>most people on any other platform defending vgc players and agree that genning is fine

>most people on any other platform defending vgc players and agree that genning is fine
>this is the only place that doesn’t

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  1. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      This is legitimately the answer, only autistic people care about honor to such a degree that they will seriously argue with you over having it in a children's video game. Normies are usually okay with lies and cheating so long as it doesn't involve the dumbest meme on earth known as laws.

      • 10 months ago

        Peak Amerimutt post

        • 10 months ago

          Thank you.

        • 10 months ago

          Nice argument.

          • 10 months ago

            No he's right, and I'm proud of it. The best examples of Americans are supposed to value truth and honor and that is factually the autistic community.

          • 10 months ago

            >Nice argument.
            And what would be the point exactly? You're a moron.
            I don't see the point of arguing with someone who believes themselves above the laws, especially when it comes to visiting other countries. Modifying your game is illegal in japan. It's also against the rules. Simple as

            • 10 months ago

              You're attempting to argue with someone that literally agrees with you. bot poster?

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                It's ok Anon, we've all been there back when the catalog didn't exist.

      • 10 months ago

        Are you implying japanese people are autistic?

        • 10 months ago

          They don't have some of the highest autistic rates in the world for nothing.

    • 10 months ago

      100% this
      autistic people LOVE strictly following rules

      • 10 months ago

        I literally got kicked out of a hospital once for telling nurses to follow their own mask rules kek.

        • 10 months ago

          holy shit and I thought the banana republic in which I have to live is a shithole.

          • 10 months ago

            Never move to Oregon, it's awful here.

            • 10 months ago

              I just knew this was Am*rica, the place where rules only ever exist for other people (as seen by the VGC drama), including basic hygiene rules in a hospital of all places.
              Okay, my 2nd guess would have been India lmao

              • 10 months ago

                The worst part is that we were one of the last states even enforcing these rules at all. Pretty much everyone knew it was bullshit by then and was tired of it, but you had to have one on just to be allowed to enter the maternity ward. And once you're in there suddenly it's harassment and assault if you calmly ask the nurses to wear theirs.

              • 10 months ago

                there is a reason why they were called medical masks and that's not even covid. i wouldn't want some overworked, sweaty nurse to handle blood samples, medication etc. without any sanitation. you know, one of the main reasons why we don't die aged 30 anymore is basic hygiene.

                No just kind of frustrated at how women will always lie to get what they want, one b***hy lady involved security in this and said I was threatening to attack her.

                American women seem to be even worse than regular ones. Must suck to be around them for longer periods of time. At least I just had to stay in America for a shorter time and could enjoy the fact that they seemed to love Europeans. Oh well, I should have worn gloves and a mask around them, I guess...

        • 10 months ago

          I bet your autistic ass is proud of that lol

          • 10 months ago

            No just kind of frustrated at how women will always lie to get what they want, one b***hy lady involved security in this and said I was threatening to attack her.

    • 10 months ago

      Fpbp. Honestly I'm fine with genning shit as long as you do it right and don't name your fricking box pkhex. Swapping around EV's and terra types is annoying as shit when play testing and I'm not going to play babysitter to morons to grind 4 grass terra shards per raid

  2. 10 months ago


  3. 10 months ago

    Because most people here are causals that just collect mons to sit in a box or only play Pokémon to jack off to the 12 year olds in game or shit like delphox. /vp/ is known to be historically shit at competitive Pokémon. Haven’t seen one person with a good elo or master ball rank here despite people think they have a say and this drama.

    • 10 months ago

      redrexy comes to mind. Dude was shitting on smogon and vgc and had a 1082 elo despite playing for over 6 years.

      This board was swept by an NFL player using Honchkrow.

      In /wfg/ an underaged dude named Matthew was beating people left and right with shit like Jolteon and Sandaconda. This place doesn’t play competitive Pokémon so they will never fully understand the situation at play. If they did they would think differently. But they do not.

      • 10 months ago

        >redrexy comes to mind. Dude was shitting on smogon and vgc and had a 1082 elo
        >This board was swept by an NFL player using Honchkrow.
        >underaged dude named Matthew was beating people left and right with shit like Jolteon and Sandaconda.
        newbie here. QRD on all of these?

      • 10 months ago

        Is she cosplaying Lorelei?

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah. She did a "low effort" Mela the first day, Lorelei the second day, and Misty for the Finals. Was pretty neat to see.

    • 10 months ago

      >Haven’t seen one person with a good elo or master ball rank here
      You have seen many, moron. It's an anonymous board.

