
What is some actual, constructive criticism of this game?

I love Morrowind, it's perhaps my favorite RPG. But I'm curious as to what people who enjoyed it would criticize/change because it tends to be better than just back and forth shitposting like in most TES game threads.

For me:
>Make npcs a bit more dynamic, give them a routine they follow to help the world feel a bit more alive
>Have quests that provide you with multiple, RP orientated ways to resolve them
>Overhaul the wikipedia-style conversation system

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  1. 2 years ago

    Shit story
    Shit character
    Shit combat
    No roleplaying
    Shit character creator
    Empty open world
    Boring side quests
    Boring factions
    Just one ending
    Dark Elf culture is ZzzZzz literally all they have going is being mean and having slaves

    The game is really bad. At least the expansion fixes a few of those issues since the characters are better and the world is not that empty since it's pretty small.

    • 2 years ago

      Frick you autist, you consider the witcher 3 an RPG, your opinion on the matter is worthless.
      Also, avatargayging goes against the rules.

      • 2 years ago

        You just know it's that homosexual who insists nothing is a role-playing game and keeps posting homosexual porn. Frick that degenerate prick.

        • 2 years ago

          >that homosexual who insists nothing is a role-playing game
          That's because they're not, and they never will be nor can be.
          A role playing game is unrepeatable, not now not ever.

          • 2 years ago

            Never trust Firefox's spell check

      • 2 years ago

        >Shit story
        >Shit character
        >No roleplaying
        >Shit character creator
        >Empty open world
        >Boring side quests
        >Boring factions
        >Dark Elf culture is ZzzZzz literally all they have going is being mean and having slaves
        Imagine being filtered this hard, Get checked for moronation.

        imagine being such a butthurt homosexual you try to derail a fun morrowind thread that tries something different.

        Go back.

        Besides a few bugs...
        >Lack of children
        >Chairs but nobody sits
        >One ending
        >Lack of spears
        >Lack of dual wielding

        Dilate and go to Niggheim with all the other Nigglander.

        >>What is some actual, constructive criticism of this game?

        Dumb fricking homosexuals. Morrowalk truly is the ff7 of walking sims.

        • 2 years ago

          >walking sims
          Outed yourself as a NPC that gets his opinions from plebbit and israelitetube comments. Negative IQ scum.

          • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          The ability to present a geography is one of the few advantages that video RPGs have over their tabletop counterparts. I am more than happy to walk around Vvardenfell.

    • 2 years ago

      >Shit story
      >Shit character
      >No roleplaying
      >Shit character creator
      >Empty open world
      >Boring side quests
      >Boring factions
      >Dark Elf culture is ZzzZzz literally all they have going is being mean and having slaves
      Imagine being filtered this hard, Get checked for moronation.

      • 2 years ago

        You know it's the truth. You guys only claim to like it to try and fit in on Ganker. It's sad.

        • 2 years ago

          >avatar gayging
          Sadder still.

          • 2 years ago

            I love how you guys off topic like crazy but pretend to care about the rules.

            • 2 years ago

              If Ganker is the slightly angry but cool bro and /vr/ is the cool uncle and /vp/ is the 13 year old bro under his sheets and /vm/ is the normie bro and /vg/ is the frat bro and /vst/ is the bro in his room building gundams then /vrpg/ is the sperg nobody wants to talk to.

              • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              I love how you think your presence is wanted or needed here and that you aren’t just an obnoxious moron that everyone wants gone

              • 2 years ago

                Why do you think anyone should care about what random strangers on Ganker think about others?
                Are you seriously so narcissistic you think "N-nobody likes you here!" is a good argument?

              • 2 years ago

                At this point nobody is bothering arguing wih you anymore, it's poinless.

              • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      imagine being such a butthurt homosexual you try to derail a fun morrowind thread that tries something different.

    • 2 years ago

      +1 tbh although I liked the combat because you go from weak to badass but there are a thousand game with way more engaging combat that have the same progression like kenshi, Kotor, gothic, dragons dogma etc.

    • 2 years ago

      You know it's the truth. You guys only claim to like it to try and fit in on Ganker. It's sad.

      They are all garbage except for humans.
      And no, redguards ain't human.

      Imperials, Bretons and Nords are based. Specially Imperials with their cute gay nord boyfriends.

      begone farquat

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Go back.

      • 2 years ago

        Morrowind is adored on Reddit. Maybe you are the one who should go there.

        • 2 years ago

          So is everything. So stop existing homosexual or you're reddit

    • 2 years ago

      remove the nostalgia and it is unironically a terrible game

      • 2 years ago

        Morrowind was the last mainline TES game I played
        Claims of nostalgia are the domain of the dopamine-fried brainlet

    • 2 years ago

      Have a good story.
      Make character creation and development not completely pointless.
      Have enjoyable combat that isn't just spamming left-click and endlessly chugging potions.
      Make the world worthwile to explore. Smaller land, less dungeons, but much more unique and detailed ones.
      Less trivial sidequests. Keep the ones that are fun and/or greatly flesh out the lore. Killing some mudcrabs doesn't flesh out the lore, for instance, and isn't fun either.
      More satisfying faction progression with real benefits, instead of just unlocking more quests.

      All this based off this post

      • 2 years ago

        absolutely 100% agree, especially fewer/smaller dungeons

      • 2 years ago

        >Less trivial sidequests. Keep the ones that are fun and/or greatly flesh out the lore. Killing some mudcrabs doesn't flesh out the lore, for instance, and isn't fun either.
        I disagree there because that leads to the issue seen in Skyrim, where factions have almost no quests in their quest line and as a result you speed through it and become the leader in an unrealistically short time. Morrowind’s factions having skill requirements and lots of various jobs that over time paint a picture of the faction and its zeitgeist and issues is far better.
        Like your example about mud crabs. In house redoran you start out being sent to help a guar herder in redoran controlled lands which involves tracking down and killing some mudcrabs preying in her herd. You don’t even get a real reward for this, the herder just gives you some fantasy-tobacco to chew as thanks. Meanwhile in hlaalu your first quests involve you impersonating a murdered redoran and other skeevy activities. And then in Telvanni the quests are literally called “chores” and most involve doing busy work that the wizards delegate to their agents who are then delegating to you since they can’t be bothered either. Each faction handles these sorts of things differently and with all you start out doing small functional jobs or duties before working your way up to big ones.
        The only faction in Skyrim that came close to this was the Thieves Guild, where the main quest line doesn’t make you the leader and you actually need to do thieving work to re-establish the guild. And it is an unfortunate thing too because the main quest of the thieves guild was fricking terrible in Skyrim.
        Unless that isn’t what you meant by miscellaneous quests and were instead talking about stuff like getting back the guy’s pants in Gnisis.

    • 2 years ago

      Besides a few bugs...
      >Lack of children
      >Chairs but nobody sits
      >One ending
      >Lack of spears
      >Lack of dual wielding

      Dilate and go to Niggheim with all the other Nigglander.

      • 2 years ago

        Morrowind does have spears though

        • 2 years ago

          that do no damage

          • 2 years ago

            Wtf? Spears are very good especially in the early game because of their range and fast animation, it's just that most unique items are mostly swords.

            • 2 years ago

              garbage damage

              • 2 years ago

                also the speed and reach are still shit


                Non-sense, ignore this swordlet/axelet, maybe even worse, a m*ge.

              • 2 years ago

                you can do 240 damage with the daikatana in the amount of time it takes to 120 with the spear, deal with it homie

              • 2 years ago

                I knew it. Don't talk to me again, spears are only for patrician chads.

              • 2 years ago

                You're using them wrong.

            • 2 years ago

              also the speed and reach are still shit


          • 2 years ago

            are you moronic? spears are broken thanks to the range

        • 2 years ago

          Oh right. It was Oblivion that did not.

      • 2 years ago

        >No children
        No minors. There's a couple of explicit sons/daughters but they're all adult and killable.

      • 2 years ago

        >nude npcs at inns
        >character models that allow for more sex appeal
        >more music tracks for different areas
        >better animations and more animations
        >more quest interactions with more than two choices and outcomes
        >some kind of interesting content for powerful characters
        >remove the creeper and mubcrap vendors
        >implement the dlc properly
        >an option to toggle off the minimap
        >follower system and larger-scale battles

        These are the fricking worst suggstions i've ever read in my life.

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, I too think "better animation" and "un-moron the DLC intros" are bad ideas

  2. 2 years ago

    longer and less repetitive dungeons, harder progression (the game becomes ezpz once you hit lvl 20), more fleshed out questlines like in oblivion, dynamic npcs and dialogue overhaul. I'd also tweak the combat a bit to incorporate some of the action elements of later titles but I'm not exactly sure how.

    • 2 years ago

      My biggest criticism is that the game seems to have a problem with the factions (and some other quests) where you don't feel like your actions had consequences other than "number go up/number go down"

      Steal a potion recipe for a Mage -> Mage doesn't ever stock that potion for sale
      Help Edwinna with her Dwemer research -> She never does anything with it (according to dialogue she wants to build her own Dwemer construct one day)
      Kill a somewhat important person, like Berengeval for instance -> No one ever comments on their death
      Shut down the Caldera mines by fricking with the slaves -> No one actually moves or anything, your quest giver just says "good job the mines are shut down now"

      The changes I would make are fairly obvious.

      Steal a potion recipe for a Mage -> Mage now stocks a unique powerful version of the potion
      Help Edwinna with her Dwemer research -> She either builds a construct that ends up attacking people in the Mages Guild and you have to kill it, or if you want to go with the whole "her research goes nowhere" make the player put the last piece into the construct and then it just topples over (the Steam Centurion death animation would be PERFECT for this) and she's all disappointed and maybe even blames you cause she's kind of a b***h
      Kill a somewhat important person, like Berengeval for instance -> Just have NPCs comment on their deaths like Morag Tong targets and have some new latest rumor about how X person got murdered or X item got stolen recently.
      Shut down the Caldera mines by fricking with the slaves -> Move any living slaves and guards to the bunk houses and give the owner of the mine some dialogue about how now they're bleeding money now that no one's mining ebony or something

      Just do stuff like this all over the game and it'd feel a lot more like you were having an impact.

      >more fleshed out questlines like in oblivion
      Oblivion questlines are pleb shit. "Cinematic" linear stories and mindless quests for babies.

      • 2 years ago

        People shit on the context dialog of Skyrim "you and your honeyed words" but in a small way it does make the world feel more responsive to you.

        My complaints are similar to yours. Morrowinds world and characters feel static. Both literally and figuratively. I still love it though.

        • 2 years ago

          >People shit on the context dialog of Skyrim
          For a good reason, its not impressive and hardly any kind of substite for the world changing or responding to your actions. Its such a low effort thing to do that one cannot notice how little it matters.

          • 2 years ago

            Those responses ruin immersion in Skyrim. You hear the same quip about a warm bed a thousand times in a single playthrough. The responses also don't change. Once you have unlocked a new one, you will keep hearing it, whether the person likes you or hates you.

            In Morrowind the NPC greetings were that, greetings. They even changed with your reputation. Guards are at best neutral first but start treating you politely once you grind rep (and cha). They don't berate you for being good at pickpocketing even though you saved the town from a dragon.

      • 2 years ago

        >Help Edwinna with her Dwemer research
        Actually if you bring her the Secrets of Dwemer Animunculi book she will actually make her own Dwemer sphere guardian that will be rolling around the guild when you come back.

