>Most primitive faction aside from the Orks. >Very little manpower. >Few resources

>Most primitive faction aside from the Orks
>Very little manpower
>Few resources
>Somehow manages to survive through clever tactics, grit, and the power of friendship
Are the Tau mary sues?

CRIME Shirt $21.68

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Tau survive because they pander to the weeaboo market. They aren't going anywhere either because GW knows just releasing a new battlesuit instantly guarantees tons of sales.

    • 8 months ago

      you two are both wrong

    • 8 months ago

      The rest of the thread is weebs seething inside their tin cans.

  2. 8 months ago

    The Tau are based

    • 8 months ago

      Based? Based on what?

      • 8 months ago

        east asian cultures :3

    • 8 months ago

      this picture isn't interesting enough to be that hi res

    • 7 months ago

      Tau are intensely cringe.

  3. 8 months ago

    Literally more advanced than 99% of the Imperium both technologically and in terms of education; falling behind the extreme Imperial elite like Astartes and Inquisition in some aspects and still surpassing them in others.

    • 8 months ago

      The Imperium has more advanced technology than the Tau in almost every way. The Imperium has void shields, the Tau are stuck with primitive gravity shields. The Imperium has many varieties of Titans and Imperial Knights. The Tau are stuck with primitive battlesuits. The Imperium have plasma weapons and other very powerful handheld weapons. The Tau are stuck with pulse rifles which are barely a step above the bolter. The Imperium has prominant FTL technology, the Tau are stuck with primitive warp-skimming which is only 1/5th the speech of Imperium FTL and their attempts to replicated Imperium FTL resulted in a wormhole to another part of the galaxy. The Imperium has massive super-heavy tanks such as the Ordinatus. The Tau are stuck with little tanks like the Hammerhead.

      The Tau simply have no answer to the Imperium's technology. They're a primitive species, squatting in the mud with their shiny sticks.

      • 8 months ago

        Tau are still too authoritarian and have too much of an eastern aesthetic for most americans and europeans to see them as "good guys", even by 40k's very low bar for "good"

        People who like underdogs or tacticool stuff still mostly like the Guard

        People who like powerwank for their self-insert still mostly go for Marines

        Honestly, it doesnt need to. 40k is already multiple decades behind irl firepower as far as every ground engagement goes in both total possible power and investment for power. Nids and crons are the closes thing to modern threats that a schizo with a cross and enough balls cant make cry in the corner, but they are slower than snails and subject to /thread logic.
        Whats worse is new primaris armor is now described as pure 60s lead granny plates instead of at least thick alu foil wrapped dinner plates which makes me wonder how their armor could regress when even in the 80s body armor performance was public and anyone done with last two years of elementary should know once you crack ceramics you lost almost all force dispersal on the area.
        And tau fighting with broken 3d printers for gears and spare parts, .38s and a plethora of non-projectile plasma based weapons that are foiled by air being at or below summer night temp of europe if you arent in shanking range certainly doesnt help. If they went full weeb and just martial arts bullshitted with their suits like the crisis team boxer chads that are probably born by fish forehead c**ts tasting human wiener they might actually be a mild threat.

        Thank you for these posts. I had almost forgotten Warhammer only attracts the lowest IQ individuals who have no idea what they're talking about and have never once gone outside.

        • 8 months ago

          You didnt need to project and confirm one additional time to being room temp after already admitted to being a castrated blueberrybitch.

          >eastern aesthetic for most americans and europeans to see them as "good guys", even by 40k's very low bar for "good"

          Do not speak for Euros you brainwashed Ameribot. Most Euros are fine with Asians.

          Euros dont mind asian ladies as wiener cleaners, same way all other races use tau diplomat girls, so art truly does imitate life.

      • 8 months ago

        And yet a Battlesuit stands no chance against an Imperator class Titan. In fact the Tau are so primitive they didn't even believe Titans could exist until they saw them fielded against them.

        Tau Vorgh auxiliaries can rip Titans apart instantly with their hands. The Tau don't have to worry about them.

      • 8 months ago

        >The Imperium has more advanced technology than the Tau in almost every way
        Correct, but 'has' and 'can routinely use' are such massively different things as to be nearly a moot point.

        >The Imperium has void shields, the Tau are stuck with primitive gravity shields.
        They're roughly the same in terms of efficacy in BFG and the Tau equip their civilian ships with much more powerful shields than Imperial civilian ships have. The Tau also have a much higher number of ships they build and maintain per world so they have a better industrial base than the Imperium for them.

        >he Imperium has many varieties of Titans and Imperial Knights. The Tau are stuck with primitive battlesuits.
        Imperial Knights and Titans are supremely rare and difficult to make for the Imperium, whereas Battlesuits are made on every world and outperform other more common Imperial equivalents like Sentinels. They also have Titan and Knight grade Battlesuits which are behind Titans in raw efficacy but are mass-produced.

        >The Imperium have plasma weapons and other very powerful handheld weapons. The Tau are stuck with pulse rifles which are barely a step above the bolter.
        Ion Rifles and Rail Rifles, the Pulse Rifle being better than any Imperial standard issue infantry weapon is a direct admission that they've got better gear.

        >The Imperium has prominant FTL technology, the Tau are stuck with primitive warp-skimming which is only 1/5th the speech of Imperium FTL and their attempts to replicated Imperium FTL resulted in a wormhole to another part of the galaxy.

        >The Imperium has massive super-heavy tanks such as the Ordinatus.
        The Tau don't use heavy tanks, they instead use heavy aircraft like Mantas, superheavy tanks that fly.

        The Dark Age of Technology and its devices are better than even the best Tau gear but you're honestly smoking crack if you think anything but the top 0.01% of the Imperium has a better access to, or understanding of technology than, the Tau.

      • 8 months ago

        Titans existed before the IoM. They haven't innovated anything in 10,000 years. Tau will enter an age of technology and it will be over

      • 8 months ago

        The imperium has
        >tech relics they cant make
        and of those the prominent subset of
        >moronic inefficient use of resources (every titan ever made)
        as their advantages

        Meanwhile on every level below "ancient archeotech they keep in a vault and use once a blue moon" or "ftl drives" the imperium is outgunned. The lowest level of tau rifle, the pulse rifle, is superior to the boltgun that space marines are assigned, let alone their safe plasma, ion weapons and the railguns of various sizes.
        The tau also (until the lore went moronic around 6th) explicitly did not invest in "superheavy" weapons because those weapons are inherently moronic, you dont need to build titans when you can build hammerheads at a miniscule fraction of the cost and just railgun whatever enemy superheavy exists to death from the other side of the field of engagement, or if you REALLY need a land asset dead just bring down a space ship to shoot it with an even bigger railgun. Wunderwaffe dont exist for a reason.

        • 8 months ago

          They did invest in superheavy weapons, to be fair, just exclusively in the form of static defences needed to repel larger enemies - which you didn't see in the tabletop for obvious reasons - and more mobile superheavy platforms like the Manta. The Tau don't hate the idea of big units so much as big units that are not mobile and prefer to strap their biggest guns on aircraft which, while far less durable, aren't stuck in one location after deployment.

          • 8 months ago

            >and more mobile superheavy platforms like the Manta
            The manta is literally a spaceship that can do spaceship things. Its not really comparable to a titan. Its also a troop carrier.

            • 8 months ago

              Agreed but my point is they don't dislike superheavy units on principle - rather they dislike superheavy tanks and walkers. They recognize when a ridiculous amount of firepower is required but see it on anything but absolutely necessary static defences and basically heavy bombers as a doctrinal error.

        • 8 months ago

          >The tau also (until the lore went moronic around 6th) explicitly did not invest in "superheavy" weapons because those weapons are inherently moronic
          at last, another person who hates the stormsurge and supremacy armour as much as I do and recognises how much they butcher the lore just because some dumbfrick sculptor looked at tau and went "ah, yeah, the giant mecha faction"

          • 8 months ago

            Amen. The tau didnt fight "resource for resource" with the imperium because they would obviously lose, they fought smarter. They didnt respond to titans by building their own titans, they responded to titans by putting big guns on mobile firing platforms and getting insane efficiency on titan kills.
            The sort of faction that would deal with some kind of massive uber-tank with a bunch of airstrikes rather than by trying to build a bigger super tank.

        • 7 months ago

          >Wunderwaffen don't exist
          The B-2 is peak black-site wunderwaffe.
          >unusual, menacing shape
          >unprecedented capabilities, can carry exotic (ish) weapons like the MOP and nuclear bombs
          >only 21 ever made, 20 in operation and none lost in combat

          • 7 months ago

            Wunderwaffen usually carrier the connotation that it's a boondoggle made in desperation to turn the tide of a losing battle/war. Whereas the B-2 ended up being almost something of a tech demonstrator while the B-21 was in the works
            >tfw your nation has already nearly deployed 3rd gen stealth bombers when everyone else is barely stepping in gen 1

      • 7 months ago

        Canonically the Tau have nearly no presence in the Warp, which in 40k is a huge benefit simply from the fact they don’t have any planet destroying chaos bullshit to deal with every other day. And while most races in the galaxy regressed one way or another, the Tau are basically the opposite. Their size is also a benefit, as they’re not really big or important enough for the Imperium to go full exterminatus mode over given all the other bountiful horrors faced every single second, so any conflict the Tau faces are basically the Imperial equivalent of a reserve away team that just happened to be close enough to be bothered to do something.

        The thing with the Imperium is that such technology is almost exclusively hoarded by the AdMech or other high status officials and only used as an absolutely last resort since they don’t really know how to or are physically incapable of making more of it. Remember that regression is a literal tenant of Imperial rule with anything deviating from established dogma being labelled as heresy regardless if you love Big E or love the Omnissiah, to the point where things that are easily automated on war ships even back in the 20th Century require tons of manual work to accomplish. Its main strength doesn’t lie in its tech, its strength lies in how unfathomably huge it is and the sheer amount of shit it can just hammer down everywhere.

      • 7 months ago

        >The Imperium has Plasma weapons, the Tau just have Plasma weapons.
        Big if true.

    • 8 months ago

      >Literally more advanced than 99% of the Imperium both technologically and in terms of education; falling behind the extreme Imperial elite like Astartes and Inquisition in some aspects and still surpassing them in others.

      good point

    • 8 months ago

      They started a literal cavemen...
      Anyway, I bet they got working STC, and that's why they got so advanced.

      • 8 months ago

        >They started a literal cavemen...
        So did humans...

        • 8 months ago

          Humans were born when the God Emperor created the universe for him.

        • 8 months ago

          Let me rephrase that:
          They were still cavemen when Imperium found them, and only a warpstorm saved their blue asses from getting purged.

          • 8 months ago

            Yes, so? At some point humans were cavemen as well and would have been wiped out by a passing Eldar ship or Ork Waagh exactly as easily, were it not for the god babysitting them.
            If anything that makes them look better, since the Tau accomplished the things they did considerably faster then humans, taking the stretch of time we took to even get out of the caves and reaching multiple solar systems in that time.

            • 8 months ago

              Only because they got human STC on their shitty rock.

              • 8 months ago

                An STC of what.

              • 8 months ago

                Apparently fully functioning one, not just fragments like in case of Imperial tech. Don't forget that fully working STC would be able do create more than one machine, and it was stated in fluff of Centurion that AdMech has found template for some other combat suits with XV symbols (too complex to be constructed on current Imperial standards).

