
Monster Musume TD
~I'm stuck on an island in the middle of the ocean with monster girls who adore me~
Half Anniversary stream will be on October 23rd, App Store/GooglePlay versions will launch soon after

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    The board being reduced messed me up. So threads die """quicker"""


    >Pastebin Guide

  2. 2 years ago

    Didn't get L from new tickets that sucks. Skipping new banner waiting for new e-girl or collab.

  3. 2 years ago

    If i'm getting this right, the basilisk does not poison, but does tons of bonus damage to enemies already poisoned?

    • 2 years ago

      She's an Assassin which poisons by default. So she'll hard just by herself.

  4. 2 years ago

    Basilisk seems like a good poison enhancer, but don't we have enemies in the game that are immune to poison like the helicopters?

    • 2 years ago

      Yep, it's conceptually always going to be niche rather than general use due to that. Most enemies are susceptible, but the hitch is the few things that aren't. Though it's not like there's any real need to care about viability in this game. She's primarily for making monmusu like Yura hit slightly harder for fun.

  5. 2 years ago

    >event summary part 2

    >heading back to Kazzo to discuss with Argyuro about making an antiserum and she responds it's doable, but she'll need human blood samples to work with
    >Harriera is also asking for praise for her work today and she also brings up Kazzo's repairs nearing complete, but there's an issue
    >Med also bursts in and slams right into MC, tolling her various double meaning destruction/love phrases while also asking MC about being able to leave the island with them which he responds was the plan
    >however back to the issue, due to the amount of monmusu on board, supplies are running low, and Kazzo's current power charging is insufficient
    >Letia shows up with a solution and a captured Thiel crying about her predicament
    >there are poachers planning something on the shore nearby with an unknown monster
    >no idea what, but kidnapping seems like a good opportunity
    >also solves the issue of needing human blood samples
    >finding the VGM on the beach along with monsters, Vivi pops in to describe the new unknown one
    >she says it is a youkai, the Ushioni, which is a type you wouldn't see on Gespens
    >Med is raring to go while Harriera is imagining cooking up the Ushioni's legs
    >after the battle, VGM reveals this was just a diversion
    >Tia reports in saying Kazzo is being attacked by pirates
    >Recliff and Cliffo back from their hunting trip are currently fighting them, but a main force with youkai monsters on the side is coming to reinforce them and the group needs to cut them off

    • 2 years ago

      >the group arrives to cut off the pirates and capture them
      >Harriera also now considers herself MC's older sister as well as Fermi's at this point which confuses Tia
      >after the battle, Vivi is celebrating and enjoying the new workforce for the ship, but the Pirate Captain shows up and boasts that she and her pirates have traveled many seas
      >the group is suddenly bombarded with Harriera covering MC
      >upset at any who would try to harm MC, she flies out to confront the ship personally
      >Vivi tells MC they need to send out Kazzo and chase after them
      >Recliff and Cliffo also show up and report seeing suspicious individuals besides just pirates on the pirate ship
      >Vivi says that this is probably the VGM's plan, but MC says they can't leave Harriera alone

      >the Kazzo is chasing the pirate ship full speed with Tia doing her best to power the ship
      >it is quite tumultuous
      >landing MC on the ship, Fermi holds one part while telling him to go help out her sister
      >Harriera is currently confronting the VGM, pirate captain, and old brave
      >seeing MC, she asks if he was worried to which he responds not only him, but Fermi as well who is fighting as well
      >anyways, the VGM says MC fell right into her plans despite his intellect while the pirate captain says pirates have the advantage in sea battles
      >MC responds that it doesn't matter and he has only gotten by on the strength lended to him by the monmusu while panning over them in power of friendship montage fashion
      >after winning with the power of friendship, VGM announces a true strategist also has plans for defeat and runs away

      • 2 years ago

        >in the mountains, the VGM was making her escape and plotting her revenge and even has her thoughts take the narrator boxes, but suddenly, she is ambushed by Tantaru and Rupupu
        >readying her weapons and wondering what they'll do, they end up having an argument of some sort
        >asking if she can leave, Tantaru suddenly grabs her from behind while Rupupu closes in from the front and they say they'll flush it all out with reconciliation boxes which I can only assume is a euphemism
        >the final textbox narrates from VGM's point of view
        >perhaps from the fatigue of losing the battle, I couldn't shake off the monster girl's slender arms and I was pushed down. My screams were swallowed up by the mountains and no one could hear them.
        >cut to black/H-scene

        >back on the Kazzo, they are sailing out fine as the pirates had quietly surrendered at this point
        >also it turns out the VGM never escaped, but was instantly put to sleep just before she could manage it as she mutters strange things in her sleep which makes MC wonder what they're making her dream
        >in any case, MC has quite a lot of questions for her after she wakes up and after she recovers from her dream as well
        >Harriera apparently will help with her feathers
        >Fermi shows up and has a tsundereish conversation with Harriera
        >however rather than get along with her sister, she wants to get along with MC and outright asks him to feel her feathers
        >if he won't touch her though as MC is hesitant, she'll just have to touch him and starts molesting MC
        >she is encouraged and helped by her sister
        >Vivi eventually rescues him, but MC vows to get rid of the dirty syndrome as soon as possible

        >back on Gespens, we cut to Mauro who is wondering where the hell Soleia is so she can challenge her
        >in fact nobody's around
        >the trio are also wondering around nearby trying to poach so Mauro accosts them to interrogate them asking where the others have gone
        >they answer politely while pissing themselves as Mauro flies off

  6. 2 years ago

    Lulu got a lewd X costume.

  7. 2 years ago

    Attention! Attention!
    Half anniversary collab incoming!

    • 2 years ago

      With whom?

      • 2 years ago

        Sorry meant celebration i'm dumb.

  8. 2 years ago

    Well that was lucky. Though I maybe would have liked another new L girl.

    • 2 years ago

      She's a mainstay of my teams, i'm a bit jealous. I think she's better than the cerberus.

      • 2 years ago

        I just got swimsuit cerb before before her and both have been great so far. I really wanted normal cerberus but I can do without her now.

  9. 2 years ago

    That fricking dicky banner, hot damn. They just put every single unit I wanted in this game as a new player on one banner and said "just take them".

    Its probably a trap and they're going to release like a microbikini e-girl next week or something but I don't even give a shit. I got my four most wanted units for less than one pity. I am content, (de)hydrated and in my lane.

  10. 2 years ago

    >Lagos and Lulu banner
    >have neither and would like both so seems like a good time to roll
    >but half anniversary is right around the corner meaning we could be getting something better soon

    • 2 years ago

      They are permanent units. Hope for a spook

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, you're right. I'm just still itching to roll, since these free tickets aren't enough to satisfy it.

      • 2 years ago

        Every unit so far is a permanent unit.

  11. 2 years ago

    one of my tickets got stuck on "connecting" and then I got kicked to the home screen after sitting there for like three minutes. is there anywhere that shows ticket pull history? afaik there isn't.

    • 2 years ago

      The closest way would be checking out your units' available merges if you haven't maxed out everyone or your vivi medal count to get a better idea, but you most likely don't keep close track of those anyway, so just assume you didn't get anything good.

  12. 2 years ago

    Looks like the dark dragon monmusu is in for the half-anni event. Might be the event freebie which might be a bad thing since those tend to be on the weaker side (except tetty the werebear, i think she's stupid strong).

    • 2 years ago

      I kinda hope she's free since I just broke myself seeing it I'd get lucky on the banner with carbuncle and she's pretty cute.

  13. 2 years ago

    When exactly is the anniversary?

  14. 2 years ago

    November 9 would be 6 months

  15. 2 years ago

    Maybe we're getting #3 for Halloween.

    • 2 years ago

      She's probably coming up with the topic of blood samples, but that's what I thought about the lich with the island being full of undead at night and we've already left it so who knows.

      Anyone having problem with loading/connecting? It takes too much time for me frick this bullshit.

      The game doesn't have a loading screen for data for some extremely strange reason. When it's doing that, just wait a while. I got an extremely long loading time a bit before the second half of the event dropped and it loaded through after some minutes of waiting.

  16. 2 years ago

    Anyone having problem with loading/connecting? It takes too much time for me frick this bullshit.

  17. 2 years ago

    She we be expecting Halloween skins this update?

    • 2 years ago

      That's kind of strange to think about. Like some designs in this game would be Halloween designs in other games due to the nature of monster girls. Like we have an outright jack-o-lantern girl. There's the sexy outfit type of costume too which we actually already have a few of as well. Rather I guess Halloween would be a thing only Suzu would know about in the setting.

      Thinking about it, I wonder if they are waiting for Halloween to drop the Lich and Vampire.

  18. 2 years ago

    Event was super cute this time, especially the part where you wipe Hariera's mouth. Also think it was the first time they put a punishment scene in an event? Kinda bummed they didn't give us a skill from it though.

    • 2 years ago

      Still waiting for that b***h who keeps stunning my units to get rape correction.

      • 2 years ago

        I really hate that stun. That plus the spiders with the attack slow plus the sandstorm really made the EX battles annoying this time around.

        Waiting on the scruffy swordsman to get it too.

        There's also the old wizard that is in love with the squid(octopus?) girl. If I had to guess, we're probably going to see another iloise(girl with the mage and priest) scene before either of those old dudes.

  19. 2 years ago

    Waiting on the scruffy swordsman to get it too.

  20. 2 years ago

    Yeah, we'd probably see 5-6 more shota-kun ass gaping before we see the wizard and scruffy swordsman get "punished"

    • 2 years ago

      This post but I unironically hope it happens.

      I hold vague hopes of the old brave finally choosing to take a dip in the e-girl lava for the purposes of power.

      Could see this happening, although I don't think we'll be going back to the starting island for awhile.

  21. 2 years ago

    I hold vague hopes of the old brave finally choosing to take a dip in the e-girl lava for the purposes of power.

  22. 2 years ago

    So according to spoilers we're getting some skill awakenings and some fairy monster she is alright looking.

    • 2 years ago

      Those jar/bag things for unlocking dupe bonuses?

      • 2 years ago

        Skill awakenings is an Aigis term for units getting their second skill to swap with their normal one. Some older units will probably end up getting buffed due to their new skill and it will likely be available to all new units going forward from its implementation.

    • 2 years ago

      ◆Maintenance time
      Scheduled on Monday, October 24, 2022, 10:30~15:30 (JST)

      ・New Event(s) Start
      ・New Monsters girls to be added
      >*To be announced during stream*
      ・Various Bug Fixes

      >Fairy monster
      We're getting a Lampad?

  23. 2 years ago

    Is it this thing from the last stream? Also chapter 7 was meant to be this month, I guess that's coming this update.

  24. 2 years ago

    ◆Maintenance time
    Scheduled on Monday, October 24, 2022, 10:30~15:30 (JST)

    ・New Event(s) Start
    ・New Monsters girls to be added
    >*To be announced during stream*
    ・Various Bug Fixes

  25. 2 years ago

    Hopefully the anon that posted all the screencaps during the half anniversary stream will do the same thing again for the upcoming stream.

  26. 2 years ago

    Bosses for Chapter 7

    • 2 years ago

      The humans designs in this Game are a lot better than most gachashit i've played

  27. 2 years ago

    Planned rework of the infinite boss challange

  28. 2 years ago

    e-girl Loren

    • 2 years ago

      LOren skin ()
      and a Christmas skin supposedly coming up

  29. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >reverse bunnysuit
      I hope this game lives a long and blessed life.

  30. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Two costumes already?

  31. 2 years ago
  32. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I have no stones and I must UOH.

      • 2 years ago

        Isn't she supposed to be a welfare?

        • 2 years ago

          Is she? I hope so, she's great for my dick.

  33. 2 years ago
  34. 2 years ago

    holy shit that alarune

  35. 2 years ago
  36. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      What type of monstergirls even are these.

  37. 2 years ago
  38. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      My favorites by miles, I'm a simple man. Big weapon and big booba are good eats.

  39. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Has anybody else noticed how she's wearing literally over 20 belts including belt underwear and a claw made of belts? They really took the image of Frank Jr. strapped to the table and ran with it.

  40. 2 years ago
    • 1 year ago

      This girl is a Red Cap. I honestly didn't even realize her hat was a cap until examining it now.

  41. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      e-girl Loren

      My favorite. Shame the big boobs one was furry troony satan.

    • 2 years ago

      The X scenes for these 2 I'm excited for... Unless it's some type of transformation hoping the e-girl gets the scenes but might be unlikely.

      • 2 years ago

        More like very likely.

    • 2 years ago


      These are coming next

      • 2 years ago

        If true, I'm ready even if I have to spark both of them I have it.

  42. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >a new furry

    • 2 years ago

      Fricking lmao this is maximum furry. Don't invite them to game.

    • 2 years ago

      I need more info about her

      • 2 years ago

        It's cut content now they won't release it after neps didn't like it.

        • 2 years ago

          can you elaborate on it?

          • 2 years ago

            Just joking.

  43. 2 years ago

    New enemies based on Yokai

    • 2 years ago

      I didn't expect Yokai for a very long time. From what HaseP said in the first interview regarding this game he hadn't planned for Yokai and wanted to work with western monsters first.

    • 2 years ago

      This is the only thing I'm looking forward to from the stream. If I had to guess from left to right: red oni, yukionna, tengu, and blue oni

  44. 2 years ago

    >Show enemy range
    >Beast God Recovery
    >Ability to individually set Auto on units
    >Modifications to Premium Dungeon

    • 2 years ago

      >Modifications to Premium Dungeon
      Maybe this mtl fricked up somewhere, but I don't see anything like that. They're just addressing the Okyu dungeon by saying that not all other future dungeons will be locked behind Ls, and that any requirements will be focused on older girls instead of newer ones.
      Also the next dungeon which will be released before the end of the year will be locked behind a lower rarity girl.

  45. 2 years ago

    We're getting new commons and rares?

    • 2 years ago

      They should at this point they are or have been overtaken. I don't think this game should have had tiers since all units besides the one you have to buy with 600dmm which will probably eventually get added to the pool like how the Dullahan was. Also since nearly all units are viable in some way or another. I don't feel or think there is a completely useless monmusu in the current lineup.

  46. 2 years ago

    RT goal has been hit

  47. 2 years ago

    500 gems, 3 gold keys, 100k gold, 10 milks, and 50 skip tickets

  48. 2 years ago

    Don't frick it up. 1500 stones on the line

    • 2 years ago

      I have no idea how he pulled that off after the slam

  49. 2 years ago

    Bros... I don't think we are getting this one......

  50. 2 years ago

    Thank Zaratan I was sweating it

  51. 2 years ago

    Jesus this dude sucked, but he got it done. Luckily this was level 5 instead of MAX.

  52. 2 years ago

    Finally, if they won't release an H scene with Vivi-sama, then I guess we'll have to do it ourselves.

  53. 2 years ago

    should have 4500 gems coming from the stream

  54. 2 years ago


    Oh god, does that mean she also has a wiener?

  55. 2 years ago

    MC's arsehole is in more danger than ever

  56. 2 years ago

    Any chance this get and english release ?

    • 2 years ago

      Aigis got shut down and has similar or at least some common people so doubt but could happen on save version on ios/google? Not sure.

    • 2 years ago

      Only through Johren and/or Nutaku but kind of unlikely since the MC is a shota and some of the monmusu are e-girl the west is allergic to it. I don't foresee it they also had dropped Team Kuma's other game Mist Train Girl in EN in July with still no reason why? It didn't get an EoS notice

  57. 2 years ago

    >Cool new characters
    >Get to last character reveal
    >I don't like it

    • 2 years ago

      You will get anally raped by the fat futa furry and like it.

  58. 2 years ago

    only thing I can think of that wasn't posted from the stream was the next event being related to the new skills somehow. didn't fully grasp what they were saying about it, but it's coming in the next update.

  59. 2 years ago

    >tfw will have to redo every single blurb in my unit summary guide
    SAWs in Aigis can range from sort of almost always upgrades to the base skill, sidegrades, and completely differently skills altogether, so I wonder how far they will go.

    • 2 years ago

      Godspeed, anon. I'll be looking forward to reading them.

  60. 2 years ago

    Got fairy first pull.
    >first sex scene she is tiny and straddles dick with her whole body
    >second she goes fullsize and plays with shota nipples while riding him.

    Also she is a lancer (generates deploy points) and can summon multiple fairy tokens. Each fairy pet fights on its own and also buffs the main fairy stats.

  61. 2 years ago

    Man I'm I glad I pulled Muzzel recently, doing these maps on rank 44 is rough, just using her and Rakion and a flex third, just made it the third map.

    • 2 years ago

      44 was pretty easy with this team. Probably gonna have to change a few things for 50 though. Might swap Cliffo out for S Atheel or grab another solider for faster ramp. Wish I had managed to get the fairy knight.

      Maybe I was expecting too much but I'm awfully disappointed by Lagos' EX skill. I know the aim is a burstier alternative skill but half the duration, less targets and worse cooldowns really stings.

      That sounds about on par with most SAW from aigis, usually they are sidegrades. Going from 3x to 5x attack with less targets and 10s longer cooldown isn't a terrible tradeoff unless the range went down too.

  62. 2 years ago

    map 3 is a bit of a step up

    • 2 years ago

      Yea. Had to turn it down a few ranks to clear it.

