Is the game already so dead that you can't find someone to talk to on the islands or while waiting for the bosses to spawn? Are you really proud of playing a game that's basically just doing chores now? Enjoy your dailies and weekly resets I guess.

              Just because the game doesn't encourage socializing, doesn't mean you cannot.
              Every MMORPG relies on you to make connections, even if it's designed in a way counter-productive to that, it's the only way to have a good experience in a MMORPG.
              If you actively seek out friends, you'll eventually make a bunch.

      • 2 years ago

        Just because they're horrified and disgusteed by you doesn't mean they hate you.
        It's a normal reaction to meeting a medical abomination, frankensteins bride with a wiener.

        >I've been a mod on 2 other image boards, literally every single post history of trannies

        >/misc/ moron fighting trannies in his head because wow banned him for saying Black person

        Unironically take your meds and touch grass lmao.

        I no longer play MMORPG's or spend time on internet drama other than the odd shitposting spree.
        I took moots advice.
        You will never benefit from advice, you're deluded and will keep pushing until the reality check kills you. And that's the best outcome. I'd feel bad for you, but i know you're all pedos and malicious c**ts, so i don't.

  55. 2 years ago


  56. 2 years ago

    Why do americans insist on shitting up threads with their mental illness?

    • 2 years ago

      Do you not know about /misc/'s heady history with WoW? "kek" is a WoWism

    • 2 years ago

      >mental illness
      It's already a thread about MMOs moron.

  57. 2 years ago

    Are MMOs still require a stronger cpu than gpu, because I was thinking of getting the 5800X3D for my new pc build?

    • 2 years ago

      Usually it's GPU that's a bottleneck for them anymore. Depends on your CPU, if you've got anything Ryzen you're 99% likely to be fine playing any MMO.

      • 2 years ago

        That's good to hear since I don't have to waste $450 for the 5800X3D and get a 5600 instead.

        • 2 years ago

          I've got an R5 2600X and I can run damn near anything I feel like, I'm usually bottlenecked by GPU and that's already an RX5700. You're good

  58. 2 years ago

    >Looking forward to playing
    >Wish there were a private server of
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    Knight Online
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Stalking and raping paper mages with spike thrust in cz

  59. 2 years ago

    Shitty mobile games
    Some game that's not shit hopefully
    Nothing, pservers are dead to me
    A toss up between RO, Ace Online, and RF Online
    I've played too many shit MMOs where I've quit after 6 hours of playing, can't really single out one being more shit than the others.
    Fondest memories would be any time people actually got together to cooperate for chip wars or mothership wars.

    Mfw I had hopes for New World but it was so shit it found new ways to be shit in an old genre.

  60. 2 years ago

    Why does Lost Ark make trannies seethe?
    Is it because it's focused entirely on gameplay with no socializing elements, thus no potential for ERP and grooming?

    • 2 years ago

      You might be onto something. I just seethe over it because it's a horrible P2W soulless asiatic grind game and every time they succeed it means that a better game is changed to fit that model.

      I want to remind everyone that this mental breakdown was caused by somebody poking fun at him trying to open a shitpost saying "I'm not transphobic"

      No the replies started when i added an unrelated pic to a post talking about MMORPG's.
      The picture had trannies in it, and now you're all seething, dilating, and roping it up.
      You can never stop, it doesn't get better, you just get older, uglier, and more revolting.
      You know what you are, no matter how deluded, you know what's coming. RIP.

    • 2 years ago

      >No socializing elements
      Is the game already so dead that you can't find someone to talk to on the islands or while waiting for the bosses to spawn? Are you really proud of playing a game that's basically just doing chores now? Enjoy your dailies and weekly resets I guess.

      • 2 years ago

        Usually when somebody complains "no socializing elements" in an MMO thread it means "the game doesn't force you into a party on the overworld, and I never initiate conversation"

        • 2 years ago

          >"the game doesn't force you into a party on the overworld, and I never initiate conversation"
          Yeah, so it's what I call a "bus conversation game". It's a game with social elements similar to what you find on a public bus service. Normal people feel autistic striking up conversation on a public bus, of course, but naturally you get spergs with no self-awareness who think that's a normal thing to do.

