Monster Hunter

What do you think about the retro MH games?

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  1. 2 months ago

    Bascially false advertising. The combat is surprisingly dull in this monster fighting game. There so little visual feedback when you strike the creatures. The intense micro-management makes it feel like you're hunting excel spreadsheets. But it's probably quite rewarding if you like those kind of things.

  2. 2 months ago

    single player MMO garbage

    • 2 months ago

      MH definitely isn't an open world game.

  3. 2 months ago

    They're both better and worse than the nu-MH games. I would never play anything older than FU tho, and no I didn't grow up with it. I chose to try FU and I liked it enough to be able to recommend it to certain people. It's a charm vs jank thing, you can't have just one of them.

  4. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      >reddit spacing

      • 2 months ago

        People have been posting like that on Ganker since before reddit existed. No one cares about your website wars.

        • 2 months ago

          No one cares about you.

          • 2 months ago

            That's the beauty of being anonymous. You really need to start lurking instead of posting.

      • 2 months ago

        >Ganker shitposter autism

        People have been posting like that on Ganker since before reddit existed. No one cares about your website wars.

        Ironic enough, if you look back older Ganker post from pre-2008 at oldsage, you will fine a ton of old posts that looks like it came off from a reddit cringe screenshot.

        • 2 months ago

          Exactly. It's always just been an "I don't like what you said so I'm going to say you're an outsider instead of addressing the point directly."

    • 2 months ago

      I haven't played an MMO since Ragnarok, but some of the structure is similar.
      Broadly speaking when you head out to do something it's either to gather materials or fight a big monster. Gathering is semi animal crossing type stuff with swords, catching bugs and fish, collecting herbs, mining, killing monsters
      for their meat and cooking it etc to build up supplies. In later games they streamline that a lot but in the first game it's a pretty big part.

      The other part is the real meat and name of the game. You choose a weapon and go after some massive monster that especially the first time you kill it could be a 30 to 40 minute fight because you're a tiny human with a sword and it's a sixty foot long wyvern that breathes fire and can kill you in a couple of hits. Once you kill it, you get better at killing it and maybe build some new useful armor to go after something even bigger and nastier. It kicks your ass at first, OHKOing you with hip checks until you learn to read it's tells, evade and smash it into giant fish guts. Rinse and repeat until it's just you and a lance against a dragon that can level a city.

      That for me was what really hooked me. The start of the game and the first few big mobs you fight aren't that hard, you can play it like an average action game where you roll through and might take a hit or two but it's not a big deal. The first serious mob you fight is Rathalos and it nearly filtered me on the game. Compared to everything else it was one or two hits and I was dead. Learned to at least not die, but ran out of time on a few attempts. I had to rethink weapons, learn to be evasive and aggressive at the same time. And once although I failed because the 50 minutes were up, I'd got it limping and going back to it's lair at least I knew it had me.

      That's also why I think it's best played single player at first it forces you to really learn the game. With 4 people you can mostly mash to win but that results in this [...]

      I want to get good at quake

  5. 2 months ago

    DOS is as far down as I can tolerate to go

  6. 2 months ago

    Monster Hunteron PS2 is possibly my favorite game ever made. I maxed it's clock at 999 hours a good year or two before I finally stopped playing. It's a perfect combination of a relaxing samurai cave man simulator when you want it to be, and a super hardcore action game when you want it to be. It has a totally unique control scheme that takes a while to get the hang of but end up giving each weapon a totally different feel in how you use them. Single player was awesome, online with friends was even more awesome.

    The PSP games were a step back in a number of ways but still very decent. I guess those aren't retro anyways.

    • 2 months ago

      >relaxing samurai cave man simulator

    • 2 months ago

      >The PSP games were a step back in a number of ways
      I know PSP is not retro but can you elaborate?
      I've never played the PS2 games but I thought Freedom are just expanded ports of the originals.

      • 2 months ago

        A lot of it has to do with the PSP itself, the thumb nub thing being like a torture device for a long intense game like this. It also swapped from the original control scheme which I really loved and felt gave the game a special feel. Lastly because it was mostly planned for a lot of solo play and people complained, the first one in particular is really easy compared to original MH. They aren't bad, but I do think they're the low point of the classic series which is basically the first game to Generations. World and Rise are kind of their own offshoots.