        • 2 years ago

          Are you sure that's not modded content? I've been playing Morrowind for over a decade and do the Mages Guild and Telvanni questlines quite regularly, so I often speak to Edwinna with that book in my inventory and she never mentions it. I double-checked the UESP as well and couldn't find anything about it either, just to be on the safe side, although I have to admit I generally trust my own memory more.

          • 2 years ago

            UESP isn’t what it once was.
            It doesn’t mention it directly on her page (despite them now having an applicable section for unique dialogue) but it does list her as being related to the Telvanni Stronghold quest and on THAT page it mentions you can show her the book.
            Though unfortunately you can’t do it without the telvanni quest as you won’t have the topic to mention it.

            • 2 years ago

              Are you sure that's not modded content? I've been playing Morrowind for over a decade and do the Mages Guild and Telvanni questlines quite regularly, so I often speak to Edwinna with that book in my inventory and she never mentions it. I double-checked the UESP as well and couldn't find anything about it either, just to be on the safe side, although I have to admit I generally trust my own memory more.

              Hmm. I was curious so I checked the construction kit. While there is dialogue and rewards for showing Edwinna the book, I don't see any Dwemer Sphere or other dwemer creature set to be in the Ald-ruhn mage's guild or any script to place one there. Perhaps I was mixing it up with the dwemer spider from the thieves guild or it was some mod addition.
              I'll need to look more in depth.

              • 2 years ago

                You might be thinking of the Telvanni stronghold quest where you need to collect dwemer schematics, and then they make friendly dwemer spheres.

              • 2 years ago

                Okay, I do actually remember that line! But I never remember her building an animunculus. I do think her line when you bring her the Egg of Time and Divine Metaphysics after having "Solved the mystery of the dwarves" is pretty funny, though. Something about how it was "all very interesting but I can't understand it, it doesn't help my research, and I don't believe you regardless."

              • 2 years ago

                >ModPCFacRep 20 "Mages Guild"
                Damn, that's almost as much as you get for doing ALL of Ajira's beginner quests

              • 2 years ago

                Well it is actually useful data rather than just helping a cat cheat on her report and frick over a bosmer.

  3. 2 years ago

    >the world is completely static, all interaction with it consists in advancing through ranks in factions and progressing the main quest
    >same for NPCs, they are as static as paintings on the wall
    >quests don't often have many workarounds to complete them, and in fact most of them rely on bribing
    >broken and buggy mechanics (easily solved with mods tho)
    >some mechanics don't fit the lore
    Aside from that, the hypertext dialogue system is not bad at all, it's just a matter of how it's used, really.

    • 2 years ago

      Vivec City is creative and fits the lore though.

      • 2 years ago

        I agree in that, but it's also a pain in the ass to navigate.

      • 2 years ago

        The interiors need a rework. They're too cramped and samey and they should have more shortcuts, like being able to go from the waistworks to the plaza without having to leave the inside of the canton. It's not like the richer people on the plaza would care, there's no class discrimination on Vvardenfell, that's an Imperial thing. Also the outside of the cantons could do with some life. The best Vivec overhaul I've seen has to be Skywind's. NPC schedules, every canton is different, the interiors are more interesting, varied, and less cramped, and the city still retains its style. Tamriel Rebuilt's take on a canton style building was also really good, what was it called, Almas Thirr? But it had a lot going for it outside of the canton too. Maybe that's what Vivec needs, if the cantons are going to be these clumsy pyramids at least let there be a village or something around it.

        • 2 years ago

          This reminds me, Beyond Skyrim is actually pretty good from a production value PoV

        • 2 years ago

          didn't some of them have that? I remember at least one multi level tavern that had exits to plaza and waistworks of its canton

    • 2 years ago

      Vivec city was absolute kino what do you mean?
      The first time you realize it's not just one huge pyramid standing in the water, it's like half a dozen plus the temple complex behind, it's fricking incredible.
      If anything Mournhold was kinda a disapointment, considering that it's the capital of Morrowind. Though it still turned out miles better than Oblivion's imperial capital or Skyrim's Windhelm.

      • 2 years ago

        >Though it still turned out miles better than Oblivion's imperial capital
        Do you seriously believe this shit? Mournhold is smaller than the IC by a long shot.

        • 2 years ago

          >implying that size=quality

  4. 2 years ago

    Lategame magicka pools aren't large enough to cast big boy spells even if you build for it, so everyone just ends up making enchanted items. Morrowind would really benefit from Oblivion's spell cost reduction as your magical levels improve.

  5. 2 years ago

    Very easy to get a broken char that one-shots everything.

    • 2 years ago

      This was my biggest problem with it. Without trying particularly hard or looking anything up, I was a demi god by level 20 on my imperial "thief" character. The stealth play style wasn't necessary after level 10 or so once I got glass armor, some kind of double bladed Darth maul daedric weapon, and could fly permanently at mach 10.

  6. 2 years ago

    Combat feels pretty random. With the same character and save you can get to nearly the end of a dungeon and suddenly get killed, try again and get killed by the first creature 3 times in a row.

  7. 2 years ago

    Make the dungeons bigger

    • 2 years ago

      >Make all slave traders offer to sell you their slaves.
      >Let me do more stuff with my slaves than just having them follow me or setting them free
      >It should be possible to enslave unconscious outlaws and sell them to slave traders.
      >Receiving Ordinator gear as a quest reward for solving murders should entitle me to wear Ordinator armour.
      >Sneaking should care more about direction and less about distance.
      >Falling through a bugged patch of floor and out of the world might fit the lore, but they should've patched it anyway.
      >Questline to join the 6th house should've been added during an expansion.
      >Add ability to shift spells to an inactive tab to reduce clutter. Or to delete them entirely.
      >Make NPCs actually use the attack charging animations
      >Resist fire should reduce lava damage
      >Some merchants should have restocking supplies of candles and/or lanterns

      A decent number are.

      • 2 years ago

        You can delete spells already in base Morrowind. I think it's shift-click?

      • 2 years ago

        >It should be possible to enslave unconscious outlaws and sell them to slave traders.
        Fricking 10/10, now I need a game that does this.

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Kenshi and literally Mount and Blade: Warband.

          • 2 years ago

            I will suck warbands wiener every day for how much fun it is. Nothing is more fun than pillaging and looting a small village for no real reason other than to piss the sarranids off

            • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          ES6 is going to center around capturing Argonians in the Black Marsh and transporting them to Morrowind. They're getting Jar Jar Binks to do all the Argonian voice acting

  8. 2 years ago

    Morrowind's cRPG Design consists of boring, non-lethal exploration akin to hiking simulators along with sluggish UI, level-scaled loot and enemies, challengeless combat, repetitive music, poor pathfinding, unreadable journal, keyword dialogue system, broken economy, cutscene-laden chargen as well as characterizations, factions, questing and lore that were as shallow as puddles.
    Indeed, we are talking about some rock-bottom, low-brow, dragging-of-the-knuckles gaming right here. It's a game in which the Acrobatics skill is improved by jumping from a tremendous height, hitting the ground hard and breaking ones' legs. You can actually hear the bones break as the Acrobatics skill goes up.

    • 2 years ago

      Why is lilura1 so butthurt about morrowind anyways?
      I have a theory that is just because it defies his conception that only isometric, party and turn based RPGs can be good, so that drives that autist insane.
      Like, for instance, in another review he says "wow this game is very good because it has this super unique feature, how many rpgs have that?", when morrowind literally has that feature. In another instance, he said he didn't like morrowind's intro because of its unskippable dialogue. And he even think the loot it's leveled, like, he didn't even play the game. It's so funny how he hates it for no reason.

      • 2 years ago

        At its core, Morrowind's quality of experience is a reflection of the player's skill in understanding and playing the systems and seeing the 'why' of its design which storygays and combatgays are not good at - Morrowind is one of the most organic games out there, it never spoonfeeds the player. Looking at Lilura's favorite games, it's obvious he prefers those that hold his hands and easily bends to the player, with a premise that is more or less similar to what he has played before. Except for Warband, that is the only bizarre and unexpected choice. It's also obvious that he thinks 'party = RPG', which is expected from a Codex troony.

      • 2 years ago

        Randomly generated loot from crates, chests, etc in Morrowind is leveled but it is pretty minor. Enemy creature spawn lists are leveled too but not scaled beyond that and there are plenty of unique placements too. NPCs aren’t scaled though in the base game.

      • 2 years ago

        Just came here to post this. Lilura is a pathetic mediocre player and reviewer, just because you write a blog on the interest doesn't make you an interesting person! Just because you are infamous it doesn't make you successful or important!
        Morrowind is GOAT. Lilura can suck a horse wiener.

  9. 2 years ago

    Everything is perfect, even the flaws, for me. I like the hyperlink-based dialogue system, what it needs is to have better quests and choices in them. Morrowind's quests are inconsistent because too many people were in charge of making them.

    Lastly, dynamic AI. Which can be fixed with LUA in OpenMW if it comes out.

  10. 2 years ago

    No criticism is constructive if the people making the games aren't with you to hear it.

  11. 2 years ago

    I played it for the first time recently. The one thing that really ended up ruining it for me was just how easily broken the game is. Not even 15 minutes in, just by visiting one of the alchemy merchants in Balmora which I was immediately able to fast travel to from character creation, and I accidentally discovered a way to immediately make infinite gold, powerlevel alchemy, and exploit the potion effects I was brewing to ridiculous effect. I didn't do any of that stuff, but it felt like I had to ignore a ton of shit just to avoid making myself way too powerful and robbing the game of any sense of excitement. And just a few steps away was a merchant selling cheap weapons enchanted to summon conjured weapons which weighed nothing, boosted my weapon skill, and hit as hard as daedric shit! I skipped the alchemy exploits but bought a sword and it shit on everything I ever ran into.

    Beyond that, yeah, it did suck seeing so many NPCs that had the exact same dialogue for every topic. Didn't really have any problems with the game other than those, though. Cool character/armor designs, cool lore, fun character options with interesting depth. Wish it lasted longer before you overpowered everything.

  12. 2 years ago

    Walking speed is too slow.

    • 2 years ago

      It’s so you would appreciate the landscape and immerse yourself.
      >why walk when you can ride?

    • 2 years ago

      It’s realistic. It’s called walk not run

      • 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago

    1. Revamp the combat to incorperate the piercing/slashing animations somehow so that we don't just set it to best attack.

    2. Make an animation for missing be more punishing but make it happen less and scale less between level 20 and level 100 or w/e.

  14. 2 years ago

    Almost all issues boil down to shit animations or straight lack of them. Everything feels static and dead. Such a thing is less of a problem in isometric games where you are seeing everything from afar, but Morrowind is supposed to be immersive and playable from FPP. This is why combat is unsatisfying and weightless. Or why cities are boring and lifeless. Or why world is so boring to travel, since entire flora doesn't appear any different from rocks and fauna doesn't exists save for mmo style enemies randomly placed and waiting for player and respawning immediately after death. Or why stealth is boring.

    Other than this
    >map, cities and dungeons are too small
    >Skill system is boring
    Stats don't unlock anything interesting and are a simple number that goes up, there are no feats or perks and attributes encourage weird min maxing. Also you get overpowered too easily and way too fast
    >lack of content in terms of eq and loot in general
    Yeah armor being separated into so many pieces is cool. But there are barely any armor sets in the game. There are like 4 medium armors in the game lol.
    >loot isn't leveled enough
    After a short while there is nothing to loot and rewards for everything are meaningless and useless. Everything you will find will be underleveled since game doesn't bother to track what you need. And too many of items are handplaced which hurts replayability.

    • 2 years ago

      >map too small
      Opinion discarded. Modern games are too big.

