More Xbox layoffs coming according to Bloomberg

Who's next on the chopping block?

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    Can't they atleast sell the IPs?

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Can't they sell the reason why they bought the studios?
      Really dude
      Microsoft loves sitting on IPs and doing nothing with them. Mechwarrior and Shadowrun, for example.

      • 3 weeks ago

        They bought Zenimax and ActiBlizz for Fallout, TES, COD and King. Other IPs don't matter. I fricking hate microsoft.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >Can't they sell the reason why they bought the studios?
        No, the IPs are worthless to them. Xbox and a lot of the gaming industry is trying to copy tech industry and do Boom/Bust cycling. You go in debt to built hype to get investors involved, then when investors catch on that you've wasted all your cash, you ease them by laying tons of people off to pay off the debt. If you know how to do it, you get tons of investors with minimal layoffs.

        Nintendo is currently doing well, because Boom/Bust cycling is illegal in japan.

        • 3 weeks ago

          So to the execs this is business as usual? Just gotta weather the shitstorm?

    • 3 weeks ago

      No, the whole point of Microsoft acquiring companies is to take everything of value away from their competition so they have to start over from scratch. Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. Although they increasingly seem to skip the 'extend' portion where they try to add value to their property and skip right to a complete 'extinguish'.
      It is why the rest of the industry shifted to open source and Linux based solutions like GNU/Linux, because if you depend on something and Microsoft buys it out, you can just fork from the last open version and continue on.

      Microsoft won't sell off their game IP until they are absolutely done in the end-user market. They just didn't want developers getting on board either with Apple's unified MacOS+iOS game platform, or with Valve's attempt to bring PC gaming the same security that many other sectors of the software industry achieved by moving to GNU/Linux based OSes.
      It may only delay the inevitable, but every year Microsoft keeps end-users stuck on Windows is worth it for them.

      • 3 weeks ago

        But isn't MS onboard with bringing Steam to Xbox?

        • 3 weeks ago

          Microsoft hasn't changed. Its just a smokescreen to keep regulators off their back. They were once again threatening OEMs who currently buy Windows to not ship GNU/Linux based OSes just a few months ago.

          If the rumor that Microsoft is moving to ARM is true, then even if Steam could be on that platform, it wouldn't have anything that would run. Not without needing a hardware emulator in addition to likely needing their own win32 implementation.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Microsoft needs those. They can turn those IPs into shitty TV shows someday.

  2. 3 weeks ago

    Ninja Theory is next.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >"Hey Phil Spencer?"
      >"FRICK YOU"
      >*Skateboards out of the studio into the sunset*

      • 3 weeks ago

        >"You can call me Tameme the Spencer Killer. Has a nice ring to it don't you think?"

      • 3 weeks ago

        >"You can call me Tameme the Spencer Killer. Has a nice ring to it don't you think?"

        Tameem sold the company and is living on a yacht with an entourage of zoomie girls. Someone post the pic, he won

    • 3 weeks ago

      Hellblade 2 is gonna flop so fricking hard nobody is excited for that game

    • 3 weeks ago

      Total Xbox death

      That's a lock, the lack of marketing for Hellblade 2 speaks for their faith in it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I would call them salary thieves tbh. I don't know what they do, their advertising literally tells me nothing about senua and their vision is crap if that's what they wanted to work on

      • 3 weeks ago

        I heard they pissed off Sony and Bandai Namco.

  3. 3 weeks ago

    ninja theory might as well be used as the next tax writeoff, their project will see no success and nobody, zero people, will be disappointed about the thing they were making not releasing

  4. 3 weeks ago

    all of them, i hope.

  5. 3 weeks ago

    My foreskin

  6. 3 weeks ago

    343 Hopefully

  7. 3 weeks ago

    Double fine is SO dead

  8. 3 weeks ago

    >6 years in development
    >built from the ground up

    I'm surprised Turn 10 is still around despite taking so long to make a new Forza Motorsport.