                Sonuds familiar?

              • 8 months ago

                >Apparently fully functioning one
                If that were true, they'd be using void shields, and Imperium plasma tech, but they aren't. They had to develop their own shield and pulse-rifle tech from scratch.

              • 8 months ago

                Void shields is warp tech, just like warp drives. T'au minds cannot even comprehend warp as even something that could be made use of with technology.
                SO apparently the have much of DAoT tech from it, but some other things like daemon shooting cannons of Castigator titan is far beyond them.

              • 8 months ago

                The Tau literally design ships to skim through the warp and they have an entirely-psyker race within the Tau Empire.

              • 8 months ago

                And still they know shit about it. Even Imperium knows more...

              • 8 months ago

                Post any proof at all that the Tau discovered an STC then.

              • 8 months ago

                Written in

                https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Standard_Template_Construct#fn_7 for centurion

                And while the thing about STC wasn't clearly stated, there had be something that caught AdMech's attention when they discovered T'au that made them organize full expedition there, but they've never made it since the planet "disappeared".

              • 8 months ago

                >Have perfect blueprints
                >but can't use parts of it because it doesn't make sense
                >despite these PERFECT BLUEPRINTS

                yeah callin shite

              • 8 months ago

                A fully functional STC would have basically won everything forever. Every surviving example of DaoT technology has it be basically fricking magic capable of effortlessly soloing everything thrown at it, and the STC kits were specifically designed to be moronproof and capable of doing all that shit from zero.
                It makes no sense that the Tau had one. They'd have won by now if they did. Even fricking Orks would have won by now if they did.

              • 8 months ago

                Apparently fully functioning one, not just fragments like in case of Imperial tech. Don't forget that fully working STC would be able do create more than one machine, and it was stated in fluff of Centurion that AdMech has found template for some other combat suits with XV symbols (too complex to be constructed on current Imperial standards).

                Sonuds familiar?

                Cite your sources. There's no mention of the Tau ever finding an STC.

              • 8 months ago

                https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Standard_Template_Construct#fn_7 for centurion

                And while the thing about STC wasn't clearly stated, there had be something that caught AdMech's attention when they discovered T'au that made them organize full expedition there, but they've never made it since the planet "disappeared".

              • 8 months ago

                >And while the thing about STC wasn't clearly stated, there had be something that caught AdMech's attention when they discovered T'au that made them organize full expedition there, but they've never made it since the planet "disappeared".
                You DO know the Mechanicus isn't solely interested in STCs right
                Do you think Necrons have STCs? The Mechanicus investigates those. It's far morely likely it's regarding the weird as frick warp shit going on with the Ethereals (who showed up out of nowhere and ended the civil wars) then STCs, which would make no sense given by how the Tau are explicitly a faction focused a lot on R&D and innovation.

              • 8 months ago

                Necrons are older than Eldar themselves, not to mention T'au who were still making huts out of shit when humanity first found them.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not disputing that, I'm saying that the Mechanicus investigates basically everything and that it's not a surefire indicator of STCs at all, and like I said having an STC wouldn't make sense for what an STC is.
                And what's with the hut thing anyway, basically everyone was a caveman once (except the Eldar but they're shitheads). That's not really a point against the Tau. Necrons do shit like rewinding time multiple times to get a more favorable judge on a trial and once upon a time they were cavemen in a radioactive hellhole planet.

              • 8 months ago

                Then what do you think would interest AdMech in a planet with little resources and some blue monkes?

              • 8 months ago

                Probably the ancient ship on their moon they reversed engineered.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't know, the previously mentioned origin shit going on that we don't really understand but has been hinted at, involving the Ethereals?
                While a true STC is not supported by, well, the Tau not being gods, we don't really know what's going on with the Tau since the writers are more concerned with being really weird about how they characterize them.
                I mean, Phil Kelly has some problems. BL just seems to love having writers that despise a faction do stories about it. Why? I don't fricking know.

      • 8 months ago

        Going by what's actually known there was an Imperial ship crashed on their moon that they used and the Demiurge/Votann have given over some STC designs as well.

  4. 8 months ago

    Their ships are just slow because they bounce off the warp instead of traveling through it. Their average infantryman has a kit arguably better than a stormtroopers.

    • 8 months ago

      Make no mistake, the Imperium could absolutely equip its infantry better than the Tau if it wanted to, it's just cheaper and easier on logistics to use the simpler weapons and armor. Tau technology is much more primitive than the Imperium, they just spend a lot more on their general infantry because they don't have the advanced weapons of the Imperium to compensate.

      • 8 months ago

        The Imperium didn't invent a single new model of power armor until Cawl Ex Machina appeared with his Primaris Marines. A Battlesuit or Stealth suit is more advanced than MKVII Aquilla in pretty much every category. The only technology field with Imperium outstrips the Tau in is genetic engineering and (obviously) psychic phenomenon.

        • 8 months ago

          And yet a Battlesuit stands no chance against an Imperator class Titan. In fact the Tau are so primitive they didn't even believe Titans could exist until they saw them fielded against them.

          • 8 months ago

            >And yet a Battlesuit stands no chance against an Imperator class Titan.
            And an Imperial Guardsman stands no chance against a Leman Russ. What a moronic argument
            >they didn't even believe Titans could exist until they saw them fielded against them.
            Because Titans sound incredibly silly and wasteful on paper. They also got rammed by Imperial Navy ships initially because they thought the idea of putting a ram on a space ship was insane and primitive. The Tau orimarly use large aircraft like Mantas and ICBMs to take out Titans. Legio Thanataris' advance was stalemated by Manta strikes on Dal'yth and eventually forced to retreat

            • 8 months ago

              >Because Titans sound incredibly silly and wasteful on paper.
              Tell that to these guys

              • 8 months ago

                This makes a really compelling case for a tau Armored Core inspired 40k game

              • 7 months ago

                If I was the Tau commander, I'd get the suits to just stand on top of the head of the titan and fusion it to death.
                Titans are a stupid concept in every way but one. And that one is "awe".

            • 8 months ago

              The tau fleets got their shit pushed in by ORKS, why would it be absurd for human ships to be ramming when they've been fighting and winning against orks for far longer?

              • 8 months ago

                >The tau fleets got their shit pushed in by ORKS
                Inconsistent writing, probably. It really doesn't make much sense to be surprised by humans ramming if their navy met the Orks before. Ork ships probably have bayonets on their guns for extra ramming range, if anything.

              • 8 months ago

                It should be noted that this is deliberate. Tau fleets lagged behind the Imperium for a long time. This is in part because the Tau didn't distinguish between military and civilian space vessels. It is likely a historical reference before navies became better organized and stopped converting merchant vessels into warships by just adding more cannons. As the Tau have faced more and more battles with top-tier navies, they have switched to purposed-built war vessels.

        • 8 months ago

          Honestly, it doesnt need to. 40k is already multiple decades behind irl firepower as far as every ground engagement goes in both total possible power and investment for power. Nids and crons are the closes thing to modern threats that a schizo with a cross and enough balls cant make cry in the corner, but they are slower than snails and subject to /thread logic.
          Whats worse is new primaris armor is now described as pure 60s lead granny plates instead of at least thick alu foil wrapped dinner plates which makes me wonder how their armor could regress when even in the 80s body armor performance was public and anyone done with last two years of elementary should know once you crack ceramics you lost almost all force dispersal on the area.
          And tau fighting with broken 3d printers for gears and spare parts, .38s and a plethora of non-projectile plasma based weapons that are foiled by air being at or below summer night temp of europe if you arent in shanking range certainly doesnt help. If they went full weeb and just martial arts bullshitted with their suits like the crisis team boxer chads that are probably born by fish forehead c**ts tasting human wiener they might actually be a mild threat.

  5. 8 months ago

    Tau bashers don't even realize that on any other setting the Tau is just what they wish humans are.
    Backwater diplomatical underdogs that somehow stood its ground on the galactic board.

    • 8 months ago

      >Human women have large breasts
      >Tau women do not possess mammary glands
      I know which side of the line I stand on.

      • 8 months ago

        If you want massive Tau breasts you can just ask for them.

        • 7 months ago
          • 7 months ago

            The forbidden fruit.

      • 8 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          I don't remember where i read it,but i remember reading tau evolved from a bovine like animal,basically they evolved from bulls and cows from space,so yeah,the thing about tau ladies non having breasts in canon doesn't make any sense,i mean,you give them cow hooves for feet but not cow boobs,i don't get it,also their own name Tau maybe because not only because they take a lot of taoism for the Tau'va philosophy and their society,but also because they're aliens with taurine traits

          • 7 months ago

            Even for mammals developing teats (especially when not pregnant) is rare. So I don't see why you think an alien planet would be any more earthy.

    • 8 months ago

      Tau are still too authoritarian and have too much of an eastern aesthetic for most americans and europeans to see them as "good guys", even by 40k's very low bar for "good"

      People who like underdogs or tacticool stuff still mostly like the Guard

      People who like powerwank for their self-insert still mostly go for Marines

      • 8 months ago

        >eastern aesthetic for most americans and europeans to see them as "good guys", even by 40k's very low bar for "good"

        Do not speak for Euros you brainwashed Ameribot. Most Euros are fine with Asians.

        • 8 months ago

          Most East Asians literally worship Amerifats and Ausgays. Even Vietnam sucks them off these days.

          • 8 months ago

            >Even Vietnam sucks them off these days.
            Vietnam is actually one of the countries with the highest approval of the U.S in the world. Even among people old enough to have lived through the vietnam war there's a 60% approval, rate, and for people under 30 it's like 89%.
            A lot of people are surprised by this until they remember they share a fricking border with China but don't want to be Chinese. Then it makes perfect sense.

            Tying this to 40k, the idea of Blood Angels and Necrons working together sounds absolutely insane until you add "....against Tyranids" and suddenly it's perfectly understandable and totally justifiable

    • 8 months ago

      My issue isn't with them being like that. It's that they don't fit 40k and any time the writers involve them in a story they need to make their opponents into the most moronic jobbers ever seen just to make it passable and appeal to weebs and mecha fans. That's the worst part. The Tau, if handled well, could fit 40k with that whole uneasiness about their apparently utopian ideals, but GW doesn't care because they only exist to cater to weebs so they just smack them in some stories and make the enemy lose by a complete asspull.

      • 8 months ago

        The problem is that the Tau aren't a major faction and never have been. The Kroot should have been their new race, because at least they're just alien mercenaries traveling the galaxy looking for good DNA to eat. The Tau being a tiny empire that somehow involves itself in major conflicts only makes sense in the context of a plastic wargame.

        • 8 months ago

          Well I like the Tau design. They just need to make their victories a little more realistic than "anyone they face becomes moronic". Or "kawaii tbh senpai" tier anime arc bullshit. Like play up the Orwellian elements, what those brain slugs are doing, the elite caste, mind control of Vespids, etc. There is so much they can do and GW just has them act like anime characters and gives them complete asspull victories. But GW has paypigs on lock and I guess weebs are content with what they make of the faction so nobody cares.

          • 8 months ago

            >I like the Tau design, I just wish everything was shitty instead of most things being shitty
            Grimdark gays need to be lined up against the wall and shot like dogs.

            • 8 months ago

              >he said, while discussing the franchise which coined grimdark
              40k isn't for you, and that's okay. Go back.

