Is there any MMO to look forward to? Is it over for the genre?

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  1. 11 months ago

    the riot mmo will save gaymin. trust the plan

    • 11 months ago

      riot only makes slop

    • 11 months ago

      The only good thing Riot made was Arcane and they didn't even make it

  2. 11 months ago

    i'm still playing swtor!

    • 11 months ago

      MMOs are fricked because they literally can't be good anymore. The ready availability of information and the modern trend of completely optimized speedrun gameplay and livestreamer shit are poison to a genre based on the idea of exploration, content for large groups and a a varying degree of player economy.

      enjoy maintenance mode. rip to a shit but still underrated game.

  3. 11 months ago

    If you like vanilla wow, Ashes of Creation.
    If you like normie things like FFXIV, Riot MMO.

    • 11 months ago

      >Ashes of Creation
      Actively promoting a scam.

    • 11 months ago

      >Ashes of Creation
      feel like i've been hearing about this for twenty years now

  4. 11 months ago

    It's joever. Riot MMO will probably be shit because they'll put PVP in it and it'll fricking fail.

  5. 11 months ago

    there isn't a game of any genre to look forward to.

    • 11 months ago


      Is there any MMO to look forward to? Is it over for the genre?

      Felmyst 3 pvp private server on friday.

      • 11 months ago

        Is it a good server?

        • 11 months ago

          I dunno, hasn't launched yet. TBC. It runs for like a year or so, but your character gets saved afterward for the next one as I understand it. No China allowed, so doesn't sound bad so far. Friday.

        • 11 months ago

          >no china allowed
          best so far
          every other pserver got CHINK'd hard

          • 11 months ago

            I dunno, hasn't launched yet. TBC. It runs for like a year or so, but your character gets saved afterward for the next one as I understand it. No China allowed, so doesn't sound bad so far. Friday.

            no china allowed
            holy shit... do BR next

      • 11 months ago

        I dunno, hasn't launched yet. TBC. It runs for like a year or so, but your character gets saved afterward for the next one as I understand it. No China allowed, so doesn't sound bad so far. Friday.

        TBC is a shit expansion for morons, so obviously its not good

        • 11 months ago

          TBC would be better if the class design wasn't pure dogshit.
          >warlock one button rotation in raids
          Sure it's different in arena, but raiding is like half of the game. I enjoyed WOTLK warlock so much more because affliction had actual mechanics and was viable.
          >Haunt uptime and travel time, avoiding dot clipping, corruption snapshotting, when to use wild magic or speed, etc.
          It wasn't too complicated either, the perfect middle-ground.

      • 11 months ago

        Necrophilia is not okay.

      • 11 months ago

        did another tbc server just open like two months ago? undead women make my dick hurt

    • 11 months ago

      the world's ending soon, I wouldn't worry about games.

    • 11 months ago

      Dragon's Dogma 2

  6. 11 months ago

    What do you want from a mmorpg?
    There are mmos that cater to every kind of player already.
    Nothing new will shift the current status quo much.

  7. 11 months ago

    I theorize the death of MMOs is due to not having the time. We all grew up and don't want a second job/career. You want social aspects. You want progression. You want to level, but then endgame is looming in the distance so you want to rush to it. A lot of it becomes a grind so that you can progress. How do you create a template where you can progress without heavily rewarding a grind? How do you present progression without making someone want to rush to endgame? People typically cite lack of social aspects, but that's an easy fix where you just stop "globalization" and enforce communities.

    • 11 months ago

      this happens because if you don't gear up early on, you will not get to play the game unless you pay people money or gold. the endgame for retail wow and classic wow and wotlk is farming gold and paying people to boost. its really that bad, its called GDKP. you wont even get an invite to content in retail unless your fully geared, even shit thats below your ilvl.

      • 11 months ago

        >have some of the best gear for my level
        >still don't get invited because I parse green

    • 11 months ago

      I dont want my games to be social, i talk with people so much its supposed to be a break from this dating circus not some fantasy date frick enforcer,

      ES Oblivion was a good game. Same for Fallout 4. If you cant even mf explore a town without hearing someone say poophomosexual on voice chat, you might as well go golfing,

  8. 11 months ago

    modern mmo developers are very confused with what gamers actually want. they think we want to watch a movie, and watch endless dialog, and do endless quests, when in reality we want to play a videogame.

    • 11 months ago

      >we want to play a videogame
      Nobody plays mmorpgs for the gameplay.
      Gameplay was and is the weakest part of the genre.
      It's the community aspect that matters.