  63. 2 years ago

    >event intro

    >MC is guiding around a monstergirl new to the island
    >it's a Yuki-onna who doesn't seem to like men much
    >Rin and Kuromi show up
    >it seems the monmusu festival which is held irregularly will be occurring soon
    >Kuromi invites the Yuki-onna who is named Niho to join the gangbang
    >surprised and aghast at her, Kuromi explains the festival is pretty much an event to have fun doing this and that with MC
    >it used to be an event to test the monmusu's strength, but that changed due to MC's presence
    >how shameless says Niho while MC exclaims he's never heard of this
    >Vivi and the rest of the gang arrives while chastising Kuromi
    >the festival is in fact not an orgy and actually just a competition and way to train for monmusu with too much free time
    >Vivi says MC will have to participate to further train himself as a commander
    >Kuromi says as long as MC participates, she welcomes both large brawls and large orgies
    >Niho says she'll come watch which the group uses as a way to help introduce her to the island and what it's like

    >the first battle is against the Oneeshota patrol who lose to the MC with Muzzle going just as expected and Teruru going I won't lose next time
    >Vivi asks what Niho thinks and she mentions the island she came from which had fighting amongst the youkai girls, but without the festive atmosphere
    >Vivi says well the culture and rules of youkai island are different and that she'd like to have a cross-cultural exchange someday to which Niho agrees
    >talking to MC, Vivi asks how it was to which MC responds difficult
    >however, Vivi takes the opportunity to compliment MC by saying he's gotten a bit more masculine which flusters him with him asking if she's telling the truth to which she responds half sort of

  64. 2 years ago

    >Charys is anxious at the though of fighting MC
    >Igni tells her to calm down lest she accidentally petrify somebody
    >Cretta says that isn't a problem as monmusu petrified by Charys can be used as ammunition
    >Elut thinks being used as a weapon would be interesting and says she'd like to see her try
    >Igni butts in to say they wouldn't be able to fight at all if they were petrified to which Elut responds even if it was just the tail left she'll still fight and tells Igni to show some guys as a dragon to which Igni says she's a Salamander, not a dragon
    >MC asks if they can start

    >after the battle, Atheel remarks no matter how long she lives she doesn't feel like she can win
    >Lauren has been trying out various beauty treatments and asks MC how he keeps his skin so smooth
    >Atheel says it must be because he's energetic and active to which Lauren says she'll get oily from exercising too much
    >Igni wonders how they got sidetracked to this

  65. 2 years ago

    >next up are the Lycanthropes
    >Gaumi wants to challenge us
    >Tetty is the number 1 Kawawa
    >Lata says she plans to steal stuff while we're fighting
    >Yucie and Nyarutan are also present
    >MC understands the lycanthropes, but asks why are they also in this group
    >they respond they're Wanwanwan and Wannyannyan
    >they're just going to treat themselves as the weredog and werecat which Gaumi accepts
    >Lata says they're a Cu Sith and Cait Sith though
    >Tetty is the cutest

    >the Lycanthropes are bit of a sore loser trio upon losing
    >Yucie says MC must be clear headed from sleeping so soundly today
    >MC remarks he did in fact have a good night's sleep today
    >Nyarutan just outright asks if Yucie's been peeking on MC again to which Yucie tries to play dumb, but Nyarutan is having none of it
    >she managed to change the subject by saying Periri has caught some fish which distracts the cat

  66. 2 years ago

    Maybe I was expecting too much but I'm awfully disappointed by Lagos' EX skill. I know the aim is a burstier alternative skill but half the duration, less targets and worse cooldowns really stings.

  67. 2 years ago

    I'm so close to finishing map 3 at rank 50, but the last wave of pigs keeps stunning my guardians because my DPS are too busy attacking the monmusu to take them out.

    • 2 years ago

      I had the same issue. My solution was to retreat Rakion and just throw out additional blockers as their physical defense was too high for her to do anything. Logica being a 3 block tank was really useful here. Not pictured is an Okyu support who I took to help gain DP in the beginning.

      • 2 years ago

        Map 3 50 simple babby strat
        Use Lunamira to handle the 4 corners of the square (main body bottom right). Add another cost generator early if you want/can.
        Place a fat tanky blocker on the left side of home base once the big boss/boar wave peaks (I used a Nemean Lion off my friend list).
        One healer a side, plaster the rest with bards and shaman as needed, have one DPS to place at the very end to overcome Tetty.

        >every clear is bard spam
        Shamans...phased out...
        Also pretty cool that Argyro's global damage is unaffected by the type restrictions.

        Yeah they increase your total event score.

        Man I completely forgot rentals were a thing. I thought they weren't allowed for the hardest maps.

    • 2 years ago

      Okay I got it. I just played at 1x speed with autoskill turned off most of the time. Also, is there a reason I should do the weaker maps at rank 50?

      • 2 years ago

        Nothing besides seeing the number say 150 instead of 138.

        • 2 years ago

          Does reaching 150 do anything rewards-wise?

          • 2 years ago

            Nothing as far I can tell likely because they want to keep the game casual. People probably complained about the Dekaio benchmarks so they're not likely to reward much outside of coins for anything actually difficult.

      • 2 years ago

        >every clear is bard spam
        Shamans...phased out...
        Also pretty cool that Argyro's global damage is unaffected by the type restrictions.

        Yeah they increase your total event score.

        • 2 years ago

          The really hard nerf is that they don't generate cost at all in this mode. Like in infinite Dekaio they still gave a steady amount, but here, nada, zilch, cero. I'd almost certainly start with one if they did generate DP, but without it, it's not really possible to justify them.

        • 2 years ago

          Atheel's dot is too. Not sure about that one tank with a dot but I'd bet she is similar.

        • 2 years ago

          Makes it easier to make my bird team by removing spider, but I do like the slow she brings.

  68. 2 years ago

    Am i reading this right? The fairy knight doesn't rise the count of deployed units, just like the harp units after level 90?

    • 2 years ago

      That is correct. Neither her nor her tokens count toward the deployment limit. Do note that since she flies she also has zero block though so she functions a bit differently than a normal soldier.

  69. 2 years ago

    Map 3 50 simple babby strat
    Use Lunamira to handle the 4 corners of the square (main body bottom right). Add another cost generator early if you want/can.
    Place a fat tanky blocker on the left side of home base once the big boss/boar wave peaks (I used a Nemean Lion off my friend list).
    One healer a side, plaster the rest with bards and shaman as needed, have one DPS to place at the very end to overcome Tetty.

  70. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      you get gems for linking your data to the app

      • 2 years ago

        A shame I can't get it.

  71. 2 years ago

    They should really make the costumes have Live2D.

  72. 2 years ago

    I bet that I wouldn't get the fairy within three 10 rolls and this happens. Now I'm forced to spend money on this game on my next paycheck; any good deals available?

    • 2 years ago

      The deal with the coin with 1/2 on it is a pick ticket for earlier released Legends up to like Elut. If you don't have one of them and want them, then that's probably the best deal. If you want to gamble for somebody newer, there's a gacha you can roll once for 3k points and a random L ticket in the pack next to the pick coin pack. The random L ticket pack is better than the 3k points gacha as you get 5k gems instead of 9 accompanying rolls.

      If you don't have her, then also just flatly buying 600 gems from the regular gem deals will get you Miteras.

  73. 2 years ago

    Any fire or wind clears of map 3 rank 50? Most clears seem to be by light, followed by water, dark and earth.

    • 2 years ago

      Trying it myself, it went fine on first try. The main thing the elemental debuff does is reduce your damage so the only thing it really affects what DPS units you use and Fire has plenty of them. Now wind's an issue though. Your choices are kind of polluted with air raiders with Cliffo being the only real DPS among them. The other 2 wind legends are Ala and Rentop.

    • 2 years ago

      Trying it myself, it went fine on first try. The main thing the elemental debuff does is reduce your damage so the only thing it really affects what DPS units you use and Fire has plenty of them. Now wind's an issue though. Your choices are kind of polluted with air raiders with Cliffo being the only real DPS among them. The other 2 wind legends are Ala and Rentop.

      The AlaGod has done it:

  74. 2 years ago

    All these app/playstore frickups are great (for me) = more stones

  75. 2 years ago

    Not the fairy knight but I really, really cannot complain about this roll. Got Argro the next 10 pull too.

  76. 2 years ago

    I'm the guy who's ticket got stuck on connecting. I guess it gets put in your inventory.

  77. 2 years ago

    I thought we were getting 10 tickets from that DMM Festival thing.

    • 2 years ago

      They take a long af time to hand those rewards out for some reason.

      Before I try it is this a tough game or can I beat it with a coombrain and not nbeing able to read the text?

      It's designed to be a casual game. very easy to win even with coombrain.

      • 2 years ago

        With all the shit that happened with the launch being delayed twice maybe 3 times I think they wanted to wait before they give out stones for every time they said something is fricked up.

        • 2 years ago

          Think you meant to reply to someone else. The DMM festival is separate from the app store bug rewards.

  78. 2 years ago

    hot damn at 3k gems for the app getting messed up.

  79. 2 years ago

    Before I try it is this a tough game or can I beat it with a coombrain and not nbeing able to read the text?

    • 2 years ago

      EX levels serve to give you a challenge along with special boss events and the boss challenges but over all I'd consider this game to be piss easy. I haven't tried it but I even feel like you'd be able to get all the rewards just by clearing all the regular stuff and skipping the EX levels if those are too hard. Very casual and very kind with their gems (I feel like)

    • 2 years ago

      90% of the content is trivial
      5% is a mild challenge easily overcome with good units
      5% is a decent challenge that is usually optional

    • 2 years ago

      If you're asking that because of Arknights, this game is intentionally like 10% of its difficulty. The Nips playing DMM games as far as I can tell are also extreme casual coombrains just like you who complain when the game does get difficult. For reference the mode(it predates Arknights apparently) where you takes a bunch of options to make a map unreasonably difficult at max difficulty is basically doable by anybody in this game. The game could be quite difficult, but the devs choose not to.

      This game also has amazing quality of life in comparison.
      >can just skip when farming
      >auto use skills toggle and 3x
      >no chore like base to manage
      >stamina cap over 24 hours worth
      >daily cycle that can literally be done in a minute

      Though in all seriousness, the real reason you should be playing this game is if you enjoy monstergirls having sex with a young boy.

  80. 2 years ago

    There's like 8k gems in the mail about 7k of it due to playstore app frickups.

  81. 2 years ago

    here's hoping it keeps breaking

  82. 2 years ago

    I'm not sure who Lunamira will replace in this squad once she gets her X costume.

    • 2 years ago

      One of the defenders.

  83. 2 years ago

    I wonder if we are going to get an anniversary event next week. Haven't been keeping track, but it feels like we got more gems from app bug apologies than we did for the anniversary.

    • 2 years ago

      Apparently we're getting chapter 7 on Halloween since it's supposed to be this month? Halloween is what makes this weird since you'd think there'd be a Halloween event and they also have a Vampire, Lich, and Frankenstein's monster in the pipeline.

      • 2 years ago

        ◆Maintenance time
        Scheduled on Monday, October 31, 2022, 10:30~15:30 (JST)

        ・Chapter 7 added
        ・Chapter 6 Special Challenge added
        ・New Monsters girls to be added
        >Charybdis - Ryupche
        >Mithril Golem - Misurena
        ・Various Bug Fixes

        guess there is no halloween on genspenst island

  84. 2 years ago

    Don't know but this is a lot of stones.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not trying to sound like someone that complains about rewards, but it's not more than normal rewards. The anniversary login bonus is running alongside a 1 week event without a login bonus for the event. Unless I'm forgetting another type of 1 week event, we normally get 3500 stones from the mutation boss events.

  85. 2 years ago

    do all of the missions of the current event give the same rewards at rank 50? can I just do rank 50 on the first one and skip ticket that one?

    • 2 years ago

      The third mission is most efficient even if done at lower difficulty.

      • 2 years ago


  86. 2 years ago

    ended up spending 20 stamina potions on the skill 2 event to be able to get everything in the shop by the time the event ends. first time ever using stamina potions. penguin's skill seems like the best one.

    • 2 years ago

      I would argue that penguin's ramp was already too long and increasing it by 50% isn't worth it.

  87. 2 years ago

    ◆Maintenance time
    Scheduled on Monday, October 31, 2022, 10:30~15:30 (JST)

    ・Chapter 7 added
    ・Chapter 6 Special Challenge added
    ・New Monsters girls to be added
    >Charybdis - Ryupche
    >Mithril Golem - Misurena
    ・Various Bug Fixes

    • 2 years ago

      I wonder what other iconic Aigis enemies we will get.

      • 2 years ago

        Leech please

  88. 2 years ago

    So Christmas it is right?

  89. 2 years ago

    Jesus was undead like a lich and also immortal like a vampire. only makes sense they would show up on his birthday.

  90. 2 years ago

    i really wanted to save but i need that golem

  91. 2 years ago

    In retrospect I should've rolled on that e-girl banner.

  92. 2 years ago

    I only played this for a few weeks but are skip tickets really rare? Feels I'm never having enough of them.

    • 2 years ago

      No, just buy them out from the gold shop every week and you will end up with more than you could ever burn.

    • 2 years ago

      They're not rare but in the beginning when you're spamming story stages it's easy to run out of tickets. You'll build your stockpile when you move onto gold stages.

    • 2 years ago

      They're really not considering we get like +85 a week, but may seem rare for you right now because the past couple of events were the sort that have you grind for the event shop rewards as well as the main story grinding event last week. The typical event doesn't need grinding so most of the time we accumulate more tickets than we need to spend and have way more than enough by the time a new grinding event starts.

  93. 2 years ago

    I knew I got her since Rainbow rod, but Cletta popping up as I was tapping through scared me.

    • 2 years ago

      And I get Misrena in a single ten roll on a yellow Vivi. I wonder why that's inconsistent. Also it looks like the pity is shared. The Charybdis girl pronounces her name something like Lupuche. Also, there's a new Beast God available for 4k vivicoins. Swimsuit fish girl teased in the prior set. +10-15% for light, fire, and water units and an active that shoots acid which reduces defense. Which seems kind of busted as that's where all the good DPS is.

      • 2 years ago

        >light, fire, and water
        ah, the elements most in need of a boost, of course

  94. 2 years ago

    >both new units get their own rate-up banners

  95. 2 years ago

    >golem in 20 rolls
    Rates are blessed roll now

  96. 2 years ago

    Well, holy shit I got some free DMM points. Only 330, but still.

  97. 2 years ago

    The mythril golem is giving off Land of the Lustrous vibes.

  98. 2 years ago

    >Chapter 7 summary

    >short flashback summary saying they set out to find the 4 Beast Gods due to Vivi's oracle, the Kazzo broke down and was fixed, and that they reached the La:Baht continent(not entirely sure on the name)
    >the protagonists choose to land in a small port city of the Barberito Empire(also not sure on the name) due to the main port Oracion being a part of the Kingdom of Racion which MC being the fugitive second prince of makes using too risky
    >in any case the next key is apparently in the Barberito Empire so this was their destination anyways
    >The Kazzo was able to dock smoothly due to its stealth function and Kuromi is seasick
    >Rin notes it was quite beautiful when the fish came to eat the rice that Kuromi vomited out
    >in any case adventure begins!
    >And they are immediately accosted by an imperial officer questioning them for their suspicious looks
    >choosing to apprehend them and call for backup on suspicion of being spies from the Kingdom of Racion, the group has no choice but to fight them off
    >after getting away, the MC surmises they need to discover a hideout first to lay low
    >Kuromi decides to call out to a random passerby to ask for any good places to hide which prompts the group to run as they're trying to hide from people in the first place

    • 2 years ago

      >the imperial officers have managed to surround the group
      >as the imperial officer asks them to surrender quietly Selene and Suzu get annoyed by Kuromi and bicker a bit
      >the officer getting tired of this, decides to use force
      >after being fought off, the officer asks if the group thinks they'll get away with this announcing themselves as one of the 3 strongest corps of the empire, the princess magician division, which will never let them go
      >Suzu gives a reaction surprisingly listing battles they've been and their reputation as a strong military corps with tremendous results
      >it was in the guidebook she says
      >the imperial officer is seriously trying to piece together who exactly the group is with a young boy, sealed borders, and the disturbances
      >before they are detained however, two women show up and say MC is their acquaintance and it's okay
      >3rd and 4th princesses of the Empire, Lindenhart and Katina
      >Lindenhart, the more mature looking one, hugs MC, calling him Lassie-chan short for his real name Lacionel to the surprise of the monmusu and Katina as well
      >apparently, MC is Katina's fiance
      >the princesses surmise the monmusu are MC's attendants
      >Katina is being tsundere
      >in any case, MC finally explains his amnesia and extenuating circumstances
      >Lindenhart asks if they should just destroy the kingdom for him which MC says is a bit too unreasonable
      >Katina says Lindenhart really probably is willing to go that far
      >the monmusu are in slight panic and disarray as they start asking about MC before his memory loss
      >Lindenhart responds he was the type that went "I love you sister, I'm going to marry you" to her
      >she heard it in her heart at least when Katina tsukkomis her
      >Katina being the tsundere she is says their engagement was obligatory and similar to Valentine's obligation chocolates which causes Suzu to go so there's Valentine's in this world

      • 2 years ago

        >the game gives the option to ask about MC's past, Katina's, or Lindenhart's

        >asking about himself, Katina tells him he was trying his hardest to be worthy of the engagement and studied very hard and read a lot
        >apparently a bookworm, he tried to read to her as well
        >according to Lindenhart it was Katina who suddenly went I want to listen to Lacionel's story while Katina says it was because Lacionel invited her and tells MC to corroborate
        >MC says he can't remember which saddens Katina as it was such a precious memory

        >asking about Katina, she says go ahead and ask whatever
        >Kuromi asks her what eros point about MC she likes the best
        >she likes his butt by the way
        >Katina can only respond with her Tsunderisms

        >Lindenhart is reluctant about opening her sad past, but if you insist
        >a week ago, Lindenhart let loose that her two older sisters were also aiming for Lassie as well and the court erupted
        >Katina is concerned and wants to know what the hell happened, but Lindenhart does not explain further
        >Selen can only comment on how there's civil war on the empire's horizon

