Mork Borg

Why does this game have such a negative reputation on here? I had a good time running a oneshot with it. The rules are fun and the trappings are really cool.

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    It's BX for hipsters. OSRgays hate it because it's style over substance, and everyone else hates it because it's pretentious schlock for people who like larping as OSRgays

    • 1 month ago

      Sad to see this thread went on for a hundred more posts when there was a flawless FPBP right there.

    • 1 month ago

      the correct answer

      İ don't even like morkborg shit but you two homosexuals should never touch cyberpunk, that's the whole fricking point. İt's not punk if you're playing bootlickers.

      please die


      this post also highlights the issues

      Its a trash game that takes advantage of the stupid with flashy colors to make money. Simple as.

    • 1 month ago

      The thread should've ended right here.

  2. 1 month ago

    >Graphic designer is credited on the cover
    I'm a graphic designer myself and know that's a bad fricking sign.
    >and dead people
    I know you're not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but sorry, I'm out.

    • 1 month ago

      And who are you?

      • 1 month ago

        >the proud lord said

  3. 1 month ago

    I like Mork Borg and the ecosystem around it has lots of interesting games, adventures and add-ons. Plus the easy rules make it great to easily butcher into other settings and make it easier for new players / 5e gays to get into.

    although I do confess the simplicity makes it unappealing for anything longer than three sessions, but I tend to only play short campaigns and one-shots anyway

    • 1 month ago

      I enjoy it because it is good for one-shots and I'm a lot like anon . I don't like running long drawn out campaigns. I cut my teeth on CoC and enjoy the idea of dying an interesting death rather than having an OC you've been playing for decades.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah I don't think I'd ever really want to run it other than as a oneshot but I do think it's a great time to have a short adventure in and I'd do it again to try something different between sessions of a different game.

      The layout makes it hard to actually use at the table, it's part of the rules-lite Nu-SR crowd, it's got SJW sensitivity nonsense despite being grimdark and "punk", and it's not really suited to longform games.

      I don't really know anything about what the community is like, I just took the game at face value when I discovered it. I don't really see the "sensitivity" stuff in it other than the name generator page where it just has the kinda dumb line of "Male? Female? Doomed souls all." And I don't really care that much about that having that page anyway.

    • 1 month ago

      I wouldn't say that's a negative. The Borg games have quickly become my group's 'one/two people can't make it but we don't want to cancel game night' one shot systems and they're perfect for it.

      • 1 month ago


  4. 1 month ago

    The layout makes it hard to actually use at the table, it's part of the rules-lite Nu-SR crowd, it's got SJW sensitivity nonsense despite being grimdark and "punk", and it's not really suited to longform games.

  5. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      Fricking pathetic

    • 1 month ago

      Fricking pathetic

      İ don't even like morkborg shit but you two homosexuals should never touch cyberpunk, that's the whole fricking point. İt's not punk if you're playing bootlickers.

      • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        Frick off with your gaslighting bullshit. Ive been with cyberpunk since damn near the beginning. Im a gen x, borderline boomer, oldgay sperg.

        Even early shadowrun (which was my bread and butter) encouraged and had rules for playing corpos, lonestar security, etc. It was rarely about being a glorified antifa. The material was about working as a deniable asset for the megacorps against their rival megacorps.

        What you are doing is viewing all of cyberpunk through a modern lens. A lens that is both insufferable and boring.

        Don't touch cyberpunk. You homosexuals have done enough damage to it already.

        • 1 month ago

          >he thinks shadowrun is "old school original pure cyberpunk"
          Thank you for making it so clear we can disregard not only your dumb opinion but also your fake credentials.

          • 1 month ago

            >b-but thats not REAL cyberpunk
            frick off, homosexual

          • 1 month ago

            Nice bait, but cyberpunk 2013 also released with rules to play cops and corpos out of the box.

            • 1 month ago

              Then it wasn't cyberpunk. The further you get away from Snowcrash, the less cyberpunk you are. Simple as. Peak cyberpunk you are a pizzaboy who works for the mob and everyone is using grappling harpoons and hacker terminals.

              • 1 month ago

                Snow Crash is literally a fricking parody of Cyberpunk written in the 90's you absolutely mouth breathing homosexual. You are literally upholding a parody as the genuine article. Snow Crash is satire. Hiro Protagonist is a literal joke character and commentary on the genre, that's why he's a fricking black half-japanese hacker who works as a pizza delivery driver while also being the genius programmer who literally designed the virtual world's swordfighting system and can thus beat a dozen ninjas in a fight while swinging his controller around in his shabby office. Holy shit. Normal cyberpunk does not contain ancient Sumerian cognitive curses manifested by forbidden words.


              • 1 month ago

                you forgot the part where rollerblading delivery girl almost fricks the mega-preacher's muscle man and the day is actually saved by a stray dog previously adopted by said rollerblading delivery girl before being turned into a cybernetic guard dog by a chinatown-themed real estate developer

              • 1 month ago

                No, she does frick him but her 15 year old jailbait pussy (her name is Y.T, short for Young Thing) has a subdermal injector that doses him with a tranquilizer through his wiener vein while she's internally monologuing about how hot he is and how high his body temperature is due to being a big sexy native alaskan, before taking the plot macguffin off him and escaping the raft to hand it over to Enzo and call her mom

          • 1 month ago

            Old school pure cyberpunk was literally invented by William Gibson and is about disposable, deniable assets being used by former government and military officials to carry out the bidding of advanced corporate artificial intelligenced so they can get rich, with the main character wanting new organs so he can do hard drugs once again

          • 1 month ago

            >Thank you for making it so clear we can disregard not only your dumb opinion but also your fake credentials.
            Dude, I'm not that guy. But what the frick are you on about? William Gibson got fricking pissed with how much Shadowrun plagiarized his Neuromancer books. First edition of Shadowrun was 1989. First edition of Cyberpunk was published in 1988. The guy you're responding to you is probably old enough to be your dad. Anon, how does that disqualify him?

      • 1 month ago

        >you two homosexuals should never touch cyberpunk, that's the whole fricking point. İt's not punk if you're playing bootlickers.
        Frick off you stupid homosexual

        • 1 month ago

          >if a company says something in an ad then its true

      • 1 month ago

        But Cyberpunk is full of protagonists that work for the state, a lot of the classics of the genre have that. Deckard is basically a cop. Ghost in the Shell has a fricking government black ops anti terrorist hit squad as the protagonists for crying out loud. Unless you mean to tell me that neither of those are Cyberpunk you shut up with this bullshit that people only started saying to critique Cyberpunk 2077

        • 1 month ago

          Deckard is not a cop and that's the whole fricking point of the work, that even if he was it would have been a betrayal of himself even more than it would be a betrayal to society. This is showing how the enforcers for power are definitionally class traitors working against their own best interests. You can disagree with that sentiment and I think plenty of people do, but to say that it wasn't the point of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is nothing short of functional illiteracy. And it's NOT cyberpunk even so no matter how much you try to lampshade the inevitable and obvious criticism. The story is corporate-critical science-fiction from the mid-20th and the movie is a neo-noir thriller. GitS is straight up not even remotely cyberpunk. It takes more than cyborgs and harsh shadows to be cyberpunk, you rube.

          • 1 month ago

            >GitS is straight up not even remotely cyberpunk
            opinion officially discarded. Im not an anime weeb and even i know that's bullshit

            • 1 month ago

              >even if he was it would have been a betrayal of himself even more than it would be a betrayal to society. This is showing how the enforcers for power are definitionally class traitors working against their own best interests.

              So firstly I actually was talking about Blade Runner not the novel. In the movie Deckard used to be a cop and then gets hired by a corporation to do basically private cop shit. That is to say tracking fugitives down and applying force to them.

              Secondly I didn't say it portrayed him being what is basically a cop as a good thing, just that he was one, which is fricking true. If you think being critical of power structures necessitates not having protagonists that exist within them then you are the functionally illiterate one though.

              >The story is corporate-critical science-fiction from the mid-20th and the movie is a neo-noir thriller. GitS is straight up not even remotely cyberpunk. It takes more than cyborgs and harsh shadows to be cyberpunk, you rube.

              Oh nevermind you're just moronic

              >GitS is straight up not even remotely cyberpunk

              >GitS is straight up not even remotely cyberpunk. It takes more than cyborgs and harsh shadows to be cyberpunk, you rube.
              I'm just here to join the group calling you a moron. Please cut off your dick so you don't reproduce

              >Ghost in the Shell, one of the titular defining works of cyberpunk, is not cyberpunk
              Look at this moron, hahahaha

              Now, at the risk of sounding like I agree with that moron, he's right about GitS.
              Ok, he's right about Stand Alone Complex. That is techincally post-cyberpunk.

