What MMOs are you playing /vrpg/?
Is Guild Wars 2 worth getting into?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I used to play perfect world, no idea how it's nowadays.
    No idea about GW2 though, sorry bud.

    • 2 years ago

      how old are you

  2. 2 years ago

    Do you like trannies? Do you like games made by literal self inserting trannies? If yes then you'll love it.

    • 2 years ago

      The vanilla storyline starts off okay. Once you finish that and hit season 1 and season 2, two different lesbian couples are introduced which become major players in the plot. One of the new party members introduced is the inexplicably black son of a white woman from a tribe made up entirely of white people. Otherwise pretty okay up until you hit Icebrood Saga, at which point you realize every nation leader is a woman, and the most badass alpha male party member Rytlock gets whipped. Also one of the big bad dragons gets retconned into being non-binary or something. HOWEVER, this is again all just minor gripes and doesn't overall make the story unbearable.

      The latest expansion, End of Dragons, is when the wokeness becomes constantly in your face and insufferable.

      • 2 years ago

        >The vanilla storyline starts off okay.
        I dunno. I remember treejesus appearing pretty quickly and he is better than you at everything and everything you do is attributed to him and holy shit isn't treejesus just the greatest ever at everything always!

        • 2 years ago

          He's been dead for 7 years and people are still pushing this "he stole all of the credit" meme. It's as bad as the GreenJesus lie perpetuated in WoW.

          • 2 years ago

            when you start paying to attention to what the people are complaining about gw2 they quickly expose themselves for having extremely outdated opinions because they tried the game out at some point near launch. it's also because no story in gw2 is invalidated by latter addition in the sense other mmorgs handle it aka you have to go through the worst lows to get up to date with the new stuff.

            • 2 years ago

              Most of the people that complain about Trahearne, Braham etc seem to think that GW2's story doesn't ride (You)r dick hard enough even though (You) are a mary sue on a scale that makes most fanfic look tame.

              • 2 years ago

                it's because they think your personal story should continue to the end whereas it basically ends at level 40

      • 2 years ago

        >End of Dragons, is when the wokeness becomes constantly in your face and insufferable
        How so?
        Got the first two expansions dirt cheap, but haven't wondered about the chyna expansion yet.
        As the first two offer so much content.

        >The vanilla storyline starts off okay.
        I dunno. I remember treejesus appearing pretty quickly and he is better than you at everything and everything you do is attributed to him and holy shit isn't treejesus just the greatest ever at everything always!

        >isn't treejesus just the greatest ever
        That stupid meme was cringe 10 years ago and it hasn't gotten any less.
        It just part of the fricking story.
        Always pitied players complaining that the pixel peoples didn't kiss your ass 24/7 and a co-protagonist "stole" a bit of the thunder.

        • 2 years ago

          >How so?
          Expac is about how the last dragon is this oh so perfect single mother and how all of the men in her life were shit
          The other alpha male character introduced gets whipped as well
          Lesbian marriage
          beat the bigot quest
          the world is ending but we're going to stop and listen to an engineer talk about how is agender

          • 2 years ago

            I'm glad I didn't like GW2 that much.
            Makes me totally okay with it being an SJW containment MMO.
            Let them have their plots built on bashing the patriarchy and how gay everyone is.

        • 2 years ago

          He's been dead for 7 years and people are still pushing this "he stole all of the credit" meme. It's as bad as the GreenJesus lie perpetuated in WoW.

          when you start paying to attention to what the people are complaining about gw2 they quickly expose themselves for having extremely outdated opinions because they tried the game out at some point near launch. it's also because no story in gw2 is invalidated by latter addition in the sense other mmorgs handle it aka you have to go through the worst lows to get up to date with the new stuff.

          Most of the people that complain about Trahearne, Braham etc seem to think that GW2's story doesn't ride (You)r dick hard enough even though (You) are a mary sue on a scale that makes most fanfic look tame.

          aaaand I'm spent.

          • 2 years ago

            I know some "people" that call Scarlet their favourite character.