  4. 10 months ago

    vp is wrong about so many things, it was due to be right about something
    stop cheating

  5. 10 months ago

    Stop cheating.
    Play the game.
    It's like VGC gays appropiate being autists and can't deal with the drawbacks. Moreso, they want a compensation for it. It just sounds dishonest and entitled.

  6. 10 months ago

    There is no pride here, no reason to cater to popular opinion.
    Stop cheating.

  7. 10 months ago

    >twitter tards and youtube """ecelebs""" that hack in children's games agree with me

  8. 10 months ago

    people on non-anonymous social media tend to be slaves to authority figures aka e-celebs
    people on Ganker are mindless contrarians

    they are moronic for not genning correctly thoughbeit, imagine flying halfway across the world and not taking such basic b***h precautions

  9. 10 months ago

    I used to be fine with genning but as some anons have said obtaining legit mons are so easy nowdays that you really don't have an excuse for not cheating anymore. As long as it's not a trick room team, you can catch a mon and make it comp ready in like 30 minutes

    • 10 months ago

      Trick Room made it to finals in Worlds.

      • 10 months ago

        Ursa+Cress trick room made it to top 4. As well.

        • 10 months ago

          3 Cresselia in top 12, 4 in top cut.

    • 10 months ago

      30 minutes? who the hell said that.
      Let's say you want to get a competitive urshifu, a staple these worlds. you need to own swoshi, then the first dlc, then transfer via home to scavio, then:
      >all IVs needed to 31, which requires bottle caps
      >spend all 510 EVs, which requires a lot of money (like 500k if I'm not mistaken)
      >correct nature (more money)
      >level 100
      >specific tera type. this one is a nightmare, you have to complete many tera raids and hope that you drop the shards. and by the way, high level tera raids require specifically built pokemon that need all of this preparation for themselves first
      >moves need to be farmed by killing wild pokemon that you need to drop the things you need to exchange for single use tms
      >ability change is not needed this time, but other pokemon may require a luck drop from raids for hidden ability or the secondary one
      >now that you've done all this, you have ONE pokemon ready to fight
      it's extremely time consuming. by the way, money is farmed by having a competitive level 100 chi yu holding amulet, and spamming the A Button at the school desk to keep doing tournaments that give out 130k per run

      now, let's say you want a competitive Ursaluna. you need to have bought legends arceus, then transfer an already evolved ursaluna there, and HOPE that it has 0 IVs in speed. Otherwise, you need to look for another one. Same goes for cresselia, which also needs to have 0 IVs in Attack too, and I believe others too. after you LUCK OUT, You need to repeat the same process as above.
      it's humanly impossible, everyone cheats in tournaments but /vp/ is too pure and inexperienced to know that even previous world champions (with shinies only teams) cheated.

      • 10 months ago

        >vgcucks when they have to play the games

      • 10 months ago

        stop cheating

        • 10 months ago

          remove IVs

      • 10 months ago

        >all IVs needed to 31, which requires bottle caps
        Two endgame battles give you enough for 10 of them.
        >spend all 510 EVs, which requires a lot of money (like 500k if I'm not mistaken)
        EV training has never been easier thanks to the forced Exp Share, I don't know how you missed that.
        >correct nature (more money)
        >level 100
        Blissey is a raid right now for a reason.
        >specific tera type. this one is a nightmare, you have to complete many tera raids and hope that you drop the shards. and by the way, high level tera raids require specifically built pokemon that need all of this preparation for themselves first
        This is your only real argument and it's really not that bad.
        >moves need to be farmed by killing wild pokemon that you need to drop the things you need to exchange for single use tms
        Play the game.
        >ability change is not needed this time, but other pokemon may require a luck drop from raids for hidden ability or the secondary one
        And you can just buy that.
        >now that you've done all this, you have ONE pokemon ready to fight

      • 10 months ago

        I just do raid bots which give me a shit ton of ability patches so I can sell in game. And raidbots host good tera farm raids.

        • 10 months ago

          I don’t know why people are complaining. Tons of raidbots allow you to skip all the tedious bullshit of the school championship thing. I have over 4 million pokebucks and hundreds of each herba mystica. I also have a shit ton reset IV berries and bottle caps so I can edit Pokémon in game as I please.

          I built a team for a regional I went to in under 30 minutes. Not that hard.

          • 10 months ago

            Why'd you leave out the part of getting your team all of their optimal tera types?

            • 10 months ago

              I explained that there are raidbots that help you farm those.