      • 2 years ago

        Morrowind is too small, it feels like an unbelievable theme park because of it. There is no sense to scale to it.

        >Stats don't unlock anything interesting and are a simple number that goes up, there are no feats or perks
        Go play skyrim you pleb. The skill system is fine, having a high skill in something means you are good at it and just that, works as intended.
        >loot isn't leveled enough
        Thanks to people like you we got oblivion and it sucked ass, leveled gear is a cancer. have a nice day.

        Skill system isn't fine. It's boring. It's this same situation as in strategy game with tech tree that doesn't unlock anything save for meaningless buffs. Like that garbage tech tree in Total War:Warhammer that at best gives +5 armor to X unit, when proper tech tree like in Empire Total War unlocks formations, abilities, buildings, units etc. Proper nonboring skill tree in any other crpg has feats and perks to unlock alongside rising stats. There are no interesting choices to make in Morrowind skill system other than trying to minmax numbers. It's garbage that becomes irrelevant after a while.
        >muh Oblivion
        Why are midwits always bringing up only Oblivion when arguing against level scaling and leveled loot, even though such a thing is normal in a massive amounts of game? Probably youtubers told people that level scaling bad because Oblivion bad and npcs now keep mindlessly repeating this.

        Leveled loot and level scaled enemies are mandatory in games like this. Otherwise there are no mechanics to keep player challenged and game rewarding. Which is explicitly a problem in Morrowind where game becomes far too easy, far too quickly and where there is no loot to gather which renders equipment meaningless.

        • 2 years ago

          >morrowind is too small

          • 2 years ago

            It absolutely is

            >wants level scaling in rpgs.
            Man you have no clue how to make games

            Player isn't the only one who should be progressing and improving during the game. It's both unimmersive and makes for a boring gameplay.

            • 2 years ago

              Play Morrowind without your view distance mod, zoomer.

              • 2 years ago

                the map is too small
                >Make NPCs a bit more dynamic, give them a routine they follow to help the world feel a bit more alive
                MCA mod helps address this with dynamic background npcs so places aren't absolutely dead static. Best rec I can give you.

                >Play Morrowind without your view distance mod, zoomer.
                Yeah I suppose if your iq fails to reach a certain threshold, then it's just like throwing a sack over a horse's head to lead it calmly out of a burning barn. But that still leaves the 3 minute distance between towns

              • 2 years ago

                Went right over your head, didn't it? Any game is a compromise between the vision of the developers and what was possible at the time. The limited view distance, the separated terrain and the slow starting movement speed together make Morrowind a believable gameworld. No shit it looks too small if you crank up view distance beyond design specs. Do you complain that there are too many gay morons in a room after you entered it?

              • 2 years ago

                >Do you complain that there are too many gay morons in a room after you entered it?

            • 2 years ago

              >Player isn't the only one who should be progressing and improving during the game.
              That is moronic. Why would getting better at speechcraft result in Rats going extinct and bandits all getting universally stronger?
              Morrowind already has some leveled list. If there is an issue with Morrowind scaling it is that you get too strong too easily. I much prefer a game with very limited level scaling like Morrowind or New Vegas where you can challenge things that are far stronger than you for that point of the game if you do choose. If you want to go north from goodsprings or clear out quarry junction right away then you can do so, it can just be tricky and/or hard. A game where everything scales in tune with you is one that makes progress pointless. You’re fighting bandits in iron armor at level 1 and those same bandits in daedric armor at level 20, with no real change other than appearance.
              >muh Oblivion
              People bring up Oblivion because it is an infamous example of how much you can frick up level scaling. The fact it is the sequel to Morrowind makes it especially relevant to the topic of morrowind’s scaling.

        • 2 years ago

          >wants level scaling in rpgs.
          Man you have no clue how to make games

        • 2 years ago

          >Like that garbage tech tree in Total War:Warhammer that at best gives +5 armor to X unit,
          Armor is kind of a thrash stat in that game, but stuff like +3 melee defense, +2 speed, or +5 leadership can have a significant impact on how a unit plays.

          The way stamina works is bad.
          >walking speed is too low on new characters
          >running burns stamina
          >can run on zero stamina
          >accuracy relies on stamina
          >every overworld fight begins on zero stamina with terrible accuracy
          >have to abuse potions or kite enemies around while you recover
          When new players complain about *miss* *miss* *miss* in combat, half of the problem is stamina's bad design. It's easy to work around but it's just frustrating to see.

          Thanks anon, when I want to role-play as grandma a week after her hip replacement I'll try that.

          >The Chariot sign exists.
          >You are allowed to pick athletics as a major skill
          >Resting before starting fights is allowed.
          >Race/sex options with higher weight have a faster walking speed
          >You naturally move slower at high encumbrance. Low encumbrance walking speed is decent.
          Walking speed is only slow for characters that didn't invest in being quick.

          >Player isn't the only one who should be progressing and improving during the game.
          That is moronic. Why would getting better at speechcraft result in Rats going extinct and bandits all getting universally stronger?
          Morrowind already has some leveled list. If there is an issue with Morrowind scaling it is that you get too strong too easily. I much prefer a game with very limited level scaling like Morrowind or New Vegas where you can challenge things that are far stronger than you for that point of the game if you do choose. If you want to go north from goodsprings or clear out quarry junction right away then you can do so, it can just be tricky and/or hard. A game where everything scales in tune with you is one that makes progress pointless. You’re fighting bandits in iron armor at level 1 and those same bandits in daedric armor at level 20, with no real change other than appearance.
          >muh Oblivion
          People bring up Oblivion because it is an infamous example of how much you can frick up level scaling. The fact it is the sequel to Morrowind makes it especially relevant to the topic of morrowind’s scaling.

          >Why would getting better at speechcraft result in Rats going extinct and bandits all getting universally stronger?
          The reason for the creature tables unlocking more powerful stuff as you level is that blight, disease, and buttholes summoning daedra are getting more commonplace as time drags on. The creature table does not remove weak possibilities.
          And the only level-scaling npcs are the Dark Brotherhood assassins that jump you in your sleep.

          Armor progression for Light and Medium sucks compared to Heavy.

          Heavy has the downside of high encumbrance costs compared to Light. Medium does suck.

    • 2 years ago

      >Stats don't unlock anything interesting and are a simple number that goes up, there are no feats or perks
      Go play skyrim you pleb. The skill system is fine, having a high skill in something means you are good at it and just that, works as intended.
      >loot isn't leveled enough
      Thanks to people like you we got oblivion and it sucked ass, leveled gear is a cancer. have a nice day.

    • 2 years ago

      this has to be bait

      • 2 years ago

        No, it's not

    • 2 years ago

      >attributes encourage weird min maxing
      >you get overpowered too easily and way too fast
      So stop min-maxing, moron.

  15. 2 years ago

    My only big problem with Morrowind are the static npcs. It's not a problem at first, but at some point in every playthrough, I get the sinking feeling that I'm the only actual person in the game world.

    • 2 years ago

      It's realistic though cause that's how real life is.

    • 2 years ago

      I wish someone could make a mod that just makes people go to their homes at night and lock themselves in.

      • 2 years ago

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah I'm using this already but it doesn't do anything with the NPCs

  16. 2 years ago

    The way stamina works is bad.
    >walking speed is too low on new characters
    >running burns stamina
    >can run on zero stamina
    >accuracy relies on stamina
    >every overworld fight begins on zero stamina with terrible accuracy
    >have to abuse potions or kite enemies around while you recover
    When new players complain about *miss* *miss* *miss* in combat, half of the problem is stamina's bad design. It's easy to work around but it's just frustrating to see.

    • 2 years ago

      How about you just walk. Imagine sprinting everywhere
      No shit.youd be tired.
      That's why morrowind is based.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks anon, when I want to role-play as grandma a week after her hip replacement I'll try that.

        • 2 years ago

          dude I'd double dog dare you to live the morrowind lifestyle

          • 2 years ago

            >he doesn't sprint everywhere
            >doesn't loot gravesites
            >doesn't get chased by birds
            >doesn't sell stolen property to crustaceans
            >doesn't chug a "potion" and pull out a 1pt levitate "spear" whenever an enemy appears

            • 2 years ago

              Where is the real world vvardenfell

              • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Go to the Balmora Mages guild and buy a restore stamina amulet from the enchanter. She always has one in stock at the start of the game. It's cheap and recharges fast even with a low enchant skill. Hotkey it.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah I'm good. Think I'll just play the game.

  17. 2 years ago

    I have an item worth 16,200 and one worth 32,000 I have not found a seller with over 1,800 Gold. Am I bound to get jipped?

    • 2 years ago

      having that much money would breake the game

    • 2 years ago

      The way I handle those extremely expensive items is to use them to subsidise enchanting.
      >find enchantment seller
      >open their shop first (important)
      >enchant a new piece of shiny
      >shopkeeper now has 80k gold or however much it cost
      >unload all my glass/daedric shit into the merchant to get my money back
      It doesn't help if you don't already have a decent pile of gold, but it's better than just accumulating a zillion glass 2h swords and whatnot.

    • 2 years ago

      If you've already unloaded a bunch of loot on creeper or the mud crab merchant, you swap your expensive item for the equivalent in loot you've sold them, then you resell the low value loot items in chunks to the merchant at their daily max cash, then wait a day and do it until you've gotten all the gold. That way you pocket everything and don't take a price cut

  18. 2 years ago

    Just from memory having last played it over ten years ago.
    >What is some actual, constructive criticism of this game?
    The wiki text system is inferior to regular dialogue.
    Particularly when you come across someone interesting and they just have the same shitty dialogue options everyone else has including the dumb Tribunal and Bloodmoon lines.

  19. 2 years ago

    I will say this again, Morrowind is probably the best brainlet filter. It's not flawless, but its quality depends a lot on the player's IQ.

    Make a list of the contrarian shitposters here and you'll notice most of them are Gankertards, trannies, shitskins, or straight up Balkan ape schizos while those that like it are well-adjusted individuals.

    • 2 years ago

      >its quality depends a lot on the player's IQ
      Glad I am enjoying it then

      • 2 years ago

        You're a lying homosexual. You'll come back here crying and filtered soon enough.

    • 2 years ago

      spent over 300 hrs in morrowind, its mediocre. About 50% of dungeons have absolutely nothing of value. Only one ending to the game, lackluster combat and a totally static world. Only thing it has going for it is the late game power fantasy , outside of that its a very hollow experience and offers nothing that other titles haven't done better. Worldspace of morrowind is as wide as an ocean and as deep as a puddle like all bethesda titles. The world is full of pointless dungeons that give you nothing and after exploring 40 caves and getting 1 or 2 useful items you're just done and the desire to explore is totally killed so you either quit the game entirely or move onto doing other things within the game. Morrowind is only better than oblivion, skyrim, fallout 3 and 4 in that it had fewer dungeons to totally your desire to explore through oversaturation. Beyond that theres really no fundamental difference between any 3d bethesda titles, people like to imagine that the older titles had more to them or were hardcore but this is pure cope and delusion.

      • 2 years ago

        >About 50% of dungeons have absolutely nothing of value. Only one ending to the game, lackluster combat and a totally static world
        All this is true.
        >its a very hollow experience and offers nothing that other titles haven't done better
        Not true.

        • 2 years ago

          I love the game but it is really a hollow experience tbh. The main thing that'll keep you in the game are the beautiful artstyle and use of color, the soundtrack, the power fantasy later on and the worldbuilding. The fundamental gameplay is just meh. I'd give morrowind an 8/10 on first playthrough, 5 or 6/10 on subsequent playthroughs. I've done at least 3 full playthroughs and I literally can't imagine picking up morrowind again tbh.

