Most satisfying therapeuthic platformer character

This is the most FUN platformer character I've ever played with, it feels almost therapeutic to play with her.

She ignores every pitfall and ledge, she basically gives a big frick you to any level designer who tried to make the level challenging with pitfalls and ladders and ways to get to them. Oh you fell off the high-elevation part? no problem, Lilac can just fricking ricochet like a rocket there or cyclone her way up there. Not enough momentum? no problem, this b***h has free momentum at her fingertips every 4 seconds. No need for slopes to give her speed.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Mental illness

  2. 4 months ago

    she looks like she fricks human men

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      You say that about every character. Look closer, what do these nerdy holier than thou popular girl archetypes usually look for in a man?

  3. 4 months ago

    Yeah, she stole her gimmick from Rocket Knight.
    And her hair attacks from Shantae.

    • 4 months ago

      Where did she steal the cyclone attack from? it's probably her most versatile ability possible since it acts as speed, damage and air lifter/levitation/extra jump. The dev is a moron for saying the rocket propeller attack is her most powerful, it's the most on-demand at best but it's weak compared to using cyclone when you're at full speed to skip half the map.

      • 4 months ago

        I'll take a guess and say Amy's Hammer whirl from Sonic Heroes but I could be wrong on that one.

  4. 4 months ago

    8 FRICKING YEARS for slightly crappier level design, slightly crappier bosses, slightly crappier soundtrack and much much worse and boring villain, twists, plots and a story that makes the first one and Sonic 2006 look good by comparison.

    • 4 months ago

      Scuse me? DiDuro needed that money for hrt and and vtuber model, you bigot cis-scum!

    • 4 months ago

      Don't agree with the first three points but in any case the sprite work and character abilities are MUCH better in the sequel.

  5. 4 months ago

    Carol is very hot and i would put my penis in her

    • 4 months ago

      Carol's sister really had nothing to do as one of the final bosses and should have had a secret rape animation to put her in her fricking place.

      I digged the sleeping gas shit during cinematics , but that should have been available in my own arsenal against raping bosses. Little mutts need to be put in their place and need correction.
      This game would have had more success if it had some pixel porn.

  6. 4 months ago

    Is there really anything to be said about this franchise at this point? It had one good game and a 2nd meh game that lost all momentum due to how long it took. They gotta a console port coming out soon but I don't think anyone cares.

    I'd say post lewds but those dried up years ago.

    • 4 months ago

      The first game is meh to me and the second is the good one.

      • 4 months ago

        I'd like to hear that opinion in detail. It's a really rare opinion.
        You weren't being contrarian, right anon? I have my own reason for liking FP2 above FP1, but they're all kindaaa shallow and shitty, they should have had what FP2 had since FP1. Great mechanics and extra options, but not worth it if the gameplay gets shittier.

        • 4 months ago

          >It's a really rare opinion.

          • 4 months ago

            Most people hate the removal of the Sonic styled characters and consider the story in FP2 much much worse than FP1. Those tend to be the main complaints.

            • 4 months ago

              I guess neither of those aspects bother me. The game moving slightly away from sonic is a plus as it gets its own identity and the story is always going to be a bit bad and is second to the gameplay which I really liked more than the first game. Atleast I keep trying to revisit the first game and I don't like it as much.

    • 4 months ago

      aside from the story I genuinely think the sequel has better level design, movement and abilities

      • 4 months ago

        Do tell do tell. Not because I want to retort you or anything kek. I want you to say anything new we haven't heard before.

        • 4 months ago

          I'm not a game reviewer so it's hard for me to go into detail about what I liked and disliked in 2 more than 1.
          I'll say that thermal base and battle glacier were my favorite levels in 1 for their openness, music, challenge and it feels like a lot of levels in 2 resemble those zones the most.
          The character variety and QoL changes are another welcomed thing that comes to mind, Milla being more agile in 2 and Lilac's reworked dragon dash specifically. They just feel better to play and work well with the new levels and bosses especially.

          • 4 months ago

            Agreed on all of them, unfortunately Battle Glacier and Thermal Base were the complete opposite of good.
            Thermal Base felt like a medium-paced Megaman X or Zero game and Battle Glacier like 90% of levels in FP2 was a clusterfrick of enemies except Battle Glacier at least let you go anywhere you wanted. FP2 had far too many walls and "now you got to go up this vertical way if you want to continue".