          • 2 years ago

            Here's the thing: MMOs have always been bus-conversation games. What changed was how long you're shlumped into a party for, since these games were designed to force *not the social element* but the *massively multiplayer* element by being impossible to solo. And even then you never really had to talk to your party by necessity unless it's a much slower game like FFXI where you could strategize a fight a bit, or yell at your homosexual Black Mage to stop casting Firaga III before he rips enmity from the Paladin.

            • 2 years ago

              I think the biggest reason MMORPG's are anti-social now is because people got used to matchmaking lobbies and only focus on the reward.
              WoW never stopped being a social game to me, because it was my escapism and eFriend hangout. No matter how much it sucked(at least until Legion) i never got tired of having a good time with the boys.
              >yell at your homosexual Black Mage to stop casting Firaga III before he rips enmity from the Paladin.
              Never going to happen. Also this circle marks where i'll be standing for the entire duration of the mechanics.
              Magiclets should work harder, you're just jelly of our high DPS and aesthetically pleasing explosions.

            • 2 years ago

              I think the biggest reason MMORPG's are anti-social now is because people got used to matchmaking lobbies and only focus on the reward.
              WoW never stopped being a social game to me, because it was my escapism and eFriend hangout. No matter how much it sucked(at least until Legion) i never got tired of having a good time with the boys.
              >yell at your homosexual Black Mage to stop casting Firaga III before he rips enmity from the Paladin.
              Never going to happen. Also this circle marks where i'll be standing for the entire duration of the mechanics.
              Magiclets should work harder, you're just jelly of our high DPS and aesthetically pleasing explosions.

              It's also a lot easier to switch your attention from the MMO you're playing to your second monitor, your phone, or even to just quickly alt tab to something else while you're playing the 'boring' parts of the game. So even though the genre has always been a 'bus-conversation' game there's never been less incentive to participate than now.

              • 2 years ago

                What changed was I have a second monitor and a phone to pay attention to during the slow parts, now. I'd have probably been doing that in FFXI if it were an option; back in the day I had a TV I'd half-pay attention to instead of a monitor streaming MST3K I half-pay attention to.

              • 2 years ago

                True. My experience was playing on my single monitor in full screen and not really being able to/having the means to look at anything else so I naturally spent more time socializing because I had to do something.

              • 2 years ago

                What you're saying is true. However it's still a question of your own motivation to socialize, even though i definitely felt the solo grinding creep in over the years as most of the farm necessary for high level nerdery became solo work instead of group work.
                I think that's one of the major reasons why it's harder now, because playing solo and turning off your brain while you watch chinese cartoons on your second monitor is half the game now.
                It could be fixed simply by making farming more profitable with more effort and a group.

      • 2 years ago

        You're reaching so hard you're going to breach into a new dimension. Take a chill, Gankerranny. The game is fun.
        Socializing elements means shit like emote cringe, discord type chat, troony ERP servers, cancer like getting married with other players, furhomosexualry and scaliehomosexualry ERPing with nonhuman characters, etc etc. LostArk has just a few silly emotes and a serviceable chatroom. Did I hit a nerve, WoW NPC?

        • 2 years ago

          that is not what socializing elements means moron

          • 2 years ago

            Let him be stupid in peace, he'll stop screeching if you leave him alone.

            • 2 years ago

              dial 8, WoW troony
              have fun playing your new scaliehomosexualry character
              that is if you can afford a break from ERPing in FF14

              • 2 years ago

                this was really epic in your head, but i gotta say, out in the open, it's a bit cringe

              • 2 years ago

                heckin ebin le own
                updooted Gankerranny sister I too love heckin pretending

              • 2 years ago

                holy shit every other word in this post is a meme used by 12-year-olds

              • 2 years ago

                >predditor has kids living in his head rent free

              • 2 years ago

                You'd refuse a dicky living in your head?
                Back to pleddit, this is a dicky website.