          • 2 years ago

            I agree morrowind is not perfect, and in fact is very lackig in certain areas, but I wouldn't say that it offers nothing that other titles haven't done better:
            I personally think that morrowind offers a very sophisticatd character progression/creation system which is very unique in allowing the player to make any kind of character he wants in a roleplaying sense.
            It also has a very intricate magic system, arguably the best in a series with an already good pedigree in that aspect.
            Yes, maybe is not the best game in the world, but it's a shame no other game has tried to continue the path morrowind started, keeping the amzing things while working on improving its faults.

            • 2 years ago

              >offers a very sophisticatd character progression/creation system which is very unique in allowing the player to make any kind of character he wants in a roleplaying sense.
              idk about that, there are no limits so ultimately with enough time every character always ends up more or less the same with all of the constant use stats maxed out and all of the skills (which will be more or less the same list with every playthrough) you're gonna use totally maxed out. VRPGs need to restrict the player to a greater extent, gothic, gothic 2 and temple of elemental evil are some of my favorite examples, you're actually forced to work within your class limitations within those games and it adds a lot of replayability.

              The magic system is very good and its very nice to use but the gameplay and oversized world totally oversaturated with repetitive dungeons just fails to draw me back in past about 300 hrs.

              • 2 years ago

                Gothic is a horrible example of character progression. There are like 6 skills and some of them take 1 level of training to be the highest level and some of them take 2. You get an assload of XP so you can just become the master of everything after a few hours. I remember playing and getting that two handed sword at the end and I was level 1 with two handed weapons so I went to the trainer and just trained to be a master ezpz in no time at all. Morrowind has way fricking better character progression, it's not even close.

              • 2 years ago

                >you're actually forced to work within your class limitations
                Not him, but you clearly haven't played morrowind if you think your charcater sheet doesn't limit your character possibilities and therefore your playstyle, specially in the early game.

              • 2 years ago

                lmao you can easily afford to get every skill to 100 in 50 hrs, you just suck at the game I guess.

              • 2 years ago

                You can finish three other games in that playtime.

              • 2 years ago

                >early game

              • 2 years ago

                if you're gonna go through every dungeon, do every quest and go through the DLC it takes 120+ hrs, ywnbaw, you never played the game

              • 2 years ago

                >do every quest
                But you literally can't in morrowind, frick off you didn't play the game.
                Also, who the fricks does every dungeon in elder scrolls games?
                And even if your autism was enough to do so, the early game is still the first 9 or 10 levels anyways.

              • 2 years ago

                The early game is the entire base game; the mid game is Tribunal and Bloodmoon; the late game is Tamriel Rebuilt, book collecting, relic organizing, and settlement building

              • 2 years ago

                >not collecting books and relics while playing through the base game
                you're doing it wrong.

              • 2 years ago

                >not running multiple characters so you can join every faction and exploit every skill set
                Are you even trying, anon?

              • 2 years ago

                >50 hrs
                >early game
                smartest morrowgay ever

              • 2 years ago

                He's actually criticising morrowind, moron.
                A limited character is a good thing in an RPG, he's saying that you are basically god in morrowind, which is not true (again, at least in the early)

      • 2 years ago

        >About 50% of dungeons have absolutely nothing of value.
        I’m quite alright with that because most “dungeons” are small, quick to clear and not really “dungeons” that should be enormous. It makes sense for a typical family tomb in a society that cremates the dead to be a few rooms, a few urns, a few tomb guardians and the only “loot” being a smattering of offerings.
        The thing I like about Morrowind dungeons is that some of them do have static unique treasure and the only way to find out is to actually explore them. Often times you find nothing but then you have places like Ibar-dad which make it all worth it. I’ll take that over leveled loot anyway.
        This is one big issue I had with Oblivion where unless a quest sent you to a place there was never any reason to check it out and I’m glad Bethesda moved away from it a bit. Things like unique weapons and armor or the word walls in Skyrim or even just the magazine perks in Fallout 4 give a better reason to explore on your own.

        • 2 years ago

          >there was never any reason to check it out
          The dungeon leveled lists give you better items than the shop lists. Also Varla stones.

          • 2 years ago

            >Varla stones
            Azura's Star completely invalidates them. Not even being a "gotchya!" gay, after getting Azura's star I never used another Varla stone. Hell, I don't think I used one before that either.
            >The dungeon leveled lists
            The quest dungeons still have leveled loot and some of the quest rewards are better than anything you'll find in a dinky old dungeon. Also there is significantly less excitement in finding a 20,000 gold amulet and 14,000 daedric rapesword in a random chest in a troll dungeon than there is in finding Eleidon's Ward and other goodies in the unassuming cave of Ibar-Dad. I don't think Oblivion has even a single "holy shit" moment with dungeons that Morrowind had.

      • 2 years ago

        >About 50% of dungeons have absolutely nothing of value
        I actually thought that was a great design choice. If every dungeon is massive and you expect to get a big reward after each one, then you're pretty much playing Mega Man. In Morrowind, you experience disappointment when you find out an ancestral tomb has only one room, but it's contrasted against the excitement you feel when you find out an ancestral tomb has become home to a bunch of vampires. The bigger dungeons came up often enough that I was always eager to explore whatever cave I stumbled across.

        • 2 years ago

          Small dungeons will usually have dremora spawns or something worthwhile anyways so it doesn't matter. Not every dungeon meeds some unique artifact otherwise they wouldn't be special.

          • 2 years ago

            >you should have to go through the same 5 dungeon styles 300 times to get 8 items
            how about no?

            • 2 years ago

              this scenario only exists in your head

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                This homosexual is the Soulshitter, wiki-pulling, Ganker-tourist - he never played the game. He cannot differentiate tombs from dungeons btw because he is low INT.

              • 2 years ago

                >he doesnt know dungeons is a generic term for RPG interiors with enemies and loot

              • 2 years ago

                Can you shut the frick up about trannies already, or better yet just go back to Twitter? Nobody likes you people.

              • 2 years ago

                only trannies like (you) use globohomosexual twatter

              • 2 years ago

                Seriously just frick off. If you weren't here before 2016 just fricking leave. You never post ANYTHING of value. EVER. It's just an endless tide of shit with you people. Nobody likes you. Nobody wants to hear what you have to say. I don't care about electoral politics. I don't care about your corporate culture war. I don't care how you feel about anime or JRPGs (you fricking normalgay). Just GO.

              • 2 years ago

                >noooooooooo this cave literally looks like a normal cave!!!
                >a tomb? what do you mean is not le epic giant dungeon with super epic loot??!
                >shit game, literally not an RPG

              • 2 years ago

                >leaving out a bunch of dungeon types to further your sad agenda

              • 2 years ago

                90% of the dungeons in the game are 1 of those 4 types, cope and dilate

                >noooooooooo this cave literally looks like a normal cave!!!
                >a tomb? what do you mean is not le epic giant dungeon with super epic loot??!
                >shit game, literally not an RPG

                morrowalk is a boring game, deal with it

                Seriously just frick off. If you weren't here before 2016 just fricking leave. You never post ANYTHING of value. EVER. It's just an endless tide of shit with you people. Nobody likes you. Nobody wants to hear what you have to say. I don't care about electoral politics. I don't care about your corporate culture war. I don't care how you feel about anime or JRPGs (you fricking normalgay). Just GO.

                been here since 2014 troony, go back to dumblr, ywnbaw

              • 2 years ago

                >90% of the dungeons in the game are 1 of those 4 types
                Wrong, troony. You're the one coping.

              • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              I have some good news for you. You only HAVE to go through a few dungeons to beat the game. If you don't want to do side content, then why are you playing a Bethesda game? The main questlines have been ass in basically every game they've made.

  20. 2 years ago

    Conversation system is honest to God fine, I don't understand what people don't like about it beyond the extremely silly persuasion stuff, which should just be locked down to be like faction reputations + some global mods + maybe one bribe that can backfire, then no takebacks.
    Obviously combat could have better hit detection and animation, active block, etc. The sky is the limit with improving Bethesda combat in any game though. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with the hit and miss system, although maybe making it solid hit and glancing blow with different sound effects would placate morons.
    And obviously you can always put an infinite amount of work into better quests and more content in general.
    Better theft detection system maybe. Make it so you get reputation drops when any reasonable person would assume you stole something but they can't prove it enough to just make the guards aggro on you.
    And there's always the nerd complaint of a bad economy. But basically no game gets that right.

    • 2 years ago

      Most of these are actually good points.
      >which should just be locked down to be like faction reputations + some global mods + maybe one bribe that can backfire, then no takebacks.
      I disagree with this, would basically make Speechcraft worthless (even more than it already is with Charm spells). Being able to bribe or persuade or taunt people is a useful thing and it is nice there is a skill linked to it in a game that involves as much time spent talking to standoffish dark elves as Morrowind.
      >Obviously combat could have better hit detection and animation, active block, etc.
      Yeah. I don't mind the hit-miss set up, it is easy to hit with weapons you know how to use. Later games just have every attack hit but require 10 times as many attacks which I don't care for at all. Active blocking is something I really like in later games compared to Morrowind though, even the mods that implement it are a bit lackluster.
      >Better theft detection system maybe.
      Better theft tracking I would say. The game permanently marks items as stolen from an owner by item type currently, so if you steal a diamond from someone and then try to sell them a different diamond they'll accuse you of theft and call the guards. I rather hate that and it discourages me from stealing anything ever.

    • 2 years ago

      >Conversation system is honest to God fine
      It really isn't. The problem with pre-loading NPCs with repeatable dialog that is replicated across 100% of other NPCs is that it means they don't get any meaningful characterization, or what little characterization they have just ends up getting lost in them repeating the same line about Dwemer Artefacts that the Silt Strider operator 100km away also used.

      I love this game but I legitimately will never understand why people feel the need to defend every singular aspect, system, plot point and design decision in it.

      • 2 years ago

        There are a few instances of interrupting the wiki system with dialog trees for special NPCs. Generally speaking Morrowind (and TES in general) NPCs exist as part of the worldbuilding, not as movie-like characters with personality tics and so on. When there are hundreds of NPCs they aren't all going to be characterizable in that way, they just need to play a role as, "an orcish imperial guard in Gnisis" with wiki knowledge appropriate for that role. That's perfect for what is needed. If you want an NPC to be a special person that has a more specific individual characterization in a quest or something, you just shift into dialog modes or unique keywords. I don't think I'm being overly defensive, I think people ahve just gotten used to cheap criticism of that system without really thinking about the upsides of it.

  21. 2 years ago

    there is no reason to walk as slowly as you do, and there is no argument for walking as slow as you do

  22. 2 years ago

    Armor progression for Light and Medium sucks compared to Heavy.

  23. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >le open world bad because....le bad!
      Wow! Such articulation, very verbose. Speechcraft 100.

      • 2 years ago

        >power fantasy is good because you have billion options to handle crippled babies

    • 2 years ago

      His core argument makes no sense. He says fantasy hyperimmersion is bad because it allows for so much character customization. Then he says he prefers Morrowind. But Morrowind allowed for more character customization than Skyrim and Oblivion...

      • 2 years ago

        He said that he likes Morrowind but it is bad that RPGs tries to be like ES especially when they essentially waste your time.

        • 2 years ago

          So why are you on a board about RPGs? Character customization and roleplaying are the root of them. He's also wrong about the essence of the thing. They don't promote individualism, if anything they promote "great man of history" narratives, which is more of a right wing idea since the entire structure of the thing pivots on one hero's choices.

