Mrk Borg

Anyone try this ttrpg yet? Friend of mine wants to introduce our group to it and I'm unfamiliar with it. Setting seems interesting and from little I've seen about it it seems unique in its ways.

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  1. 3 months ago

    ask in the /osrg/

    • 3 months ago

      nice bait tbh
      /osrg/ will flip their shit if you do, don't do this

      anyways OP, /tg/ haet morkborg, it's basically a coffee table art book with some fairly basic rules attached, the kind of book where one page is taken up to say "this weapon does this much damage", and people find the creative team behind it grating because they act like their style > anyone else's substance

      • 3 months ago

        It's not just their own style they're up their own ass about, but their personal politics too.

    • 3 months ago

      nta, but I asked about Mork Borg in the /osrg/ and they got pissy, and then deleted my post

      • 3 months ago

        it's not hard to guess why

        • 3 months ago

          No one cares, stop pushing this narrative, you only make people more interested in the game, if you hate it so much ignore the game, if you like it but you don't share their opinions, just ignore their opinions, touch grass or have a nice day I don't care.

      • 3 months ago

        Morketybork shitposters troll the thread from time to time, janny probably assumed you were one of them. or just offtopic, because MB is not OSR

  2. 3 months ago

    Thoughts on Cy_Borg? I want to run a Cyberpunk game and this got my attention, I've never played Mörk Borg before.

    • 3 months ago

      It's the worst cyberpunk game
      It's worse then carbon2185

    • 3 months ago

      Just play RED and ignore oldgays

      • 3 months ago

        RED was my first choice, but I just want to do a one-shot and I don't think most of my players would have the the time to read a 458 pages book.

    • 3 months ago

      My group just started a game of Cy_Börg and it’s solid. I’m a player but traditionally am the group’s Cyberpunk 2020 DM.
      As someone who’s run Mork Börg and Pirate Börg, the feelings are entirely different.
      Cyberpunk feels more real, tends to get players more invested, is easier to run long-form games where choices have impact - for players, for their friends, and for the world.
      The Börg games by contrast are snappy, have great room for humor, and are about characters who are less important and worlds that they can’t change. It’s more dreamlike.
      Run cyberpunk to make your players contend with a brutal world and their chance to try and make it or die flying close to the sun. Run Cy_Börg to have fun with the homies in a nightmare world full of neon.

      Anyone try this ttrpg yet? Friend of mine wants to introduce our group to it and I'm unfamiliar with it. Setting seems interesting and from little I've seen about it it seems unique in its ways.

      I am a huge fan of Mork Börg, particularly since it’s very kind to the DM. It’s easy to run, easy to adapt / improvise, and modules are user friendly. I liberally steal aspects of it to use in other games.
      Just don’t burn the book after your campaign like the redditors. It’s a tongue-in-cheek system that autismos take way too seriously.
      Also it’s incredibly easy to splice in any Börg content into any given Börg system you’re running. Whether legit or third party.

    • 3 months ago

      Tried reading it. It's surprisingly more coherent than Mork, but also not as simple and streamlined as they pretend to be. And the entire time you're reading, being occasionally flashbanged by the most hostile graphic and layout design you've ever seen, you'll be wondering
      >how the frick do I actually play this game?
      And by the time you wade through about 2/3rds of the book to get to the rules, you may find yourself totally uninterested in actually learning, because the system just comes off as needlessly overwrought and pretentious.

    • 3 months ago

      I'd legitimately rather be playing Carbon Pink.

    • 3 months ago

      It's pretty good, IMO. Not much support for long-form play, but I think it does a very good job of having the important features of a cyberpunk game without autistic mechanical bloat, overcomplicated resolution systems, or excessive xp-based advancement. It's a different style of game to CP2020 but one that I personally like better.
      Mork Borg, on the other hand, is too edgy and doesn't do enough mechanically or thematically to distinguish itself.
      If this company came out with Cy_Borg first I guarantee people on /tg/ would like Cy_Borg more than they do in the world we actually got.

  3. 3 months ago

    I've run a one-shot in mork borg, made everyone randomly roll their characters and be cultists taking out another cult, and they had a great time.

