Modern Fighting games

>Mommy these inputs are too hard!
>Okay ill make it simple for you here hold down and you'll get your dp just don't cry

>Mommy i can't reach my opponent he just doesn't let me hit him
>Okay okay, ill make all your normals and specials much bigger

>Mommy these people are jumping in and hit me from behind i was blocking but got hit anyway do something
>Fine, a block button, no more cross ups and no air dashes, just hold it okay?

>Oh and mommy i hate blocking in air please fix that too
>Sure, no air blocking

>Huh? you are back to fortnite already? Why aren't you playing fighting games?
>I don't know i just got bored for some reason

Can you even save fighting game genre at this point? What can be done?

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Can you even save fighting game genre at this point? What can be done?
    You just make it into For Honor. That game has more players than any fighting game anyway despite everyone hating Ubisoft and the game having zero character or flavor. Strictly 1v1 on a flat plane is pretty much not going to keep players anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      No-one plays For Honor's 1v1 though, they play it for rolling around in gank squads in 4v4.

      • 2 years ago

        Nobody plays fighting games period. All you would do is make some gay shit to incentivize 1v1 more, or integrate it right into the group mode

    • 2 years ago

      It's actually surprising Capcom, being the absolute israelites that they are, and Arcsys, being completely impoverished, haven't tried this

  2. 2 years ago

    No air blocking actually makes it harder, not easier.

  3. 2 years ago

    Pretty nice of that kid's mother to design a whole game to his specifications.

  4. 2 years ago

    >What can be done?
    For starters stop b***hing about a newer game that's harder to play than Strive.

    • 2 years ago

      Why post DNF Duel when it's more complex than Strive?
      It has actual gatlings for one.

      >strive strive strive strive strive
      Never seen a fighting game live so fricking rent free on this board.

      • 2 years ago

        It's almost like it's garbage and not in a fun way like HnK.

      • 2 years ago

        Strive is the big popular one from the same company that does this stuff.
        DNF is actually an increase in complexity from their latest releases and all the dumbing down was introduced in GBF and Strive.

        because its the most recent entry, and absolute disaster of a fighting game that went overboard with catering to casuals and normalgays
        its super boring to play as a result

        The only complaint of yours that is actually from DNF is airblocking which is not casualfriendly.

  5. 2 years ago

    Why post DNF Duel when it's more complex than Strive?
    It has actual gatlings for one.

    • 2 years ago

      because its the most recent entry, and absolute disaster of a fighting game that went overboard with catering to casuals and normalgays
      its super boring to play as a result

      • 2 years ago

        Why are you describing strive?

      • 2 years ago

        only morons expected DNF to be anything but kusoge. i seriously don't how there is so many mentally ill gays going on a tirade against this trash game as if it was promised to be some high profile fighter. the more you homosexuals complain about "muh casuals", the more you out yourselves are not only casuals but as newbies

        • 2 years ago

          if you stop reminding and pointing out trash eventually those shitposts about how its "actually more complex" and other garbage will become unironic and you'll be surrounded and outnumbered by actual morons
          gatekeeping is a good thing and always was

          • 2 years ago

            DNF is kusoge but it is far more complex than Strive.
            The fact that you wrote a tirade about a game that is literally just shit that it gets from using the same engine as Granblue and Strive, the games that actually casualized things, stands.
            If you want to make a tirade about casualization then do it about the games that actually casualized things.

    • 2 years ago

      >Why post DNF Duel when it's more complex than Strive?

      Strive is the big popular one from the same company that does this stuff.
      DNF is actually an increase in complexity from their latest releases and all the dumbing down was introduced in GBF and Strive.
      The only complaint of yours that is actually from DNF is airblocking which is not casualfriendly.

      >DNF is actually an increase in complexity
      yea o.k. whatever (you) say boss

  6. 2 years ago

    Duke Nukem Forever Duel?

  7. 2 years ago

    >motions still in the game and reward you for using them
    >block button punishes you for using it

  8. 2 years ago

    Is that it? All you can do is just deflect with muh strive? really?
    How can one game have so much power over you

    • 2 years ago

      >h-how can you point to the games that are actually big in player count and actually dumbed things down
      >no it doesn't matter that it's the same company and same game engine I want to b***h about this game!
      Consider suicide.

  9. 2 years ago

    women don't code video games, lying ass OP.

  10. 2 years ago

    >dnf is actually super complex.
    What is this cope? A gane where I can stand back and chip my opponent to death isn't that engaging. And if they ever manage to get close, then just mash the command normal dp. Doesn't matter if you hit them or not because most DPs push the opponent back so far even on block that you can just go back to zoning anyways. I know strive is this board's new punching bag untill the next big fighter comes out but please stop lying to yourselves.

    • 2 years ago

      >chip opponent
      >he gets awakening and crushes you in a single dp because hitman bs
      At least play the kusoge for more than an hour if you're going to b***h about it.

    • 2 years ago

      >dnf is actually super complex.
      >What is this cope?
      That's called a strawman. No one said "super complex", which you obviously know or you wouldn't be trying to twist the argument to your favor.
      Contrasted with Strive, the game that casualized things, it is "more complex" in that it has gatlings and requires actual execution for some of them.

  11. 2 years ago

    >Press Search
    >Search for 5 minutes
    >Fight opponent 1v1
    >The one who wasted more time to practice wins
    That's it thats suppose to cost 60$ game
    Fricking Mortal Kombat has king of the heel with chat at least
    Come back when this garbage genre invents more gamemodes

  12. 2 years ago

    >air blocking
    it's like you don't play fighting games outside marvel

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