  7. 4 months ago

    Dev was groomed into become a troon

    • 4 months ago

      Why do they always fall for this shit? You wouldn't be able to convince me to go kill my worst enemy for a million dollars because I'm just that lazy and stubborn and idealist. The CIA and israelites would smash their brains against the walls with a person like me. Aquariuses like me are impossible to control, we'd rather die than fall in line.

  8. 4 months ago

    It's sucks that soulfull kino sceens like this one aren't in FP2

    • 4 months ago

      It was too classic for its time. They almost did it with Merga wanting to kidnap Lilac, but she resisted the rape drug and her friends were watching the whole time to avoid any unwanted rapes.

      Merga is a really ugly villain together with her awful voice acting. They really should have just gave Lilac a proper Shadow-expie and not Carol. Carol basically got her own Shadow the hedgehog (big cooler older brother Protoman has all your abilities BUT BETTER and also has a cooler vehicle)
      Merga is too much of a shitty Mewtwo wannabe to Lilac's Mew , Merga isn't cute and sexable enough, too scalie for people's cutesy anime tastes.

  9. 4 months ago

    I'm just gonna say it, but Pizza Tower is the better platformer and is cheaper! But I do think the girls are cute thought.

    • 4 months ago

      I mean they are based off Felix the Cat... Felix is pretty cute.

      I guess neither of those aspects bother me. The game moving slightly away from sonic is a plus as it gets its own identity and the story is always going to be a bit bad and is second to the gameplay which I really liked more than the first game. Atleast I keep trying to revisit the first game and I don't like it as much.

      I have a whole dissertation I could write about Freedom Planet, but nobody to read it. I wonder where I could post it.
      At best I'll post my educated bit by bit about what it should have evolved into, but so far they're kind like the Shantae series in that they're not that good.

      Since FP1 when I hear the name Freedom Planet and I saw the logo of space and planet and they dropped that line "what if we had space adventures?" one sentenced pops in my mind "What like a cutesy space adventure or space opera with cute anime girls, except it's not an opera/drama/life lesson like Star Trek?"

      • 4 months ago

        /sthg/ still entertains freedom planet stuff from time to time. You can take your shit over there if you want.

    • 4 months ago

      Sparks the Electric Jester is way better than both of these. Sadly it was forgotten because no waifus/memes

      • 4 months ago

        >Sadly it was forgotten because it looks moronic
        many such cases

      • 4 months ago

        >No memes
        I wouldn't say that.

  10. 4 months ago

    Did you know the Secret Boss theme is just Green's theme/Seven Force's theme from Gunstar Heroes, but much girlier, simpler, fancier sounding? Seven Force's theme has a more industrial genre going on, Freedom Planet's has a jazzier orchestral genre to it.
    There's a HUGE amount of references and inspirations to take out of Freedom Planet if you look around.

    • 4 months ago

      The problem is at what point does it stop being a "reference" and just turn into uninspired plagiarism?

      Milla having Yoshi's flutterjump for no reason other than she has long ears like Cream the Rabbit comes to mind.

  11. 4 months ago

    Describing playing a videogame as "therapeutic" is possibly the gayest thing someone with a functional frontal lobe could ever say.

    You're taking a medium built upon testing the player and iterating upon challenges and saying you want it to feel like ingesting Soma.

    It's ironic too because the Freedom Planet games can be somewhat hard, but OP is too autistic to notice or care.

    • 4 months ago

      >Not knowing Doom on easy and Serious Sam on baby mode
      >Not knowing the feel of playing it on easy where you basically create combos and game styles where
      >Not getting so gud you play on serious mode where you have to memorize everything.

      >Not having the unfortunate luck to play with shit Carol and Super Mario Bros 2 Doki Doki Panic 2 Milla that feel completely ill-fit for a Sonic+Treasure/Gunstar Heroes game.
      >Not enjoying that abysmally satisfying feel of finally getting rid of the shit Ninja Gaiden NES character that is Carol, the abysmal Street Fighter-like Neera, the garbage NES SMB that is Milla and JUST FRICKING PLAY LILAC cause this character feels like DUST but BETTER it feels like SHE WAS BUILT for this game, BUT IN SUCH AN IRONIC MANNER cause she has no guns no nothing. YET SHE'S IRONICALLY SO GOOD FEELING AT THIS GAME LIKE SHE ROFLSTOMPS EVERYTHING.
      She feels like Spark and Megaman Zero in X, it feels like taking the final boss or a character from another game and she just so easily matches with the rest of the gameplay. Lilac is my theraupetic dragon pet and I would bring her in any video game. I need to play her in Mushroom Kingdom Fusion.
      Torque failed hard at playing like a Treasure character or like a JazzJackRabbit character.