    Now i'm running Pirate Borg with my weekly group and also did the same random characters, they've managed to live long enough to gain some hp and more bonuses to their stats, and they're having a great time. I have them shipwrecked on the Hot springs island setting, and that book is /perfect/ for running off the cuff adventures. I'm improvising 90% of it with a little bit of planning. So far the lethality has kept combat to a minimum and they've been real creative about circumventing outright combat encounters, either avoiding or getting the edge on it.

    I'm someone who just wants to play, so a game like this is fricking perfect for me, but a lot of others (particularly the more grognard sorts) won't like the laissez-faire attitude the game has towards how it plays. That's cool, because they still have their preferred systems that I don't enjoy playing.

  4. 3 months ago

    The book's pretty
    Didn't understand a single word coming from it tho 🙂

  5. 3 months ago

    im a fascist so im not allowed to play it

  6. 3 months ago

    Mjørk Bjørk isn't a ttrpg, it's an ugly art project.

  7. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >is a hardcore modernized version of a classic old-school roleplaying games we skimmed a webarticle about once
      fricking lol

    • 3 months ago

      Troll game

  8. 3 months ago

    See you in three days because you are not allowed to criticize this game here

    • 3 months ago

      It’s funny to know that they literally shill here and get mad at people making fun of their coffee table games

      Last Psalm is pretty good though

      • 3 months ago

        That.. didn't seem like anger. I understand that you want it to be anger, though.

  9. 3 months ago

    I have it, ran the dungeon out of the back of it for a party of 6, everyone had a lot of fun. Ran a one-shot on a separate occasion for another group, everyone had a similar amount of fun.

    There's an online tool called SCVMBIRTHER that auto-gens characters for you. With this, people can sit down at your table and start playing immediately, and if they die, they just hit a button to roll again.

    Not the kind of game you run a full campaign in, but definitely good for an easy rules-lite dungeon crawl.

  10. 3 months ago

    It's a horror fantasy art book masquerading as a game. It is basically Black Hack dumbed down even further, and the only thing it has going for it is the setting if you're big into black metal, which can be ported into anything.
    I have over 100 hours played in Mork Borg..

  11. 3 months ago

    It's shit, use Darkbad instead

  12. 3 months ago

    I had fun playing it but I got a small but vicious dog

    I was like "oh shit this is just rehashing the best parts of WFRPG and OSR with some death metal aesthetic slapped on top"

    I liked it but it's more about presentation than anything else.

  13. 3 months ago

    I had a pretty good time with it. As long as you realize that Mork pretty much meant for one shot atmospheric games you should be set. The Prophecies add a lot to overall doom and gloom.

  14. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      N-no! Three lines of text! SAVE ME Black personMAN!

      • 3 months ago

        So THAT is why the hate, lmao you guys are weak.

        >make it dark, depressing, and cruel
        >but don't make it dark, depressing and cruel in ways we personally dislike

        >we're going to leave pretty much every mechanical aspect to the person who runs it
        >but we want to dictate the politics of how they run it

        Do you understand what principles are?
        Are you aware of how hypocritical it sounds for people who are supposedly inclusive to try to gatekeep, especially when it's well-known at this point that gatekeeping didn't work for keeping the shitty grifters out in the first place?
        Do you know how much it sounds like a scam when an entire team doesn't want to put the effort into developing game mechanics, but still wants to shove their message into a glorified artbook?
        Get your head(s) out of your ass(es) and actually pay attention to what those morons are saying, instead of supporting them just because their message sounds good on the surface.
        Fricking moron(s).

      • 3 months ago

        If it's just three little lines of text that don't matter, why were they included at all?

    • 3 months ago

      Shit like this just comes off as condescending and holier-than-thou.
      >Yeah in this HARDCORE PUNK GAME you can hack someone to pieces in excruciating detail and their ear their face to regain hitpoints!

    • 3 months ago

      So THAT is why the hate, lmao you guys are weak.

      • 3 months ago

        Can't speak for everybody, but I dislike MB because it's a shitty half-finished sketch of a game that expects me to fill in the blanks. It's a typical NuSR art project disguised as a game.

