
>Destroys evil
>Not good enough

What a prick, I would have gone traitor too

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  1. 4 months ago

    >gets btfo by evil stepdad
    >works for him
    >needs real dad to help
    >hates magic so dang much I'll become magic, that'll show them!
    >lets actual alien tainted second in command ruin everything
    Perty and Russ are the only ones who're even close to being this much of a frickup.

  2. 4 months ago

    Morty out of all the traitor primarchs was probably the biggest moron, which is an accomplishment considering one of them is a lobotomized raging moron

    • 4 months ago

      I'm not sure about giving him that title. Siege moron is pretty bad too

      • 4 months ago

        while pert was also a raging moron, at least he knew what he was actually getting into, Morty on the other hand was such a moron his fall came because his second in command pretty much told him nothing wrong would happen if they took an unguided jump in the warp, which was after him seeing what type of shit really exists in there

    • 4 months ago

      Angron just got fricked over a lot but wasn't that stupid. He became chaos because Korn gave him the purpose he was seeking in his life as a guy who was always pissed off.

  3. 4 months ago

    One of the most dangerously stupid and hypocritical primarchs. He truly deserved his fate.

  4. 4 months ago

    ...why does that marine have saggy tit armor?

    • 4 months ago

      He was nobodies favourite

  5. 4 months ago

    >bad guys are supposed to have tragically fallen to chaos.
    >they actually all fall because they are just moronic.
    This setting is a joke and anyone who takes it seriously needs to go outside.

    • 4 months ago

      Angron's tragic. Fulgrim and Horus *were* tragic, now they're mind controlled lol

      • 4 months ago

        >angron is tragic.
        Yah nah. He's a full on rage tard.

    • 4 months ago

      Fleshing out the Horus Heresy was the biggest mistake GW has ever made, rivaled only by killing WHFB and introducing primaris

    • 4 months ago

      They're just barely more than saturday morning cartoon bad guys, just look at their fricking names, but the writers are doing a good job in giving them some backstory that's (sometimes) fun and/or interesting
      Then again, only zoomers and secondaries can take them so seriously to do hours and hours of lore videos.
      >guy called mortarion
      >from a planet with space necromancy
      >uses a scythe
      >his soldiers are called death guard
      I remember being so amused at how corny this stuff was already back in 1995 when I was 14. Good times

      • 4 months ago

        The goofiness of it doesn't change the fact that
        >became evil because he went on a road trip and forgot to put his radiator cap back on
        Is kinda fricking stupid.

        • 4 months ago

          >busted engine
          >massive repair bill
          >he is now a bad guy

      • 4 months ago

        The Reaper of Men was so close to being an incredible good guy. He did save his people and was a teacher of strength and endurance. On one of his crusades he encountered a hive world run by overlord humans. These slaves didn't even have names and were pumped full of chemical wienertails. It reminded him of the overlords on his world, only these lords were human like them. Somehow that made it worse.

        He had done in a day what would have taken years. He marched an unstoppable force of death into the heart of the overlords stronghold. Annihilating all upholders of this slavery, their judgement was death. Broadcasting the overlords execution live and declaring the people free and to hunt down all the overlords. He had destroyed evil, he had freed the people by killing their oppressors, but the other primarchs couldn't see it that way. We can't replace one tyranny with another, we can't just be the scythe that reaps the grain, we have to plant the seeds too.

        Yes, he had destroyed evil, but what had he built...

    • 4 months ago

      Yes, much like Lovecraft, Warhammer is all WORDSWORDSWORDS to cover up a really silly setting.

      Now, are we going to hyperstition ourself into space fascists? That's what we should be asking ourselves.

      • 4 months ago

        Going to?

      • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        Warhammer always was tongue-in-cheek about things while also being like a heavy metal song. It is cool to the 13-year-old, and the 13-year-old lives in you. That was never hidden, even though more and more people take it deathly seriously for some reason. Lovecraft is not a setting, and that is just how he wrote because he LARP'D being old. He's not for everyone, but its not the same thing.

  6. 4 months ago

    Why do I like Mortarion?

    • 4 months ago

      he hated the witch, loved his sons, believed in himself, and failed completely to reconcile his own problems with his self-supposed strength. he was weak and would never accept it, choosing instead to bear the weight of self isolation and self-imposed misery, judging that his virtue and himself righteous. he has moments of clarity where he sees how bad things really are but he himself has become so lost down a path he truly detests that he can never return, falling back into his wallowing worse each time. his entire relationship with the khan and his refusal to process typhon
      a character of weakness, of being caught in cycles you refuse to ever get help in escaping, of letting those around you down when in matters.
      you like him because he sounds familiar right, anon?

  7. 4 months ago

    Lorgar, Perturabo, Magnus, Angron, and Curze were justified in their rebellions

    • 4 months ago

      Perturabo is justified because he's a dick

    • 4 months ago

      Magnus self-sabotaged hard in a way that screamed:
      >how do we make magnus at fault for russ wrecking prospero.

      • 4 months ago

        Magnus was corrupted causing his decisions to become more suggestible to malign influence. He couldn't be told to do something directly by immaterial forces so they had to get him drunk on warp. Then, they started egging him on telling him he's the greatest and all that, never saying "go blow up the wards" but steering him towards it with inevitable decisions he would have to make, influenced by the immaterial entities.

  8. 4 months ago

    Not a loregay, didn't he just get super aids from an unprotected warp jump or something?

  9. 4 months ago

    How come Corax is given the freedom and assistance to wage war on his home planet but not Mortarion or Angron?

    • 4 months ago

      emps did offer mortarion assistance, he just said no because he didn't want to look weak, as for angron it was some autism over the fact the rulers already agreed to join

      • 4 months ago

        >as for angron it was some autism over the fact the rulers already agreed to join
        That's the most moron part. He should've immediately executed them anyway for what they did to one of his primarchs. Ruining one of his creations like that is too great a crime to forgive.

    • 4 months ago

      >Tall, Dark, Hansom, Mysterious
      >Sallow, Asthmatic, Failure, Smelly
      >Tantrums, Looser, Loud, kinda dumb
      Parents have favourites but its usually for good reason.

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