  3. 2 years ago

    >Is Guild Wars 2 worth getting into?
    Yes, if you know what you are getting into. Going through the main story provides the sense that you are going an adventure through a high fantasy world. After season 2, each chapter of the story takes you to a brand new high fantasy zone, be it an airship fleet that has crashed into the canopy of a living jungle, the interior of an active volcano, a zone set on top of a humongous dragon, a sea turned into Jade that is being quarried, and so on. Many of the maps have unique traversal gimmicks, such as platforming sections, dark rooms where you can only see 5 feet in front of you, spiderman swinging inside a volcano, etc. (All maps from the expansions btw. The vanilla maps are quite generic, as well as not being anywhere near as well designed, so please don't take them as being indicative of what comes later). There are also some cool setpieces (again, expansion setpieces that is).

    Don't go into the story expecting the actual writing or narrative to be good, but the voice acting is pretty good and again, the sense of adventure is palpable.

  4. 2 years ago

    WoW TBC Classic. Pretty fun, I never really got into WoW back in the day so a lot of things are pretty novel to me.

  5. 2 years ago

    >What MMOs are you playing /vrpg/?
    FFXIV. Though "playing" isn't entirely accurate atm since I'm mostly just waiting for the next content patch.

    >Is Guild Wars 2 worth getting into?
    It's alright. The story is absolute dogshit and the endgame is a joke, but the campaign is at least fun to play through. If you like MMO's I'd say it's worth the price of admission. You'll probably get bored with it after finishing it once, but it doesn't have a subscription so you're not losing anything by just jumping in occasionally.

    • 2 years ago

      have a nice day XIEVEBlack person.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah. The idea that I make cucks like you seethe just by existing is reason enough to keep bringing it up.

  6. 2 years ago

    I don't think there's a single mmorpg worth playing.
    Wow classic is ruined by it's new audience.
    Ffxiv just isn't very fun. It's a very solitary lonely experience and you have to sit through way too much boring dialogue and story. I'm not sure when RPGs became more about that than gameplay. And MMORPGs should hinge even more on gameplay not narrative.

    • 2 years ago

      >I'm not sure when RPGs became more about that than gameplay.
      Bro actually playing a character in a story is literally the point of RPGs, and has been ever since they split off as a separate genre from wargaming.

      But I do agree that if you're not down for sitting through hours of tedious dialogue and cutscenes, FFXIV is an awful game to play. It barely has any RPG elements to start with, far less than even the average MMO, and you can't get to the endgame content (i.e. the only content that's even vaguely interesting mechanically) without going through the entire story. So unless you're a storygay the game is pure torture.

      • 2 years ago

        >in a story
        No, seriously, frick off.

    • 2 years ago

      >you have to sit through way too much boring dialogue and story. I'm not sure when RPGs became more about that than gameplay

      • 2 years ago

        My favorite part of playing dnd was always asking the gm to turn the page as he just read an entire book to us with no input

        • 2 years ago

          DDO actually has a DM type narrator in most modules/adventures.
          It's really unique nowadays just for that.

          • 2 years ago

            DDO is still great, if you actually have a small group of players spent on MMORPGs because it puts a spin on certain elements. And it draws from D&D so character building actually takes more effort than your average MMORPG and you'll be lost if you don't have any experience with the property.

  7. 2 years ago

    Personally I think GW2 gameplay wise is pretty solid
    I just skip most of the cutscenes since the main story stuff is usually gay trannies complaining

    the mount system is pretty cool tho, griffon took me a while to get but its definitely worth it
    I have no idea how to get the dragon though its probably insanely expensive
    if you can get past the annoying story stuff its definitely worth playing

    • 2 years ago

      to be fair past the opening section you don't have to engage with the story since only requirement for post-vanilla content is getting to lvl 80. you get experience from everything and unlike ff14, for example, main story is never forced on you.

    • 2 years ago

      >I have no idea how to get the dragon though its probably insanely expensive
      >if you can get past the annoying story stuff its definitely worth playing
      Skyscale is more of a time grind, hunting a million and one things on the map, rather than a straight up cash sink like griffin.

  8. 2 years ago

    It's easy as shit but I just like walking through Tamriel and crafting shit for my home

    • 2 years ago

      ESO is an MMO made for bored wine aunts

    • 2 years ago

      ESO is an MMO made for bored wine aunts

      it's just so fricking ugly
      was debating between ESO and GW2 and GW2 mainly won because it didn't make me puke and the boobies looked fantastic

  9. 2 years ago

    "MMORPGs" are neither MMOs or RPGs. They're also not good games.