  9. 11 months ago

    Social Media killed MMORPGs.

    You have to remember one important thing, MMORPGs were basically glorified global chatrooms. That aspect was destroyed by social media going mainstream.

    That was the "SOUL" of the MMO, and its gone.

    MMORPGs are now glorified singleplayer games

    • 11 months ago

      Metaverse was supposed to be the next step and I can really see it if a game company does it
      But not if the social media company does it, they don't make fricking games
      You can have the game that tieds and shows you in-game the posts you make on twitter or instagram
      Imagine setting your shop and the storefront is your pinned twitter or something like that
      I can see it

  10. 11 months ago

    >you will never type "turn 360 degrees and walk away" in trade chat to get dozens of people correcting you ever again

  11. 11 months ago

    Oh boy another thread where people who only have played WoW and + 1-2 other MMO's will tell you the genre is dead

  12. 11 months ago

    Here's some that I'm ~~*((slightly*~~)) hopeful about.
    >Archeage 2
    >Chrono Odyssey
    >The new LotR MMO from Amazon Shit Studios

    • 11 months ago

      >The new LotR MMO from Amazon Shit Studios
      Anon please even before New World and Rings of Power this was looking shaky

      • 11 months ago

        I'm just excited to see it, good or bad.

    • 11 months ago

      you are a moronic newbieg0t

    • 11 months ago

      >LOTR Amazon
      how can you be even slightly hopefull after what Amazon did to LOTR and all their MMORPGs ?

      • 11 months ago

        They make action MMOs and I wanna see if they've improved since working on New World. The setting of the MMO is quite irrelevant to me.

  13. 11 months ago

    I'm hoping for the new Riot one to be close to wow
    My gf doesn't play much games and she suffers severe depression, but Zelda Breath of the wild and Wow put a smile on her face
    It pains me that there isn't any other mmo with wow aesthetics
    Everything is ultra realistic or with maximum particles in every ability and she doesn't dig those

  14. 11 months ago

    Baldurs Gate 3 has multiplayer

    • 11 months ago

      Please stay in your designating shilling threads. Enough of them as is.

      • 11 months ago

        you can make custom adventures too so people could maybe import the classic WoW map and play BG3 with 4 people as if it were classic wow. we could become friends and play it together

    • 11 months ago

      Im never gonna buy BG3 since it promotes beastiality. In fact how about I avoid buying games at all until I can study 100% the walkthrough before any purchases and see what patches come in. Theres no point for ugly suprises anymore.

      As ex someones a shitty karen. Just avoid her, make new friends.

      • 11 months ago

        its not bestiality if its a druid

  15. 11 months ago

    My last hope in the genre is riot's MMO.
    Should that fail, the MMOs can only recover with some future tech like brain-computer-interface or some sword art online full sensory dream machine.

    • 11 months ago

      Unironically this
      WoW was the GOAT and nothing has even come close.

      If Riot's IP can't take the mantle, then until something liek .hack/SAO comes out the genre is dead

      • 11 months ago

        It will also be saved if Archeage 2 doesn't have P2W.

        • 11 months ago

          >if Archeage 2 doesn't have P2W
          It doesn't matter if it's going to be P2W in the West. The entire game will be designed as a F2P/P2W for the Korean market.
          Which means there will be RNG upgrading systems (so they can sell consumables that increase the chance of upgrading an item, and/or remove the chance of downgrading it if it fails); everything will be a pain in the ass to farm (so they can sell boosts or other in-game items); cosmetics you can get in-game will be dull and boring (so they can sell good-looking costumes).

          So, even if monetization in the West turns out to be completely fine, the game is going to be shit. A miserable P2W game at its core... but without the option of spending money to speed things up.

          • 11 months ago

            All I'm saying is that if they didn't do any of what you just said then MMOs would be saved.

  16. 11 months ago

    >we have this thread every single day
    This is Amazon canvassing isn't it

    • 11 months ago

      No we don't. I had to go out of my way to make a thread about MMOs(and not a general for a specific game) to talk about them.

      • 11 months ago

        they said the exact same thing about Divinity OS 2 and the many other digital "DM tools"
        If i wanted to do that i'd run a TTRPG on TTS

  17. 11 months ago

    MMOs are a "dead" genre walking.
    It's not truly dead, as they're able to still make a lot of money. WoW, FFXIV, even fricking EverQuest are still making more than enough money to justify them to keep going.