              • 1 month ago

                Its still cyberpunk you moron.
                Cyberpunk does not depend on whatever marxist bullshit people attribute to it.
                SAC is still the quintessential "High Tech, Low Life" that is the sole defining feature of Cyberpunk. The only difference is that it often looks at the middle class of a cyberpunk world. The guys doing okay, but not the rich or the poor. Its just a different perspective on the same world.

              • 1 month ago

                I suppose, but the punk aspect is verily downplayed in SAC, it's more like a political thriller than a juicy cyberpunk the first movie and the manga were, those were certainly cyberpunk.
                Thinking more on it, the tone is probably what throws me from calling it cyberpunk. To that effect, I - well I suppose it is after all.

              • 1 month ago

                A major aspect of SAC and 2nd Gig is despite being ostensibly the violence component of an all-pervasive and powerful government, they're actually disposable pawns in literal cutthroat power plays by people they can't touch and that despite the image presented the deep state they work under is very fragile and unstable. It's more Gibsonian and less downbeat than a lot of cyberpunk works, and takes an "as above, so below," approach to its setting, but it's still cyberpunk. It also needs to be remembered that it's Japanese cyberpunk and has different cultural and thematic underpinnings.

              • 1 month ago

                You're so stupid that it's shocking you can turn on a computer.
                >it's still the same genre even if the tone, tropes, and viewpoint all change!

              • 1 month ago

                What about it /isn't/ cyberpunk you smoothbrained worm?
                Section 9, in every season, ends up getting burned by the very government they work under. They expose corruption between corpos and government every fricking episode. Does it need purple mohawks and made up slang for you to count it as cyberpunk? Are you one of those dribbling frickpuppets that complained that 2077 wasn't cyberpunk because it wasn't night and raining all the time?

              • 1 month ago

                To answer your questions in order:
                1. what about it is? It's cyber but not punk.
                2. What is a genre but its restrictions? Quit being hyperbolic so you don't have to confront what you're actually claiming.
                3. I don't know or care what the frick you're going on about. I don't play those games and they aren't relevant to me.

          • 1 month ago

            >even if he was it would have been a betrayal of himself even more than it would be a betrayal to society. This is showing how the enforcers for power are definitionally class traitors working against their own best interests.

            So firstly I actually was talking about Blade Runner not the novel. In the movie Deckard used to be a cop and then gets hired by a corporation to do basically private cop shit. That is to say tracking fugitives down and applying force to them.

            Secondly I didn't say it portrayed him being what is basically a cop as a good thing, just that he was one, which is fricking true. If you think being critical of power structures necessitates not having protagonists that exist within them then you are the functionally illiterate one though.

            >The story is corporate-critical science-fiction from the mid-20th and the movie is a neo-noir thriller. GitS is straight up not even remotely cyberpunk. It takes more than cyborgs and harsh shadows to be cyberpunk, you rube.

            Oh nevermind you're just moronic

            • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                Good b8

              • 1 month ago

                Did you even read the article? There's a section specifically about this.

              • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            >GitS is straight up not even remotely cyberpunk

          • 1 month ago

            >GitS is straight up not even remotely cyberpunk. It takes more than cyborgs and harsh shadows to be cyberpunk, you rube.
            I'm just here to join the group calling you a moron. Please cut off your dick so you don't reproduce

          • 1 month ago

            >Ghost in the Shell, one of the titular defining works of cyberpunk, is not cyberpunk
            Look at this moron, hahahaha

          • 1 month ago

            >GitS is straight up not even remotely cyberpunk.
            Only on this fricking website.

            • 1 month ago

              I think its more a consequence of interpreting everything through a marxist view, but maybe its just the contrarianism
              Either way, that guy is an extreme homosexual

          • 1 month ago

            now I want to know what he thinks IS cyberpunk.

          • 1 month ago

            >Deckard is not a cop
            Character is introduced by being brought into a police station and being briefed on his next assignment. Dude is closer to a detective in some ways, but a cop, detective, and hitman all in one.
            >You can disagree with that sentiment and I think plenty of people do, but to say that it wasn't the point of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is nothing short of functional illiteracy. And it's NOT cyberpunk even so no matter how much you try to lampshade the inevitable and obvious criticism.
            What? Okay, maybe you can say Philip K. Dick was proto-cyberpunk. But his work is considered canon to the genre. It is cyberpunk, the frick?
            >GitS is straight up not even remotely cyberpunk. It takes more than cyborgs and harsh shadows to be cyberpunk, you rube.
            Tell that to pretty much everyone in the 90's who worshipped it. Syndicate, that cyberpunk game in the 90's, straight up had footage of the movie playing on large screens throughout the game. GitS is one of the most influential cyberpunk films and anime in the genre.

            Anon, I'm not the other poster. But what do you consider cyberpunk if it's not two of arguably some of the most definitive films and series in that genre?

        • 1 month ago

          Also Appleseed and Patlabor if you count that.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah, no, that's moronic. Neuromancer is the foundational work of cyberpunk and it has nothing to do with opposing capitalism. The CEO of the megacorp is even a sympathetic character.

        • 1 month ago

          I would argue that Hard Wired was a big influence on Neuromancer and it predates it, and Hard Wired is specifically about characters that are anti-corporate... having said that Neuromancer definitely went on to be more influential, and is the reference point a lot of people have when thinking of a "pure" Cyberpunk work so I do still agree with your overall point and think who you are replying to is a fricking stupid person who heard "Cyberpunk has to be punk" line from reddit without understanding that context influences meaning and the Cyberpunk genre name has historically never necessitated having the characters be anti-establishment themselves.

          You might be able to argue that it requires showing technology and capitalism causing negative and dehumanising consequences for individuals, but that isn't the same thing as the characters having to be actively against the system. And honestly I don't think that aspect has ever been strictly required, just that it is much easier to make that case

          • 1 month ago

            >Hard Wired was a big influence on Neuromancer and it predates it
            Hard Wired is 86, Necromancer is 84. Burning Chrome is 82. The story that coined the term cyberpunk is 83, but in that case the "punk" was a literal child, a "damn punk kid" to his stepfather

            I don't think you're wrong overall though, classic cyberpunk has working for the corps as often as against them, and certainly a lot of protagonists weren't anti-establishment, they were just on the edges of society.
            Yes I would argue that technology and/or society's future evolution seriously affecting (maybe not always dehumanising, but certainly affecting them) individuals is a necessary part, but it doesn't have to be front and centre - in most cases it's just a natural part of the story

      • 1 month ago

        >X has ALWAYS been Y

      • 1 month ago

        Anon, IRL 'punks' fully back the progressive shit the corporate establishment pushes. Punks will literally call people fascist for opposing government policy.

      • 1 month ago

        Bladerunner is not Cyberpunk then?
        Kys homosexual

        • 1 month ago

          No, it's not. I don't think any of you stupid fricks remember what sci-fi is. GitS is a sci-fi action procedural. Blade Runner is a sci-fi neo-noir, and DADoES? is normal dystopian sci-fi. It's classic Philly Dick and not -punk fricking anything. None of you can be trusted to talk about games because not one of you has avoided terminal brain fungus.

          • 1 month ago

            Common use just disagrees with you I'm afraid.
            >"Early films in the genre include Ridley Scott's 1982 film Blade Runner"
            >"Akira inspired a wave of Japanese cyberpunk works, including manga and anime series such as Ghost in the Shell"

            And when it comes to concepts like genre the words only have meaning when it comes to what is broadly accepted terms. In practice it is consensus based.

            • 1 month ago

              No, Anon, you don't understand. This is that other anon's worldview you're talking about. GitS, Blade Runner, Neuromancer, Snow Crash, UBIK, Deus Ex, Syndicate, real life, or any other piece of cyberpunk media where the MC has an actual job or is being hired/manipulated by a corp can't be cyberpunk because that would mean Cy Borg's rattling about how you're not allowed to work for the system is stupid, which destroys his entire ideology and will cause him to mentally break down.
              That anon's mental wellbeing depends on GitS not being cyberpunk. Do him a favour and don't rattle his cage.

            • 1 month ago

              I have taste but no class so I can confidently say that the general public is grossly incompetent at most things and citing the masses like that isn't true is the last desperate gambit for the intellectual coward. You don't seem like an intellectual coward, so aim higher. I'm right because I care more. This claim is equally valuable and worthwhile as that one, which is to say, fricking moronic.