    • 2 years ago

      What do you mean? Never interacting with the world outside of your discord buddies, playing only in instanced corridors with exactly five people all playing the One True Party Composition™ against mobs that are all programmed to lose in exactly the same way to obtain soulbound-on-pickup loot once a day is the pinnacle of the MMORPG experience!

      • 2 years ago

        MMOBlack folk and its consequences has been disastrous for the gaming industry.

        • 2 years ago

          RvR is fun
          I like fighting a war and keep knocking down enemy's castles
          Game would be insane if
          -bodyblocking existed
          -no aoe cap of 5
          It would highly incentivize groups of 5, target calling, massive battle lines to spread people out and envelop targets.
          One giant stack of toughness Black folk with every boon in the game drenched in aoe heals gets old after awhile, even if the meta evolved to a few orbitting parties at one point

          • 2 years ago

            >It would highly incentivize groups of 5, target calling, massive battle lines to spread people out and envelop targets.
            And make it unplayable for pick up groups because they can't coordinate at all.

            • 2 years ago

              In gw1 people would just chill in the arena lobby saying 3/4 lf monk if they needed a healer and this was for the equivalent of spvp. Not sure why people wouldnt just adapt to that if it became necessary to coordinate.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, but days of LFG are gone. Everything is automated these days.

              • 2 years ago

                not a bad thing. Spamming chat for dungeons and raids is shit. Raid Finder is a good thing.

  10. 2 years ago

    I just recently started playing it myself. First day I encounter gay plant people, which doesn't even seem to make sense. Why do sylvans even have romantic relationships with each other when they're literally born in seed pods from the pale tree or some shit? Seems like it serves no purpose as I don't think they can even reproduce like other races, but shit if I know.

    Anyway, the gameplay seems fun, lore seems somewhat interesting to uncover through the story and the world is nice to look at so I'm gonna tolerate the occasional current era crap so long as it doesn't become omnipresently annoying.

    • 2 years ago

      >so long as it doesn't become omnipresently annoying.
      it will

    • 2 years ago

      Do you really think reproduction is the only reason for romance? Were you a caveman frozen in ice until recently?

      • 2 years ago

        >reproduction is the only reason for romance

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah from a scientific standpoint reproduction is indeed the sole reason for romance. Certainly makes more sense than pompous homosexuals having something to do with it.

          No wonder you guys are so alone.

          • 2 years ago

            no wonder you and your dog have monkey pox

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah from a scientific standpoint reproduction is indeed the sole reason for romance. Certainly makes more sense than pompous homosexuals having something to do with it.

      • 2 years ago

        Prefer cavenons to reddit manufactured homosexuals.

        I really wanted to love TESO. The environments look great in my opinion and at first I really enjoyed some of the quests but once the magic of visiting TES locations I only heard of in other games wore off I was just really bored. I also liked crafting shit but the combat itself is really suffering from the scaling in my opinion.

        You can make some amazing looking characters with a little effort, and the crafting and gearing system are pretty good for supporting different builds but the undefeatable jank of the combat engine always murders my fun in the end.

        • 2 years ago

          >combat engine always murders my fun in the end.
          Same. Even as someone who got into light weaving, I just couldn't love it. As far as action MMOs go it easily has the worst feeling combat. With regards to balancing the devs overseeing it are the most schizo I've ever seen in an MMO.

  11. 2 years ago

    Dungeons and Dragons Online, aka DDO is pretty great if you play with a premade group at the same pace.

    The engine is cobbled together as frick, but it's a fantastic game if you ignore all the veteran players trying to speed run everything, or the massive buffs you can get from Guilds that make early content a cakewalk

    • 2 years ago

      >Dungeons and Dragons Online, aka DDO is pretty great if you play with a premade group at the same pace.
      I dislike how they gradually moved away from tabletop. Nowadays dice rolling is almost just cosmetic. But yeah, it probably has THE best dungeons as actual experiences rather than just boss tank and spank. Amazing on your first run. They recently opened up a ton of shit for free to players just like LotRO, right?