          • 2 years ago

            But that's LITERALLY what it means, wienersucker. Seethe.

          • 2 years ago

            Let him be stupid in peace, he'll stop screeching if you leave him alone.

            Maybe he was right. The only way to troony proof a game is to drop all ERP-enabling features.

    • 2 years ago

      I hate Lost Ark because it has a main story scenario you have to do to get to the endgame but the story is so bad that you are forced to skip. Like if I am going to spend 50+ hours until I get to Punikka so I can actually start playing the game, at least give me an engaging story with real cutscenes and voice acting along the way

      • 2 years ago

        >get boss to 1% hp
        >cutscene starts
        >boss suddenly btfos me
        >that priest homosexual runs in and kills it
        >gives a big speech about his duty and all the other npcs clap
        i literally stopped playing because of this

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah it felt like the game wanted to be cinematic but also did not want to linger around too many places so as to push you towards the end. Like they wanted their cake and to eat it but that cinematic shit doesn't work when you can't even name the characters that are in the scene

  61. 2 years ago

    I want to remind everyone that this mental breakdown was caused by somebody poking fun at him trying to open a shitpost saying "I'm not transphobic"

  62. 2 years ago

    Not playing any mmo
    >Looking forward to playing
    FFXIV 6.2, maybe classic wow
    >Wish there were a private server of
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    Can't think of any. There were a lot that sucked but none I actively hated.
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    RO, TalesWeaver, Wurm Online

    • 2 years ago

      Shame Wurm Online isn't ever going to get a remaster treatment. Don't get me wrong, I like it's style, but it certainly can do so much better. I think that homosexual Rolf held it back too much.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't see how it can ever be the same now that you can just make your own servers with whatever rules you want. I think it was the smart move to keep people playing but it's not really the same anymore.
        I really will miss the old times grinding my digging so I could help sculpt our land with my buddies.

        • 2 years ago

          Wurm Unlimited isn't supported anymore fren and surprisingly, WO still gets some neat updates.

          I just want a 1,000,000 dollar graphics overhaul for WO because I'm petty

          • 2 years ago

            Interesting. Maybe I'll come give Wurm Online a check again one day.
            A remaster would be cool but the game was always a janky mess visually so I don't really know how they'd fix it. The only exception was the environment but that might just be my nostalgia and I haven't played for over a decade.

  63. 2 years ago

    If anybody wants to play WoW MoP, a small group of us mostly from /vg/ needs more consistent players/raiders. We're in Throne of Thunder now but we can't get 10 consistent people to show up weekly.

  64. 2 years ago

    >looking forward
    Throne and Liberty
    >wish for
    Dragon's Dogma Online
    Vanilla WoW
    >least favorite
    >fondest memories
    Adventures with my friends into the wilderness of runescape and into enemy territories in vanilla WoW.

  65. 2 years ago

    I bought a Krile outfit from the mogstation without knowing that it had a generder restriction. I'm now a cute Hyur

    • 2 years ago

      we got another one lads

  66. 2 years ago

    Albion online
    >Looking forward to playing
    Riot MMO, Corepunk
    >Wish there were a private server of
    SUN online
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    Albion online, RuneScape
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    WoW for ruining most MMORPGs that came after it.
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Early Silkroad Online Christmas Events

    • 2 years ago

      How to you get into Albion? I just can't. Am I not finding the right group to vibe with or something?