              • 8 months ago

                >>he said, while discussing the franchise which coined grimdark
                No, the fanboys just made that word into a meme while downplaying the silly parts of the setting in an attempt to make their plastic toys look special. There are plenty of sci-fi settings darker than Warhammer or as dark and many of them predate Warhammer 3rd edition by several years.

              • 8 months ago

                Warhammer and Warhammer fantasy's entire "ooooo the world is going to end in 12 seconds/years/centuries" schtick is a massive ripoff of the myth of Ragnarok not to mention Elric and the Cthulhu mythos and yet we're led to believe by its fanboys that it's the darkest setting ever while the emperor and his children go on y/a crybaby adventures.

              • 8 months ago

                >Cthulhu mythos
                Mind giving a specific exaple?

              • 8 months ago

                The ending of "The Shadow over Innsmouth" implies that despite the feds bombing devils reef the Deep Ones will inevitably return to conquer the surface world.
                Likewise "The Call of Cthulhu" implies Cthulhu will inevitably wake up from his sleep and conquer the world, like Fenrir breaking his chains.

              • 8 months ago

                Wo cares? All of reality is simply Azathoth's dream and will end when he wakes up.

              • 8 months ago

                You're thinking of MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI

              • 8 months ago

                That was added by a different author to the Cthulhu mythos, not a Lovecraft invention. It's like me going "yeah but shdhdjfjfitieushdf is an even biggerer god than them'.

                No one cares.

              • 8 months ago

                MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI isn't part of the mythos. Mayhaps you need to spend more time reading and less watching youtube video essays for morons if you don't know that.

              • 7 months ago

                Btw, Necromunda apparently has Old Ones sleeping in under-underhive lakes.

          • 8 months ago

            I don't think most factions become idiots vs tau, I think it's a matter of scale. while tau are up and coming in the universe, they are just so far down the list of concerns for most of the other races. so they aren't getting taken seriously and are treated like a tactical after thought. it's been brought up multiple times that for one reason or another that they went from a big fish in a tiny pond to small fish in a shark filled ocean as they stepped onto the galactic stage. a lot of species also aren't exactly big on tectics and are more for charging straight ahead and those that do that are the most common enemies, so maybe assuming the new weirdos are gonna do the same and acting accordingly isn't such an odd guess, even if it didn't go well
            also imperium tech distribution is moronic. you can have 2 regiments next to each other that come from separate ends of the tech scale, any comparison won't work.
            the floor for tau tech is higher than the imperium average, but their ceiling is no where near man's. tau tech is constantly improving, even suggesting the possibility imperium can be improved will get you killed.

            • 8 months ago

              >tau tech is constantly improving, even suggesting the possibility imperium can be improved will get you killed.
              Cawl would disagree. The Imperium is outpacing the Tau in the rate of technological advancement.

            • 8 months ago

              >I don't think most factions become idiots vs tau
              It's more that, all factions *are* idiots. They whole setting is contrived to allow for the set-piece battles of the games to take place. Which is why the imperium does dumb things like, stand a massive fleet full of mobile infantry and land them on-planet to fight an ork invasion, instead of nuking them from orbit. Everyone constantly acts like morons to allow the stuff that happens within the games and narratives to take place.

              So then you have the Tau, who don't act like morons, aside from following a few conventions. And then you get dumb shit like, Farsight defeating a greater daemon of tzeench with his smartphone, right after having just defeated an insanely strong space marine librarian, blowing up not just one but TWO entire space ships SOLO, one of which was a battle barge, and then he goes on to defeated a greater daemon of khorne in 1v1 melee combat. And that's all just in one book. And Farsight is just a clever fire caste.
              If it's that easy to defeat greater daemons, why haven't the imperium figured it out? Took Farsight like a day to realize that he could just record a bunch of shit on his device and play it back in front of the demon to defeat it. If they could be defeated in such an easy way, how come nobody ever figured that out before?
              Every Tau narrative I've read has just been 'holdo maneuver moments' over and over again, where the setting just warps in on itself to make things that are impossible for every other race to do trivially easy for the Tau. Like how their fricking human subjects are manifesting benevolent warp entities. How did the fricking dark age happen if the warp manifested benevolent entities at rates greater than malevolent ones? How did humanity fall? Again, just one of countless examples where the setting treats the Tau with kid gloves.

              • 8 months ago

                >Every Tau narrative I've read has just been 'holdo maneuver moments' over and over again, where the setting just warps in on itself to make things that are impossible for every other race to do trivially easy for the Tau
                To be fair, most GW writers can't tell the difference between asspull and epic, though Kelly is one of the worse

                >Which is why the imperium does dumb things like, stand a massive fleet full of mobile infantry and land them on-planet to fight an ork invasion
                Because Guardsmen are expendable, infrastructure is not

              • 8 months ago

                Pretty sure Damocles Crusade got ret-conned into every Imperium Commander going full moronic.

  6. 8 months ago

    I know that this is a shock to "lore"homosexual secondaries but 40k is a tabletop wargaming setting and as the Tau are a supported faction in that wargame, they stick around
    The setting should expand by introducing new factions not by progressing muh plot
    For examplem the Votan are lame as hell but its better than another indomshitus crugayde. I'd like some weird alien factions

    • 8 months ago

      >40k is a tabletop wargaming setting
      It is a setting for selling toys. Most people who collect don't even play that many games (or any games)

      Marines are the most popular faction with the teens-with-rich-parents that form the backbone of GW customer base

      Resales were cutting into their profits, so they overhauled their most popular faction

      Don't be surprised if they do so again in a few years

  7. 8 months ago

    Official tech list:

    1. Necrons
    2 Tau + Votann + Eldar + Dark Eldar
    3. Imperium
    4. Orcs
    5. Tyranids

    • 8 months ago

      Nah, it actually goes like this:
      >1. Necrons
      >2. Dark Eldar + Votann + Mechanicus
      >3. Imperium + Eldar
      >4. Tau
      >5. Orks

      • 8 months ago

        >Imperium + Eldar

        • 8 months ago

          The top tier of what the Imperium can field is roughly Eldar tier.

          • 8 months ago

            The craftworlders atleast know how their tech works, they just lack the capability to remake shit from the eldar empire

            More like
            >Dark Eldar
            >Mechanicus + Tau

            The Eldar are far more advanced than the Imperium outside of military technology. They also gimp themselves because their technology is based on psykering and there are limits to how much psykering they can get away with, although how much they do this vs how much pre-fall knowledge is just lost to them entirely isn't really consistent.


            • 8 months ago

              Any list that puts the Tau technologically ahead of the Imperium is wrong. The Imperium has much better tech than the Tau, it just chooses not to use it to save on cost, since cheap disposable Imperial Guardsmen are better for their needs than elite soldiers.

              • 8 months ago

                If they can't build the shit anymore, it's not cost, it's legimately not accessible to them and thus not their technology. If the Orks loot a Leman Russ it doesn't make Leman Russes a tech they can make and they're not "skipping on cost" when they don't send Leman Russes out by the dozens.

              • 8 months ago

                The Tau CAN make most of their tech though, they just can't make them in most places. A forgeworld pumps out hundreds of Titans, in fact they make Titans faster than the Tau can destroy them. It's just making new forgeworlds that they have trouble with.

              • 8 months ago

                >The Tau CAN make most of their tech though, they just can't make them in most place
                *the Imperium

              • 8 months ago

                The Imperium doesn't have technology. The Imperium is built on top of a corpse of a civilization more advance than the Imperium will ever be. It has only scraps, pieces and relics that are tens of thousand years old. It doesn't understand its tech and a lot of it cannot be reproduced.

              • 7 months ago

                You can't claim a species has 'superior tech' than another if they can't make or reproduce that tech.

                It's like setting a handgun on top of a turtle and saying "Oooooh, turtles are more technologically developed than dolphins!"

                The Imperium might have more ancient, non-reproducible relics that they use as weapons and tools, but they're quickly falling behind, tech-wise.

      • 8 months ago

        More like
        >Dark Eldar
        >Mechanicus + Tau

        The top tier of what the Imperium can field is roughly Eldar tier.

        The Eldar are far more advanced than the Imperium outside of military technology. They also gimp themselves because their technology is based on psykering and there are limits to how much psykering they can get away with, although how much they do this vs how much pre-fall knowledge is just lost to them entirely isn't really consistent.

    • 8 months ago

      >Comparing Eldar and Tau tech
      Commorragh is powered and lit by stolen stars dragged into the city.

    • 8 months ago

      Tau represent all the small empires in the game which is why 'Kroot Warspheres' is technically its own pseudo-faction while being a subfaction of the Tau Empire as Kroot auxiliaries, along with the bug people who have one unit. This is so you can be like "hey look an army of Kroot from a Warsphere landed on wienerulon VI in the gay bullshit sector" and have a little alien army fight the imperial guard or whatever.

      It is basically a stand in for all the shit you see mentioned in the lore but doesn't exist on the tabletop like the Q'orl or Hrud or Khrave or Worms and other meme empires that are too irrelevant to have their own army. That is what the Tau is, they will never be a true 'big player' because they have like 20 star systems in their gay little empire, Ultramar is a bigger empire than the Tau.

      >2 Tau + Votann + Eldar + Dark Eldar
      Tau are not on par with the Eldar you fricking moron.

      • 8 months ago

        Eldar have psychic technology, it's not that advanced compared with the Necron tech and the Tau plasma carbine is probably better than the shuriken catapult. It's over for the eldarcels.

        • 8 months ago

          The Tau pulse carbine is only slightly better than a Space Marine bolter, they're really not that advanced even on a basic infantry level.

          • 8 months ago

            It is significantly better though? And the Tau's Pulse Shotguns shred through power armor unlike the Imperium Shotguns that are about as effective as a wet fart.

      • 8 months ago

        >like 20 star systems in their gay little empire, Ultramar is a bigger empire than the Tau.
        that stopped being true like 4 editions ago

        • 8 months ago

          The Tau only have 300 planets. The Imperium has over 1 million. The idea that the Tau will ever be able to catch up is laughable.

          • 8 months ago

            Warhammer is laughable, the numbers are moronic and never made sense. Tau are also a big faction compared with the Eldar. Also space marines can supposedly gain memories from eating flesh. People should stop treating the lore as a word of God and concentrate on the general feeling.

          • 7 months ago

            The Tau Empire colonized its first world in M37, 5000 years maximum before to current timeline. We'll lowball and say they currently control 100 worlds. 1 world every fifty years doesn't seem like a lot, but you need to look at how that growth curves with population growth over time.

            Working backwards from 100 to when they colonized their first moon, we can deduce the Tau Empire grows at least 100 times larger every 4,000 years. If nothing impedes or stints their growth or seriously sets them back, they will control a million planets by the time M51 rolls around.

            If every other faction continues to stagnate as they have been without growth, and nobody stops them, the Tau could dwarf the Imperium dozens or hundreds of times over before M60.

            That's exponential growth for you. You can argue that someone will do SOMETHING to stop them at some point, but as the field is right now, nobody is seriously interested in stopping them or even has them as a serious threat on their to do list. OlIf nobody does anything about them over the next 10,000 year epoch or otherwise achieved their win condition, the Tau can just snowball and win because by the time anybody takes them seriously it will be too late. Any faction COULD expect out the Tau right now, but they all seem to be content with dealing with other threats for now.