    • 2 years ago

      >Dungeons and Dragons Online, aka DDO is pretty great if you play with a premade group at the same pace.
      I dislike how they gradually moved away from tabletop. Nowadays dice rolling is almost just cosmetic. But yeah, it probably has THE best dungeons as actual experiences rather than just boss tank and spank. Amazing on your first run. They recently opened up a ton of shit for free to players just like LotRO, right?

      >Dungeons and Dragons Online
      is it actually any good, though? I remember from way back when it was still subtitled stormreach, but I never got to play it.

      • 2 years ago

        If you have a group of friends, yes. Far more so than any other MMORPG because dungeons are a big part of the game.

  12. 2 years ago

    Find a Dragon's Dogma Online private server. There was a github thing that got posted recently, so someone is probably hosting one by now

  13. 2 years ago
  14. 2 years ago

    i old schooler runescape clcik tree good!

    • 2 years ago

      People always shit on Runescape for its simplicity but Its fun to play an MMO where the quests feel like actual quests.

  15. 2 years ago

    The story is the worst part and is a slog to just unlock stuff. Once you get into farming and doing chill fractals or exploring the maps and doin events, its good

  16. 2 years ago

    I miss old conquer online

  17. 2 years ago

    >Is Guild Wars 2 worth getting into?
    Yes definitely. i don't have the time for it anymore, but the 1.5 years i spent playing it several years back was super fun.

    >Questing/grinding is really fluid and fast
    >PVP/PVE is fricking amazing
    >Dungeons/group mechanics isn't as punishing as WoW

    >Story/lore is ???/Meh
    >Bosses seemed too easy compared to WoW
    >Monetary/trade system was not as well rounded as WoW (it may have improved now though)

    If you're into PVP, def play it.

  18. 2 years ago

    Been playing EVE Echoes again.

  19. 2 years ago

    I'm not currently playing any but I miss the frick out of Black Desert Online

    • 2 years ago

      i played thru the story but what the frick do you do after that? I mean there's no real frame or anything. BDO is like a sandbox basically?

  20. 2 years ago

    Return of Reckoning, might drop it quick

  21. 2 years ago

    better off with GW1. gameplay is way better. skill system is still the best ever

    bdo is decent keeping it to seasonal.

    but kino king right now is albion online.

    • 2 years ago

      Are there any active servers?

      • 2 years ago

        GW1 doesn't have servers. If you actually want groups look up the NA district.

  22. 2 years ago

    GW1 was worth getting into. Oh god, now you've made me yearn for the summer of 2005 again.

  23. 2 years ago

    Lineage 2 for me

  24. 2 years ago

    potat simulat XIV

  25. 2 years ago

    Literally trying out GW2 today specifically because of the whiny boomers and /misc/tards. So far I'm really enjoying it.

    • 2 years ago

      You fricking zoomie actually chose the perfect moment, as they just revamped the starter experience.
      Giving you the first mount for free from the beginning, even permanently when you buy the 1st two expansions.

  26. 2 years ago

    Grew out of MMOs years ago. It's telling that the most successful one left is XIV and that is one of the most mind numbing games I've ever experienced. I can't imagine being braindead enough to enjoy the combat or ""Roleplaying"" in that game

  27. 2 years ago

    I loved the beginning of Conan Exiles but even after adjusting the grinding and even trying out the multiplayer(horrible mistake the community sucks) I think I got enough of mmos or survivals. I don't think I've ever played an interesting late-game mmo at all and I've played quite a lot, since 2002.

  28. 2 years ago

    I started playing lotro again to get a whole bunch of free shit back during their anniversary event.

    The hooks are back in frickin' DEEP. Fangorn was pretty cool. Even though I originally bought the game when it first came out the furthest I'd ever gotten through the years was through Moria.

    When their servers are actually working like they should, the mounted combat in Rohan was pretty goddamn fun.

    • 2 years ago

      >the furthest I'd ever gotten through the years was through Moria.
      Moria was absolutely peak of LotRO. It blows my mind they put together such an outstanding expansion set almost entirely underground.

      • 2 years ago

        I love Moria.

        • 2 years ago

          Conversely - the Mirkwood stuff wasn't quite as good but Dol Guldur was pretty neat.

          • 2 years ago

            I kinda expected to be betrayed by Dunlendings when travelling towards the Gap of Rohan with Halbarad and the Grey Company but I really wasn't expecting to be shipped off to Isengard and forced to work in the slave pits under Orthanc.