        >finally asking what they came to the empire from their remote island for, it's to search for legendary lyrics/script similar to their temple search
        >Katina actually brings up several random possibly related myths like Cat Vomiting Hairball, Legendary Drinker's Cave, or Naughty Swimsuit Song
        >Vivi finally pops in and goes that's it
        >it's Naughty Swimsuit Song
        >Lindenhart starts talking with a serious tone as she broaches the topic of it however despite the name
        >it's not somewhere they can easily take them being located in the middle of Ice Rime Palace
        >Suzu brings out the guidebook, saying it's a famous palace made out of ice due to an ice fairy's mischief
        >it's also a key strategic point of the empire and entrance is limited to select military personel
        >even Katina can't overlook it lest she have to use her Rolling Sobat magic on them
        >in the end the matter is put off for now

  99. 2 years ago

    >Vivi asks what MC is going to do now, but MC says that it really doesn't seem like he'll be allowed and that even if he negotiates, it will probably take quite some time to gain access to the palace
    >Selen suggests breaking through, but MC is reluctant and the Frost Fortress located on top of the palace is said to be impregnable according to the guidebook
    >in any case, that would only trigger heavy suspicions of being a spy and political strife if they did
    >Kuromi asks about just being honest about the situation
    >MC says that there's no way they'll believe in the Dirty/Odious Syndrome
    >Kuromi doubles down and says sincerity will win out and that if you explain properly there is nothing that can't be understood
    >this causes MC to accept it and the fact he can't just overthink everything
    >as they try to set for Ice Rime Palace, Soleia shows up
    >briefly talking about her also being on Kazzo and her leaving the island, she came to report that there are signs a mighty force is approaching
    >Mauro to be specific
    >Soleia plans to intercept her before she hits the continent and leaves MC to Selen as she flies off
    >heading off to Ice Rime palace, Suzu wonders if a flag was set and Mauro's actually ahead of them or something
    >yes, yes they are and they ran right into them
    >Rin is excited at Suzu's future deciding abilities

    • 2 years ago

      >Mauro shows up asking why they're here and why they beat up her forward party
      >Selen asks why she's on the continent, she says she'll just anyway and Soleia will lecture her
      >Mauro claims she's come to steal the strongest weapon of the Barberito Empire
      >the strongest weapon being at the palace explains why the sisters forbade them from entering
      >Soleia shows up to start scolding Mauro who exclaims she'll be the future overlord of the world and that Soleia should apologize when she can
      >Soleia responds as a dragon queen who won't bow her head even if the world turns upside down and tells Mauro to try with all her might which Mauro accepts saying she isn't the same as before
      >in any case, it's best to stop her here before reaching the palace and MC joins to help Soleia out
      >after her loss, Mauro is dis-spirited as she believes she should've gotten stronger, but the party responds they've gotten stronger as well with Kuromi talking about her various battles against those aiming for Master's butt which MC has never heard about and is alarmed by
      >Rin is used to dispose of the evidence by the way
      >Mauro flies off in retreat and Soleia tasks herself with catching her telling MC to go ahead

    • 2 years ago

      >reaching the palace, MC meets with Katina and sincerely explains the situation about how they have to revive the four sleeping Beast Gods
      >in response, Katina asks if he's an idiot and says who would believe in something like "dirty/disgusting syndrome"
      >she surmises he's being used and manipulated as a spy by the kingdom and says she'll wake him up as she calls for a squadron
      >Vivi notes that the syndrome is unique to Gespens and is pretty much non-existent anywhere else
      >Kuromi chides MC for trying to explain it honestly despite being the one who suggested it
      >after they beat back Katina's forces, Selen and the monmusu tell MC to rush in while MC is hesitant and worried about Katina, nevertheless, they rush in

      • 2 years ago

        >further inside, MC pauses
        >Rin asks what's wrong and MC says he wishes to speak with Katina who has surprisingly already caught up
        >Katina is congratulatory saying he's grown to be able to beat her, but MC knows she was holding back
        >Katina says she knows when MC is telling a lie
        >MC is shocked that she believes him, but she responds she still doesn't believe in the syndrome saying that she thinks MC is just mistaken on somehow
        >you are given the option to insist it's real or preach about its dangers
        >in any case, non-convincing nonsense is spouted and Katina is further confused and she decides to leave things to her sister
        >Lindenhart pops out and introduces herself as the Empire's strongest monster girl tamer with her partner, Niho, the Yuki-onna/Snow Maiden and prepares to battle

        • 2 years ago

          >after the battle, MC also concludes that Lindenhart wasn't being serious either
          >however the princesses are serious about keeping him away from the lyrics
          >Kuromi mentions maybe it's due to them not wanting the strongest weapon to be exposed which surprises the sisters
          >now that the cat's out of the bag, MC tries suggesting they help out with the security
          >unfortunately, as he knows confidential state secrets, the sisters inform Lassie that they have to capture him
          >the sister's forces congregate all around them and they say they're going to fight seriously this time
          >after the battle, the sisters admit their loss though MC wonders if they were cutting corners
          >Lindenhart says no and even asks Niho to say if she was fighting seriously which she responds yes
          >MC asks again to be able to see the lyrics though the sisters are still hesitant
          >Niho however says MC appears to be injured and goes over to touch him surprising Lindenhart
          >Niho at this point is just groping MC
          >she has apparently got the syndrome
          >Katina is in disbelief asking Niho if she feels sick
          >Niho says she isn't sick and she just wanted to confirm the shape of MC's butt
          >at Niho's change in nature, the sisters can only accept the existence of the syndrome
          >as Lindenhart promises to make up for not believing in Lassie, she says she'll give him a lap pillow and clean his ears and she'll ask at the end a lot came out, didn't you feel good
          >Vivi clarifies to Katina the nasty syndrome is not contagious to humans and that Lindenhart is simply just a nasty human
          >Lindenhart she's completely normal and they're misunderstanding, she asks Lassie to come with her to the tent so she can show him
          >ten minutes later, asking MC how it was, he replies that yes, Lindenhart is the personification of nastyness
          >back to the plot, the sisters finally agree to let MC see the Lyrics
          >however, right before they can go, the palace is struck and the ceiling starts collapsing and they have to evacuate

          • 2 years ago

            >outside, Soleia meets with the group and apologizes as Mauro managed to launch an attack at the palace
            >this has inadvertently also awoken the strongest golem sleeping in the depths of the palace
            >Mauro still being a brat asks for it outright
            >Katina is worried about her sister who still seems to be inside, but Niho says she'll find her
            >Katina asks isn't she sick with the syndrome, but Niho says she is fine
            >Soleia says she'll deal with Mauro as she leaves MC to deal with the golem
            >inside, Lindenhart was apparently knocked out by the debris and only just now woke up wanting to hurry to help the others
            >however Niho along with an entourage of lower monsters calls out to her and explains what happened
            >her first priority is making sure Lindenhart is safe though
            >to do that she needs to check her body and Niho starts groping her master
            >Niho is starting to hallucinate Lindenhart as a handsome boy even
            >at this point the other monsters also join in and the H scene starts

            >after the battle, Mauro is dismayed by the golem being destroyed and flies off again with Soleia having to follow
            >Katina has finally brought the lyrics to MC by the way
            >it is a poem that reveals the palace was built here due to it being a cornerstone of the region's spiritual and magical power
            >it is apparently a legend by a monster girl tamer who was in charge of a magic institute noting an Island with a God with hidden power
            >Gespens Island
            >the author possibly being related to both the boy of genesis and the kingdom's poachers
            >however this is from hundreds of years ago and after writing this he disappeared only leaving a message about a boy who will become ruler of the world coming from that island while spinning something related to lyrics
            >the monmusu get hung up on the spinning part
            >finally opening the lyrics, a bright flash happens and a Beast God pops out

  100. 2 years ago

    >she introduces herself as Biki Nyon with her name being Vickine or possibly Bikini, I'm guessing her name is a pun on bikini
    >in any case, Vivi recognizes her and asks if she remembers her which she does
    >asking what the seal breaker wishes for, MC asks about the syndrome
    >however she responds that it takes all 4 Gods to do something about that
    >discussing her appearance and mannerisms as a God, Rin wonders if Vivi was actually in the decent category to which she goes rude
    >in any case, Vickine gives an oracle
    >she will introduce a swimsuit gacha
    >Katina asks MC what now and he says he'll have to go after the other 3 Gods
    >Katina in her tsundere way says she would help if he asked and MC does so
    >Lindenhart also shows up and says she'll help too
    >Niho seems to be back to normal for some reason
    >Vickine notes that the syndrome has somehow subsided in her which causes the other monmusu to ask how
    >Lindenhart says that's a secret between her and Niho
    >and so Vickine announces the start of their journey to the next 3 Gods

  101. 2 years ago
  102. 2 years ago

    >was about to get behemoth in like 200 vivi medals
    >they just rolled out a titty monster that massively boosts fire, water and light units, which are 8/10 of my lineup
    Well i'm in a pinch now.

  103. 2 years ago

    If anyone happens to buy the new beast god please post your opinions on it

    • 2 years ago

      There's not that much to say about her, she considerably buffs half the units in the game. The more powerful half to boot. Her active use is less of a panic button, but defense reduction is far more potent for sustained damage. It does 1k magic damage base, but with 300 def/mdef reduction it takes only 7-17 attacks to beat out the damage of any other Beast God, granted you don't necessarily attack every single enemy you've hit with the active that many times. In combination with Rakion or either Teruru, it's a large amount of extra damage.

      I'm still the Vivicoins from the current two banners short of buying her personally, but I did chapter 7 with an all water team and she definitely would've made it stronger since Vivi's defense buff was only applying to 3 units who didn't really need it.

  104. 2 years ago

    Ranged units didn't do much on this boss, mainly because they kept prioritizing other targets. Cute red dragon took it from 70% to 0 in one active. I am worried about its boss rush version though.

    The icicle drops dont seem dodgable. your unit is targeted and before they even start the walk animation they are hit.

    • 2 years ago

      Teruru gives no fricks.

      • 2 years ago

        Even better showcase.

  105. 2 years ago

    Got Charydis through the event ticket, very nice

  106. 2 years ago

    Is there anyone actively translating the main story? The bits and pieces that I understand are making me laugh like the whole shota lotion thing in the beginning.

    • 2 years ago

      I try to write out a summary every time there's something new using my bare understanding with MTL, but I don't know about anybody actually translating this and there's basically no Western following for this game.

    • 2 years ago

      I used to fix what

      I try to write out a summary every time there's something new using my bare understanding with MTL, but I don't know about anybody actually translating this and there's basically no Western following for this game.

      posted but I figured that it came across as nitpicking and nobody liked it, so I stopped.

      Unrelated to the above, does anyone know what white dog mascot suzu is referencing here?

      • 2 years ago

        white drink* dog mascot

      • 2 years ago

        I was wondering where you went, as the guy posting the summaries I appreciated it because I both know I'm probably misunderstanding some things and also cutting bits out due to trying to fit posts under the 2k character limit.

      • 2 years ago

        white drink* dog mascot

        Well, Lassie as a dog is pretty obvious, but "white drink dog mascot"? A search for ラッシー gave this drink called lassi, so she's probably talking about those two different things.

        • 2 years ago

          I horribly misread that sentence thinking the dog and white drink were related. Thanks for clearing things up.

  107. 2 years ago

    my crystals aiiieeeeeeee

  108. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Definitely wasn't guessing that. Nearly all modern approaches are wood people. I only learned it now after actually looking up Spriggan mythology which is deformed midget that can giant form which is also the DnD interpretation. I wonder if they have a Monster Manual in their office for reference when designing monmusu.

    • 2 years ago

      Hate brush font so much. Is that supposed to be 妖しき?

      • 2 years ago

        >Not just cheating and checking twitter
        You had it right.
        The left radical is a complete mess so I couldn't figure it out either. But I also thought the right side was 天 instead of 夭, even though the stoke direction is clearly for 夭.

        • 2 years ago

          Never learned stroke order so brush stroke font is my achilles heel. Thanks for the confirmation and suggestion.

          Also just finished up the story chapters. Forgot that they linked the last batch of chapters to the following event. Rin still the cutest.

  109. 2 years ago

    ◆Maintenance time
    Scheduled on Monday, November 7, 2022, 10:30~15:30 (JST)

    ・New Event Start
    ・New Monsters girls to be added
    >Black Dragon - Mauro
    >Spriggan - Purin
    ・Various Bug Fixes

    • 2 years ago

      Dragon - Mauro
      I'm not ready!

  110. 2 years ago

    Better hurry up and get ready

    • 2 years ago

      I pissed all my saved up funds away to get the new beast god. I can't now.
      At least they do re run banners often.

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly can't decide between her and the spriggan. If I didn't already blow my load on the mythril golem and getting the beast god, I could get both.

  111. 2 years ago

    Spriggan is an event character though so should be free?

  112. 2 years ago

    Yea, spriggan is a free unit.

  113. 2 years ago

    holy shit the 183 day login event. I can't believe they finally made a vivi scene.

  114. 2 years ago

    It's not nice to lie

    • 2 years ago

      it's (scene description:) an onahole hugjob. it's also not in the encyclopedia afterwards. someone go rile up the japanese players for them to get the devs to put it in there.

  115. 2 years ago

    some more stuff that happens: the monster girls built you an onsen to thank you. vivi washes your back. you pass out and she puts you in the lake to cool down. she earnestly thanks you and gives you a kiss on the cheek in the pic. later that night you get excited remembering her washing your back. she flies in the window to tell you that leaving the window open could be dangerous and she takes care of it for you.

    • 2 years ago

      If Vivi is 20cm tall, then the MC must have a really big head.

    • 2 years ago

      I somehow missed this scene with vivi. When does it unlock?

      • 2 years ago

        Hell yea, got a priest Atheel dupe for +75 attack off the free tickets.

        After 183 days of logging in there is a mission reward for 100k gold or something. When you collect the gold it plays the scene.

  116. 2 years ago

    Now when do we get a scene where we nut all over Vivi and she is completely drowning in cum?

    • 2 years ago

      After the vanilla manko nakadashi scenes with e-girl-sized (looking at her 3D model dance with Tamaki) and big Vivi.

  117. 2 years ago

    black dragon so cute

  118. 2 years ago

    >event part 1 summary

    >it's just another peaceful day as MC makes his rounds to the point of both him and Vivi yawning
    >Purin shows up and after introductions and MC being confused about her saying she's an adult, she says as a Spriggan she protects treasure
    >In particular Mauro just entrusted her to protect some
    >that Mauro would entrust treasure to others is so unbelievable, Vivi personally asks to see what she's guarding for Mauro
    >wanting to protect it, she says no
    >while MC and Vivi discuss, Mauro shows up
    >she asks for her treasure back after ascertaining it's been kept safe
    >wanting to protect it, she says no
    >she won't return it even if you own it
    >10 question marks from Mauro
    >apparently, Mauro had said "don't give it to anyone" which Purin is taking really seriously
    >Okyu comes in reporting an invasion of unknown monsters at the beach
    >Mauro looks surprised/guilty/suspicious
    >apparently they're trying to raid the treasure in the underwater caves
    >Mauro is still trying to convince Purin to give the treasure back to no avail both before and after battle
    >when MC steps in, Mauro finally shows a bit of interest in who he is as the guy Soleia calls Aruji, she also decides to call him that though she's saying it wrong
    >there's more youkai reinforcements coming
    >one of the apparitions/youkai yells out something that panics Mauro
    >Purin is still guarding the treasure while Mauro tells MC she'll handle things and flies off

    • 2 years ago

      >Purin says she'll protect MC's treasure confusing MC
      >she says didn't they say MC's crotch was a treasure which Vivi popup interrupts by warning that youkai are chasing them
      >even more they're blockading them
      >only thing to do is push through
      >still, the youkai seem to be planning around their movements and they need to find a way to hide or get away
      >Rotona shows up conveniently telling them a way to do so
      >she's also talking a bit weird, but following her is their best option

      >Rotona has lead them to the depths of the forest to hide
      >Vivi ponders why the youkai have invaded and how they're tracking them
      >MC also has a lack of knowledge regarding youkai
      >Suzu shows up saying she's brought an expert which is Niho
      >Vivi awards her 10 Vivipoints though Suzu doesn't really care
      >Niho immediately gets to the heart of the matter and says it's probably Purin's fault as she's emanating an incredibly demonic aura for some reason
      >Niho asks to see what's in the bag around her neck
      >Purin says no as that's the treasure she was tasked to protect
      >Rotona seems nonchalant about the matter as the rest try to convince Purin to show it with MC thinking she's strange right now
      >Suzu just puts that to her being the type that's plotting betrayal and stuff, but a second Rotona shows up having just woken up from a dream of being punished by MC
      >Niho exclaims it's a doppelganger and to be careful
      >the doppelganger seeing the jig is up calls out more that have taken the form of the oneeshota police
      >after defeating them they disappear
      >rather than doppelgangers it turns out they were shikigami
      >they really need to see what's in the bag, but Purin is still obstinate
      >she finally relents by saying okay if it's with Mauro's permission
      >Suzu decides to fly off to find her and Niho says she'll come with since she's grown to like riding her
      >Rotona chooses to go back to her nap

      • 2 years ago

        >searching for Mauro
        >Amelie calls out to them while saying nyaa at the end of her sentences despite not having cat ears to Vivi's irritation
        >obviously a shikigami, they do battle with the reinforcements that follow
        >afterwards, it seems Mauro has been found as Soleia and Selen show up with her in tow being able to tell she's involved somehow
        >when asking her for her to tell Purin to show it, Mauro just wants Purin to return it without showing it to anyone
        >to which Purin replies she won't show it or return it then
        >at this point Mauro's getting sick of it and starts struggling with Purin for the bag
        >in the struggle, the bag ends up getting knocked off Purin and landing in MC's hands
        >finally, MC inspects the contents of the bag
        >a sudden bright flash of light occurs as he touches it
        >MC has been turned into a baby
        >the treasure is now completely forgotten and suddenly grabbed by the youkai as the monmusu both panic and enjoy MC's new existence as a baby
        >Soleia says such a cute thing must be managed and she'll take responsibility
        >saying she'll love MC the most as what seems to be maternal instincts kicking into hard overdrive while Selen also wants to join in
        >MC is incapable of speaking, but we can still read his thoughts as he begs for help
        >Vivi tells the lewd dragons off by saying compliance to them which seems to make them panic and fearful
        >Vivi with MC as a carrot corrals the two dragons and other monmusu into getting the treasure back as she despondently ponders the current situation

    • 2 years ago

      maybe I read it wrong, but I thought okyu was asking you to protect her treasure, then she takes off. mc says something about how he thought she meant they would go together, but she kept running away from the youkai.