            • 1 month ago

              I think you're in the right but that wikipedia article is horrible lol.
              They don't cite the blade runner claim despite it being foundational and then despite loads of academic writing on cyberpunk their source for loads of the article is "What is cyberpunk" from a games writer at

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah you aren't wrong about it sucking. I was just trying to prove the point that in popular perception at least, those things are considered Cyberpunk and have been for ages but I was too lazy to go look elsewhere for the sake of, what I have to assume is a troll

                I have taste but no class so I can confidently say that the general public is grossly incompetent at most things and citing the masses like that isn't true is the last desperate gambit for the intellectual coward. You don't seem like an intellectual coward, so aim higher. I'm right because I care more. This claim is equally valuable and worthwhile as that one, which is to say, fricking moronic.

                Ok so what would you hold up as being the big works of Cyberpunk that are actually Cyberpunk?

      • 1 month ago

        >İt's not punk if you're playing bootlickers.
        The Tessier-Ashpools play an integral role in Necromancer and Armitage himself is a former glowie and army colonel now working on behalf of a rogue A.I made by the Ashpools attempting to achieve digital apotheosis. Shut the frick up you moron. The Ashpool's vat-grown cyber ninja literally solos everyone else in the book at the climax, Lady 3Jane and Hideo are pretty much the only unambiguous winners besides the titular Neuromancer A.I that ends up finding other signals from a similar A.I in Alpha Centauri

      • 1 month ago

        People like you are why I usually like playing a game where you're a corpo merc, because killing annoying anarchists for no better reason than "it makes me enough money to afford Taco Bell" is funny.

      • 1 month ago

        The goal of cyberpunk games is to become rich through the exchange of goods and services (aka capitalism).

        • 1 month ago

          Your logic fails at the start. Not all cyberpunk games are commercial products.

      • 1 month ago

        Frick off with your gaslighting bullshit. Ive been with cyberpunk since damn near the beginning. Im a gen x, borderline boomer, oldgay sperg.

        Even early shadowrun (which was my bread and butter) encouraged and had rules for playing corpos, lonestar security, etc. It was rarely about being a glorified antifa. The material was about working as a deniable asset for the megacorps against their rival megacorps.

        What you are doing is viewing all of cyberpunk through a modern lens. A lens that is both insufferable and boring.

        Don't touch cyberpunk. You homosexuals have done enough damage to it already.

        Is The Matrix "cyberpunk"?

    • 1 month ago

      Virtually every game written dictates what you can and can't play. It's called a premise.

    • 1 month ago

      I don't quite get what the purpose of cy_borg is. Mork Borg I understand--it's an art project disguised as a game, using the mood and impressions associated with the idea of "old school D&D where the lethality is high" as a vessel for something a pastiche of the attitude and aesthetics of black metal music. A lot of metalheads disagree and hate it and call it a surface-level understanding of the genre, to which I don't know enough about metal to agree or disagree, but I at least get the intent. But with cy_borg, I don't quite get why OSR is the platform, and they don't seem to be pastiching anything particularly classic cyberpunk or otherwise retrofuturist. It's just Mork Borg but you're asked to please pretend it's cyberpunk. And then, for some reason, somewhere in the rules they made sure to tell you it's all actually a simulation, which just seems like they took a sci-fi idea that was trending on social media in the week they were writing the book and hastily crammed a line about it in there.

      • 1 month ago

        >I don't quite get what the purpose of cy_borg is.
        Making money of off posers that wants to place something on their coffee table to show other posers how nerdy or "into it" they are.

    • 1 month ago

      Ah yes, the scandinavian rebellion againsy the... checks notes... generous holidays and maternity pay...

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      I love how the morons here who spend their lives nitpicking rulepoints and arguments completely ignore the phrasing of this
      >you are encouraged to break every rule but this one
      nowhere does it say "you're forbidden from"
      they literally say "we don't encourage you to break this rule", because it's a simple matter of tone-setting
      they designed their game with a certain playstyle in mind: playing punks, lowlives and rejects raging against corporate polite society and doing odd jobs; this is what the system encourages and what's mostly covered in the book
      the fact that something so innocuous and easily ignored could rustle the jimmies of so many morons is a feat in and of itself

      • 1 month ago

        How dare they attempt to rob me of the freedom to RP as a slave.

    • 1 month ago

      >cyberpunk games
      >Frick the Man! You live life free and on the edge!
      >cyberpunk literature
      >The Man sucks, but everyone else sucks in a different way; also he signs your paychecks.
      The sheer disparity between the literary and game genre will never stop being amusing to me.

      • 1 month ago

        Most cyberpunk games have you as corporate pawns too, whether you're working directly for the man, several proxies deep, or just plain ol helping perpetuate their system. Cyberpunk 20XX, Shadowrun, Ventangle, it's core to all of em.

  6. 1 month ago

    I'm just not gonna play a game that lectures me on how I have to play along with some pervert's fetish.

  7. 1 month ago

    Looks like shit. I hope the publishers didn't spring for a hardcover run. Reminds me of those jeans with holes retailing for full price.

    • 1 month ago

      They did and I've got one. It's super nice.

    • 1 month ago

      >Reminds me of those jeans with holes retailing for full price.
      Fricking hell I can just tell you have no friends. Nobody talks like this in real life.

      • 1 month ago

        Good thing this is the internet and not real life

      • 1 month ago

        What the frick are you talking about? When that was popular, me and my friends made fun of that shit all the time.

  8. 1 month ago

    It's pseudo-edgy that knowingly shies away from real controversy.

    • 1 month ago

      >our game is HARDCORE and GRIMDARK, the world is DOOMED, everything is SATANIC and NIHILISTIC
      >oh but you're not allowed to make anyone uncomfortable with topics like racism or sex ok? 🙂

      It's just a sanitized marketable LotFP for insufferable libs.

      Why you hate consent so much?

  9. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      Why does the limerick book cost more than the grimoire? Martials lose again. The absolute state of this gæmë.

    • 1 month ago

      I love this image so much lol

      • 1 month ago

        It's fantastic, I especially love how well it captures the obnoxious 'origami' layout.

      • 1 month ago

        It's fantastic, I especially love how well it captures the obnoxious 'origami' layout.

  10. 1 month ago

    >our game is HARDCORE and GRIMDARK, the world is DOOMED, everything is SATANIC and NIHILISTIC
    >oh but you're not allowed to make anyone uncomfortable with topics like racism or sex ok? 🙂

    It's just a sanitized marketable LotFP for insufferable libs.

    • 1 month ago

      It's pseudo-edgy that knowingly shies away from real controversy.

      If you want to have a game with racists and rapists just put racists and rapists in your game jesus

      • 1 month ago

        We arent riling against not being able to put racist rapists in our games.

        We are riling against the fact that the author assumes he has the right or say to stop us from doing so.

        • 1 month ago

          Of course he has the right. It's his IP and so he gets to set the terms in which his IP can be used by third parties for their own products.

          • 1 month ago

            No one is talking about 3rd party products, the author dictates what you can and can't do in your own private game with your group of friends.

            • 1 month ago

              Except that the thing every rees about that always gets posted is for 3PP.

              • 1 month ago

                Nuh uh

              • 1 month ago

                Which thing?

                is clearly directed at the players.


                Why does this game have such a negative reputation on here? I had a good time running a oneshot with it. The rules are fun and the trappings are really cool.

                If I'm going to run something OSR-adjacent, I don't want a rules lite b/x knockoff, I want a better organised AD&D knockoff that veers towards GURPS. And that rules out games like this one well before I get into whether I think a game author has any business making any kind of political / HR demands of their customers in their own homes.

                Its a game targeting someone very different than me. But it apparently pisses off a bunch of the people it is targeting too, so maybe its just a failure all around.

        • 1 month ago

          >buy rulebook
          >get angry there are rules in it

      • 1 month ago

        It's not about putting racists and rapists in my game. It's about the rulebook making the assumption that I'm going to include racists and rapists in my game and then lecturing me about it while simultaneously describing a world where everything is shit and everyone will die a horrible, useless, but ultimately inoffensive death. It's shit that didn't need to be there.

        • 1 month ago

          It's the sheer audacity of it all
          >I'm fine with imagining people being killed in gruesome, horrible ways
          >I'm fine with imagining people being tortured and subjected to unimaginable suffering
          >I'm fine with imagining these things happening to other people, monsters, and animals
          >I'm fine with imagining an unfair, miserable world where everything sucks and everyone is dying
          It's so fricking disingenuous because they'll include incurable diseases, drug addiction, state violence, and so many other things that have directly affected countless people, ruined or even ended their lives, but that's just a bit of setting flavor. Just to make sure you know this is a grim and dark setting for mature adults. TCH NOTHING PERSONEL KID.

          But whoa buddy... You want to imply that some people are *racist*?! You want to imply that some awful men might sexually abuse a weaker, vulnerable person? In this imagination and dice game?!?!