      • 3 months ago

        When shit like protecting feefees and"sticking it to fascists" trumps game design, yes absolutely thats why I hate it
        >We made a half baked pile of shit that barely works but at least its heckin inclusive!
        >Oh btw if you criticize us in anyway we're just gonna call you a bigot and a nazi lol
        Get fricked

    • 3 months ago

      the one from cy_borg is even more embarrassing

    • 3 months ago

      the one from cy_borg is even more embarrassing

      you dont play games and are in need of a shower

      • 3 months ago

        actually, because i do play games, i know that it can be interesting to do or believe something i may not believe in real life
        i hate corporations, but a loyal corpo in a cyberpunk game can be a good character. trying to be punk but going "UHHHH BUT YOU BETTER NOT DO THIS THING IN A GAME THAT I DONT LIKE" is pathetic

      • 3 months ago

        And you need to drain the pus from your castrated manhood once in a while instead of b***hing on ResetEra about racism and sexism for hours on end.
        While you're at it, learn how to type.

        Now that the ad hominem is (hopefully) behind us, tell us why anyone should support developers who deliberately undercut the purpose of their products when saying "break all the rules in this book" and simultaneously contradict that sentiment midsentence with "except this one" when it comes to their personal politics that should have nothing to do with games?
        Bonus points if you tell us why people supposedly on the stance of inclusivity should be supported when they try to gatekeep when they knew full well that grifters like themselves couldn't be gatekept before.
        You won't, because you can't.

      • 3 months ago

        There's more text in your stupid comment than in the entire Mörk Borg book lmao

        Too bad it's just him telling everyone that he is a nogames who inhales dongs.

        Keep seething gameless homosexuals.

        Please stop shilling your rpg on /tg/, Pelle Nilsson
        You can post about how based mork borg is all you want but in the end your rpg is trash created by hipster bugmen approprating an underground aesthetic and marketing it to secondaries who think badly done scribbles and poorly written "grimdark" (excluding subjects that are too dark like racism and transphobia) fluff is "KVLT" and "hardcore"
        get a real job.

        • 3 months ago

          Why are you taking the bait?

        • 3 months ago

          Why are you taking the bait?

          >not hating Mörk Borg for moronic reasons means you are Pelle Nilsson or you are posting bait.

        • 3 months ago

          >Takes bait
          >Seething so hard he can't read the IP tracker
          You are an actual failure.

    • 3 months ago
  15. 3 months ago

    I really like it, its simple enough for a oneshot, goblin grinder its a really cool campaign, check it out.

  16. 3 months ago

    Aa far as game play goes its a decent system. The combat runs pretty much like levels 1-5 in D&D.
    The character classes still function sort of classless.
    As far as rolling for things goes in combat your target number is a 12 by default.
    Which when you think about it that's close to the target number in D&D.
    You just add your Str or Pr modifications.
    I've put together a decent game world with the info provided in the book and my group is 13 sessions in.
    It's actually less deadly than BX if you take Omens unto account and players utilize them.
    As a system it works.
    As far as the people complaining about it being an "art book ". Yeah it's chock-full of arr. That's NOT AI trash. The complainers are smooth brained trogs that never learned anything in art class and can't appreciate good work.

    • 3 months ago

      >I can't argue without insult someone
      ahhh, I can see your problem. Trying to convince yourself of the great affair for have spent your mcdonald-worthy wage in a piece of art used once?

      • 3 months ago

        based esl poster, stickin' it to the theater kid

      • 3 months ago

        >used once
        Nah friend my in person group (I have 11 different players altogether spanning 4 systems) enjoy playing it. I enjoy running it.
        You can skip the art. Just download and print.
        Poof all text no scribbles.

        >As far as the people complaining about it being an "art book ". Yeah it's chock-full of arr. That's NOT AI trash. The complainers are smooth brained trogs that never learned anything in art class and can't appreciate good work.
        I know more about art than you. Mork Borg's is pretentious hipster garbage.

        >I know more than you
        Oh yeah? Then post your sketchbooks, paintings, sculptures, Hand written tab sheets or whatever with timestamp.
        You show me yours and I'll show you mine.
        If not you're what we call an armchair artists. You don't actually DO or CREATE anything.
        You just sit in your chair and b***h.