            • 7 months ago

              At this point the Tau are a major what if for their onw future, and possibly a parallel to humanity's very onw ascenssion into the imperium.
              IF and a big as frick IF GW decides to do a 50k warhammer or something like that I'm sure the Tau are going to be one of the major threats, maybe they get their very onw emperor or something like that.

          • 7 months ago

            The Imperium only started with one planet.

            • 7 months ago

              The Imperium started with the motherfricking GOD-EMPEROR. That's worth like, a million planets alone.

              • 7 months ago

                a million negative planets since he did everything wrong as a joke

            • 7 months ago

              But the galaxy was a much less dangerous place back then. It was basically just orks, d-list xenos, and sometimes eldar if diplomacy broke down

              Tau are going to have to fight high concentrations of nids, necrons, and chaos just to keep what they have

      • 8 months ago

        >It is basically a stand in for all the shit you see mentioned in the lore but doesn't exist on the tabletop like the Q'orl or Hrud or Khrave or Worms and other meme empires that are too irrelevant to have their own army
        Which is exactly what the tau should've been. 40k dogs of war so that every ayy race that's too small to justify a standalone army book gets some canon lore and units tied together by a solid gunline

    • 8 months ago

      1. DAoT mankind.

    • 8 months ago

      necrons and pre-fall eldar are evenly matched, if anything pre-fall eldar are significantly ahead since they stilll have dyson spheres and shit but ALSO HAVE ACTUAL CANCER TREATMENTS and even modern dark eldar still have reality warping-tier bioscience allowing for body hopping soul transfers and immortality. meanwhile necrons had to beg the old ones for chemo. lol.

      The necrons literally chose to go to sleep for 60 million years and wait for the eldar empire to fall as a result of slaanesh rather than actually fight them.

      • 8 months ago

        >The necrons literally chose to go to sleep for 60 million years and wait for the eldar empire to fall as a result of slaanesh rather than actually fight them.
        In the defense of the Necrons, they just destroyed the Old Ones and then turned on literal gods. Not just one, or four, but way more
        So that they might be a little spent to fight the pre-Fall Eldar who were stronger than even DoAT humans, is not to strange

    • 8 months ago

      1. Necrons + Great Old Ones
      2. Dark Eldar + Eldar + Golden Age of Humanity
      3. Tau + Highest level of the Mechanicus
      4. Mechanicus + Imperium

      NA. Orks

      • 8 months ago

        Nah, the Tau are below the Imperium. They don’t even have plasma tech or void shields.

        • 8 months ago

          They have stuff that outdoes Plasma and their own Shield tech, what the Imperium has that outdoes them is all from the golden age of humanity

      • 7 months ago

        I don't know, golden age stuff is all vaguely impressive but still falls a bit short of what eldar and DEldar can pull. But I guess they outdid the elves in some subfields.

  8. 8 months ago

    The Tau are different from most of the factions in that they're rising in power. The highest height the Tau empire has ever reached is today. All of the technologies that go into their weapons & armor still exist, are still understood and are actively being improved. There are no relics of a bygone age, or lost technologies; no stagnation, no decay. Are they perfect? No. Do they understand everything about the other factions they'll come across? Absolutely not. Do they have the best technology available? No, or more accurately, not yet.

  9. 8 months ago

    Wow the exact same thread warhammer gays have been making for the last decade. Seriously. how do you gays no get bored?

  10. 8 months ago

    The Tau are a mirror of all the other more ridiculous factions, showing them how future warfare should be done.

  11. 8 months ago

    In what fricking sense? In that their tech is "young" compared to most others? Most other tech factions have simply stagnated, while the imperium and the orks have regressed tech wise. Yes, there are better techs then the Tau, but they're the only ones constantly innovating and improving.
    >little man power, few resources
    It's like those two points feed into a loop of each other
    >Somehow survives
    Because to 80% of the wider galaxy they're not a real threat, and those other forces have more important/immediate problems to deal with

    • 8 months ago

      >In that their tech is "young" compared to most others?
      And inferior, yes. The Tau are so primitive that when they learned of the Imperial Titans, they thought it was just a propaganda myth, because heir understanding of science was so simplistic and primitive they couldn’t understand how such a thing could possibly exist.

      • 8 months ago

        and most of those titans and their techs are relics of a bygone age and can BARELY be maintained and produced. Any tech progress in the imperium is re-figuring out how they used to do shit. Given the rise of tau tech they will rapidly outpace the imperium and the rest of the wider galaxy if given the chance. and they are constantly given that chance thanks to their small size

        • 8 months ago

          The Imperium has hundreds of forge worlds pumping out titans. Even if the Tau destroyed a hundred Titan legions tommorow, there would be millions more to replace them. It is impossible for the Tau to ever win or catch up.

          • 8 months ago

            yes, hundreds of worlds, where not a single one can be allowed to fall because they CAN NOT BE REBUILT IF LOST.

            Yes, numbers wise EVERYONE trumps the Tau. That is not a fact of dispute. I am refuting the so called tech superiority of the Imperium compared to the Tau, especially when accounting for scale of time

      • 8 months ago

        And also to add on further; Why would a small, resource light, and RAPID STRIKE MOBILITY society believe anything about the titans unless given factual truth? Because why would ANY society waste so much resources on such a massive target with limited deployment options?

        • 8 months ago

          I bet those guys are beginning to wish the Tau had titans of their own.

          • 8 months ago

            Yes, and one Tau engineer got the Tau started when he pulled a Cawl because "giant robots rock"

            • 8 months ago

              The closest thing the Tau have to a Titan is only slightly bigger than an Imperial Knight. It’s not even as big as a Scout Titan.

              • 8 months ago

                and that is a start, again; low resource rapid mobility society

              • 8 months ago

                Doesn’t matter, they’ll never be able to catch up. Even if they survive by the time they get to an Imperator class Titan, Cawl will have already invented a titan that’s 10 times as big. They’re primitive bugs.

              • 8 months ago

                A Manta can shoot down a Titan.

              • 8 months ago

                And an Imperial battleship can shoot down a Manta. The Imperium will always have bigger, better, more advanced technology than the Tau do.

              • 8 months ago

                and tau fleet vessels can shoot down imperial battleships? The point the previous guy is the tau have equivalent tech where they can and in fact do trade blows. Literally the only thing that the Imperium has on the Tau is mass, and they have to spread themselves thin as frick to deal with all the other problems

              • 8 months ago

                >and tau fleet vessels can shoot down imperial battleships?
                Actually they can’t. The Tau space navy sucks and is only good for harassment, every time they go up against the Imperial navy they get mogged.

              • 8 months ago

                >Actually they can’t. The Tau space navy sucks and is only good for harassment, every time they go up against the Imperial navy they get mogged.

                You're emotionally invested in PROVING Imperials always win at everything no matter what, huh?

              • 8 months ago

                The lore itself shows as much.

  12. 8 months ago

    How can you call Orkz primitive when they're the only faction with widely available and reliable teleportation tech?

    • 8 months ago

      I wouldn’t call it reliable

      • 8 months ago

        It teleports the Boyz to their destination intact more often than not. By Ork standards, that is more than reliable.

  13. 8 months ago

    Calling the tau primitive is so ass blastingly stupid. And after reading this thread the fact that you think the imperium is more advanced despite not actually knowing how their technology works and forbid innovation shows how biased you are. As for how they survived, it’s because they are not overstretched and other factions are too busy ass fricking each other to really focus on the tau for a concentrated campaign

    • 8 months ago

      The Imperium doesn’t forbid innovation, just look at Cawl.

      • 8 months ago

        Cawl doesn't give any fricks about rules. And he gets away with it because CAWL COOL

        • 8 months ago

          CAWL KEWL

      • 8 months ago

        It's not just Cawl, although the innovations I know of are basically "take a different set of guns and strap them onto an existing platform and get that configuration recognized as a pattern despite Mars getting its panties in a bunch."

  14. 8 months ago

    Are you the same moron that seriously believes the average human in Tau society has a worse standard of living than the average human in the most bloody and dark regime imaginable?

  15. 8 months ago

    >Space Marines win and continue to survive their conflicts in the face of overwhelming odds for several decades when they are the protagonists
    >based, not plot armor

    >Tau win and continue to survive their conflicts in the face of overwhelming odds
    >cringe mary sue grimdumb xenos homosexualry reeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEE

    cry more b***h homie

    • 8 months ago

      >can't figure out superhuman fanatics doing what's established in canon vs. Constant asspulls and obvious deus ex machina/plot armor bullshit

      I'm so sorry but..it's a Tau player. And I'm afraid it's terminal.

      • 8 months ago

        >Constant asspulls
        The Tau only really got one asspull way back when they were cavemen. Since then they're mostly survived on their own strength.

        • 8 months ago

          damocles crusade should've rolled over them like they were drunk taking a short nap in the middle of the road at night

          • 8 months ago

            Based on what? It was a small crusade and they were going up against a numerically superior force with superior technology on their home turf with advanced defenses set up and shorter supply lines.

  16. 8 months ago

    yes, because they have forehead veganas and somehow slaanesh hasn't made it their entire goal to hunt them down

  17. 8 months ago

    >Most primitive
    >be emperor
    >spend egregious of time,effort, and resources to make super soldiers
    >make skitarii+
    >some super soldiers cut off their expensive gene forged limbs to replace them with discount cybernetics
    >super soldiers mogged by vulpin
    >super soldiers mogged by big spiders
    >super soldiers mogged by daddy issues
    >super soldiers mogged by skitarii
    >super soldiers mogged by primitive tau battle suits
    >extra super super soldiers mogged by clowns
    >10,000 years later
    >phat ass cyborg makes better super soldiers in spare time
    >still get mogged by primitive tau battle suit

    • 8 months ago

      The Tau's only advantage on the field of battle is their tactics. They have inferior numbers, morale, and technology, the only thing they have going for them is that the tactics they use resemble actual modern tactics to an extent.

      • 8 months ago

        >inferior numbers
        Fair enough.
        Average Imperium morale is at rock bottom, so they win in that regard, though I'd admit pretty much everyone else is basically a robot or a kind of warrior monk.
        Again, the Imperium has had a massive headstart and the Tau are catching up dangerously fast and their guns are basically a death sentence anyway.

        • 8 months ago

          >Average Imperium morale is at rock bottom
          Every Imperial citizen is indoctrinate from birth to fight and die for their God-King. The Imperium will gladly sacrifice entire generations if necessary for the Emperor of Man's glory because they have been taught to do so from birth.

          Meanwhile, what does a Gue'vesa fight for? Better food? Better housing? Clean water? Better living and higher quality of life will never convince the population to fight for their nation like indoctrination does.

          • 8 months ago

            >Meanwhile, what does a Gue'vesa fight for?

            The Greater Good. And defense of their people and families since the Imperium will probably exterminate them if it ever gets its hands on them.

            • 8 months ago

              The Greater Good is a hollow materialistic philosophy, which as history has proven invariably prove fundamentally uninspiring. "Die for fleeting material comfort" is not a great sell.

              • 8 months ago

                This. IRL poor countries filled with poverty inevitably have much more nationalism than wealthy 1st world countries.

              • 8 months ago

                "Die so the future generations can live better" is a far better motivation then "die for big daddy Emperor" no matter how much you cope about it.

              • 8 months ago

                That's not what recruitment and polls IRL suggest. Russia is a poor shithole but it gets far better recruitment rates than the West.