          • 1 month ago

            Walk into a public space and scream "Heroin! Cocaine! Crystal meth!".
            The next day, walk into a public space and scream every racial slur you can think of.
            After you wake up in hospital you may finally understand.

            • 1 month ago

              What are you even trying to say?
              That the game is only rated PG13, or that certain ethnic groups are violent savages?

              • 1 month ago

                I can't believe I have to spell this out for you.
                Which of the two scenarios I described do you think would result in a more extreme reaction from those around you?

              • 1 month ago

                A grown man crying about hurt feelings.

              • 1 month ago

                What? Are you ESL?

              • 1 month ago

                And here comes the racism and colonialism. Nice.

              • 1 month ago

                deserve it, quite frankly

              • 1 month ago

                Now try shouting your love for drugs at a highschool. Or your love for satanism at a church or...

              • 1 month ago

                That comparison would only be appropriate if Pork Broth was marketed toward racists/transphobes/homophobes/whatever. It isn't.

          • 1 month ago

            That's the opposite of disingenuous. Getting eaten by demons, the world ending, and disembowelment are things that suck but likely aren't pressing concerns for any one at the table. Things the game suggests you shouldn't do are more likely to be but that's not the be all and end all of it. Because you're right that there are other things in the game more likely to affect the people at the table than demons. Those things aren't typically discriminatory though and that's the main thrust of it. It's not that these things are worse or even necessarily that they're more common. It's that MB isn't interested in creating a dynamic of "X identity gets a worse life than others because they're X". Instead it's that everyone has an awful life because it's MB. When you start making a hierarchy of who gets to suffer more you're working against MB's vibe of everyone suffering all the time. It only seems disingenuous because you, ironically, are either pretending that context doesn't exist, or are ignorant of it despite it being plain in the thing that started this conversation.

            • 1 month ago

              Additionally there are things you need to remind fat nerds to do, and things you don't need to bother with. A fat nerd needs to be reminded to shower and wear deodorant before coming to the game. A fat nerd needs to be reminded not to be racist or to physically corner women. A fat nerd does not need to be reminded not to take drugs because he is a fat nerd and very likely ties his fragile ego to things like being straight edge. The choices made make sense to me.

              Fat nerd needs the mods to fight his battles for him, apparently.

              • 1 month ago

                It's not my fault a third of this thread isn't on their meds. The rules of this site are incredible easy to follow and it'd be great if you lot could follow them so we can have a conversation.

              • 1 month ago

                >Muh rules
                Lmao announcing reports is against the rules too.

              • 1 month ago

                I haven't reported anything. Why would try to get the people I am actively talking to banned? I can't continue the conversation if that happens.

            • 1 month ago

              Additionally there are things you need to remind fat nerds to do, and things you don't need to bother with. A fat nerd needs to be reminded to shower and wear deodorant before coming to the game. A fat nerd needs to be reminded not to be racist or to physically corner women. A fat nerd does not need to be reminded not to take drugs because he is a fat nerd and very likely ties his fragile ego to things like being straight edge. The choices made make sense to me.

              shut up b***h

          • 1 month ago

            That's the opposite of disingenuous. Getting eaten by demons, the world ending, and disembowelment are things that suck but likely aren't pressing concerns for any one at the table. Things the game suggests you shouldn't do are more likely to be but that's not the be all and end all of it. Because you're right that there are other things in the game more likely to affect the people at the table than demons. Those things aren't typically discriminatory though and that's the main thrust of it. It's not that these things are worse or even necessarily that they're more common. It's that MB isn't interested in creating a dynamic of "X identity gets a worse life than others because they're X". Instead it's that everyone has an awful life because it's MB. When you start making a hierarchy of who gets to suffer more you're working against MB's vibe of everyone suffering all the time. It only seems disingenuous because you, ironically, are either pretending that context doesn't exist, or are ignorant of it despite it being plain in the thing that started this conversation.

            Additionally there are things you need to remind fat nerds to do, and things you don't need to bother with. A fat nerd needs to be reminded to shower and wear deodorant before coming to the game. A fat nerd needs to be reminded not to be racist or to physically corner women. A fat nerd does not need to be reminded not to take drugs because he is a fat nerd and very likely ties his fragile ego to things like being straight edge. The choices made make sense to me.

            • 1 month ago

              I have no idea why people with such a huge target on their backs like this are always the ones that want to try to make fun of other people, especially when they will freak out at anything coming back to them.
              I guess because they are used to crying to authority figures.

            • 1 month ago

              >there are things you need to remind fat nerds to do, and things you don't need to bother with
              This has to be one of the most disingenuous argument pro moronic sensitivity pamphlets, how the frick you can write with a straight face that one has even to be reminded to shower. Jfc "remind them"... Do you seriously believe there are people that "just happen to forget to shower"? You just made glaring evident how fricking malevolent, or incredibly detached from reality in the hopefully best if cases, your kind is.

              • 1 month ago

                >Do you seriously believe there are people that "just happen to forget to shower"?
                Have you ever visited your LFS?

              • 1 month ago

                And this confirms it, you're either a sophist piece of shit or a complete cretin. I'll make it clear: those individuals don't "forget" to shower they just don't care because of depression. What makes them shower (or don't show to begin) with is coercion (the staff kicks them out) not a bloody message posted on the entrance of a building.
                If you believe that those safety pamphlets have a meaningful purpose other than being there to avoid petty lawsuits (like the warning label about hot coffee on Starbucks cups) you may be on the same level or moronness as the mongoloids who thought a bracelet with written "pls don't rape me" was a feasible measure against rape.

              • 1 month ago

                Chill. Take a deep breath.
                I've played with people with no concept of hygiene. It's not depression. Some people don't understand how badly they stink.

              • 1 month ago

                It always rolls back to lack of self care which is a symptom of depression, there are gradients of it you know.

              • 1 month ago

                It's common symptom but it's not mutually inclusive. One b***h I knew was literally so fat she struggled to keep the entirety of her surface area clean.

              • 1 month ago

                And why do you think he was so fat?

              • 1 month ago

                Eating too much and exercising too little. You're really trying to diagnose everyone with sloppy habits as having depression? At least 70% of people must have depression if that's true.

              • 1 month ago

                The brutalizing globalized capitalist system we exist in makes it hard to achieve anything but latent depression at the very least.

              • 1 month ago

                Oh shut the frick up lmfao

              • 1 month ago

                Are you denying that people globally are experiencing a widespread crisis of meaning?

              • 1 month ago

                Idk man. I don't claim to speak for the whole world.

                Being heavily obese and gravely sloven isn't "being sloppy" you disingenuous c**t.

                It literally is, at least most of the time. Do some situps fatty.

              • 1 month ago

                Some fricker that dress casually and has has a bit of a beer belly isn't going to be a walking hazard unless he has some serious problem underneath (depression).

              • 1 month ago

                What about that contradicts what I've said?

              • 1 month ago

                Unless you're trying to pass everyone with sloppy habits with the nurgle demons infesting lgs and conventions we're on the same page. The ones that are a problem are because of reasons that are influential of good habits reminders/pamphlets.

              • 1 month ago

                *Not influential

              • 1 month ago

                >The ones that are a problem are because of reasons that are influential of good habits reminders/pamphlets.
                I have the opposite experience. I don't know what else to tell you.

              • 1 month ago

                What experience, telling your friend "take a shower you smell!"?

              • 1 month ago

                Interactions with multiple people I've known who have shared their reasons for letting their personal hygiene slip and/or have been nudged into fixing it.
                Traditional games?

              • 1 month ago

                Gotcha, you heard their meaningless excuses for acting like walking filth.

                >Traditional games?
                I'm not the one who tried to hammer in a reason for "safety" pamphlets to exist in products because of a strawman.

              • 1 month ago

                >everyone you've spoken to has lied to you
                >only I have the power to accurately diagnose total strangers
                You're unhinged.
                It's well known that the hobby attracts individuals with diminished regard for social norms i.e. bathing/talking at a reasonable volume/not being racist

              • 1 month ago

                >You're unhinged
                And you're moronic, a person can be honest about their reasonings, that doesn't mean they cannot be incomplete or wrong, especially if they have fricking mental problems.

                >It's well known that the hobby attracts individuals with diminished regard for social norms
                No, it attracts people in search of escapism, the leading reason of which is depression or other types of mental issues (like b-cluster personality traits).

              • 1 month ago

                Absolutely anon. Everyone around you has a mental health problem and can't be held accountable for their own poor habits. You're definitely not projecting. Self improvement is impossible without medication.

              • 1 month ago

                Now you're stretching my argument ad absurdum, you're absolutely transparent.
                There's a clear line between not caring about your personal hygiene to the point of which you start smelling like a manure cart and a guy that is simply a bit shabby, that line is fricking depression or worse, simple as. You can't fricking conflate the two.