    • 3 months ago

      >As far as the people complaining about it being an "art book ". Yeah it's chock-full of arr. That's NOT AI trash. The complainers are smooth brained trogs that never learned anything in art class and can't appreciate good work.
      I know more about art than you. Mork Borg's is pretentious hipster garbage.

  17. 3 months ago


    hate Mork Borg because it's Reddit: the RPG. Standard shitty retroclone that imitates oldschool aesthetics. It's the $20 Patek Phillipe imitation, the Chrysler 300 with Bentley badge, Ready Player One wrapped in Ulysses dust cover. A book by fedora for fedoras. It's the quintessential pseud rpg. A pedestrian easily accessible basic clone covered in several coats of faux punk paint and featuring just enough quasi-philosophical meandering to turn away both the ones looking for a fun adventure and those looking for a serious game - it has become the Holy Grail of pseuds. Quite obviously more mentally stimulating than 5E, yet never as much as to take the viewer out of the comfort zone of the usual RPG mechanics and babby's first existential crisis - it's the perfect cultural artifact to attach to for someone desperately longing for the image of "thinking man" or "intellectual", while not actually being interested in challenging their own thoughts or developing authentic taste. It's an rpg for smart-but-lazy dropouts, for young adults who sincerely use the word "normie", for men with "So it goes" tattoos rereading Hitchhiker's Guide for the third time, for community college freshmen that write posts starting with "as an engineer", for "I love Nietzsche! Nihilism, frick yeah!" people, for those that have buried themselves so deep in irony so they can't even be honest with themselves anymore. The sort who will make fun of ham-fisted Black Mirror VR episodes in one thread and expunge upon "deep" connotations of holographic waifu in 8000 character multiposts in another, the sort who get off on reddit gold received for their standard issue incoherent teenage "philosophizing" dreck spiced with 'human condition' and 'Hegelian dialectic', the enlightened-by-their-own-intelligence crowd.

  18. 3 months ago



    • 3 months ago

      There is no difference outside of the deflating purity spiral that is /osrg/.

      • 3 months ago

        >muh purity spiral
        Way to tell me you're a homosexual. /osrg/ is one of the only remaining places on the net that can actually define what OSR is. Everywhere else is "OSR is whatever you imagine it to be!" and beset by grifters and con artists who don't know what it is but want to sell it to you.

        • 3 months ago

          OSR has always been "whatever you want it to be" you gameless homosexual. The concept was invented on fricking Dragonsfoot of all places. /osrg/'s relationship with the ~~*movement*~~ has always been that of the weird smelly kid who can't make real friends outside of mIRC chat. You will continue to seethe over this because you know I'm right. The response you already gave proves it.

          • 3 months ago

            >OSR has always been "whatever you want it to be"
            Horseshit, it was "let's produce shit for AD&D/Basic/Original D&D without asking WotC to let us." Any one can go and read Dragonsfoot and K&KA and other old places and see how it unfolded, why would you lie?

            • 3 months ago

              >why would you lie?
              My bet is he posted some shitty houserules to /osrg/ and they got clowned on, and now he's butthurt and hates that thread

            • 3 months ago

              >why would you lie?
              My bet is he posted some shitty houserules to /osrg/ and they got clowned on, and now he's butthurt and hates that thread

              Keep seething gameless homosexuals.

  19. 3 months ago

    Play B/X or ACKS if you want more rules, and use Herp Derp for inspiration if you like the setting or style for some reason. The system itself is not really worth considering for anything. I'd argue the game would've been better as a 5e supplement because it would appeal to target audiences of both books (and I do mean it in derogatory sense, but it's still true).

  20. 3 months ago


    There's more text in your stupid comment than in the entire Mörk Borg book lmao

    • 3 months ago

      Too bad it's just him telling everyone that he is a nogames who inhales dongs.

  21. 3 months ago

    >don't have an argument? call him a "nogames!"
    lol, what a gay

  22. 3 months ago

    God, I remember when /tg/ used to be cool.

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