      • 2 years ago

        problem is that moria was basically the only REAL expansion lotro ever received. rohan and mordor stuff wasn't even close, let alone some smaller packs.

  29. 2 years ago

    EverQuest TLP Server (Yelinak)

  30. 2 years ago

    Playing pic related
    I'm level 30 and I'm bored out of my mind
    >Questing is boring as shit and follows the same formula (go to town, some bandits/undead/daedra/enemy alliance has attacked, go save everyone
    >voice acting is hit and miss, some are really good (mostly mq characters with big names), some are outright garbage
    >combat is so fricking boring, I'm literally falling asleep, even on the mini-boss battles
    >level scaling is the worst shit ever, your experience will be the same throughout the entire game
    >my templar can even solo world bosses by just self-healing and smashing lmb for 15 minutes
    >exploration is shit since at any time, some CP 1242015371951 McDumbfrick 1337g4m3r can and will ruin your immersion by just ruining whatever delve or area you're exploring by one-shotting everyone
    >even Tamriel feels boring and uninspired with the same copy pasted assets everywhere and everything feels generic as frick
    >crafting seems boring and useless since the items you create will be inferior in 5 minutes to the ones you get in drops as you level up
    >group dungeons are trash with everyone just rushing to the end boss, no tactics, skill or communication required
    >tried PvP on Cyrodill, spent 8 minutes riding on a horse until I got one shot by some high lvl gay

    • 2 years ago

      scaling is the worst shit ever, your experience will be the same throughout the entire game
      One Tamriel killed the game for me because there's zero challenge in anything unless it's group content. It's an absolute breeze, but it apparently brought back a HUGE number of casual players to the game.

    • 2 years ago

      scaling is the worst shit ever, your experience will be the same throughout the entire game
      One Tamriel killed the game for me because there's zero challenge in anything unless it's group content. It's an absolute breeze, but it apparently brought back a HUGE number of casual players to the game.

      Absolutely braindead moron opinions

      • 2 years ago

        have you actually played eso since that update? it turned the entire game into a flat line.

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty much my experience with the game.
      Especially the level scaling, that shit absolutely fricked combat.
      The only thing I'd slightly disagree with is the crafting.
      It's only mostly useless, until you save up a pile of materials to be able to make something at a rarity far above quest items with the exact stats you want.
      So it's useful for like five levels out of every 25-30.

    • 2 years ago

      Based and true.
      I fricking hate how the quests are structured most of all. Every single one feels like it has at least two steps too many that are just completely tacked on to make them take more time. Dreadful.

    • 2 years ago

      yea ESO can be boring. Just focus on dungeons with dungeon finder queue, PVP matches with PVP queue finder, and questing. PvP is pretty fun, the battleground matches i mean. And the quests aren't bad, they're actually pretty well written for an MMORPG.

    • 2 years ago

      The open world is meant to be beatable by pretty much anyone (except the world bosses, which vary greatly). Group dungeon content likely will have some people much higher level than you carrying you and trying to speed through it. Try more challenging content and battlegrounds. Even in the base game there are trials and an arena. More challenging content will open up for you at higher level especially.

    • 2 years ago

      That's the only MMO where you actually get weaker when you level up until you reach max level and then start getting stronger again

      • 2 years ago

        I really wanted to love TESO. The environments look great in my opinion and at first I really enjoyed some of the quests but once the magic of visiting TES locations I only heard of in other games wore off I was just really bored. I also liked crafting shit but the combat itself is really suffering from the scaling in my opinion.

  31. 2 years ago

    Apparently this game is getting a reboot and launching in a couple weeks. I had never heard of it but I'm always interested in "new" MMOs. Anyone ever play it?

  32. 2 years ago

    The fiftieth reboot of Darkfall Online is dropping soon, who's hyped?

    • 2 years ago

      No one of /vrpg/ is good enough to play DF.
      t. will be playing though
      I remember so many hacks from the original - just hope they upgraded security.

  33. 2 years ago

    playing WoW Warmane, am pretty much sticking to it. It's the most solid MMORPG

  34. 2 years ago

    God, it was so good.