      >Not considering Sparkster & Rocket Knight Adventures easy games. Not mastering them to the point it's a walk in the park so easily that you demand a CORRECTION mod for your doppelganger b***h that thought she can handle all THAT POWER. I want Shadow Corrected.
      >not even knowing half the combination of words and titles I'm doing around your head right now

      • 4 months ago

        >He never played Colobot
        >He never played Dungeon Keeper
        >He never played Spiderman Web Of Shadows
        >He never played Devil May Cry
        >He never maxed leveld in an MMO and roflstomped entire dungeons and noob areas and just walked through previous areas to smell the roses.
        >He doesn't know what a bonus level is. He thinks "Oh no you didn't acquire enough points, oh my god it's on a timer you autist how can you enjoy this!! oh my god it's an entire level with falling platforms you're insane if you enjoy this" BONUS LEVELS ARE ENJOYABLE CHALLENGES. God frick I loved the Harry Potter series 1-3 and frick them for removing the bean bonus room in 4+
        >muh challenge
        BRUH git gud or set it on easy and learn to appreciate and just feel the game. FEEL THE GAME.

        I really do not usually say this to people on Ganker because I'm an adult with reading comprehension but I am most certainly not reading all of that. Sounds like a cool story, maybe format your greentexts better next time.

        • 4 months ago

          Describing playing a videogame as "therapeutic" is possibly the gayest thing someone with a functional frontal lobe could ever say.

          You're taking a medium built upon testing the player and iterating upon challenges and saying you want it to feel like ingesting Soma.

          It's ironic too because the Freedom Planet games can be somewhat hard, but OP is too autistic to notice or care.

          Yeah we know you're a diva pseudo intellectual, a prostitute at least makes you feel good.
          >You're missing out!!
          I'm sure I'm sure I'm missing out on an autistic diva that wants to make me feel bad and below her.

          >He thinks games can't be therapeuthic lolololol

          >Games are suppose to be challenging!! the objective is suppose to be HARRD
          Git gud, Cruella. You just suck at it. You mean you never ever played a freeform sandbox game for the fun of it or even played a game like Recoil with all the weapons cheats on to see what they all do? you never max nuked the entire area JUST FOR FUN?

        • 4 months ago

          >Being so bad at games that they're no longer therapeuthic
          Lol virgin noob tutorial struggler vs Chad walk-in-the-park player

    • 4 months ago

      >He never played Colobot
      >He never played Dungeon Keeper
      >He never played Spiderman Web Of Shadows
      >He never played Devil May Cry
      >He never maxed leveld in an MMO and roflstomped entire dungeons and noob areas and just walked through previous areas to smell the roses.
      >He doesn't know what a bonus level is. He thinks "Oh no you didn't acquire enough points, oh my god it's on a timer you autist how can you enjoy this!! oh my god it's an entire level with falling platforms you're insane if you enjoy this" BONUS LEVELS ARE ENJOYABLE CHALLENGES. God frick I loved the Harry Potter series 1-3 and frick them for removing the bean bonus room in 4+
      >muh challenge
      BRUH git gud or set it on easy and learn to appreciate and just feel the game. FEEL THE GAME.

  12. 4 months ago

    These 2 have similar themes.

  13. 4 months ago

    Her torture scene makes me hard

    • 4 months ago


  14. 4 months ago

    Console versions coming on April 4th btw:

    • 4 months ago

      Can we expect extra story+secrets out of this release?

      • 4 months ago

        Maybe? In a news post they said new features (plural) will be added alongside the console release, yet they only revealed boss rush mode. That is if I'm remembering things right, too lazy to dig through their Twatter.

  15. 4 months ago

    Unironic schizo thread

  16. 4 months ago

    Somebody needs to do something to start the porn train going. The porn must flow. I need my purple magical dragon porn.

    • 4 months ago

      If you want porn, commission artist into doing it.

      • 4 months ago

        I want to commision V to do FP porn again but he seems to have gone missing

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