          Brainlet take.

          • 2 years ago

            Center of the Universe design/narrative over just being part of the world.

    • 2 years ago

      >freedom focused open world games are bad because something something liberal individualism is bad
      I've never heard such a stupid rethoric before in my life.

      >power fantasy is good because you have billion options to handle crippled babies

      I doesn't talk about power fantasies, does he? Morrowind is not even a power fanatasy, that would be skyrim.

  24. 2 years ago

    I don't like first person games but that's more of a me thing.

  25. 2 years ago

    redpill me on each race

    • 2 years ago

      They are all garbage except for humans.
      And no, redguards ain't human.

      Imperials, Bretons and Nords are based. Specially Imperials with their cute gay nord boyfriends.

      • 2 years ago

        Youre making the human races sound homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        kys shit-digger

  26. 2 years ago

    imo its a roleplay game where its hard to actually do roleplay. for example, if you want to roleplay as a fast-talker, youll find npcs to be uninteresting encyclopedias who you cant actually charm beyond some button-assigned dice roll that serves no purpose since they are all replaceable automatons and give no benefits. if you want to rp as a ranger or a druid, there is little to do in general mechanics or schools of magic to enhance such experience
    i would have no problem with it if it were akin to a dungeon crawler where the focus of the game is combat, tactics and in some degree exploration, but morrowind aspires or at least is regarded as a more comprehensive experience, and i just cant relate to it with such shallow characters and lack of lore exposition beyond the provided books (not that i have a problem with games that deepen lore with notes and books, but they use these works as an additive for the curious and not as a main tool for lore exposition)
    what i find most dispairing is that the setting is great and original, but the execution falls short. because of this i always come back to it but get bored after 3 hours of gameplay or so
    it seems interesting but after some digging around its a very bland, repetitive experience

  27. 2 years ago

    Khajiit and Argonians shouldn't be playable because slave races cannot possibly be Nerevarine

  28. 2 years ago

    This guy gives a good summary.

    • 2 years ago

      VNCuckdexer opinions are useless and not taken seriously. Don't link your obese smut website next time.

      • 2 years ago

        Huh? There are threads about Wizardry, Underrail, Grimoire, Battle Brothers, KoTC, Dragon's Dogma and other games that are hundreds of pages long and are still active today. Why are you so mad, did they bite you in the ass or something?

  29. 2 years ago

    >What is some actual, constructive criticism of this game?

    Past level 5, alteration renders security useless. Undoing traps is the only ability unique to security, but only a few traps are a big deal and they can be countered with other magic or potions. The value of having Alteration 60 is 100x that of Security 60.

    Enchanting objects is such a ridiculous mechanic that literally every single person who plays either save-reloads it to cheese it or spends the tens of thousands of gold to do it with an NPC.

    In general there's a lot of "Past level X, Y renders Z useless". Rogue characters evolve into warriors and stealth is an earlygame crutch that only has a brief period of time where it really shines and accomplishes something unique.

    • 2 years ago

      Alteration also makes traps useless because all trap effects are touch-range and telekinesis invalidates them

      Actually, alteration invalidates a lot of things as well, that's kind of the charm of Batman utility belt magic. 1pt slowfall, 1pt levitate + fortify speed, constant effect ~5ft telekensis. A lot of quality of life enhancers

      • 2 years ago

        You're right, I forgot about telekinesis on traps. But that's mysticism, though it doesn't matter since even a male orc fighter can give themselves a 5 yard telekinesis for 1 second

      • 2 years ago

        porn artists are tied with female comedians for "most unfunny group of people to ever exist"

        • 2 years ago

          You implied this was part of a porn set but reverse image search brings up nothing. You lied to me.

  30. 2 years ago

    >room with Caius Cosades
    >do missions for him
    >reach 100% approval rating
    >accidentally click on one of his spoons
    Yeah, the character interaction system could have used some work ...

    • 2 years ago

      That's was his crack spoon anon.

  31. 2 years ago

    >Most npc's are as weak as, or weaker, than the pc after leaving the tutorial
    >Mages are overpowered at level 1 and fall off completely after level 4
    >It wasn't finished at launch and it's readily apparent
    I agree with other anons on most other points, especially that the game world is too static.
    Still my favorite game though.

    • 2 years ago

      >Most npc's are as weak as, or weaker, than the pc after leaving the tutorial
      >Noooooo what do you mean the farmer at the starting village is not a lvl 50 barbarian with shock spells and a secret double life as a spy?
      Oh wowie is almost as if they were normal people like you are at lvl 1.

  32. 2 years ago

    It's hard to tell what new dialogue you'll get from an NPC so you'll usually end up scanning all of them through all of the topic options. OpenMW fixed this.

  33. 2 years ago

    I absolutely adore it, I haven't played in at least 5 years but I have many hundreds of hours spent in it. There are clearly things that I wish were done differently.

    Absolutely appalling, these are disguting. Are there even mods that help with these? All the animations are jarring.

    >NPC AI and behaviour
    Specially between NPC's themselves. It's very immersion when guards don't give a frick that a secret assassin is trying to murder a random citizen and nobody else reacts. Also, having NPC's with routines would make them so much more interesting.

    I think these two would take a massive amount of manpower to improve, particularly the NPC AI. However, if they were really improved by some hogh quality mod, it would make Moreowind the best RPG I have ever played, and probably the best game as well.

    • 2 years ago

      >would take a massive amount of manpower to improve
      nope, gothic did it with a smaller team and in a shorter amount of time a year before morrowind even released. Granted the world size of gothic is like 1/5th of morrowinds but programming rote tasks and copy pasting the code to the various classes of NPCs isn't a herculean task in and of itself. They either never thought to do it (coming off of daggerfall where NPCs stand in place forever I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case) or they didn't have the time or the skill.

      • 2 years ago

        I didn't mean it in terms of the original development team. I meant it as a task for modders to tackle in the future. I guess when we have proper scripting in OMW it will be easier but it's still a lot of work based on the sheer number of NPC's.

  34. 2 years ago

    >>Make NPCs a bit more dynamic, give them a routine they follow to help the world feel a bit more alive
    i hate this idea. it doesnt add anything to the world. It was dumb as frick in oblivion needing to find an NPC but hes out taking a shit and i cant even ask other NPCs where he is. it breaks immersion more than anything.
    >>Have quests that provide you with multiple, RP orientated ways to resolve them
    they already do this in morrowind more so than other tes games.
    the wikipedia-style conversation system
    nothing wrong with it. learn to read faster and learn pattern recognition.
    little secret / Rumors: bread crumbs for special quests
    Advice: actually good in game advice
    Background: flavor text.

    >What is some actual, constructive criticism of this game?
    the DLCs added two dumb features #1 ruined the "rumor" option in dialog by making 99% of npcs only give hints about DLC content 9 times out of every 10 times you ask them.
    #2 dark brotherhood attacks immediatly and iseasy to beat, you now have best light armor at lvl 1. totally imbalanced.

    overall the biggest issue with the game is how imbalanced it is, some items are just so blatantly OP its insane. You can buy an invisibility potion for 600 gold, or you can find a special pawn shop that sells a ring that grants invisibility for like 200g and recharges itself.

  35. 2 years ago

    The biggest problem? THERE IS NO IMPERIAL SPEAR.

    • 2 years ago

      There are no Imperial chain gauntlets or medium boots either. And Imperial chain pauldrons are classed as heavy armor due to their weight.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes there are, the iron/steel/silver weapons are Imperial make for the most part.

  36. 2 years ago

    My biggest criticism is that I can't play it again for the first time

  37. 2 years ago

    Most of the complaints in this thread range from zoomer QoL-whoring to muh balancing autism to even asking for bullshit meme mechanics and other nonsense. You are all homosexuals.

    Here are some ACTUAL design flaws with Morrowind:
    1. Attribute bonus system. The game arbitrarily ties skills to attributes for no reason at all, and then makes it so players' attribute gain is predetermined by the skills they use. On top of that there is only a finite amount of level ups, so players who don't play along with this crap might end up with a permanently gimped character in the long run.
    2. Expansion implementation. All expansion content is explicitly designed for high-level characters, yet is violently thrust upon the player from the very start. The Dark Brotherhood attacks and the Solstheim dialogue topic are intrusive and stick out like a sore thumb. In the Dark Brotherhood's case, it potentially screws up the intended early-game progression by giving new characters unreasonably strong and expensive armor from the very start.
    3. Shopkeepers automatically equip the strongest equipment you've sold to them. Note that whatever they have equipped will NOT be up for sale and you WON'T be able to buy it back from them. Obviously a very stupid oversight.
    4. Endurance HP bonuses. When you level up, you get a one-time HP increase based on your Endurance value at that time. This HP bonus is permanent and later Endurance increases down the line will not apply to it retroactively.

    • 2 years ago

      >1. Attribute bonus system.
      Not arbitrary, and you can grind skill loss in prison to increase your level cap
      >2. Expansion implementation
      There are mods for this. Or you could just uncheck the expansions and relevant mods in data files when starting a new character.
      Having the assassins be a genuine threat at level 1 can be pretty kino though. even if they never attack the tutorial bedroll.
      >3. Shopkeepers automatically equip the strongest equipment you've sold to them.
      The code patch offers to fix this. There's also a standalone mod that fixes this. It can be an amusing way to murder people if left on.
      >4. Endurance HP bonuses.
      Health being a consequence of prolonged fitness is immersive. But some zoomer made a QoL mod called retroactive health so a certain obese Romanian had fewer things to b***h about.

      Sad to hear you got filtered.

      • 2 years ago

        Not him, but:
        >Not arbitrary
        You don't think that Speed governing the Short blade skill is an arbitrary decition?

        • 2 years ago

          Arbitrary? Eh, you could argue you have to be fast to use short blades effectively even though that doesn't tie in gameplay wise like Daggerfall's speed stat did with swing speed. It's probably just there because speed needed another skill to govern. Same with Illusion I'm guessing. Security is the one I'd say is pretty arbitrary, who the frick says you have to be smart to pick locks? I would've made it governed by luck but that kind of goes against that stat's purpose. Overall I'd say the skills are fine where they are. Some weird choices sure but probably just done for gameplay reasons.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't think you know what "arbitrary" means.

            • 2 years ago

              It means randomly chosen. The skills were assigned to different attributes because learning more in that skill would mean you were smarter, stronger, faster, etc. Some skills were just assigned an attribute to even out the distribution. None of that is arbitrary.

          • 2 years ago

            You absolutely have to be smart to pick locks.

            • 2 years ago

              Do you have to be smart? Or do you just have to retain the knowledge of how locks work?

              • 2 years ago

                You have to adapt the knowledge to the individual lock after deducing the specifics of the lock in question.

        • 2 years ago

          Arbitrary? Eh, you could argue you have to be fast to use short blades effectively even though that doesn't tie in gameplay wise like Daggerfall's speed stat did with swing speed. It's probably just there because speed needed another skill to govern. Same with Illusion I'm guessing. Security is the one I'd say is pretty arbitrary, who the frick says you have to be smart to pick locks? I would've made it governed by luck but that kind of goes against that stat's purpose. Overall I'd say the skills are fine where they are. Some weird choices sure but probably just done for gameplay reasons.

          Compared to longswords, axes, polearms, warhammers, or staves, daggers have next to no skill floor irl. And lockpicking is a matter of deducing the inside of a lock, knowing the right tricks, and some amount of visualization. Those make sense.
          Personally, I would've put block under speed since the shields are pretty big, and maybe move unarmored to endurance since it affects armor rating instead of increasing dodge chance. Maybe long blade into agility if daedric longswords and katana weren't so absurdly heavy.

