Most competent?

I always had the feeling the UNSC really knew what it was doing and constantly outsmarted/outfought the Covenant and just were at an unfair technological disadvantage.

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  1. 9 months ago

    >/tg/ faction
    Holy shit you're moronic.

    • 9 months ago

      fpbp and /thread

      • 9 months ago

        >/tg/ faction
        Holy shit you're moronic.

        • 9 months ago

          Post your models for Halo Fleet Battles.

        • 9 months ago

          >halo has a ttrpg
          >this makes it a traditional game
          darkest dungeon is a traditional game now.
          deep rock galactic? yeah that's a traditional game.

          • 9 months ago

            If a product has a /tg/ it’s /tg/, sorry

            • 9 months ago

              brb making the 'my little pony' general like that won't fall off the board and die in a matter of minutes.

            • 9 months ago

              Post your game models for halo.

            • 9 months ago

              Then make a Halo Fleet Battles thread you fricking mong

  2. 9 months ago

    Halo has a tabletop game, but the first and last session I saw had a guy insisting he'd right to unsc high command if anyone so much suggested he took of his armor like some fricking karen, and another who had no issue insisting his character was canonically stronger and more lethal than master chief.

    • 9 months ago

      >and another who had no issue insisting his character was canonically stronger and more lethal than master chief.
      To be fair, there were plenty of spartans stronger or more lethal than Chief (Sam was way bigger and stronger than him, Linda faster, etc). Chief was pretty much the middle of the spartan bell curve, but as a generalist he was more able to adapt to everything thrown at him, which is why he was so damn effective. Well, that and his "luck"

  3. 9 months ago

    Tau Empire?

  4. 9 months ago

    Gotta be the Camarilla, right? I mean this could apply to a number of WoD splats but, just looking at Vampire, the Camarilla basically rule the western world and have ruled it since before recorded history, entirely in secret. They're like Illuminati++++. They've had their own, entirely internal clusterfricks throughout history, but only very recently has shit gone sideways in such a way that actually challenges their ownership of an entire hemisphere of the earth, and that wasn't even humans, it was just more vampires, and even with a civil war going on, with one of the factions literally not caring about the Masquerade, the Camarilla have still managed to keep it intact by policing both sides of the conflict. Reading their stuff often makes them look like a bunch of paranoid power-hungry reckless morons but considering their actual accomplishments and how long they've hung onto them they're ridiculously hyper-competent.

    • 9 months ago

      Agreed. Them managing a global secret when cainites are panicky spazzes is impressive.

  5. 9 months ago

    The UNSC didn't know what they were doing but they were already fighting a civil war prior to the covenant war and could quickly pivot to an interspecies war, especially as most of the rebels (innies: insurrectionists) decided it was better to fight with the UNSC than get exterminated.
    The innies used mining nukes put inside ships that were piloted by dumb AIs as atomic fireships to zip through slipspace and blow up UNSC dockyards, so the UNSC already had experience of fighting surprise assaults, AI, and knew the importance of keeping strategic locations secret.
    The covenant entered into the war completely blind and massively underestimated the UNSC, who already had experience in similar technologies and operations (FTL, scorched earth attacks, AI, etc) from fighting the innies, so they quickly forced the covenant military to a war of attrition.
    However the covenant never sent in any more than a minority of their military. As a caste-based military theocracy, the covenant were dependant on their military for home rule, so they could never adequately provide enough resources to fight humanity without losing control of their own people. As such the covenant military fighting the UNSC was chronically undersupplied and understaffed, and because covenant tech was based on forerunner tech, which humans could intuitively understand and use (because in Bungie era humans WERE forerunners) the UNSC quickly reverse-engineered and closed the technological gap.
    Bungie-era Halo is an interesting setting because it focuses far more on what the covies were doing wrong as a civilisation and why that lost them the war, rather than the classic "humanity, frick yeah"

    • 9 months ago

      >we won because our opponents were stupid
      It makes sense why Halo appeals to a certain type of person

    • 9 months ago

      >the covenant never sent in any more than a minority of their military.
      Question, was this established before or after the OG trilogy concluded?

      Because while it absolutely makes sense that the Covenant would be even more vast and numerous than what we see in the game considering how ancient they are and how big space is, I still really HATE how it makes humanity/the UNSC seem even weaker than they already were, and I feel it also kinda minimizes some of the sacrifices certain characters performed. Like; "Hey Spartans, remember all those Covie ships your friends gave their lives to destroy? Well turns out the filthy xenos barely even registered their lose because the guys we've been fighting for the past 20 years are basically their scrub soldiers."

      • 9 months ago

        This is headcanon fanwank bullshit. In the original trilogy High Charity and the prophets get up close and personal with the human war. There is absolutely no doubt that the Covenant are completely all in on both Halos and the Arch.

      • 9 months ago

        >Question, was this established before or after the OG trilogy concluded?
        during halo 2 ripa moramee (the elite with half his jaw missing) complains about the prophets lack of support during a cutscene, the full established was in books that came out parallel to halo 3.
        >Well turns out the filthy xenos barely even registered their lose because the guys we've been fighting for the past 20 years are basically their scrub soldiers."
        the UNSC only ever used Spartans when there was value, as there wasn't more than 1,500 Spartans including project Orion veterans (including Johnson), Spartan-2s like the chief, and Spartan-3s, as well as parallel Spartan projects like Kurt's SPIs. At the battle of earth in Halo 2 there was only 4 Spartans (chief, Linda, Jun, and a fourth one I can't remember). as such any battle where Spartans were involved was critical, so they weren't wasted. Spartans were deployed as raiders to smash through the toughest parts of the enemy, wreck everything critical, and then withdraw to another battle and leave the rest to the marines/army.

    • 9 months ago

      >(because in Bungie era humans WERE forerunners)
      for the record, in 343 era this has only been changed to "forerunners and humans are genetic offshoots of the same precursor-seeded species"

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