              • 1 month ago

                I absolutely can conflate the two because they both exist on the same spectrum of being a slob. Being a slob and being depressed are not mutually inclusive. Your black and white thinking is indicative of being on another spectrum altogether.

              • 1 month ago

                >I absolutely can conflate the two because they both exist on the same spectrum of being a slob.
                No because one doesn't cause problems and the other is a fricking walking problem to the point that need to be physically removed from a place.

                >Being a slob and being depressed are not mutually inclusive.
                Yes it is but there are various degrees of magnitude. You may argue that depression isn't the ONLY reason though.

                >Your black and white thinking is indicative of being on another spectrum altogether.
                The kettle calling the pot black, you're so adamantly fixated in ignoring multilayered individual reasons for situational occurrences, like your thoroughly constructed nuglelite strawman, just to defend the mongoloid safety pamphlets as something absolutely necessary to be in place as a unilateral solution to a problem. That's nothing short of autism.

              • 1 month ago

                >No because one doesn't cause problems and the other is a fricking walking problem
                That doesn't mean they can't be conflated.
                >You may argue that depression isn't the ONLY reason though
                I may also argue that it's entirely possible to be stinky and unwashed without being depressed.
                >blah blah strawman blah pamphlets blah blah autism
                I really don't care. I'm not even the original anon you responded to.

              • 1 month ago

                >That doesn't mean they can't be conflated.
                Ok, i'm now conflating you with individuals having extreme cases of autism, sounds fair?

                >I may also argue that it's entirely possible to be stinky and unwashed without being depressed.
                Yes, you just need to substitute depression with more niche cases of mental illness.

                >I really don't care. I'm not even the original anon you responded to.
                So you're just replying because you got an itch in your brain while reading my posts? Talking about autism.

              • 1 month ago

                >Ok, i'm now conflating you with individuals having extreme cases of autism, sounds fair?
                Sure, we're all on a spectrum after all.
                >you just need to substitute depression with more niche cases of mental illness
                No I don't. Mental illness need not be present. I don't understand why you insist it must be.
                >you're just replying because you got an itch in your brain while reading my posts?
                You posted something silly and I was intrigued because I wondered why your brain works that way. If that counts as an itch then yes.

              • 1 month ago

                >I don't understand why you insist it must be.
                What other reason do you have for someone ignoring social cues, let alone sanitary ones? Stunted growth? Sub 85qi? Being raised by a wildman?

                >You posted something silly and I was intrigued because I wondered why your brain works that way.
                So you just automatically assume anything out of your current frame to be absurd? That's telling.

              • 1 month ago

                >What other reason do you have for someone ignoring social cues
                I don't need a reason. You just need to provide proof that mental health is to blame.
                >So you just automatically assume anything out of your current frame to be absurd?
                Yes. Things that don't make sense to me seem absurd.

              • 1 month ago

                >I don't need a reason. You just need to provide proof that mental health is to blame.
                Occam's razor, anyway here's a case study:

                >Yes. Things that don't make sense to me seem absurd.
                If you can't rationalize something this simple i have bad news for you

              • 1 month ago

                That isn't Occam's razor at all.
                Occam's razor goes:
                >why is this person filthy?
                >because they don't care about personal hygiene
                >why don't they care about personal hygiene?
                >because they don't care about personal hygiene
                You're introducing a further element without proof.
                The study indicates commonality (which I never contested) but doesn't prove that poor hygiene cannot exist without mental health problems. I'm sorry, but this exchange has become so tedious it is no longer amusing. Take it easy.

              • 1 month ago

                >That isn't Occam's razor at all
                It is because mental issues ARE one of the reasons (and even you agree that is one), and that's the only one that sticks in the end.

                >but doesn't prove that poor hygiene cannot exist without mental health problems
                Do you have any other reason that exists as pervasive? Did we have a sudden rebirth of hippy philosophy against soap and deodorants? Specifically in the gamers demographic?

              • 1 month ago

                You're a fricking moron.

                Occam's Razor is:

                >why is this person filthy
                lads threw dirt upon him
                >no, that multiplies entities beyond what is necessary, it's more likely that he hasn't bathed in a fortnight

              • 1 month ago

                White Lady Sadness Type II is not real depression. Its the commercialization of despair through social media, pharmaceutical and wellness corporate interests and overlap with governance population control.
                Go outside. Get over yourself.

              • 1 month ago

                Being heavily obese and gravely sloven isn't "being sloppy" you disingenuous c**t.

      • 1 month ago

        I’m really enjoying 4th edition of Rapists and Racists to be honest

  11. 1 month ago

    Didn't play Mork Borg, but did play a few sessions of Cy Borg. The book looks great on a shelf or a coffee table, but I wouldn't recommend playing it under any circumstances besides the one it was seemingly designed for:
    >Several friends who don't normally play RPGs have asked to play one, and you don't have time to prep, but you do have decent improv skills.

    The gameplay is oddly 'stream of consciousness' type shit where the GM rolls on charts and tables for every-fricking-thing that happens. Half the session is devoted to combat, which the game doesn't really feel designed to accommodate, as every attack can be described as:
    >You roll [SKILL] (this could be Smarts, Charisma, or literally any of the skills even if they don't make sense) and if you get X, you deal damage, if you get Y, you deal damage twice. Some weapons are just insanely powerful by comparison because they come with a bunch of doo-dads and use the skill that the class who receives them is best at (Prototype Smart AR for Corpo Killer).

    I didn't hate it, but I didn't feel particularly compelled to continue playing it or even pick up the book myself, there's just so much stuff that does 'Cyberpunk' better.

  12. 1 month ago


    this image is the most beautiful irony i have ever seen, because /misc/tards hate democracy

  13. 1 month ago

    Besides the incredibly gay virtue signalling in every product.

    >brings zero new or interesting game mechanics to the table
    >copies B/X without actually understanding what makes it work
    >only focus is on mudcore low level play, zero ways to advance your character into anything other than a peasant
    >only designed for 2 hour one-shots, no thought to campaign play
    >everything is style over substance, the rulebook is just a glorified artbook
    >bestiary is garbage
    >every adventure module is garbage

  14. 1 month ago

    >Why does this game have such a negative reputation on here?
    Because this is Ganker and people can and will seethe about anything for no real reason. Find me 10 things that this site isn't absolutely shitting themselves blind over and I'll eat my hat.

  15. 1 month ago

    morons will see a rules light RPG with an art style that is actually a disguised mnemonic system and seethe.

  16. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Their lack of a comma means I can be homophobic or transphobic, just not both at the same time. Sweet.

      • 1 month ago

        you're a real grammar nazi

        • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      the correct answer
      please die
      this post also highlights the issues

      Its a trash game that takes advantage of the stupid with flashy colors to make money. Simple as.

      >"why are you so sensitive!! let me whine at you for being so sensitive because you won't let me say the n word!"

      No, it's not. I don't think any of you stupid fricks remember what sci-fi is. GitS is a sci-fi action procedural. Blade Runner is a sci-fi neo-noir, and DADoES? is normal dystopian sci-fi. It's classic Philly Dick and not -punk fricking anything. None of you can be trusted to talk about games because not one of you has avoided terminal brain fungus.

      Yeah, but Gibson even stated Blade Runner was the exact aesthetic he was going for in Neuromancer, and 'questions of life in the face of dehumanising technology' is absolutely cyberpunk.

      It's not my fault a third of this thread isn't on their meds. The rules of this site are incredible easy to follow and it'd be great if you lot could follow them so we can have a conversation.

      I wish they weren't, I miss the schizo dude who stormed into every Mork Borg thread to claim every punk was, in fact, a neo-Nazi and was seething at Mork Borg for calling itself punk (even though it says it's heavy metal).

      • 1 month ago

        Inspirational material does not mean it is the same as. Derived from does not mean it is the same as. understanding the origins and background of a work is interesting and useful but does not change what the work is.
        has been a vague classification in the indi rpg scene for a while and tends to cover things with edgy zine a e s t h e t i c s and diy values. Or at least the presentation of them. Its become more of a pejorative at this point I think, not sure what the new hip term 'vaguely countercultural boutique traditional game' is using at the moment. FKR maybe, but doesn't seem like its catching in the same way.

      • 1 month ago

        The problem is that everyone gets so hung up on the -punk suffix that it obscures the actual underpinnings of the genre. Cyberpunk is noir with mirrorshades.

  17. 1 month ago

    Safe edgy B/X clone with no substance.
    There has been more words explaining why this game is dogshit on this board than there are words in the game.
    Don't make this thread again.