          Speed increasing swing speed would've been interesting. I'd like to see a mod that does this.

          >Not arbitrary
          Yes it is, by definition. Might want to pick up a dictionary.
          >There are mods for this
          >The code patch offers to fix this
          Not an argument.
          >Health being a consequence of prolonged fitness is immersive
          When no other attribute, skill or mechanic in the game does anything like this. But no, it's definitely not an outlier, it's everything else that's not immersive!
          Yeah bro, I was filtered so hard. I know the game well enough to be able to point out all these minor mechanics but yeah it filtered me so hard. Moron.

          You think these complaints are "gay" because they're measured complaints pointing out flaws which go beyond a reasonable doubt. No, you prefer complaints that were pulled from the depths of somebody's butthole instead. Please tell me how you wish the game had fully voiced dialogue and "weighty combat" and a crafting system you stupid frick.

          >by definition.
          There is clear and discernible logic behind every governing attribute. This makes them non-arbitrary, by definition.
          >Not an argument.
          1. This thread is about constructive criticisms of the game.
          2. Your "ACTUAL" design flaws have already been fixed by common methods.
          3. It follows that your complaints are therefore not constructive criticisms and therefore not relevant to the thread.
          So yes, pointing out that there are fixes for your problems is actually an argument. You absolute Romanian.

          • 2 years ago

            >Speed increasing swing speed would've been interesting. I'd like to see a mod that does this
            There is an MWSE-Luna mod that does that.

      • 2 years ago

        >Not arbitrary
        Yes it is, by definition. Might want to pick up a dictionary.
        >There are mods for this
        >The code patch offers to fix this
        Not an argument.
        >Health being a consequence of prolonged fitness is immersive
        When no other attribute, skill or mechanic in the game does anything like this. But no, it's definitely not an outlier, it's everything else that's not immersive!
        Yeah bro, I was filtered so hard. I know the game well enough to be able to point out all these minor mechanics but yeah it filtered me so hard. Moron.

        >calls everyone a homosexual for posting what they think is wrong with morrowind
        >posts some of the gayest complaints i've ever seen.

        You're a legit moron

        You think these complaints are "gay" because they're measured complaints pointing out flaws which go beyond a reasonable doubt. No, you prefer complaints that were pulled from the depths of somebody's butthole instead. Please tell me how you wish the game had fully voiced dialogue and "weighty combat" and a crafting system you stupid frick.

        • 2 years ago

          >When no other attribute, skill or mechanic in the game does anything like this. But no, it's definitely not an outlier, it's everything else that's not immersive!
          It being an outlier doesn't mean it's not immersive. You could just as easily assert that intelligence ought to increase one's magicka per level.

    • 2 years ago

      >calls everyone a homosexual for posting what they think is wrong with morrowind
      >posts some of the gayest complaints i've ever seen.

      You're a legit moron

    • 2 years ago

      these are the most basic b***h-tier complaints ive seen in a while

  38. 2 years ago

    I got one
    >play through the thieves guild
    >have high lockpicking skill by the end of it due to training/using the skill
    >your end of questline reward is the skeleton key which you no longer need because you're already really good at lockpicking
    I guess it'd be nice for thieves who don't have lockpicking for some reason, although it'd be strange to have a morrowind character that has no way of getting into locked shit

  39. 2 years ago

    Do silver weapons deal increased damage to unholy things (vamps, werewolves, daedra, etc)?

    • 2 years ago

      Not on vamps or daedra but they they get past the “resistance to normal weapons” they have which would otherwise reduce damage. Unfortunately magical weapons and weapon qualities above silver do the same so silver isn’t that important.
      Silver weapons actually go double damage on werewolves. Not that important with the normal silver weapons but bloodmoon introduces some new silver weapons (the paralyzing ones) that are super powerful anyway.

      • 2 years ago

        Helpful anon, thank you.

  40. 2 years ago

    >ctrl+f 'main quest'
    >1 hit

    The morrowind main quesott is complete dogshit if played as intended. It's much more fun sequence breaking because the hortator quests are assboring and the ashlander nerevarine quests are are the worst in the whole game and have two escort missions where the ai gets stuck fighting slaughterfish.

    • 2 years ago

      Subjective opinion, I still think buying a slave and pimping her as a wife for the ashkan is funny as frick. Meeting the higher ups of the different houses in Morrowind was also funny and bizarre, that Hlaalu homosexual who wrote the Argonian maid smut was amusing but creepy - I never let that homosexual kiss my character. Also, you have tools available at your disposal, cast a bit of mid level levitate on the NPC. If not, use scrolls. Even if you're a pure melee grug, you need utility spells. Stock up on scrolls and potions before you venture out. If you're 200 IQ, you can also use "command creature" and let the fishfricks eat each other.

      You see, this is what I like about Morrowind, your experience greatly varies on how good you are as a player - abusing or using its systems and mechanics. Don't play it like a streamlined game that will hold your hand, try to engage with it, outsmart it and always think ahead.

      • 2 years ago

        yes but that's the exact reason why I think sequence breaking at low levels with exploits is more fun. To be honest you're right that many of the hortator quests are decent, but it's a tiny sliver of interesting dialogue which requires hours of travel time even with fast travels and mark and recalls.

        and to complete those fricking escort quests I cast a spell on touch that buffed their speed and strength by godly numbers but they kept getting agro onto slaughterfish under the water I couldn't see and running off into the ocean going on a slaughterfish genocide. happened a few times and just needed to reload. but you're right as well tbh levitate would have worked fine to avoid that

  41. 2 years ago

    the wikipedia-style conversation system
    Why would remove a good thing?

    • 2 years ago

      he wants to have 5 gay little ways to say the same thing when asking for more quest information

  42. 2 years ago

    It's a game that tricks you into thinking it'll be 90% and then it's 40% speed reading (50% of side quests), 15% normal reading (the good side quests and main story).
    If I wanted to read I'd either play a text adventure or read a novel.

    • 2 years ago

      Low IQ individual.

  43. 2 years ago


  44. 2 years ago

    It's kind of weird to me that Morrowind fans will defend aspects of the game that are just objectively bad like the dialog system. In fact they'll defend essentially every aspect of the game, including the ridiculous sub-quest railroading when it's 100% transparent even as a kid playing in in 03 that there should be another option for quest resolution given what your character knows/possesses/has done.

    I still love the game, but I don't get why it attracts a fanbase that defend every single conceivable mechanic and aspect. Why?

    • 2 years ago

      The dialog system isn't "objectively bad" you pseudo intellectual moron

    • 2 years ago

      people get drawn in by the soundtrack and beautiful use of color (amusing since they still b***h about texture quality) and just tolerate everything else being straight trash.

    • 2 years ago

      remove the nostalgia and it is unironically a terrible game

      people get drawn in by the soundtrack and beautiful use of color (amusing since they still b***h about texture quality) and just tolerate everything else being straight trash.

      If it's so bad then why haven't you pointed out a single reason of why it's bad? It should be easy.

      • 2 years ago

        the combat and lack of player choice

        • 2 years ago

          The only bad part about the combat is lack of visual feedback, otherwise the systems are fine.
          Player choice is still more fleshed out than in skyrim btw, but I agree is still lacking.
          All in all that is not enough to call it a bad game.

          Have a good story.
          Make character creation and development not completely pointless.
          Have enjoyable combat that isn't just spamming left-click and endlessly chugging potions.
          Make the world worthwile to explore. Smaller land, less dungeons, but much more unique and detailed ones.
          Less trivial sidequests. Keep the ones that are fun and/or greatly flesh out the lore. Killing some mudcrabs doesn't flesh out the lore, for instance, and isn't fun either.
          More satisfying faction progression with real benefits, instead of just unlocking more quests.

          All this based off this post

          This is bait.

  45. 2 years ago

    >constructive criticism
    The game's 20 years old ffs.

  46. 2 years ago

    >>Make NPCs a bit more dynamic, give them a routine they follow to help the world feel a bit more alive
    Bad idea.
    I bought into the "clockwork world, NPCs have their own lives like real people" marketing for Oblivion, only to be horribly disappointed.
    It was like expecting an actual world full of real people, and getting animatronic Chuck-E-Cheese actors.
    Morrowind is limited in the scope of its simulation of NPCs, true. That's not inherently bad, when every attempt at expanding it in subsequent games have led RPGs astray.
    And if you disagree, I challenge you to name a single NPC from a polygonal RPG since Morrowind that felt like "alive" and real to you.
    It's an unattainable goal.

    >>Have quests that provide you with multiple, RP orientated ways to resolve them
    Another case of you not understanding what Morrowind is about.
    Quests are a contrivance, an excuse to get you out in the world.
    Caius Cosades makes this explicit point to you in the first couple hours, which makes me think you either haven't even played Morrowind, or weren't paying enough attention.
    Quests in Morrowind aren't like Skyrim or Oblivion, where they don't even make sense except as railroaded Disneyland thrillrides.
    Morrowind quests are just jobs, your mercenary labor put to use.
    If you like wacky hijinks, go nuts with any other video game. Morrowind is allowed to be different.

    the wikipedia-style conversation system
    Overhaul to what? You've omitted the actual improvement and only left the gripe. Extremely unconstructive.
    Assuming you mean "overhaul to something more modern, like Skyrim or Horizon's dialogue" I wholeheartedly disagree.
    Again, those games' NPCs are not compelling to me in any way. Anything a game can do to be LESS like that, is a victory.
    What is a dialogue system "done right?" Why do claim to offer constructive criticism while hiding behind ambiguity by never giving any examples?

    • 2 years ago

      >Morrowind quests are just jobs, your mercenary labor put to use.
      So when the mages guild makes you kill the arrogant archmage in arena combat for the right to lead the faction, that's just mercenary labor contrived to get you out into the world?

      • 2 years ago

        You jest, but yes, that is what it is. The 'world' is not just the physical place. It is also the culture and people of Vvardenfell. Traveling to Vivec and entering the arena is you going out into both worlds.

        • 2 years ago

          The mages guild is already in Vivec, you would have already been well immersed in the place and culture

          • 2 years ago

            You are only thinking of the place, not what it means to battle to the death for leadership.

            • 2 years ago

              So you admit that the quests can be about their premise, and are not simply an excuse to spoonfeed you unrelated parts of the game over the course of completing an irrelevant job

      • 2 years ago

        You are only thinking of the place, not what it means to battle to the death for leadership.

        You could just work with the lizard in Sadrith Mora to get archmage without killing Trebonius.
        It's the Imperial way out, but it does net you some reputation.

    • 2 years ago

      >What is a dialogue system "done right?" Why do claim to offer constructive criticism while hiding behind ambiguity by never giving any examples?

    • 2 years ago

      >Quests in Morrowind aren't like Skyrim or Oblivion, where they don't even make sense except as railroaded Disneyland thrillrides.
      God I do like to imagine Oblivion if it took Morrowind's ideas and expanded upon them. Think about getting a Dark Brotherhood contract to kill someone at the top of the White Gold Tower. You could levitate or jump up there, or sneak all the way through to the top. No cheesy dialogue or scripted sequences that break more often than not and need to be fixed with the unofficial patch, just pure kino gameplay. But no, instead we get linear quest marker baby shit where you sneak past 2 people max or maybe it forces you into combat with a bunch of level scaled enemies to get to your target and the level/dungeon is clearly laid out to force you down a certain path. Just the dialogue in Morrowind where Ahnassi tells you where the key to the lower level of the Redoran treasury is is more interesting than a thousand overly dramatic (broken) theme park quests.