              • 10 months ago

                >using raidbots
                play the game as intended fricking cheater, do normal raids

        • 10 months ago

          I don’t know why people are complaining. Tons of raidbots allow you to skip all the tedious bullshit of the school championship thing. I have over 4 million pokebucks and hundreds of each herba mystica. I also have a shit ton reset IV berries and bottle caps so I can edit Pokémon in game as I please.

          I built a team for a regional I went to in under 30 minutes. Not that hard.

          >Genning is cheating, and cheating is BAD
          >Why yes, I use bots spamming the same raid over and over in a way that isn't intended by the game
          L M A O

          • 10 months ago

            literally, "cheating is bad for thee, but not for me" fricking hypocrites as usual.

      • 10 months ago

        Whoa..so what you're saying is...we have to play..LE GAME>

      • 10 months ago

        Sir, you can breed your own ursaring with 0 speed, transfer and evolve it to ursaluna in pla then bring it back to sv

        It's not rocket science

        • 10 months ago

          So you are paywalled into giving Nintendo more money just so you can evolve a Pokemon. HOLY BRAIN ROT

          • 10 months ago

            >Thinks you're pay walled out of a pokemon but not pay walled out of a trip to Worlds

          • 10 months ago

            >So you are paywalled into giving Nintendo more money just so you can evolve a Pokemon.
            To collect all the pokemon you need to either be an asocial paypiggy and buy all the games or you can interact with people that play the games you don't own. That's what Pokemon has been since day one.

        • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Can’t you guys just gen up the Pokémon, inject them into SWSH or BDSP, and then proceed to transfer them to SV and not yet disqualified?

        Hell, unless I’m misremembering, wasn’t the whole problem with the original guy who got caught is that he got traded legit mons and then proceeded to alter them anyways? I don’t think this is a sympathetic moment for genners, I think it’s a comedic revelation that there are so many similarly moronic VGC players.

        • 10 months ago

          The likely theory is that the inclusion of mons from PLA and SwSh is what got people caught. Because these Pokemon need to pass through Pokemon Home first to make their way to SV, then genned mons without Home IDs are indisputably fake. There's no shadow of doubt. Considering many of these VGC players went on to admit on social media that they are openly genning mons, I wonder if tournament organizers will actually bar people for breaking the rules or will just quietly let them back in.

      • 10 months ago

        >it's humanly impossible
        Great, that means that if cheating isn't allowed, people will be forced to stick to teams they can reasonably be expected to raise
        competitive pokemon would actually be interesting if people were forced to use their imperfect self-raised team. Instead we see the same perfect IV legendaries and pseudos in every competitive format and it's fricking lame.
        It essentially eliminates an entire element of the game by expecting everyone to play at the absolute highest potential, that you admit is humanely impossible. I want to see what's humanely possible, not some gays all with the same hacked stats using strategies and teams they copied off the internet.

  10. 10 months ago

    /vp/ actually doing good, Only Pokemon gets a pass on cheaters, Other game community's you get BTFO till you quit, Cheat in a Valve game? You get your account marked forever and never able to play on their servers again period.

    • 10 months ago

      There is no way to cheat in competitive Pokemon

  11. 10 months ago

    People here don't like cheating because they are bitter for seeing other succeed irl and not them, so they probably come up with
    >they only made it because they are girls/they are rich/they have good genes/they cheated/they...

    So basically there is always an external excuse for why YOU reading this are a failure and not them. So yeah, that's why /vp/ is full of people advocating for the no cheat meme.

    >inb4 projecting.
    I don't use Reddit, btw.

    • 10 months ago

      >I don't use Reddit, btw.
      so why are you redditspacing, then?

    • 10 months ago

      >Can't gen mons properly
      >Claim to be too poor to buy games when they spend thousands to travel overseas
      >Claim to have no time yet they waste so much time travelling overseas.
      >Claim they *need* shinies to look cool
      Compgays are why I lost my mon collection and cant load all mons on one cart. Frick you guys. They did the dexcut to please you yet you homosexuals can't stop genning.

  12. 10 months ago

    Alot of circle jerk projection in this thread already. So much tears and anguish because you refuse to play the game.

  13. 10 months ago

    Its hilarious that the same people here who jack off to 12 year olds and sexualize the Pokemon would try to moralgay their stance on genning.

    • 10 months ago

      Stop cheating

      • 10 months ago

        I will but only if Lillie sits on my face.

    • 10 months ago

      The funny part is they know more about the games than you do

    • 10 months ago

      If you would actually have sex with a 30 year old you're the immoral one.

  14. 10 months ago

    Why are you shocked that people who fap to children don’t like the competitive aspect of the game?

  15. 10 months ago

    Everywhere but this website is censored to hell nowadays and doesn't allow people to speak the truth, to speak their mind.