        • 2 months ago

          >It also swapped from the original control scheme which I really loved and felt gave the game a special feel.
          How is in the original? I'm emulating psp and I use the second stick for turning the camera, which allowed me to move while having control of the surroundings.

          • 2 months ago

            not him but you pan the camera with the dpad on ps2, right stick is used for attacking

          • 2 months ago

            So with the original control scheme all your weapon attacks are done with the right analog stick and each weapon maps differently. With lance for example down does a high attack, forward a low attack, greatsword, sideways were the swipes, forward was the unsheath and down was upswing. It was very weird to get used to but ends up making each weapon feel like it controls totally differently.

            >The first serious mob you fight is Rathalos and it nearly filtered me on the game
            Interesting, I found him much easier than I initially expected and even beat first try though it was in MHF.
            On the other hand, I was stuck on the fricking Kut-Ku because I didn't know that hammer sucks ass and I've lost like 4 times before going through all the other weapons to see what's actually usable, to my surprise SnS melted him in 5 minutes.

            Yeah the PSP ones were crazy easy by comparison. Also hammers are fricking awesome but they take a lot of practice and Kut Ku is a less than good match up for it.

            • 2 months ago

              It's really cool that each direction on the right stick felt like it was mapped to the direction of the action/attack, something that was lost in every future MH game post-Dos. I also don't like that weapon matchups are (mostly) done away with. Even as early as Tri / P3rd you could get away with using any weapon on most monsters, especially in P3rd which nerfed a lot of difficulty unnecessarily (but it makes it the perfect game to relax to ngl)

            • 2 months ago

              >Yeah the PSP ones were crazy easy by comparison
              In what way were they easier?
              I only know that they have the farm so it cuts some grind for basic resources

              • 2 months ago

                The monsters have less HP so they go down faster and deal less damage. Also you're given AI cat companions for single player which gives another target for the monster to focus on making doing things like sharpening and eating during a fight as well as general positioning much easier.

    • 2 months ago

      what's the gamplay loop?

      • 2 months ago

        I haven't played an MMO since Ragnarok, but some of the structure is similar.
        Broadly speaking when you head out to do something it's either to gather materials or fight a big monster. Gathering is semi animal crossing type stuff with swords, catching bugs and fish, collecting herbs, mining, killing monsters
        for their meat and cooking it etc to build up supplies. In later games they streamline that a lot but in the first game it's a pretty big part.

        The other part is the real meat and name of the game. You choose a weapon and go after some massive monster that especially the first time you kill it could be a 30 to 40 minute fight because you're a tiny human with a sword and it's a sixty foot long wyvern that breathes fire and can kill you in a couple of hits. Once you kill it, you get better at killing it and maybe build some new useful armor to go after something even bigger and nastier. It kicks your ass at first, OHKOing you with hip checks until you learn to read it's tells, evade and smash it into giant fish guts. Rinse and repeat until it's just you and a lance against a dragon that can level a city.

        That for me was what really hooked me. The start of the game and the first few big mobs you fight aren't that hard, you can play it like an average action game where you roll through and might take a hit or two but it's not a big deal. The first serious mob you fight is Rathalos and it nearly filtered me on the game. Compared to everything else it was one or two hits and I was dead. Learned to at least not die, but ran out of time on a few attempts. I had to rethink weapons, learn to be evasive and aggressive at the same time. And once although I failed because the 50 minutes were up, I'd got it limping and going back to it's lair at least I knew it had me.

        That's also why I think it's best played single player at first it forces you to really learn the game. With 4 people you can mostly mash to win but that results in this

        • 2 months ago

          That sounds terrible but thanks for explaining. Guess I'll not be downloading it.

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah if it doesn't sound appealing don't waste your time. The first one in particular was a very divisive game.

          • 2 months ago

            It's awful and we love it for it. A genuine clunker. You should try it just to see how much you hate it. I love seeing/reading people's reactions to what happens when your character consumes food & drink items in the middle of a fight.

            Are they even worth playing by yourself?

            I play them pretty much exclusively by myself, I think it's more fun that way because it's just a relaxing zone-out experience. Once you git gud, it's zen.

            No one cares about you.

            False. Someone cares about you.

            I don't know if it is because of the psp sticks but aiming is so hard, I feel like a moron. Maybe emulating from pc would be better.

            It's not your fault, aiming in MH is hard on purpose, otherwise it would trivialize the game (Heavy Bowgun already trivializes it once you learn the controls and bullets). Emulating does make it more manageable.