              • 8 months ago

                Russia would probably get better recruitment if they had a fictional race of blue hoofed aliens and their Water Caste writing their propaganda for them.

              • 7 months ago

                thats because to most its the only way to give their families money

              • 8 months ago

                "Die for your God" is such an incredibly good motivation that there's a literal modern war being started over it THIS WEEK.

              • 8 months ago

                Religious fanaticism is an incredible source of hardened soldiers with almost infinite morale, whereas material comfort produces nations of doughy cowards. This is a universal trend.

              • 7 months ago

                didn't realize time travelers from Imperial Japan posted on /tg/

              • 7 months ago

                He's right though.

              • 8 months ago

                Have you forgotten that the Fire Caste is breed for war? It's their only purpose and function in life.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah and with an atheistic materialist philosophy there's basically no reason to do so outside being literally mind controlled to not think about the logical implications of your worldview.

              • 8 months ago

                The caste was originally space Mongols/Samurai. They are breed for war from the get go by the Ethereals. Their culture is all about military life, to be a soldier, and perfecting the art of war. There are no Fire Caste civilians to make them soft.

              • 8 months ago

                Only insofar as they don't realize that per a materialist philosophy their death is functionally the destruction of the entire universe as far as they're concerned, and thus there is no reason to care what happens afterwards.

              • 8 months ago

                They still have the genetic drive to make their world safer for their genetic descendants.

              • 8 months ago

                As far as they're concerned their genetic descendants all die the moment they do.

              • 8 months ago

                If that were true then the entire animal kingdom wouldn't exist.

              • 8 months ago

                And they're still going to do it anyway, because it's the right thing to do in their worldview, even if there isn't a conqueror in golden armor spelling out for them like if they were imperial babies.

              • 8 months ago

                >Only insofar as they don't realize that per a materialist philosophy their death is functionally the destruction of the entire universe as far as they're concerned, and thus there is no reason to care what happens afterwards.
                And the materialistic philosophy is like, right, for them. They're not getting an afterlife anyway.

              • 8 months ago

                Whether it exists or not, belief in it is provably advantageous on many levels.

                If that were true then the entire animal kingdom wouldn't exist.

                Most animals aren't thoughtful enough to conceive of ideas like that at all, as far as we know. It's worth observing that, among the one species that we know is, belief in an afterlife is nearly universal and that atheism overwhelmingly correlates with failure to reproduce regardless of other factors.

                And they're still going to do it anyway, because it's the right thing to do in their worldview, even if there isn't a conqueror in golden armor spelling out for them like if they were imperial babies.

                Per their worldview "right and wrong" are logically category errors papered over by propaganda.

              • 8 months ago

                >Whether it exists or not, belief in it is provably advantageous on many levels.
                It is advantageous because it exists.

              • 8 months ago

                You could certainly argue that but I'm more considering the effects on mobilization and morale in the physical world here.

              • 8 months ago

                Then the Fire Caste fights hard so that they get promotions.

              • 8 months ago

                That's true, but that's also not what the Greater Good is. It's a millennarian project to unite all under heaven (and the wise rule of the Ethereals) in a universal utopia. A better real life comparison would be liberalism in the 18th and 19th centuries, or communism in the 20th. People will eagerly risk death for the Greater Good, it's basically is a religion in its own right, even if it seems hollow and absurd to people who have a real one.

          • 8 months ago

            >Every Imperial citizen is indoctrinate from birth to fight and die for their God-King. The Imperium will gladly sacrifice entire generations if necessary for the Emperor of Man's glory because they have been taught to do so from birth.
            Just not true.
            There's rebellions and internal strife all the fricking time. Like a solid half of Imperial Guard stories are putting down rebels. People frick off from the Imperium all the time and have to be forced back. Spess Mehreens frick off even without the interference of Chaos.

          • 7 months ago

            Guilliman himself pretty much estimates during the plague wars that around 80% of the imperial guard is deployed not to fight chaos, not to fight xenos, but to put down rebellions that while possibly having xeno or chaos influence are ultiamtely caused by the fact the Imperium is just a horrific place to live in causing people to rise up out of frustraction, in other words said indoctrination is barely enough and plenty will and have go with other options if present

      • 8 months ago

        >inferior technology
        Anything the Imperium has that's better than Tau technology they can no longer reproduce. Tau do not have this issue.

      • 7 months ago

        >Tau's only advantage on the field of battle is their tactics
        Their ability and willingness to fight skirmish tactics across the entire line of engagement is a huge advantage, but it isn't their only advantage.

        >inferior numbers, morale, and technology
        Numbers, sure. For now.

        Morale? No. Tau morale may be the highest outside of true chaos fanatics and Necrons. Imperial morale exists in a sewer along with most of the population.

        Technology? No. Tau tech is at least as advanced as the Mechanicus' and arguably close to the Eldar. Moreover, they actually deploy it on the field.

        • 7 months ago

          >as advanced as the Mechanicus' and arguably close to the Eldar
          did you find an STC for a copium dispenser or what? Tau are limited to sublight travel, and can't construct anything on the scale of a Knight or larger. They can't even operate an existing webway gate, let alone stabilize a Gellar Field.

          • 7 months ago

            >on my chosen version of headcanon and within a very tight set of constraints, I am unequivocally right!
            lmao, have fun playing with dolls loser

          • 7 months ago

            >can't construct anything on the scale of a Knight or larger
            That's why railguns exist.

            • 7 months ago

              For a railgun to have ANY stopping power, mass of the projectile needs to reach around 0.02-0.03% of the targets. Thus far Tau did not figure out how to build Hierophant sized railguns.

              • 7 months ago

                >For a railgun to have ANY stopping power, mass of the projectile needs to reach around 0.02-0.03% of the targets.

                You literally pulled this out of your ass and the Tau have killed Titans with Railguns, stop making shit up.

              • 7 months ago

                You don't believe that 120 grains, propelled to a high enough velocity, has sufficient mass to stop the average adult male?

          • 7 months ago

            For a railgun to have ANY stopping power, mass of the projectile needs to reach around 0.02-0.03% of the targets. Thus far Tau did not figure out how to build Hierophant sized railguns.

            >Can't construct anything on the scale of a Knight
            Supremacy Suits and Mantas.

            >Can't build Heirophant sized Railguns
            The Railcannons on their ships are bigger than Warlord Titans.

            Literally half the shit you're spewing is total bullshit and it's obvious you haven't read even remotely into the Tau Anon, Jesus Christ. The other Anon was dead wrong in saying they're close to the Eldar (they're not) but come on.

  18. 8 months ago

    Imagine training for centuries to wear a 10.000 year old suit of armor and getting ripped apart by a guy who was literally born yesterday

  19. 8 months ago

    OK anons you're in charge of making a Cawl-tier bullshit plot device for your favorite faction.
    What do you do?

    • 8 months ago

      Wearable primarchs

    • 8 months ago

      Mad Dok Grotsnik invents cloning technology and makes 200 copies of Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, who proceded to fight each other to the death.
      Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka #19, or Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka Ultimate, raise the biggest WAAAAGH ever and destroy Ultramar. Thraka becomes a Krork while he's at it and recruits Tuska Daemon-Killa by invading the Warp.
      He gets shot to shit while doing so and his Dok immunizes him against Chaos by putting powdered Chaos Astartes armor in his blood, which teaches his cells to defeat Chaos and renders him the new Anathema.

    • 8 months ago

      Tyranids eat the corpse of a Primarch (idk maybe some dead homosexual like Curze or something) and start creating Primarch-tier monsters using their DNA.

    • 8 months ago

      A combined Force of Eldar, Xenos Heretical Tech Priests, and Cold Trader Rouge Traders find the old ones physic control beacon for the Orks deep within the halo/ghoul stars. After the party descends into chaos deciding what to do with it the surviving members (or someone just before dying) uploads a genetic modification to Ork biology that lets their spores take root in the immaterium. The Orks proceed to invade the great rift and the eye of terror, with Tuska Daemon-killa carving out his own personal empire entirely within the immaterial

    • 8 months ago

      Since I'm a basic b***h and my favourite faction is Space Marines I guess uh . . . Cypher manages to reach the Emperor, and shuts down the Golden Throne. The Emperor dies and becomes a god. Shit like Living Saints get way more fricking common, the Legion of the Damned becomes actually legion sized, and all of the dead Loyalist Primarchs come back as Daemon Prince equivalents.

      Rogal Dorn comes back with giant frick-off huge mechanical cybernetic hands the likes of which makes Ferrus Manus's necrodermis hands look like Fulgrim's softboy b***h hands. He was never dead just . . . missing in the Warp. And he's fricking double Prussian now. Everything's getting double fortified.

      All Marines become Primaris. Firstborn just get phased out due to attrition or crossing the Rubicon. Marines become slightly less moronic, returning to Great Crusade levels of moronation.

      The Flesh Tearers get Primaris models with jump packs and Eviscerators and special unit rules for a special unit type unique to Blood Angels with a super edgelord name like Ripper Angels or something and they get super OP melee rules that makes every faction player cry tears of blood from their eyes and their anuses.

      Black Templars get like, double Sword Brethren, with a goofy pseudo-German name like Dopelbrudern or something, and their gimmick is they use two-handed power swords, are basically immune to psyker bullshit because they Hate The Witch so much, are better at anti-Daemon than Grey Knights, and they are equal to the aforementioned OP BA melee unit, except they are more Teutonic in lore and appearance.

      Somehow, Space Wolves become less gay and less furry, with more emphasis on them as Space Vikings.

      Also my donut steel OC Space Marine self-insert is introduced as a named character. His gimmick is that he's a Primaris with chimeric Flesh Tearers/Black Templars geneseed. He leads a group of Black Shield marines and has a Dark Eldar GF he tamed with his gigachad Astartes dick.

    • 8 months ago

      Leman Russ comes back and joins the Farsight Enclave, marries a blue alien. Half the space wolves defect and join the Imperial Tau alliance. 100, thousand imperial worlds join the Tau along with a sect of the Mechanicus.
      Chaos sits this one out. People forget about the Tyranids and we just say they are fighting orks or something. The war is between the Imperial Tau alliance and Dark Eldar. The Imperium is too busy with the Gulliman x El'Johnson civil war.

    • 7 months ago

      During one respawn Tuska accidentally doubles because lmaotzeentch2clever4u
      Except it keeps happening
      Within a month there's a whole WAAAGH's worth of ork warbosses streaming all over the eidolon sector (with a couple Grimgors and Skarsniks thrown in for good measure) who are one hive fleet away from becoming Krorks again.

    • 7 months ago

      The Tyranids finally come to the galaxy in full numbers. While all seems lost, the Silent King (finally) gets some screen time and almost completely resurrects the Infinite Empire fighting the Tyranids back to the edge of the galaxy. They now turn their attention to ridding the galaxy of Chaos and are now part of the 'good guys'

    • 7 months ago

      >Tau receive the equivalent of newtypes by being forced to fight absolute monsters out there
      >They are like augmented super soldiers but in senses and mind calculations alone
      >This allow the Tau to make suits that harness this new mental prowess to make suits carrying their onw army in funnels
      >Soldiers controlling armies of multiple drones
      >Also able to create better suits in general thanks to newtype help, like complete flight capable suits with super speed modes.

      • 7 months ago

        If the funnels work exactly like they do in Gundam it would be fricking broken and create literal one suit armies.