      >Purin says she'll protect MC's treasure confusing MC
      >she says didn't they say MC's crotch was a treasure which Vivi popup interrupts by warning that youkai are chasing them
      >even more they're blockading them
      >only thing to do is push through
      >still, the youkai seem to be planning around their movements and they need to find a way to hide or get away
      >Rotona shows up conveniently telling them a way to do so
      >she's also talking a bit weird, but following her is their best option

      >Rotona has lead them to the depths of the forest to hide
      >Vivi ponders why the youkai have invaded and how they're tracking them
      >MC also has a lack of knowledge regarding youkai
      >Suzu shows up saying she's brought an expert which is Niho
      >Vivi awards her 10 Vivipoints though Suzu doesn't really care
      >Niho immediately gets to the heart of the matter and says it's probably Purin's fault as she's emanating an incredibly demonic aura for some reason
      >Niho asks to see what's in the bag around her neck
      >Purin says no as that's the treasure she was tasked to protect
      >Rotona seems nonchalant about the matter as the rest try to convince Purin to show it with MC thinking she's strange right now
      >Suzu just puts that to her being the type that's plotting betrayal and stuff, but a second Rotona shows up having just woken up from a dream of being punished by MC
      >Niho exclaims it's a doppelganger and to be careful
      >the doppelganger seeing the jig is up calls out more that have taken the form of the oneeshota police
      >after defeating them they disappear
      >rather than doppelgangers it turns out they were shikigami
      >they really need to see what's in the bag, but Purin is still obstinate
      >she finally relents by saying okay if it's with Mauro's permission
      >Suzu decides to fly off to find her and Niho says she'll come with since she's grown to like riding her
      >Rotona chooses to go back to her nap

      youkai were predicting where they were going

      - suzu asked what the point of gathering vivi points was for the monstergirls. vivi says she'll give them headpats, essentially. vivi points are from the 183 day scene.
      - spriggan doesn't know what youki (妖気) is and mixes it up with a container (容器) and a piano (洋琴)

      I'll read the last part later

  119. 2 years ago

    I should've paid more attention to my equipment supplies while the main story boost was going on, got some other Ls while rolling for Mauro and had a few things missing.

  120. 2 years ago

    Does Mauro really only get two orbs for an entire stage like in the first mission? Feels kind of bad if that's the case.

    • 2 years ago

      She seems kinda underwelming in general. You can get more tokens by retreating and redeploying her though.

      • 2 years ago

        Her projectiles during skill are true damage and AoE, unless I'm missing something. Good to know on the tokens.

        • 2 years ago

          It might be true damage but her damage per skill isn't actually that impressive compared to the top tiers even after factoring in defenses for them. The AOE isn't that good either. There is also the issue of the self stun and the cooldown being long enough that running redeploy time down is optimal. She isn't bottom tier or anything but if you are comparing her to broken ass shit she isn't there.

          • 2 years ago

            I would personally put her above Lagos but lower than Rakion for general use. She does a lot better than Rakion against the attack slow spiders, which essentially cripple Rakion. Her AoE seems to be around the same as Lauren's, which isn't bad. Even with the stun, I don't feel like redeploy time is optimal. You lose damage from the subskill slot and also from your shaman buff resetting. Not sure more orbs are worth trading for the shaman buff.

            • 2 years ago

              Above or around Lagos sounds right, but keep in mind Lagos isn't really top tier anymore. So something like A tier or high B or something depending on how you want to rank them.
              > I don't feel like redeploy time is optimal
              Looking at it again, I actually agree. But for different reasons. Turns out you can avoid the stun if you move her before the skill ends because of how canceling the skill early works. Also I didn't realize her initial skill timer was so long so you only end up saving 12 seconds if you redeploy her. You'd only really do it if you really want the orbs.
              >and also from your shaman buff resetting
              Shaman buff accumulation is tied to the shaman, unlike chefs.

              • 2 years ago

                Neat trick with moving before the stun activates. Also didn't know that's how shaman's worked, thanks for that. Unrelated to Mauro, but do you know how the L bard's weather change interacts with other weather effects? I tried it out one of the new story chapters with Niho, and it seemed like it overwrote the snow weather effect.

                To me, she's high tier and top tier(S. Teruru would be the EX tier) for a ground unit in my opinion. Ground units always have some value over ranged units by virtue of being able to block something so directly comparing. I've never found self-stun skills to really matter as they usually kill everything walking up anyways so by the time 10 seconds are over enemies are just reaching her again. She has massive clear potential better than Lagos due to the range and AoE. Rather than viewing her as a Lagos sidegrade though, I view her more like Elut, a grounded ranged tower that fires intermittently, but very powerfully. In a meta squad that just makes use of constant nuke skills, she's a great addition as overall skill uptime is aggregated across the entire squad so the enemies are always being wiped out making block a null point.

                The Black Holes are one of those things that may trivialize something in the future, but will probably never be necessary type of things. They trivialize Kazzo's laser right now at least, but it's something that only gains value when there are real use cases for it. For one time huge attacks like the tentacle boss's shots, any sacrificial token would work as well so the Black Hole isn't actually that much better as a decoy.

                I agree with this assessment. I was trying to think of another melee character that did a huge amount of damage and forgot about Elut.

            • 2 years ago

              Above or around Lagos sounds right, but keep in mind Lagos isn't really top tier anymore. So something like A tier or high B or something depending on how you want to rank them.
              > I don't feel like redeploy time is optimal
              Looking at it again, I actually agree. But for different reasons. Turns out you can avoid the stun if you move her before the skill ends because of how canceling the skill early works. Also I didn't realize her initial skill timer was so long so you only end up saving 12 seconds if you redeploy her. You'd only really do it if you really want the orbs.
              >and also from your shaman buff resetting
              Shaman buff accumulation is tied to the shaman, unlike chefs.

              To me, she's high tier and top tier(S. Teruru would be the EX tier) for a ground unit in my opinion. Ground units always have some value over ranged units by virtue of being able to block something so directly comparing. I've never found self-stun skills to really matter as they usually kill everything walking up anyways so by the time 10 seconds are over enemies are just reaching her again. She has massive clear potential better than Lagos due to the range and AoE. Rather than viewing her as a Lagos sidegrade though, I view her more like Elut, a grounded ranged tower that fires intermittently, but very powerfully. In a meta squad that just makes use of constant nuke skills, she's a great addition as overall skill uptime is aggregated across the entire squad so the enemies are always being wiped out making block a null point.

              The Black Holes are one of those things that may trivialize something in the future, but will probably never be necessary type of things. They trivialize Kazzo's laser right now at least, but it's something that only gains value when there are real use cases for it. For one time huge attacks like the tentacle boss's shots, any sacrificial token would work as well so the Black Hole isn't actually that much better as a decoy.

  121. 2 years ago

    kind of funny they gave out 100 gems for "not explaining the bingo"

  122. 2 years ago

    This makes up for going to 1100+ medals for Kazune and Rakion. Feels good not getting destroyed by the gacha for once.

    • 2 years ago

      You and me both brother

    • 2 years ago

      Got her in one multi too.

  123. 2 years ago

    >rolling for dirt, wind and dark characters
    feels kinda bad now

  124. 2 years ago

    wonder what three other gachas the other beast gods will introduce to the game. bikinu was the swimsuit gacha. maybe christmas, new years, and valentine's are next.

  125. 2 years ago

    >read wiki comment about Mauro's black hole blocking Kazzo laser despite explicitly testing that first thing when she came out
    Either I hallucinated, placed it exactly 30 seconds before the laser, or they changed it. Realistically, I probably just placed it way too early as I remember placing it ahead of time, but I didn't think by that much. Testing it now, it completely blocks the laser. I'm always miffed when I make these mistakes and write them into the Pastebin.

  126. 2 years ago
  127. 2 years ago
    I like how Mauro almost dies in this preview.

    • 2 years ago

      To be fair, she is level 2.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm pretty sure it's intentional to show off how she gains attack when taking damage anyway(not unique to her, but might as well showcase her class while they are at it).

        • 2 years ago

          That doesn't happen until the 1st class change. Her damage does increase, but that's from those enemies taking less damage while moving. Even after taking damage, her attacks against the big enemies stay the same until they reach her and get blocked.

  128. 2 years ago

    bingo is kinda kicking my ass

    • 2 years ago

      Same. Don't think there is any chance of completing the board. 5 more tickets from logging in, 7 tickets for the 100 and 70 mission clear bonus, and then probably 3 more days of 5 tickets from dailies. 11/36 left with 27 rolls left seems incredibly unlikely, even with 3-4 pickable numbers.

      • 2 years ago

        You'll also get 10 per run of the 40 milk quest, so that's another 30 unless you've got some spare passes lying around.

        • 2 years ago

          That's good to know. I got extremely lucky yesterday and today hitting 7 of the 11 I was missing.

  129. 2 years ago

    I'm not worried in the gacha games that have these bingo things even if you lucklett the entire thing you should still be able to complete.

  130. 2 years ago

    At least when the furshit comes out I'll be saving stones

  131. 2 years ago

    too late to start?
    is it anything like the monmusume psp vita game?

    • 2 years ago

      This is a spiritual Aigis successor meaning gacha tower defense. If you played Arknights, it will feel similar as Arknights also took its core gameplay mechanics from Aigis. Starting now should be fine as there have been no limited units so far(summer swimsuit alts are in the standard pool), there's a milk banner up, and the game intentionally aims to be casual.

    • 2 years ago

      This is a spiritual Aigis successor meaning gacha tower defense. If you played Arknights, it will feel similar as Arknights also took its core gameplay mechanics from Aigis. Starting now should be fine as there have been no limited units so far(summer swimsuit alts are in the standard pool), there's a milk banner up, and the game intentionally aims to be casual.

      Also I should probably elaborate what a milk banner is. Basically a banner for newbies that prelevels the units to 60 or gives you milk(the leveling resource) if you do have them already.

    • 2 years ago

      >too late to start?
      No, the game's very casual so you can't really have a gimped account. You can clear most if not all stages with welfares/lower rarities. Event welfares come back permanently after a few months. Seasonal alt units are also in the main gacha pool. Costumes don't take long to return either. We've had a couple of collabs, but none of them had limited banner units and the welfares that came from it aren't memorable.

  132. 2 years ago

    Because Nips were getting increasingly worried they wouldn't finish the bingo in time even if mathematically it's near impossible so long as the play right, they added bingo tickets to the transcendental milk quest and are giving out tickets every half day(have to login between midnight and noon and noon and midnight) for the weekend. Remember to tap all the rewards on the bingo after finishing it to actually get them.

    • 2 years ago

      >added bingo tickets to the transcendental milk quest
      This part was already announced from the start, but where's the part about getting more passes than usual from?

      • 2 years ago

        I was being dumb and going off second hand stuff I'm reading in the Wikuru comments and completely misread a post detailing the time the transcendental quest tickets would be given out since I was being a dumb.

  133. 2 years ago

    New Premium Dungeon so some baddie is going to get it.

    • 2 years ago

      "While deployed. +4% defense to all allies." Finally an L subskill that works for shamans. The +def%, -1 deployment cost one is nice too. I think the okyu dungeon had something similar to that too, but I couldn't farm for it since I don't own okyu.

      • 2 years ago

        I think the one I'm more interested in is the regen+attack buff if anything. That's a nice middle ground. Glad I have a bunch of keys lying around.

  134. 2 years ago

    Easy completion with the weekend boost.

  135. 2 years ago

    Pretty lucky. I got it on my last quest ticket without using milk passes nor the extra 4 gifted a few hours ago.

  136. 2 years ago

    What is the gimmick for the sphinx fight with the decoys? I brute forced it during the original sphinx chapter but the level 90 version I cant brute force it.

    She gets stronger for every decoy killed right? But the decoys all go for my heart and cost ticks when you ignore them too. Do you have to kill the decoys in a meme spot?

    • 2 years ago

      I dunno, I just threw Teruru, Raikon, Wae, and that bard with the knockback at them and brute forced her super buffed state. All the stuns and knockback ensured she went down.

    • 2 years ago

      It is only the perfect decoy you don't kill. The ones that look like the real thing.

      • 2 years ago

        so you kill the inflatable lovedoll looking ones and ignore the realistic ones?

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            wow that was eay. just melee defenders around the heart and set clock to max. I had cleared all the other missions and not that one.

  137. 2 years ago

    tips for a new player? gonna give this one a try.

    • 2 years ago

      Read though the pastebin in the 2nd post. It has some useful info. Otherwise it's just a more casual Aigis for the most part.

    • 2 years ago

      Roll on the milk banner if you're just starting out for ready to use units at level 60. It's the one with level 60 in the image. The game's intentionally very easy outside of a spike in difficulty in chapter 6 specifically, so there's not really a huge need to give out tips or strategies. There is zero penalty for failure and retrying is free. You can also borrow units freely as well with no downside. Skip tickets are a bit scarce in the beginning is about the only really notable thing early on a new player might have to watch out for.

      Oh yeah, don't ever bother farming the milk farming stages. Clear them once for the gems, but until they get buffed or something, just farm gold. The gold farming stages are always more efficient. You want to clear out the coin shop besides the expensive milk weekly. And if you do need milk, the expensive milk bought with gold is more efficient than simply farming the milk stages.

    • 2 years ago

      You need to 3 star and solo the stages to unlock the skip function but they're independent conditions so they can be completed separately.
      Characters get their power spikes after class changing so you want to keep them around 30/60 in the beginning when exp is limited.

  138. 2 years ago

    >all these amazingly-drawn e-girls
    I don't suppose this game has an english version in any capacity, huh

    • 2 years ago

      Nope, and as experience has shown us, the second it got an English version they would stop releasing e-girls, thus defeating your purpose for wanting to play it.

      If you've played enough other gachas with similar systems, you'll be fine to enjoy it casually.

  139. 2 years ago

    Absolutely no EN release in the pipeline currently

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah that tracks.

  140. 2 years ago

    Might as well use that MTL software one of the other anons in here uses. It won't be that far off from an official "translator" that butchers these types of games.

  141. 2 years ago


  142. 2 years ago

    My eyes widened when I saw Silva's new skin.

  143. 2 years ago

    Event summary part 2

    >To recap, MC has turned into a baby and the treasure has been taken by the youkai
    >Vivi decides to entrust MC's protection to Purin while Mauro is sent off to find the treasure
    >In her words, "I can't leave it to these horny dragons" as Soleia and Selen are being perverted
    >immediately after Mauro flies off, Tantaru and Kuromi show up having heard about MC's baby-fication
    >Tantaru apparently got the info from a monster she was spreading the butt of
    >anyways, there's a lead in the forest for the treasure as well according to them, however there's suspicions regarding the two
    >leading them to the forest, there's seemingly nothing and the two attempt to goad Purin into showing them MC
    >they are being extremely suspicious, but in the way they normally are
    >attacked by an indescribable fear, MC screams his cries
    >this surprisingly causes nearby youkai to reveal themselves and battle starts as Tantaru and Kuromi decide to deal with them for being in the way
    >after the battle, Niho shows up and informs the group Suzu was trapped in ice due to her accidentally
    >in any case, off to help Suzu

    >finding the frozen Suzu, Anisira and Podel are also there with gobilns and orcs under their command demanding revenge for the frozen Suzu
    >there are also youkai with them and it's quite clear they're Shikigami impersonating them to trick the goblins and orcs
    >after dealing with them, Kuromi attempts to unfreeze Kuromi by goading her into breaking out by talking about MC who has become a baby
    >it works and not caring about Niho's apology or being frozen, she wants to see the baby
    >in any case, Tantaru and Kuromi also want to see baby MC though Vivi is still hesitant
    >saying they only want to see him, Vivi relents, but threatens them with -10000 Vivi points if they don't stick to just watching
    >asking what happens due to -10k Vivipoints, Vivi responds 10000 years of pain repeated 10000 times and then complete nothingness afterwards

    • 2 years ago

      >finally being revealed, the sight of baby MC shocks Suzu and Kuromi to near unconsciousness as they were unprepared for his cuteness
      >in any case, Niho finally getting caught up on why MC is a baby she reveals she saw the treasure being carried to the desert so off they go

      >In the desert, they find a Petra? being asked by Fermi and Franci to make things for them
      >sex toys for various reasons
      >the fake Petra thinks they're crazy
      >when the group shows up, Purin ends up showing off the baby MC which shocks Fermi and Franci into delusional baby frenzy
      >the fake Petra decides to take this opportunity to attack
      >after beating them, they manage to recover the treasure
      >the dragons also show up too having finished clearing out the mountains
      >explaining the treasure, Vivi reveals it is the Youkai Clock, a treasure from Youkai Island
      >which makes her ask the now guilty Mauro why she had it
      >she stole it
      >she said it was because some arrogant human woman talked about it, but recognizing her fault, Mauro ends up apologizing surprisingly
      >Soleia apologizes as well on behalf of the dragon tribe in general
      >Vivi accepts MC's acceptance of their apology while giving them a warning
      >Purin takes this moment to ask how she understands MC to which she responds nothing is impossible for a beast God
      >since they now have the clock, they can turn MC back to normal
      >however Vivi says since he's cute, let's leave it like this for a while
      >just kidding to tease MC
      >and so MC is turned back to normal to both happy and subdued reactions by the monmusu
      >Selen however asks, is it possible to make people older?
      >this prompts them to think about using it on MC again to see what he would look like
      >Vivi says she'll return it later, so feel free
      >so the event ends with MC being transformed repeatedly until he dies
      >not so fast, sudden cut to a Red Oni in Gespens ancient temple
      >it all went according to plan

    • 2 years ago

      >Tantaru apparently got the info from a monster she was spreading the butt of
      she said お尻を聞く which I have no idea what that means.
      >finding the frozen Suzu, Anisira and Podel are also there with gobilns and orcs under their command demanding revenge for the frozen Suzu
      niho got really turned on while riding on suzu's back and froze some of the youkai in addition to suzu.

