Mortal Kombat Secrets

now that the dust has settled I think this was an extremely cheap and stupid secret character
>muh color swap
>same moves as other ninjas
>says Scorpion on his life bar
why did they put zero effort into this, and why did everyone myself included back then think it was so crazy?

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  1. 11 months ago

    i like how jade didnt even have a name on her lifebar in mk2 yet noob and smoke did

  2. 11 months ago

    first ever secret character in a fighting game
    any other moronic questions?

    • 11 months ago

      yeah we all know the story, but it’s still cheap and dumb. do you remember the first time you fought him? going through all the horseshit to do it, especially at an arcade, just to fight le scorpion and subzero COMBINED but his name still says scorpion…the bottom of the pit stage was cooler than this character was

      • 11 months ago

        Nowadays it does sounds lame, but back then nobody even knew how to get him, there were so many myths and urban legends about secret stuff in MK.
        And when you finally saw someone actually unlock him it was mindblowing, a whole secret character that isn't in the roster or the enemy screen. And you fought him in the Pit, which normally you couldn't see much AND he was so strong and scary.
        It was one of those things were everyone crowded around the cabinet back in '92

        • 11 months ago

          yes I remember that’s not really the point of this thread I said the character itself was cheaply done see

          >why did they put zero effort into this
          Ed Boon literally thought up the idea for Reptile while waiting in the drive-thru line at KFC. He had a couple spare bytes left and threw Reptile together in secret in a couple minutes just to fill that little bit of space he had left and didn't tell anyone else on the team and let them find out when rumors started spreading in the arcades. Reptile was just a fun bonus because of the small amount of time and space remaining before release, he was never meant to be a fully fleshed out character in MK1.

          you can admit that in retrospect 30 years later it’s kinda lame, it’s ok

          • 11 months ago

            >I think it's lame therefore you have to
            Adding extras to a game just because you can is cool. It doesn't matter if it's similar to the other characters or not. It's supposed to add extra fun and you're making it sour for yourself decades later for no obvious reason.
            >actually in retrospect I didn't like it after all and I want to make other people feel the same way
            Why even do that.

  3. 11 months ago

    Reptile also moved twice as fast on the ground as any other character. He could approach and back away at the speed Shang Tsung could only use to back away.

    • 11 months ago

      why was MK1 Shang not in Trilogy

      • 11 months ago

        It would require a lot of work to make him feel like an actual character and they didn't want to do that work. He has almost no frames and moves around the screen in a manner that is silly even for MK.

        • 11 months ago

          >they didn't want to do that work
          reoccurrence post-MK2

      • 11 months ago

        It would require a lot of work to make him feel like an actual character and they didn't want to do that work. He has almost no frames and moves around the screen in a manner that is silly even for MK.

        >they didn't want to do that work
        reoccurrence post-MK2

        MK1! Shang Tsung was also played Ho-Sung Pak, same actor as Liu Kang in MK1 and 2, who was one of the actors who quit Midway after MK2 over royalty disputes. It's the same reason why MK1!Kano and MK1!Rayden are the only MK1 characters featured in MK Trilogy, since those are the only ones who didn't change actors between games.

  4. 11 months ago

    Reptile is not impressive in his first appearance, in retrospect. The cool thing wasn't "wow this guy is the coolest lizardman of the future incarnations once he's developed but isn't yet", it was "wow this is a secret fight". It was just something extra in the game, not something anyone thought would actually matter, I'm sure

  5. 11 months ago

    Better than no secret.

  6. 11 months ago

    He's made up of content that was already in the game. So he's a "free" secret character without needing to use extra ROM space.
    They did this again in MKII with Smoke, Jade, and Noob Saibot.

    • 11 months ago

      and it was just as tacky and cut-rate if not even more

      • 11 months ago

        I think it was tacky that they didn't let you play as those characters. Not even in the home ports.
        And the ability is there to play as them if you have a game genie to unlock it.

  7. 11 months ago

    I guess it was so stupid that they copied it for Akuma

  8. 11 months ago

    just shut up child
    you weren’t around, stop asking stupid shit.
    you could figure out just by trying to empathize with the people at the time.
    stupid fricking homosexual

    • 11 months ago

      Nowadays it does sounds lame, but back then nobody even knew how to get him, there were so many myths and urban legends about secret stuff in MK.
      And when you finally saw someone actually unlock him it was mindblowing, a whole secret character that isn't in the roster or the enemy screen. And you fought him in the Pit, which normally you couldn't see much AND he was so strong and scary.
      It was one of those things were everyone crowded around the cabinet back in '92

  9. 11 months ago

    >why did they put zero effort into this
    Ed Boon literally thought up the idea for Reptile while waiting in the drive-thru line at KFC. He had a couple spare bytes left and threw Reptile together in secret in a couple minutes just to fill that little bit of space he had left and didn't tell anyone else on the team and let them find out when rumors started spreading in the arcades. Reptile was just a fun bonus because of the small amount of time and space remaining before release, he was never meant to be a fully fleshed out character in MK1.

  10. 11 months ago

    Allowing sixth gen was a mistake.

  11. 11 months ago

    >why did they put zero effort into this, and why did everyone myself included back then think it was so crazy?
    Cause rule-of-cool mysterious 3rd ninja randomly dissing you every few fights.
    Also got best theme and fight in movie:

  12. 11 months ago

    Op sounds like a street fighter gayg

  13. 11 months ago

    So Reptile is Mew. Late programmed secret addition.

    • 11 months ago

      No. Mew is like reptile. Kys.

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          Shalom homosexual

  14. 11 months ago

    >now that the dust has settled

  15. 11 months ago

    Oh yeah, cause Akuma was some high effort shit.

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