  47. 2 years ago

    Morrowind is my favorite video game of all time, even without mods.
    My main criticism is that the quests don't set you up to level your skills.
    For instance, if you have sneak as a minor skill, it's 15-20 depending on racial bonuses. At that level, you can barely pass ANY sneak check. If you join the Thieves Guild, the vast majority of quests allow you to steal things without even needing sneak, or even lockpicking since some of the things they want you to steal are just lying on top of a desk rather than inside it. The game encourages you to sell potions to Creeper and find the master trainer than to actually go around sneaking until you master the skill.
    Even the armor skills, which should be easy to raise, aren't as they should be. While doing Fighter's Guild/Legion/Redoron Quests, getting your armor skill up to requirements requires letting someone hit you without you fighting back for literal hours, instead of rising naturally during real fights.

    • 2 years ago

      There's a certain amount of grinding to do in Morrowind to get your skills up to par. Athletics and Acrobatics are the cardinal examples. Yes, it can be boring, but training for anything is usually boring. You can always use hired trainers instead if it gets too much.
      In fact all the later Elder Scrolls games have grinding. I lost count of all the bullshit potions I made in Oblivion just to break the Journeyman barrier. It's not really fun, but it sets you up for fun later in the game ...

  48. 2 years ago

    requesting the conspiracy iceberg meme, want to show it to a friend whos getting into morrowind, but i cant find it in my files

  49. 2 years ago

    There are a lot of small things that could have been better but when I think of something that's straight up awful it's potion/spell effect balance. In a game where racial resistances can go up to 75% or even a 100% having the best pre made resistance potions be 20% for 60 seconds is laughable, especially for resist disease. There are a lot of effects that make no sense like a fortify/drain for 1 second effect or a cure paralysis enchantment that can't be used while paralyzed. And don't even get me started on birth signs. The shadow is made completely obsolete by a invisibility ring you can buy in Caldera and the Lord gets a healing ability that's less mana effective than a spell you can make yourself and it comes with a fricking weakness.

    • 2 years ago

      The Lord is really weird. You get a tiny regeneration spell in return for -100% fire resistance. It would have made more sense to make it an always-on effect of restore health 2 pts. That way you get a unique passive regeneration in return for being cripplingly weak to fire. In its current state it's uniquely useless, even for roleplayers. At least The Shadow's invisibility is a power so you don't have to build for it or use enchanted trinkets.

  50. 2 years ago

    The worst thing about the game imo is certain egregious examples of lack of world reactivity. The best example is the complete inability of the main quest to respond to the player being Patriarch of the Temple.

    • 2 years ago

      In OpenMW Lua we trust.

      • 2 years ago

        Is there a mod which fixes that? Gimme gimme.

        • 2 years ago

          Not yet.

  51. 2 years ago

    Hey, /vrpg/. A question. Can't think of where else I would ask. I love the Dreugh armor in this game; unfortunately, the back of a High Elf's head will peek through the back of the mesh. Could somebody tell me how I could make my own plugin fixing this issue (ever so slightly elongating the model of the helmet, whatever I would need to do) or direct me to a mod which already addresses the problem? I'm not interested in replacing the vanilla heads, though, unless they are simple "vanilla+."

    • 2 years ago

      I know the steps involved, but I don't know how to edit nifs
      >extract helmet model
      >modify it in a modelling tool
      >either put it back into your morrowind folder with the correct path (asset replacement) or make a plugin that changes the dreugh helmet's model to your new model ("real" mod)

    • 2 years ago
      Here you go, you have 7 days until it disappears. The file goes in datameshesa

  52. 2 years ago

    The biggest problem for me is that there isn't even a single NPC who actually feels like a person. Random shopkeepers in Skyrim have more personality and individuality than faction leaders in Morrowind.

  53. 2 years ago

    Oblivionbaby here. First time playing Morrowind, am I ruining my experience?

    • 2 years ago

      Prepare to get filtered.

  54. 2 years ago
  55. 2 years ago

    Someone post the azura body pillow again

  56. 2 years ago

    I always thought the Wikipedia style Dialogue made sense, it would just need a little more fluff.

    >hey, you know any [rumours] around town?
    <yee my nwah, that [Hlaalu Noble] got killed last week
    >*clicking on Hlaalu Noble*
    >Who was that noble exactly and why do you think he was killed?
    <(more exposition from the NPC)

    It's basically not different from having a list of responses, only that you usually refer to what the NPC said before, just like a real dialogue.
    I always filled the gaps myself, just as I did with the missing combat animations for dodges and parries.

    • 2 years ago

      those are minor issues few people who actually play the game take serious issue with. The real issue is that there are almost no dialogue options and absolutely no variety in the combat. 90% of quests have 1 solution, at least half of dungeons have nothing of value, there are way too many dungeons and way too many items that are just straight up outclassed by better items. Its a fun game I spent probably 300 or so hrs in morrowind total but it just doesnt have anything drawin me back in at this point, the replayability is pretty low and theres practically no gameplay variety. The only real gameplay is the unbelievably shallow combat system which is only really satisfying because you see the progression from unbelievably weak to unbelievably strong but many other titles have done this progression with a much stronger set of combat gameplay underneath and have thus succeeded at providing an engaging experience far better than morrowind. Morrowind is far surpassed by Gothic in terms of combat, you have to actually do something in gothic other than just click and hold left mouse button.

      • 2 years ago

        >the replayability is low
        >after 300 hours
        I think a game is allowed to have low replayability if it's apparently 300 hours long. I don't think I have that amount of time in every Hitman game combined but I'd call those games very replayable.
        >Morrowind is far surpassed by Gothic in terms of combat
        No, it really isn't. Gothic combat seems complex at first glance but it's just as shallow yet 10x more clunky. Sure, there's a dodge button, and there may be 1 in 100 combat encounters where you do something other than stun lock your enemy to death, but it's a terrible combat system all the same.

        • 2 years ago

          300 hrs is nothing for a gameworld of that size

          • 2 years ago

            Even just 300 hrs is extremely good value for a game of that price, and that's just the people who think it has low replayability.

  57. 2 years ago

    There should've been an animation for when you miss. In fact I'm still waiting for a mod that does that.
    And how sneaking/theiving and related content are pretty bad in Morrowind

    • 2 years ago

      >And how sneaking/theiving and related content are pretty bad in Morrowind
      It's strange because you can "fix" sneak and pickpocketing by editing GMSTs. If you don't know what GMSTs are, basically they're just single numbers that the game uses in various formulas, like how much stamina you have affecting your chance to hit, so 0.75 at no stamina and 1.25 at max. Just by plugging in other numbers you can fix sneak/pickpocket, testing can be done in a single day so it would've LITERALLY taken them a single day for 1 person to enter decent numbers into the related GMSTs and they would've been fixed.

  58. 2 years ago

    Does anyone know where I can download version 1.0 original release of morrowind not Goty

  59. 2 years ago

    >nude npcs at inns
    >character models that allow for more sex appeal
    >more music tracks for different areas
    >better animations and more animations
    >more quest interactions with more than two choices and outcomes
    >some kind of interesting content for powerful characters
    >remove the creeper and mubcrap vendors
    >implement the dlc properly
    >an option to toggle off the minimap
    >follower system and larger-scale battles

  60. 2 years ago

    Reddit game.

  61. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I wonder how many people this really describes. I first played the game as a kid on the XBox, and it would be dishonest to say that has no connection to my love for the game (and for its soundtrack in particular).

      • 2 years ago

        I started with Morrowind too back when it was new. It's not like the game was ever obscure.

  62. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      IQ diff. Skill issue.

    • 2 years ago

      >literally states in the description it's a joke
      >zoomers still scream in fear in the comments
      Good. They wouldn't even understand the game even if it had the best combat mechanics of all time.

    • 2 years ago

      Brainlets cope
      It's literally just using a weapon your character is proficent with, having stamina, and a decent agility.
      Learn the mechanics of the game.

      • 2 years ago

        Why do morrowgays always post webms like this as if this is supposed to btfo anyone? You are showing literally this same thing, gameplay sucks, game plays itself on it's own. It's spamming one attack. It's braindead easy and braindead boring.

        • 2 years ago

          Have you tried roleplaying?

          • 2 years ago

            He probably thinks roleplaying comes down to choosing from 3 options once every often so in the end you could get a special cinematic and the illusion of "free will".

          • 2 years ago

            What does the role-playing have to do with melee combat being overly simplistic garbage?

            He probably thinks roleplaying comes down to choosing from 3 options once every often so in the end you could get a special cinematic and the illusion of "free will".

            Nice projection, but I don't care about storyhomosexualry and cyoashit at all

            midwit take
            you could reduce any first person rpg with dice roll combat such as UUW or lands of lore to this description and it would undersell all of those games

            Other games having shit melee combat doesn't excuse Morrowind being bad in this regard as well

            • 2 years ago

              You conflated melee combat with gameplay itself, as if the engine of fun in the game is supposed to be left-clicking to killing smugglers and not dynamic narrative creation. Melee combat is just one particular expression or function of my character's attributes and skills, a visually and mechanically (note that by this I mean mechanics of direct player control, not statistical depth) simple representation of the battle taking place as part of the character's story in my imagination. A miss and swoosh? In my imagination, my low level character stumbles over a rock, or the enemy dextrously sidesteps, or the like. The mechanical complexity of modern games in my experience only serves to place limitations on the imagination and make the experience worse overall by substituting some predefined set of character actions and animations for the absolute liberty of conception that is possible in the mind's eye.

              • 2 years ago

                >dynamic narrative creation
                meaningless word soup and imagination doesnt fix braindead 1 button press gameplay

              • 2 years ago

                Definitely not meaningless word soup. Creating your character's story in reaction to the game world is the entire point of a WRPG.

                Do you also prefer to imagine that games have good story, dialogues, graphics, music, gameplay etc? What's the point of playing video game at all when you are imagining everything.

                I definitely do imagine the dialogue and visuals differently in my mind. As for music, I have a custom soundtrack installed, but when I think back on big character moments I imagine different pieces of background music, yeah. Story goes without saying, the entire story of your character is an acy of imagination. The game is just a virtual dungeon master. Video games are very convenient, being pick up and play and solo-oriented.

              • 2 years ago

                Do you also prefer to imagine that games have good story, dialogues, graphics, music, gameplay etc? What's the point of playing video game at all when you are imagining everything.

              • 2 years ago

                What do you think people did when they were playing Atari, NES, SNES? Polygonal graphics shouldn't change anything. Still just representation.

              • 2 years ago

                I love morrowind but that is a legitimately schizo take. It's a video game, not a text based game. The animations are fricking terrible and the combat could be kept the same if there were dodging animations and hit animations included to make it look and feel better. It's the one crucial thing that morrowind needs to improve on: good animations that fit with the mechanics. It's probably too big of a project for a modder, but it's the holy grail, in my opinion. For world building and quests there's already the tamriel rebuilt project.

              • 2 years ago

                Do you really imagine Vvardenfell or its cities being so small and bare? No, the graphics are just representations of an idea. No different in principle from a text-based game. I imagine my clueless, green character walking into the hustling and bustling Hlaalu seat of Balmora and being awestruck by the merchant activity of the commercial district, eyed funny by natives for being an outlander, wandering into the poor part of town and seeing suspicious figures all over the place, some huddled around the South Wall... etc, etc

              • 2 years ago


                I love morrowind but that is a legitimately schizo take. It's a video game, not a text based game. The animations are fricking terrible and the combat could be kept the same if there were dodging animations and hit animations included to make it look and feel better. It's the one crucial thing that morrowind needs to improve on: good animations that fit with the mechanics. It's probably too big of a project for a modder, but it's the holy grail, in my opinion. For world building and quests there's already the tamriel rebuilt project.