            Honestly just play Generations

            I want to go back and play all the old games and see everything, which versions do you guys recommend? Is it true all of the Japan only games are translated now?
            I appreciate any advice, especially from anyone who's done it before.

            To be more precise, play Generations Ultimate (or XX on 3DS, they're the same game but for XX you'll need a translation patch).

        • 2 months ago

          >The first serious mob you fight is Rathalos and it nearly filtered me on the game.
          The boar is filtering me hard and it is the second boss you encounter.

          • 2 months ago

            Anon please. The game barely started.

            • 2 months ago

              It never began for me.

          • 2 months ago

            It never began for me.

            Pay attention to it. It will run in spurts and need to turn around. It's a bull so treat it like a bull, get a distance away, let it charge you, dodge out of the way and then whack it while it's turning again. When it gets super pissed and starts charging all over, keep evading and wait for it to run out of steam then whack it.

            • 2 months ago

              I don't know if it is because of the psp sticks but aiming is so hard, I feel like a moron. Maybe emulating from pc would be better.

        • 2 months ago

          >The first serious mob you fight is Rathalos and it nearly filtered me on the game
          Interesting, I found him much easier than I initially expected and even beat first try though it was in MHF.
          On the other hand, I was stuck on the fricking Kut-Ku because I didn't know that hammer sucks ass and I've lost like 4 times before going through all the other weapons to see what's actually usable, to my surprise SnS melted him in 5 minutes.

  7. 2 months ago

    I only ever played MHW on Steam and I couldn't get into it for the life of me
    I don't get what's so appealing about spending 20 minutes running on an empty map after some monster, only to mash the controller with my forehead until the chore is finally over, then doing that again for 2000 more hours

  8. 2 months ago

    Are they even worth playing by yourself?

    • 2 months ago

      Not even for a minute.

    • 2 months ago

      I played the whole first game offline before getting a network adapter for online. I think it's excellent as a single player game and the diff curve is fantastic.

    • 2 months ago

      Playing by yourself is very important because that's where you actually learn to play well and pay attention. You could always tell the people who only played online because they suck and never learned to avoid things like Plesioth's hips since they rely on others to carry the fight for them.

      >relaxing samurai cave man simulator

      Totally! Head off into the woods to catch some bugs, fish a little and mine then maybe steal the egg of a giany wyvern. Finish it up by chopping up some dinos and then roasting their meat to perfection in prep for your next big hunt. Next to maybe The Humans, it's the best thing out there!

  9. 2 months ago

    I tried to play one of the 3ds games but it filtered me hard. Japs seem to love this shit for some reason tho

  10. 2 months ago

    One of the few series that only got better as time passed.

  11. 2 months ago

    worst series ever. literally just whacking the same shit for 20 minutes until you can get new shit to whack different monsters for 20 minutes. the gameplay loop just isnt fun.

  12. 2 months ago

    I want to go back and play all the old games and see everything, which versions do you guys recommend? Is it true all of the Japan only games are translated now?
    I appreciate any advice, especially from anyone who's done it before.

    • 2 months ago

      Honestly just play Generations

    • 2 months ago

      >Is it true all of the Japan only games are translated now?
      3rd he definitely.

    • 2 months ago

      This is the peak of MH games. Interesting to hear about that anon waxing lyrical about the PS2 games, cause I started with FU, but I feel like the PSP formula in particular was perfected in 3rd. It's also a beautiful looking game that pushed PSP to its limits (webm related). While I can't comment on difficulty compared to the PS2 version, it does get very challenging, especially when Nargacuga is introduced (and probably well before that if it's your first MH game). It's very playable in Japanese as well if you've played any of the other english titles. Even if you haven't, the icons for items etc. are usually enough to go off to see what you are getting/needing, and if not it would take you seconds to google translate bits that you are unsure of. The story/NPC dialogue? Who gives a frick. If there's a fan translation then obviously go ahead, but if you wanted to buy a JP copy and play it on hardware, I had no trouble with it back when it first released.

      • 2 months ago

        And if you emulate you can play the HD version on PPSSPP with online.

      • 2 months ago

        I want to go back and play all the old games and see everything, which versions do you guys recommend? Is it true all of the Japan only games are translated now?
        I appreciate any advice, especially from anyone who's done it before.