  20. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      The Imperium has better weapons, it just chooses not to use them much of the time because it's cheaper.

      Think of it like this, the Imperium is a lot like Mordor from LOTR or Persia from 300. Mordor and Persia both use cheap slave soldiers in huge numbers valued for their cheapness and disposability. However, just because these slave soldiers were poorly equipped, that doesn't mean the respective factions were primitive, since Morder and Persia could both call upon monsters and technology that the "good guys" of the setting couldn't replicate.

      • 8 months ago

        Is this a new copypasta? I swear I saw it, just the other day.

      • 8 months ago

        >The Imperium has better weapons, it just chooses not to use them much of the time because it's cheaper.
        Not really just that, also because they're shit at replacing it. Their tech is basically taking half rotted shit from their actually intelligent ancestors and holding it together with wishful thinking and a frickload of tape.

        • 8 months ago

          If they had an STC, they wouldn't have been surprised by Titans, or not had Imperial plasma tech, or not had Imperial void tech, or not known how to make a warp drive, or gone to the Demiurg for pulse rifles.

          • 8 months ago

            Meant for

            Written in [...]

      • 7 months ago

        The monsters and rape scene in 300 was moronic Hollywood bullshit tacked on, was not in the comic

      • 7 months ago

        >The Imperium has better weapons, it just chooses not to use them much of the time because it's cheaper.
        >Think of it like this, the Imperium is a lot like Mordor from LOTR or Persia from 300
        Shut up you insufferable fricking pseud, you are not nearly as intelligent as you think you are

        • 7 months ago

          What weapons does the Tau have that are on the same level as the Imperator class Titan? Or an Apocalypse Class Battleship?

          • 7 months ago

            >What weapons does the Tau have that are on the same level as the Imperator class Titan?
            Their railguns, which will simply shoot the Imperator Class Titan to pieces for a fraction of the cost.
            What you are not understanding is that they don't have a Apocalypses or Imperators because those are fricking moronic wastes of resources to make, and with what you spent making even one of them, you could have made thousands of other vehicles that do the same job much more efficiently and a thousand other jobs that the superheavy can't do. The Imperium makes superheavies because they're moronic.

  21. 8 months ago

    I wonder, they say STC have contained the entirety of human technological knowledge up to that point. But I wonder if it is just Imperium's cope of finding everything they have lost in one nice little package.

    Even if it contained all the human knowledge, I'm sure there are safeguards to prevent John the space trucker to build a planet-busting black hole pistol with spare parts in a cave.

  22. 8 months ago

    A lone gang in Necromunda is technologically more advanced than all of Mechanicus thanks to possessing an functional but corrupted STC. They use it to build super-suits and advance weaponry. Their staggering power, however, is built around a dark secret – flaws in their understanding the corrupted STC that creates their technology, flaws that bathe them in radiation and slowly kill them from within.

  23. 8 months ago

    I don't mind having a faction of weeby mechsuits but they have zero personality. Aliens that could easily fit into star trek don't belong in muh 40k

    • 8 months ago

      I don't really see them fitting in Trek as anything other then the same exact role the Imperium would have on it- villains.

    • 8 months ago

      The Tau were designed to work in combination and contrasting with the primitive Kroot and Vespids.

    • 8 months ago

      >but they have zero personality.
      You're just being willfully obtuse, the tau have exactly the same amount of personality as every other faction in the setting.

  24. 8 months ago

    Remember when most of the Imperium didn't even know how to make plasma weapons anymore outside of the Dark Angels and only a select few circles of the Adeptus Mechanicus?

  25. 8 months ago

    >Just a humble gue'vesa and his simple primitive pulse rifle and combat armor going up against a vast empire with huge numbers of disposable soldiers and highly advanced monstrosities he can scarcely imagine
    Is the Tau the everyman's faction?

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, the Tau have been the most human non human faction following their inception, that is the joke

      • 8 months ago

        the other half of the joke though is that GW deliberately made them unlikeable to Western audiences who aren't weebs

        >Even Vietnam sucks them off these days.
        Vietnam is actually one of the countries with the highest approval of the U.S in the world. Even among people old enough to have lived through the vietnam war there's a 60% approval, rate, and for people under 30 it's like 89%.
        A lot of people are surprised by this until they remember they share a fricking border with China but don't want to be Chinese. Then it makes perfect sense.

        Tying this to 40k, the idea of Blood Angels and Necrons working together sounds absolutely insane until you add "....against Tyranids" and suddenly it's perfectly understandable and totally justifiable

        also Vietnam had a war with China after the Vietnam War

        • 8 months ago

          >GW deliberately made them unlikeable
          How? That's like saying you have to be Catholic to like the Imperium.

  26. 8 months ago

    They have the best teleportation and energy shield technology in the galaxy. Crude, sure, but not primitive.

    • 8 months ago

      > energy shield technology
      Is that why frick all of their bfg ships have shields? I agree on the telyporta tech, very funny that they are top of the ladder with that

      • 8 months ago

        Haven't played bfg but they really ain't got KFFs on their ships?

      • 8 months ago

        That was a balance decision for the game, in fluff they do have shields for their ships, in fact it's usually the only thing actually keeping the ship together.

  27. 8 months ago


    Literal gods, sorcery, etc.
    Both of them can manipulate reality at a fundamental level, its just one race are masters of the material realm while the others are psyker based, both have minor gods.
    >dark eldar
    They had to replace most of eldar psyker tech for realspace tech but still powerful.
    Almost as powerful as dark eldar in the sense they can manipulate the warp and "invent" new species, it's just they can't do things like steal a sun.
    Basically mentally handicaped mix of the necrons and the eldar, still can occasionally alter reality due plot requirements such as the Mars trilogy or the Beast Arises series, but sadly highly unstable
    Technically not as powerful as the Imperium due lack of psyker technology an the Emperor's legacy technologies but quite more homogeneous technology wise.
    Same as votann but not as advanced and haven't reached their peak yet.

    Arguibly the Emperor would put the Imperium right at the top with Chaos, but I think He would be better not taken into account when evaluating the Imperium.

  28. 8 months ago

    >very little manpower
    Don't each of their sept worlds have 100 million Crisis suits? The Farsight Expedition had a billion Fire Caste alone.

    There are less than 1 million Space Marines

    • 8 months ago

      >There are less than 1 million Space Marines
      But there are quadrillions of Imperial Guardsmen.

    • 8 months ago

      There's more navy voidsmen than all tau
      There's more guardsmen than all tau
      There's without a doubt more guard veteran stormtroopers/grenadiers/kaskrin than tau

    • 8 months ago

      Phil Kelly has zero consistency and throws out big numbers like "thousands", "millions", and "billions" like they are interchangeable

      He is singlehandedly the source of both a lot of the Tau suck memes, and the worse of the Tau powerwank

      mebbe bc the general is just a perma-ad a GW employee/bot maintains, spamming images of new releases and reporting anyone who discusses 40k.

      There are one or more tau posters on /tg/ that are really butthurt that no one shares their interpretation of the setting. He/they usually spam bait threads daily for a few weeks to relive the same old arguments, then disappear for months

      >Most primitive faction aside from the Orks
      Dude, they have not!Mobile Suits at this point. And they are still growing in strength. At one point even Guilliman won't be capable of ignoring them any longer.
      I do wonder however how would Farsight or Shadowsun react to him and other Primarchs. They'd definitively see that the guy/guys bigger than even the Shitmaris are something completely different.

      >And they are still growing in strength
      Aside from their Atoll holdings, the tau map basically looks the same pre and post timeskip, they are probably still a few centuries away from being relevant, assuming the necrons or nids don't wipe them out first

  29. 8 months ago

    You know, just because an attack moon is held together by spit, tape, squig piss, a moon and the firm belief of a trillion dudes thinking it's cool doesn't make it less of a technological feat

  30. 8 months ago

    Why couldn't this have been a post in a general?

    • 8 months ago

      mebbe bc the general is just a perma-ad a GW employee/bot maintains, spamming images of new releases and reporting anyone who discusses 40k.

  31. 8 months ago

    >Most primitive faction aside from the Orks
    Dude, they have not!Mobile Suits at this point. And they are still growing in strength. At one point even Guilliman won't be capable of ignoring them any longer.
    I do wonder however how would Farsight or Shadowsun react to him and other Primarchs. They'd definitively see that the guy/guys bigger than even the Shitmaris are something completely different.

    • 8 months ago

      >At one point even Guilliman won't be capable of ignoring them any longer.
      And then the Tau will be fricked.

      • 8 months ago

        >And then the Tau will be fricked.
        I for once want to see something of a reverse Gue'vesa situation where one Tau colony that lost their Ethereals pledge themselves to Guilliman in order to get spared and we see sanctioned xenos back on the menu.

        • 8 months ago

          The Imperium would never sanction xenos, the last time they did that the Horus Heresy happened

          • 8 months ago

            >the last time they did that the Horus Heresy happened
            That wasn't caused by xenos.

            Phil Kelly has zero consistency and throws out big numbers like "thousands", "millions", and "billions" like they are interchangeable

            He is singlehandedly the source of both a lot of the Tau suck memes, and the worse of the Tau powerwank

            There are one or more tau posters on /tg/ that are really butthurt that no one shares their interpretation of the setting. He/they usually spam bait threads daily for a few weeks to relive the same old arguments, then disappear for months

            >And they are still growing in strength
            Aside from their Atoll holdings, the tau map basically looks the same pre and post timeskip, they are probably still a few centuries away from being relevant, assuming the necrons or nids don't wipe them out first

            >Aside from their Atoll holdings, the tau map basically looks the same pre and post timeskip, they are probably still a few centuries away from being relevant, assuming the necrons or nids don't wipe them out first
            They could've done more but then that run-in with the Death Guard and being a buffer zone against a lot of nasties ain't helping them.

    • 8 months ago

      The most hilarious thing that could happen is if Guiliam take a look at one Tau city, looks back at the cities of Ultramar, and decides to copy everything from the Tau. Remember, he's a massive Romaboo and one thing the Romans did was copy stuff that worked from other cultures from Egypt, Assyrians, Etruscans, Gauls, Greeks etc.

      • 8 months ago

        >Remember, he's a massive Romaboo and one thing the Romans did was copy stuff that worked from other cultures from Egypt, Assyrians, Etruscans, Gauls, Greeks etc.
        Imagine the Ultramarines when they are told by Big G the buildings will be now smooth and more aerodynamic looking.

  32. 8 months ago

    The tau are small, irrelevant, and hard to justify the manpower for the Imperium to launch a large-scale assault on them.
    The Imperium has a better upper end than Tau, but a worse baseline.
    Tau's near-soulless nature makes them an unattractive target for Chaos, and harder for Nids to spot when the big bug attractor of the Astronomicon is right there. They're not settled on enough tomb worlds for the Necrons to care at large scale, they've learned that the Orks can be pointed at the Imperium most of the time, etc, etc.

    Basically, they're alive because the Imperium is to inefficient to take them out and nobody else cares enough.

    • 8 months ago

      >They're not settled on enough tomb worlds for the Necrons to care at large scale
      but they border on some major Necron empires, which is already causing them some problems

  33. 8 months ago

    I thought the reason the Tau survive is because they're so small in the overall picture of the universe that nobody's really bothered to put in a real effort to frick their shit up

  34. 8 months ago

    The only thing the Imperium has going for them is sheer numbers, because tech isn't one of them since the most advanced and efficient shit is used as a panic button instead of the normal thing.
    Tau survive because they always use their best shit everywhere, same for some other factions with less numbers, that's how they are still going simple quality over quantity.