    • 2 years ago

      The Secret World was amazing, but making it an MMORPG was as mistake. It's probably the only game improved by absence of other players running around like idiocy so you can actually soak in the atmosphere and enjoy solving puzzles on your own. I just wish combat wasn't so meh.

      • 2 years ago

        tried it and got to that town, setting was nice but the game client was very buggy and ran like shit. Also the gameplay, using puzzles and shit, well that just ain't my thing

        • 2 years ago

          It's not for most MMORPG players hence the genre mislabeling. In fact, TSW was supposed to be an adventure game in the vein of The Longest Journey, but Funcom executives quoted piracy numbers and wanted that sweet sweet sub revenue. What you got at the end was a game about atmosphere and puzzles where most players would zoom past everything and look up solutions online or straight up ask for spoilers in chat.

      • 2 years ago

        This. I would like an MMO in a similar setting but Secret World would have been better if it didn't just tack on the MMO

        The vanilla storyline starts off okay. Once you finish that and hit season 1 and season 2, two different lesbian couples are introduced which become major players in the plot. One of the new party members introduced is the inexplicably black son of a white woman from a tribe made up entirely of white people. Otherwise pretty okay up until you hit Icebrood Saga, at which point you realize every nation leader is a woman, and the most badass alpha male party member Rytlock gets whipped. Also one of the big bad dragons gets retconned into being non-binary or something. HOWEVER, this is again all just minor gripes and doesn't overall make the story unbearable.

        The latest expansion, End of Dragons, is when the wokeness becomes constantly in your face and insufferable.

        I remember people b***hing back in the day about how Trahearne stole their thunder in the main story, but I always liked the original story quest. It wasn't amazing but it feels better than most of the shit that came after it. I personally can't stand most of the Dragon's Watch characters except for Canach and Rytlock

  35. 2 years ago

    Playing through FFXI. Got most of my AF1 for THF and am working through Promathia atm

    • 2 years ago

      bro, go to your settings and change the aspect ratio to 16:9
      your welcome

    • 2 years ago
  36. 2 years ago

    World of Warcraft new dragon expansion.

  37. 2 years ago

    I wonder if Steam release will make a big difference. It's been 10 years.

  38. 2 years ago

    Guild wars?
    More like bawd wars.

  39. 2 years ago

    >Is Guild Wars 2 worth getting into?
    It's both a very casual game where everything you do advances you, but also autistically grindy if you want it to be to get all the titles, Legendaries, etc.

  40. 2 years ago

    -part 1-
    I played gw1 before gw2 released and my gw2 account is 10 years old in 2 days

    Guild Wars 2 is respecting you as a player the most. You can get into most content right out of the gate by simply walking to it. If you decide to boost to level 80 you can do literally anything (except raids, but more on that shitty part of the community in part 2). Boosting these days actually gives you a really good armor set, that is an all purpose and often meta defining one.
    You can play it for half an hour a day or 5 hours and there are no disadvantages you have based on how you spend your time. Playing their dungeon equivalent called fractals or running around in the world is just as valid as playing pvp. Everything offers unique but mostly equally good rewards too.

    One key thing in gw2 is that the gear you earn will never be worth less as years go by. Once you hit level 80 all level 80 Exotic gear (second highest one) is easy to acquire, most meta ones are also cheap and immediately competitive. A step above you have Ascended gear, which is quite a bit more harder to get, but those stats are a mere 5% more than Exotic at best.
    This means that once you have your gear, nothing can beat it and the only difference is between where the stats are allocated to. For example you can have lots of condition damage with a bit of health, or lots of health with a bit of condition damage, or mix and match.
    I used to have alts that had literal 9 year old equipment pieces that were still relevant, no other mmo is respecting your time spent to this level. The only one even getting close would be BDO with its softcaps.

    If you enjoy a more casual experience and enjoy exploring, packed with a fluid and actually fun combat system you will love gw2. Almost everything is accessible and people are chill and like to actively help you (if you desire to), check out the human starter area and you will see people hanging out chatting while giving you free food and shit.
    -part 1-

    • 2 years ago

      -part 2-
      arena like pvp has standardized gear where you can just swap your stat allocation and skills for free anytime. Not that this is much of a hassle in pve.
      large scale realm vs realm vs realm uses your pve gear and also scales your character up to level 80 to match your opponents, so if you like that just go straight into "World vs World" and level up your pve character there and earn gold doing so.
      In pve just going through 50+ zones is fun in its own right. You can do the aforementioned fractal dungeons, strike missions (a boss on a platform with cool mechanics) or participate in map wide bosses with 60 other players that repeat every 2 hours (think 40 man raids from wow).