  16. 10 months ago

    i stand with /vp/ on this matter
    vgcturds and xitterxisters must hang

  17. 10 months ago

    I will always be grateful for the based pkhexchad who gave me a shiny Porygon 2 on the Christmas threads por S/M release. Don't care about competitive autism and I thank the giveaway bros here.

  18. 10 months ago

    yes, we love being contrarian
    especially when defending cheater is the cool thing to do now

  19. 10 months ago

    Post proof

  20. 10 months ago

    >most people on any other platform defends cheating because the games suck
    where did all the shills go?

  21. 10 months ago

    All the people who's argument is just play the game don't actually play the game at all

  22. 10 months ago

    We hate VGC players more than Gamefreak.

  23. 10 months ago

    >why do i not defend adults cheating in a kid's game?
    You honestly asking me why i won't support poorgay manchildren when they get caught cheating?
    Get off the Internet, ya terminally-online child.

  24. 10 months ago

    Because none of those stupid homosexuals actually play these games. Of course they see no problem with cheating because they are casuals and don't even know what constitutes cheating. They can get fricked too. Why not just have turbo buttons active at fighting game tournaments you stupid fricks?

  25. 10 months ago

    Pre-Gen VI, I understand; it is RNG hell. However in the modern era GF has made it piss easy to get into comp so it's just laziness after that point, especially for S/V which goes out of its way to throw number modifiers at you.

  26. 10 months ago

    Twitter is a circle jerk where people don't think and just follow the biggest voices.
    Here, we just use common sense.

  27. 10 months ago

    >most people on any other platform defending vgc players and agree that genning is fine
    Citation needed.
    Seems that even on Twitter, the majority is laughing at the banned.

  28. 10 months ago

    The actual debate is vgc players changing ev stat spreads before a match

  29. 10 months ago

    Genning is not cheating

    • 10 months ago

      Then why did people get disqualified for it

      • 10 months ago

        because they didn't have home trackers and couldn't be assed to even ask their butt-buddies to do research for them

    • 10 months ago

      How do you figure?

  30. 10 months ago

    Because theres not a legion of Yesmen agreeing with an influencers opinion and your epin ratios dont qualify as an argument

  31. 10 months ago

    They settled for being a mediocre disappointment all their lives, and now that someone successful has faltered, they're lashing out by doing a collective dogpile.
    All they have to strive for is bringing everyone else down to their miserable level.

  32. 10 months ago

    It absurd the mental pretzels people will twist themselves into. Either put in the effort to raise your Pokemon in accordance with the rules or don’t get caught if you choose to break the rules and inject them. Quite literally whining that you got caught breaking the rules and having to face consequences for that.

    • 10 months ago

      The genning is immaterial to me but acting like a baby about a risk you took backfiring is ridiculous

  33. 10 months ago

    It's most likely just one moron and a bunch of ironic shitposters.

  34. 10 months ago

    >rules clearly state you'll get kicked out if you cheat
    >get kicked out
    I really don't give a shit if you gen or whatever but if you get caught and b***h about it that's 100% your fault. This isn't an issue with JP players

    • 10 months ago

      JP players also gen

  35. 10 months ago

    The people liable to cry the most are those who follow the personalities on those platforms.
    You can find people shitting on people for acting like enforcing rules is a crime.

    Of course imageboards tend to be the niche and/or controversial option.
    Defending it without trying to suck off random vgc players is a niche among a niche so shitting on them is the default.

  36. 10 months ago

    contrarians and genuine autism. /vp/ is a Ganker containment board of concentrated pedo, furry, and contrarian autism.

  37. 10 months ago

    >let's slap feathers on misdreavus and pretend it's a new pokemon!
    paradox mons were a mistake

  38. 10 months ago

    I really don't care about genning, it's just the excuses these whiny babies make to try and "justify" it are laughable, it's nowhere near as difficult to make a good team these days as they make it out to be and excuses like "b-b-but I have to buy another game" when ALL of these people are paying out the ass to get a plane ticket/hotel to attend worlds is a complete joke.

  39. 10 months ago

    Game Freak should just add a system that allows you to put “Experience Points” into your Pokémon’s different stats on the fly, with the amount you can put for each one increasing the more you level up. Once you reach level 100, then you’ll have all 510 EVs to reconfigure whenever you feel like with a similar menu to Showdown’s.
    Also, just make IVs an in-game only mechanic and have them auto-maxed out for online/multiplayer matches.

    • 10 months ago

      For all it's faults Gen 6 super training was a step in the right direction, a mini game to change Evs without battling

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