        A lot of my criticism of the PSP MH games is more a criticism of the PSP itself than the game design. I just think it's ergonomically a badly designed system and does not lend itself well to the type of play Monster Hunter goes for. MH3 is an excellent entry in the series, but the MH3 Ultimate on 3DS is a far better version than MHP3. The caveat to that is if you're emulating with a decent controller like this recommendation.

        And if you emulate you can play the HD version on PPSSPP with online.

        I have played every game in the series extensively except World and Rise and honestly wouldn't worry about or even recommend someone trying to play every game in the series. It's not like there's a real ongoing narrative or you're going to miss anything skipping the first few games and jumping into MH3 or 4 or Generations. The only exception I would make is if you want to experience the original version for it's unique controls.

  13. 2 months ago

    >Notice me senpai

    • 2 months ago

      3 time more annoying than bnahabras.

  14. 2 months ago

    Better than the shit we're stuck with now

    • 2 months ago

      I don’t know how future installments evolved but from what I have played so far, the series adapt to some extend classic videogames gameplay like castlevania where you really need to think every move and every enemy, I liked that and proves retro games have still many things to teach.

      • 2 months ago

        That's gone in the newer games

  15. 2 months ago

    i think that they are very good, and most of them still hold up even today
    playing them with psp's original controls (or 3ds without a cpp) is kinda rough though

  16. 2 months ago

    The series was good until it released on Nintendo consoles and got dumbed down for that demographic. It’s never been the same since.

    • 2 months ago

      The series was good until it released on Steam and got dumbed down for that demographic. It's never been the same since. FTFY.

      • 2 months ago

        Nah, it was right the first time. MH3 was shite and it only got worse from there. Steam may have been another drop in quality but it was just going from bad to worse. The sheer number of nu-MH fans who try out the earlier titles and get filtered hard and then start claiming the games "didn't age well" or "have too much artificial difficulty" speaks for itself.

        • 2 months ago

          MH3 started on Wii and is excellent, the 3DS entries are some of the best in the series. It was World and Rise that casualized things.

          • 2 months ago

            >MH3 started on Wii and is excellent

            >wyverns were nerfed hard to do much less damage
            >Invulnerability with lance counter
            >bowgun system casualised
            >waggle controls
            >devs admitted that they made things easier and dumbed down mechanics across the board to attempt to win over foreigners
            Did you even play the Pre-Wii titles?

            • 2 months ago

              The Wii one isn't best version but MH3 overall is a very good entry in the series and the 3DS is the best version of it.

              And yes,

              Monster Hunteron PS2 is possibly my favorite game ever made. I maxed it's clock at 999 hours a good year or two before I finally stopped playing. It's a perfect combination of a relaxing samurai cave man simulator when you want it to be, and a super hardcore action game when you want it to be. It has a totally unique control scheme that takes a while to get the hang of but end up giving each weapon a totally different feel in how you use them. Single player was awesome, online with friends was even more awesome.

              The PSP games were a step back in a number of ways but still very decent. I guess those aren't retro anyways.

              I have played every game since the first one extensively.

              • 2 months ago

                >the 3DS is the best version of it
                What makes it the best version? Wouldn't the Wii U version with the better controls, online multiplayer, and much higher resolution be superior?

              • 2 months ago

                That case could be made, sure. 3DS also had online though and they both control well. I put higher value on it being portable than on a big screen because MH is a social game and we often would get together to play. Also I'm apparently one of the rare few who really likes the 3DS 3D effect and I think it makes the game look amazing. But yeah, it could be a coin toss depending on individual tastes.

              • 2 months ago

                >3DS also had online though
                It didn't, it was local multiplayer only.

              • 2 months ago

                Huh, you're right! My old man brain and all this Monster Hunter things all blend together sometimes, I guess it wasn't till MH4 they got the online. Okay, I'd agree with the WiiU being it's best.

              • 2 months ago

                It had online, but you had to do some tricks and also needed a Wii U

        • 2 months ago

          Firmly disagree but you are trying to argue and not just calling me a Black personhomosexual, so agree to disagree.

  17. 2 months ago

    How many titles are considered retro btw?

    • 2 months ago

      Only the first game is actually retro. Even PSP isn't retro here.

      • 2 months ago

        Isn’t MH2 for the ps2?

        • 2 months ago

          Technically yes, but as it only ever got released outside of japan as the quite different PSP version didn't think it was worth mentioning.

  18. 2 months ago

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