      >finally being revealed, the sight of baby MC shocks Suzu and Kuromi to near unconsciousness as they were unprepared for his cuteness
      >in any case, Niho finally getting caught up on why MC is a baby she reveals she saw the treasure being carried to the desert so off they go

      >In the desert, they find a Petra? being asked by Fermi and Franci to make things for them
      >sex toys for various reasons
      >the fake Petra thinks they're crazy
      >when the group shows up, Purin ends up showing off the baby MC which shocks Fermi and Franci into delusional baby frenzy
      >the fake Petra decides to take this opportunity to attack
      >after beating them, they manage to recover the treasure
      >the dragons also show up too having finished clearing out the mountains
      >explaining the treasure, Vivi reveals it is the Youkai Clock, a treasure from Youkai Island
      >which makes her ask the now guilty Mauro why she had it
      >she stole it
      >she said it was because some arrogant human woman talked about it, but recognizing her fault, Mauro ends up apologizing surprisingly
      >Soleia apologizes as well on behalf of the dragon tribe in general
      >Vivi accepts MC's acceptance of their apology while giving them a warning
      >Purin takes this moment to ask how she understands MC to which she responds nothing is impossible for a beast God
      >since they now have the clock, they can turn MC back to normal
      >however Vivi says since he's cute, let's leave it like this for a while
      >just kidding to tease MC
      >and so MC is turned back to normal to both happy and subdued reactions by the monmusu
      >Selen however asks, is it possible to make people older?
      >this prompts them to think about using it on MC again to see what he would look like
      >Vivi says she'll return it later, so feel free
      >so the event ends with MC being transformed repeatedly until he dies
      >not so fast, sudden cut to a Red Oni in Gespens ancient temple
      >it all went according to plan

      >until he dies
      he doesn't die.

  144. 2 years ago

    >got the golden subskill on my 2nd try
    but I want the the purple attack one...

  145. 2 years ago

    After burning 30 golden keys sheerly to get a second one to test this, the +4% defense to party subskill does stack. Additively though and equipping two on the same Monmusu doesn't work. Theoretically, you could give the whole squad +44% defense if every single unit plus assist had one and you deployed everybody, but it would be an incredibly pointless endeavor.

    • 2 years ago

      Thank you for your sacrifice o7

    • 2 years ago

      So you want one per harp monmusu because what else are you gonna put on besides that and deploy cost down.

      • 2 years ago

        I put attack subskills on my bards since they have a debuff aura that is based on their attack.

        • 2 years ago

          nvm me, just checked the wiki and that is based on base attack.

          • 2 years ago

            Base attack is attack after subskills but before external buffs.

            • 2 years ago

              7 keys to get the new skill. 1 25% HP, 1 17% attack, and the rest was trash blues. kind of surprised that scene was allowed with the new dmm rules.

              good to know. I might have tested that previously but forgot, which is why I had the attack subskills equipped.

              • 2 years ago

                >the new dmm rules
                i don't really pay attention to the broader platform, what changed?

              • 2 years ago

                This is secondhand info and I could be misremembering, but I believe magikami(?) had a scene with "anubis" (a dog) and they banned bestiality. I read about this in the DMM thread on jp, so you could ask there for more reliable information.

              • 2 years ago

                Anything that looks like real animals are no good because of some moronic animal right law, but lizardman or demonic looking dog are fine.

  146. 2 years ago

    >So next chapter will properly introduce the Yokai faction

    Ready to eventually dick down a Kappa

  147. 2 years ago

    kappa will be too busy stealing MC's shirikodama out of his ass

  148. 2 years ago

    I completely forgot that's part of the Kappa lore... shota-kun's butthole will never recover

  149. 2 years ago

    Been playing an alt on the app since the fairy warrior released. I have the fairy warrior, Creta, and Summer Atheel. The fairy feels like she does no damage and her tokens die way too easily. Also feels bad that she can't hit flying enemies. Creta feels like she does no damage though she does feel tankier than other defenders. S. Atheel does a huge amount of damage, but the CD on her skill feels way too long. She also gets neutered by that oni spider that slows attack speed. Managed to 3 star the first EX and 2 star the second EX with the help of a 5 unlocked mauro and a 3 unlocked muzzle. I'm pretty sure I messed up on the second EX by placing the muzzle token on the same monster girl. I think that overwrites the first token. I thought I would be able to breeze through the EX missions with a Rakion helper, but she gets crippled by that spider.

    • 2 years ago

      The major counter to Ushioni is Elut since she just straight up one shots them. Other swordmasters sufficiently leveled will also potentially one shot or chunk them which gets around the attack speed debuff.

      • 2 years ago

        I need to try Elut again, but the places I tried to place her either had her charges interrupted from petra's ranged attacks or she would fire her ring towards the two small animals in the upper right. Mauro loses too much attack and too much attack speed when they send out two ushioni later in the level. I -might- be able to clear the last stage if I level someone that can take out the aerial units since I was using Mauro's orbs to clear those. It's rough when my only 90 characters (not cc'd) are the dryad priest, S. Atheel, the warrior fairy, and the rental unit.

        Are you using supporters? Raikon should be killing the spiders before they can threaten her.

        I only have the bee shaman and the banshee bard. Rakion gets railroaded even on my main with 4 bards and one shaman. The difference is my main also has Atheel degen and multiple L nukers to kill them quickly and clear the debuff. Every attack lowers your attack and she ends up hitting both. I'm not sure if the attack slow stacks from an individual ushioni, but I know the attack debuff does.

        • 2 years ago

          The fun thing about tower defense gacha is that there's always a smart strategy.

          For EX-4, they catch the Ushioni on Podel and just have her tank the thing the whole time while having all their DPS far away from it. Should be doable with any tank.

          • 2 years ago

            This is almost what I did. Instead of Podel I used the spriggan to catch the ushioni on the left and the fairy to kill any small oni that made it through. I placed the jack-o-lantern girl where they placed the penguin to deal with the small animals and a Helper Muzzle on the bottom to deal with all the flying units. S. Atheel at the intersection on the bottom and Creta on top to catch anything else. I was going to wait for the weekend milk tickets to level my bard and shaman, but I ended up not even needing them.

    • 2 years ago

      Are you using supporters? Raikon should be killing the spiders before they can threaten her.

  150. 2 years ago


  151. 2 years ago

    Supposedly Alraune is next up

    • 2 years ago

      I wonder if she's going to be Wind or Ground. I feel like they've potentially misclassified Cheer and Rentop on the sheer basis of being green colored. They are both classified under wind despite being plants. Doned in comparison is ground, but she's also a root vegetable so maybe that's where they draw the line.

  152. 2 years ago

    The Vivi scene will be viewable in the near future

    • 2 years ago

      Was it login based or lvl 190?

      • 2 years ago

        When you received the half year login achievement.

      • 2 years ago

        183 day login bonus. Iirc there was a non-h vivi scene at 91 days. I'm guessing there will be another scene at 274 and 365 days, one every three months.

  153. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      She's not a beast god?

    • 2 years ago

      I was 100% going to roll for her, can't believe we are getting her for free.

      She's not a beast god?

      She is a youkai monstergirl that was tamed by the older sister princess from the latest story chapter.

    • 2 years ago

      I love how she is lusting for the horsegirls. Is there any legend or folk story relating to horses or is this a unique fetish they gave her?

  154. 2 years ago

    Don't forget to claim your Bingo rewards

  155. 2 years ago
  156. 2 years ago

    ◆Maintenance time
    Scheduled on Monday, November 21, 2022, 10:30~15:30 (JST)

    ・New Event Start
    ・New Monsters girls to be added
    >Alraune - Urunetta
    >Snow Woman - Niho
    ・Various Bug Fixes

  157. 2 years ago

    In case some of you haven't done the questionnaire

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Sad that there's no what monmusu type would you like to see question this time. I've been binging a DnD Youtuber's monster of the week videos and wanted to suggest a Pink Dragon girl that is a clown.

      • 2 years ago

        isn't that what question 14 is asking?

        • 2 years ago

          I guess MTLing has backfired on me as I thought it was asking what characters other than monster girls that appear in the story would you like to see playable. Meaning stuff like the enemy NPCs/adventurers.

          • 2 years ago

            Your MTL is correct.

          • 2 years ago

            Your MTL is correct.

            yea, ignore me, I'm moronic. anyone remember the name of the elf from chapter 5 that did a trillion damage? we'll probably get iloise first if they decide to start including non-monster girls. wonder how they are going to justify that in the story.

            • 2 years ago

              Don't think that elf ever got a name.

              Doppelgangers, possession and conversion/transformation are easy ways to make the humans playable while still making them monster girls, but they could also make a joke with any humans trying to join MC's side claiming that they are actually 人間娘 or something.

  158. 2 years ago

    Event summary part 1.

    >there are many doors in the ancient temple Enki
    >this door in particular nobody knows when it was made or where it leads, nor is it written in Genesis or known
    >the Red Oni is approaching it as she celebrates everything going to plan
    >however suddenly, an Alraune stops her and tells her she shall not pass
    >introducing herself as Urnella, she tells the Red Oni she can see the future and that's how she knew she'd be here
    >this creates a standoff
    >which Logica shows up to interrupt
    >announcing the start of her quiz game, asking "What is the purpose of the waves?" and saying you'll win a Sphinx Doll if you get it correct
    >the Red Oni reacts to the ugliness of the Sphinx Doll which Logica construes as a wrong answer yelling her usual punishment for fools
    >Urnella by the way is troubled by the loudness as she seems to have a problem with loud noises getting a headache
    >the Oni yelling isn't helping either
    >Done is also here, but the Red Oni has a force of Youkai with her so it seems the monmusu present can't really fight her off
    >however, the MC's group shows up
    >while trying to explain things and introduce herself, Niho suddenly attacks Done
    >the Red Oni girl, Hotsuki/Hozuki, knows Niho and wants to punish her for gallivanting off to hang out with a beautiful boy
    >she controls her with a rosary from their home island
    >Urnella tells MC that this is the moment to change the future and she'll lend him her power to do so
    >after fighting her back to sanity, the Rosary shatters into scattered beads
    >while the Oni is set back, she says she should still be able to get what she's looking for
    >she directly calls out to MC and asks for his aid and says she'll return the favor
    >Vivi refuses, telling her touching the MC is illegal, and asks her why she's doing this

    • 2 years ago

      >because there was a beautiful boy on the island
      >the entire previous event was to find out MC's location with the Youkai Clock acting as a beacon
      >Vivi says aiming for MC would be an act of war and that there has been a non-aggression pact between Gespens and Youkai island
      >The Temple of Enki in fact holds a gate to Youkai Island it seems as well which is how Hotsuki intends to take MC there
      >Hotsuki takes issue with Gespens getting to hog MC
      >Vivi responds MC wouldn't last 3 days among the Youkai on Youkai Island
      >Hotsuki just says you have to make him stronger
      >Vivi and Gespens in general does not want to give up MC, however at this point it's a political issue
      >Vivi suggests challenging the Oni by her own customs to a "battle of ancients" handed down in Oni tradition
      >Hotsuki accepts as this being a benefit to her is both an opportunity and a provocation
      >Niho as well sides with Gespens
      >MC who has been ignored and not asked asked for his opinion at all asks what's a battle of ancients
      >It's an ancient and bloody way of battle that has been handed down since ancient times by Oni musume
      >it's tag
      >catch all youkai, you guys win, catch MC, youkai win
      >Gespens has home field advantage so this is to balance things
      >the game starts at high noon tomorrow and the youkai will all go into hiding to prepare
      >Urnella and Done ruin MC's impression of them by vowing to protect their precious source of nutrition/MC's mucus
      >Hotsuki promises to give MC lots of love when he becomes hers
      >MC gets the feeling his daily life doesn't really change much
      >Vivi tells him to suck it up and make plans
      >Urnella says she'll help with her future sight though it's vague for the near future while Done plans to get the message to the monmusu on the island about the tag game
      >Mauro feels sorry for this all being her fault and promises to help the best she can as well immediately departing before the MC can give any sort of instruction

      • 2 years ago

        >preparing for the tag game, Niho has frozen over the area
        >Suzu and Ethesia are here to help as well
        >Ethesia said she also asked a monmusu who is as fast as her on the island for their help, but they refused not wanting to be bothered which annoys Ethesia
        >Niho has a horse fetish it seems as their presence makes her happy and nervous
        >Rin was asked to watch over the Youkai's ship in case any choose to hide at their own camp
        >however she's here as well since she can split
        >anyways, youkai hunting start
        >the group manages to catch a lot of small fry Youkai, but they realize the real threat is Hotsuki
        >with that in mind, they decide to try to hunt her down with Niho noting a cave with a particular spike in demonic aura
        >Niho asks to borrow Suzu's ears apparently whispering something to her in secret
        >Suzu announces she'll go off to do something apparently having received a plan with some sort without letting MC know

        • 2 years ago

          >turns out Hotsuki was in the cave
          >she's the only one to have such a strong aura according to Niho
          >she calls Niho a traitor wondering if it's for the purposes of getting to flirt with MC
          >which she responds men are vulgar and that she wouldn't want to come into contact with such a vulgar being
          >MC's feeling are hurt
          >Hotsuki summons shikigami of Platina and Lata and battle starts
          >in the midst of battle, it seems Hotsuki is on the brink of grasping MC
          >however Ethesia managed to fight her back but just barely
          >Niho tells her to hold her off just a bit longer when smoke suddenly fills the cave
          >it smells of grilled sardines and Hotsuki is so overwhelmed she retreats
          >Niho didn't think it would be so effective
          >at the entrance of the cave, it seems Suzu and Periri were grilling sardines which was the plan Niho had assigned to Suzu earlier
          >in any case, there's grilled sardines to enjoy too which everybody enjoys except MC
          >Periri is annoyed and says any fish you don't release, you put in your stomach on the spot and force feeds some to him
          >it seems MC is also weak to them
          >in any case a large amount of youkai have been captured
          >I misinterpreted the watching the ship part from before and it's where they're keeping the caught youkai and it's Rin's job to watch over them
          >a large amount of youkai have been captured and it seems the youkai are on the ropes
          >Ethesia however voices her concern
          >Hotsuki didn't seem to be fighting seriously with her at all

          • 2 years ago

            >having escaped the cave, Hotsuki is annoyed by Niho's tactics and revealing her weakness
            >however, she's also having fun and actually getting pumped up feeling the burning fighting spirit in her stomach
            >Niho finds her and says she's surrounded
            >however telling they don't seem to understand, Hotsuki summons Wiwi Shikigami
            >Vivi wonders how they know so much about Gespens' monmusu
            >anyways battle starts and it seems Hotsuki has conjured up Demon Fire as well
            >after the battle, it seems all the youkai besides Hotsuki have been captured
            >telling her to admit defeat, Hotsuki refuses saying it's too fun, and immediately retreats and escapes
            >back at camp, Rin is having a conversation with herself which Ethesia gets caught up in when details about MC's buttocks present themselves
            >apparently she gets dumb when MC is involved
            >Suzu says she had admired Ethesia like an older sister before
            >asking Rin how the youkai in the ship are, she says it's jam packed
            >however, after inspecting it, Niho is shocked to see that not a one of the youkai she captured is there
            >and so the first part ends with a mystery that has a pretty obvious explanation

            • 2 years ago

              Seemed like the oni was talking to someone before niho catches up to her. It's likely the same person the oni was referring to in the first part of the event after coming through the gate. also probably the same person that leaked the monster girl intel.

              my guess is there is a rin shikigami that let the captured youkai out.

          • 2 years ago

            >it seems MC is also weak to them
            she was shoving hot fish in his mouth. niho gives him one she chilled and it's equally uncomfortable.

        • 2 years ago

          pretty sure rin is guarding the jail, not a ship.

  159. 2 years ago

    >I'll be back, tbh wa
    I wasn't expecting that.

  160. 2 years ago

    Not really sure how to feel about the alaraune's kit. I would have expected some kind of root or something to do with charming the enemy with her fragrance, not poison bomb tokens. Didn't really feel that fun using her in the first stage, what's everyone else think?

    • 2 years ago

      Well, they could be considered roots in the sense they have 1 block and don't take deployment, but yeah, it's very minor, but that's all bards. Its comparable to Argyuro who just does flat mapwide damage. You can do more damage with the tokens if you spam them during her skill, but they're mainly for poisoning things. I find it convenient for poisoning everything on the map, but it's not going to compare in damage to any real unit. Still, it's pretty fun just spamming them on groups of enemies.

  161. 2 years ago

    How do you increase the level cap on units? Do you just have to roll duplicates or am I missing something?

    • 2 years ago

      Equip all their equipment which has to be farmed from story mode. Level them to level cap. Use the class change option in the menu which shows equipment which costs gold.

    • 2 years ago

      You need to equip all four pieces of equipment to the character and then you can increase the level cap once you hit the previous level cap and have the required gold.

  162. 2 years ago

    I was really hoping for -any- dps L from the beginner L ticket and got Platina lol. Now I have her, Creta, and S. Atheel L defenders. The fairy knight is still not great. Decided to roll for the alarune on this account since it only has one bard compared to the 3 + helper bard I use on my main.

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot the pic.

    • 2 years ago

      S Atheel is a dps.

      • 2 years ago

        She has 50s of skill CD where she's basically useless. She's fine when I can borrow a second dps helper like muzzle or mauro to cover her downtime, but you don't get helpers on some modes. There are also levels with two defense points that aren't near one another.