  18. 1 month ago

    It's intellectually dishonest for people to go on about how rules on being inclusive are dumb and redundant and clutch their pearls on a website that uses the language it does on a regular basis and has cultivated that image on purpose for more than a decade. Sexist, racist, homophobic and now transphobic language is a part of this website's culture and has been for years. The donkeys posting about how it's stupid are the reason the rules exist. Peak irony.

    • 1 month ago

      Self-reflection is pretty tricky to be fair

      • 1 month ago

        Tell us all when you’ve achieved it.

    • 1 month ago

      >It's intellectually dishonest

      • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          Or you could explain how it's intellectually dishonest. Criticizing and disliking a game book for having intentional political influences is in no way contradictory with using naughty words on the internet.

          • 1 month ago

            I just assumed you were
            >merely pretending
            If you weren't then, sorry. I wasn't aware reactionary morons who get upset about a line of text that doesn't apply to them really exist.

            • 1 month ago

              try not to use words you don't understand jimmy

              • 1 month ago

                You first.

    • 1 month ago

      You misunderstand, either willfully or witlessly, but I'll preschool it for you anyway.
      Don't lecture me about real world politics in your game that exists to distract from the bullshit of the real world.

      • 1 month ago

        >Don't lecture me about real world politics in your game that exists to distract from the bullshit of the real world.
        That's literally the point. Things exist in the real world, the game is ultimately escapism from that, so maybe let it be escapism.

        • 1 month ago

          Bringing it up at all is giving it more attention than it deserves and is putting the ideas into the reader's minds.

          • 1 month ago

            >Be sure not to do this
            >Well now I'm gonna do it
            That's not exactly a typical reaction to things. If you're so highly-strung that even a passing mention of those things is an issue for you that's not on the game.

            • 1 month ago

              >That's not exactly a typical reaction to things
              Yes it fricking is. Reverse psychology is 101 shit. You tell someone to do a thing with zero authority or incentive and they're going to tell you to frick off.

        • 1 month ago

          >so maybe let it be escapism
          So you agree that the virtue signaling is stupid then?

          • 1 month ago

            If a passing mention of something is enough to stick in your brain for entire sessions of an RPG that's not something a writer can reasonably be held accountable for. That requires actual therapy. Most people can see advice against doing a thing go "that makes sense" and then not do the thing or go "I disagree and know my table" and then do the thing. It's good advice in either instance and should therefor be included. If you are unable to stop thinking about certain topics that are only briefly mentioned you might have an anxiety disorder, or OCD, and even if you don't therapy can still be helpful for chronic rumination. But that's not a game dev's business.

            • 1 month ago

              But they could've just not included it at all and had the same effect of people doing what they wanted without compromising the escapism by bringing politics up.

              • 1 month ago

                Except, of course, the effect of nudging the people that would do it and probably shouldn't be doing it, away from doing it. You can't treat games as if they're written for singular individuals or monoliths. Because they're written for a wide range of people and you really do have to cater to the lowest common denominator most of the time. And there isn't a compromise in escapism unless you're such an extreme case that its unreasonable to cater specifically to you.

              • 1 month ago

                >Except, of course, the effect of nudging the people that would do it and probably shouldn't be doing it, away from doing
                I'll take "shit that never happened" for 500, Alex.

              • 1 month ago

                Anon, this thread literally proves that it works.

              • 1 month ago

                What this thread proves is that people they don't like are still going to play games but they're going to play a different game instead and do the same thing

              • 1 month ago

                That would require the people b***hing about t would have otherwise given him money for it. I see no evidence of that in this thread. All I see evidence of is people don't like his game design or his personality.

            • 1 month ago

              I often dislike people for being preachy buttholes even when I agree with the position behind it. "I share your expressed political view but dislike you as a person and don't want to hang out with you" is a thing.

              Books with overbearing crap in them are books I probably don't want to buy a hard copy of, even if I like the rest of the book.

              In this case, I don't buy OSR or Rules Lite NuSR crap anyways, so I wasn't going to buy it anyways.

              But if I was otherwise inclined to actually want this thing... Maybe I pirate the PDF, and if I like the game enough to want it on my shelf, edit the PDF, and get it printed and bound without buying a hard copy from the author. Most likely though, I'd just run it from the PDF and not buy a copy. But I'm pickier about what I put on my shelf in my house than what's in a PDF.

              • 1 month ago

                I'm not 100% sure if you replied to the correct thing but I don't care if you don't play it, pirate it, or whatever. I don't play it and I never will. It's a style over substance OSR-ish game doing a doom metal-adjacent thing that's nihilistic as a joke in a way I don't think is funny. I dislike everything Mork Borg is as a game and an art piece. It's far too rules lite, with uninteresting rules, and a fairly dull and thread bare setting combined with a layout that actively gets in the way of playing the game. But it's just 4 sentences of basic advice to run the game they made and I can't see anything wrong with that.

              • 1 month ago

                Depends whether you see it as advice or a pointless overbearing political demand. It straddles the line. Lots of people see it as the latter. I see it as a bit of both. I share the sentiment, more or less, but still consider it obnoxious behaviour to preach in an RPG book. But nothing else about the book makes me want to buy it, so a few lines of the author being obnoxious isn't ruining any purchase that would have actually happened.

                Though yeah, some people here seem more bent out of shape over it than "obnoxious or condescending author. Pirate / 10"

  19. 1 month ago

    >this game
    This is a grifter art project, not a game.

  20. 1 month ago

    I've never played it but I follow their sculptor boris of the many names, and he is prob one of the top 10 in the world

    • 1 month ago

      You should post some of his stuff, then, so we can see and judge.

      • 1 month ago

        Post something better if you can

  21. 1 month ago


    Consider me educated. I have removed the offending word.

    I just assumed you were
    >merely pretending
    If you weren't then, sorry. I wasn't aware morons who get upset about a line of text that doesn't apply to them really exist.

  22. 1 month ago

    The book itself is very illegible making it hard to read and understand the rules.
    A good system shouldn’t fight you when you’re trying to understand the rules.
    Since it takes multiple readings to fully understand them it fails already by being more of a hassle
    On the surface the random encounters section is the most legible and understandable section of the book it feels like another person made it
    The art, some of it is decent but then you suddenly see something that a creepy pasta loving teenager might draw or just some edited image
    The rules, I can’t comment on it because I can’t read the rules due to the above mentioned problems
    And then you have the thing where everyone is b***hing about.
    It advertises itself as a knife that cuts but the creators tell you it’s against their rules to sharpen it
    Honestly I’m sure more people would b***h about the rules if you can read them.
    If this thread is still up I’ll try making a PC

    • 1 month ago

      >The book itself is very illegible making it hard to read and understand the rules.
      Maybe you're just stupid.

  23. 1 month ago


    >Honey! Are you bragging about your gaydar on /tg/ again?

  24. 1 month ago

    the game is named after a muppet's catchphrase, can you really expect anything more than a one-off joke?

  25. 1 month ago

    It's probably worth noting that a lot of the people who say "err why do you CARE about such a small wording in this book" would care if that small wording was something else. Let's say someone stuck a line saying "every character made in this system should be a pedophile who wants to rape Black person kids" in a rulebook, would you not care? If you wouldn't, that's something to be celebrated, I suppose, but most of the people who use the rhetoric you do wouldn't.

    • 1 month ago

      >implying all things are equal
      Okay brainlet

      • 1 month ago

        hahaha. why don't you stop pretending as if people of opposing moral axioms shouldn't care about things that are against their morality then?

        • 1 month ago

          Who's doing that?

          • 1 month ago
            • 1 month ago

              That's not what you're saying is happening though. Even out of context.

              • 1 month ago

                You should think more.

    • 1 month ago

      >Could critique the books actual flaws

      >Chooses to foam at the mouth over creator being onions

      There are so many things that someone could actually say but you knuckle dragging morons keep falling for the most obvious bait.

      Authors put shit like this in so then when morons read it and get mad they can deflect actual criticism with "look at all these rapey incel racists who hate my game over nothing, now please give me $60 for my overpriced art book pretending to be an TTRPG otherwise you'll be a loser like them"

      You idiots fall for it every time, your outrage and stupidity is free marketing.

      • 1 month ago

        The flaws have been critiqued plenty. I don't really care if morons are grifted by other morons because of my actions.

      • 1 month ago

        >You have to make criticisms only in the way the s.oys decide it's correct to do.

  26. 1 month ago

    Sounds lame.

  27. 1 month ago

    >Why does this game have such a negative reputation on here?
    Picrel, also here's a less than 2 minutes explanation:

    • 1 month ago

      >options for racism and homophobia in the consent booklet

      Even trying to parody it, they made this less moronic. Int the book itself it said "no such things are ALLOWED"

      • 1 month ago

        So you’re saying it’s a bad parody, but trying to make that an indictment of the game itself. Some real “well it’s saying something that I COULD believe it” level shit.