  67. 2 years ago

    Retail WoW due to getting a sub gifted and i dont want to be rude
    >Looking forward to playing
    The Riot MMO, still a ways off but they seem to want players to test the game long before its even live
    >Wish there were a private server of
    Nothing for now
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    Guild Wars 1
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    Guild Wars 2
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Doing gates of madness in Nightfall for the first time

    • 2 years ago

      >favorite GW1, most hated GW2
      you're a real one anon

  68. 2 years ago

    >Looking forward to playing
    not much on the horizon other than the xiv patch tbh i guess the new riot mmo but thats years away
    >Wish there were a private server of
    face of mankind and wildstar
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    eve before ccp ruined it
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    i honestly can't think of any mmos i really hated
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    >new player in face of mankind, first day on the job as a cop
    >get assigned to handle a protest in the mall from the hippie faction
    >its a bunch of us standing in a line as the hippies call us slurs in text chat
    >things get tense and they start inching closer
    >suddenly a shot goes off
    >to this day i don't know which faction shot first
    >but now everyone has their guns out and it turns into a full on shootout
    >cops are dying, i barely understand the combat system, i start running away
    >i run into a fully armed squad of the criminal faction
    >they murder me, murder the rest of the cops, and rob the place blind
    >mfw i realize it was a setup all along
    game had a lot of problems but that was a really kino moment and made me stick around longer than i should have

  69. 2 years ago

    Throne and Liberty, Riot MMO and Ashes of Creation are the only mmos worth looking forward to. All of them will be shit, but probably better than the garbage we have around right now.

  70. 2 years ago

    I don't play MMOs
    I just watch Josh Strife Hayes

  71. 2 years ago

    someone should doxx the fat Black person so a janny could finally check this fricking thread
    is it that hard to not derail a nice thread? you bunch of worthless homosexuals
    go to /b/ or some shit bunch of pieces of shit no one will change their minds with your child tier argumentation
    have a nice day and leave the thread

  72. 2 years ago

    >seeing what mmos folks playing
    >suddenly troony troony troony troony

    • 2 years ago

      Bannon has conditioned an entire generation of WoW-playing incels to be obsessed with trannies so they can actually win votes. There's really no de-coupling their troony obsession from anything at this point, but it can be 100% expected in any bliz/wow/MMO thread. And that's just the ones who took the bait, there are also russians/chinese like the one who replied to you who are forced to do this every waking hour of their lives.

  73. 2 years ago

    Why are MMOs so fricking shit? I can't think of a genre with more bad games.

    • 2 years ago

      By definition it's a very hard genre to get right.
      >you have to encourage (or mandate) party play, but most players abhor being forced into a party
      >you have make classes with a unique niche that are fun to play, but they can't be too unique as they'll become too niche, they can't be too powerful to avoid overshadowing other classes, and "fun to play" is totally subjective
      >you ideally have good and memorable music, people will notice if you have ambience but no music
      >many players are graphics prostitutes so your game has to look "presentable," but you can't be KMMO trash that spent all the budget on graphics
      >you have to have a very high-quality server infrastructure so as few people as possible, ideally nobody, is laggy or having connectivity problems

      • 2 years ago

        >you have to encourage (or mandate) party play, but most players abhor being forced into a party
        You don't actually have to do this. Most problems with mmo's stem from devs saying "Let's make an mmo game" instead of "Let's make a good game with this technology".

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Because of "quick profit, low lifespan" mentality of developers. A lot of games don't think about long term profits, instead they try to milk whales fast and die out.
      I hate Blizzard, but I commend them for WoW Classic, because this game wasn't made with this mindset, and is successful even now.

      • 2 years ago

        this, capitalism kills everything it touches given enough time
        the golden days of video games are over

    • 2 years ago

      publishers dropping games if they don't hit the 7 gorillian mark because wow did it once 20 years ago, catering to morons that can only play an hour a day, dungeon finder existing at all

    • 2 years ago

      Because most of them are from korea and they have no sense for game design. Its unbelieveable how how much work they put into the assets yet they are extremely uncreative.

    • 2 years ago

      If you got 2 hours to lose

      tl;dw: killing servers community in favor of megaservers / sharding, matchmaking tools, and abusive microtransactions are the 3 biggest offenders

      • 2 years ago

        Not even close, the biggest offender is mobile gaming, unironically everyone has a phone capable of playing games, note how all the oldschool MMOs now have sequels but they're mobile gacha shit?
        It's so much easier to make a mobile kusoge than an MMO, and they end up giving you much more profit for less work, basically, you can thank gacha consuming morons for the death of MMOs.