  163. 2 years ago

    I have no idea why tanks avoid my account. There are 7 legendary guardians and I only have one of them. No destroyers and Talos is my only shield night.

    It's a good thing the game is offence-orientated or I would be fricked.

  164. 2 years ago

    The gamerch tier list seem pretty up-to-date. What do you think of it?

    • 2 years ago

      Seemed weird to me until I threw the site in Google translate and it turned out to be a reroll tier list. Saying you should get at least one Shaman and their S+ tiers are accurate enough being the best/most versatile DPS. S and below is where things start to get debatable, but for reroll tier lists you simply aim for the toppest tier which I would agree are S. Teruru, Rakion, Waemawa, and maybe Muzzle who's quite versatile, but isn't quite as overwhelming as the others. Though she's definitely up there.

      I still don't understand the obsession Nips have with rating Neil so highly. While she definitely has her uses, her DPS and general output isn't very good with a 10/30 skill cycle and very low base attack. She solves a few problems, but I wouldn't say it puts her in S tier, especially for a reroll target where you'd want stuff that is generally powerful. Okyu is also a bit strange, but it seems they're valuing the ability to farm Limit Break. Besides that I'd bump Rafuka down and normal Atheel up. Rafuka's range really holds her back and Lauren is substantially more usable due to having range boost on skill. Atheel's redeploy reduction is just always useful and her burn aura is completely unresisted and can answer a bunch of things despite her main job being healing. Logica, Varina, Lagos, and Narukepafune I would argue also shouldn't be that low, but I can see why they wouldn't be that valued.

    • 2 years ago

      Mauro should be bumped up to S, Fairy warrior should be dropped to the lowest tier, Lulu should also be dropped into the lowest tier, Atheel should be bumped to either A+ or S, Lauren and Lagos are one rank too low. I would probably put muzzle at the top of S+. I don't own a good portion of the units, so I can't comment on the rest.

      Fairy warrior doesn't cost a deployment slot, but she can't block and her tokens die incredibly fast since they are usually placed away from everyone else. Her damage is so low she does basically nothing. Lulu's healing can't keep up with EX/boss levels, she's garbage. You generally aren't taking damage on multiple units at a time which means oracles are bottom tier. You are better off using the common priest who has an instant heal and aoe stun skill. Muzzle doesn't have any problems with oniushi, which is the only reason I would put her above Rakion.

  165. 2 years ago

    I've been reading the stories on the app for fun since I skip them on browser, and everything I've read so far was flirty at most or just cute. Then there's the alarune that makes you wipe her down with an aphrodisiac without telling you about it.

  166. 2 years ago

    Stream Vol 3 scheduled for December 9


  167. 2 years ago

    After tomorrow's maintenance you'll be able to pay cost to recover Beast God uses. That's a definite perk to cost generation.

    • 2 years ago

      >end every map at 200+ because i deploy the faity knight and the kraken
      I guess that's pretty good. Not that it changes much though, since you either have to use that cost, or you're already steamrolling.

  168. 2 years ago

    Thank you free ticket. Up to +4 now.

  169. 2 years ago

    >summary part 2

    >inspecting the empty jail, Niho asks the 2 Rins where the 3rd is
    >further inquiry results in the Rins not really knowing about her being the airhead she is
    >Urnella pops in to state it was a shikigami having had a vision of all the youkai escaping so she rushed here
    >Vivi tells her she's late and Urnella can only apologize
    >MC reassures her telling her it's not her fault as well as to Rin who asks if it's her's
    >Rin proposes, but Niho says save that for later as they need to catch the youkai
    >MC asks Urnella if she can use her future sight to help, but she says she's at her limit and needs nutrition
    >she needs human fluids and wishes to receive them from the MC
    >MC wonders how so and tries to approach the now shifty Urnella
    >Vivi attempts to warn him, but MC is uncharacteristically oblivious
    >one quick fade away later Urnella is totally refreshed while MC has been drained dry and needs nourishment himself
    >Using her now charged future sight, she sees the youkai gathers in the caves full of crystals and also, a great power of black and gold from the sky
    >Mauro shows up reporting in with her captures along with Soleia who was helping to manage her
    >Soleia taking responsibility for Mauro extends the apology from earlier to the whole dragon tribe and also desires to aid MC, but notices he seems a bit out of it
    >Vivi asks what type of nourishment Urnella got to which she responds with ...dandruff with a smile on her face
    >MC taking a lead decides to directly engage the escaping youkai in the crystal caves
    >after taking out several youkai, Niho recognizes they're not the captured youkai either and seems to be a different detached unit
    >Mauro flies in to report a large force of youkai coming in from behind them as they are entering the caves which seem to be the escaped youkai
    >they've been pincered, Urnella apologizes while Niho is surprised Hotsuki can plan like this
    >Suzu and Ethesia ask MC who will he ride on to try to escape
    >but he isn't there

    • 2 years ago

      >it turns out Fris had taken MC through a small hole in the cave that leads to the icy area of Gespens
      >the strange talking Fris says she found a dependable ally back at her camp so MC follows her since they need to quickly reinforce Niho and the others
      >arriving there, there's Hotsuki
      >it was a Fris shikigami
      >the real Fris shows up stating she just got here after fighting off a bunch of shikigami of other ice area residents
      >in any case Fris trusts MC to command their way out of this
      >after fighting, Niho and Mauro show up for the rescue
      >Mauro complains because as soon as they made it out of the cave, Niho jumped on her back
      >Mauro further complains she was heavy to which Niho increases the coldness of her already cold back to get her to take those words back fairly quickly
      >MC explains to Niho how a Fris shikigami lead him away
      >Niho confronts Hotsuki about it to which she responds wat
      >in any case, Hotsuki knows she's cornered and retreats further telling MC the handsome boy she'll be waiting for the final battle

      >with everyone reunited and ready to fight, Hotsuki is pumped and says let's make this the big one to handsome boy MC
      >despite everything, Hotsuki herself seemingly manages to catch MC
      >while everyone panics, Hotsuki suddenly stops, backs off, and for some reason surrenders
      >back at the jail, Hotsuki berates the youkai for getting captured again right after escaping and saying they'll get a beating while announcing for them to go back home
      >Niho doesn't understand and asks Hotsuki why
      >Hotsuki responds she just lost interest
      >she also doesn't like fighting with shikigami and hopes that next time it's just monmusu versus youkai monmusu
      >Hotsuki also warns MC of other youkai monmusu telling him they won't give up
      >Even personally saying she'll smash the gate they came through in the temple so they won't be able to act soon
      >Niho can't read Hotsuki at all
      >Hotsuki before finally departing tells MC to brush his butt for the next time they meet

    • 2 years ago

      >Mauro shows up reporting in with her captures along with Soleia who was helping to manage her
      it was the captures of all the dragon girls and mauro was taking credit for all of them. she justified herself by saying she caught the most.
      >Vivi asks what type of nourishment Urnella got to which she responds with ...dandruff with a smile on her face
      vivi asked her "just how much nourishment did you take from him?" and then uranella laughed.

      >it turns out Fris had taken MC through a small hole in the cave that leads to the icy area of Gespens
      >the strange talking Fris says she found a dependable ally back at her camp so MC follows her since they need to quickly reinforce Niho and the others
      >arriving there, there's Hotsuki
      >it was a Fris shikigami
      >the real Fris shows up stating she just got here after fighting off a bunch of shikigami of other ice area residents
      >in any case Fris trusts MC to command their way out of this
      >after fighting, Niho and Mauro show up for the rescue
      >Mauro complains because as soon as they made it out of the cave, Niho jumped on her back
      >Mauro further complains she was heavy to which Niho increases the coldness of her already cold back to get her to take those words back fairly quickly
      >MC explains to Niho how a Fris shikigami lead him away
      >Niho confronts Hotsuki about it to which she responds wat
      >in any case, Hotsuki knows she's cornered and retreats further telling MC the handsome boy she'll be waiting for the final battle

      >with everyone reunited and ready to fight, Hotsuki is pumped and says let's make this the big one to handsome boy MC
      >despite everything, Hotsuki herself seemingly manages to catch MC
      >while everyone panics, Hotsuki suddenly stops, backs off, and for some reason surrenders
      >back at the jail, Hotsuki berates the youkai for getting captured again right after escaping and saying they'll get a beating while announcing for them to go back home
      >Niho doesn't understand and asks Hotsuki why
      >Hotsuki responds she just lost interest
      >she also doesn't like fighting with shikigami and hopes that next time it's just monmusu versus youkai monmusu
      >Hotsuki also warns MC of other youkai monmusu telling him they won't give up
      >Even personally saying she'll smash the gate they came through in the temple so they won't be able to act soon
      >Niho can't read Hotsuki at all
      >Hotsuki before finally departing tells MC to brush his butt for the next time they meet

      >Even personally saying she'll smash the gate they came through in the temple so they won't be able to act soon
      thought she was giving the monstergirls advice to smash the temple gate to stop the other youkai from coming, not going back to check though since it was after a fight.

  170. 2 years ago

    >DMM won't even accept my card through paypal anymore

    • 2 years ago

      Since the game has an Appstore version now, assuming you can link your DMM account to it, should be able to buy stuff using JP appstore methods if you have methods for that like JP Apple giftcards or a JP Google account. Paypal still works for me, but I have it directly tied to a debit account instead of credit card.

      • 2 years ago

        Mine's a debit card as well, it's just that apparently mastercard has gone beyond just making DMM stop accepting them directly, they also can't accept one via paypal.

  171. 2 years ago

    For some reason only progress on the first stage of the ex skill event has been reset.

  172. 2 years ago

    Huh, those wisps are meant to have 100% evasion against physical attacks but S Teruru can still hit them.

    • 2 years ago

      S Teruru has true damage, I guess that ignores it.

  173. 2 years ago

    They really need to frick off with the oniushi spam.

    • 2 years ago

      >Hotsuki hints at whole youkai story arc full of youkai invaders after MC's boipussy
      Expect more of them along with other youkai gimmicks from Aigis as well as Nurarihyon buffers. If it's any consolation, one of the teased youkai girls look to be an Ushioni herself. Thinking about it, there's going to be a lot of youkai girls when the youkai arc finally comes. Let's go over the ones already in Aigis.

      Fuuhaku (Wind God)
      Kamaitachi (Wind Weasel)
      Nurarihyon (Long Head)
      Nurikabe (The Wall)
      Raikou (Thunder God)
      Yagyou-san (Cyclops Oni)
      Youko (Fox)
      Youri (Tanuki)

      There's also a bunch of common youkai enemy types I expect to see made into monstergirls. Rice Farming Dorotabo mudgirl musume when? I also expect a rimjob when we get the kappa.

      • 2 years ago

        >akaname youkai girl
        goshujin-kun's butt is eternally in danger.

        • 2 years ago

          It's an even split on whether it would be chinkasu souji or anaruname. Maybe both.

      • 1 year ago

        We got cheated by the fox as she is a summon that no one uses. I want playable foxes:
        -single tailed foxe-girl who acts like a brat or tsun who wont let you touch her tail at first
        -a multi tailed floof mom who saays “ara ara!” a lot and buries the mc in tails

  174. 2 years ago

    All I have to say is thank god muzzle's tokens aren't affected by ushioni. Also, in case anyone was wondering, you cannot knock enemy monstergirls out of their skill by stunning them. I thought the Rakion squad would stop throwing boulders after Dohne's stun, but they just kept tossing them after recovering from the stun.

    • 2 years ago

      Frequently, most enemies don't work off skill cooldowns/durations, rather they become enraged when they hit certain HP points. This is true for nearly all mob units. It's only bosses that have true timer based attacks. For the Rakions, flinging boulders instead of standing idly and shooting plain arrows only occurs after you damage them below a certain HP threshold.

  175. 2 years ago

    also pretty sure this was a pun. the shounen in both the word and 少年 (shounen) have the same pitch accent.

  176. 2 years ago

    Lorewise, who are the strongest girls so far and why?

    • 2 years ago

      Beast Gods over anybody else first probably.
      Physical strength wise, Rakion is apparently the most powerful in terms of power to weight, but I imagine the giants or anybody that can giantform might be able to lift more than her.
      Soleia is one of the most powerful according to the story being the strongest dragon even if she's kind of mediocre gameplay-wise. Mauro apparently has potential to surpass her and she was the scariest thing possible to the trio.
      Rupupu is actually an extreme threat having the ability to sleep things and trap them in dreams though she's countered in story by the fact Vivi and other dream demons are guaranteed to be immune.
      Finally, Lupuche is worth a mention being the strongest sea monster/ship sinker we have until we get something like a Leviathan musume.

    • 2 years ago

      vivi. she's a god.

  177. 2 years ago

    Rollin Christmas snake breasts wish me luck

    • 2 years ago

      Damn... I don't feel so good.

      • 2 years ago

        Me neither. There goes my savings.

      • 2 years ago

        Me neither. There goes my savings.

        was just coming to ask about what pastebin anon thought of her kit, did you at least get any good off banners?

        • 2 years ago

          I got Argyuro, Yura, and Cretta spooks so not really. Argyuro was new at least. I'm actually only missing Dilio now and have every other unit in the game. I did a write up for the new Miteras already. She's essentially a Lancer+Shaman combo. She'll be great for when we get another event like the Festival or any other stage that cucks Shaman DP generation.

      • 2 years ago

        Got her first multi. At least you get some extra stuff and guaranteed L ticket.

  178. 2 years ago

    She's in

  179. 2 years ago

    If anyone plays aigis here.what's the best use for platinum and black dupes?

    • 2 years ago

      Selling for rainbow crystals unfortunately. There are very few Platinums and blacks that are worth raising dupes of. You get a complimentary black dupe for first AW2 on any unit in case you want to go the other path and you can't use dupes in the highest difficulty content(Majins and Tower). This is especially true of dupes that are already limit 1 units like chefs or the various no deployment slot youkai classes.

      • 2 years ago

        Damn that sucks, especially after getting a bunch of dupes from the free tickets,Thanks mate.

  180. 2 years ago

    We have reached full supporter saturation.

  181. 2 years ago

    Surely we'll be getting enough free gems this month to fill out all the Christmas gacha stamps. ;_;

    • 2 years ago

      The gacha stamp card seems like a pretty flimsy attempt to get people to burn gems. You should think of it as a bonus if you get fricked while rolling for miteras rather than blowing gems specifically for the bonuses.

    • 1 year ago

      I misread. The banner ends today, the 12/3, not 12/31. Oh no. Oh frick. Why does it last only four days?

      • 1 year ago

        They closed the banner with the stamp card and opened an echidna banner with no stamp card. kind of weird. not sure if it uses the same pity counter as the first banner.

  182. 2 years ago

    About the stamp card, is it gonna be only one shared between all the christmas banners or is the current one unique to fire snek?

  183. 2 years ago

    Started the game like a couple of days ago, pretty happy with gameplay, design and general feel so far.
    Am I correct to think I should complete all substories event maps since they give a fully developed lvl 60 wellfare unit? I've managed to complete E7 on the current event with the yukionna too.
    My general team is around levels 30-40, just changed all of their jobs for the first time.

    • 2 years ago

      Definitely do the events as they come out. The rerun characters are nice to have too. The welfare units in this game are all usable unlike in other games. If you want to optimize your unit growth, you might want to skip ticket E-7 of the current event until you have a few of each drop. The armor and helm that drop from it can't be farmed until chapter 7 and is needed for the third class change for your units that use light armor equipment. The weapons and accessories for the third class change can be farmed earlier from chapter 4 in the story. You can do whatever you want at the start, just avoid running the EXP stages since they are less efficient than the gold stages. Make sure you are trading for milk/skip tickets from the weekly shop.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh, that's nice to know. I farmed E7 like three times for the event mission to complete, I guess I'll farm it a bit more.
        E7 stage is enough for a fully developed wellfare? EX stages are definitely too hard for me yet, won't be able to clear them on the current event.
        >just avoid running the EXP stages since they are less efficient than the gold stages
        How do I get milk then, do I jist farm gold and buy them for gold from the shot? I'm already feeling milk shortage but decided to do the events for wellfares first so it's not a huge problem yet.
        Also I feel that the game is pretty generous with roll gems, is it just because I've just started and have a lot of bonus missions going on?
        This is my team for reference, feeling pretty good, I swap it undine girl and succubus girls if I need casters; skills gained in Arknights really help here too.

        • 2 years ago

          I think 7 of these characters use the light equipment, 9 with the undine and succubus. At the very least you will want at least one set for the shaman. Third class change lets you place them on melee spots.
          >E7 stage is enough for a fully developed wellfare?
          Level 70 is a fully developed welfare. You might be able to clear an EX with a strong helper unit like summer teruru, rakion, or muzzle.
          >How do I get milk
          There is a bonus milk stage every weekend that uses tickets for entry. They give us two tickets per weekend. Each stage gives 40 purple milks. There is also the shop where you exchange gold for milk. Even if you exchange for the ones that cost 5000 gold each, it's still more efficient than the milk stage. Also can't say definitively on the gems since nobody has been tracking gem gains like other games.

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks for the advice!

            • 1 year ago


              >two tickets per weekend
              They give out 3, at noon on friday, saturday and sunday.

              Wonder if I've been missing one every weekend or just haven't been paying attention. I only login once a day after server reset.

              Oh, I see, is that because the big milk in the shop costs 2500 gold, lvl 65 gold stage gives 2500 gold so it's a guaranteed milk but lvl 65 milk stages gives two big milk at 50% so gold one is better in the long run?
              I have 500k gold coins right now, should I just dump them all into the shop?

              Yea, I buy out the shop every week except for the 5000 gold milks. You can buy those if you want to, but the other ones are basically at a discount.

          • 2 years ago

            >two tickets per weekend
            They give out 3, at noon on friday, saturday and sunday.