    It's that the genre really has nowhere new to grow, and it's not going to really get any bigger than where it currently is at.

    The only genre that's truly over at the moment is RTS, unless Blizzard somehow pulls a miracle with SC3 (which I wouldn't bet on)

  18. 11 months ago

    FFXIV is the best mmo in the market. rest suck balls.

    • 11 months ago


      Bet you've got "pronouns in your bio" as well, huh?

  19. 11 months ago

    Traditional MMOs are dead, as the social aspect was the draw and now we have social media everywhere. Massively multiplayer online aspects are a feature nowadays and not a genre.

    • 11 months ago

      This is the big difference.
      People don't HAVE to log in to speak and socialize with friends/guildmates. Sure, we had forums in the paste, but that's very different than having an active chat.

      But now those active chats are happening in guild-created Discord channels.

      People who aren't already playing MMOs may be in a private channel with just their IRL friends, and back-and-forth there, no MMO needed.

    • 11 months ago

      Yea now developers actually have to make good games that play well instead of relying on the novelty of online interaction, in some ways it's a good thing.

  20. 11 months ago

    Do we know anything about the Riot MMO yet?

  21. 11 months ago

    I think MMOs can recover if they stop doing the live service model and instead make finished games that aren't designed to hook you in forever. MMOs that have an end like regular games.
    The content can be more dense as it isn't designed to make you grind or do dailies, weekly raids or any of that shit. Singleplayer quality MMOs is what we need.

    • 11 months ago

      Wrong, WoW had the perfect balance before they introduced dailies if they had released new raids/content more frequently. Most MMOs stagnate because you hit max level in a few days and then you're stuck raiding the same instance every week which sucks after you've cleared it a few times.
      At that point there's nothing out in the world for you to do, so you might as well quit until the next expansion.

      • 11 months ago

        This won't work today, god knows they've tried to make another WoW happen but it just isn't possible anymore.
        Stagnation isn't a problem if the game was designed to only last a few months, then instead of releasing an expansion you would have an entire sequel to look forward to. Once that sequel is out you could still go back to the previous game and play that if you wanted, it wouldn't be lost to time, which is a way better approach.
        I think we have the capabilities to do this now, server space isn't as costly as it was back then.

  22. 11 months ago

    I'm waiting for that riot mmo only because the lead dev said that he worked on star wars galaxies and he doesn't want to make another retail wow clone

  23. 11 months ago

    PvP MMO > PvE MMO
    Albion Online is huge right now and upcoming MMOs focus more and more on PvP while PvE MMOs continue to die within their first year.
    Get over your PvP anxiety already.

  24. 11 months ago

    I'm interested in Riot MMO, not hyped, just curious to see what they put out.
    No other project interests me. Kickstarter MMOs are all scam because it costs dozens of millions to produce and maintain a good MMO, it's impossible with less than 30 millions to make anything not shitty.
    You should only be interested in MMOs backed by companies with a lot of money and ignore everything else.

    • 11 months ago

      The announcement they were working on a MMO was four years ago. Only news we got were layoffs and game directors leaving the project.
      It's dead.

      • 11 months ago

        It's in way better shape now with Ghostcrawler off the team.

        • 11 months ago

          Cool, post some gameplay.

          • 11 months ago

            Patience little niglet, it will be shown when it's ready.

            • 11 months ago

              Just four more years.

              • 11 months ago

                Something like that, it's good that they got rid of GC early so he can do minimal damage to the game.

    • 11 months ago

      why would i be interested in big budget MMO's when literally every single one is a complete failure? they haven't learned there lesson yet, and our only hope is an indie dev creating something with passion.

      • 11 months ago

        Indies can only produce PvP MMOs. They don't have the budget to produce an endless stream of PvE content to keep players busy.
        I believe Albion is the only indie MMORPG that made it.

        • 11 months ago

          have you tried unreal engine? making mmos is easy as frick these days, we will probably start to see real indie mmos popping up within the next 5 or 10 years that are worth playing. i'm amazed its not already happening, even i was able to get pretty far, for free, imagine what a small budget of around 1 million dollars can do.

  25. 11 months ago

    it's simply winning

    • 11 months ago

      >the fire aspect was in a lesbian relationship with the ice primal

  26. 11 months ago

    What do you guys think of gw2?

  27. 11 months ago

    Whenever I read about peoples' experiences playing Final Fantasy XI it sounds like it had everything I could want out of an MMO. It's a shame I more or less missed the boat on that one.