    • 3 weeks ago

      They're like 343i and Halo, one the most well-known Xbox brands which protects them from frick up to frick up.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    >The Initiative
    If Perfect Dark does not have a release date at the showcase, they're done. Executives are probably annoyed with the long development time that if it's not a success they will fold it.
    This one refuses to fricking die
    >Ninja Theory
    Definitely if Hellblade 2 is not a success. It literally has Blue Beetle marketing.
    >Double Fine
    Definitely, similar situation with Tango.
    >Playground Games
    No, Horizon is a top seller.
    Sea of Thieves is literally saving them. But if Everwild fails then I don't expect anything other than SoT content forever.
    They should be safe.
    Nope, unless Todd leaves.
    No, ESO is a cashcow.
    Maybe if Clockwork is not good.
    If Indiana underperforms then I expect some cuts.
    They're on thin ice with their AAA games. Avowed looks to underperform. TOW sold 5 million, but if they cut out Playstation then I don't see them reaching those numbers.
    >Turn 10
    I can see them fold because Motorsport was a disaster.
    >Undead Labs
    Oh yh they're done. SoD3 is taking too long.
    >Worlds Edge
    Their games sell best on pc, so no.
    >The Coalition
    No, they need UE5 experts, and they're really good at it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >This one refuses to fricking die
      The entire campaign team was let go a year and a half ago.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I want the entire team gone

        What about Compulsion Games? Reminder We Happy Few came out in 2018 and their new game hasn't even been shown yet.

        They're actually fricked. They only make critical and financial flops. South of Midnight is rumoured to release this year but I don't see that happening.

    • 3 weeks ago

      What about Compulsion Games? Reminder We Happy Few came out in 2018 and their new game hasn't even been shown yet.

      • 3 weeks ago

        South of Midnight looks grim. Instant flop.

      • 3 weeks ago

        South of Midnight looks grim. Instant flop.

        >South of Midnight
        Almost forgot about that one.

        • 3 weeks ago

          first of
          but also, i genuinely think the raceswapping for south of midnight actually might be one of the few times it works
          the game is all about louisiana voodoo shit, so it makes sense for the character to be black

          that said, the game doesn't look at all interesting to me, and will probably be a flop, resulting in the studio being shut down

          • 3 weeks ago

            You're not subtle at all, troony.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >not a success
      >top seller
      >should be safe
      From the recent closings, none of this actually matters. Games can do well and Microsoft can still axe the studio. And if not the studio, they'll definitely lay off staff. Microsoft doesn't care. They never cared.

  10. 3 weeks ago

    Ninja and Double Fine

  11. 3 weeks ago

    Did ID sell IDtech?

    • 3 weeks ago

      I don't think there's much market for this anymore because most devs will default to Unreal Engine as it's relatively cheap and it's easy to outsource workers for this engine.
      In the past when ID was still driven by Carmack there wasn't that many cutting edge game engines and licensing actually helped ID to survive during Quake 3 etc times.
      I.e. why bother because the nu devs are incompetent, they'll just use UE5 and deliver next stuttery piece of shit scam

    • 3 weeks ago

      No, the whole point of Microsoft acquiring Id was so they could kill the best cross-platform Vulkan-first game engine.
      They want everyone on Tim's engine because it is Windows-first and Vulkan is an afterthought.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Not anymore, MS is now pushing Vulkan parity with DirectX because Compatibility is King, and Profits off it are higher than UE garbage.
        Also UE5 has been a biggest failure.

        The thing is, Idtech as of now needs to be remade into a proper Engine, Even Quake Champions doesnt use idtech at all.

  12. 3 weeks ago

    Ninja Theory after Hellblade II fails.
    Double Fine just for the frick you to Tim's fat ass.
    Obsidian for not mattering since NV.

  13. 3 weeks ago

    What is doublefine even doing at the moment?
    Also I just played psychonauts 2 last week and it was a lot better than I thought it would be

  14. 3 weeks ago

    Undead Labs, World's Edge, The Initiative, Ninja THeory, Compulsion Games, Double Fine and maaybe Turn 10. They will all be gone.
    Only ones left will be the studios that can deliver big games like Fable and Fallout/Elder Scrolls. Obsidian will dodge closure by becoming another Bethesda arm that will work on spin-offs. Same with inXile. The Coalition is needed for Gears. Not sure what to think about Machinegames.

  15. 3 weeks ago

    From the sounds of it the studio who releases a game first is going to get closed

  16. 3 weeks ago

    seems like finishing a project thats not call of duty or fallout levels of sales gets you closed , so Ninja Theory , and the that South of something Black person game devs after , mean while their AAAA studio rebooting the Perfect Dark game for 4th time wont get any cuts since theyre never releasing that game , they seem to have figured it out

  17. 3 weeks ago

    People saying Ninja Theory are right.
    The game comes out in 11 days and there is no marketing at all. On top of that it will be on Game Pass day one. It's like Microsoft wants it to fail. Maybe that is why Tameem left.