    • 1 month ago

      >miniature... "is ideally a boutique 3d printed and lovingly painted masterpiece."
      >initiative is decided by throwing it in a bag with all the other minis and a cue ball and shaking it vigorously
      I chuckled

    • 1 month ago

      That notepad anon's suck and biased
      mork-borg is a game really captures what’s so evocative about Dark Souls: heavy on atmosphere, light on explicit lore, and full of over-the-top doom and gloom that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
      And it's worth adding that in the pdf version, the setting map in the lore section and the dungeon mini map in the adventure are linked so you can click part of the map to go to the related section in the book

      • 1 month ago

        >it's like dark souls
        I like Dark Souls and have no horse in this race, but I now hate mork borg. Thanks.

        • 1 month ago

          You can homebrew it tho
          you're not homebrew with all tabletops rpgs?
          The genius of Mork Borg is kind of two-pronged. The first prong is that it has zero unnecessary edge-case rules; every single rule in the game is something that's going to regularly come up, and if it's not going to regularly come up, it's for rulings and supplements to cover.
          Brevity is the soul of wit
          The other prong is that every single rule is very specifically tuned to support the theme. There's not a lot of rules, but they all have serious thought put into them to make sure that they work towards the game's thematic goal.
          This kind of facilitates the 10/10 community, inherently, because there's enough room to add to it, and there's enough of a clear thematic core and goal that it's easy to add those things well. If you're making homebrew MORK BORG content that doesn't fit, it's gonna be pretty obvious the second you try to use it, if not simply from looking at it, because the clash will be immediately apparent.

    • 1 month ago

      >no pronouns

  28. 1 month ago

    There is something which is patently very nonsensical about championing an openly demonic/pro-Satan message in a TTRPG, while also underscoring a categorical, uncompromising importance towards informed, enthusiastic consent among players/DM

    This much is just obvious, and shouldn't have to be said. But I will say it anyway. The whole thing with demons is they don't really respect your consent

    So... Why even dress your game up in demonic trappings if you have these neoliberal, post-#metoo ideals and attitudes towards consent? You could literally not pick a worse posterchild for enthusiastic consent than demons - if this was something you cared about

    Of course, the answer is obvious. The inclusion of demonic imagery is just about being edgy and anti-Christian and nothing more. Which is what demons desire, seeing humans fawn over dadaistic, chaotic nonsense full of pride. Which is why we see this typology play out over and over again across history

    • 1 month ago

      You know demons aren't real, right? Because that'd answer most of it.

      • 1 month ago

        1) They are real, obviously

        2) Even if we assume that is the case, what changes about what I said? Demons, even if we assume are fictitious, are the most consent-violating fictitious entity

        • 1 month ago

          Demons aren't real. They are a work of fiction and are thusly at the whim of the GM. So they only do what the GM wants them to. And as players and PCs aren't the same players can consent to all sorts of things their PCs wouldn't and it's the consent of the PCs the demons are violating. A GM using a demon to violate the consent of a player is obviously being a dickhead. There is a reason "it's what my character would do" doesn't fly. You made the character so you're making the problem. Same deal here. It's RPG 101.

          • 1 month ago

            Is it not tiresome to you to engage in this kind of naked context denial?
            Demons are entities (fictional or not) which exist, and have described natures, outside of the game
            The makers of the game call upon those exact demons with those exact (real or fictitious) natures in their art and dressing of the game

            Therefore, it is paradoxical to both exalt and praise and emphasize consent - while simultaneously exalting and paying homage to entities that literally rape humans souls for fun

            • 1 month ago

              It's not paradoxical. Demons are cool but also not real so they can be and do whatever you want, GMs and authors have the capacity to not be twats. It's pretty simple stuff you just need a sliver of responsibility for your own actions. You're the one asserting that demons have to do certain things despite the context that consent is important and that writers can just write what they want.

              • 1 month ago

                Demons are a real part of 3 major world religions, arguably all of them in different contexts. In the game they are meant to exist in the Christian perspective, that is beings of pure evil, encompassing every evil in existence. Even if you're correct on demons not existing, you're arguing that it's not moronic if the vampires in my RPG are giraffes because vampires aren't real. None of this matters though, you're just a racist imperialist who is aggressively bigoted towards anyone who grew up in a different culture than you, just like the people you criticize.

            • 1 month ago

              >emphasise consent
              >include demons
              The only way that's a paradox is if the inclusion of demons entirely relies on ignoring what people at the table are comfortable with. That's obviously untrue as you can make the demons in your game do anything you want so the demons obviously never have to break that social contract. There can be no paradox so long as these things are in the control of the DM or dev and they are because it's entirely fiction.

              • 1 month ago

                Can you really not understand that anons point? C'mon anon.

      • 1 month ago

        The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing men he does not exist.

    • 1 month ago

      1) They are real, obviously

      2) Even if we assume that is the case, what changes about what I said? Demons, even if we assume are fictitious, are the most consent-violating fictitious entity

      Is it not tiresome to you to engage in this kind of naked context denial?
      Demons are entities (fictional or not) which exist, and have described natures, outside of the game
      The makers of the game call upon those exact demons with those exact (real or fictitious) natures in their art and dressing of the game

      Therefore, it is paradoxical to both exalt and praise and emphasize consent - while simultaneously exalting and paying homage to entities that literally rape humans souls for fun

      This is impressively moronic even for a fricking murk borg thread.

      • 1 month ago

        It's novel, though. Something other than "game too woke" "shut, chud" is at least new.

        • 1 month ago


          This is impressively moronic even for a fricking murk borg thread.

          Would you rather have a theology debate or another culture war thread?

    • 1 month ago

      I bet your brain dripped out of your ears when you heard about The Satanic Temple's tenets

    • 1 month ago

      >only racists can draw demons

    • 1 month ago

      Lol you really hit a nerve with that one. It's funny too, they have beings that are literally pure evil but won't do anything the writers consider evil (racism, etc.)

  29. 1 month ago

    >this game have such a negative reputation on here
    never hard, do not care

  30. 1 month ago

    I knew it was shit when I saw a whole page that was just a bone illustration with d4 in a typewriter font.

  31. 1 month ago

    Sorry anon but you're in the wrong place if you're seeking genuine discussion.
    Ganker's relative lack of censorship attracts users that despise censorship in all forms and have a knee-jerk reaction to the third party license restrictions. The fact the sentence does not appear in the book and is only present on the site is irrelevant to them.
    Speaking of the book, most of those criticising it haven't read it, either because they can't or simply don't want to. This is why critique of the game never concerns its mechanics, only the book's appearance.
    The few who have read the book will tell you it does nothing novel while praising a system they've clung to for decades which is based on a similar game which was based on a wargame. They'll simply disregard anything they see as nuSR because they feel it shouldn't be associated with OSR.
    Special mention to the midwits who bring cy_borg's anti-bootlick primer into threads about a tenuously-related game purely to shriek in protest.

  32. 1 month ago

    I play this with my pathfinder group when someone can't make it to a session.
    Quick character gen and simple games make for some fun RP with friends.

  33. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        yes it's not from the real game

    • 1 month ago

      This is a shit parody.

      • 1 month ago

        NTA but how about now?

        • 1 month ago

          Can't read it.
          All of the items are in a big list on a page.
          Items don't have weight.
          In the rules section of the book there isn't much lore other than class descriptions.
          Longswords do 1d6.

          • 1 month ago

            >one font
            >font is actually legible
            >text isn't crooked
            >art doesn't occupy an A2 fold-out spread
            >no skull or inverted crucifix
            >page doesn't feature a crucial mechanic buried under graphical frickery

            These are both fair so I'll commit soduku to atone for my shoddy work.
            >Can't read it.
            >font is actually legible

            • 1 month ago

              Don't beat yourself up anon. You tried.

            • 1 month ago

              Nah, it was great. The Morks should hire you.

        • 1 month ago

          >one font
          >font is actually legible
          >text isn't crooked
          >art doesn't occupy an A2 fold-out spread
          >no skull or inverted crucifix
          >page doesn't feature a crucial mechanic buried under graphical frickery

  34. 1 month ago

    It's for the upper middle class graphic designer niche of tabletop gamers.

  35. 1 month ago

    The artwork sucks.

  36. 1 month ago

    ITT: Grognards with no style or panache

  37. 1 month ago

    >I had a good time running a oneshot with it.
    Because that's the only circumstance it's even remotely functional as a game and is largely more of a coffee table book meant to show off to guests than it is a tabletop roleplaying game to actually be played in a campaign. It's like asking why people don't care for LASERS & FEELINGS, okay sure you can have fun doing anything with your friends over pizza and beers but it's not actually a very good game

    • 1 month ago

      Holyshit casual
      Can't even move on from dnd, sad

  38. 1 month ago

    Jesus mork borg hasn't even been around that long yet, where did the mork borg players touch (You)?