      If you are looking for a typical raiding experience though, you will not be very happy. The raiding community is notoriously hostile for new players to the point that gw2's devs just stopped making new ones 4 years ago. To even get into a group via LFG (you know the ingame LFG) you need to have collected killproof. However anet has no way to show anyone ingame how many killproof someone has, you could argue its cause they do not want to gatekeep people. However the minute percentile of people who still do raids make you ping your killproof in the chat which is an item you get from killing a boss. Some groups go as far as to force you to share your account API key to a 3. party website which then gives you an id to share so they can check if you killed the boss 50 times before so you are allowed to join.
      The alternative is that you join some discord where you are at the mercy of some neckbeard "training" you on raids, which just means you get carried anyway and learn nothing.
      Does this all sound moronic to you? Yes it is for the large majority of the playerbase and those etilists are just circlejerking with each other now and this is why I cannot recommend gw2 if you enjoy a typical raiding experience you may know from other games, its the only thing I dislike about guild wars 2.
      -part 2-

      -part 3-
      Also regarding raids, rest easy though as you can get a much better and more fun experience in Strike Missions. As explained those just have a raid boss like encounter without much in between. This is what their devs have been developing in favour of raids and they named it differently so players would not associate it with the raid issue.
      And I would just like to mention, that you can fake your killproof too, so if you really want to try raids, just fake the killproof. google will have a script you can use to generate the code to send to the squadchat. Make sure to spam it 3 times quickly btw.

      All in all definitely give gw2 a try and take it easy, there is barely any mmo out there that managed to stay alive and profitable for over 10 years. Not to mention they never sold anything for real money that makes you stronger than others. A true sleeper hit that hopefully stays this way. If you are looking for builds to play there is a website called with builds for tryhards and casuals alike. The LI (Low Intensity) builds there are especially interesting as those can be effective by only using 1 or 2 skills. And you just try all the other skills as you play. This can help you learn your class if you decide to boost for example.
      -part 3-
      --end of transmission--

  41. 2 years ago

    -part 2-
    arena like pvp has standardized gear where you can just swap your stat allocation and skills for free anytime. Not that this is much of a hassle in pve.
    large scale realm vs realm vs realm uses your pve gear and also scales your character up to level 80 to match your opponents, so if you like that just go straight into "World vs World" and level up your pve character there and earn gold doing so.
    In pve just going through 50+ zones is fun in its own right. You can do the aforementioned fractal dungeons, strike missions (a boss on a platform with cool mechanics) or participate in map wide bosses with 60 other players that repeat every 2 hours (think 40 man raids from wow).

    If you are looking for a typical raiding experience though, you will not be very happy. The raiding community is notoriously hostile for new players to the point that gw2's devs just stopped making new ones 4 years ago. To even get into a group via LFG (you know the ingame LFG) you need to have collected killproof. However anet has no way to show anyone ingame how many killproof someone has, you could argue its cause they do not want to gatekeep people. However the minute percentile of people who still do raids make you ping your killproof in the chat which is an item you get from killing a boss. Some groups go as far as to force you to share your account api key to a 3. party website which then gives you an id to share so they can check if you killed the boss 50 times before so you are allowed to join.
    The alternative is that you join some discord where you are at the mercy of some neckbeard "training" you on raids, which just means you get carried anyway and learn nothing.
    Does this all sound moronic to you? Yes it is for the large majority of the playerbase and those etilists are just circlejerking with each other now and this is why I cannot recommend gw2 if you enjoy a typical raiding experience you may know from other games, its the only thing I dislike about guild wars 2.
    -part 2-

  42. 2 years ago

    -part 3-
    Also regarding raids, rest easy though as you can get a much better and more fun experience in Strike Missions. As explained those just have a raid boss like encounter without much in between. This is what their devs have been developing in favour of raids and they named it differently so players would not associate it with the raid issue.
    And I would just like to mention, that you can fake your killproof too, so if you really want to try raids, just fake the killproof. google will have a script you can use to generate the code to send to the squadchat. Make sure to spam it 3 times quickly btw.