  18. 3 weeks ago

    >Ninja Theory
    Hellblade II will release to critical acclaim and Microsoft will parade it around as an amazing technical achivement truly showcasing what the Xbox Series can do. As thanks for their hard work Ninja Theory will be shutdown within six months of the games release.
    >Double Fine
    Tim Schafer announces his retirement and the studio closes shortly after. Whatever they're currently working on either gets quietly cancelled or never went beyond the initial pitch.
    >The Initiative
    Perfect Dark gets cancelled very soon. Two years from now we'll get an amazing Youtube documentary covering what a shitshow it was with two competing studios with extremely different visions trying to make a high-budget shooter.
    Most of the other studios are already well into developing new games, making live service garbage or their IPs are too high-profile to just cut off without Xbox hardware sales immediately plummeting through the floor.

  19. 3 weeks ago

    If Rareware doesn't have a game near completion, they might as well be closed down.
    They've had, what, 20 years now to make Banjo Threeie and they haven't done shit. What a disappointment.
    Also, Everwild has been in development for like 5 years now and they don't even have a screenshot of gameplay ready. Such a mess.

    • 3 weeks ago

      They are working on Perfect Dark sequel right now but apparently it is going badly. So they're probably next. Dark times. Microsoft relegated them to bullshit for a decade

  20. 3 weeks ago

    Please be 343i
    Please be 343i
    Please be 343i

  21. 3 weeks ago
  22. 3 weeks ago

    Bethesda, please be Bethesda! I would pay for it to happen, seriously.
    Frick you, Todd!

  23. 3 weeks ago

    >always over budget
    >always under dev milestones
    >never goo sales
    its never been more over. ms will kill the studio and just sit on all the ip for decades not doing anything with it just like evil within and hifi

  24. 3 weeks ago

    Good people are losing their jobs. People with families. People with children. People upon whom others depend to put clothes on their back and food on their table. Now they have nothing. Many of them will have to take jobs out of desperation at reduced pay which will impact their quality of life. They will have to move across the country. They will have to sell their homes at a loss. They will have to pull their kids out of school in the middle of the year.

    And yet here you are on the butthole of the internet gloating about it, right on cue. And why? Because these people made a game you did not like. Boo fricking hoo. As if that is such a fricking crime. It's not enough that you did not support the game. No. You had to take it a step further. You had to trash it at every opportunity. You had to discourage others from supporting it.

    There are so many talented individuals in this industry who grow disillusioned and quit because of people like you. The bitterness. The schadenfreude. The spitefulness. The hatred. There are supportive people out there but they are drowned out by the negativity. This website is a festering shitpile and people like you are mysteriously drawn to it.

    You need to take a step back and reevaluate your life. Why do you take so much joy when others encounter misfortune? Do you feel better about yourself? Does it make you feel good? Does your life finally have a purpose? Do you feel fulfilled? Do your parents tell you how proud they are of you? Where exactly did it all go wrong?

    I fricking hate you. I hate everything you represent. I hope you find yourself in the same situation someday. And I hope someone gloats about it on the internet. And others join in celebration. Just like you are doing right now. I will be there when it happens. And I will laugh my ass off at you.

    Frick you.

    Just frick you.

    • 3 weeks ago

      no ones died of starvation in a hundred years gramps

  25. 3 weeks ago

    Can they seriously not find better leadership than phil spencer? They could afford to pay the head any salary he wanted.

    • 3 weeks ago

      The world of execs is a negative natural selection.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You assume that he isn't in there now specifically to wind the business down.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Why would they? Idiots have been praising him for decades, despite nothing of value to show for it!
      >B-but Gamepass!
      The whole reason their studios are in a death spiral because they have no hope of reaching their insane target proposals. And they're even more insane now that they have to make up for the Activision purchase. I'm sure there are still some die hard Spencer defenders coping.
      >It's not Phil's fault! He's an epic gamer just like the rest of us!

  26. 3 weeks ago

    >343i still exists
    Just what kind of blackmail do they have on Microsoft?

  27. 3 weeks ago

    I bet on Obsidian when Avowed flops

  28. 3 weeks ago

    >double fin
    >playground games
    >compulsion games
    >undead labs
    >worlds edge
    we are going to be left with the halo studios, the gears of war studios, the forza studios, the elder scrolls studio, the grounded studio, the sea of thieves studio, and id

    machinegames and arkhane lyon are the next on the chopping block if indiana jones and blade fail

  29. 3 weeks ago

    God, I really hope 343 gets BTFO'd. Like I literally wish that there was some Halo fan who was crazy enough to go to 343's building and blow it the frick up unabomber style. If the people who are directly responsible for running Halo into the ground since 2012 happen to be in the building at the time, then oh no, how sad, anyways... Frick 343.