  74. 2 years ago


    Black person why are you quoting me? im just tired of seeing mutts like you who save a billion pictures of disgusting mutilated trannies in their pc and flood a VIDEO GAME board
    not even on topic, not even funny, you just post it to farm yous and people bite.
    if every single mutt was ip banned this place would be heaven, i wish the world spoke something other than English so we could shun out all the mentally ill fricks like you
    what's the point of not being a mutilated troony if youre thinking about their axe wounds 24/7? you mentally ill freak

  75. 2 years ago

    >Looking forward to playing
    >Wish there were a private server of
    asheron's call

  76. 2 years ago

    does gw2 have sexy plate armor? if I cant fap while playing I won't play it

    • 2 years ago

      No, unironically play FFXIV if your main intent is to coom.

  77. 2 years ago

    Lost Ark
    >Looking forward to playing
    >Wish there were a private server of
    Tree of Savior but some remake version where they scale everything better and game doesn't work like shit
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    XIV I guess
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    There was few in mid 2000s but I forgot the names already
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    MU Online and WoW

  78. 2 years ago

    >Looking forward to playing
    More FFXIV
    >Wish there were a private server of
    Idk maybe Wildstar since I missed that train completely and maybe it'd be fun to experience once
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    Probably WoW, had my best times there. I only keep going back to GW1 and OSRS from time to time though.
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    GW2 because I expected a faithful GW1 sequel and it was shit. There are many shittier MMOs like any Korean cashgrab in the last 10 years, but I already knew those would be garbage even if all of Ganker hyped them up, but for GW2 I had genuine hopes.
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Pickpocketing a +15 Tinkering in UO, first Heroes' Ascent victory in GW1, first Illidan clear, first Mythic Kil'Jaeden clear, world buff and world boss memes in Classic WoW.

  79. 2 years ago

    I love Black Desert but I just can't play for more than a few months at a time.
    It's so easy to burn out.

  80. 2 years ago

    retail WoW
    >Looking forward to playing
    LOL mmo
    >Wish there were a private server of
    Ragnarok 2: GoW
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    Ragnarok Online
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    don't have one
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    chilling in Prontera talking talking with friends

    • 2 years ago

      I want to make a draenei futa rapist on an rp server bad.

  81. 2 years ago


    >Looking forward to playing
    >Wish there were a(good) private server of
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    >Fondest memories in an MMO

    • 2 years ago

      damn, what server do you play in?
      I thought that game died a long time ago, the fighting mechanics are almost as good as bdos.

      • 2 years ago

        I used to play on NA East server but I have not played since Belle release

  82. 2 years ago

    >Looking forward to playing
    FFXIV 6.2
    >Wish there were a private server of
    Dungeons and Dragons Online
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    City of Heroes
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    I've played so much absolute fricking garbage you wouldn't even believe. Probably Archlord.
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Running a drop requeset business in Ragnarok Online with my drop rate bonus build stalker

    • 2 years ago

      >Dungeons and Dragons Online

  83. 2 years ago

    WoW would be better if it had more ERP

    • 2 years ago

      WoW already has more ERPers per capita than people, you're asking for a very dangerous thing

  84. 2 years ago


    >someone insulted my shitty game!
    >It was be a wow player!
    Like four people play WoW, your game is just shit and you frickers shill it all the god damn time.

  85. 2 years ago

    Albion Online is the only one worth playing anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      Sned help

      How to you get into Albion? I just can't. Am I not finding the right group to vibe with or something?

    • 2 years ago

      pvp is worse than league, why bother?

    • 2 years ago

      Let go of the past, boomer. Its the only way you can truly be happy

  86. 2 years ago

    For anons who dont know but are interested in the Riot MMO Ghostcrawler tweets about it quite a lot

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >Ghostcrawler's new creation
        No thanks

        Why did you play moonkin?

  87. 2 years ago

    I occasionally shit around in Shit Wars 2 because despite how bad it is, Asura master race.

    forward to playing

    >>Wish there were a private server of
    Nothing. They’re always fake, gay as full of cope.