          • 1 year ago

            Oh, I see, is that because the big milk in the shop costs 2500 gold, lvl 65 gold stage gives 2500 gold so it's a guaranteed milk but lvl 65 milk stages gives two big milk at 50% so gold one is better in the long run?
            I have 500k gold coins right now, should I just dump them all into the shop?

        • 2 years ago

          >Also I feel that the game is pretty generous with roll gems, is it just because I've just started and have a lot of bonus missions going on?
          Once the ordinary content dries up, it takes months to gather enough free gems to spark.

  184. 1 year ago

    How do I farm these things on the left? They drop in main story quests but, for example, chapter 2 boss drops 1 (one).
    Can I farm them faster?

    • 1 year ago

      Just pick a story quest that also gives some gear you could use. Sometimes events also have them as a reward in their shop.

    • 1 year ago

      Wait until we get the story quest event for half stamina cost with 1.5x drop increase.

  185. 1 year ago

    Boss on the 5th

    • 1 year ago

      >subskill increases def if also used by a paladin
      Wish it gave +1 block instead.

  186. 1 year ago

    I can get the legendary subskill from each premium dungeon only once, right?
    Neat that each of them have their own H-scene.

    • 1 year ago

      No, you can get as many as you want. It's just a matter of having it drop.

  187. 1 year ago

    Is this christmas lamia good? She's my first and only legend mostergirl.
    She's a lancer warrior so it's already a big plus in my book, Igni has been shredding the most for me so I'm glad to have the second unit of this type (I need to finish the event with the frost salamander too).

    • 1 year ago

      She's pretty useful, yeah, being a pseudo supporter. She buffs attack of anyone in her range by 20% of her attack, has ranged AoE magic attacks during skill, and has the best DP generation efficiency among Lancers. Her only downside is a constant HP degeneration, however it's not hard to counteract with a regen subskill or any healing.

  188. 1 year ago

  189. 1 year ago

    ◆Maintenance time
    Scheduled on Monday, December 5, 2022, 10:30~15:30 (JST)

    ・Boss Challenge Event
    ・Mutation Boss Event
    ・Various Bug Fixes

  190. 1 year ago

    >New Santa Dekaio intro

    >Platina is reporting to Suzu and MC rumors of a maniac bathed in fresh blood who laughs and lops off the head of poachers that land on the island
    >with a hat dyed red while singing about a rain of blood
    >Suzu is scared
    >Platina apparently survived an encounter and her head being lopped off due to her head not being attached in the first place
    >however the assailant disappeared just as quick upon seeing no blood with a click of their tongue
    >Vivi summarizes it as somebody who likes blood, red hats, and is agile
    >she seems like she might have an idea, but when Suzu asks, she just says it's speculation and they need to investigate
    >investigating a part of the forest where there were a large number of poachers, it seems like they have found their culprit immediately as a monmusu with a red hat yells the rain of blood, let it fall more and more!
    >spotting her with a hat died red from the blood of poachers, she disappears into the forest as the group finally sees her
    >MC briefly thinks it's a human girl, but Vivi corrects him saying it's a monmusu
    >then Waemawa shows up in her usual lucky to find you fashion and reports about a human with a red hat on the beach
    >who apparently came to deliver presents to the monmusu to make them suffer
    >Suzu tsukkomis, but then finally makes a connection to Santa Claus
    >this excites her and she wants the group to go see him

    • 1 year ago

      >after getting to the beach and MC asking is that Santa Claus, Suzu briefly says yes upon seeing the red hat and white beard, but then tsukkomis at his muscles, sunglasses, and Hawaiian Shirt
      >in her tsukkomi rage, she manhandles Platina who feels as if she's being strangled despite having no neck
      >Vivi remarks it must be Suzu's delusions as nobody knows anything about this sort of Santa Claus in her head
      >finally approaching him, the Santa knockoff announces he will gives gifts to the good monmusu
      >Suzu thinks she's heard the voice somewhere before while the other monmusu wonder what they're going to get
      >the Santa knockoff remarks that even though we went to great effort to develop it, it went unsold and we have a year's worth of stock, and gifts a ton of manjuu noting that monmusu are omnivorous and they should eat a lot
      >finally recognizing the voice, it is revealed to be the mad scientist Lottie, creator of Dekaio and other things here for revenge
      >after being defeated, Lottie laments her plan's failure
      >her plan being to infiltrate Gespens as Santa Claus to distribute the Manju and possibly defeat the monmusu as well
      >anyways, her last ditch move is to throw sand which surprises Waemawa into releasing electricity at Dekaio and Lottie, making Dekaio's white beard black and knocking Lottie out
      >as MC attempts to approach Lottie, Dekaio jumpstarts, grabs her and runs off into the forest
      >the group decides to let them go and they also still have to worry about the red hat girl
      >the manjuu is also still here, trying to decide what to do with it, they decide to give it to Kuromi and the others with the story ending with them having distributed the manjuu to everyone anyways

  191. 1 year ago

    How do you get the points to get the Vivi summon? The boss rushes don't seem to give any.

    • 1 year ago

      How do you earn trophy points for vivi when fighting the slime? Is the score I get to low or is it just something else?

      After you kill an amount you go to the bottom right tab on the homescreen, then the right most tab and you get trophies in there, you can use those in the shop

  192. 1 year ago

    How do you earn trophy points for vivi when fighting the slime? Is the score I get to low or is it just something else?

  193. 1 year ago

    Is Vivi summon good, should I buy it?

    • 1 year ago

      >Is Vivi summon good
      Depends on how long the time stop lasts. I'm leaning toward no unless you need the HP aura as a 10s buff is a bit too short. Might be some niche use here or there but I'd usually rather take something else.
      >should I buy it?
      Yeah. No reason not to. You should be able to clear the shop without issue after a couple to a few runs of the slime boss.

      • 1 year ago

        I've reached level 20 on the knight boss, got enough trophies to buy it but spent them on gacha tickets and gems instead.
        Guess I'll reach level 20 on the slime tomorrow and buy it after all.

        • 1 year ago

          You can do multiple runs to work toward total kills, IE 20 kills one run + 20 another = 40 for the total kill missions.

          • 1 year ago

            Oh, that's great to know, after level 20 the difficulty spiked up a lot on the knight and I got overrun.

  194. 1 year ago

    90 rolls on alt for S. Teruru with Argyuro as the only other L roll. Alt is coming together nicely.

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        rolled choke lion and brown sphinx on my alt from the 30 endless battle tickets (15 from last time). I'll probably just replace the jack-o-lantern girl with the sphinx and leave the lion out like platina and creta.

  195. 1 year ago

    >Swimsuit Teruru rate up
    Alright time to unzip my dick and wallet, wish me luck

    • 1 year ago

      It hurts but the pain feels so good now that I finally got best girl's swimsuit version

      • 1 year ago

        glad you made it all the same

  196. 1 year ago

    just started this game
    what banner should I roll on?

    • 1 year ago

      just pick with your dick

  197. 1 year ago

    Got the snake,was really scrapping for rolls

  198. 1 year ago

    Reminder to spend your free DMM points from the autumn festival. Today is the last day before they expire.

  199. 1 year ago

    Those X9 levels where the slime moves to the center are kind of rough. First time I lost on 39 and lost on 49 the second time. Pretty nice of them to let you start at wave 20 to save a bunch of time.

    • 1 year ago

      I managed up to 59 with wae and raikon on each of the far ends of the center but they couldn't keep up with the small slimes at that point. Atheel couldn't survive the smaller AOEs at that point so I couldn't keep tanks alive to block them either.

    • 1 year ago

      I managed up to 59 with wae and raikon on each of the far ends of the center but they couldn't keep up with the small slimes at that point. Atheel couldn't survive the smaller AOEs at that point so I couldn't keep tanks alive to block them either.

      Trying seriously myself I got crushed on 59 as well. The major issue is you need to move literally your entire squad when King Slime moves to a new spot. Nobody except tanks survive the normal AoE at this point and you start needing a blocker at the bottom since the slimes become tanky enough to actually threaten making it all the way down. The major mistakes I made this run were not moving Mealus all the way back up once the 60th King Slime dropped down to cover right side and not moving Done to the edge of the rock and Waemawa off it to make space.

  200. 1 year ago

    Sneks! First roll.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh she didnt tailfrick the shota this time. Just mommy scene and normal sex.

  201. 1 year ago

    What setup did you use for the infinite slime? I need to get to 40 at least

    • 1 year ago

      You want something that looks like this. The two bards would be placed at the far end away from the slime. You can place far more aggressively than this for earlier waves before his AoE actually becomes a threat.

      • 1 year ago

        Then when the wave count reads x8 and you kill the slime, you want to move your units like so. Then return to the first position but mirrored when the slime dies.

        This is very similar to how I did it too. I used slightly different units, but Raikon/Wae were the most important.

    • 1 year ago

      You want something that looks like this. The two bards would be placed at the far end away from the slime. You can place far more aggressively than this for earlier waves before his AoE actually becomes a threat.

      Then when the wave count reads x8 and you kill the slime, you want to move your units like so. Then return to the first position but mirrored when the slime dies.

  202. 1 year ago

    Stream stars soon if you want to join


    • 1 year ago

      A bit before the new reveals, they also showed we're getting an event welfare Santa Muzzle next event. It's going to be a shop type event.

  203. 1 year ago
  204. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      That back root not having any detail bothers me more than it should.

  205. 1 year ago
  206. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Another Djinni/Jinn, another Kobold, and another Ghost? I wonder if they're going to be slight variants or different things altogether.

      I think this is a Hippocampus.

      • 1 year ago

        They did it for Orcs and Goblins it'd be nice if they added variations at different stages like those. We haven't seen a Common or Rare release like ever.

  207. 1 year ago
  208. 1 year ago
  209. 1 year ago
  210. 1 year ago

    the e-girl purge has started none this show...

    • 1 year ago

      We just had e-girl medusa costume are you stupid? I will be the first to seethe if no e-girls but don't act like something changed.

  211. 1 year ago

    The fricking minotaur is first for cosplay. That's pretty funny

    • 1 year ago

      Censored silva sad!

  212. 1 year ago

    You'd think Roper would be nearly first up for those ASMR clips.

    • 1 year ago

      >tentacles and futa wiener are the most requested asmr

  213. 1 year ago
  214. 1 year ago

    Dude better not frick with my stones last time the guy cut it too close and almost lost.

  215. 1 year ago

    We collabing boys

  216. 1 year ago

    Tower Defense Festival part 2

  217. 1 year ago
  218. 1 year ago
  219. 1 year ago

    Are they going to reset the story progress crystals from the last time?

  220. 1 year ago

    Going to skip Aigis and Oshiro this time around it was a drag last time and since I haven't leveled up since then probably not going to make it anyways

  221. 1 year ago
  222. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Aw yeah. Hopefully she is a unit instead of a summon this time.

  223. 1 year ago

    Oshiro getting a Mauro.... must not cave

    • 1 year ago

      Didn't oshiro and aigis not even have collab units last time?

      She's very likely the "beast god" like Solais since the last time we got the crab as a unit and the aigis character as the beast god.

  224. 1 year ago

    Good thing I have powerful acc in aigis and good enough in oshiro.

  225. 1 year ago

    Probably should have switched Lauren and Rakion since Lauren sat there doing nothing the whole time. Not bad for full auto. Shoutout to the japanese guy that came up with this formation.

  226. 1 year ago

    A half dozen banners up and I have every single unit offered. I can actually bank some gems for once.
    I still only have a single guardian legend (talos) and no destroyers or other shield knights. I want lion to come back.

  227. 1 year ago

    ◆Maintenance time
    Scheduled on Monday, December 12, 2022, 10:30~15:30 (JST)

    ・New Event Start
    ・New Monsters girls to be added
    >Lich - Lico
    >Mánagarmr - Muzzle (Xmas)
    ・X Costumes/Costumes
    ・Various Bug Fixes

    • 1 year ago

      I was just joking about the lich coming on christmas, but I guess it really happened.

      Good, not a single character I want. Now I can save.

      But knock it off with the furry shit, please.

      Don't understand this mindset at all. It's not like you would like every design even if they weren't furry. It just gives you more time to save gems for something you would like.

      • 1 year ago

        But they'll be in the pool and you might end up rolling them when something you like finally comes out.

  228. 1 year ago

    Saving vampire and furry satan troony for last I see.

  229. 1 year ago

    Good, not a single character I want. Now I can save.

    But knock it off with the furry shit, please.

  230. 1 year ago

    >event story summary

    >it's getting chilly in Gespens and Muzzle has invited MC to the forest because she has something to show him
    >arriving there, he is greeted by Done and Suno who flub their Christmas greetings
    >Muzzle corrects them and gets the group to do a proper Merry Christmas, Miteras is also here
    >wondering what's going on, MC asks about the outfits
    >the Dekaio event reminded Muzzle of the Christmas thing on the continent where people dressed up in red and white clothes and gave out presents
    >Suzu and Kuromi also show up, Suzu was mainly keeping the stalking Kuromi in check
    >Suzu ends up confirming the details of Christmas that is celebrated on the continent with Muzzle and it all seems to check out
    >Flirty atmosphere, giving out sweets to kids, guy with big white bag, etc and Muzzle wanted to recreate it on Gespens which is why she got outfits
    >MC doesn't seem to be too familiar with Christmas, but Vivi goes, "oh so you wish to hold such a famous event from Genesis?"
    >elaborating, it turns out, it was an infamous survival competition where the one who managed to decorate the highest tree on the island with the crystal star got the privilege of a sex night with the boy
    >Suzu is legitimately angry at this, but Kuromi and Vivi confirms that's how it goes in the history books
    >in any case, the crystal star was broken into 5 pieces due to the fighting by competitors
    >MC is glad Christmas disappeared on the island hearing about this event
    >Back to the topic of Continental Christmas which is normal, they talk about reviving Christmas on Gespens
    >MC is panicked at the prospect of an island wide survival battle, but Suzu says it will be normal Christmas stuff like decorating with glitter
    >Suno asks about getting a present from MC and Kuromi says she'll get a nasty, rich, hot, and sublime present from him while MC says he hasn't even prepared anything yet

    • 1 year ago

      >Miteras and Done want presents too which causes MC to shrink back because he doesn't have anything
      >smack, Muzzle warns MC as a monster tried to attack him which she swatted away with her bell
      >battle starts as they are attacked by a force of monsters with red hats
      >wondering what that was about MC asks, Muzzle found something
      >however a hand suddenly grabs onto MC's leg to immobilize him
      >then being hugged from behind and having his buttocks admired by the assailant, MC asks who are you in fear
      >Rico(possibly Lico), a passing magician who became immortal to study shota
      >admiring the MC, she asks if he'd like to become immortal so she could study him for a couple of centuries which he refuses
      >Vivi does the usual, oh that musume thing, and notes that it's rare for her to come out as she's usually researching
      >Rico responds that she got the feeling the shota she needed for her research was nearby
      >however before that, she asks to see the stone Muzzle found
      >it apparently radiates a magical and obscene power and was what caused the monsters to go into a mad heat
      >more than that, it apparently harbors negative feelings like sadness, jealousy, and grudges by those who scrambled for it in the past
      >it is one of the five star fragments from the Genesis Christmas
      >Vivi asks if Rico knows where the others are, but she responds no, but maybe if she had 300 years to search
      >MC cannot sleep well knowing these things are around as the monsters were all aiming for him in the last battle
      >Kuromi comes to the conclusion that if you collect them, you get to spend the night with MC and heads off to find them
      >and in that moment, the idea spread to all the other monmusu who embark on the quest as well thinking they'll be rewarded by MC for handing them in
      >MC determines he'll have to find them first or else
      >thankfully Muzzle stuck around and can apparently smell the fragments and the hunt starts

  231. 1 year ago

    >leading them to the gem caves, Muzzle and MC hurry to find the next fragment
    >Rico however is exhausted and apparently doesn't get much exercise being a shut-in
    >Vivi tells her to get some more sunshine
    >Muzzle tries to ask Rico if she's okay saying she looks pale, but Rico seems to go into a bit of a fit thinking she's being insulted and being compared to a wienerroach and saying if you make fun of her she'll develop your butt so much you won't be able to sit in a chair again
    >all the while MC is panicking as they're being attacked by monsters again
    >Rico also threatens to make them 3000 times more sensitive and assault them with tentacles as the battle starts
    >after the battle, they also end up retrieving the second star fragment while also finding a bunch of Christmas decorations in a hole
    >apparently whoever hid the fragment also hit a bunch of decorations
    >Rico seems to have calmed down and compliments MC on his commanding abilities saying she'll also address him like the others as goshujin/master
    >when Muzzle notes she's calmed down, Rico threatens her with the 3k sensitivity and tentacles
    >Muzzle was just worried, but Vivi tells them Rico's just shy and this is just how she copes with communication which the group finds cute
    >in any case, Muzzle is on the scent of the next star fragment.