    All in all definitely give gw2 a try and take it easy, there is barely any mmo out there that managed to stay alive and profitable for over 10 years. Not to mention they never sold anything for real money that makes you stronger than others. A true sleeper hit that hopefully stays this way. If you are looking for builds to play there is a website called with builds for tryhards and casuals alike. The LI (Low Intensity) builds there are especially interesting as those can be effective by only using 1 or 2 skills. And you just try all the other skills as you play. This can help you learn your class if you decide to boost for example.
    -part 3-
    --end of transmission--

  43. 2 years ago

    What's your feeling on the Riot League MMO?

    • 2 years ago

      Mobile game, chink spyware, trash.

      • 2 years ago

        Their two biggest games are on PC

        What's your feeling on the Riot League MMO?

        I don't have too much faith, whenever they make PvE content in their games it's okay, but still feels kinda lacking and they invariably end up fricking around with the systems until nobody likes it and they retire it, they've completely given up on making this kind of content for League for the past 3-5~ years
        I don't know who exactly they have working on it, so until we actually know what their vision is, what they're focusing on etc. I don't have much of an opinion one way or the other, instead of being overly pessimistic I hope they pull off something decent, since they're the one developer that has enough budget and enough of a fanbase to really pull off something like the second coming of WoW, even if it's unlikely it's much more likely than the washed up morons at Blizzard making anything passable

        • 2 years ago

          Washed up morons are now working at Riot. Ghostcrawler is the lead for their upcoming flagship title chingchong spyware.

    • 2 years ago

      I think they will frick up the patch cycle. All Riot games so far are relatively low effort. Take Valorant for example, there's like two new characters and one new map a year. Genshin (I know it's not a MMO, but it's a GaaS) and FFXIV on the other hand have fairly frequent content updates that require a lot more effort.
      I just don't see Riot competing in that way, so I guess they either take a more sandbox, player-driven game design or focus on the competitive aspect of the game with season pass and rankings to keep players busy.

      And Riot being Riot, I guess it will be the second and competitive games suck.
      Also, I don't feel any Riot games so far have been fun. It seems like they are good with player retention, but I never heard of someone genuinely having fun with one of their games.

  44. 2 years ago

    How many are alive today (as in with people)?

    • 2 years ago

      Final Fantasy XI is virtually the only one still alive and well today.

  45. 2 years ago

    Im playing nexus clash

  46. 2 years ago

    Some older games relaunching in the near future.

    Requiem Online is relaunching next week. I never played it but apparently it was decent and eventually ruined by its cash shop. Unclear if the reboot will have said cash shop.

    The latest revival of Darkfall Online is launching soon.

    Alganon is apparently coming back. Controversial game, apparently. Blatant WoW clone, but from what I read it wasn't that bad. Keep an eye on their Steam page for updates if you're interested.

    • 2 years ago

      Fricking hell lmao

      • 2 years ago

        I honestly hadn't even heard of it before I saw the relaunch announcement last week so I started reading up on it and was introduced to the moron known as Derek Smart. I've also never seen a game with such polarizing opinions. People either respond the way you did or swear that it's some fantastic and genius hybrid of WoW and EQ. I haven't seen one person react with something like "It was alright I guess."

        I'm actually kind of looking forward to trying it.

        • 2 years ago

          From what I remember it did some funny ass shit like basically just straight up steal WoW UI elements and stuff. It's crazy to me that it's potentially being relaunched. I think the lead dev was that guy that initially founded Istaria (formerly Horizons) and got booted off his own team kek

  47. 2 years ago

    Has anyone ever tried Neocron? There's a community server still running and the game is both bizarre and awesome. It's like a cyberpunk MMO built in the Deus Ex engine.

  48. 2 years ago

    Classic WoW and osrs are the only ones to ever get it right. Everything else it’s just living in their shadow.

  49. 2 years ago

    i'm downloading the steam version of Guild Wars 2 and joining a FFXI private server
    i doubt i'll last more than a week in both though

  50. 2 years ago

    is there a list of what mmos are still active (even as little as a 20 players)?

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