  30. 3 weeks ago

    Obsidian if Outer Worlds with Swords fails to sell [Skyrim numbers] copies on the first week.
    Ninja Theory if Hellblade flops too.
    The other Arkane studio if Blade flops or takes too long to be released.
    Double Fine if they remember this studio still exists.
    ID but they will just fire everyone and keep the studio active with one janitor for branding purposes.

    Everyone else will get the EA treatment and be turned into support studios for CoD/Halo/Fallout/etc sooner or later.

  31. 3 weeks ago

    Ninja Theory
    Double Fine

    • 3 weeks ago

      >dying after Doom Eternal and Quake 2 Remastered
      kek, that is Machine Games if Indiana Jones Flops, since Wolfenstein flopped too

      • 3 weeks ago

        Oh, I forgot about them. Yeah, they are also on the chopping block.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >dying after Doom Eternal and Quake 2 Remastered
      kek, that is Machine Games if Indiana Jones Flops, since Wolfenstein flopped too

      id still ha quakecon being worked on and they're a legacy studio
      at the very least, the people that kept spamming isabelle crossovers and rip and tear memes could just learn how to use slade and "make more doom" by knowing what doom modding is
      it took myhouse to make people remember doom modding existed

      • 3 weeks ago

        Also id is Bill's pet.
        it was DOOM who put Windows 95 on the map with Doom95

  32. 3 weeks ago

    The initiative was founded in 2018 and still isn't close to releasing a single game. It's confusing they closed a proven studio like tango instead.

    • 3 weeks ago

      They might be gone soon but maybe it's a corporate tax write off thing where Tango released games that didn't do well so there's a reason to close them where as the best play was to do nothing at all

  33. 3 weeks ago

    machinegames has the indiana jones flop in the making, so that's more or less a sure closure
    double fine psychonauts 2 flopped and the studio is run by morons in one of the most expensive cities on the planet, so that one is a good bet as well
    compulsion games is basically a woke flop machine, i still have no idea why they acquired them
    undead labs had huge "problems" inside the studio but MS stepped in and injected a healthy dose of diversity, if it wasn't for that i'd say they are also a contender since their game has been in production hell for an eternity
    the self proclaimed AAAA developer the initiative was already reduced in size and then had to add crystal dynamics to help with perfect dark which has beeen stuck in production hell for quite some time, i think they are also a sure closure
    maybe ninja theory since they don't sell and are based in london which is expensive as frick, tameem already left which is usually not a good sign

  34. 3 weeks ago

    >Microsoft buy Activision Blizzard
    >They become Activision Blizzard

    • 3 weeks ago

      Buying Actiblizz was a HUGE Mistake

    • 3 weeks ago

      The Curse of Kotick

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's just like Boeing - Mcdonnell Douglas of video games!

    • 3 weeks ago

      Whoever has the parasite that is King attached to their corporate skull will end up the same way
      King is the equivalent of the brain slugs from Futurama

  35. 3 weeks ago

    My guess
    >Double fine
    >Ninja theory
    I still don't know how rare is still around

  36. 3 weeks ago

    go woke go broke

    • 3 weeks ago

      Samurai Shodown flopped HARD

      • 3 weeks ago

        Being a EPIC exclusive means poison

      • 3 weeks ago

        >Talk shit about a "mysterious" investor trying to buy exclusivity
        >They take the deal anyways
        >No pressure gives a shit about your game
        >Finally, after a year, leave the exclusivity deal
        >Straight into another exclusivity deal on fricking Stadia
        >By the time it comes out on Steam, no one cares
        SamSho was going to die anyways so maybe it was smarter to take the money upfront, but they really shouldn't have talked shit publicly.

  37. 3 weeks ago

    hope it's actiblizz dei devs

  38. 3 weeks ago

    Bethesda will be the next high profile one as a whole Starfield wildly underperformed especially with how they hoped it would boost gamepass sales. TES 6 will be the last Bethesda game. The series will contine but just under the Microsoft name.

  39. 3 weeks ago

    Bill gates never left and was always pulling the strings and calling the shots. Satya and Phil are just covers for him

  40. 3 weeks ago

    I hope the rest of the devs get laid off too

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