  28. 11 months ago

    What was the last update on Riot's fighting game?

    • 11 months ago

      who cares

  29. 11 months ago

    Riot's MMO = Some sort of nuWoW-clone, with GW2's progression system and open-world events. The end-game content is going to be collecting cosmetics (for casuals) and instanced dungeons/raids (for sweaty gamers). Oh, and action combat.
    That's my prediction: don't expect some ultra-hardcore sandbox fantasy world simulator, it's going to be the most themepark of themeparks.

    Ashes of Creation = Lineage 3. I do believe they are going to deliver, but it's hard to say if the game is going to be FUN or not. Stuff like "player driven economy" sound great on paper, but in practice no one wants to click on trees and rocks for six months to make money.
    In MMOs where money = power, at some point a faction gets so disgustingly rich no one can realistically catch-up to them anymore. So people start giving up and quitting, and the game dies. I wonder how they'll handle this.

    That's basically it, just these two games.

    • 11 months ago

      >Ashes of Creation
      i dont see any halfnaked elves so thats not lineage

    • 11 months ago

      The future of MMOs:
      >equipment loss on death, ideally full-loot PvP
      >heavily instanced to prevent uneven fights with a free-for-all open world
      >no levels, you grind for resources instead exp
      >everything is crafted by the players
      Anything else is just repeating WoW and destined to fail within a year. Eve and albion were a good start.

      • 11 months ago

        Nutriments fricker begone.

      • 11 months ago

        full loot pvp doesn't work that well, mmos require a large time investment and losing your character like that will make most sane people quit. also, thats definitely not the future. look at diablo 4, thats the future. long boring quests and collection logs is the future of mmorpgs, unless we get some sick indie devs who know what theyre doing, we will never get a good game. not from any of the big companies who only care about profit (wasting your time for as long as possible with filler content is a great way to make money)

      • 11 months ago

        >heavily instanced to prevent uneven fights with a free-for-all open world
        I really think they should do more with instancing, I have yet to see a game where two players are in separate instances of the same world but they can still see each other. Creating the illusion of a populated world without any of the negatives that comes with a populated world is the future of MMOs.

  30. 11 months ago

    > start playing an MMO
    > grasp the basics of the game
    > arrive at the first settlement
    > complete mission
    > go to the next NPC
    > complete mission
    > go to the next NPC
    And so on... MMOs are fricking boring.

  31. 11 months ago

    >fantasy MMO
    >very low magic
    >imagine lord of the rings movies
    >if you know any magic at all you are basically a god so it's reserved for legendary lore characters
    >light survival elements like eat/drink/rest/extreme weather conditions
    >early medieval technology
    >grunt gear is chain mail, basic open helmet, spear, broadsword, shield
    >knights get chain mail, breastplate, plate helmet, shins, crows beak, flail, 1.5 handers and shield
    >4 life paths(classes)
    >deeply religious monk/nun(males can specialize into a priest or crusader, females the abbess)
    >scoundrel(can specialize into a prostitute or bounty hunter)
    >conscript(starts as grunt, can become a town guard or knight) - male only
    >adventurer for hire(murder hobo and grave robber, get caught and it's your head)
    >different life goals and story per path
    >basic class trinity: monks and nuns offer spiritual support, conscripts are the front line, scoundrels and adventurers are of low moral character and looked down by society, everybody needs them, nobody would admit it)
    >horses are a thing, if you can afford them, same as wagons
    >no random loot, you pick a weapon and specialize with it(learning new moves)
    >nuns and monks write chants and study scripture to improve their abilities
    >quests are tailored to your life path
    >monks and nuns are hired for philosophical tasks and advice
    >scoundrels steal shit and spy, combat is rare
    >conscripts do army shit like menial labor for their superiors and training
    >adventurers have to hunt down contracts in the underworld
    >dungeons, caves, ruins are a thing all over the world
    >5 man party
    >full collision so blocking a hallway /w shields is a valid strategy
    >AAA visuals and animations

  32. 11 months ago

    how do people even have time for MMOs anymore? i guess it's fine if you only really wanna play one game, i don't think the genre can ever make a comeback

  33. 11 months ago

    MMOs are ruined forever and it’s not even a consequence of how they’re designed as games. People just aren’t dumb and innocent like they were in the mid-00s so you will never get that virgin experience again regardless of how the game is designed.

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