    • 1 month ago

      Roll 1d6+Smart to find out.

  39. 1 month ago

    I do find it obnoxious and hard to read but my main issue with mork borg are the same ones I have with most osr/osr revival stuff.
    It's an incredibly thin set of rules that is useless without either "using your imagination" for everything or using extensive existing material for everything.
    I just don't get what the appeal is in paid products that just offer slightly tweaked combat/dungeon procedures.

    • 1 month ago

      oh nvm I forgot that mork borg threads were just stealth crying about safety warnings/vague leftism

    • 1 month ago

      In what way is it thin? What do you consider to be lacking?

    • 1 month ago

      Mörk Borg is one of the few indie games I actually hear about people playing. Outside of DCC, it’s probably the one non-retroclone game under the OSR umbrella that gets played the most. That art has proven to be a good hook from pulling 5e players away from that game, at least for a session or two.
      As a good litmus test, you can look up actual plays on YouTube. As a point of comparison, you’ll find quite a bit more Mörk Borg APs than other similarly well liked systems like Cairn. Obviously that’s not a perfect representation of the player base, but it shows it’s more than just a coffee table book.

  40. 1 month ago

    first time ive heard of it but since /tg/ hates it im definitely gonna check it out

  41. 1 month ago

    Its incredibly simple with a fanbase of unbearable homosexuals that sing it to the high heavens. There is nothing to it other than safe edge and shitty metal. It does nothing special, and there are many games that does what it wants to do better. People REALLY started to hate it when cy_borg released, since it just awkwardly copypasted Cyberpunk 2020's setting into the game. It doesn't do anything original, as in it is literally just Mork Borg again with the names changed a bit. It appealed to antifa/commie homosexuals (not just the rule 0, but especially the art) so you will always find the biggest morons on the planet will make arguments supporting it. Don't believe me? Read the thread.

  42. 1 month ago


    Yeah, they hate themselves with such a furious passion while feeling the need to impress their values on everyone else.

  43. 1 month ago

    made by glycine chugging posers
    moronic presentation
    extremely boring gameplay

  44. 1 month ago


    >janitor watching this thread like a hawk
    >this racist, off topic post stays unmolested
    really makes you think

  45. 1 month ago


  46. 1 month ago

    Don't care. Mork Borg is a cool name.

    • 1 month ago

      >Mork Borg is a cool name.
      You don't even know how to write or pronounce it.

  47. 1 month ago

    I named an evil troll in my Vaesen campaign Mork Borg. His head was shattered with a stone.

  48. 1 month ago

    chuds on here will eternally be assblasted that this "SJW cuck coffee table book" has had so much commercial success and fan engagement because it's a sign of the times
    they feel powerless about their beloved hobby (assuming they even play) slipping away from them and ending up in the hands of actual people who don't fantasize about rape, lynching and subjugation 24/7
    and it's true, and it makes them shit themselves in rage
    if only for the seething, Mörk Borg always delivers quality

    • 1 month ago

      Least schizo Leftypol.

  49. 1 month ago

    Why do people that break down in tears over a word or anyone disagreeing with them want to pretend to be hard or edgy in the first place?

    • 1 month ago

      But enough about you.

  50. 1 month ago

    After somehow playing a 6 month long campaign of Mork Borg, I will say this. At first glance it does look like it's written by an unironic art house true doom murder head type and the art work certainly feels like well produced highschooler sketchbook shit. After reading what is essentially an zine art book with rules and a microfiction attached too it its less, truedoommurderhead piss and shit hardcore dark fantasy and more Terry Gillian's Jabberwocky with some Dethklock thrown in. Yeah it does some pretentious shit like telling you to burn the book on rolling the 7th Event that ends the world but I doubt anyone is going to follow that instruction. Same thing for the racism and rape disclaimer, its like the "Don't try this at home" for Jackass If you and your group really want to turn the game into that the Game Dev can't stop you, that disclaimer is there so the writer can wash their hands of implying they encourage that sort of behaviour.

    The basic rules are nice and easy and what has given it so much appeal is how quickly you can get a game going with it using either dice rolls or an automatic character generator.
    But Mork Borg is a run of a game and honestly a bit shit for it when compared too 3 of the Spin-offs Pirate Borg, Cy_Borg and Death in Space is pretty thin on extra mechanics to make the game more engaging. The big appeal is because of how simple the base of everything is ,its easy too add in extra mechanics and its also easy to run games a lot of people who praise the game are 30+ and have jobs and family so in depth game prep isn't on the table for them and a lot of modules already exist and its relatively easy to boil down other systems modules to fit the games mechanics.

    People get hung up on the Art, and off the bat edginess of the game, so I would say Read Pirate Borg or Death In Space for a overall better game and Death In Space at least has a different more ALIENS/70s Space Exploration vibe going for it.

    • 1 month ago

      This guy gets it. It's so easy to run you can play through entire modules in one or two sessions. I've had as many memorable moments in an hour of running MB as I have in entire sessions with other systems. Combat is fast paced and tense. It's not deep. It's not complicated. It's high speed low drag and does it well.

      • 1 month ago

        Whats the difference between this and a generic OSE game?

        • 1 month ago

          >combat rolls are largely player-facing
          >unified resolution system
          >armor makes creatures easier to hit but provides damage reduction
          >magic use inherently dangerous
          >encumbrance via slots
          >creatures have ~4 relevant stats and maybe a special rule or two
          >no innate dungeon procedures besides reactions/morale

  51. 1 month ago

    I don't want to play a game where they are trying to correct wrongthink and badfeel even trying to discuss it on Ganker.

  52. 1 month ago

    /tg/ is full of a lot of failed game designers, well designed, successful games make them lose their shit.

    • 1 month ago

      Its just BX? What the frick did they even design lmao!

  53. 1 month ago

    Having read the book I don't understand why people call it pretentious.

    • 1 month ago

      I don't get it either. It's pretentious in the way the heavy metal it's based on is pretentious -- lots of flashy edgelordism for shock value that's done in such a cartoonish, over the top way.

      • 1 month ago

        I guess Americans struggle to identify irony without a laugh track.

        • 1 month ago

          I don't think black metal is trying to be ironic. Must be a hipster thing, thinking everything is "ironic".

          • 1 month ago

            Burger hands typed this post.

            • 1 month ago

              I don't see the conection, but anyway you are wrong.

              • 1 month ago

                Look at it this way, do you think mörk borg's aesthetic is an entirely sincere homage to black metal, or do you think there's a tongue in cheek element to its presentation?

                It's the rpg for people who buy black metal t-shirts and have never listened to it once.

                That's because most of the designer's inspiration came from drone and doom metal.

              • 1 month ago

                There's a tongue-in-their-own-anus element to its presentation. Being unable to engage without several layers of ironic distancing has always been lame.
                Asking leading questions and otherwise being a disingenuous shitheel is typical of your ilk too.
                >you just don't get it!
                Is your pitiful cry as you type this post.

              • 1 month ago

                What in frick's name are you blithering on about now? Are you like this in real life?

                But you are conflating two things, the hipster rpg and the original base material. The hipster rpg is ironic the black rock it's based on it's not.

                >The hipster rpg is ironic the black rock it's based on it's not.
                That's exactly what I meant. The joke is "what would it be like to live in a world as absurdly hopeless, nihilistic and violent as the one portrayed by various subgenres of death metal?". It's an affectionate joke but a joke nonetheless.

              • 1 month ago

                But you are conflating two things, the hipster rpg and the original base material. The hipster rpg is ironic the black rock it's based on it's not.

  54. 1 month ago


    >Jews (Christians)
    What did he meant by this?
    Nevermind, who cares.

  55. 1 month ago

    Its great for one shots, not so much for campaigns in my opinion. It's hated a lot because it isn't organized or rules heavy. The most vocal people here are deep in the weeds of their preferred game system, so something simple and stylish is seen as a cheap product. Personally I like simple systems, but mork borg is a little too simple for me. Something still simple like SotDL has a lot more going for it in its player character development.

  56. 1 month ago

    It's the rpg for people who buy black metal t-shirts and have never listened to it once.

  57. 1 month ago

    >343 posts
    >305 posts and dropping
    lol you can just make a new mork borg thread instead of lifesupporting this one.

  58. 1 month ago

    No one has ever actually played this. The rules are barebones as frick and only exist as an excuse to put some funky art near them

    • 1 month ago

      I have

    • 1 month ago

      We played Cy_Borg. We had fun.

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