    MMO of all time
    Probably pre-ToA DAoC. Running over 5-mantrain speed bumps in Emain was kino.

    favorite MMO of all time
    World of Snorecraft.

    memories in an MMO
    Hauling my ass as a low-level through Kithicor at night, creeping carefully around aggro in High Hold, emerging into the Karanas as day broke, before ultimately freaking out some noob assling outside Qeynos.

  88. 2 years ago

    FFXIV, maybe going back to WoW after leaving at the end of Legion, Shroud of the Avatar, Crowfall, Star Citizen
    >Looking forward
    Star Citizen at launch, Pantheon Rise of the Fallen, perhaps others
    >Wish there were a private server
    Eh, there are private servers for most titles, but I do wish there were up to date ones for every game as well as just old versions, with full functionality. I've been a fan of the City of Heroes private servers and various EverQuest private servers
    Ultima Online, EverQuest, FFXI, WoW. I've played and enjoyed pretty much every major MMO (minus Korean grinders) since the late 90s.
    >Least favorite
    Any Korean grinder, item mall shit, or basically anything where monetization evolved away from subscriptions and added a bunch of surcharges, especially when it came to exclusive cosmetics requiring not-so-micro-transactions. Everything has just gotten worse this way. I would easily pay a much larger subscription if it meant that all content, cosmetic included was available in game.
    >Fondest Memories
    So many over the years, but I'll say getting my Paladin Epic weapon, Fiery Avenger, in EverQuest, which was an incredible journey. One of its precursor steps was a huge multi-faceted quest of its own to forge a lesser though still badass 2H sword SoulFire (which had a particle effect back when those were insanely rare)! To do so meant becoming KILL ON SIGHT in 2/3 of the human zones of Freeport patrolled by Militia, because you had to slay Sir Lucan D'lere, the corrupt guard captain in order to get a component for it - which basically meant starting a raid where all the guards nearby would aggro you and your helpers. You generally had to get other Paladins or others okay with losing rep with the guards. One thing EQ did better than any other game was the way the world was structured and the faction system - it had a lot of tedious shit too, but the world design was top notch.

  89. 2 years ago

    >Blue Protocol and FFXIV 6.2
    >Ragnarok Online
    >WoW i guess
    >When I finally learned how to K-style and Butterfly properly in Gunz: the Duel and it made it feel like I was playing an entirely different game

  90. 2 years ago

    I pray to whatever god exists every single fricking day for a City of Heroes sequel.
    I am absolutely livid we never got a superhero mmo when the MCU shit was at its highest.

  91. 2 years ago

    OSRS (WoW classic occasionally)
    1st - RIOT MMO 2nd - Ashes of Creation
    dont care
    2007 osrs clan wars

  92. 2 years ago

    I wish Mortal Online 2 wasn't unfinished dogshit that either breaks or adds a new bannable exploit every single patch

  93. 2 years ago

    >None, recently quit Lost Ark because Korean games force you to play alts now which isn't fun
    >Nothing, MMOs are no longer being developed, Blue Protocol is the only one I know of that isn't some kickstarter scam.
    >Dragon's Dogma Online
    >Pretty much every milestone in old Maplestory, reaching job advancements, beating major bosses, everything felt like an achievement and the game had so much soul on top of that.

  94. 2 years ago

    Black Desert unfortunately. Mostly because I got my friend into it and so that's my only reason to keep playing it.
    >Looking forward to playing
    Nothing, good games don't come out anymore.
    >Wish there were a private server of
    I don't know, maybe original Maple Story with only the classic four classes and zero xp boosting.
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    Probably Classic Maple Story, but only because I was young back then and couldn't afford monthly pay mmos so I had to go with free stuff
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    Well I've only ever played Maplestory and Black Desert, so probably Black Desert since they have such predatory ways to make you pay for shit. Like I was going to delete my Hashashin and re-make him for the current season, but then I saw he had a horse whistle on him and there was no way to transfer it to a new character of the same name and class. So now I'm stuck with him since deleting him means throwing money I spent out the window.
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Probably just roaming around the world in Maple Story, I never really did much in the game other than level a character up to the 40's-50's and then get bored since I played alone.