    • 1 year ago

      >being lead to the forest this time, they hear a female bard saying she'll gift her singing to the monsters
      >for some reason, it is the most awful music in the world to the monsters and monmusu though MC finds it beautiful
      >Rico says Anse's violin playing is somehow better than this
      >the Female bard is annoyed at the criticism as she's won a gold medal for her singing
      >however more importantly, she has all 3 remaining star fragments somehow
      >the monsters have recovered from the singing and are ready to attack at this point while the female bard announces she hates monsters and monmusu
      >MC wonders if she's affected by the fragments as well
      >however Muzzle and Rico say the female bard emanates a foul and wicked aura from herself personally with Muzzle equating her smell to a towel that has sat in milk for 2 days
      >the Female bard starts fighting at these provocations
      >after the battle, the bard calls MC's planning unfair and runs away to fight another day saying she'll be baaaack
      >Muzzle chases after her and tells her to wait, but the bard dodges as she sings which is debilitating Muzzle and Rico to the point of collapsing
      >thinking them rude, the bard plans to sing to them until they admit her song is beautiful
      >however the trio show up and tell her to run as they drag her away into the depths of the forest
      >having gotten away, the only thing the group can do is chase
      >cutting to the trio and bard, the trio has noticed the bard's songs effects on monsters which the bard still denies
      >Eloise however seems to know about the fragments and grabs one of them to which the bard protests as she was using them as range enhancers for her singing
      >the trio believes the fragments to be a secret magical treasure that contain the power of God
      >the bard asks so what do they do
      >Eloise notes how they make monsters go into heat, but the bard asks about all 5 together which Eloise reveals she doesn't actually know as the other two and the bard stare dumbfounded

  232. 1 year ago

    >chasing after the trio, they head deeper into the forest, but right as they find Eloise, it seems they are trapped as Maisy and Camillia come in from behind
    >seemingly having the advantage, the trio prepare to fight, but are then immediately interrupted by the Redcap who wants to bloodily murder the humans
    >Vivi summarizing her as a monster who brutally slaughters and dyes her hat in blood, the Redcap notices them and goes oh monster girls to murder too as battle starts
    >being avoided, the Redcap calls Muzzle annoying as Muzzle runs for her life saying she won't die until she's spent a Merry Christmas with MC
    >telling her to just die early, the Redcap goes for the finishing blow, but immediately freezes in place before beheading Muzzle
    >Rico has taken Camillia's Bible and pointed it at the Redcap which forces her to not move
    >sick and in disbelief there's somebody carrying a bible around, the Redcap runs away
    >feeling relieved her life was saved, Muzzles relaxes which then allows Eloise to knock her fragments away and the trio runs off with them
    >Muzzle tells them to wait to which Eloise responds who the hell would and throws a romance novel at her saying it's a trade
    >it is a novel about a cute boy meeting with an orc which causes Muzzle's nose to burn as the trio flees
    >regrouping, they note crosses and bibles will be Redcap countermeasures if they do encounter her again, but regarding the fragments, it seems Muzzle can no longer track them with her pure love instinct
    >Rico says she was able to figure some things out though and notes that they had a natural force of attraction
    >however, Muzzle says she lost her fragments so what good is that
    >Rico tells her that there is a tree with similar power, the "Puppet Tree" from Genesis which should have the same attractive force
    >so that's where they and the trio will probably head to next
    >finally, we cut to Suzu and Kuromi with Suzu tsukkoming when she learns Kuromi has no idea where the fragments are despite searching

  233. 1 year ago

    I need to run the aqua mission that costs 18 stamina 97 times to get a fully unlocked copy of her. Really hoping some japanese people complain about this because that's an insane number of runs for a reward.

    • 1 year ago

      >97 times
      And you needed to do it 123 times when the event was being held the first time. Although I'm only looking at it in terms of that quest only, ignoring points from the previous quests as well as the ones from missions.

      • 1 year ago

        It's the same 1 stamina = 10 points ratio, it's the same amount of runs as when the event was running. The problem is the event is running concurrently with another event with a shop.

        Not really. Just do it when there's no event going on since then you'd have lots of stamina to spare. It takes like a week.

        > イベント開催期間:2022年12月12日(月)メンテナンス後 ~
        > 2022年12月30日(金)メンテナンスまで
        It ends 3-4 days after the current Christmas event. It takes like a week if you have nothing else to farm.

    • 1 year ago

      Not really. Just do it when there's no event going on since then you'd have lots of stamina to spare. It takes like a week.

  234. 1 year ago

    Apparently the Lich has a very wide attack radius when her active is up. I may try her as an alternative to the medusa.
    Plus she creates tokens that attach to your other units that give them +12% attack.

    • 1 year ago

      Holy frick. She starts with 5 spirit tokens and they stack. Each gives +12% attack. She gains more tokens by killing things.

      Pic related is just basic level 90 lich with no slotted skills Her range and attack power is insane. I gave her a few of her own tokens and she broke 2K attack power. Her range is half a map.

      • 1 year ago

        Her regular attack radius is shit like most sorceress class. Her active stays up for quite a while though.

  235. 1 year ago

    Took her to 105. No shaman help or other buffs she is over 3k attack, and every shot she fires is an AOE nuke. If placed in middle of map it is insane coverage.

    Gave her a +20% attack and a -3 skill cooldown.

    • 1 year ago

      Rakion active range for comparison (stone toss).

    • 1 year ago

      description says she loses the aoe attack for the duration of her skill but yeah the buff stacking sounds broken
      can imagine people doing silly things when combined with the scimitar class chars

      • 1 year ago

        >description says she loses the aoe attack for the duration of her skill
        Yea its not really an AOE attack (no splash damage). She simply simultaneously launches fireballs at every enemy that enters her half of the screen and keeps spamming them until they die. according to JP it is 5 simultaneous target hit per attack.

        And this lasts 30 seconds.

      • 1 year ago

        >can imagine people doing silly things when combined with the scimitar class chars
        Lich stacks with shaman too.
        My cute dragon got to 7654 attack power with sham+ghosts. Pointless but fun to see.

  236. 1 year ago

    What's the most important thing to be grabbing from this event?

    • 1 year ago

      Always the character then the tickets.

    • 1 year ago

      Character > tickets > gold keys > gold cubes
      Keep in mind they add more tickets and other items to the shop next week.

  237. 1 year ago

    Collab is starting in 5 days apparently. Looks like we're going to have three shops open concurrently for a week with the christmas shop, the collab shop, and the old collab shop. Also the dmm festival started, make sure you participate so you can get the 11 tickets in a couple months when they hand out rewards.

  238. 1 year ago

    What's this one about?

    • 1 year ago

      Upgrade the Bibi.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh, makes sense thanks.

        • 1 year ago

          It's the spell thing you can use in battle separate from your team, you can change and level it below the team composition.

  239. 1 year ago

    I started like 3 days ago and managed to get the lich but I still have 9k gems and quite a bit of currency to still get in the game, should I keep rolling to see if I can spark her or do I hold now?
    She has been carrying me everywhere

    • 1 year ago

      Roll for summer cerberus banner. Insanely powerful unit. She wil lcarry you while lich is on cooldown (or just carry you period. The dog is insanely strong).

    • 1 year ago

      Celebration with aigis is coming better to hold.

      • 1 year ago

        There weren't any rollable collab units last time and the two they showed are more than likely shop/quest rewards. There isn't any basis for your advice.

        is there a bonus to rolling 10 at a time or are singles okay?

        You get guaranteed at least 1 E rarity monster if you 10 roll.

  240. 1 year ago

    is there a bonus to rolling 10 at a time or are singles okay?

  241. 1 year ago

    Is there any trick to 3star 7-4?

    • 1 year ago

      The gimmick is that Soleia is the only one who can deal with Mauro's balls, so you have to have Soleia move around to deal damage to them as they slowly go across the field.

      • 1 year ago

        I didn't even realize there was a gimmick and just brute forced it personally.

      • 1 year ago

        That mission is so long and Soleia somehow managed to die from a single nuke instantly at the last wave. I fricking hate maps with NPC.

  242. 1 year ago

    I don't know what im doing but the game is pretty fun

  243. 1 year ago

    How can i 3 star 6-2 when boss appears only at very end and all minions are going straight at your base? Boss just gets her super boost and faceroll me.

    • 1 year ago


      It is only the perfect decoy you don't kill. The ones that look like the real thing.

      so you kill the inflatable lovedoll looking ones and ignore the realistic ones?

      • 1 year ago

        Oh, that's how it works. Thanks.

  244. 1 year ago

    What do I need to do to get the last scene?
    Also why does the cow have 3 scenes instead of the usual 2?

    • 1 year ago

      You need to buy her costume from the shop. Some costumes has sex scenes.

      • 1 year ago

        oh makes sense, shame i'm not whaling

  245. 1 year ago

    >event summary part 2

    >Eloise is trying to assemble the pieces, but failing
    >despite having all five, they don't actually magically fuse together or anything like that
    >though they are headed in the direction the fragments seem to be leading them with their light
    >the female bard wants to suggest the power of her song as a trigger, but ends up spotting the protagonists trying to tail them
    >the trio thought they managed to shake them, but it seems a fight is going to brew as the bard gets angry at the reception of her singing
    >she asks for the fragments so her singing can be extra effective and Eloise goes "can't be helped" and tosses them to her
    >With them, she threatens annihilation of all the monsters on the island which the protagonists seem to take seriously and run away as the bard chases them
    >Eloise congratulates herself on sending the bard out as a stooge to fight the group as Maisy asks is it okay
    >if she wins, they win, if she loses, no biggie, as they feel proud
    >until Camillia points out they'll get the star fragments if she loses
    >at the spot the protagonists are ambushing the bard, she attempts to drive the monsters into a mad heat, but it doesn't seem to work
    >turns out the Christmas decorations were the answer and they had a purifying effect which was why they were buried with the star fragment in the first place
    >Lico gets angry at Suno for stealing her line by explaining it first
    >however, Narukepafune shows up entranced in a hypnotic sorrow as she longs for MC who she can't manage to meet
    >after beating the bard, she gives up the star fragments and runs off
    >Narukepafune is eventually snapped out of her trance by MC finally getting her attention

  246. 1 year ago

    >Muzzle is having the same problem Eloise did trying to assemble the pieces together and wonders if she needs glue
    >this causes Rico to ask if she's insane and call her an idiot hurting Muzzle's feelings
    >they don't know what will happen when the star fragments lustful energy interacts with the manipulation/puppet tree
    >Done has decorated the path up to the tree with Decorations so the MC thanks her
    >however, suddenly the Red Cap attacks again along with a bunch of monsters behind her who apparently followed her because she was wearing the same type of hat
    >following the stage battle, the Red Cap girl gets super annoyed by their refusal to be beheaded
    >she notices Muzzle is trying to protect MC so she throws an attack at him which manages to hit
    >however, instead of it being anything sharp or dangerous like a knife, it was a snowball
    >laughing at the scared MC, she says it's her first time seeing such a pathetic guy, and because he's cute, she'll let him off for today then immediately runs off
    >Muzzle asks if he's okay and he is besides bumping his butt when falling to the ground a litte
    >Muzzle gets sad at her failure to protect MC as well as to assemble the star fragments which then causes them to actually fuse
    >somehow her pure love sorrow/tears over MC managed to magically fuse the star fragments
    >Lico suggests calling the newly formed star "Immoral Starlight" which Muzzle rejects as it is based in pure love with Lico conceding that it seems there's things she still doesn't understand and asks Muzzle if she wants to become immortal so she can study her

    • 1 year ago

      she yells something like "knife throw" and mc falls on his ass, barely dodging it. turns out she threw a snowball.

  247. 1 year ago

    >at the tree itself, it seems the lewd aura is overflowing, however the monmusu in the main group seem to be fine for the most part
    >With Lico saying her desire to study is stronger than her desire for MC and Miteras's heart always feeling like it's overflowing with love which may be her default state
    >however, then they encounter the dream demon trio
    >Muzzle asks where Suzu is to Kuromi who responds that she left her behind because she thought she wouldn't be ready for the fight coming ahead
    >what fight
    >the fight to be the one who gets to frick MC tonight by putting the star atop the tree as they all believe in the legend
    >as Kuromi, Tantaru, and Rupupu are defeated, it is the protagonists opportunity to put the star on the tree with Muzzle, MC, and Lico working together to get to the top of the tree and as it happens a brilliant flash of light blinds Muzzle as she manages to place it
    >abruptly, Muzzle and MC have been teleported to a room alone
    >the lewd aura pervading the island seems to be gone and everything seems to be right
    >however, MC brings up his obligation to give a gift to the one who put decorated the star
    >this ends up with Muzzle managing to ask for a kiss
    >MC is embarrassed, but Muzzle is too and goes "is it no good?"
    >to which MC mans up and says it's Christmas, I will do it when I have to!
    >then Vivi wienerblocks them
    >everybody else shows up too with their own comments and remarks
    >turns out they were always here and Vivi just hid their presence since Muzzle and MC had a good mood going on
    >Muzzle will never live this down as she hides under a blanket
    >in the end, everybody ends up ganging up on MC and he has an immoral Christmas as he is crushed under monstergirl

  248. 1 year ago

    The collab tomorrow. Can we get a new thread?

    • 1 year ago

      pretty sure they delete new threads if the old one isn't archived. also guessing the collab is going to start for this game next week after reset. The story will likely start in aigis or shiropro.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, I don't see the collab event starting sooner than the 26th since that's when this one ends. Unlikely they will run two at the same time. Aigis on the otherhand should start tomorrow since that's when their current event ends. No idea about shiropro since I don't play it.

  249. 1 year ago

    3 games, 2nd Super Tower Defense Festival will be held!

    Period December 21, 2022 (Wed)-December 30, 2022 (Fri)

    >***Maintenance will be performed on all games on 12/21 (Wednesday) and will start sequentially.
    Please check each game announcement for details.**

    If it's anything like the first one the schedule should be tomorrow Aigis will start tomorrow, MonmusuTD on 26th and Oshiro on the 27th. Though first Fes started with Monmusu first, Oshiro and then Aigis.

  250. 1 year ago

    The 2 units Aigis is getting are both gacha

    • 1 year ago

      If I'm reading the notice right, it appears that each game is getting up to 100 rolls out of their respective event for a total of 300 across all 3 games.

      • 1 year ago

        I wonder if this total includes tickets from the shop. I wonder if any of it will be given as gems.

    • 1 year ago

      The castle girl Game is getting Altair and the hippogryph girl

  251. 1 year ago

    Also how much did we get last time? Wasn't it 3600 gems if we played all three games and then 10 or 20 tickets in the event shop? Going to see if I can find it on the wiki.

  252. 1 year ago
    Does this post mean we're getting our collab tomorrow?

    • 1 year ago

      We have a daily timer that ends in 21. We have notice in game and outside of the game that event is 21. What else do you need?

      • 1 year ago

        It's because anons keep giving me different info like how some say it's next week.

  253. 1 year ago

    Maybe we should do low rarity challenge clears for the challenge. Aigis people seem to do it, seem like a fun idea but we don't have many low rarity.

  254. 1 year ago

    Seems like there was an early data load mishap with the gacha and some people saw Lapis+Dekaio early.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm kinda disappointed she doesn't retain her functionality from Aigis.

    • 1 year ago

      I dont understand why she's so popular. Looks like a boring trash to me.

  255. 1 year ago
  256. 1 year ago

    Oh, they are playable I didn't read much into it I just assumed they were going to the Beast God like the one we got in the first FES

  257. 1 year ago

  258. 1 year ago

    kind of underwhelming event. It felt like my entire left side did nothing aside from the yukionna. going to swap the banshee with the aoe bard and maybe move the bee to the right. might also just get rid of summer cerb and move rakion and the spriggan to the bottom right.

  259. 1 year ago

    going to swap out the spriggan for christmas muzzle since I didn't need her for the bottom corner.

  260. 1 year ago

    Anyone play the other 2 games and know if the collab units are strong on there?

    • 1 year ago

      Aigis doesn't have the base stats on the jp wiki yet, but she has the same kit as in this game. Her skill is either 30s of 3.4x attack (stun after skill) or you can use the other one that has 2.0x attack and infinite duration. Not sure how that stacks up to hero units.
      Also unrelated to above, but the 3 L fragments (not sure what they are called) is probably the most generous reward they've ever given out. I'm thinking about using them on my spider to get her to +5 and get that extra 5% slow on her webs.

    • 1 year ago

      Aigis doesn't have the base stats on the jp wiki yet, but she has the same kit as in this game. Her skill is either 30s of 3.4x attack (stun after skill) or you can use the other one that has 2.0x attack and infinite duration. Not sure how that stacks up to hero units.
      Also unrelated to above, but the 3 L fragments (not sure what they are called) is probably the most generous reward they've ever given out. I'm thinking about using them on my spider to get her to +5 and get that extra 5% slow on her webs.

      Aigis's powerlevel is too high even for Mauro. She has a pretty powerful passive gaining up to an extra 120% attack over time when not attacking. Her normal skill is a permanent activation type and gives her true damage and a small stat buff at 1.4x. Her Awakened skill is her skill in this game with its massive 3.4x modifier and ranged attacks. She'll be hitting for massive damage just by herself. The thing about Aigis is that true damage isn't that hard to come by and the strongest units in that game including melee have permanent multi-target ranged attacks at high multipliers. Mauro has a permanent skill with no range and a ranged skill with cooldown and duration. She's still plenty powerful I can only assume as I haven't rolled her, but Aigis broken is a different level.

      My only real experience with Oshiro was to the depth I learned it to play the game during the first collab. The only thing I really learned was Cannons are the best and neither Cliffo or Altair have Cannons.

      • 1 year ago

        Cannons are good for regular stages But for the hell stages (the customizable difficulty stages) You really need melee units too and cannons are hard to use because they cost too much

  261. 1 year ago

    To the anon who writes the pastebin, Lapis debuffs attack and ignores defence. Also, seeing how she has the highest base attack when it comes to conjurers, should probably reword the "below average attack" bit into a reminder that conjurers just have low attack.

    • 1 year ago

      Thank you for the corrections. I think I ended up having that impression when the one level 120 Lapis I had borrowed had 745 attack, but that's probably because they didn't equip her with attack subskills.

  262. 1 year ago

    I thought something weird was going on with the event and rank experience. Turns out the event gives no rank experience at all. That's kind of shitty.

  263. 1 year ago

    muzzle is cute

  264. 1 year ago

    The aigis unit seems like the best conjurer in the game. 1.3x damage aura for allies during skill, global attack debuff while deployed, ignores defense, and has 6 shots compared to the normal 3. The extra shots covers the weakness of conjurers since they get easily overrun by large packs of enemies. Even with all of that, she doesn't counter ushioni so who cares.

    • 1 year ago

      >she doesn't counter ushioni so who cares
      I still don't get what the big deal with those is. I just throw shit at them and they die. I still don't even know what their gimmick is because you can just brute force them.

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