  35. 7 months ago

    ITT: OP recounts how he was too busy at school stuffing wieners in his mouth to learn basic definitions of words like ‘primitive’

  36. 7 months ago

    Tau > primashits

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


  37. 7 months ago

    Do the Tau have 3D printing? It would be interesting if they could have fabricators that allows them to manufacture supplies and maybe even guns and drones on the local level, simplifying supply lines. This could also be used by Auxiliary units.

    • 7 months ago

      >It would be interesting if they could have fabricators that allows them to manufacture supplies and maybe even guns and drones on the local level, simplifying supply lines
      They can probably set up automated factories pretty quickly, but it is unclear how much tau tech needs rare raw materials to function

      >This could also be used by Auxiliary units.
      they are usually pretty restrictive of what the auxiliaries get

      • 7 months ago

        >they are usually pretty restrictive of what the auxiliaries get
        That's not really true, of the examples we have, the Kroot literally refuse to use the advanced tech offered by the Tau out of a belief they'll be stronger by sticking to primitive tools, the Vespid use unique weapons which use the vibrations of their wings to shoot powerful lasers at the enemy which only they are capable of using that strip away the enemy atom by atom like a Necron's laser, and the Humans actually are given Tau weapons when they join the auxillaries (it's only local PDF that are 'merely' given lasguns and flak jackets, but the Tau don't even use PDFs as part of their military doctrine).

        The reason people think the Gue'vesa don't get full Tau gear is because their rules came from the Taros campaign, where the local "Gue'vesa" were literally hastily assembled militia given whatever leftover weapons were on-hand instead of officially inducted auxiliaries. Other stories such as the Greater Evil though focused on the Gue'vesa do show human getting the full set of Tau gear, including pulse rifles/carbines and combat armor.

        • 7 months ago

          >Kroot literally refuse to use the advanced tech offered by the Tau out of a belief they'll be stronger by sticking to primitive tools
          It depends on what source you use. 8e codex states the shapers get the best weapons because they keep the best stuff for themselves. 9e codex states that when working for the tau or other parties, the kroot prefer to accept their payment in the form of weaponry. I think it is more likely that the tau don't fully trust the kroot.

          >Other stories such as the Greater Evil though focused on the Gue'vesa do show human getting the full set of Tau gear, including pulse rifles/carbines and combat armor.
          I have read a few tau novels and so far the tau seem pretty reluctant to arm humans, particularly when fighting other humans. Considering how many humans they have in their empire now, fully equipped gue'vesa still seem rarer than hens teeth even in novels. According to the RPGs and the WD article on gue'vesa, human worlds in the empire keep their previous tech levels or are given stuff well below the tau average, and only the inner circle of collaborators gets anything good. The tau probably only dish out good weapons on a case by case basis, like giving them out to trusted humans to help defend their world from xenos

          • 7 months ago

            >particularly when fighting other humans
            Well the Tau Empire doesn't like to use humans to fight other humans in the first place because it's bad for morale and there tends to be a lot of personal grudges involved, familiarity breeding contempt and all. Usually humans are used to fight Orks or other such creatures instead.

  38. 7 months ago

    look how the taugays seethe once they're exposed

  39. 7 months ago

    I don't watch anime, follow anything Asian-oriented, or otherwise act like a weeaboo. But I like Tau. I like the smooth lines, the tactical and strategic considerations that they use, and the high-tech approach to getting shit done. I don't care much for the fluff (I stopped reading that stuff in about 5th edition, and certainly haven't tried any of the books), but I did like how they looked at Titans and said "that's a stupid idea". I know that GW have released larger models so they can sell more stuff – and screwed with the fluff to compensate – but I did like the way that they originally used their brains.
    Why am I called a homosexual for liking them? What makes the Tau so unpalatable to other 40k people that there is nothing but scorn directed towards anyone who does like them?

    • 7 months ago

      >Why am I called a homosexual for liking them? What makes the Tau so unpalatable to other 40k people that there is nothing but scorn directed towards anyone who does like them?
      Nothing. This moronic notion of insulting people who like tau is exclusive to the shitposters on this board and not to anybody who actually plays.

    • 7 months ago

      The issue is how hamfisted they are. Any time a fight happens even competent enemies become complete jobbers. And the pandering to weeaboos and mecha lovers is unreal. The Tau can easily work as a faction, but that requires GW to actually care to write them decently instead of just throw them out there to cater to the weeb market. That's the main issue. They could work, but GW never put more thought into it than "make them really OP and appealing to the anime lovers" and called it a day. But given GW paypigs pay for anything I can't blame them for taking the easy way out if they make the same dosh with no effort.

      • 7 months ago

        Are you kidding? The Imperium has a ton of wins against the Tau, the Damocles Crusade, the Agrellan Campaign, the Taros Campaign, the 4th and 5th sphere expansions, etc.

        • 7 months ago

          most of those are pretty badly written though so it is hard to assess where the tau fit in the 40k powerwank spectrum without seeing them written by one of GWs "better" writers

          on tabletop the tau are supposed to be average soldiers with good equipment, but depending on who is writing, their individual fighting ability seems to range from "pathetic" to "ultra-weeb-ninja-has-many-special-moves"

          • 7 months ago

            The point is to at ultimately for all the accusations of Tau “powerwank” they’ve never actually won a war.

            • 7 months ago

              They have won some wars against small ork and nid subfactions

              Plus some minor victories against the Imperium, though it is always with some sort of "the-Imperium-left-because-they-had-other-things-to-focus-on" caveat

              But the fact that the tau are written so inconsistently is what bugs me more. Most of the other factions powerwank is easily justified by lore except some of the dumber Marine stuff, but the tau are kind of all over the place

              • 7 months ago

                It mostly boils down to a scale issue. I'm kinda getting back into 40k (building Tau actually, go figure) and I have to agree their track record is all kinds of confusing. Not to mention people will then cry "SPACE DWARVES MOG BLUEBERRIES FRICK YOU CAVEMAN HUE HUE HUE" and I can't argue with them... I mean I literally can't argue with them, because Votan literally popped into existence with their introduction and reconciling it with the other faction lore is at best complicated, at worst, the incredibly nonsensical.

                People also have to remember that novelizations are written to appeal to the faction on the cover. In a space marine book, Tau are going to get fricking stomped (sometimes literally), but in a Tau book they're of course going to be the best faction ever.

                There's no sense arguing anything about 40k tech, but if we are going to do it anyways it's best to compare 50-50 their aggregated lore presence and their tabletop presence; that is to say "what does a pulse rifle do compared to a lasgun when we roll dice, and what does it do in a story when someone shoots it". Even then it's widely inconsistent, but all the 'nu-uhs' and 'yu-huhs' going back and forth on what counts is tiresome.

                Tau literally have a non-warp (at least, it's not supposed to interact with the warp, nice going 4th Sphere Expansion) FTL drive. Pulse weapons are described and statistically strong compared to Las and Bolters. Battlesuit technologies fielded by the Tau are comparable in sophistication to Space Marine power-armor, if employed in a different doctrinal sense.

                The cope and seethe has got to stop at some point. It honestly doesn't matter.

              • 7 months ago

                >Tau are going to get fricking stomped (sometimes literally), but in a Tau book they're of course going to be the best faction ever.

                In War of Secrets, a Dark Angel book, the marines got their shit rocked.

                >Tau literally have a non-warp (at least, it's not supposed to interact with the warp, nice going 4th Sphere Expansion) FTL drive. Pulse weapons are described and statistically strong compared to Las and Bolters. Battlesuit technologies fielded by the Tau are comparable in sophistication to Space Marine power-armor, if employed in a different doctrinal sense.

                Dipshit. The early testing of the Slipstream drive (Anti-Matter Warp Drive) To be highly successful. The mistake the T'au did was by activating hundreds of them in a single spot and at the same time.

                Similiar disasters happened to Imperial fleets when they did the same during desperate situations like when the Cadian picket fleet attempted to Warp translate before they were destroyed by the Black Fleet.

                According to the 9th ED codex, the T'au perfected the use of their Slipstream Warp drives and will soon possibly launch a 6th sphere expansion.

                And there is no way that suits are as sophisticated as power armor. Power armour is shit compared to suit.

            • 7 months ago

              This moronic shit.
              The lore for example in the Gathering Storm book 1 says that the T'au are technologically superior to the Imperium.

              The only Imperial faction stated to match the T'au on some fronts and exceed them others is the Admech.

              Most of the guys talking her are spouting misinformation and are trolling. Any guy that says that the Imperium is superior than the T'au in terms of technology is terminally moronic.

              I dare anyone of you pissants to challenge on this.

              The T'au won the majority of their wars with the Imperium.

              They have won some wars against small ork and nid subfactions

              Plus some minor victories against the Imperium, though it is always with some sort of "the-Imperium-left-because-they-had-other-things-to-focus-on" caveat

              But the fact that the tau are written so inconsistently is what bugs me more. Most of the other factions powerwank is easily justified by lore except some of the dumber Marine stuff, but the tau are kind of all over the place

              Lol eat shit dipshit.
              The T'au beat Badrukk, Nazdreg, and even tusseled with Ghaz himself.
              They fought off Gruk's Waaagh!
              All Ork big names fought at some point against the T'au Empire. In fact, the fricking War of Dakka dwarfs the War for Armageddon.
              >Plus some minor victories against the Imperium, though it is always with some sort of "the-Imperium-left-because-they-had-other-things-to-focus-on" caveat
              That's a blatant lie. The Damocles Crusade was described as massive. The T'au defeated it WAY BEFORE news of Behemoth reached the Imperials. I have tons of sources that support it.

              Then you have the second Damocles war which featured more forces in it than those that were on Cadia and even around the Cadian Gate.

              Problem is that nobody here read T'au lore. Welll, I have. So come on. Let me laugh as you fumble around trying to debunk me or are you cowards trying to create an echo chamber?

              • 7 months ago

                >T'au lore
                We'll laugh at you for reading that masterwork slop, adorned with bands of mary sue and menacing with spikes of cringe.

              • 7 months ago

                >The T'au won the majority of their wars with the Imperium.
                Not really. The Imperium was able to casually slap around the Tau during the Damocles Crusade, the Taros Campaign, and the Aggrellan Campaign. The Imperium only left because they had bigger fish to fry and the worlds the Tau took were of minimal importance.

                Now, if they Tau ever try to take a forge word? Then we’ll see them get obliterated.

              • 7 months ago

                I think they already got one. Effortlessly too, of course.

              • 7 months ago

                Name it.

              • 7 months ago

                I have no idea. Just remember some vague shit about admech vs tau battle and cogboys getting slapped with no effort at all. Just like they always do lole.

              • 7 months ago

                >The Imperium was able to casually slap around the Tau during the Damocles Crusade,
                No. The lore states that the Crusade momentum was exhausted and it was getting surrounded. The Imperials wanted to retreat before news of Behemoth reached them. So keep on spouting that lie, you dishonest prick.

                >the Taros Campaign
                The one that ended with a T'au victory?

                >he Aggrellan Campaign
                Both ended with massive Imperial defeats.

                The Raven Guard supplement codex describes the conflict as a series of defeats ending with a desperate stopgap measure.