                I don't mind the lack of animations I mind the total lack of gameplay, if I'm pressing 1 button 100% of the time for what constitutes 50% of my playtime something got fricked up big time.

                Definitely not meaningless word soup. Creating your character's story in reaction to the game world is the entire point of a WRPG.
                I definitely do imagine the dialogue and visuals differently in my mind. As for music, I have a custom soundtrack installed, but when I think back on big character moments I imagine different pieces of background music, yeah. Story goes without saying, the entire story of your character is an acy of imagination. The game is just a virtual dungeon master. Video games are very convenient, being pick up and play and solo-oriented.

                >Creating your character's story in reaction to the game world is the entire point of a WRPG.

                Just more schizo shit. I play the fricking game as it is, I'm not some crazy troony tryin to pretend its anything more than a frickin game.

              • 2 years ago

                >le schizo
                >le troony
                >mindless button pressing and task completion
                Why do you choose to be like this? Keep a journal for your character. Draw maps of dungeons and cities and art of your character at key moments. Compose a song, write a poem. Create a plugin. Be an actual agent and not a passive consumer. Why do you even play RPGs if you find the idea of creating a narrative for your character "schizophrenic"?

              • 2 years ago

                >Go make your own soundtrack,write your own story,make your own combat system plugin.

              • 2 years ago

                Because it's fun you fricking mongoloid. Because it's a rich and personally beneficial experience. Create something. For God's sake, you're a human being. Are you really hunched over the computer for hours engaged in a completely uncreative process of mindless button pressing and task completion?

              • 2 years ago


                seek help, touch grass

              • 2 years ago

                You are a lower order animal.

              • 2 years ago

                you're not creative because you're a schizo troony who puts way too much thought into a childrens video game, you're not unique or special, you're mentally ill. A person thats truly creative wouldn't have to cope by latching onto someone elses work. Seek help, touch grass. ywnbaw

              • 2 years ago

                Nobody says you can't enjoy non-rpgs, our pointt is that the fun part of rpgs is creating your own story, and if you don't like that, then rpgs are just not your thing and you should get the frick out of this board.
                You are mentally ill btw.

              • 2 years ago

                >Are you really hunched over the computer for hours engaged in a completely uncreative process of mindless button pressing
                No, i dont play morrowind.
                Anyways whos going to pay me for all this music making,lore writing,animation making and coding work?

              • 2 years ago

                he thinks hes creative because he can do all this derivative work, lmao

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >B-but go fill the holes in the story,visuals and gameplay with muh imagination!
                If i wanted to do that i would go listen to a audio book.

              • 2 years ago

                You are an NPC. Also,
                Learn to read.

            • 2 years ago

              >what does choosing a weapon type and combat style has to do with roleplaying
              >what does improving skills and choosing how to engage in combat have to do with roleplaying

              >dynamic narrative creation
              meaningless word soup and imagination doesnt fix braindead 1 button press gameplay

              It's not imagination, it's literally emergent narrative

        • 2 years ago

          midwit take
          you could reduce any first person rpg with dice roll combat such as UUW or lands of lore to this description and it would undersell all of those games

        • 2 years ago

          If it's so fricking easy then why do most anti-morrowind gays keep complaining they miss when they hit the mudcrab?

  63. 2 years ago

    Bethesda is poop. That's all the actual, constructive criticism you would ever need.

  64. 2 years ago

    Any news on the TR update?

    • 2 years ago

      Romania will be added.

      • 2 years ago

        Cool. Can't wait to kill some gypsies and homosexuals.

        • 2 years ago

          Hrisskar will be a new combat companion.

    • 2 years ago

      Toil in the quest mines for the next update will probably continue for months
      The following 5+ years of releases are also in various stages of completion

  65. 2 years ago

    The game looks like shit. It looked like shit when it was brand new.

    It's shallow, but true!

    • 2 years ago

      It had good graphics when it was new and it looks better than Oblivion today.

      • 2 years ago

        Project Gotham Racing released 1 year before Morrowind and came out on the same console.(the original Xbox)
        Morrowind looked like dogshit even for its time.

        • 2 years ago

          Halo 1 also released 1 year before morrowind.

          • 2 years ago

            Metal Gear Solid 2 from 2001

            • 2 years ago

              Halo 1 also released 1 year before morrowind.

              Project Gotham Racing released 1 year before Morrowind and came out on the same console.(the original Xbox)
              Morrowind looked like dogshit even for its time.

              >Bad visuals(even for its time)
              This is bullshit.

              • 2 years ago

                >low-poly and/or low-draw-distance images vs vast open world RPG

              • 2 years ago

                you can't explain this to a moronic kid with a hateboner for morrowind, they can't comprehend the difference between a game with standard bsp levels to morrowind's cell system

              • 2 years ago

                >low-poly and/or low-draw-distance images vs vast open world RPG

                Kind of sad how you need to reply to yourself giving yourself some fake encouragement.

              • 2 years ago

                >he doesn't know how to detect samegays
                Embarrassing. You have to go back.

              • 2 years ago

                The quality of the newbies worsens every year.

              • 2 years ago

                >morrowind for xbox
                >vast render distance
                Are you sure you played morrowind?

              • 2 years ago

                LOL, who the frick cares about your underpowered gamebox. Morrowind was developed for the PC master race.

        • 2 years ago

          And that's a racing game, not a seamless open world where you can levitate and teleport on demand. The competition for Morrowind looked like this.

  66. 2 years ago

    The only critique I'd have is that the progression is badly paced and you're very likely to have a maxed out character way before you're even remotely close to finishing the game, which ends up being very boring very quickly.

    Vivec is a nightmare if you're not flying

    The "barren lands" biome from the volcano is too big. I can't stand seeing it so much for so long, frick the birds too

    • 2 years ago

      your character will only be maxed out if you metagame the attribute multipliers which is entirely on you
      also vivec is easy to navigate even without levitation

      • 2 years ago

        No. I pick a orc warrior, I use my starting axe, I'll max that axe skill within a few hours of playing normally. At which point I have pretty much already peaked in power and will only progress in secondary meme skills, the only alternative being to switch weapon type on purpose to artificially recover some sense of progress.

    • 2 years ago
      Just a couple GMST edits to solve the leveling issues.

  67. 2 years ago

    Bad visuals(even for its time)
    Boring combat consisting of pressing 1 button while roughly looking in the direction of your enemy.
    Cookie clicker unironicly has a more intresting combat system because sometimes you need to move your mouse onto a smaller golden cookie to get a buff.
    Boring unnecesairly padded out dialogue just to waste your time.
    Boring story.
    Boring mmo tier quests "bring me 5 mushrooms","go talk to x" etc.
    Unless you min max your charcter araund movement speed and find some magic boots you will walk at a complete snail pace which not only wastes your time for no reason but also stops you from running away from fights you cant win/dont want to waste your time on because every enemy in the game moves 10x faster than you.
    Sprinting consumes stamina but you still walk slower than enemies so its a pointless feature thats useless for both fleeing enemies and walking araund the world faster.
    Its really easy to get overpowered.

    • 2 years ago

      this thread is for constructive criticism, not autistic bait. go back to Ganker

    • 2 years ago

      Calling morrowind quests mmo tier is a insult to OSRS just say wow tier or something not all mmos are as bad as morroshit.

    • 2 years ago

      >Bad visuals(even for its time)
      This is bullshit.

  68. 2 years ago

    Not being able to hire a guard from the Fighters/Mages guild for your own protection seems like an oversight. Or maybe they thought no one would do it cause of the shit AI. But hiring a guard or two as a Hlaalu member or something makes a lot of sense. Just have it be a reputation check so you can't hire one at level 1

    • 2 years ago

      Use command humanoid and you can rally Balmora Black folk to Dagoth Ur.

      • 2 years ago

        Sure but you can't tell them to carry shit and you have to keep casting it. The mercenary from Mournhold was a almost what I wanted but you can't fricking take him back to Vvardenfell and he dies in seconds to the insane goblins in the sewer

        • 2 years ago

          I agree.

        • 2 years ago

          you could try keeping NPC that "Follow" you during quests (Never finish their quests) and also buy those slaves from the market

    • 2 years ago

      >Not being able to hire a guard from the Fighters/Mages guild for your own protection seems like an oversight
      Getting to the top of any faction should enable you to command faction members. When it comes to combat, it would be interesting to have a fear vs disposition check. I've always disliked getting to the top and then it's just over with minimal continuing perks. Hlaalu operates like the mob, why am I not getting cuts from everyone's business? Why can't I order hits on people? Why can't I request thieves to find and steal an item for me when I run the thieves guild? Maybe even have thieves fail based on item value or something so you have to use higher caliber ones for some things. Then, it follows that if you can command faction members, you could train them too. What if your highest trained members get too high leveled and challenge you?
      That's where the static-ness of NPCs shine through. Merchants and Trainers are essentially the only NPCs that remain useful within standard play. Factions themselves burn out their relevance with quest line completion when they could be a resource for the rest of your game

      • 2 years ago

        >Factions themselves burn out their relevance with quest line completion when they could be a resource for the rest of your game
        Mage guild teleport NPC are always useful, or those who sell stuff you cant be bothered to get elsewhere, just my opinion

        • 2 years ago

          >Mage guild teleport NPC are always useful, or those who sell stuff you cant be bothered to get elsewhere, just my opinion
          Sure, but those hardly reflect leading an organization, maybe some rank checks on merchants.
          It would be interesting if the game let you use your reputation, money, or station in a faction to have a quasi party-based rpg if that's how you wanted to play it. Something like that would open up the game more to less combat oriented builds

      • 2 years ago

        I think a bunch of those features are in Antares' big mod. A classic.

  69. 2 years ago

    >what people who enjoyed it would criticize/change
    The most important criticism I have, by far, is shield spells. Fricking christ I don't wanna go through the game wrapped ina fricking bubble because I wanna have a constant effect shield/elemental shield enchantment effect.
    I'd also want to see one of those mods that make levelling seamless integrated into the game proper.
    You can keep levels as a hidden (or not, I liked the messages a lot) attribute for levelled lists, just fricking do away with the pick your three stats to raise after going to sleep bullshit, since it's so gamey it ruins immersion.
    Also I'd want more dialogue based on faction/location/class. There's a bit, but it's not enough.
    More quests unrelated to factions would be good too. Some settlements are basically house exclusive in regards to content.

  70. 2 years ago

    I feel generally a lot of concepts are under developed. In particular the end of the vanilla game, by the time you complete a guild quest line or two you're instantly overpowered to handle the main quest. I'd have much preferred a battle for red mountain, perhaps more of a slog and a dungeon crawl to get to dagoth, at my level I breezed through the entire dungeon and encounter, the boss fight was fun bust also fairly trivial.

    Very possible a symptom of the circumstances under which morrowind was developed really.

    I'd also prefer more opportunities for roleplaying in dialogue but that's a small issue, really the player is probably meant to fill in the gaps of what their character said

    • 2 years ago

      The game was definitely not released in a polished or even totally finished state. The ambition of the concept art and design documents really makes you yearn for the game that wasn't fated to be. OpenMW will hopefully make it possible to play something like it.

      • 2 years ago

        it's their most polished game to date, this is a bunch of drivel because concept art never matches real ingame art 100%

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