    • 2 years ago

      I heard they revamped the starting area for Black Desert. How is it?

  95. 2 years ago

    I'm a console player and I wish more MMO's came to console. Right now I'm trying to get to end-game for Bless Unleashed. I'm thinking of stating Black Desert again since I heard they revamped the starting areas. I'm also trying to go through the story for Neverwinter Online. They used to have the usual MNO style level ups, but then they switched to only leveling up when you finish story quests. Unfortunately, I leveled up mostly by doing the event quests and not the story quests, so I got a huge regression when they changed it. I just moved so I'm broke and can't afford my FF14 sub anymore. I also have ESO, but does anyone know if it's worth playing if you only have the base version? Besides that, it's just dailies on Genshin and not much else.

  96. 2 years ago

    Final Fantasy XI, I never thought it would be so comfy
    forward to playing
    MMOs? Nothing, all the newshit it either p2w/gachashit/both. Games in general? Soul Hackers 2.
    >>Wish there were a private server of
    Nothing really
    MMO of all time
    PSO, but it might just be nostalgia. I don't think I would be able to go back to it.
    favorite MMO of all time
    I'm gonna get a lot of shit for this, Maple Story.
    memories in an MMO
    There was an offline meetup with my group in PSO a long time ago at an anime convention. Two of the people in my group were "dating" in game as a joke. During the offline meetup, the two met for the first time, the guy (HUnewearl) was 15 and the girl (RAcast) was 25. It was a pretty funny shocking moment for all of us. They still keep in touch, but afaik they're not dating or married or anything irl.

  97. 2 years ago

    Guildwars 2
    The Marvel Diablo like MMO
    Guildwars 2 or WoW before I realized infinite linear progression was a scam
    Meeting my current wife in WoW 10+ years ago

    Take the GW2 pill. Finite gear grind that will never be increased so you can take your time and enjoy the open world challenges and whatever you want at what speed you want. Get gear or gear currencies from every type of activity(except fishing?). Many get filtered by the open world/story quests not being a breeze at later levels. Save yourself from the moronic rat race to get geared before the next patch, play a MMO that knows what being an MMO should be about.Other MMOs have so little worth grinding for or spending gold on that without a psychological trick like infinite linear progression you would drop it instantly like those who beat the current crumb of content from the latest patch and leave. Even WoW is copying guild wars 2 in its desperation to stay relevant.

    • 2 years ago

      Frick off Mike.

  98. 2 years ago

    >Looking forward to playing
    FFXIV 6.2
    >Wish there were a private server of
    Nothing in particular
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    Any shitty wow killer I've tried, rift, aion, guild wars 2, pick your poison
    >Fondest memories in an MMO

  99. 2 years ago

    Nice thread. Thanks anon.

    TBC Classic but only raid logging for last 6 months.
    >Looking forward to playing
    Wrath I guess.. kinda meh about it. Really want another LOTRO legendary server.
    >Wish there were a private server of
    LOTRO before Isengard expansion
    >Favorite MMO of all time
    >Least favorite MMO of all time
    Dunno, the ones I remember are all positive. DAOC has aged the worst IMO.
    >Fondest memories in an MMO
    Raid leader rage quit on Nefarian one night (after weeks stuck on P1). Took over mid-stream and lead us to our first kill that night. (Vanilla WoW)
    Various boss kills with my Classic raid guild.
    PvP with friends during GM grinds. (Vanilla and Classic WoW)

  100. 2 years ago

    >having that itch again to play DFO and Maplestory
    >know that theyre grindy and p2w and I'll never capture that feeling back then
    It hurts but the memories keep coming back at least once a year.

  101. 2 years ago

    Anyone turtlewow? What's it like?

  102. 2 years ago

    Just resubbed to WoW because I watched a single PvP video. Please save me from the maze

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