                So you are talking out of your ass. What the frick are you on on about?
                >Now, if they Tau ever try to take a forge word? Then we’ll see them get obliterated.
                The T'au conquered three Forgeworlds that we know of. Halfus, for example.

                The Imperium has never ever won a major war against the T'au.

              • 7 months ago

                >The lore states that the Crusade momentum was exhausted and it was getting surrounded
                It was a very small crusade whose reinforcements got diverted to fight the Tyranids. The Imperium has never taken the Tau seriously, and they never will.


                Same with the Taros and Agrellan Campaigns. The Imperium lost a few worthless worlds, and in return they killed a Tau Ethereal and SET THE TAU SPACE ON FIRE.

              • 7 months ago

                >It was a very small crusade whose reinforcements got diverted to fight the Tyranids. The Imperium has never taken the Tau seriously, and they never will.
                The video lies. The part that says its a small crusade was added by whatever created the video, you dumb frick.

                The Imperial and T'au codexes both state that the Damocles Crusade was massive.
                And Its reinforcements were diverted to fight the Tyranids. They were lost in the Warp.

                Sources are the Marine 7th ED codex and the Farsight 6th and 7th ED codex supplements.

                >Agrellan Campaigns.
                The Imperial Guard codexes state that the Argrellan war WAS HUGE. The second battle for Agrellan was stated in the Mont'ka book to have featured billions of guardsmen and that the tank battle on the world was among the largest the Imperium ever fought.

                The Imperium was desperate to maintain its grip on the sector and the resource rich Dovar system.

                >SET THE TAU SPACE ON FIRE.
                They set Agrellan on fire and the Damocles Gulf. The Damocles Gulf is empty space. Literally empty space with no planets in it. Just space gasses and Warp shenanigans.

                You are a lorelet.

              • 7 months ago

                >The second battle for Agrellan was stated in the Mont'ka book to have featured billions of guardsmen
                Is that it? Because there’s quadrillions of guardsmen. Losing a few billion won’t make a difference.

              • 7 months ago

                But losing the ship's carrying them will.

              • 7 months ago

                Whatever disproportionate losses the Imperium may have suffered in these wars, it’s a drop in the ocean. If the Tau destroy a million Imperial Guard regiments, there’s a trillion more ready59 replace them and flood the Tau’a defenses. The Tau exist because the Imperium barely even feels their existence. You ask most of the Imperium their feelings about the Tau, and they’ll say “Tau who?”

                Bro, I'm haven't even posted in this thread, but this is some peak goalpost moving.
                I don't like the Tau basically effortlessly beating all comers in a way that no faction in the setting can begin to match, but you need to stop with this poor showing.

              • 7 months ago


                Actually, the T'au are a major concern to the Imperium. Not as much as the Tyranifs mind you but should the T'au be allowed to spread their philosophy, it would destabilize vast swathes of the Imperium.
                Roboute left a sizeable portion of Fleet Primus in Ultramar to check the expansion of the T'au.

                Moreover, the idea that the Imperium has inexhaustible resources is not true. The reason why Kryptman's gambit was launched was because the Imperium couldn't muster the forces to fight the Tyranids and Chaos at the same time. The Tyranids were left mostly to their own devices as the Imperium prepared for the 13th Black Crusade,
                Furthermore, Ursula Creed told Roboute that they are facing shortages in manpower and would ill-afford launching the Cadia mission.

                The total number of forces on Cadia during the 13th Black Crusade was 1 billion. Cadia was the most defended fortress world in the Imperium.

                Lost to Dark Eldar in the war of dark revelations, then lost to the Eldar they pissed off by glassing the first Exodite world they found as payback.

                > then lost to the Eldar they pissed off by glassing the first Exodite world they found as payback.
                The war ended in a stalemate. And that was early in the 2nd sphere expansion before the T'au met the Imperium and upgraded their gear and fleet. It says more about the Asuryani than the T'au.

              • 7 months ago

                >The Imperium lost a few worthless worlds, and in return they killed a Tau Ethereal
                Thats a trade too moronic for even the imperium to take as a win. "we may have lost a giant pile of resources our supply chain in the region relies on to function (and lost over half of the army we sent to get it back) but at least we killed one of their priests"
                >and SET THE TAU SPACE ON FIRE
                As a desperate last measure to stop them spreading (the objective the crusade was launched to accomplish before it failed).

              • 7 months ago

                >The Imperium was able to casually slap around the Tau during the Damocles Crusade, the Taros Campaign, and the Aggrellan Campaign
                The imperium was, despite massive numeric superiority, soundly defeated in all of those, accomplished none of their strategic objectives and suffering disproportionate losses for nothing gained.

                The damicles crusade bled itself dry on border worlds before being ground down, and took the first chance it could to flee tau space salting the earth behind them to try and stop the tau following them. They also pulled so many forces into their failed invasion that they left sectors entirely undefended in the face of hive fleet behemoth.
                The Taros campaign was an umitifated imperial humiliation, with a small tau garisson force soundly crushing the imperial force sent to reconquer the planet and destroy a titan (possibly even two) in exchange for an ethereal and a bunch of wounded fire warriors, with the most significant imperial "victory" in thart campaign was managing to kill a tau cruiser with their fleet (which also got mauled, and was left unable to defend its supply routes leading to the in transit death of an entire imperial guard regiment).
                The aggrelan campaign was the Tau conquering aggrelan decisively, proceeding to claim more worlds nearby, the imperium launching a campaign to reconquer it only to suffer a string of defeats before a hail mary shot at the main worlds which ended in a further decisive imperial defeat (but hey they got the space pope, mission accomplished!), being forced to exterminatus their own world they wanted to take back.

              • 7 months ago

                Whatever disproportionate losses the Imperium may have suffered in these wars, it’s a drop in the ocean. If the Tau destroy a million Imperial Guard regiments, there’s a trillion more ready59 replace them and flood the Tau’a defenses. The Tau exist because the Imperium barely even feels their existence. You ask most of the Imperium their feelings about the Tau, and they’ll say “Tau who?”

              • 7 months ago

                Dumb Black person tau are fricking invincible. Blame the moronic lore but the tau have literally never lost anything ever.

              • 7 months ago

                Lost to Dark Eldar in the war of dark revelations, then lost to the Eldar they pissed off by glassing the first Exodite world they found as payback.

              • 7 months ago

                Actually, the T'au are a major concern to the Imperium. Not as much as the Tyranifs mind you but should the T'au be allowed to spread their philosophy, it would destabilize vast swathes of the Imperium.
                Roboute left a sizeable portion of Fleet Primus in Ultramar to check the expansion of the T'au.

                Moreover, the idea that the Imperium has inexhaustible resources is not true. The reason why Kryptman's gambit was launched was because the Imperium couldn't muster the forces to fight the Tyranids and Chaos at the same time. The Tyranids were left mostly to their own devices as the Imperium prepared for the 13th Black Crusade,
                Furthermore, Ursula Creed told Roboute that they are facing shortages in manpower and would ill-afford launching the Cadia mission.

              • 7 months ago

                The Imperium had 1 million worlds. The Tau have, what, 300? Even the most generous estimates only put the Tau at 1,000 worlds. The Tau are a blip on the radar, they’re so small any one of the factions is liable to destroy them by accident en-route to handle a real threat.

              • 7 months ago

                Each Sept world is built like a fortress and is self-sufficient with its own fleet, orbitals, and ground forces.
                The Index Xenos and Imperial armour book state that it would take a massive expenditure of resources and manpower for the Imperium to attempt to wipe out the T'au and even then they are not sure they would succeed.
                That was the lore when the T'au were at the start of their 3rd sphere expansion. The T'au now are about to launch their sixth sphere expansion.

                The T'au are getting stronger and bigger with each edition.

              • 7 months ago

                Hopefully they will be allowed to lose now but I doubt it. Used to like them but they are just so fricking boring when you know that they will always win with no effort and no losses to speak of.

              • 7 months ago

                The Tau are such losers that it’s pretty much all they’re known for. They exist purely for the Imperium to laugh at their naïveté and overconfidence.


              • 7 months ago

                In the written lore, they consistently rub the Imperium's face into the dirt

              • 7 months ago

                A fly can bite at a human and be mildly annoying but it’s hardly taken seriously as a threat.

              • 7 months ago

                And we know from the amount of forces and the high profile names the Imperium sent at the T'au, that the Imperium takes the T'au quite seriously

              • 7 months ago

                It is for this reason that humans dont burn down their kitchen trying to kill a fly. The imperium has tried and failed to stop the tau multiple times.

              • 7 months ago

                The tau also known how to utilize their worlds properly, unlike the imperium.

  40. 7 months ago

    I always thought it was supposed to be because of pulse rifles and pulse technology. Powerful as a bolter but as common as a lasgun. Allowing them to fight through threats that are small enough to even want to bother with them, essentially allowing tau to punch above their weight.

    I think the Leagues of Votann retconned the pulse rifle as not being unique to the tau, and instead being from the Leagues, with the Leagues keeping the better pulse technology to themselves.

    I think this is one of the bigger and more insidious ways GW has messed up lore. I don't even like the tau much, but I feel like they had the thing that was special to them taken away.

    • 7 months ago

      Pulse weapons are Tau tech, it's ion weapons that were licensed from the Demiurg.

      • 7 months ago

        Phew. Glad to be wrong.

    • 7 months ago

      >Powerful as a bolter but as common as a lasgun
      Theyre not either. Pule rifles mog boltguns something fierce, but unlike lasguns they arent functionally free.

  41. 7 months ago

    I have never seen a tau army in my life.

  42. 7 months ago

    No, but they have a serious case of plot armor.
    And they need it, or they'd be as relevant as the Hrud is

    • 7 months ago

      >but they have a serious case of plot armor.
      How so?

  43. 7 months ago

    >Most primitive

    The IoM worships a pile of bones sitting next to a dot matrix printer, how is it more primitive than that?

  44. 7 months ago

    Tau are cute

  45. 7 months ago

    >taking tau lore seriously
    That's BL tier writing unworthy of recognition.
    They're constantly being rewritten at every turn, wanked pathetically by gimping specialists and inventing more stupid robots and gadgets, on top of fish god. No thanks.

    As far as I'm concerned they barely even exist, aside from getting their shit kicked in for existing in the first place and I could be bothered to learn "canon" that's invariably worthless.
    Wake me up when facec**ts will get treated realistically - aka stomped by numbers.

    • 7 months ago

      >Wake me up when facec**ts will get treated realistically
      They are, which is why they constantly smack the imperium around through the magical power of "using strategies that werent obsolete in the bronze age".

  46. 7 months ago

    >>Most primitive faction aside from the Orks
    The... Imperium... seriously

    You can go on about the top tier Technology level that the Imperium owns. But that's not quite the reality of Technology availability in specific sectors or areas.
    The Imperium are basically scavengers of a bygone age, with no true understanding of how their tech acts or works. Even techpreists are stuck in a cargo-cult dogmatic mindset and fail are grasping anything above basic repair.

    It's laughable because even heretic/chaos tech priests / mechanics understand things better because not having the fear chaos taint they can just dive right into innovation.

    So honestly the Imperium/Space Marines/Sisters/Mars/Terra itself. Aside from "heretical" side projects which I'm sure exist, they aren't much better than the orcs. The only different is they're 1st party scavengers instead of 3rd party.

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